Dissertationen zum Thema „Combustion en milieu poreux“
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Elayeb, Mustafa. „Modélisation à l'échelle microscopique de transports avec réaction en milieu poreux : combustion en lit fixe“. Poitiers, 2008. http://theses.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/theses/2008/Elayeb-Mustafa/2008-Elayeb-Mustafa-These.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCombustion in porous media is addressed by means of direct, detailed numerical simulations, on the microscale, in an extension of the work of Debenest (2003) where the main improvements are related to the chemical model. More specifically, fixed bed combustion of solid particles is considered, with application to the burning of oil shales. The transport processes (convection, diffusion, conduction) and the chemical reactions are explicitely described on the pore scale, which allows to account for their local couplings and to identify the small-scale phenomena which control the global behaviors. The simulations are conducted mainly in two two-dimensional configurations, a stratified medium and a network of cylinders. The effect of pyrolytic reactions (kerogen cracking and calcination of the carbonates) are examined, as well as the oxydative processes, with a chemical scheme involving four species and up to four reactions. A phenomenological typology is established, which features for instance two main regimes, with or without a flamme in the pore space. Ranges of functioning modes are identified, according to the operating parameters. Their trends can be rationalized by theoretical considerations, and it is shown that different situations may require different formulations in a macroscopic description
Elayeb, Mustafa Mourzenko Valeri Thovert Jean-François. „Modélisation à l'échelle microscopique de transports avec réaction en milieu poreux combustion en lit fixe /“. Poitiers : I-Médias, 2008. http://theses.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/index.php?id=495.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGauthier, Ségolène. „Contribution à l'étude de la combustion de mélanges gaz naturel-hydrogène en milieu poreux catalytique“. Lyon, INSA, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ISAL0050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the present context of environmental problems and the limited disponibility of fossils ressources, we need to develop burners with high efficiency and low pollutants emissions, and to use non-fossils ressources. This study deals with the combustion of natural gas/hydrogen mixtures in catalytic porous media. Indeed, porous radiant burners can show high efficiency and low pollutants emissions. Their behavior is however complex and can be highly affected by the use of hydrogen. The objective of this thesis is to study the behavior of a porous radiant burner made of a foam, catalysed or not, and to understand the physical phenomenas. Then, the influence of the structure and the nature of the porous media is studied in order to optimise the burner. Experimental tests on four different foams and for mixtures containing 100% vol. Of natural gas to 100% vol. Of hydrogen have been made. The working zones for each support have been identified. The use of hydrogen reduces the working zone of the burner. A numerical model has been developped. It can reproduce the experimental working diagrams and reproduces the evolution of the pollutants emissions with the equivalence ratio, the specific power and the quantity of hydrogen. The phenomenas in the burner are highly coupled. They affect the position of the combustion zone and then the efficiency of the burner. The decrease of the thermal conductivity, the heat transfer between the gas phase and the solid phase and the absorption coefficient induce a decrease of the pollutants emissions as well as an increase of the radiative flux. Their change is however limited by a decrease of the ability of the burner to prevent a flashback
Lapene, Alexandre. „Etude expérimentale et numérique de la combustion in-situ d’huiles lourdes“. Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPT0014/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe study of this PhD, realized jointly with IMFT and TOTAL, deals with modeling of in-situ combustion applied to a Venezuelan heavy oil. It has begun with a relatively simple observation: even if the process has been extensively studied since some decades, we cannot correctly model it. Experiment data provided by lab scale experiments (combustion tubes) mismatches numerical results obtained from commercial thermal simulator, especially for wet experiments. The need to better understand the process related to this issue forced us to explore multiple tracks for various scientific fields. Thus, one can cite: • The chemistry and methods of reduction of reactive mechanisms. • The thermodynamic description of the heavy oil and the calculations of three-phase equilibrium. • Heat and mass transport in multiphase, reactive and miscible porous medium. • Mathematical and numerical design of a full model. The problem exceedingly complex can find a complete and consistent answer if one takes into account the whole mechanisms and links between them. We have followed this way in order to determine a robust reactive scheme using both theoretical numerical and experimental developments. A whole set of kinetic cell manipulations was conducted to better understand and discriminate the effects of water on chemistry on a certain type of heavy oils. New interactions and effects on steam on heavy oil combustion have been discovered and studied. These manipulations, supplemented by a set of some combustion tubes provide a large set of experimental data. This will compose our base case that we will try to match later using some new tools devised during this study. To model kinetic experiments, we firstly developed a new simulation tool based on a compositional description and a full equation of state formulation. Equilibrium calculation is made by a two-phase flash. To determine consistent kinetic parameters, we used a genetic algorithm coupled with the new tool. Finally, in order to validate the kinetic model and simulate combustion tube experiment, a new threephase compositional simulator has been developed. It is especially fitted to take into account characteristic of the experimental device. Three-phase equilibrium calculation is computed by a new free-water
