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Lueker, T. J. „Coastal upwelling fluxes of O<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O, and CO<sub>2</sub> assessed from continuous atmospheric observations at Trinidad, California“. Biogeosciences 1, Nr. 1 (16.11.2004): 101–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-1-101-2004.

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Abstract. Continuous atmospheric records of O2/N2, CO2 and N2O obtained at Trinidad, California document the effects of air-sea exchange during coastal upwelling and plankton bloom events. The atmospheric records provide continuous observations of air-sea fluxes related to synoptic scale upwelling events over several upwelling seasons. Combined with satellite, buoy and local meteorology data, calculated anomalies in O2/N2 and N2O were utilized in a simple atmospheric transport model to compute air-sea fluxes during coastal upwelling. CO2 fluxes were linked to the oceanic component of the O2 fluxes through local hydrographic data and estimated as a function of upwelling intensity (surface ocean temperature and wind speed). Regional air-sea fluxes of O2/N2, N2O, and CO2 during coastal upwelling were estimated with the aid of satellite wind and SST data. Upwelling CO2 fluxes were found to represent ~10% of export production along the northwest coast of North America. Synoptic scale upwelling events impact the net exchange of atmospheric CO2 along the coastal margin, and will vary in response to the frequency and duration of alongshore winds that are subject to climate change.
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Lueker, T. J. „Coastal upwelling fluxes of O<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O, and CO<sub>2</sub> assessed from continuous atmospheric observations at Trinidad,California“. Biogeosciences Discussions 1, Nr. 1 (13.08.2004): 335–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-1-335-2004.

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Abstract. Continuous atmospheric records of O2/N2, CO2 and N2O obtained at Trinidad, California document the effects of air-sea exchange during coastal upwelling and plankton bloom events. The atmospheric records provide continuous observations of air-sea fluxes related to synoptic scale upwelling events over several upwelling seasons. Combined with satellite, buoy and local meteorology data, calculated anomalies in O2/N2 and N2O were utilized in a simple atmospheric transport model to compute air-sea fluxes during coastal upwelling. CO2 fluxes were linked to the oceanic component of the O2 fluxes through local hydrographic data and estimated as a function of upwelling intensity (surface ocean temperature and wind speed). Regional air-sea fluxes of O2/N2O, and CO2 during coastal upwelling were estimated with the aid of satellite wind and SST data. Upwelling CO2 fluxes were found to represent ~10% of export production along the northwest coast of North America. Synoptic scale upwelling events impact the net exchange of atmospheric CO2 along the coastal margin, and will vary in response to the frequency and duration of alongshore winds that are subject to climate change.
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Calleja, M. Ll, C. M. Duarte, Y. T. Prairie, S. Agustí und G. J. Herndl. „Evidence for surface organic matter modulation of air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> gas exchange“. Biogeosciences Discussions 5, Nr. 6 (03.11.2008): 4209–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-5-4209-2008.

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Abstract. Air-sea CO2 exchange depends on the air-sea CO2 gradient and the gas transfer velocity (k), computed as a simple function of wind speed. Large discrepancies among relationships predicting k from wind suggest that other processes may also contribute significantly to modulate CO2 exchange. Here we report, on the basis of the relationship between the measured gas transfer velocity and the ocean surface organic carbon concentration at the ocean surface, a significant role of surface organic matter in suppressing air-sea gas exchange, at low and intermediate winds, in the open ocean. The potential role of total surface organic matter concentration (TOC) on gas transfer velocity (k) was evaluated by direct measurements of air-sea CO2 fluxes at different wind speeds and locations in the open ocean. According to the results obtained, high surface organic matter contents may lead to lower air-sea CO2 fluxes, for a given air-sea CO2 partial pressure gradient and wind speed below 5 m s−1, compared to that observed at low organic matter contents. We found the bias in calculated gas fluxes resulting from neglecting TOC to co-vary geographically and seasonally with marine productivity. These findings suggest that consideration of the role of organic matter in modulating air-sea CO2 exchange can improve flux estimates and help avoid possible bias associated to variability in surface organic concentration across the ocean.
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Calleja, M. Ll, C. M. Duarte, Y. T. Prairie, S. Agustí und G. J. Herndl. „Evidence for surface organic matter modulation of air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> gas exchange“. Biogeosciences 6, Nr. 6 (25.06.2009): 1105–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-6-1105-2009.

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Abstract. Air-sea CO2 exchange depends on the air-sea CO2 gradient and the gas transfer velocity (k), computed as a function of wind speed. Large discrepancies among relationships predicting k from wind suggest that other processes also contribute significantly to modulate CO2 exchange. Here we report, on the basis of the relationship between the measured gas transfer velocity and the organic carbon concentration at the ocean surface, a significant role of surface organic matter in suppressing air-sea gas exchange, at low and intermediate winds, in the open ocean, confirming previous observations. The potential role of total surface organic matter concentration (TOC) on gas transfer velocity (k) was evaluated by direct measurements of air-sea CO2 fluxes at different wind speeds and locations in the open ocean. According to the results obtained, high surface organic matter contents may lead to lower air-sea CO2 fluxes, for a given air-sea CO2 partial pressure gradient and wind speed below 5 m s−1, compared to that observed at low organic matter contents. We found the bias in calculated gas fluxes resulting from neglecting TOC to co-vary geographically and seasonally with marine productivity. These results support previous evidences that consideration of the role of organic matter in modulating air-sea CO2 exchange may improve flux estimates and help avoid possible bias associated to variability in surface organic concentration across the ocean.
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Prytherch, John, Sonja Murto, Ian Brown, Adam Ulfsbo, Brett F. Thornton, Volker Brüchert, Michael Tjernström, Anna Lunde Hermansson, Amanda T. Nylund und Lina A. Holthusen. „Central Arctic Ocean surface–atmosphere exchange of CO2 and CH4 constrained by direct measurements“. Biogeosciences 21, Nr. 2 (02.02.2024): 671–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-21-671-2024.

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Abstract. The central Arctic Ocean (CAO) plays an important role in the global carbon cycle, but the current and future exchange of the climate-forcing trace gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) between the CAO and the atmosphere is highly uncertain. In particular, there are very few observations of near-surface gas concentrations or direct air–sea CO2 flux estimates and no previously reported direct air–sea CH4 flux estimates from the CAO. Furthermore, the effect of sea ice on the exchange is not well understood. We present direct measurements of the air–sea flux of CH4 and CO2, as well as air–snow fluxes of CO2 in the summertime CAO north of 82.5∘ N from the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) expedition carried out on the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 2021. Measurements of air–sea CH4 and CO2 flux were made using floating chambers deployed in leads accessed from sea ice and from the side of Oden, and air–snow fluxes were determined from chambers deployed on sea ice. Gas transfer velocities determined from fluxes and surface-water-dissolved gas concentrations exhibited a weaker wind speed dependence than existing parameterisations, with a median sea-ice lead gas transfer rate of 2.5 cm h−1 applicable over the observed 10 m wind speed range (1–11 m s−1). The average observed air–sea CO2 flux was −7.6 mmolm-2d-1, and the average air–snow CO2 flux was −1.1 mmolm-2d-1. Extrapolating these fluxes and the corresponding sea-ice concentrations gives an August and September flux for the CAO of −1.75 mmolm-2d-1, within the range of previous indirect estimates. The average observed air–sea CH4 flux of 3.5 µmolm-2d-1, accounting for sea-ice concentration, equates to an August and September CAO flux of 0.35 µmolm-2d-1, lower than previous estimates and implying that the CAO is a very small (≪ 1 %) contributor to the Arctic flux of CH4 to the atmosphere.
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Shutler, Jamie D., Peter E. Land, Jean-Francois Piolle, David K. Woolf, Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy, Frederic Paul, Fanny Girard-Ardhuin, Bertrand Chapron und Craig J. Donlon. „FluxEngine: A Flexible Processing System for Calculating Atmosphere–Ocean Carbon Dioxide Gas Fluxes and Climatologies“. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33, Nr. 4 (April 2016): 741–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jtech-d-14-00204.1.

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AbstractThe air–sea flux of greenhouse gases [e.g., carbon dioxide (CO2)] is a critical part of the climate system and a major factor in the biogeochemical development of the oceans. More accurate and higher-resolution calculations of these gas fluxes are required if researchers are to fully understand and predict future climate. Satellite Earth observation is able to provide large spatial-scale datasets that can be used to study gas fluxes. However, the large storage requirements needed to host such data can restrict its use by the scientific community. Fortunately, the development of cloud computing can provide a solution. This paper describes an open-source air–sea CO2 flux processing toolbox called the “FluxEngine,” designed for use on a cloud-computing infrastructure. The toolbox allows users to easily generate global and regional air–sea CO2 flux data from model, in situ, and Earth observation data, and its air–sea gas flux calculation is user configurable. Its current installation on the Nephalae Cloud allows users to easily exploit more than 8 TB of climate-quality Earth observation data for the derivation of gas fluxes. The resultant netCDF data output files contain >20 data layers containing the various stages of the flux calculation along with process indicator layers to aid interpretation of the data. This paper describes the toolbox design, which verifies the air–sea CO2 flux calculations; demonstrates the use of the tools for studying global and shelf sea air–sea fluxes; and describes future developments.
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Honkanen, Martti, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Tuomas Laurila, Timo Mäkelä, Juha Hatakka, Sami Kielosto und Lauri Laakso. „Measuring turbulent CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes with a closed-path gas analyzer in a marine environment“. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11, Nr. 9 (25.09.2018): 5335–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-11-5335-2018.

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Abstract. In this study, we introduce new observations of sea–air fluxes of carbon dioxide using the eddy covariance method. The measurements took place at the Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station on the island of Utö in the Baltic Sea in July–October 2017. The flux measurement system is based on a closed-path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7000, LI-COR) requiring only occasional maintenance, making the station capable of continuous monitoring. However, such infrared gas analyzers are prone to significant water vapor interference in a marine environment, where CO2 fluxes are small. Two LI-7000 analyzers were run in parallel to test the effect of a sample air drier which dampens water vapor fluctuations and a virtual impactor, included to remove liquid sea spray, both of which were attached to the sample air tubing of one of the analyzers. The systems showed closely similar (R2=0.99) sea–air CO2 fluxes when the latent heat flux was low, which proved that neither the drier nor the virtual impactor perturbed the CO2 flux measurement. However, the undried measurement had a positive bias that increased with increasing latent heat flux, suggesting water vapor interference. For both systems, cospectral densities between vertical wind speed and CO2 molar fraction were distributed within the expected frequency range, with a moderate attenuation of high-frequency fluctuations. While the setup equipped with a drier and a virtual impactor generated a slightly higher flux loss, we opt for this alternative for its reduced water vapor cross-sensitivity and better protection against sea spray. The integral turbulence characteristics were found to agree with the universal stability dependence observed over land. Nonstationary conditions caused unphysical results, which resulted in a high percentage (65 %) of discarded measurements. After removing the nonstationary cases, the direction of the sea–air CO2 fluxes was in good accordance with independently measured CO2 partial pressure difference between the sea and the atmosphere. Atmospheric CO2 concentration changes larger than 2 ppm during a 30 min averaging period were found to be associated with the nonstationarity of CO2 fluxes.
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Dong, Yuanxu, Mingxi Yang, Dorothee C. E. Bakker, Vassilis Kitidis und Thomas G. Bell. „Uncertainties in eddy covariance air–sea CO<sub>2</sub> flux measurements and implications for gas transfer velocity parameterisations“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21, Nr. 10 (26.05.2021): 8089–110. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-8089-2021.

