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Økland, Øyvind. „Intercultural issues in the Norwegian journalism curriculum“. Žurnalistikos Tyrimai 2 (01.01.2009): 63–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/zt/jr.2009.2.74.

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This study looks into Norwegian journalism curricula and how and to what degree they focus on intercultural issues. The web pages to six different schools are analyzed to see how the objectives are formulated, and how the curricula are composed. The six schools are Oslo University College, Volda University College, Bodø University College, University of Stavanger, Gimlekollen Schoolof Journalism and Communication and University of Bergen. The findings suggest that the schools emphasize educating for practical journalistic skills on behalf of in-depth analysis of contemporary society. Oslo University College and Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication focus on intercultural communication and global issues to a larger extent than the others. Based on the results, the study discussed some perspectives that might be needed to equip Norwegian future journalists for a global reality, where there are no longer given and fixed skills for a journalist. Keywords: journalism education, curriculum, intercultural, global, ethnicity,Norway. /p>
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Crawford II, Jerry. „Higher Education: How Freshmen And First-Year Journalism And Mass Communication Students At HBCUs And PWUs Used The Internet In Their Decision“. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) 6, Nr. 1 (02.01.2013): 29. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/cier.v6i1.7601.

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This study set out to explore how the Internet was used by Journalism and Mass Communications Program students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominately White Universities in their college choice and if these institutions were able to provide the information the respondents were looking for in their search. The study found students that attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities still report the availability of financial aid and other funding as a major reason they make their college choice. The study also found Journalism and Mass Communications units as a whole may not be providing this information to students that are using the Internet to research their future college opportunities.
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Zhang, Xiaodi, und Xiuyun Lin. „New Model of College Journalism and Communication Curriculum Reform under the Digital Age“. Journal of Fintech and Business Analysis 1, Nr. 1 (31.07.2024): 23–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/3049-5768/1/2024004.

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Based on the concrete experience and practice of China's journalism and communication education reform in recent years, this paper discusses the needs of The Times, concept innovation and mode exploration. This paper focuses on how to empower journalism and communication education with "practice", puts forward the concept of "practice view of journalism education", upgrades the "practice education" to "comprehensive practice", promotes the innovation of journalism and communication education model, and promotes the high-quality development of journalism and communication education. The article also discusses the opportunities and challenges of journalism and communication education in the new situation, and how to better adapt to the change of media technology and train excellent journalism and communication talents to adapt to the new communication environment.
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Versailles, Guy. „Journalism and public relations“. Journal of Professional Communication 6, Nr. 1 (09.06.2020): 93–163. http://dx.doi.org/10.15173/jpc.v6i1.4343.

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The information technology revolution and the expansion of social media have deeply transformed the nature of our interpersonal relations as well as our relationship with our environment. At a time when everyone has become a prolific user, producer, and publisher of content in cyberspace, we must reflect on the relevance of public relations and the new rules of the game. The role of public relations is more important than ever, but it must adapt to significant changes in communications brought about by new technologies. The CPRS College of Fellows launched a collection of essays to contribute to discussion surrounding these issues. This is the first essay in the collection. A previous version of this article was published in French in Versailles (2019).
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Humanes-Humanes, María-Luisa, und Sergio Roses-Campos. „College students’ views about journalism education in Spain“. Comunicar 21, Nr. 42 (01.01.2014): 181–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.3916/c42-2014-18.

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The paper presents the results of a survey of 1,552 journalism students from five public universities in Spain during academic year 2011-12. The research addresses two objectives: how students evaluate journalism as a degree subject and whether they believe they need this qualification to be a journalist. The results indicate that most students believe the journalism courses are adequate, but almost 25% consider them unnecessary. Students acknowledge the quality of the training received at the specialist faculties but the percentage in Spain is lower than in other countries in the study. A multiple linear regression was used to discover the variables that explain this evaluation. The most influential variable is the course enrolled on, followed by the functions the respondents assign to the faculty. The paper has used data from the largest sample on this subject taken so far, which also includes all courses and data on graduates completing their first university course in journalism as part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This study can be a valuable starting point for further research to inform decision-making on the subject. This research is part of the «Journalism Students Project» with participants from seven countries: Australia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and the United States. El artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada a una muestra de 1.552 estudiantes de Periodismo de cinco universidades públicas durante el curso 2011-12. La investigación aborda dos objetivos: conocer la valoración de los estudiantes respecto a la titulación y averiguar si consideran necesarios los estudios de Periodismo para ejercer la profesión. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes creen apropiados los estudios de Periodismo, pero casi una cuarta parte los considera innecesarios. Los estudiantes valoran la calidad de la formación recibida en las facultades con un aprobado, por debajo de la opinión de la mayoría de los estudiantes de los otros países del estudio. Se ha realizado una regresión lineal múltiple para encontrar qué variables explican dicha valoración; la más influyente es el curso matriculado, seguida de las funciones que los encuestados otorgan a las facultades. El trabajo presenta la virtud de haber contado con datos a partir de la mayor muestra utilizada hasta el momento, que además incluye todos los cursos y datos para las primeras promociones de alumnos de Grado según el Espacio Europeo de En señanza Superior (EEES). Puede ser un punto de partida valioso para posteriores estudios que permitan tomar decisiones a los responsables académicos. El estudio forma parte del «Journalism Students Proyect» con estudiantes de Periodismo de Australia, Brasil, Chile, México, España, Suiza y Estados Unidos.
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Ireri, Kioko. „A national survey of demographics composition of Kenyan journalists“. Journalism 18, Nr. 2 (08.07.2016): 241–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1464884915599950.

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This national survey conducted in 2012–2013 (N = 504) examines demographic characteristics of the Kenyan journalists. Findings indicate that the typical Kenyan journalist is male (66%), married (57%), and in his mid-30s (M = 34 years). He tends to have a Bachelor’s degree (46%) and has received college-level training in journalism or communication (91%). However, when it comes to majoring in journalism or communication, most of the journalists were trained at the level of associate degree (45%), followed by Bachelor’s degree (38.5%) and Master’s degree (13.6%). Thirty-three percent of the Kenyan journalists work in daily newspapers, with 73 percent of them employed on full-time basis. In ethnic grouping, about a quarter (24.9%) of Kenyan news people belong to the Kikuyu tribe, followed by Luhya tribe (20%). The results also indicate that the majority of the journalists are from the Rift Valley province (21.4%) – Kenya’s largest administrative unit – followed by Western (19.5%) and Central (15.5%). By religion affiliation, 62.3 percent of the journalists are Protestants and 22.5 percent Roman Catholic. While the majority of the Kenyan journalists (22%) fall in the monthly salary bracket of $375–$625, a significant number of them (17%) earn less than $375 a month.
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Weber, Joseph. „Ranking Journalism and Mass Communications Programs“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 72, Nr. 1 (27.07.2016): 37–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695815623663.