Zouaoui, Nabila. „Etude expérimentale et théorique des paramètres régissant la combustion du noir de carbone au cours d'une analyse thermogravimétrique“. Thesis, Mulhouse, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MULH3285.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCombustion of carbon black (CB) in the crucible of a thermobalance is controlled by both carbon reactivity and oxygen transport from the oxidizing flux to the surface of the bed and within the porous bed.The experiments conducted by changing the mass of CB showed that the oxygen concentration can fall to zero before the bottom of the bed. Thus, at a given time, only a part of the bed is burning. This mass, called critical mass (mc), depends to temperature. It went from 35 mg at 570°C to 17.5 mg at 650°C.An oxygen gradient is thus established in the bed. The Modelling of the internal transport of oxygen showed that the Fick diffusion is a good approximation to represent the transport.Advices to correctly extract a kinetic constant using thermogravimetric experiments are given. The procedure is adjusted depending to the precision desired.Thus, the use of low masses to best reduce the mass and exothermic reaction effects is strongly recommended. The influence of stagnant gas can be reduced by using crucibles with very low height, or by placing the sample closest to the mouth of the crucible by filling the bottom of the crucible with an inert material
Nguyen, Khac Tien. „Dégradation thermique de matériaux solides poreux exposés au feu - Simulation numérique avec prise en compte des processus chimiques et mécanismes de transfert“. Thesis, Poitiers, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POIT2344.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe description of the degradation of solids is crucial in the numerical simulation of a fire, the pyrolysis gases constituting the combustible source. It is important to describe with accuracy these processes, according to the ambient conditions. However, the couplings between chemical reactions and mechanisms of mass and heat transports strongly modify the behavior of the fire.The objective of this work is to predict the macroscopic behavior of the thermal decomposition of solid fuel by numerical simulation. The intrinsic properties of the material, among which a chemical model including a reactive scheme and the associated thermochemical parameters stemming from small-scale experiment are considered as well as the transport mechanisms and the limiting effects that they can introduce. The comportment of the material is then predicted for geometrical configurations and arbitrary scenarios of exposure. The specific tool developed during this Ph-D is based on a description on the Darcy scale. It has in the future to be coupled with a global code of simulation of the fire, so that the conditions undergone by every exposed solid element would be described whereas the prediction of the fire evolution fire would depend on the behavior of the materials supplied by the present module.A set of applications is presented for two wooden materials, featuring different reactive schemes, with sequential or competitive reactions. The configurations and the examined scenarios correspond to normalized tests under cone calorimeter, and a comparison between the numerical and experimental results is made
Zouaoui, Nabila. „Etude expérimentale et théorique des paramètres régissant la combustion du noir de carbone au cours d'une analyse thermogravimétrique“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Mulhouse, 2009. https://www.learning-center.uha.fr/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCombustion of carbon black (CB) in the crucible of a thermobalance is controlled by both carbon reactivity and oxygen transport from the oxidizing flux to the surface of the bed and within the porous bed.The experiments conducted by changing the mass of CB showed that the oxygen concentration can fall to zero before the bottom of the bed. Thus, at a given time, only a part of the bed is burning. This mass, called critical mass (mc), depends to temperature. It went from 35 mg at 570°C to 17.5 mg at 650°C.An oxygen gradient is thus established in the bed. The Modelling of the internal transport of oxygen showed that the Fick diffusion is a good approximation to represent the transport.Advices to correctly extract a kinetic constant using thermogravimetric experiments are given. The procedure is adjusted depending to the precision desired.Thus, the use of low masses to best reduce the mass and exothermic reaction effects is strongly recommended. The influence of stagnant gas can be reduced by using crucibles with very low height, or by placing the sample closest to the mouth of the crucible by filling the bottom of the crucible with an inert material