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Abstract. Air–sea carbon dioxide (CO2) flux is often indirectly estimated by the bulk method using the air–sea difference in CO2 fugacity (ΔfCO2) and a parameterisation of the gas transfer velocity (K). Direct flux measurements by eddy covariance (EC) provide an independent reference for bulk flux estimates and are often used to study processes that drive K. However, inherent uncertainties in EC air–sea CO2 flux measurements from ships have not been well quantified and may confound analyses of K. This paper evaluates the uncertainties in EC CO2 fluxes from four cruises. Fluxes were measured with two state-of-the-art closed-path CO2 analysers on two ships. The mean bias in the EC CO2 flux is low, but the random error is relatively large over short timescales. The uncertainty (1 standard deviation) in hourly averaged EC air–sea CO2 fluxes (cruise mean) ranges from 1.4 to 3.2 mmolm-2d-1. This corresponds to a relative uncertainty of ∼ 20 % during two Arctic cruises that observed large CO2 flux magnitude. The relative uncertainty was greater (∼ 50 %) when the CO2 flux magnitude was small during two Atlantic cruises. Random uncertainty in the EC CO2 flux is mostly caused by sampling error. Instrument noise is relatively unimportant. Random uncertainty in EC CO2 fluxes can be reduced by averaging for longer. However, averaging for too long will result in the inclusion of more natural variability. Auto-covariance analysis of CO2 fluxes suggests that the optimal timescale for averaging EC CO2 flux measurements ranges from 1 to 3 h, which increases the mean signal-to-noise ratio of the four cruises to higher than 3. Applying an appropriate averaging timescale and suitable ΔfCO2 threshold (20 µatm) to EC flux data enables an optimal analysis of K.
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Nilsson, Erik, Hans Bergström, Anna Rutgersson, Eva Podgrajsek, Marcus B. Wallin, Gunnar Bergström, Ebba Dellwik, Sebastian Landwehr und Brian Ward. „Evaluating Humidity and Sea Salt Disturbances on CO2 Flux Measurements“. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35, Nr. 4 (April 2018): 859–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jtech-d-17-0072.1.

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AbstractGlobal oceans are an important sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, understanding the air–sea flux of CO2 is a vital part in describing the global carbon balance. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements are often used to study CO2 fluxes from both land and ocean. Values of CO2 are usually measured with infrared absorption sensors, which at the same time measure water vapor. Studies have shown that the presence of water vapor fluctuations in the sampling air potentially results in erroneous CO2 flux measurements resulting from the cross sensitivity of the sensor. Here measured CO2 fluxes from both enclosed-path Li-Cor 7200 sensors and open-path Li-Cor 7500 instruments from an inland measurement site are compared with a marine site. Also, new quality control criteria based on a relative signal strength indicator (RSSI) are introduced. The sampling gas in one of the Li-Cor 7200 instruments was dried by means of a multitube diffusion dryer so that the water vapor fluxes were close to zero. With this setup the effect that cross sensitivity of the CO2 signal to water vapor can have on the CO2 fluxes was investigated. The dryer had no significant effect on the CO2 fluxes. The study tested the hypothesis that the cross-sensitivity effect is caused by hygroscopic particles such as sea salt by spraying a saline solution on the windows of the Li-Cor 7200 instruments during the inland field test. The results confirm earlier findings that sea salt contamination can affect CO2 fluxes significantly and that drying the sampling air for the gas analyzer is an effective method for reducing this signal contamination.
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Asselot, Rémy, Frank Lunkeit, Philip B. Holden und Inga Hense. „Climate pathways behind phytoplankton-induced atmospheric warming“. Biogeosciences 19, Nr. 1 (14.01.2022): 223–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-223-2022.

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Abstract. We investigate the ways in which marine biologically mediated heating increases the surface atmospheric temperature. While the effects of phytoplankton light absorption on the ocean have gained attention over the past years, the impact of this biogeophysical mechanism on the atmosphere is still unclear. Phytoplankton light absorption warms the surface of the ocean, which in turn affects the air–sea heat and CO2 exchanges. However, the contribution of air–sea heat versus CO2 fluxes in the phytoplankton-induced atmospheric warming has not been yet determined. Different so-called climate pathways are involved. We distinguish heat exchange, CO2 exchange, dissolved CO2, solubility of CO2 and sea-ice-covered area. To shed more light on this subject, we employ the EcoGEnIE Earth system model that includes a new light penetration scheme and isolate the effects of individual fluxes. Our results indicate that phytoplankton-induced changes in air–sea CO2 exchange warm the atmosphere by 0.71 ∘C due to higher greenhouse gas concentrations. The phytoplankton-induced changes in air–sea heat exchange cool the atmosphere by 0.02 ∘C due to a larger amount of outgoing longwave radiation. Overall, the enhanced air–sea CO2 exchange due to phytoplankton light absorption is the main driver in the biologically induced atmospheric heating.
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Raynaud, S., O. Aumont, K. B. Rodgers, P. Yiou und J. C. Orr. „Interannual-to-decadal variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes“. Ocean Science Discussions 2, Nr. 4 (30.08.2005): 437–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/osd-2-437-2005.

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Abstract. The magnitude of the interannual variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes remains uncertain. Fluxes inferred from atmospheric inversions have large variability, whereas those simulated by ocean models have small variability. Part of the difference is that unlike typical atmospheric inversions, ocean models come with spatial resolution at the sub-basin scale. Here we explore sub-basin-scale spatiotemporal variability in the North Atlantic in one ocean model in order to better understand why the the North Atlantic basin may well contribute very little to the global variability of air-sea CO2 flux. We made two simulations with a biogeochemical model coupled to a global ocean general circulation model (OGCM), which itself was forced by 55-year NCEP reanalysis fields. In the first simulation, atmospheric CO2 was maintained at the preindustrial level (278 ppmv); in the second simulation, atmospheric CO2 followed the observed increase. Simulated air-sea CO2 fluxes and associated variables were analysed with a statistical tool known as multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA). We found that the subtropical gyre is not the largest contributor to the overall, basin-wide variability, in contrast to previous suggestions. The subpolar gyre and the inter-gyre region (the transition area between subpolar and subtropical gyres) also contribute with multipolar anomalies at multiple frequencies: these tend to cancel one another in terms of the basin-wide air-sea CO2 flux. We found a strong correlation between the air-sea CO2 fluxes and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), but only if one takes into account time lags as does MSSA (maximum r=0.64 for lags between 1 and 3 years). The contribution of anthropogenic CO2 to total variability was negligible at interannual time scales, whereas at the decadal (13-year) time scale, it increased variability by 30%.
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Wanninkhof, Rik, Are Olsen und Joaquin Triñanes. „Air–sea CO2 fluxes in the Caribbean Sea from 2002–2004“. Journal of Marine Systems 66, Nr. 1-4 (Juni 2007): 272–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.11.014.

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Yang, Mingxi, Thomas G. Bell, Frances E. Hopkins, Vassilis Kitidis, Pierre W. Cazenave, Philip D. Nightingale, Margaret J. Yelland et al. „Air–sea fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> from the Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory on the south-west coast of the UK“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, Nr. 9 (11.05.2016): 5745–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-16-5745-2016.

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Abstract. We present air–sea fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), momentum, and sensible heat measured by the eddy covariance method from the recently established Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory (PPAO) on the south-west coast of the United Kingdom. Measurements from the south-westerly direction (open water sector) were made at three different sampling heights (approximately 15, 18, and 27 m above mean sea level, a.m.s.l.), each from a different period during 2014–2015. At sampling heights ≥ 18 m a.m.s.l., measured fluxes of momentum and sensible heat demonstrate reasonable ( ≤ ±20 % in the mean) agreement with transfer rates over the open ocean. This confirms the suitability of PPAO for air–sea exchange measurements in shelf regions. Covariance air–sea CO2 fluxes demonstrate high temporal variability. Air-to-sea transport of CO2 declined from spring to summer in both years, coinciding with the breakdown of the spring phytoplankton bloom. We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful eddy covariance measurements of CH4 emissions from a marine environment. Higher sea-to-air CH4 fluxes were observed during rising tides (20 ± 3; 38 ± 3; 29 ± 6 µmole m−2 d−1 at 15, 18, 27 m a.m.s.l.) than during falling tides (14 ± 2; 22 ± 2; 21 ± 5 µmole m−2 d−1), consistent with an elevated CH4 source from an estuarine outflow driven by local tidal circulation. These fluxes are a few times higher than the predicted CH4 emissions over the open ocean and are significantly lower than estimates from other aquatic CH4 hotspots (e.g. polar regions, freshwater). Finally, we found the detection limit of the air–sea CH4 flux by eddy covariance to be 20 µmole m−2 d−1 over hourly timescales (4 µmole m−2 d−1 over 24 h).
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Sea, Mallory A., Neus Garcias-Bonet, Vincent Saderne und Carlos M. Duarte. „Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes at the air–sea interface of Red Sea mangroves“. Biogeosciences 15, Nr. 17 (04.09.2018): 5365–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-15-5365-2018.

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Abstract. Mangrove forests are highly productive tropical and subtropical coastal systems that provide a variety of ecosystem services, including the sequestration of carbon. While mangroves are reported to be the most intense carbon sinks among all forests, they can also support large emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), to the atmosphere. However, data derived from arid mangrove systems like the Red Sea are lacking. Here, we report net emission rates of CO2 and CH4 from mangroves along the eastern coast of the Red Sea and assess the relative role of these two gases in supporting total GHG emissions to the atmosphere. Diel CO2 and CH4 emission rates ranged from −3452 to 7500 µmol CO2 m−2 d−1 and from 0.9 to 13.3 µmol CH4 m−2 d−1 respectively. The rates reported here fall within previously reported ranges for both CO2 and CH4, but maximum CO2 and CH4 flux rates in the Red Sea are 10- to 100-fold below those previously reported for mangroves elsewhere. Based on the isotopic composition of the CO2 and CH4 produced, we identified potential origins of the organic matter that support GHG emissions. In all but one mangrove stand, GHG emissions appear to be supported by organic matter from mixed sources, potentially reducing CO2 fluxes and instead enhancing CH4 production, a finding that highlights the importance of determining the origin of organic matter in GHG emissions. Methane was the main source of CO2 equivalents despite the comparatively low emission rates in most of the sampled mangroves and therefore deserves careful monitoring in this region. By further resolving GHG fluxes in arid mangroves, we will better ascertain the role of these forests in global carbon budgets.
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Hernández-Carrasco, I., J. Sudre, V. Garçon, H. Yahia, C. Garbe, A. Paulmier, B. Dewitte, S. Illig und I. Dadou. „Reconstruction of super-resolution fields of ocean <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> and air–sea fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> from satellite imagery in the Southeastern Atlantic“. Biogeosciences Discussions 12, Nr. 2 (21.01.2015): 1405–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-12-1405-2015.