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Rankings of universities and colleges are common and controversial. However, few rankers produce useful lists that assess and compare journalism and mass communications programs. The few currently available involve superficial reputational surveys or are less than transparent about their methodology. To determine potential criteria for a useful ranking, this article reports the results of a survey of administrators and educators in a broad cross-section of such programs. The survey finds broad support among respondents for the idea of ranking and, further, details criteria that respondents said they would find useful in developing a ranked list of programs.
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Xu, Xiaoman, und Chunxia Liu. „Development of Educational Communication Path of Journalism in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Mobile Communication“. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2022 (28.01.2022): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/6865273.

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The development of journalism has a huge impact on mobile communication technology and media ecology. Especially in terms of information dissemination, it not only allows people to better obtain the content they are interested in but also provides media workers with more ways to understand their own needs, meet the needs of audiences, and enhance competitiveness. Therefore, in order to enhance the development space of the journalism major, this article studies the communication development path of this major in colleges and universities in the era of mobile communications. This article mainly uses case analysis method, data method, and investigation method to study the development of journalism education in colleges and universities. The survey results show that 21 people believe that the authenticity of news is an indispensable item in teaching. Therefore, the education and communication development of journalism majors in colleges and universities cannot ignore the principle of authenticity. There are 18 people who think it is necessary to tie their majors with the Internet, indicating that colleges and universities can use the Internet platform to teach journalism.
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Cuillier, David. „The Brechner Freedom of Information Project“. Journal of Civic Information 5, Nr. 2 (20.06.2023): i—ii. http://dx.doi.org/10.32473/joci.5.2.134305.

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Editor David Cuillier discusses his transition to Director of the Brechner Freedom of Information Project at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, including feedback he received from more than 50 interviews and an online survey on what the Brechner Center should focus on in the future.
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Meuret, Isabelle. „“George Orwell Invented Journalism Studies”“. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 10, Nr. 2 (19.12.2021): 214–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.25200/slj.v10.n2.2021.449.

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To inaugurate our series of conversations with scholars in journalism studies with a view to securing some useful insights into the history and practice of journalism education, Prof. Richard Lance Keeble appeared an obvious choice. Now an Honorary Professor at Liverpool Hope University, Prof. Keeble was first director of the International Journalism MA, then director of the Journalism and Social Science BA, at City University, London (1984-2003). He was then appointed Professor of Journalism (2003-present) at Lincoln University where he also became acting head of the Lincoln School of Journalism (2010-2013) and later a Visiting Professor at Liverpool Hope University (2015-2019). Prof. Keeble has been the recipient of prestigious and distinguished prizes, namely the National Teaching Fellowship Award (2011) and the Lifetime Achievement Award for services to journalism education (2014), the latter bestowed by the Association for Journalism Education in the UK. Parallel to his academic career, Prof. Keeble has always been a practising journalist. On completion of his studies in Modern History at Keble College, Oxford University (1967-70), he started a career in journalism, first as sub editor at the Nottingham Guardian Journal/Evening Post (1970-73) and then at the Cambridge Evening News (1973-77). He was deputy editor, then editor, of The Teacher, the weekly newspaper of the National Union of Teachers (1977-84). His dual pedigree in journalism, as a practitioner and a professor, led him to take on many editorial responsibilities. He is emeritus editor of Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication and Ethics and joint editor of George Orwell Studies and is also on the board of an impressive number of journals, among which are Journalism Studies, Digital Journalism, Journalism Education, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Media Ethics, Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, to name just a few. Prof. Keeble was also Chair of the Orwell Society1 (2013-2020) and has authored or edited no less than 44 books. They include Ethics for Journalists and The Newspapers Handbook,2 respectively on their second and fifth editions, as well as several volumes on George Orwell, investigative journalism, and the British media. It was an honour and privilege to talk to Prof. Keeble in a phone interview on March 25, 2021. The conversation was transcribed while some passages were edited for clarity. I hereby express my immense gratitude for his time, generosity, expertise, and humour. It is such a thrill to start our series of interviews in a way that only makes us want more such conversations.
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Auman, Ann. „Media ethics in the Pacific: Ethical challenges in the Marshall Islands“. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa 29, Nr. 1and2 (31.07.2023): 36–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v29i1and2.1288.

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Media ethics in the Pacific Islands varies considerably among nations in practice, as shown in scholarship. This case study of 16 Marshall Islands journalists aims to provide evidence of ethical decision-making in practice in one Pacific Island nation, and demonstrate the intersection of imported journalism values and local culture. It builds on survey work of Pacific Island journalists’ roles by Singh and Hanusch (2021), the Worlds of Journalism study by Hanitzsch et al. (2019) and works by Robie (2004, 2014 and 2019). Responses from 16 journalists in the Republic of the Marshall Islands who made ethical decisions during a journalism workshop facilitated by the newly established Pacific Media Institute at the College of Marshall Islands in June 2022 were analysed. First, the participants identified ethical conflicts in carrying out their professional duties. Next, they applied standard ethics codes from democracies (absolutism), to local scenarios. Discussion centered on how to address the core value of independence because of dominance of the church and the strongly influential chiefly system in RMI. Personal relationships were also factored in their ethical decision-making because the journalists considered the perspectives of all stakeholders in reporting on Marshallese culture and society. They were keenly aware of the consequences of their reporting on their community. They offered unique, locally derived solutions from different perspectives. They often exhibited an ‘ethics of care', prioritising humanity and sometimes societal harmony.
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Brunner, Brigitta R., Bradford L. Yates und Jennifer Wood Adams. „Mass communication and journalism faculty and their electronic communication with college students: A nationwide examination“. Internet and Higher Education 11, Nr. 2 (Januar 2008): 106–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2008.06.001.

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V.Chavez, Jason, Fermina O.Anuddin, Hartini H.Mansul, Nadzrina A.Hawari, Fadzrama B.Irilis, Alvarez A.Umaron, Fatimah Kaslani, Fatima Matugol, Roshelna M.Siring und Salman E.Albani. „Analyzing impacts of campus journalism on student’s grammar consciousness and confidence in writing engagements“. Environment and Social Psychology 9, Nr. 7 (19.04.2024): 6106. http://dx.doi.org/10.59429/esp.v9i7.6106.

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Campus journalism serves an important foundation for learning, values development, and discipline. Campus journalism fosters students’ development in various literary, social, and academic aspects. Its culture emphasizes the importance of truthfulness, social transformation, and effective communication not only in school but also in communities. This study aimed to analyze how campus journalism shaped the grammar consciousness and confidence in writing among campus journalists. This study purposively sampled 16 campus journalists to extract their narratives that reflect their consciousness and confidence. Nine (9) of the participants were college students and were former campus journalists in high school while seven (7) were current member of their publication. Narrative analysis indicated that trainings and mentorship in campus journalism developed the writing competencies of campus journalists and helped them expand their linguistic knowledge and literary skills. This mechanism enabled them to be conscious and confident in their language use, most especially in academic setting. However, it was also evident that social pressures in social media delimit them to express their ideas and share their skills to larger community. Social cognitive theory supports this language use anxiety in social media that leads campus journalists to control what they share and express socially. Nevertheless, this study provided a possible perspective for future analysis on how social factors influence the language use of campus journalists. This study highlighted how specific culture to which campus journalists were exposed to can potentially foster or degrade their language confidence.
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Frey, Elsebeth. „Renegotiating Online News“. Nordicom Review 34, Nr. 1 (01.07.2013): 17–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/nor-2013-0040.