Flores-Montoya, Enrique. „Etude expérimentale de la stabilisation des flammes dans des brûleurs poreux : application des diagnostics optiques dans des géométries imprimées en 3D“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024TLSEP087.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePorous Media Burners (PMBs) are a combustion technology based on heat recirculation where a flame is stabilized within the cavities of an inert porous matrix. In PMBs, heat is transferred upstream from the burned to the unburned gas through the solid matrix yielding a preheating of the reactants.This increases their burning rate allowing for more compact combustion devices and the operation beyond conventional flammability limits. As a result, the stabilization of flames at ultra-lean equivalence ratios is possible, with the subsequent reduction of the flame temperature and NOx emissions. In these burners, a substantial fraction of the power is radiated by the hot solid phase, with radiated power fractions ranging between 20-30 %. This, together with their elevated efficiency and low pollutant emissions, has motivated their commercial use in various infrared heating applications.In the past years, PMBs have received renewed interest owing to their potential as fuel flexible burners. Their ability to stabilize flames over a wide range of burning rates makes them promising candidates to handle the uneven flame properties of hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels.The mechanism of heat recirculation in PMBs is well understood. However, there is still limited knowledge about many pore-scale phenomena that have a critical impact on the macroscopic behavior of the system and its performance.Advanced nonintrusive diagnostics could be used to study local flame stabilization mechanisms and improve current models. However, experimental measurements in PMBs are hindered by the lack of optical access to the interior of the porous matrix.This dissertation presents an experimental study on porous media combustion and is devoted to the application of optical diagnostics. Optically accessible PMBs are produced by combining computer-defined topologies with additive manufacturing techniques. This methodology provides an extensive optical access in a 3D burner configuration without altering the matrix structure. Optical access is leveraged to apply CH* chemiluminescence, Mie-scattering imaging and micro PIV. Topology tailoring is exploited to analyze the influence of the geometrical parameters of the porous matrix. Direct flame visualization enables the tracking of the reaction region as a function of the operating conditions, which can be used for model validation. The present results bring to light several limitations of current low order models and highlight the influence of the pore size on flame stabilization. Flame-front tracking is also used to investigate the effect of H2-enrichment on the behavior of the flame. This technique reveals different stabilization trends in H2-enriched flames that are not well retrieved by current models. Mie-scattering permits the quantification of the re-equilibration distance and the analysis of the flame shape. Micro PIV measurements show the influence of the topology on the interstitial flow and on the contribution of hydrodynamic effects to flame stabilization.This PhD seeks to open new paths for the application of non-intrusive diagnostics in PMBs and to improve the current understanding of flame stabilization mechanisms
Tancrez, Manuel. „Modélisation du rayonnement et transferts couplés dans des milieux poreux réactifs : application aux brûleurs radiants à gaz“. Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ECAP0908.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStockinger, Claudius. „Study and analysis οf Sοοt Filter Regeneratiοn by using the Lattice Bοltzmann Μethοd“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMIR07.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe control of the emission of carbon black is an important task in many fields of application, with the transport sector being one of the most important domains. Diesel engines, still being extensively used worldwide, are one of the main contributors to the anthropogenic emission of carbon black. In order to counteract the detrimental effect of carbon black on human health, exhaust gas treatment has been the focal point of research for many decades.State of the art soot filters use a ceramic honey-comb structure, acting as wall flow filters. These filters require periodic regeneration once a critical filter back-pressure is reached. Regeneration is conduced either as active regeneration at elevated temperatures (>600 °C) or continuously, as passive regeneration at temperatures starting from 300 °C. The necessary exhaust gas temperature of active regeneration results in a fuel penalty, making the precise control of the regeneration process imperative. Previous works suggested that the mesoscopic morphology of soot and its evolution during soot combustion influence the reactivity, thus affecting the regeneration process. Hence, the control of the regeneration system requires precise knowledge of the physical and chemical phenomena at hand, necessitating simulations of the regeneration process.In this thesis, a simulation framework to model gas flow, consisting of the different reactive species, taking into account solid-gas interactions, is created. Furthermore, conjugate heat transfer, heterogeneous reactions and the release of reaction heat at the interface between the solid and gas phases is treated. For this purpose, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), due to its mesoscopic nature, is chosen as an excellent tool to model the heterogeneous combustion on the pore scale. Within this thesis, a LBM framework is created and appropriate methods to model soot combustion are chosen and extensively validated. A procedure to use focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) data of realistic soot samples for the combustion simulation is implemented. Furthermore, the combustion regimes are analysed based on variation of Péclet number, Damköhler number, and oxygen mass fraction in the inlet gas stream. Simulations with realistic soot geometries are performed and the results are compared with experimental results. It is found that the evolution of the specific reactive surface, as received from LBM simulations, is not comparable to the experimental results. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis and Raman spectra of the soot before and after combustion experiments revealed that combustion affects the primary particles on the nano-scale. For this reason, a separate model to describe the heterogeneous primary particles and their combustion was created. Subsequently, first simulations with scale-coupling were conducted, by connecting the mesoscopic LBM simulations with the primary particle design on the nano-scale. It is shown that a more realistic increase in specific surface could be achieved in simulations by coupling the mesoscopic LBM model with a nano-scale primary particle model
Dalla, Costa Celine. „Transferts de traceur en milieu poreux consolidé et milieu poreux fissuré : Expérimentations et Modélisations“. Grenoble 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE10088.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe try to identify and model physical and chemical mechanisms governing the water flow and the solute transport in fractured consolidated porous medium. An original experimental device was built. The “cube” consists of an idealized fractured medium reproduced by piling up consolidated porous cubes of 5 cm edge. Meanwhile, columns of the homogeneous consolidated porous medium are studied. The same anionic tracing technique is used in both cases. Using a system analysis approach, we inject concentration pulses in the device to obtain breakthrough curves. After identifying the mass balance and the residence time, we fit the CD and the MIM models to the experimental data. The MIM model is able to reproduce experimental curves of the homogeneous consolidated porous medium better than the CD model. The mobile water fraction is in accordance with the porous medium geometry. The study of the flow rate influence highlights an interference dispersion regime. It was not possible to highlight the observation length influence in this case. On the contrary, we highlight the effect of the observation scale on the fractured and porous medium, comparing the results obtained on a small “cube” and a big “cube”. The CD model is not satisfactory in this case. Even if the MIM model can fit the experimental breakthrough curves, it was not possible to obtain unique parameters for the set of experiments
Odier, Céleste. „Imbibition forcée en milieu poreux“. Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSEN056/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleUnderstanding two-phase flow in heterogeneous media is of great importance for a number of industrial processes. One of the most prominent examples is enhanced oil recovery which has driven fundamental and applied research in this fieldfor decades. However our understanding has remained extremely unbalanced. The case of spontaneous imbibition of a fluid in a porous medium is fairly well understood,whereas quantitative descriptions of forced imbibition in the presence of anunfavorable viscosity ratio is still lacking. Combining large-scale observations and confocal imaging of microfluidic experiments, we studied the morphology and dynamicsof forced imbibition in homogeneous porous media. We identify four classesof three-dimensional patterns resulting from different dynamics at the pore-scale, and having a clear signature on the macroscopic observables. By means of confocalmicroscopy allowing us to visualize three dimensional features of the local dynamics,we show that the transitions between the four imbibition scenarios result from two dynamical wetting transitions and one interfacial instability. In addition,unlike previous studies, we investigate the evolution of those patterns undercontinuous injection over long time scales. We evidence their aging according to acapillary-coarsening process
MARTIN, Vincent. „Simulations multidomaines des écoulements en milieu poreux“. Phd thesis, Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007142.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLominé, Franck. „Ecoulements de particules dans un milieu poreux“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00198209.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleUn dispositif expérimental a été mis au point pour étudier la dispersion latérale et le temps moyen de séjour d'un paquet de particules dans un milieu poreux. Nous avons en particulier déterminé la dépendance du temps moyen de transit en fonction du nombre de particules en écoulement, de la taille des particules et de la hauteur du milieu poreux. Nous avons également caractérisé la dépendance du coefficient de dispersion latéral vis-à-vis du nombre de particules transitant dans la structure poreuse.
Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons développé des modèles de simulations numériques basés sur les méthodes "Event-Driven" et "dynamique moléculaire de sphères molles". Ceux-ci nous ont permis de compléter l'étude expérimentale en analysant l'influence de divers paramètres supplémentaires. L'accès à l'intérieur du milieu poreux a permis une analyse plus fine de la dispersion des particules.
Enfin, nous avons abordé la possibilité d'utiliser le phénomène de percolation spontanée pour réaliser un mélangeur. Grâce à l'outil numérique, nous avons réalisé et caractérisé des mélanges de particules de tailles différentes. Nous avons alors montré que ce procédé s'avère être un moyen simple et efficace pour obtenir des mélanges homogènes de particules.