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Abstract. The knowledge of Green House Gases GHGs fluxes at the air–sea interface at high resolution is crucial to accurately quantify the role of the ocean in the absorption and emission of GHGs. In this paper we present a novel method to reconstruct maps of surface ocean partial pressure of CO2, pCO2, and air–sea CO2 fluxes at super resolution (4 km) using Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Ocean Colour (OC) data at this resolution, and CarbonTracker CO2 fluxes data at low resolution (110 km). Inference of super-resolution of pCO2, and air–sea CO2 fluxes is performed using novel nonlinear signal processing methodologies that prove efficient in the context of oceanography. The theoretical background comes from the Microcanonical Multifractal Formalism which unlocks the geometrical determination of cascading properties of physical intensive variables. As a consequence, a multiresolution analysis performed on the signal of the so-called singularity exponents allows the correct and near optimal cross-scale inference of GHGs fluxes, as the inference suits the geometric realization of the cascade. We apply such a methodology to the study offshore of the Benguela area. The inferred representation of oceanic partial pressure of CO2 improves and enhances the description provided by CarbonTracker, capturing the small scale variability. We examine different combinations of Ocean Colour and Sea Surface Temperature products in order to increase the number of valid points and the quality of the inferred pCO2 field. The methodology is validated using in-situ measurements by means of statistical errors. We obtain that mean absolute and relative errors in the inferred values of pCO2 with respect to in-situ measurements are smaller than for CarbonTracker.
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Holding, Thomas, Ian G. Ashton, Jamie D. Shutler, Peter E. Land, Philip D. Nightingale, Andrew P. Rees, Ian Brown et al. „The FluxEngine air–sea gas flux toolbox: simplified interface and extensions for in situ analyses and multiple sparingly soluble gases“. Ocean Science 15, Nr. 6 (13.12.2019): 1707–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-15-1707-2019.

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Abstract. The flow (flux) of climate-critical gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), between the ocean and the atmosphere is a fundamental component of our climate and an important driver of the biogeochemical systems within the oceans. Therefore, the accurate calculation of these air–sea gas fluxes is critical if we are to monitor the oceans and assess the impact that these gases are having on Earth's climate and ecosystems. FluxEngine is an open-source software toolbox that allows users to easily perform calculations of air–sea gas fluxes from model, in situ, and Earth observation data. The original development and verification of the toolbox was described in a previous publication. The toolbox has now been considerably updated to allow for its use as a Python library, to enable simplified installation, to ensure verification of its installation, to enable the handling of multiple sparingly soluble gases, and to enable the greatly expanded functionality for supporting in situ dataset analyses. This new functionality for supporting in situ analyses includes user-defined grids, time periods and projections, the ability to reanalyse in situ CO2 data to a common temperature dataset, and the ability to easily calculate gas fluxes using in situ data from drifting buoys, fixed moorings, and research cruises. Here we describe these new capabilities and demonstrate their application through illustrative case studies. The first case study demonstrates the workflow for accurately calculating CO2 fluxes using in situ data from four research cruises from the Surface Ocean CO2 ATlas (SOCAT) database. The second case study calculates air–sea CO2 fluxes using in situ data from a fixed monitoring station in the Baltic Sea. The third case study focuses on nitrous oxide (N2O) and, through a user-defined gas transfer parameterisation, identifies that biological surfactants in the North Atlantic could suppress individual N2O sea–air gas fluxes by up to 13 %. The fourth and final case study illustrates how a dissipation-based gas transfer parameterisation can be implemented and used. The updated version of the toolbox (version 3) and all documentation is now freely available.
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Landschützer, P., J. F. Tjiputra, K. Assmann und C. Heinze. „A model study on the sensitivity of surface ocean CO<sub>2</sub> pressure with respect to the CO<sub>2</sub> gas exchange rate“. Biogeosciences Discussions 8, Nr. 6 (08.11.2011): 10797–821. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-8-10797-2011.

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Abstract. Rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and a changing climate are expected to alter the air-sea CO2 flux through changes in the respective control factors for gas exchange. In this study we determine the sensitivity of the CO2 fluxes on the gas transfer velocity using the MICOM-HAMOCC isopycnic carbon cycle model. The monthly generated MICOM-HAMOCC output data are suitable to investigate seasonal variabilities concerning the exchange of CO2. In a series of 3 sensitivity runs the wind dependent gas exchange rate is increased by 44%, both in the northern and southern westerly regions, as well as in the equatorial area to investigate the effect of regional variations of the gas transfer rate on the air-sea fluxes and the distribution of the ocean surface pCO2. For the period between 1948–2009, the results show that locally increasing gas transfer rates do not play an important role concerning the global uptake of carbon from the atmosphere. While effects on a global and annual scale are low, the regional and intra-annual variability shows remarkable variations in the gas fluxes and the surface pCO2. An accurate quantification of the variable gas transfer velocity therefore provides a potential source to enhance model predictions over small spatial and temporal scales and to successfully reconcile model results on surface pCO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes with observations.
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Sarma, V. V. S. S., A. Lenton, R. M. Law, N. Metzl, P. K. Patra, S. Doney, I. D. Lima, E. Dlugokencky, M. Ramonet und V. Valsala. „Sea–air CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the Indian Ocean between 1990 and 2009“. Biogeosciences 10, Nr. 11 (06.11.2013): 7035–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-10-7035-2013.

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Abstract. The Indian Ocean (44° S–30° N) plays an important role in the global carbon cycle, yet it remains one of the most poorly sampled ocean regions. Several approaches have been used to estimate net sea–air CO2 fluxes in this region: interpolated observations, ocean biogeochemical models, atmospheric and ocean inversions. As part of the RECCAP (REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes) project, we combine these different approaches to quantify and assess the magnitude and variability in Indian Ocean sea–air CO2 fluxes between 1990 and 2009. Using all of the models and inversions, the median annual mean sea–air CO2 uptake of −0.37 ± 0.06 PgC yr−1 is consistent with the −0.24 ± 0.12 PgC yr−1 calculated from observations. The fluxes from the southern Indian Ocean (18–44° S; −0.43 ± 0.07 PgC yr−1 are similar in magnitude to the annual uptake for the entire Indian Ocean. All models capture the observed pattern of fluxes in the Indian Ocean with the following exceptions: underestimation of upwelling fluxes in the northwestern region (off Oman and Somalia), overestimation in the northeastern region (Bay of Bengal) and underestimation of the CO2 sink in the subtropical convergence zone. These differences were mainly driven by lack of atmospheric CO2 data in atmospheric inversions, and poor simulation of monsoonal currents and freshwater discharge in ocean biogeochemical models. Overall, the models and inversions do capture the phase of the observed seasonality for the entire Indian Ocean but overestimate the magnitude. The predicted sea–air CO2 fluxes by ocean biogeochemical models (OBGMs) respond to seasonal variability with strong phase lags with reference to climatological CO2 flux, whereas the atmospheric inversions predicted an order of magnitude higher seasonal flux than OBGMs. The simulated interannual variability by the OBGMs is weaker than that found by atmospheric inversions. Prediction of such weak interannual variability in CO2 fluxes by atmospheric inversions was mainly caused by a lack of atmospheric data in the Indian Ocean. The OBGM models suggest a small strengthening of the sink over the period 1990–2009 of −0.01 PgC decade−1. This is inconsistent with the observations in the southwestern Indian Ocean that shows the growth rate of oceanic pCO2 was faster than the observed atmospheric CO2 growth, a finding attributed to the trend of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) during the 1990s.
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Sarma, V. V. S. S., A. Lenton, R. Law, N. Metzl, P. K. Patra, S. Doney, I. D. Lima, E. Dlugokencky, M. Ramonet und V. Valsala. „Sea–air CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the Indian Ocean between 1990 and 2009“. Biogeosciences Discussions 10, Nr. 7 (02.07.2013): 10759–810. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-10759-2013.

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Abstract. The Indian Ocean (44° S–30° N) plays an important role in the global carbon cycle, yet remains one of the most poorly sampled ocean regions. Several approaches have been used to estimate net sea–air CO2 fluxes in this region: interpolated observations, ocean biogeochemical models, atmospheric and ocean inversions. As part of the RECCAP (REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes) project, we combine these different approaches to quantify and assess the magnitude and variability in Indian Ocean sea–air CO2 fluxes between 1990 and 2009. Using all of the models and inversions, the median annual mean sea–air CO2 uptake of −0.37 ± 0.06 Pg C yr–1, is consistent with the −0.24 ± 0.12 Pg C yr–1 calculated from observations. The fluxes from the Southern Indian Ocean (18° S–44° S; −0.43 ± 0.07 Pg C yr–1) are similar in magnitude to the annual uptake for the entire Indian Ocean. All models capture the observed pattern of fluxes in the Indian Ocean with the following exceptions: underestimation of upwelling fluxes in the northwestern region (off Oman and Somalia), over estimation in the northeastern region (Bay of Bengal) and underestimation of the CO2 sink in the subtropical convergence zone. These differences were mainly driven by a lack of atmospheric CO2 data in atmospheric inversions, and poor simulation of monsoonal currents and freshwater discharge in ocean biogeochemical models. Overall, the models and inversions do capture the phase of the observed seasonality for the entire Indian Ocean but over estimate the magnitude. The predicted sea–air CO2 fluxes by Ocean BioGeochemical Models (OBGM) respond to seasonal variability with strong phase lags with reference to climatological CO2 flux, whereas the atmospheric inversions predict an order of magnitude higher seasonal flux than OBGMs. The simulated interannual variability by the OBGMs is weaker than atmospheric inversions. Prediction of such weak interannual variability in CO2 fluxes by atmospheric inversions was mainly caused by lack of atmospheric data in the Indian Ocean. The OBGM models suggest a small strengthening of the sink over the period 1990–2009 of −0.01 Pg C decade–1. This is inconsistent with the observations in the southwest Indian Ocean that shows the growth rate of oceanic pCO2 was faster than the observed atmospheric CO2 growth, a finding attributed to the trend of the Southern Annual Mode (SAM) during the 1990s.
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Bates, N. R., J. T. Mathis und M. A. Jeffries. „Air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes on the Bering Sea shelf“. Biogeosciences Discussions 7, Nr. 5 (05.10.2010): 7271–314. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-7-7271-2010.