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Abstract Online journalism is negotiated and renegotiated in the newsroom of Journalen, the training website for students in journalism at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, the paper examines three spring terms of online news production by journalism students, particularly looking at sources, links and their multimedia news production. The findings are compared to the students’ professional peers in four news sites in the same period. All five sites are moving towards a convergent news modality. But the students tend to use more sources than their professional peers.
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Pavlik, John V., Adnan Abu Alsaad und Peter Laufer. „Speaking Truth to Power: Core Principles for Advancing International Journalism Education“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 75, Nr. 4 (13.11.2020): 392–406. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695820946241.

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A confluence of forces has brought journalism and journalism education to a precipice. The rise of fascism, the advance of digital technology, and the erosion of the economic foundation of news media are disrupting journalism and mass communication (JMC) around the world. Combined with the increasingly globalized nature of journalism and media, these forces are posing extraordinary challenges to and opportunities for journalism and media education. This essay outlines 10 core principles to guide and reinvigorate international JMC education. We offer a concluding principle for JMC education as a foundation for the general education of college students.
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Platt, R. Eric, und Hannah Holliman Paris. „A Ghostly Closure? The Strange History of Brinkley Female College, Nineteenth-Century Spiritualism, and the Terminal Effects of Sensationalist Journalism“. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research 4, Nr. 1 (18.02.2022): 58–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.46303/jcsr.2022.6.

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In 1871, Brinkley Female College in Memphis, Tennessee, closed due to a ghost story, regional interest in Spiritualism, and sensationalist journalism that harmed the short-lived academy. Spiritualism—a religio-spiritual movement punctuated by medium-guided communications between the living and deceased—was well-followed, though often contested during the nineteenth century. Spiritualism grew in popularity in the American South due to mass deaths resulting from yearly epidemics and the American Civil War. At the same time, sensationalist print media was widespread, and newspaper firms profited from unchecked accounts of Spiritualist seances and supernatural encounters. In the midst of this, higher education had expanded across the state of Tennessee. In the early years of Memphis-based women’s higher education, newspapers stoked interest in the paranormal by publishing unverified events attributed to a local women’s college. Sensationalist, penny-dreadful newspaper accounts influenced public perceptions, caused enrollment decline at Brinkley Female College, and resulted in institutional closure. As such, this case study recounts an unusual catalytic moment within the context of heightened Spiritualistic belief and uncouth journalistic practices. Ultimately, this study seeks to detail the influence of regional religious practices and sensational journalism on institutional termination.
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Crawford, II, Jerry. „A Link To The Future: A Pilot Study Look At How Historically Black Colleges And Universities With Journalism And Mass Communications Units Use The Internet In Recruiting“. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) 5, Nr. 2 (27.03.2012): 47. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/cier.v5i2.6919.

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Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have had the ability to recruit African-American students since the 1860s by stressing a sense of inclusion and family through their mission statements and community outreach. There was little to no competition for African-American students from predominantly white institutions until integration was fully implemented a hundred years later in the 1960s. HBCUs, by their standing in the community, have been a gateway to first generation college students, regardless of race or social class status and "many continue to have 'open' admissions policies, welcoming all who wish to attend college, regardless of previous academic performance. Today, HBCUs have to actively recruit students students that can now apply and enroll in Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) with the use of technology that includes the Internet. How has the digital divide changed from its classification in the 1960s? How are African-Americans using the web and are HBCUs using the Internet to inform, recruit and enroll African-Americans today? This pilot study looks at HBCUs that have Journalism/Mass Communications units to examine if their websites have a good sense of usability and interactivity for African-American students looking to go to college, primarily as first-generation students.
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Folkerts, Jean, Douglas Gomery und Janet Steele. „An Editorial Comment“. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 74, Nr. 3 (September 1997): 458–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/107769909707400301.

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This issue features four articles in a special section titled “Media History.” The articles were reviewed and edited by an editorial board of three people, including Jean Folkerts, director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University and editor of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly; Douglas Gomery, professor in the College of Journalism at the University of Maryland; and Janet Steele, associate professor of media and public affairs at The George Washington University.
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Chang, Tsan-Kuo, und Zixue Tai. „Mass Communication Research and the Invisible College Revisited: The Changing Landscape and Emerging Fronts in Journalism-Related Studies“. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 82, Nr. 3 (September 2005): 672–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/107769900508200312.

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The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to chart the changing landscape of mass communication research in journalism-related studies over the past two decades and, second, to determine the contemporary form and content of the invisible college in the field through its intellectual configuration and structural interaction. A simple citation count is inadequate; the analysis of co-citation networks should be a better indication of the field's effort to build on its theoretical foundation. The findings suggest that there is some sort of theoretical and methodological convergence in contemporary journalism-related studies.
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Martin Thompson Kwadzo Ntem, Samuel Danso und Wise Kwame Osei. „Social media usage and civic engagement among communication students“. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 19, Nr. 1 (30.07.2023): 1382–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1494.

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This study through a quantitative survey and a purposive sampling approach examined the use of social media for civic engagement among 200 students at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, National Film and Television Institute and the African University College of Communications. Data for the study were gathered from primary and secondary sources. The study revealed that there is a strong positive correlation between social media usage among communication students and civic participation. The study revealed that majority of students are active users of social media with Facebook being the most preferred choice. This research contributes to the active use of social media in civic engagement and highlights the essence of political actors capitalising on the numerous advantages provided by social media in reaching out to a larger group of citizens for political engagement.
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Wu, Yunping, und Hui Wang. „Innovation Model of Journalism Education Based on Information Technology under the Background of New Media“. Mobile Information Systems 2022 (05.08.2022): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/8367001.