De, Anna Pietro. „Mélange et réactions dans un milieu poreux“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00822932.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLominé, Franck. „Écoulements de particules dans un milieu poreux“. Rennes 1, 2007. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00198209.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work deals with experimental and numerical investigations on particles flow through a packing of larger spheres. We built an experimental device to study lateral dispersion and the mean transit time of a blob of particles through a porous medium. Particularly, we determined the dependence of the mean transit time on the number of particles, on particle size and on the height of the porous medium. We also characterized the dependence of the lateral dispersion coefficient on the number of particles moving in the porous structure. Then, we developed numerical simulation models based on « Event-Driven » and « molecular dynamic of soft spheres » methods. Those allowed us to supplement the experimental study by analyzing the influence of various additional parameters. The access inside the porous medium allowed a finer analysis of particles dispersion. Finally, we approached the possibility of using the spontaneous percolation phenomenon to produce a mixer. Thanks to the numerical tool, we carried out and characterized mixtures of particles of different sizes. We showed that this process proves to be a simple and effective method to obtain homogeneous mixtures of particles
Fergui, Omar. „Ecoulements instationnaires de mousses en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR10554.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMartin, Vincent. „Simulations multidomaines des écoulements en milieu poreux“. Paris 9, 2004. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2004PA090006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is mainly concerned with the multidomain simulations of flow in porous media. Three different themes are considered. First, we study a domain decomposition method with non-matching meshes using Robin type interface conditions, for the mixed finite elements. Second, this method is implemented in parallel using the parallel system OcamlP3l, written in Ocaml by computer scientists. In OcamlP3l, the user develops and debugs sequentially, and obtains the parallel code with a mere recompilation. A realistic 3D simulation is given to validate the procedure. Finally, we present a new model for flow in a porous medium containing large fractures that may have very large and/or very small permeabilities. In this model, the fractures are treated as interfaces between subdomains. Existence and uniqueness of the solution is proved and an error estimate is obtained. Some numerical experiments show the quality of the results
Bourbon, Caroline. „Modélisation numérique de l'ébullition en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR10591.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBaudet, Christophe. „Dispersion en milieu poreux effets hydrodynamiques locaux /“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37602630f.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCheikh, Fatma. „Identification de fractures dans un milieu poreux“. Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066417/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD is dedicated to the mathematical study of an inverse problem in hydrogeology: the goal is to identify fractures in porous medium, knowing measurements of the underground flow. The number, the location and the physical parameters of the fracture are looked for. This problem is formulated as the least squares minimization of a function evaluating the misfit between measurements and the result of the direct model. We used a model describing the flow of a monophasic incompressible fluid (Darcy's law), in a porous medium containing some fractures represented by interfaces. The direct problem is the fracture model discretized by the mixed hybrid finite element method. To solve this inverse problem, we developed an iterative algorithm, which is based on the use of fracture indicators that have been developed durig the thesis. These indicators give a first order information concerning the effect of the addition of a new fracture. As these indicators are inexpensive, a large number of configurations of new fractures is tested at each iteration. The algorithm was programmed, validated and tested numerically in various situations, using synthetic measurements. It gives very satisfactory results, although this problem is considered difficult. Finally, an early study of identifiability of the inverse problem of fractures in porous medium has been achieved. It allowed to prove the identifiability for a simplified model (very permeable faults, which is common in the underground). The question of identifiability for the full fracture model remains open
Gautier, Céline. „Biodégradation des hydrocarbures en milieu poreux insaturé“. Pau, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PAUU3037.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBiological processes are expected to play an important role in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soils. However, factors influencing the kinetics of biodegradation are still not well known, especially in the unsaturated zone. To address these biodegradation questions in the unsaturated zone an innovative experimental set up based on a physical column model was developed. This experimental set up appeared to be an excellent tool for elaboration of a structured porous medium, with well defined porous network and adjusted water/oil saturations. Homogeneous repartition of both liquid phases (i. E. , aqueous and non aqueous) in the soil pores, which also contain air, was achieved using ceramic membranes placed at the bottom of the soil column. Reproducible interfaces (and connectivity) are developed between gas, and both non mobile water and NAPL phases, depending on the above-defined characteristics of the porous media and on the partial saturations of these three phases (NAPL, water and gas). A respirometric apparatus was coupled to the column. Such experimental set up have been validated with hexadecane in dilution in an HMN phase. This approach allowed detailed information concerning n-hexadecane biodegradation, in aerobic condition, through the profile of the oxygen consumption rate. We have taken benefit of this technique, varying experimental conditions, to determine the main parameters influencing the biodegradation kinetics and compositional evolution of hydrocarbons, under steady state unsaturated conditions and with respect to aerobic metabolism. Impacts of the nitrogen quantity and of three different grain sizes have been examined. Biodegradation of petroleum cut, as diesel cut and middle distillate without aromatic fraction, were also studied