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Abstract. There have been few previous studies of surface seawater CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) variability and air-sea CO2 gas exchange rates for the Bering Sea shelf which is the largest US coastal shelf sea. In 2008, spring and summertime observations were collected in the Bering Sea shelf as part of the Bering Sea Ecological Study (BEST). Our results indicate that the Bering Sea shelf was close to neutral in terms of CO2 sink-source status in springtime due to relatively small air-sea CO2 gradients (i.e., Δ pCO2) and sea-ice cover. However, by summertime, very low seawater pCO2 values were observed and much of the Bering Sea shelf became strongly undersaturated with respect to atmosphere CO2 concentrations. Thus the Bering Sea shelf transitions seasonally from mostly neutral conditions to a strong oceanic sink for atmospheric CO2 particularly in the "green belt" region of the Bering Sea. Ocean biological processes dominate the seasonal drawdown of seawater pCO2 for large areas of the Bering Sea shelf, with the effect partly countered by seasonal warming. In small areas of the Bering Sea shelf south of the Pribilof Islands and in the SE Bering Sea, seasonal warming is the dominant influence on seawater pCO2, shifting localized areas of the shelf from minor/neutral CO2 sink status to neutral/minor CO2 source status, in contrast to much of the Bering Sea shelf. We compute that the Bering Sea shelf CO2 sink in 2008 was 157 Tg C yr−1 (Tg = 1012 g C) and a stronger sink for CO2 than previously demonstrated by other studies.
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Hernández-Carrasco, I., J. Sudre, V. Garçon, H. Yahia, C. Garbe, A. Paulmier, B. Dewitte et al. „Reconstruction of super-resolution ocean <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> and air–sea fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> from satellite imagery in the southeastern Atlantic“. Biogeosciences 12, Nr. 17 (11.09.2015): 5229–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-12-5229-2015.

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Abstract. An accurate quantification of the role of the ocean as source/sink of greenhouse gases (GHGs) requires to access the high-resolution of the GHG air–sea flux at the interface. In this paper we present a novel method to reconstruct maps of surface ocean partial pressure of CO2 ( pCO2) and air–sea CO2 fluxes at super resolution (4 km, i.e., 1/32° at these latitudes) using sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean color (OC) data at this resolution, and CarbonTracker CO2 fluxes data at low resolution (110 km). Inference of super-resolution pCO2 and air–sea CO2 fluxes is performed using novel nonlinear signal processing methodologies that prove efficient in the context of oceanography. The theoretical background comes from the microcanonical multifractal formalism which unlocks the geometrical determination of cascading properties of physical intensive variables. As a consequence, a multi-resolution analysis performed on the signal of the so-called singularity exponents allows for the correct and near optimal cross-scale inference of GHG fluxes, as the inference suits the geometric realization of the cascade. We apply such a methodology to the study offshore of the Benguela area. The inferred representation of oceanic partial pressure of CO2 improves and enhances the description provided by CarbonTracker, capturing the small-scale variability. We examine different combinations of ocean color and sea surface temperature products in order to increase the number of valid points and the quality of the inferred pCO2 field. The methodology is validated using in situ measurements by means of statistical errors. We find that mean absolute and relative errors in the inferred values of pCO2 with respect to in situ measurements are smaller than for CarbonTracker.
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Chen, Liqi, Zhongyong Gao, Heng Sun, Baoshan Chen und Wei-jun Cai. „Distributions and air-sea fluxes of CO2 in the summer Bering Sea“. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 33, Nr. 6 (27.05.2014): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13131-014-0483-9.

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Land, P. E., J. D. Shutler, R. D. Cowling, D. K. Woolf, P. Walker, H. S. Findlay, R. C. Upstill-Goddard und C. J. Donlon. „Climate change impacts on sea-air fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> in three Arctic seas: a sensitivity study using earth observation“. Biogeosciences Discussions 9, Nr. 9 (12.09.2012): 12377–432. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-9-12377-2012.

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Abstract. During 2008 and 2009 we applied coincident Earth observation data collected from multiple sensors (RA2, AATSR and MERIS, mounted on the European Space Agency satellite Envisat) to characterise environmental conditions and net sea-air fluxes of CO2 in three Arctic seas (Greenland, Barents, Kara) to assess net CO2 sink sensitivity due to changes in temperature, salinity and sea ice duration arising from future climate scenarios. During the study period the Greenland and Barents Seas were net sinks for atmospheric CO2, with sea-air fluxes of −34±13 and −13±6 Tg C yr−1, respectively and the Kara Sea was a weak net CO2 source with a sea-air flux of +1.5±1.1 Tg C yr−1. The combined net CO2 sea-air flux from all three was −45±18 Tg C yr−1. In a sensitivity analysis we varied temperature, salinity and sea ice duration. Variations in temperature and salinity led to modification of the transfer velocity, solubility and partial pressure of CO2 taking into account the resultant variations in alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Our results showed that warming had a strong positive effect on the annual net sea-air flux of CO2 (i.e. reducing the sink), freshening had a strong negative effect and reduced sea ice duration had a small but measurable positive effect. In the climate change scenario examined, the effects of warming in just over a decade of climate change up to 2020 outweighed the combined effects of freshening and reduced sea ice duration. Collectively these effects gave a net sea-air flux change of +3.5 Tg C in the Greenland Sea, +5.5 Tg C in the Barents Sea and +1.4 Tg C in the Kara Sea, reducing the Greenland and Barents sinks by 10% and 50% respectively, and increasing the weak Kara Sea source by 64%. Overall, the regional flux changed by +10.4 Tg C, reducing the regional sink by 23%. In terms of CO2 sink strength we conclude that the Barents Sea is the most susceptible of the three regions to the climate changes examined. Our results imply that the region will cease to be a net CO2 sink by 2060.
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Land, P. E., J. D. Shutler, R. D. Cowling, D. K. Woolf, P. Walker, H. S. Findlay, R. C. Upstill-Goddard und C. J. Donlon. „Climate change impacts on sea–air fluxes of CO<sub>2</sub> in three Arctic seas: a sensitivity study using Earth observation“. Biogeosciences 10, Nr. 12 (11.12.2013): 8109–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-10-8109-2013.

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Abstract. We applied coincident Earth observation data collected during 2008 and 2009 from multiple sensors (RA2, AATSR and MERIS, mounted on the European Space Agency satellite Envisat) to characterise environmental conditions and integrated sea–air fluxes of CO2 in three Arctic seas (Greenland, Barents, Kara). We assessed net CO2 sink sensitivity due to changes in temperature, salinity and sea ice duration arising from future climate scenarios. During the study period the Greenland and Barents seas were net sinks for atmospheric CO2, with integrated sea–air fluxes of −36 ± 14 and −11 ± 5 Tg C yr−1, respectively, and the Kara Sea was a weak net CO2 source with an integrated sea–air flux of +2.2 ± 1.4 Tg C yr−1. The combined integrated CO2 sea–air flux from all three was −45 ± 18 Tg C yr−1. In a sensitivity analysis we varied temperature, salinity and sea ice duration. Variations in temperature and salinity led to modification of the transfer velocity, solubility and partial pressure of CO2 taking into account the resultant variations in alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Our results showed that warming had a strong positive effect on the annual integrated sea–air flux of CO2 (i.e. reducing the sink), freshening had a strong negative effect and reduced sea ice duration had a small but measurable positive effect. In the climate change scenario examined, the effects of warming in just over a decade of climate change up to 2020 outweighed the combined effects of freshening and reduced sea ice duration. Collectively these effects gave an integrated sea–air flux change of +4.0 Tg C in the Greenland Sea, +6.0 Tg C in the Barents Sea and +1.7 Tg C in the Kara Sea, reducing the Greenland and Barents sinks by 11% and 53%, respectively, and increasing the weak Kara Sea source by 81%. Overall, the regional integrated flux changed by +11.7 Tg C, which is a 26% reduction in the regional sink. In terms of CO2 sink strength, we conclude that the Barents Sea is the most susceptible of the three regions to the climate changes examined. Our results imply that the region will cease to be a net CO2 sink in the 2050s.
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Bates, N. R., J. T. Mathis und M. A. Jeffries. „Air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes on the Bering Sea shelf“. Biogeosciences 8, Nr. 5 (23.05.2011): 1237–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-8-1237-2011.

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Abstract. There have been few previous studies of surface seawater CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) variability and air-sea CO2 gas exchange rates for the Bering Sea shelf. In 2008, spring and summertime observations were collected in the Bering Sea shelf as part of the Bering Sea Ecological Study (BEST). Our results indicate that the Bering Sea shelf was close to neutral in terms of CO2 sink-source status in springtime due to relatively small air-sea CO2 gradients (i.e., ΔpCO2 and sea-ice cover. However, by summertime, very low seawater pCO2 values were observed and much of the Bering Sea shelf became strongly undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Thus the Bering Sea shelf transitions seasonally from mostly neutral conditions to a strong oceanic sink for atmospheric CO2 particularly in the "green belt" region of the Bering Sea where there are high rates of phytoplankton primary production (PP)and net community production (NCP). Ocean biological processes dominate the seasonal drawdown of seawater pCO2 for large areas of the Bering Sea shelf, with the effect partly countered by seasonal warming. In small areas of the Bering Sea shelf south of the Pribilof Islands and in the SE Bering Sea, seasonal warming is the dominant influence on seawater pCO2, shifting localized areas of the shelf from minor/neutral CO2 sink status to neutral/minor CO2 source status, in contrast to much of the Bering Sea shelf. Overall, we compute that the Bering Sea shelf CO2 sink in 2008 was 157 ± 35 Tg C yr−1 (Tg = 1012 g C) and thus a strong sink for CO2.
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Zhai, W. D., M. H. Dai, B. S. Chen, X. H. Guo, Q. Li, S. L. Shang, C. Y. Zhang, W. J. Cai und D. X. Wang. „Seasonal variations of sea–air CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the largest tropical marginal sea (South China Sea) based on multiple-year underway measurements“. Biogeosciences 10, Nr. 11 (29.11.2013): 7775–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-10-7775-2013.

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Abstract. Based upon 14 field surveys conducted between 2003 and 2008, we showed that the seasonal pattern of sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and sea–air CO2 fluxes differed among four different physical–biogeochemical domains in the South China Sea (SCS) proper. The four domains were located between 7 and 23° N and 110 and 121° E, covering a surface area of 1344 × 103 km2 and accounting for ~ 54% of the SCS proper. In the area off the Pearl River estuary, relatively low pCO2 values of 320 to 390 μatm were observed in all four seasons and both the biological productivity and CO2 uptake were enhanced in summer in the Pearl River plume waters. In the northern SCS slope/basin area, a typical seasonal cycle of relatively high pCO2 in the warm seasons and relatively low pCO2 in the cold seasons was revealed. In the central/southern SCS area, moderately high sea surface pCO2 values of 360 to 425 μatm were observed throughout the year. In the area west of the Luzon Strait, a major exchange pathway between the SCS and the Pacific Ocean, pCO2 was particularly dynamic in winter, when northeast monsoon induced upwelling events and strong outgassing of CO2. These episodic events might have dominated the annual sea–air CO2 flux in this particular area. The estimate of annual sea–air CO2 fluxes showed that most areas of the SCS proper served as weak to moderate sources of the atmospheric CO2, with sea–air CO2 flux values of 0.46 ± 0.43 mol m−2 yr−1 in the northern SCS slope/basin, 1.37 ± 0.55 mol m−2 yr−1 in the central/southern SCS, and 1.21 ± 1.48 mol m−2 yr−1 in the area west of the Luzon Strait. However, the annual sea–air CO2 exchange was nearly in equilibrium (−0.44 ± 0.65 mol m−2 yr−1) in the area off the Pearl River estuary. Overall the four domains contributed (18 ± 10) × 1012 g C yr−1 to the atmospheric CO2.
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Marrec, P., T. Cariou, E. Macé, P. Morin, L. A. Salt, M. Vernet, B. Taylor, K. Paxman und Y. Bozec. „Dynamics of air–sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the northwestern European shelf based on voluntary observing ship and satellite observations“. Biogeosciences 12, Nr. 18 (18.09.2015): 5371–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-12-5371-2015.