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In recent years, as a new way of information dissemination, new media has brought a huge impact on traditional media. New media is the most important and popular communication medium in the new century, and the communication mode promotes the transformation of the whole society. With the continuous updating of mobile devices and the continuous increase of various news dissemination channels, which accelerates the speed of information dissemination, it also puts forward a test for the quality and effectiveness of news broadcasting. With the continuous development of information technology, the reform of education informatization continues to advance. At present, journalism education research has become a hot topic in journalism research, and journalism professional education faces many challenges in the context of educational informatization. It needs to take corresponding measures to innovate teaching concepts and teaching methods, so as to meet the requirements of education reform for journalism. This paper studies the development trend of new media. It is based on the effective application of information technology means to teaching and scientific research and aims to promote the progress and development of journalism education. This paper studies the impact of different audio sample durations on retrieval accuracy and retrieval speed and finds that the corresponding recall rate when the query sample audio length is 5 seconds is 82.5%. When the time length is 10 seconds, the recall rate is relatively improved by 13.2%. This paper discusses the innovation of journalism education under the background of informatization. In this paper, through the investigation of journalism college students' analysis of the problems existing in the current education and the synthesis of their suggestions, it is more prominent that 90% of them believe that improving teaching methods is the most important. Senior students have more prominent opinions on the issue of practical teaching. Practical teaching has become an important part of higher education with Chinese characteristics. It is an important way to guide students to integrate theory with practice and cultivate students' comprehensive quality and innovative consciousness.
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Miño, Pablo, und Rhonda Gibson. „Intercultural Competencies Needed for Evolving Media Professions: Educating the Next Generation of Globally Minded Communicators“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 75, Nr. 3 (17.12.2019): 259–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695819893863.

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This mixed-methods study was designed to determine which global competencies are most sought after in college students and recent graduates who are applying for internships and jobs that are international in scope. A survey of 40 mostly U.S.-based global communicators in strategic communication and journalism and subsequent in-depth interviews revealed that respect for other cultures, listening/observation skills, and understanding others’ worldviews were highly valued. It was also recommended that college graduates have experience traveling abroad and a global network of contacts to enhance their job prospects. Implications for updating college curricula and extracurricular opportunities are explored.
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Santana, Maria Cristina. „Traditional or Digital Photojournalism Education? A Survey of Four-Year Photo Programs and Small Dailies' Photo Needs“. Journal of Educational Technology Systems 25, Nr. 4 (Juni 1997): 351–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/1746-t2pm-9b1t-tma2.

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This article is based on a national survey of schools with a four-year, photography program under a Communication Department, and of national daily newspapers with a circulation under 50,000. The researcher was interested in defining the knowledge needed by a graduate from a photo program to find employment at a small daily newspaper. Department chairs or sequence heads of each college program were asked to fill out the same survey given to the photo editors of the dailies selected. The questions ranged from photo equipment to instruction in digital and word processing software. The results showed both colleges and newspapers are embracing the new technology of computer enhanced instruction. Dailies rated the use of negative or slide scanners as most important, while colleges rated the use of computer software for photography most important. Another result of the survey is that both groups place little significance on medium and large format photography and photography assignments such as food or fashion illustration. Educators rated having a journalism background ninth in importance. This result is interesting when one considers that more than 85 percent of photography programs belong to Journalism Departments. This article explores possible curriculum changes to a Photojournalism/Visual Communication program.
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Gómez-Escalonilla-Moreno, Gloria, María Santín-Durán und Gladys Mathieu. „Students' Perspective on On-line College Education in the Field of Journalism“. Comunicar 19, Nr. 37 (01.10.2011): 73–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.3916/c37-2011-02-07.

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The advance in new technologies has changed the educational model considerably. On-line education has arrived with a bang at university and those degree courses linked to the field of communication have adopted this type of technologies. In just a few years, the number of courses available in the communication field that include on-line subjects has multiplied. It seems that this tendency of proliferation will continue due to a high demand for degrees in the communication field as well as the possibility of completing these degrees on-line. This paper shows the perspective that on-line journalism students at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid have on their studies. The results of a survey of students of the different courses that include the qualification allow us to gain a perspective of their experiences at the beginning and end of the studies. The questionnaire asks about socio-demographic traits from which we draw a sociological profile of on-line journalism student. It also delves into the motivations and expectations surrounding the decision to enrol in this mode and in its assessment both in terms of learning and the relationship between peers and teachers. Some of the conclusions point to the positive attitude of students and a satisfactory evaluation by the students. El avance de las nuevas tecnologías ha cambiado considerablemente el modelo educativo. La formación on-line ha aterrizado con fuerza en las universidades y las carreras vinculadas al mundo de la comunicación se han incorporado a ese modelo de enseñanza. En pocos años la oferta en las titulaciones de comunicación se ha multiplicado y parece que esta tendencia se pronuncie en un futuro ante la demanda que tienen las titulaciones de comunicación, por un lado, y las enseñanzas virtuales, por otro. En este artículo se da a conocer la perspectiva que los estudiantes on-line de Periodismo de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid tienen sobre sus estudios. Los resultados de una encuesta a los alumnos de los diferentes cursos que engloban la titulación nos permite ofrecer una perspectiva de sus experiencias al inicio y al final de la carrera. El cuestionario indaga sobre aspectos socio-demográficos a partir de los cuales se traza un perfil sociológico del estudiante de periodismo on-line. Asimismo, se profundiza en las motivaciones y expectativas que rodean la decisión de matricularse en esta modalidad y en su valoración tanto en términos de aprendizaje como de la relación con compañeros y profesores. Algunas de las conclusiones apuntan una actitud positiva de los estudiantes y una valoración satisfactoria de la enseñanza por parte del alumnado.
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Gee, Charlie. „Audience Preferences in Determining Quality News Production of Backpack Journalism“. Electronic News 13, Nr. 1 (28.12.2018): 34–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1931243118792003.

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The focus of the study centered on television (TV) newsgathering techniques and if the techniques delineated the quality of journalistic presentation. College students ( N = 493) were surveyed on preferences of production quality criteria associated with news stories produced by traditional two-person crews and backpack journalists (BPJs). Respondents were shown eight randomly selected videotaped news stories from a TV market that employed both traditional two-person news crews and BPJs. Each news story was judged on perceptions of pacing, camera composition, lighting, voice narration, interviews selected, and script production.
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Ingold, Charles H. „Core Dynamics for the Mass Communication History Course“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 74, Nr. 3 (10.07.2018): 336–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695818787073.

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Considering King’s “core knowledge” for college courses in journalism history, a set of “core dynamics” is proposed to provide additional perspective and suitability for courses in general mass communication history. The core dynamics approach aims to help media history courses impart advanced understanding of what forces, patterns, and processes have made things the way they are in the mass media, and in addition provides a framework for understanding current and future developments as they unfold.
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Hubbard, Glenn T., Jin-Ae Kang und Elizabeth Crisp Crawford. „Crossing Cross-Platform“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 71, Nr. 4 (28.07.2016): 453–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695815598865.

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National survey of college mass communication students ( N = 247) analyzed attitudes on the teaching of print and electronic media skills, using journalism students as comparison group. Previous research had not explored strategic communication student responses to convergence. Found identity variables within public relations (PR) field related to preference for web skills, as well as other strategic communication skills, but no such link among advertising students. Advertising students were most open to web skills overall, and PR students least.
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Ireri, Kioko. „Exploring Journalism and Mass Communication Training in Kenya: A National Survey“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 73, Nr. 3 (26.07.2017): 293–307. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695817720678.