Delmas, Agnès. „Convection naturelle et forcée dans des systèmes mixtes milieu fluide, milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989BOR10542.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStemmelen, Didier. „Ébullition en milieu poreux capillaire : modélisation et expérimentation“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1991. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1991_STEMMELEN_D.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZerhboub, Mohammed. „Instabilités hydrodynamiques lors d'écoulements polyphasiques en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR10566.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSaad, Mazen. „Propriétés de quelques modèles d'écoulements en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993BOR10630.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChoquet, Catherine. „Analyse de modèles d'écoulements en milieu poreux hétérogène“. Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CLF21392.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTran, Dinh Hoang. „Caractérisation du milieu poreux : approches mécanique et acoustique“. Le Havre, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LEHA0001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe research performed in this thesis aims to study the characterization of the filtration of suspended particles through a saturated porous media using both acoustic and mechanical methods. The step input injections of suspended particles (silt) with different concentrations were carried out in the laboratory column filled with the porous media (glass beads or sand). The retention of the particles is derived from the breakthrough curves and the hydro-dispersive parameters are then deduced by the analytical solution of the advection-dispersion equation. In order to describe the phenomenon of deep filtration, an acoustic method is carried out by using the measurements of ultrasound transmission and reflection. A numerical simulation based on the Biot-Stoll theory is developed and the results are adjusted with the experimental data. The evolution of the mechanical and the acoustical parameters of the porous media with the frequency and the depth of the porous media are determined by an inverse method
Jaffrennou-Laroche, Catherine. „Déplacements triphasiques en milieu poreux de mouillabilité hétérogène“. Paris 11, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA112290.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGenot, Jean-Paul. „Nouvelles approches d'étude de l'hydrodynamique en milieu poreux“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INPL080N.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZerhboub, Mohammed. „Instabilités hydrodynamiques lors d'écoulements polyphasiques en milieu poreux“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376193477.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCanseco, Ruiz Vladimir Bertin Henri Omari Abdelaziz. „Transport de colloïdes en milieu poreux étude expérimentale /“. S. l. : S. n, 2009. http://ori-oai.u-bordeaux1.fr/pdf/2009/CANSECO_VLADIMIR_2009.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCanseco, Ruiz Vladimir. „Transport de colloïdes en milieu poreux : étude expérimentale“. Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR13822/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with colloidal particle transport in porous media. The influence of physicochemical and hydrodynamic conditions on the deposition and detachment of latex particles was studied by performing a series of experiments during which macroscopic (effluent concentration, permeability reduction) and microscopic (porosity variation) properties were measured
Riahi, Mohamed Hédi. „Identification de paramètres hydrogéologiques dans un milieu poreux“. Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066741/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe identify simultaneously storage and hydraulic transmissivity coefficients in groundwater flow governed by a linear parabolic equation. Both parameters are assumed to be functions piecewise constant in space. The unknowns are the coefficient values as well as the geometry of the zones where these coefficients are constant. This problem is formulated as minimizing a least-square function calculating the difference between measurements and the corresponding quantities computed with the current parameters values. The main point of this work is to construct an adaptative parameterization technique guided by refinement indicators. Using refinement indicators, we build the parameterization iteratively, going from a one zone parametrization to a parametrization with $m$ zones where $m$ is an optimal value to identify. We distinguish the cases where the two parameters have the same parameterization and different parameterizations.\\ To improve the resolution of the inverse problem, we incorporate a posteriori error estimations