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Abstract. From January 2011 to December 2013, we constructed a comprehensive pCO2 data set based on voluntary observing ship (VOS) measurements in the western English Channel (WEC). We subsequently estimated surface pCO2 and air–sea CO2 fluxes in northwestern European continental shelf waters using multiple linear regressions (MLRs) from remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), wind speed (WND), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and modeled mixed layer depth (MLD). We developed specific MLRs for the seasonally stratified northern WEC (nWEC) and the permanently well-mixed southern WEC (sWEC) and calculated surface pCO2 with uncertainties of 17 and 16 μatm, respectively. We extrapolated the relationships obtained for the WEC based on the 2011–2013 data set (1) temporally over a decade and (2) spatially in the adjacent Celtic and Irish seas (CS and IS), two regions which exhibit hydrographical and biogeochemical characteristics similar to those of WEC waters. We validated these extrapolations with pCO2 data from the SOCAT and LDEO databases and obtained good agreement between modeled and observed data. On an annual scale, seasonally stratified systems acted as a sink of CO2 from the atmosphere of −0.6 ± 0.3, −0.9 ± 0.3 and −0.5 ± 0.3 mol C m−2 yr−1 in the northern Celtic Sea, southern Celtic sea and nWEC, respectively, whereas permanently well-mixed systems acted as source of CO2 to the atmosphere of 0.2 ± 0.2 and 0.3 ± 0.2 mol C m−2 yr−1 in the sWEC and IS, respectively. Air–sea CO2 fluxes showed important inter-annual variability resulting in significant differences in the intensity and/or direction of annual fluxes. We scaled the mean annual fluxes over these provinces for the last decade and obtained the first annual average uptake of −1.11 ± 0.32 Tg C yr−1 for this part of the northwestern European continental shelf. Our study showed that combining VOS data with satellite observations can be a powerful tool to estimate and extrapolate air–sea CO2 fluxes in sparsely sampled area.
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Evans, Wiley, Burke Hales, Peter G. Strutton und Debby Ianson. „Sea-air CO2 fluxes in the western Canadian coastal ocean“. Progress in Oceanography 101, Nr. 1 (August 2012): 78–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2012.01.003.

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DeGrandpre, M. D., G. J. Olbu, C. M. Beatty und T. R. Hammar. „Air–sea CO2 fluxes on the US Middle Atlantic Bight“. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49, Nr. 20 (Januar 2002): 4355–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0967-0645(02)00122-4.

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Zhai, W. D., M. H. Dai, B. S. Chen, X. H. Guo, Q. Li, S. L. Shang, C. Y. Zhang, W. J. Cai und D. X. Wang. „Seasonal variations of air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the largest tropical marginal sea (South China Sea) based on multiple-year underway measurements“. Biogeosciences Discussions 10, Nr. 4 (19.04.2013): 7031–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-7031-2013.

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Abstract. Based upon fourteen field surveys conducted between 2003 and 2008, we showed that the seasonal pattern of sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and air–sea CO2 fluxes differed among four different physical-biogeochemical domains in the South China Sea (SCS) proper. The four domains were located between 4 and 23° N and 109 and 121° E, covering ~ 38% of the surface area of the entire SCS. In the area off the Pearl River Estuary, relatively low pCO2 values of 320 to 390 μatm were observed in all four seasons and both the biological productivity and CO2 uptake were enhanced in summer in the Pearl River plume waters. In the northern SCS slope/basin area, a typical seasonal cycle of relatively high pCO2 in the warmer seasons and relatively low pCO2 in the cold seasons was revealed. In the central/southern SCS area, moderately high sea surface pCO2 values of 360 to 425 μatm were observed throughout the year. In the area west of the Luzon Strait, a major exchange pathway between the SCS and the Pacific Ocean, pCO2 was particularly dynamic in winter, when northeast monsoon induced upwelling events and strong outgassing of CO2. These episodic events might have dominated the annual air–sea CO2 flux in this particular area. The estimate of annual sea–air CO2 fluxes showed that, most areas of the SCS proper served as weak sources to the atmospheric CO2, with sea–air CO2 flux values of 0.46 ± 0.43 mol m−2 yr−1 in the northern SCS slope/basin, 1.37 ± 0.55 mol m−2 yr−1 in the central/southern SCS, and 1.21 ± 1.47 mol m−2 yr−1 in the area west of the Luzon Strait. However, the annual sea–air CO2 exchange was nearly in equilibrium (−0.44 ± 0.65 mol m−2 yr−1) in the area off the Pearl River Estuary. Overall the four domains released (18 ± 10) × 1012 g C yr−1 into the atmosphere. The CO2 release rate of the South China Sea essentially exceeded the average CO2 emission level of most tropical oceans.
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Li, Hongmei, Tatiana Ilyina, Tammas Loughran, Aaron Spring und Julia Pongratz. „Reconstructions and predictions of the global carbon budget with an emission-driven Earth system model“. Earth System Dynamics 14, Nr. 1 (01.02.2023): 101–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/esd-14-101-2023.

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Abstract. The global carbon budget (GCB) – including fluxes of CO2 between the atmosphere, land, and ocean and its atmospheric growth rate – show large interannual to decadal variations. Reconstructing and predicting the variable GCB is essential for tracing the fate of carbon and understanding the global carbon cycle in a changing climate. We use a novel approach to reconstruct and predict the variations in GCB in the next few years based on our decadal prediction system enhanced with an interactive carbon cycle. By assimilating physical atmospheric and oceanic data products into the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), we are able to reproduce the annual mean historical GCB variations from 1970–2018, with high correlations of 0.75, 0.75, and 0.97 for atmospheric CO2 growth, air–land CO2 fluxes, and air–sea CO2 fluxes, respectively, relative to the assessments from the Global Carbon Project (GCP). Such a fully coupled decadal prediction system, with an interactive carbon cycle, enables the representation of the GCB within a closed Earth system and therefore provides an additional line of evidence for the ongoing assessments of the anthropogenic GCB. Retrospective predictions initialized from the simulation in which physical atmospheric and oceanic data products are assimilated show high confidence in predicting the following year's GCB. The predictive skill is up to 5 years for the air–sea CO2 fluxes, and 2 years for the air–land CO2 fluxes and atmospheric carbon growth rate. This is the first study investigating the GCB variations and predictions with an emission-driven prediction system. Such a system also enables the reconstruction of the past and prediction of the evolution of near-future atmospheric CO2 concentration changes. The Earth system predictions in this study provide valuable inputs for understanding the global carbon cycle and informing climate-relevant policy.
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Lo Monaco, C., N. Metzl, F. D'Ovidio, J. Llort und C. Ridame. „Rapid establishment of the CO<sub>2</sub> sink associated with Kerguelen's bloom observed during the KEOPS2/OISO20 cruise“. Biogeosciences Discussions 11, Nr. 12 (17.12.2014): 17543–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-11-17543-2014.

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Abstract. Iron and light are the main factors limiting the biological pump of CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Iron fertilization experiments have demonstrated the potential for increased uptake of atmospheric CO2, but little is known about the evolution of fertilized environnements. This paper presents observations collected in one of the largest phytoplankton bloom of the Southern Ocean sustained by iron originating from the Kerguelen Plateau. We first complement previous studies by investigating the mechanisms that control air–sea CO2 fluxes over and downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau at the onset of the bloom based on measurements obtained in October–November 2011. These new observations show the rapid establishment of a strong CO2 sink in waters fertilized with iron as soon as vertical mixing is reduced. The magnitude of the CO2 sink was closely related to chlorophyll a and iron concentrations. Because iron concentration strongly depends on the distance from the iron source and the mode of delivery, we identified lateral advection as the main mechanism controlling air–sea CO2 fluxes downtream the Kerguelen Plateau during the growing season. In the southern part of the bloom, situated over the Plateau (iron source), the CO2 sink was stronger and spatially more homogeneous than in the plume offshore. However, we also witnessed a substantial reduction in the uptake of atmospheric CO2 over the Plateau following a strong winds event. Next, we used all the data available in this region in order to draw the seasonal evolution of air–sea CO2 fluxes. The CO2 sink is rapidly reduced during the course of the growing season, which we attribute to iron and silicic acid depletion. South of the Polar Front, where nutrients depletion is delayed, we suggest that the amplitude and duration of the CO2 sink is mainly controlled by vertical mixing. The impact of iron fertilization on air–sea CO2 fluxes is revealed by comparing the uptake of CO2 integrated over the productive season in the bloom, between 1 and 1.5 mol C m−2 yr−1, and in the iron-poor HNLC waters, where we found a typical value of 0.4 mol C m−2 yr−1. Extrapolating our results to the ice-free Southern Ocean (~50–60° S) suggests that iron fertilization of the whole area would increase the contemporay oceanic uptake of CO2 by less than 0.1 Pg C yr−1, i.e., less than 1% of the current anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
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Landwehr, S., S. D. Miller, M. J. Smith, E. S. Saltzman und B. Ward. „Analysis of the PKT correction for direct CO<sub>2</sub> flux measurements over the ocean“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14, Nr. 7 (04.04.2014): 3361–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-14-3361-2014.

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Abstract. Eddy covariance measurements of air–sea CO2 fluxes can be affected by cross-sensitivities of the CO2 measurement to water vapour, resulting in order-of-magnitude biases. Well-established causes for these biases are (i) cross-sensitivity of the broadband non-dispersive infrared sensors due to band-broadening and spectral overlap (commercial sensors typically correct for this) and (ii) the effect of air density fluctuations (removed by determining the dry air CO2 mixing ratio). Another bias related to water vapour fluctuations has recently been observed with open-path sensors, attributed to sea salt build-up and water films on sensor optics. Two very different approaches have been used to deal with these water vapour-related biases. Miller et al. (2010) employed a membrane drier to physically eliminate 97% of the water vapour fluctuations in the sample air before it entered a closed-path gas analyser. Prytherch et al. (2010a) employed the empirical (Peter K. Taylor, PKT) post-processing correction to correct open-path sensor data. In this paper, we test these methods side by side using data from the Surface Ocean Aerosol Production (SOAP) experiment in the Southern Ocean. The air–sea CO2 flux was directly measured with four closed-path analysers, two of which were positioned down-stream of a membrane dryer. The CO2 fluxes from the two dried gas analysers matched each other and were in general agreement with common parameterisations. The flux estimates from the un-dried sensors agreed with the dried sensors only during periods with low latent heat flux (&amp;leq;7 W m−2). When latent heat flux was higher, CO2 flux estimates from the un-dried sensors exhibited large scatter and an order-of-magnitude bias. Applying the PKT correction to the flux data from the un-dried analysers did not remove the bias when compared to the data from the dried gas analyser. The results of this study demonstrate the validity of measuring CO2 fluxes using a pre-dried air stream and show that the PKT correction is not valid for the correction of CO2 fluxes.
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Geilfus, N. X., R. J. Galley, O. Crabeck, T. Papakyriakou, J. Landy, J. L. Tison und S. Rysgaard. „Inorganic carbon dynamics of melt-pond-covered first-year sea ice in the Canadian Arctic“. Biogeosciences 12, Nr. 6 (31.03.2015): 2047–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-12-2047-2015.