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Conducted in 2012 to 2013, the current national survey of Kenyan journalists ( N = 504) examines major characteristics of journalism and mass communication training in Kenya. Findings show that training in journalism or mass communication is a prerequisite to practice as a journalist in Kenya. While 45% of journalists were trained at the level of associate degree, 91% said they need to get further training. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication is the most popular institution of journalism and mass communication. Moreover, 65% of respondents perceive the quality of journalism training as good—Though in contrast to this favorable evaluation, local colleges face a litany of serious problems.
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McDevitt, Michael, Perry Parks, Jordan Stalker, Kevin Lerner, Jesse Benn und Taisik Hwang. „Anti-intellectualism among US students in journalism and mass communication: A cultural perspective“. Journalism 19, Nr. 6 (25.05.2017): 782–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1464884917710395.

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This study explores how support for journalistic anti-intellectualism is condoned in the views of emerging adults in the United States as they develop attitudes toward news, audiences, and authority. Anti-rationalism and anti-elitism as cultural expressions of anti-intellectualism correlate as expected with approval of corresponding news practices. Identification with professional roles generally fails to inoculate college students against the endorsement of journalistic anti-rationalism and anti-elitism. With the exception of the adversarial function, role identities appear to justify journalistic anti-intellectualism beyond the influence of cultural anti-intellectualism. While reflexivity is often viewed as conducive to critical thinking, affinity for transparency in news work associates with a populist suspicion of intellectuals and their ideas.
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Martínez-Arias, Santiago-M., und David Parra-Valcarce. „E-innovation Platforms in Journalism Teaching: Cybermedia as a professional educational tool“. Communication & Society 33, Nr. 4 (30.09.2020): 123–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.15581/

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This paper analyzes changes in the training of college students within the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) with particular emphasis on teaching of future communication professionals. I focus on two cyberjournals, launched at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. During five academic courses a total of 2.349 students have participated in this project, with retention rates above 96 percent. In the period studied, the cyberjournals have generated 1.526 multimedia in-depth reports giving rise to more than 16.756 comments from media readers. Additionally, there have been 2.828 videos, now all online on the cyberjournals YouTube channel, which have received more than 400,000 views. This analysis concludes that there has been a real increase in teaching hours above the notion of ECTS credit, and that this situation is accepted by students without problem. On the other hand, based on the descriptive method used, it is shown that students accept and participate in the formation of journalistic projects in the digital environment that comply with the general regulations of the EHEA, and in the particular guidelines that each University can develop.
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Yates, Bradford L., Jennifer Wood Adams und Brigitta R. Brunner. „Mass communication and journalism faculty’s perceptions of the effectiveness of email communication with college students: a nationwide study“. Learning, Media and Technology 34, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2009): 307–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17439880903338598.

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Gao, Peng, und Zhu Li. „The Creation and Dissemination of Original College Talk Shows in the Context of Integrated Media--An Explanation of "FOUR CHATTING AND READING "“. International Journal of Educational Research and Development 1, Nr. 1 (30.05.2022): 24. http://dx.doi.org/10.56028/ijerd.1.1.24.

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"FOUR CHATTING AND READING", produced by the School of Journalism and Communication of Bohai University, is an original college talk show with unique aesthetic quality in terms of content and form, deconstructing the elitism of traditional variety shows to a certain extent, but not lacking in depth and breadth on this basis. The originality and dissemination of "Four Hands Joint Talk" provides a brand-new way of thinking for the creation of similar talk shows and universities.
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Vasile, Aurelia Ana, und Mădălina Bălășescu. „Between the Normative and the Interpretive Approach: Student Performance Online Evaluation Challenges in Journalism and Communication Higher Education“. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala 14, Nr. 2 (09.05.2022): 89–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.2/568.

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n times of pandemic, higher education programmes had to switch quite unexpectedly from educational strategies and techniques that applied within a classical kind of college environment, to the online platforms. If all sorts of platforms proved feasible for seminars, in the case of courses and evaluation activities, some difficulties were encountered and, consequently, demanded special concern and conjugated efforts to roll things out through the thick and thin of a period that required a high level of adaptability on the part of higher education leadership and management, as well as on the part of professors and students. A survey addressed to the students and to the professors at the University of Bucharest, College of Journalism and Communication Studies revealed intriguing information regarding our main topic, that of the online student performance evaluation challenges in the journalism and communication higher education in Romania. The response of the majority of the professors to such an unexpected turnout in education within the context of the pandemics was that of a spectacularly more flexible approach mostly to the assessment of student performance, our topic at stake for this research endeavour. Within our research focus, the student and professor preference for measurement and for a normative approach to online evaluation, on the one hand, versus the option for appreciation within an interpretive approach, on the other hand, may account for interesting developments in the educational system of the near future that we seem to have stepped in quite abruptly due to the pandemic.
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Blom, Robin. „Guided Note Taking and Student Achievement in a Media Law Course“. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 72, Nr. 4 (19.06.2016): 384–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077695816653857.

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In a quasi-experimental setting, a group of U.S. college students in an introductory media law course had higher test scores when the instructor provided access to guided worksheets than a group of students without access to guided worksheets. It also allows educators in journalism and mass communication to cover more materials during courses and/or spend more time elaborating on complex issues to accomplish all learning outcome objectives. The results are comparable with studies that collected evidence in support of the effectiveness of guided note taking on student performance in other academic fields.
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Papper, Bob. „The Changing and Unchanging Nature and Salary of the First Job in Local TV News“. Electronic News 15, Nr. 1-2 (März 2021): 57–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/19312431211019744.

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Past studies (by Lee Becker and me) have shown that almost all new local TV news hires of recent college graduates are among journalism, broadcast and communication majors. The industry has always looked to academia to prepare students for that first job in local TV news. But as the industry changes—however slowly—are those jobs the same as they used to be? And is the pay any different? I’ve been conducting the annual RTDNA Surveys for the past 27 years, and I’ve taken a look back over time to see how industry hiring is evolving.
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Nuryadin, Asep. „KOMUNIKASI DALAM LINGKUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE: SEBUAH STUDI BIBLIOMETRIK“. Communications 5, Nr. 1 (31.01.2023): 333–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/communications.5.1.4.

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This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of articles related to communication in an online learning environment. The Publish or Perish application was used to collect data on articles published in 2012-2022 in Google Scholar-indexed journals. Then, the data were processed using Microsoft Excel and VOSViewer applications. The first finding in this study was that of the 242 identified articles, the number of articles published fluctuated between 2012-2019 before continuing to increase from 2020 to 2022. This increase was also in line with the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced educational institutions to choose online learning as the main model of organizing learning. Second, of the 20 articles with the most citations, two concepts often related to communication in an online learning environment were collaboration and satisfaction with learning. Third, of the 118 terms distributed into 10 clusters, some of the terms that appeared most frequently besides those related to communication and learning were COVID, pandemic, and student. Fourth, the most recent term was child, which indicated that there were at least three publications related to this term, followed by other terms such as mathematical communication, online learning communication, online teaching, communication strategy, college, virtual education, lecturer, pandemic, and online. learning process. Based on these findings, the researcher provides several recommendations.
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Li, Menglu. „Technology-supported High-order College English Teaching and 21st Century Skills“. SHS Web of Conferences 187 (2024): 01024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202418701024.