Grangeot, Gilbert. „Description des transferts de chaleur en milieu poreux“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376139103.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGrangeot, Gilbert. „Description des transferts de chaleur en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR10640.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbbassi, Adil. „Etude mathématique et numérique d'un problème de propagation d'interface dans un milieu poreux“. Besançon, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BESA2047.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHolzhauer, Julia Edouarda. „Monitoring sismique et sismoélectrique d’un milieu poreux non-consolidé“. Thesis, Pau, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PAUU3017/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSeismic propagation within porous media is usually associated with wave attenuation and dispersion phenomena related to fluid flow. Under certain circumstances, it may also be correlated to a conversion of seismic into electromagnetic energy known as “seismoelectric”. The understanding of seismoelectric phenomena, combining the theory of electrokinetic to Biot’s poroelasticity, relies mainly on the formulation by Pride (1994). On basis of these theoretical developments, Pride and Haartsen (1996) defined a transfer function expressing the link between the coseismic seismoelectric field and the seismic acceleration at its origin. We propose a quantitative analysis of coseismic seismoelectric couplings with the purpose of validating Pride’s theory and generalizing it to partially saturated media. With this aim in view we developed a laboratory experiment involving an adjustable device for electric acquisitions, conducted within the kilohertz range on unconsolidated quartz sand. Experimental data were subsequently processed in both time and frequency domains, enabling a full analysis that embraces phase velocities, attenuations and transfer functions. The conducted experiments focused on the impact of fluid conductivity and water saturation with regard to the coseismic seismoelectric phenomenon. Time-lapse monitoring were accordingly run under varying salinity or water content. In all scenarios, the quantitative analysis of the electric-to-seismic amplitude ratio E/ü appeared in good agreement with theoretical projections. Moreover, investigations of saturation variations, ranging from the residual water saturation (Sw = 0.3) to full saturation, showed that: i) the behavior of attenuations and transfer functions are directly related to fluid distribution, that greatly impacts the mechanical properties of the medium; ii) in the very peculiar case of unconsolidated media, polarity inversion of the coseismic seismoelectric field may be experienced
Karrabi, Seyed Mohsen. „Couplage hydrodynamique - biofilm en milieu poreux : application aux biofiltres“. Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBiotilter are saturated porous media fi lied with a materiaL which allows biomass growth as a biotilm. This growth leads to a graduai clogging of the bioreactor, modification of its internai structure and loss of performances. '1'0 get a better understanding and optimize these processes, the coupling between hydrodynamic and biomass growth was studied du ring this thesis. An experimental setup was bui]d and an original data analysis methodology was deve]oped : in particular, a complete know]edge of the temporal behaviour of the bioreactor cou]d be reconstructed fl'om the steady state. Among ail the experimental results, it was shown that the biomass microstructuration played a great raIe in the permeabi]ity loss and that the Vandevivere model was the most adapted to account for the experimenta] results. The Vandevivere model was tested in a very simple 10 dimensional mode! to simulate the bioreactor. The numerical results proved to predict tàirly weil the experÎ"1nenta] data. This mode] paves the way for the design of efficient research and engineering too]s to account for these comp]ex multiphysic systems behaviour without a detailed knowledge of the biomass structuration at the pore scale
Collet, Jean-François. „Quelques propriétés mathématiques d'un modèle d'écoulement en milieu poreux“. Lyon 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993LYO10237.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRotureau, Patricia. „Etude de la radiolyse de l'eau en milieu poreux“. Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EVRY0013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe understanding of the production of H2 in the radiolysis of water confined into pores of concrete is importante for the disposal of radioactive waste. In order to describe the mecanisms of water radiolysis in such heterogeneous porous systems we have studied the behaviour under gamma radiation of water confined in porous silica glasses with pores going from 8 to 300 nm of diameter and mesoporous molecular sieves (MCM-41). The radiolytic yields of hydroxyl radicals, hydrated electron and dihydrogen, have been determined with respect to the pore size of materials. The increase of these radiolytic yields compared to those of free water allowed us to show a charge transfer from silica to confined water. On the other hand the kinetics of hydrated electron reactions measured by pulse radiolysis are not modified
Néel, Marie-Christine. „Bifurcation associée à la convection en milieu poreux inhomogène“. Toulouse 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990TOU30190.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLaquerie, Nathalie. „Simulation numérique d'un écoulement diphasique multicomposant en milieu poreux“. Bordeaux 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR10526.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKarimi, Fard Mohammad. „Instabilités thermosolutales en milieu poreux dans des cavités rectangulaires“. Toulouse 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998TOU30291.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFahs, Marwan. „Modélisation du transport réactif multicomposants en milieu poreux saturé“. Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2007/FAHS_Marwan_2007.