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Abstract. Melt pond formation is a common feature of spring and summer Arctic sea ice, but the role and impact of sea ice melt and pond formation on both the direction and size of CO2 fluxes between air and sea is still unknown. Here we report on the CO2–carbonate chemistry of melting sea ice, melt ponds and the underlying seawater as well as CO2 fluxes at the surface of first-year landfast sea ice in the Resolute Passage, Nunavut, in June 2012. Early in the melt season, the increase in ice temperature and the subsequent decrease in bulk ice salinity promote a strong decrease of the total alkalinity (TA), total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) and partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) within the bulk sea ice and the brine. As sea ice melt progresses, melt ponds form, mainly from melted snow, leading to a low in situ melt pond pCO2 (36 μatm). The percolation of this low salinity and low pCO2 meltwater into the sea ice matrix decreased the brine salinity, TA and TCO2, and lowered the in situ brine pCO2 (to 20 μatm). This initial low in situ pCO2 observed in brine and melt ponds results in air–ice CO2 fluxes ranging between −0.04 and −5.4 mmol m−2 day−1 (negative sign for fluxes from the atmosphere into the ocean). As melt ponds strive to reach pCO2 equilibrium with the atmosphere, their in situ pCO2 increases (up to 380 μatm) with time and the percolation of this relatively high concentration pCO2 meltwater increases the in situ brine pCO2 within the sea ice matrix as the melt season progresses. As the melt pond pCO2 increases, the uptake of atmospheric CO2 becomes less significant. However, since melt ponds are continuously supplied by meltwater, their in situ pCO2 remains undersaturated with respect to the atmosphere, promoting a continuous but moderate uptake of CO2 (~ −1 mmol m−2 day−1) into the ocean. Considering the Arctic seasonal sea ice extent during the melt period (90 days), we estimate an uptake of atmospheric CO2 of −10.4 Tg of C yr−1. This represents an additional uptake of CO2 associated with Arctic sea ice that needs to be further explored and considered in the estimation of the Arctic Ocean's overall CO2 budget.
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Lauvset, S. K., M. Chierici, F. Counillon, A. Omar, G. Nondal, T. Johannessen und A. Olsen. „Annual and seasonal fCO2 and air–sea CO2 fluxes in the Barents Sea“. Journal of Marine Systems 113-114 (März 2013): 62–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.12.011.

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Lansø, Anne Sofie, Thomas Luke Smallman, Jesper Heile Christensen, Mathew Williams, Kim Pilegaard, Lise-Lotte Sørensen und Camilla Geels. „Simulating the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> concentration across the heterogeneous landscape of Denmark using a coupled atmosphere–biosphere mesoscale model system“. Biogeosciences 16, Nr. 7 (10.04.2019): 1505–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-1505-2019.

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Abstract. Although coastal regions only amount to 7 % of the global oceans, their contribution to the global oceanic air–sea CO2 exchange is proportionally larger, with fluxes in some estuaries being similar in magnitude to terrestrial surface fluxes of CO2. Across a heterogeneous surface consisting of a coastal marginal sea with estuarine properties and varied land mosaics, the surface fluxes of CO2 from both marine areas and terrestrial surfaces were investigated in this study together with their impact in atmospheric CO2 concentrations by the usage of a high-resolution modelling framework. The simulated terrestrial fluxes across the study region of Denmark experienced an east–west gradient corresponding to the distribution of the land cover classification, their biological activity and the urbanised areas. Annually, the Danish terrestrial surface had an uptake of approximately −7000 GgC yr−1. While the marine fluxes from the North Sea and the Danish inner waters were smaller annually, with about −1800 and 1300 GgC yr−1, their sizes are comparable to annual terrestrial fluxes from individual land cover classifications in the study region and hence are not negligible. The contribution of terrestrial surfaces fluxes was easily detectable in both simulated and measured concentrations of atmospheric CO2 at the only tall tower site in the study region. Although, the tower is positioned next to Roskilde Fjord, the local marine impact was not distinguishable in the simulated concentrations. But the regional impact from the Danish inner waters and the Baltic Sea increased the atmospheric concentration by up to 0.5 ppm during the winter months.
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Pipko, I. I., I. P. Semiletov, S. P. Pugach, I. Wåhlström und L. G. Anderson. „Interannual variability of air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes and carbonate system parameters in the East Siberian Sea“. Biogeosciences Discussions 8, Nr. 1 (10.02.2011): 1227–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-8-1227-2011.

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Abstract. Over the past couple of decades it has become apparent that air-land-sea interactions in the Arctic have a substantial impact on the composition of the overlying atmosphere (ACIA, 2004). The Arctic Ocean is small (only ~4% of the total World Ocean), but it is surrounded by offshore and onshore permafrost which thaws at increasing rates under warming conditions releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the water and atmosphere. This work summarizes data collected from three expeditions in the coastal-shelf zone of the East Siberian Sea (ESS) in September 2003, 2004 and late August–September 2008. It is proposed that the western part of the ESS represents a river- and coastal erosion-dominated ocean margin that is a source for atmospheric CO2. It receives substantial river discharge that also adds organic matter, both dissolved and particulate. This in combination with significant input of organic matter from coastal erosion makes this region being of dominantly heterotrophic character. The eastern part of the ESS is a Pacific water-dominated autotrophic area. It's a high-productive zone, which acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2. The year to year dynamics of partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water as well as the sea-air flux of CO2 varied substantially. In some years the ESS shelf can be mainly heterotrophic and serve as strong source of CO2 (year 2004). Another year significant part of the ESS, where gross primary production exceeds community respiration, acts as a sink for the atmospheric CO2 and the net CO2 flux into the atmosphere is weak (year 2008). High variability of carbon system parameters observed in the ESS shelf is determined by many factors such as riverine runoff, advection of waters from adjacent seas, coastal erosion, primary production/respiration etc. The dynamics of the CO2 sea-air exchange is determined by ocean processes but also by atmospheric circulation which hence has a significant impact on the CO2 sea-air exchange. In this contribution the sea-air CO2 fluxes were evaluated in the ESS based on measured carbonate system (CS) parameters data and annual sea-to-air CO2 fluxes were estimated. It was shown that the total ESS shelf is a net source of CO2 for the atmosphere at a range from 0.5×1012 to 3.3×1012 g C.
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Ishii, M., R. A. Feely, K. B. Rodgers, G. H. Park, R. Wanninkhof, D. Sasano, H. Sugimoto et al. „Air–sea CO<sub>2</sub> flux in the Pacific Ocean for the period 1990–2009“. Biogeosciences 11, Nr. 3 (06.02.2014): 709–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-11-709-2014.

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Abstract. Air–sea CO2 fluxes over the Pacific Ocean are known to be characterized by coherent large-scale structures that reflect not only ocean subduction and upwelling patterns, but also the combined effects of wind-driven gas exchange and biology. On the largest scales, a large net CO2 influx into the extratropics is associated with a robust seasonal cycle, and a large net CO2 efflux from the tropics is associated with substantial interannual variability. In this work, we have synthesized estimates of the net air–sea CO2 flux from a variety of products, drawing upon a variety of approaches in three sub-basins of the Pacific Ocean, i.e., the North Pacific extratropics (18–66° N), the tropical Pacific (18° S–18° N), and the South Pacific extratropics (44.5–18° S). These approaches include those based on the measurements of CO2 partial pressure in surface seawater (pCO2sw), inversions of ocean-interior CO2 data, forward ocean biogeochemistry models embedded in the ocean general circulation models (OBGCMs), a model with assimilation of pCO2sw data, and inversions of atmospheric CO2 measurements. Long-term means, interannual variations and mean seasonal variations of the regionally integrated fluxes were compared in each of the sub-basins over the last two decades, spanning the period from 1990 through 2009. A simple average of the long-term mean fluxes obtained with surface water pCO2 diagnostics and those obtained with ocean-interior CO2 inversions are −0.47 ± 0.13 Pg C yr−1 in the North Pacific extratropics, +0.44 ± 0.14 Pg C yr−1 in the tropical Pacific, and −0.37 ± 0.08 Pg C yr−1 in the South Pacific extratropics, where positive fluxes are into the atmosphere. This suggests that approximately half of the CO2 taken up over the North and South Pacific extratropics is released back to the atmosphere from the tropical Pacific. These estimates of the regional fluxes are also supported by the estimates from OBGCMs after adding the riverine CO2 flux, i.e., −0.49 ± 0.02 Pg C yr−1 in the North Pacific extratropics, +0.41 ± 0.05 Pg C yr−1 in the tropical Pacific, and −0.39 ± 0.11 Pg C yr−1 in the South Pacific extratropics. The estimates from the atmospheric CO2 inversions show large variations amongst different inversion systems, but their median fluxes are consistent with the estimates from climatological pCO2sw data and pCO2sw diagnostics. In the South Pacific extratropics, where CO2 variations in the surface and ocean interior are severely undersampled, the difference in the air–sea CO2 flux estimates between the diagnostic models and ocean-interior CO2 inversions is larger (0.18 Pg C yr−1). The range of estimates from forward OBGCMs is also large (−0.19 to −0.72 Pg C yr−1). Regarding interannual variability of air–sea CO2 fluxes, positive and negative anomalies are evident in the tropical Pacific during the cold and warm events of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation in the estimates from pCO2sw diagnostic models and from OBGCMs. They are consistent in phase with the Southern Oscillation Index, but the peak-to-peak amplitudes tend to be higher in OBGCMs (0.40 ± 0.09 Pg C yr−1) than in the diagnostic models (0.27 ± 0.07 Pg C yr−1).
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Burkholz, Celina, Neus Garcias-Bonet und Carlos M. Duarte. „Warming enhances carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from Red Sea seagrass (<i>Halophila stipulacea</i>) sediments“. Biogeosciences 17, Nr. 7 (03.04.2020): 1717–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-1717-2020.