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As a compulsory course, College English should not only help students master professional knowledge, but also promote the development of their comprehensive qualities, cultivating high-quality and innovative talents who can meet the needs of times. 21st century is an era of digitization and globalization, which places high demands not only on students’ English language skills but also their non-cognitive skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity as well as their digital literacy. Based on knowledge and aiming at improving students thinking mode and abilities step by step, high-order teaching emphasizes the facilitation of students’ critical thinking and creativity through a combination of teachers’ higher-order teaching and the students’ deep learning through various teaching methods. This article aims to investigate whether technology-supported high-order College English teaching can foster students’ 21st century skills gradually in one class. A teaching practice was conducted for freshmen major in journalism and the results confirm the positive role of technology-supported high-order college teaching in fostering students’ 21st skills.
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Gomes, Luciano Silva, Maria Lúcia Adriana Silva Gomes, Melânia Kássia Barbosa e Silva und Francisco Gilson Rebouças Porto Junior. „INICIAÇÃO AO JORNALISMO NO SISTEMA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO COMPARTILHADA DO COLÉGIO DA POLÍCIA MILITAR: A FORMAÇÃO DE ALUNOS ASSESSORES DE COMUNICAÇÃO“. Aturá - Revista Pan-Amazônica de Comunicação 1, Nr. 2 (30.08.2017): 19–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.20873/uft.2526-8031.2017v1n2p19.

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Expõe o relato de experiência da participação de pós-graduandos do Curso de Especialização em Ensino de Comunicação / Jornalismo: Temas Contemporâneos, da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), como ministrantes de oficinas no Curso de Formação de “Assessores de Comunicação” do Colégio da Polícia Militar (CPM) de Araguaína, realizado no primeiro semestre de 2016, por meio de projeto de extensão acadêmica “Escola Livre de Jornalismo”. O curso está previsto no sistema de Administração Compartilhada do Regimento Interno da referida unidade escolar e visa à preparação de alunos para a realização de atividades de comunicação institucional do colégio. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Assessoria de Comunicação; Formação; Administração Compartilhada. ABSTRACT It presents the report of experience of the participation of postgraduates of the Specialization Course in Communication / Journalism Teaching: Contemporary Issues, Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), as workshop attendees in the Training Course of "Communication Advisors" of the College Of the Military Police (CPM) of Araguaína, held in the first half of 2016, through an academic extension project of the "Free School of Journalism". The course is provided for in the Shared Administration System of the Internal Regulation of the said school unit and aims at the preparation of students for the accomplishment of institutional communication activities of the college. KEYWORDS: Communication Advisory; Formation; Shared Administration. RESUMEN En el curso de formación de "Asesores de Comunicación" del Colegio, los profesores de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins (UFT), como ministrantes de talleres en el Curso de Formación de "Asesores de Comunicación" del Colegio De la Policía Militar (CPM) de Araguaína, realizado en el primer semestre de 2016, por medio de un proyecto de extensión académica de la "Escuela Libre de Periodismo". El curso está previsto en el sistema de Administración compartida del Reglamento Interno de la referida unidad escolar y tiene como objetivo la preparación de alumnos para la realización de actividades de comunicación institucional del colegio. PALABRAS CLAVE: Asesoría de comunicación; Formación; Administración compartida.
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Jin, Jialin, und Dandan Ren. „Teaching Team Construction and Teaching Reform of the School of Communication Under the Background of New Liberal Arts – Taking Sichuan University of Media and Communications as an Example“. Journal of Contemporary Educational Research 6, Nr. 1 (20.01.2022): 109–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.26689/jcer.v6i1.3257.

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Under the background of new liberal arts, in order to run a major well as well as highlight its characteristics and advantages, private colleges and universities cannot do without the construction of professional teaching teams and teaching reforms. Taking Sichuan University of Media and Communication as an example, a series of explorations and practices has been carried out from the aspects of professional team construction, personnel training objectives, professional curriculum system, professional teaching mode, and professional teaching quality, in which good results have been achieved. On this basis, a training base for journalism and communication talents serving the whole Sichuan Province and even the western region is constructed, so that the results of the project have a certain demonstration and promotion value for the construction and development of similar majors in new institutions of higher learning in Sichuan Province.
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Crawford, II, Jerry. „The Challenges And Successes Of Department Governance: A Look At HBCU Journalism And Mass Communications Unit Administrators“. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) 5, Nr. 3 (09.07.2012): 215. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/cier.v5i3.7098.

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Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are facing challenges to their continued existence on several fronts. One is fiscally, as federal funding for education has been cut and the responsibility for paying for higher education has been levied on students and parents. Another challenge is the amount of endowment dollars available to them and lastly, there are questions today as to if HBCUs are still needed in a society that has allowed African-Americans to enroll in Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). Administrators of the 55 Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) units at HBCUs have to lead with an eye on tradition while dealing with current financial issues. The administrators are faced with the personal challenge of tenuous term limits - served at the discretion of higher administrators - and teaching two or three classes. They work under larger units and have minimal authority over budgets, hiring, or strategic planning for their units. Their faculty work full course loads and few have tenure. How do they keep the institutions mission and move to the future of possible accreditation?
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Zhang, Fuyin. „The Reform of Journalism Education Driven by Digital Technology in the Era of Media Integration“. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (29.05.2022): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/2144718.

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Multimedia industry is a combination of economic industry and cultural industry and is a powerful tool to promote national cultural revival. In the process of multimedia integration, the multimedia industry has developed rapidly, and there is a huge demand for talents in this field. However, every year, the graduates of media majors have the status quo that they cannot find a suitable job or leave the original profession. The emergence of this status quo is due to the rapid development of the media industry. We should also see the other side that there is a clear contradiction between the news education of universities and the needs of the industry. In China’s journalism major education, there are contradictions between the barriers between colleges and the media industry and the “fine” and “all” dilemmas in the cultivation of talents. The purpose of this paper is to study the reform of journalism major professional education driven by the era of digital media technology. This paper sets up a control experiment to demonstrate that the integration of the concept of media integration into teaching can enable students to achieve greater progress. Through the literature research method, it summarizes the shortcomings of journalism major education at this stage and collects educational reforms from previous students through a questionnaire survey. It is recommended that 79% recommend adding practice links in the teaching process, 45% suggest that network coverage in the classroom is convenient for students to access materials at any time, 73% suggest that practitioners can be invited to participate in teaching, and 63% recommend imitation media. In teaching, 39% suggested that students should be taught according to their individual characteristics. 55% suggested using general education in teaching, and 39% suggested setting up more related competitions.
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Darout, Ismail A. „Knowledge and Attitude toward Orthodontic Treatment among treated Subjects compared with Untreated Subjects and Correlation with Patient—Orthodontist Communication“. World Journal of Dentistry 8, Nr. 3 (2017): 218–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1441.