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe modeling of reactive transport is done sequentially with the operator splitting approach or simultaneously with the global approach. The first work in reactive transport showed the superiority of (OS) compared to (GA). However, recent work highlighted the OS weakness in certain configurations. In the first part of this work we studied the tow approaches (OS) and (GA) for various configurations of chemistry-transport. In order to avoid the major disadvantage of (GA), who is the high cost in CPU time, we developed a new efficient and robust model. The obtained results show that, with this model, (GA) becomes more efficient and more precise than (OS). This advantage becomes more important in the case of complex chemistry with sorption and precipitation/dissolution reactions. The second part of this work is interested to the development of numerical schemes for modeling reactive transport. In fact, the majority of the existing models use Eulerian methods for the transport equations. These methods require a very fine space and time discretization and consequently a prohibitory CPU times. In order to solve this problem, we use in this work the Eulerian Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method (ELLAM). The objective of this work is to develop the potentialities of ELLAM to solve the reactive transport problem. The first step of this part consists in combining the ELLAM with OS and GA. The obtained results show that for kinetic reactions, OS_ELLAM is more efficient than GA_ELLAM. However, for the equilibrium reactions, ELLAM_GA becomes preferable. The second step is the improvement of the ELLAM in order to avoid the numerical diffusion problem. A new formulation of ELLAM is developed. This formulation was tested for linear and nonlinear transport. The result shows that our new approach is less sensitive to the time step and avoids any numerical diffusion
Guérin, Valérie. „Réactivité biophysicochimique d'un micropolluant organomercuriel en milieu poreux saturé“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INPL074N.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBenioug, Marbe. „Étude numérique de la croissance microbienne en milieu poreux“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0104/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMathematical modeling of transport in porous media of organic chemical species in the presence of a bacterial population growing in the form of biofilms is an important area of research for environmental and industrial applications such as the treatment and the remediation of groundwater contaminated by organic pollutants. Biofilms, which are composed of bacteria and extracellular organic substances, grow on the pore-walls of the porous medium. Biodegradable organic solutes are converted into biomass or other organic compounds by the bacterial metabolism. This evolution of the microbial biomass phase within the porous medium is a complex process due mainly to growth (or decay) and spatial spreading of the cellular phase. Processes such as biofilm sloughing and attachment (or detachment) of cells from the fluid phase may also contribute to the biofilm volume variation. In this context, the aim of the thesis is to focus on the mechanisms that control the development of biofilms in porous media and its impact on the hydrodynamic properties of the porous matrix. The objective of this work is to model this pore-scale phenomenon of biofilm growth by integrating the various mechanisms which favor the bacterial development (bacterial proliferation, assimilation of nutrients to synthesize new cellular materials, attachment of cells) or, conversely, which are responsible for slowing down (e.g., detachment of cells, toxicity). An IB-LB model is developed for flow calculation and non-boundary conforming finite volume methods (volume of fluid and reconstruction methods) are used for reactive solute transport. A sophisticated cellular automaton model is developed to describe the spatial distribution of bacteria. Several numerical simulations have been performed on complex porous media and a quantitative diagram representing the transitions between the different biofilm growth patterns was proposed. Finally, the bioenhanced dissolution of NAPL in the presence of biofilms was simulated at the pore scale. The impact of biosurfactants and NAPL toxicity on bacterial growth has been investigated
Fahs, Marwan Ackerer Philippe. „Modélisation du transport réactif multicomposants en milieu poreux saturé“. Strasbourg : Université de Strasbourg, 2009. http://eprints-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr:8080/1160/01/FAHS_Marwan_2007.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePaiola, Johan. „Écoulement d'un fluide à seuil dans un milieu poreux“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLS031/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleElastic solids at rest, yield stress fluids flow like a liquid beyond a certain stress. Many industrial applications required the flow of these fluids in porous media, for example: the emulsion flow in oil recovery processes, the cementing operations in the ground, or the cleaning of sludge in a contaminated soil. For many applications, it could be interesting to know the pressure required for a desired flow rate. In such cases, the flow behavior of the fluid is complicated by the complexity of the geometry. The models developed to describe Darcy's law assume a rheological law applied locally, but these models poorly describe this type of flow. Furthermore, complex effects can be added like the wall slip or the thixotropy. In this thesis, we study the flow of carbopol (ETD 2050) through different geometries. First we show that the fluid, for some conditions, corresponds to model yield stress fluids. The experimental protocol used is very important and a thixotropic behavior can appear if it is not respected. This behavior appears especially when the fluid remains below the yield stress, the impact increases with the waiting time. We then compare the flow law obtained by rheometer in a straight channel obtained by microfabrication. We show the importance of the wall slip near the yield stress and the impact on the flow law. Finally, using a new method to measure the velocity fields developed during this thesis, we study the flow of carbopol in a porous medium. This porous medium of 5x5cm is obtained by microfabrication. The mean width of the channels is equivalent to the one of the straight channel. We show the emergence of a channeling flow through some channels of the porous medium. We then compare the flow law of the porous medium to the one obtained in the straight channel. It can be observed that the flow rate is lower in the porous medium than in the straight channel
Esnault, Olivier. „Sur un modèle de combustion en milieu désordonné“. Phd thesis, Poitiers, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00258217.
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