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Abstract. Seagrass meadows are autotrophic ecosystems acting as carbon sinks, but they have also been shown to be sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Seagrasses can be negatively affected by increasing seawater temperatures, but the effects of warming on CO2 and CH4 fluxes in seagrass meadows have not yet been reported. Here, we examine the effect of two disturbances on air–seawater fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in Red Sea Halophila stipulacea communities compared to adjacent unvegetated sediments using cavity ring-down spectroscopy. We first characterized CO2 and CH4 fluxes in vegetated and adjacent unvegetated sediments, and then experimentally examined their response, along with that of the carbon (C) isotopic signature of CO2 and CH4, to gradual warming from 25 ∘C (winter seawater temperature) to 37 ∘C, 2 ∘C above current maximum temperature. In addition, we assessed the response to prolonged darkness, thereby providing insights into the possible role of suppressing plant photosynthesis in supporting CO2 and CH4 fluxes. We detected 6-fold-higher CO2 fluxes in vegetated compared to bare sediments, as well as 10- to 100-fold-higher CH4 fluxes. Warming led to an increase in net CO2 and CH4 fluxes, reaching average fluxes of 10 422.18 ± 2570.12 µmol CO2 m−2 d−1 and 88.11±15.19 µmol CH4 m−2 d−1, while CO2 and CH4 fluxes decreased over time in sediments maintained at 25 ∘C. Prolonged darkness led to an increase in CO2 fluxes but a decrease in CH4 fluxes in vegetated sediments. These results add to previous research identifying Red Sea seagrass meadows as a significant source of CH4, while also indicating that sublethal warming may lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases from seagrass meadows, providing a feedback mechanism that may contribute to further enhancing global warming.
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Brady, Riley X., Nicole S. Lovenduski, Michael A. Alexander, Michael Jacox und Nicolas Gruber. „On the role of climate modes in modulating the air–sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in eastern boundary upwelling systems“. Biogeosciences 16, Nr. 2 (24.01.2019): 329–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-329-2019.

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Abstract. The air–sea CO2 fluxes in eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) vary strongly in time and space, with some of the highest flux densities globally. The processes controlling this variability have not yet been investigated consistently across all four major EBUSs, i.e., the California (CalCS), Humboldt (HumCS), Canary (CanCS), and Benguela (BenCS) Current systems. In this study, we diagnose the climatic modes of the air–sea CO2 flux variability in these regions between 1920 and 2015, using simulation results from the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble (CESM-LENS), a global coupled climate model ensemble that is forced by historical and RCP8.5 radiative forcing. Differences between simulations can be attributed entirely to internal (unforced) climate variability, whose contribution can be diagnosed by subtracting the ensemble mean from each simulation. We find that in the CalCS and CanCS, the resulting anomalous CO2 fluxes are strongly affected by large-scale extratropical modes of variability, i.e., the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), respectively. The CalCS has anomalous uptake of CO2 during the positive phase of the NPGO, while the CanCS has anomalous outgassing of CO2 during the positive phase of the NAO. In contrast, the HumCS is mainly affected by El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with anomalous uptake of CO2 during an El Niño event. Variations in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and sea surface temperature (SST) are the major contributors to these anomalous CO2 fluxes and are generally driven by changes to large-scale gyre circulation, upwelling, the mixed layer depth, and biological processes. A better understanding of the sensitivity of EBUS CO2 fluxes to modes of climate variability is key in improving our ability to predict the future evolution of the atmospheric CO2 source and sink characteristics of the four EBUSs.
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Jin, Chenxi, Tianjun Zhou und Xiaolong Chen. „Can CMIP5 Earth System Models Reproduce the Interannual Variability of Air–Sea CO2 Fluxes over the Tropical Pacific Ocean?“ Journal of Climate 32, Nr. 8 (02.04.2019): 2261–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jcli-d-18-0131.1.

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Abstract Interannual variability of air–sea CO2 exchange is an important metric that represents the interaction between the carbon cycle and climate change. Although previous studies report a large bias in the CO2 flux interannual variability in many Earth system models (ESMs), the reason for this bias remains unclear. In this study, the performance of ESMs in phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) is assessed in the context of the variability of air–sea CO2 flux over the tropical Pacific related to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) using an emission-driven historical experiment. Using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, the first principal component of air–sea CO2 flux shows a significant relationship with the Niño-3.4 index in both the observation-based product and models. In the observation-based product, the spatial pattern of EOF1 shows negative anomalies in the central Pacific, which is, however, in contrast to those in several ESMs, and even opposite in sign to those in HadGEM2-ES and MPI-ESM-LR. The unrealistic response of the air–sea CO2 flux to ENSO mainly originates from the biases in the anomalous surface-water CO2 partial pressure (). A linear Taylor expansion by decomposing the anomalous into contributions from salinity, sea surface temperature, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and alkalinity is applied to diagnose the biases. The results show that decreased during El Niño results from reduced upwelling of high-concentration DIC from deeper layers that overwhelms the increasing caused by warmer sea surface temperature. Overly weak reduction of vertical motion during El Niño and weak vertical gradients of climatological DIC concentration are the main reasons for biases in the negative surface DIC anomalies and eventually the anomalies. This study highlights the importance of both physical ocean responses to El Niño and climatological distributions of carbon-related tracers in the simulation of the interannual variability of air–sea CO2 fluxes.
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Metzl, N., C. Brunet, A. Jabaud-Jan, A. Poisson und B. Schauer. „Summer and winter air–sea CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean“. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53, Nr. 9 (September 2006): 1548–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2006.07.006.

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Lenton, A., B. Tilbrook, R. Law, D. Bakker, S. C. Doney, N. Gruber, M. Hoppema et al. „Sea-air CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the period 1990–2009“. Biogeosciences Discussions 10, Nr. 1 (08.01.2013): 285–333. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-285-2013.

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Abstract. The Southern Ocean (44° S–75° S) plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle, yet remains one of the most poorly sampled ocean regions. Different approaches have been used to estimate sea-air CO2 fluxes in this region: synthesis of surface ocean observations, ocean biogeochemical models, and atmospheric and ocean inversions. As part of the RECCAP (REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes) project, we combine these different approaches to quantify and assess the magnitude and variability in Southern Ocean sea-air CO2 fluxes between 1990–2009. Using all models and inversions (26), the integrated median annual sea-air CO2 flux of −0.42 ± 0.07 Pg C yr−1 for the 44° S–75° S region is consistent with the −0.27 ± 0.13 Pg C yr−1 calculated using surface observations. The circumpolar region south of 58° S has a small net annual flux (model and inversion median: −0.04 ± 0.07 Pg C yr−1 and observations: +0.04 ± 0.02 Pg C yr−1), with most of the net annual flux located in the 44° S to 58° S circumpolar band (model and inversion median: −0.36 ± 0.09 Pg C yr−1 and observations: −0.35 ± 0.09 Pg C yr−1). Seasonally, in the 44° S–58° S region, the median of 5 ocean biogeochemical models captures the observed sea-air CO2 flux seasonal cycle, while the median of 11 atmospheric inversions shows little seasonal change in the net flux. South of 58° S, neither atmospheric inversions nor ocean biogeochemical models reproduce the phase and amplitude of the observed seasonal sea-air CO2 flux, particularly in the Austral Winter. Importantly, no individual atmospheric inversion or ocean biogeochemical model is capable of reproducing both the observed annual mean uptake and the observed seasonal cycle. This raises concerns about projecting future changes in Southern Ocean CO2 fluxes. The median interannual variability from atmospheric inversions and ocean biogeochemical models is substantial in the Southern Ocean; up to 25% of the annual mean flux with 25% of this inter-annual variability attributed to the region south of 58° S. Trends in the net CO2 flux from the inversions and models are not statistically different from the expected increase of –0.05 Pg C yr−1 decade−1 due to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, resolving long term trends is difficult due to the large interannual variability and short time frame (1990–2009) of this study.
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Shadwick, E. H., H. Thomas, A. Comeau, S. E. Craig, C. W. Hunt und J. E. Salisbury. „Satellite observations reveal high variability and a decreasing trend in CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes on the Scotian Shelf“. Biogeosciences Discussions 7, Nr. 4 (08.07.2010): 5269–304. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-7-5269-2010.

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Abstract. We develop an algorithm to compute pCO2 in the Scotian Shelf region (NW Atlantic) from satellite-based estimates of chlorophyll-a concentration, sea-surface temperature, and observed wind speed. This algorithm is based on a high-resolution time-series of pCO2 observations from an autonomous mooring. At the mooring location (44.3° N and 63.3° W), the surface waters act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere over the annual scale, with an outgassing of −1.1 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2007/2008. A hindcast of air-sea CO2 fluxes from 1999 to 2008 reveals significant variability both spatially and from year to year. Over the decade, the shelf-wide annual air-sea fluxes range from an outgassing of −1.7 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2002, to −0.02 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2006. There is a gradient in the air-sea CO2 flux between the northeastern Cabot Strait region which acts as a net sink of CO2 with an annual uptake of 0.5 to 1.0 mol C m−2 yr−1, and the southwestern Gulf of Maine region which acts as a source ranging from −0.8 to −2.5 mol C m−2 yr−1. There is a decline, or a negative trend, in the air-sea pCO2 gradient of 23 μatm over the decade, which can be explained by a cooling of 1.3 °C over the same period. Regional conditions govern spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability on the Scotian Shelf, while multi-annual trends appear linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation.
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Shadwick, E. H., H. Thomas, A. Comeau, S. E. Craig, C. W. Hunt und J. E. Salisbury. „Air-Sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes on the Scotian Shelf: seasonal to multi-annual variability“. Biogeosciences 7, Nr. 11 (26.11.2010): 3851–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-7-3851-2010.

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Abstract. We develop an algorithm to compute pCO2 in the Scotian Shelf region (NW Atlantic) from satellite-based estimates of chlorophyll-a concentration, sea-surface temperature, and observed wind speed. This algorithm is based on a high-resolution time-series of pCO2 observations from an autonomous mooring. At the mooring location (44.3° N and 63.3° W), the surface waters act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere over the annual scale, with an outgassing of −1.1 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2007/2008. A hindcast of air-sea CO2 fluxes from 1999 to 2008 reveals significant variability both spatially and from year to year. Over the decade, the shelf-wide annual air-sea fluxes range from an outgassing of −1.70 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2002, to −0.02 mol C m−2 yr−1 in 2006. There is a gradient in the air-sea CO2 flux between the northeastern Cabot Strait region which acts as a net sink of CO2 with an annual uptake of 0.50 to 1.00 mol C m−2 yr−1, and the southwestern Gulf of Maine region which acts as a source ranging from −0.80 to −2.50 mol C m−2 yr−1. There is a decline, or a negative trend, in the air-sea pCO2 gradient of 23 μatm over the decade, which can be explained by a cooling of 1.3 °C over the same period. Regional conditions govern spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability on the Scotian Shelf, while multi-annual trends appear to be influenced by larger scale processes.
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Ishii, M., R. A. Feely, K. B. Rodgers, G. H. Park, R. Wanninkhof, D. Sasano, H. Sugimoto et al. „Air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> flux in the Pacific Ocean for the period 1990–2009“. Biogeosciences Discussions 10, Nr. 7 (19.07.2013): 12155–216. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-10-12155-2013.