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ABSTRACT Aim This study was designed to evaluate knowledge and awareness toward orthodontic treatment among treated subjects as compared with untreated subjects and to correlate the communications between treated subjects and their practicing orthodontists. Materials and methods Self-reported questionnaires were distributed to be completed by the consent subjects. They were 340 untreated subjects (220 males and 120 females) and 102 subjects (57 males and 45 females) who recently received orthodontic treatment in the age range 19 to 28 years. Subjects that received orthodontic treatment were selected among the attendees of clinics of College of Dentistry, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 21, Institute Inc., USA). Results Subjects who received orthodontic treatment scored higher mean of total scores of awareness 14.74 and knowledge 11.18. The difference of awareness and knowledge between treated and untreated subjects was highly significant (p = 0.000). The female treated subjects scored higher than male treated subjects in attitude toward thumb sucking as a cause of malocclusion (91.3 and 70.2% respectively). Early primary teeth extraction as a cause of malocclusion was scored by 76.1% females and 42.1% males. The male treated subjects show significant (p > 0.05) correlation between the total items of knowledge of orthodontic treatment and total items of orthodontist—patient communications. Conclusion Orthodontic treated subjects have more knowledge and awareness about orthodontic treatment than untreated subjects. A significant association was found between communications and knowledge of orthodontic treatment in male as compared with female patients. Clinical significance Knowledge and awareness toward orthodontic treatment and the communications of orthodontic patients with treating orthodontist can significantly increase the orthodontic treatment outcome. How to cite this article Essamet M, Darout IA. Knowledge and Attitude toward Orthodontic Treatment among treated Subjects compared with Untreated Subjects and Correlation with Patient—Orthodontist Communication. World J Dent 2017;8(3):218-223.
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Zink, Abbey. „Taking Their Place: A Documentary History of Women and Journalism, 2nd ed. By Maurine H. Beasley and Sheila J. Gibbons. State College, PA: Strata, 2003. 336 Pp.“ American Journalism 21, Nr. 2 (April 2004): 127–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08821127.2004.10677591.

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Chibuwe, Albert, und Abioudun Salawu. „Training for English language or indigenous language media journalism: A decolonial critique of Zimbabwean journalism and media training institutions’ training practices“. Journal of African Media Studies 12, Nr. 2 (01.06.2020): 137–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/jams_00016_1.

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There is growing academic scholarship on indigenous language media in Africa. The scholarship has mostly tended to focus on the content and political economy of indigenous language newspapers. The scholarship also suggests that much needs to be done in inculcating indigenous languages and indigenous language journalism in journalism education. Grounded in decoloniality, this article explores journalism training practices in selected institutions of higher learning in Zimbabwe. The intention is to unravel the absence or existence of training for indigenous journalism and perceptions of lecturers and attitudes of students towards indigenous language media and journalism. The article also seeks to establish whether there are any attempts to de-westernize journalism, media and communication studies. Methodologically, in-depth interviews were used to gather data from lecturers and students of journalism and media studies at colleges and universities in Zimbabwe. Findings show that the colleges surveyed do not offer any indigenous media journalism-specific modules or subjects. The lecturers, who include programme designers in some cases, have a low regard for indigenous language media. This, the article concludes, will have a knock-on effect on journalism students’ and journalists’ misgivings towards a career in indigenous language media.
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Kharkivska, Alla A., Liudmyla V. Shtefan, Muntasir Alsadoon und Aleksandr D. Uchitel. „Technology of forming future journalists’ social information competence in Iraq based on the use of a dynamic pedagogical site“. CTE Workshop Proceedings 7 (20.03.2020): 82–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.55056/cte.313.

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The article reveals scientific approaches to substantiating and developing technology to form social information competence of future Iraqi journalists based on using a dynamic pedagogical site. After pre-interviewing students of the Journalism Faculty at Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences in Baghdad, the authors came to the conclusion there are issues on defining the essence of social information competences. It is established that the majority of respondents do not feel satisfied with the conditions for forming these competences in the education institutions. At the same time, there were also positive trends as most future journalists recognized the importance of these professional competences for their professional development and had a desire to attend additional courses, including distance learning ones. Subsequently, the authors focused on social information competence of future journalists, which is a key issue according to European requirements. The authors describe the essence of this competence as an integrative quality of personality, which characterizes an ability to select, transform information and allows to organize effective professional communication on the basis of the use of modern communicative technologies in the process of individual or team work. Based on the analysis of literary sources, its components are determined: motivational, cognitive, operational and personal. The researchers came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a technology for forming social information competence of future journalists based on the use of modern information technologies. The necessity of technology implementation through the preparatory, motivational, operational and diagnostic correction stages was substantiated and its model was developed. The authors found that the main means of technology implementation should be a dynamic pedagogical site, which, unlike static, allows to expand technical possibilities by using such applications as photo galleries, RSS modules, forums, etc. Technically, it can be created using Site builder. Further research will be aimed at improving the structure of the dynamic pedagogical site of the developed technology.
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Pautrat, Maxime, Melissa Tenot und Jean Pierre Lebeau. „A Publication Rate Comparison of Oral Communications Presented at the 2010 and 2015 French General Practice Congresses and European General Practice Network Meetings“. Family Medicine 53, Nr. 9 (04.10.2021): 754–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.22454/fammed.2021.447144.

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Background and Objectives: We sought to assess and compare the publication rates of research presented at two French general practice congresses (Collège National des Généralistes Enseignants (CNGE, National College of General Practice Teachers) and Congrès de la Médecine Générale de France (CMGF [French General Practice Congress]) and the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) meetings held in 2010 and 2015. Methods: We included all oral presentations from the 2010 and 2015 CNGE, CMGF and EGPRN meetings. We searched subsequent publications up to December 2018. We collected study themes, study designs, author qualifications, and journals for all published presentations. Results: Overall, we included 701 oral presentations; 33% of the 2010 presentations, and 30% of the 2015 presentations were subsequently published (P=.40). For both years, the overall publication rate was higher for presentations from the EGPRN meetings compared with the French meetings (55.6% vs 27.1%; P<.05). Published articles mostly concerned clinical research and quantitative methods from academic authors. Seventeen percent of articles from the EGPRN meetings were published by BMC Family Practice and the European Journal of General Practice, whereas 32% of articles from the French meetings were published by Exercer, the French Journal of General Practice. Conclusions: More than half of the presentations at the 2010 and 2015 EGRPN meetings were published, whereas the publication rate from the French meetings remained under 30%. Further efforts are needed to increase the publication rate of general practice studies in peer-reviewed international journals.
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Ameen, Maliha, Noshina Saleem und InamUllah Taj. „Investigating the Role of English as a Second Language in Supporting Career Development at Tertiary Level Education in Pakistan“. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences 11, Nr. 1 (31.03.2023): 180–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.21015/vtess.v11i1.1451.

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This study has taken the initiation to focus on the interrelatedness and discontinuity of ESL among the students of four leading International universities: Punjab University, Lahore College for Women University, University of Management and Technology, and the University of Central Punjab. To observe the usage of ESL competencies in information searching, contrivance treatment, and construction for research purposes, and for applied intercultural professionalism, communication accommodation theory with career development indicators has been applied. A questionnaire (α = .702), comprising 37 statements based upon six domains was administered. The data was collected from 850 students of different degree programs in journalism and mass communication discipline. ANOVA (one-way) and t-tests (Independent Samples) were brought into play to find out the relationship between the study’s variables. Both government-regulated and non-government varsities bespoke similarities feting positive treatment of ESL’s functions while managing its impact according to their atmospheric obligations. The students of PU and LCWU proportionately adjudged second language more as confluent, dispenser, endorser, broker, liaison, and facilitator to be the source of providence for media in Pakistan as compared to the students of UMT and UCP. Overall results show that students took more precedence over practice patterns of ESL in their career building.
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Gómez-Galán, José, José Ángel Martínez-López, Cristina Lázaro-Pérez und José Carlos García-Cabrero. „Open Innovation during Web Surfing: Topics of Interest and Rejection by Latin American College Students“. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7, Nr. 1 (06.01.2021): 17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/joitmc7010017.

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The university is currently involved in complex processes of open innovation through permanent dialogue with institutions and companies in the economic, social, and political fields. Professors, researchers, students, and other members of the institution take part in these processes. This is a phenomenon that has emerged in today’s network society due to digitalization and globalization. It is therefore essential, in this context of open innovation, to know the behaviors, habits, consumption, or lifestyles of university staff and students to achieve, in the best and most effective way, integration of higher education in this new reality. How we interact and communicate with the surrounding people has transformed with wider access to the Internet and the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially through smartphones and the use of apps and social networks (WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). This digital revolution has reconfigured our interests, dispositions, and social participation. From the university field, knowing the interests of students who access the Internet is of vital importance to guide teaching methodologies, adapt content, facilitate communication processes, develop digital literacy practices, etc. The present research, focused on the Latin American sociocultural space, has a double objective: (GO1) to know which are the issues of most interest and consumption for university students; (GO2) to determine which issues they reject while they surf on the Internet. A quantitative research has been developed (n = 2482) based on the validated questionnaire COBADI®. The topics of greatest interest to the Latin American university students were, in this order: “use of social networks”, “news”, “music”, “education”, “work”, and “videos”. The fact that they put education in fourth place, as students, shows that it is not a high priority in their use of the network. On the opposite side, those that show more rejection are “celebrity journalism”, “online games”, and “pornography”. Among their topics of rejection is also “politics”, which is not prioritized by university students. These topics have been presented in different proportions according to the country analyzed, depending on their specific social and political circumstances, and have experienced a different evolution from 2012 to 2019—the time covered by the study.
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López-Romero, Laura, und María de la Cinta Aguaded-Gómez. „Teaching Media Literacy in Colleges of Education and Communication“. Comunicar 22, Nr. 44 (01.01.2015): 187–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.3916/c44-2015-20.

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This work is part of an R&D project involving thirteen Spanish universities in which needs and wants in the field of media education in higher education are studied in the areas of Communication (Communication Studies, Journalism and Advertising) and Education (Teaching, Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Education). The objective of this study focuses on analysing the college textbooks directly related to Media Education most used in Education and Communication,. The report has been developed based on six educational competence dimensions: language, technology, interaction processes, production and distribution processes, ideology and values and aesthetics. Using each of these parameters the scope of the analysis and the scope of the expression were taken into account, based on guidelines set by Ferrés and Piscitelli in their well-known proposal of indicators for defining new media competence and which is structured around two areas of work: the production of own messages and interaction with others. The results were obtained by applying a quantitative methodology through a content analysis of semantic fields. The main conclusions point to a greater presence of the «Ideology and Values» dimension, and almost non-existent representation of the «Aesthetics» indicator.El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto I+D integrado por trece universidades españolas en el que se estudian las necesidades y carencias en materia de educación mediática en el ámbito de la enseñanza superior, tanto en las áreas de Comunicación (Comunicación Audiovisual, Periodismo y Publicidad) como de Educación (Magisterio, Pedagogía, Psicopedagogía y Educación Social). Esta investigación centra su objeto de estudio en el análisis de los manuales universitarios más utilizados en Educación y Comunicación, en asignaturas directamente relacionadas con la educación mediática. Este informe se ha desarrollado en base a seis dimensiones competenciales mediáticas: lenguajes, tecnología, procesos de interacción, procesos de producción y difusión, ideología y valores y estética. De cada uno de estos parámetros se ha tenido en cuenta el ámbito del análisis y de la expresión, partiendo de las pautas señaladas por Ferrés y Piscitelli en su conocida propuesta articulada de indicadores para definir la nueva competencia mediática, que se ha estructurado en torno a dos ámbitos de trabajo: el de la producción de mensajes propios y el de la interacción con otros ajenos. Los resultados han sido obtenidos mediante la aplicación de una metodología cuantitativa, a través de un análisis de contenido por campos semánticos. Las principales conclusiones extraídas apuntan hacia una mayor presencia de la dimensión Ideología y Valores, y una casi inexistente representación de la dimensión Estética.
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Havrilova, Liudmyla, Valentyna Oriekhova, Olena Beskorsa, Olha Churikova-Kushnir und Zoya Sofronii. „A Survey Analysis of Art Teachers’ Use of Transmedia Technology“. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences 8, Nr. 1 (01.04.2021): 58. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2021.14875.

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<p>Transmedia technology is a modern innovative system which scientists consider to be real communication revolution. Transmedia technology is investigated and actively implemented in different life spheres and social activities, such as mass media, journalism, marketing, culture, education etc. There is an urgent need to study the opportunities of using the transmedia technologies in art education, in particular in music teachers’ professional training. The implementing of transmedia technology in music teachers’ professional training contributes to the qualitative development of their professional competence, broadening of their outlooks, the improvement of artistic abilities, and professional skills. To study in detail both teachers’ and HEI students’ mastering of transmedia technology, the online survey “Transmedia Technology in Art Education” was held. HEI lecturers, secondary school Art teachers, teachers of Art school in Sloviansk, students of SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” and Communal Institution “Pokrovsk Pedagogical College” took part in this questionnaire. The analysis of tests has proved the low level of acknowledgement about the essence of transmedia technology. However, it has demonstrated a high level of general technology knowledge and skills that makes it possible to implement the transmedia technology in educational process. We have revealed a number of issues which require the attention and further development.</p>
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