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Abstract. Air-sea CO2 fluxes over the Pacific Ocean are known to be characterized by coherent large-scale structures that reflect not only ocean subduction and upwelling patterns, but also the combined effects of wind-driven gas exchange and biology. On the largest scales, a large net CO2 influx into the extra-tropics is associated with a robust seasonal cycle, and a large net CO2 efflux from the tropics is associated with substantial inter-annual variability. In this work, we have synthesized estimates of the net air-sea CO2 flux from a variety of products drawing upon a variety of approaches in three sub-basins of the Pacific Ocean, i.e., the North Pacific extra-tropics (18° N–66° N), the tropical Pacific (18° S–18° N), and the South Pacific extra-tropics (44.5° S–18° S). These approaches include those based on the measurements of CO2 partial pressure in surface seawater (pCO2sw), inversions of ocean interior CO2 data, forward ocean biogeochemistry models embedded in the ocean general circulation models (OBGCMs), a model with assimilation of pCO2sw data, and inversions of atmospheric CO2 measurements. Long-term means, inter-annual variations and mean seasonal variations of the regionally-integrated fluxes were compared in each of the sub-basins over the last two decades, spanning the period from 1990 through 2009. A simple average of the long-term mean fluxes obtained with surface water pCO2 diagnostics and those obtained with ocean interior CO2 inversions are –0.47 ± 0.13 Pg C yr–1 in the North Pacific extra-tropics, +0.44 ± 0.14 Pg C yr–1 in the tropical Pacific, and –0.37 ± 0.08 Pg C yr–1 in the South Pacific extra-tropics, where positive fluxes are into the atmosphere. This suggests that approximately half of the CO2 taken up over the North and South Pacific extra-tropics is released back to the atmosphere from the tropical Pacific. These estimates of the regional fluxes are also supported by the estimates from OBGCMs after adding the riverine CO2 flux, i.e., –0.49 ± 0.02 Pg C yr–1 in the North Pacific extra-tropics, +0.41 ± 0.05 Pg C yr–1 in the tropical Pacific, and –0.39 ± 0.11 Pg C yr–1 in the South Pacific extra-tropics. The estimates from the atmospheric CO2 inversions show large variations amongst different inversion systems, but their median fluxes are consistent with the estimates from climatological pCO2sw data and pCO2sw diagnostics. In the South Pacific extra-tropics, where CO2 variations in the surface and ocean interior are severely under-sampled, the difference in the air-sea CO2 flux estimates between the diagnostic models and ocean interior CO2 inversions is larger (0.18 Pg C yr–1). The range of estimates from forward OBGCMs is also large (−0.19 to −0.72 Pg C yr–1). Regarding inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes, positive and negative anomalies are evident in the tropical Pacific during the cold and warm events of the El Niño Southern Oscillation in the estimates from pCO2sw diagnostic models and from OBGCMs. They are consistent in phase with the Southern Oscillation Index, but the peak-to-peak amplitudes tend to be higher in OBGCMs (0.40 ± 0.09 Pg C yr–1) than in the diagnostic models (0.27 ± 0.07 Pg C yr–1).
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Marrec, P., T. Cariou, E. Macé, P. Morin, L. A. Salt, M. Vernet, B. Taylor, K. Paxman und Y. Bozec. „Dynamics of air–sea CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes in the North-West European Shelf based on Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) and satellite observations“. Biogeosciences Discussions 12, Nr. 7 (14.04.2015): 5641–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-12-5641-2015.

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Abstract. From January 2011 to December 2013, we constructed a comprehensive pCO2 dataset based on voluntary observing ship (VOS) measurements in the Western English Channel (WEC). We subsequently estimated surface pCO2 and air–sea CO2 fluxes in north-west European continental shelf waters using multiple linear regressions (MLRs) from remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), the gas transfer velocity coefficient (K), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and modeled mixed layer depth (MLD). We developed specific MLRs for the seasonally stratified northern WEC (nWEC) and the permanently well-mixed southern WEC (sWEC) and calculated surface pCO2 with relative uncertainties of 17 and 16 μatm, respectively. We extrapolated the relationships obtained for the WEC based on the 2011–2013 dataset (1) temporally over a decade and (2) spatially in the adjacent Celtic and Irish Seas (CS and IS), two regions which exhibit hydrographical and biogeochemical characteristics similar to those of WEC waters. We validated these extrapolations with pCO2 data from the SOCAT database and obtained relatively robust results with an average precision of 4 ± 22 μatm in the seasonally stratified nWEC and the southern and northern CS (sCS and nCS), but less promising results in the permanently well-mixed sWEC, IS and Cap Lizard (CL) waters. On an annual scale, seasonally stratified systems acted as a sink of CO2 from the atmosphere of −0.4, −0.9 and −0.4 mol C m−2 year−1 in the nCS, sCS and nWEC, respectively, whereas, permanently well-mixed systems acted as source of CO2 to the atmosphere of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.4 mol C m−2 year−1 in the sWEC, CL and IS, respectively. Air–sea CO2 fluxes showed important inter-annual variability resulting in significant differences in the intensity and/or direction of annual fluxes. We scaled the mean annual fluxes over six provinces for the last decade and obtained the first annual average uptake of −0.95 Tg C year−1 for this part of the north-western European continental shelf. Our study showed that combining VOS data with satellite observations can be a powerful tool to estimate and extrapolate air–sea CO2 fluxes in sparsely sampled area.
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Walden, Jari, Liisa Pirjola, Tuomas Laurila, Juha Hatakka, Heidi Pettersson, Tuomas Walden, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen et al. „Measurement report: Characterization of uncertainties in fluxes and fuel sulfur content from ship emissions in the Baltic Sea“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21, Nr. 24 (15.12.2021): 18175–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-18175-2021.

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Abstract. Fluxes of gaseous compounds and nanoparticles were studied using micrometeorological methods at Harmaja in the Baltic Sea. The measurement site was situated beside the ship route to and from the city of Helsinki. The gradient (GR) method was used to measure fluxes of SO2, NO, NO2, O3, CO2, and Ntot (the number concentration of nanoparticles). In addition, the flux of CO2 was also measured using the eddy-covariance (EC) method. Distortion of the flow field caused by obstacles around the measurement mast was studied by applying a computation fluid dynamic (CFD) model. This was used to establish the corresponding heights in the undisturbed stream. The wind speed and the turbulent parameters at each of the established heights were then recalculated for the gradient model. The effect of waves on the boundary layer was taken into consideration, as the Monin–Obukhov theory used to calculate the fluxes is not valid in the presence of swell. Uncertainty budgets for the measurement systems were constructed to judge the reliability of the results. No clear fluxes across the air–sea nor the sea–air interface were observed for SO2, NO, NO2, NOx (= NO + NO2), O3, or CO2 using the GR method. A negative flux was observed for Ntot, with a median value of -0.23×109 m−2 s−1 and an uncertainty range of 31 %–41 %. For CO2, while both positive and negative fluxes were observed, the median value was −0.081 µmol m−2 s−1 with an uncertainty range of 30 %–60 % for the EC methods. Ship emissions were responsible for the deposition of Ntot, while they had a minor effect on CO2 deposition. The fuel sulfur content (FSC) of the marine fuel used in ships passing the site was determined from the observed ratio of the SO2 and CO2 concentrations. A typical value of 0.40±0.06 % was obtained for the FSC, which is in compliance with the contemporary FSC limit value of 1 % in the Baltic Sea area at the time of measurements. The method to estimate the uncertainty in the FSC was found to be accurate enough for use with the latest regulations, 0.1 % (Baltic Sea area) and 0.5 % (global oceans).
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Butterworth, Brian J., und Scott D. Miller. „Automated Underway Eddy Covariance System for Air–Sea Momentum, Heat, and CO2 Fluxes in the Southern Ocean“. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33, Nr. 4 (April 2016): 635–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jtech-d-15-0156.1.

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AbstractA ruggedized closed-path eddy covariance (EC) system was designed for unattended direct measurements of air–sea momentum, heat, and CO2 flux, and was deployed on the Research Vessel Icebreaker (RV/IB) Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP), an Antarctic research and supply vessel. The system operated for nine cruises during 18 months from January 2013 to June 2014 in the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctica, sampling a wide variety of wind, wave, biological productivity, and ice conditions. The methods are described and the results are shown for two cruises chosen for their latitudinal range, inclusion of both open water and sea ice cover, and relatively large air–water CO2 concentration differences (ΔpCO2). Ship flow distortion was addressed by comparing mean winds, fluxes, and cospectra from an array of 3D anemometers at the NBP bow, comparing measured fluxes with bulk formulas, and implementing and evaluating several recently published data processing techniques. Quality-controlled momentum, heat, and CO2 flux data were obtained for 25% of the periods when NBP was at sea, with most (86%) of the rejected periods due to wind directions relative to the ship >±30° from the bow. In contrast to previous studies, no bias was apparent in measured CO2 fluxes for low |ΔpCO2|. The relationship between momentum flux and wind speed showed a clear dependence on the degree of sea ice cover, a result facilitated by the geographical coverage possible with a ship-based approach. These results indicate that ship-based unattended EC in high latitudes is feasible, and recommendations for deployments of underway systems in such environments are provided.
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Murata, A., K. Shimada, S. Nishino und M. Itoh. „Distributions of surface water CO<sub>2</sub> and air-sea flux of CO<sub>2</sub> in coastal regions of the Canadian Beaufort Sea in late summer“. Biogeosciences Discussions 5, Nr. 6 (18.12.2008): 5093–132. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bgd-5-5093-2008.

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Abstract. To quantify the air-sea flux of CO2 in a high-latitude coastal region, we conducted shipboard observations of atmospheric and surface water partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) and total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea (150° W–127° W; 69° N–73° N) in late summer 2000 and 2002. Surface water pCO2 was lower than atmospheric pCO2 (2000, 361.0 μatm; 2002, 364.7 μatm), and ranged from 250 to 344 μatm. Accordingly, ΔpCO2, which is the driving force of the air-sea exchange of CO2 and is calculated from differences in pCO2 between the sea surface and the overlying air, was generally negative (potential sink for atmospheric CO2), although positive ΔpCO2 values (source) were also found locally. Distributions of surface water pCO2, as well as those of ΔpCO2 and CO2 flux, were controlled mainly by water mixing related to river discharge. The air-sea fluxes of CO2 were −15.0 and −16.8 mmol m−2 d−1 on average in 2000 and 2002, respectively, implying that the area acted as a moderate sink for atmospheric CO2. The air-to-sea net CO2 flux in an extended area of the western Arctic Ocean (411 000 km2) during the ice-free season (=100 days) was calculated as 10.2±7.7 mmol m−2 d−1, equivalent to a regional CO2 sink of 5.0±3.8 Tg C. The estimated buffer factor was 1.5, indicating that the area is a high-capacity CO2 sink. These CO2 flux estimates will need to be revised because they probably include a bias due to the vertical gradients of physical and chemical properties characteristic in the region, which have not yet been adequately considered.
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