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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Chisels"


Novendra, Alan, Refdinal Refdinal und Sai Kham Le. „Hardness Analysis of Stone Breaker Chisel Made of Medium Carbon Steel as a Result of Hardening Using Water Cooling Media“. Teknomekanik 3, Nr. 1 (25.05.2020): 22–27.

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Stone chisels produced by blacksmiths which are made using leaf spring steel are often too brittle or fragile so that when they are used, they often occur in the form of cracks and breaks. This study aims to determine the appropriate hardness level for stone chisels. The process is carried out by comparing the hardness level of stone chisels that have been used but still in good condition and those that have been damaged. Broken stone chisels have a high adequate hardness compared to good stone chisels so that damaged stone chisels can be reconditioned to get the right rock chisel hardness. Heat treatment is given to damaged stone chisels to improve the hardness level by normalizing the process to restore the initial mechanical properties of the steel and increasing the hardness of the chisel by heating the steel and then quenching it using water cooling media. Based on the experimental process carried out that the hardness level of a good stone chisel is between 228 HB to 320 HB by heating the duan spring steel to a temperature of 780ºC with a hold time of 10 minutes then cooling it quickly using water and stone chisels can break when it is used because it has a very high hardness.
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Niece, S. La. „Depletion gilding from Third Millennium BC Ur“. Iraq 57 (1995): 41–47.

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Three chisels (Fig. 1), excavated by Woolley (1934) in the 1920s from an Early Dynastic III grave at Ur, and now in the British Museum, were believed to be made of solid gold. Recently, however, it was noticed that the gold surface was blistering in places, revealing coppery coloured metal beneath, suggesting that they were gilded.The chisels were from a very rich grave (PG 800), known as “the Queen's Grave”. It is attributed to Queen Pu-abi (in the original excavation report her name was mistakenly transcribed as Shub-ad) and dated to c. 2600 BC. Five chisels U. 10429–33 were found with a gold saw behind a large steatite bowl which contained various copper tools. Part of the material from this grave is now in the British Museum. Other items are in the University Museum, Philadelphia, including two of the gold chisels and the gold saw, and in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad. The purpose of these gold tools has never been fully explained; presumably they were symbolic rather than functional. The two small chisels in the British Museum appear to have had handles and the excavation report lists rings of gold binding (U. 10443) as “probably belonging to their [the gold tools] handles” (Woolley 1934, p. 81). Bitumen and wood handles were found on copper chisels from Ur. The larger chisel is burnished all over and appears not to have been hafted. A small chisel (U.9130) and spearhead (U.9122) from another grave (PG 580) were also examined (Figs. 2 and 4). The tools are here referred to by their Ur excavation numbers, as in Woolley's report. The British Museum Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities registration numbers are given in the concordance below.
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Cove, P. „Couplands' chisels“. British Dental Journal 206, Nr. 2 (Januar 2009): 57.

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Sahni, V. „No chisels“. British Dental Journal 229, Nr. 1 (Juli 2020): 4.

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Mustafayev, O., und S. Turdiev. „DYNAMIC IMPACT OF INCISORS WITH CUTTING AND CHIPPING TOOLS“. National Association of Scientists 3, Nr. 32(59) (12.10.2020): 24–27.

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The paper studies the influence of the parameters of the dynamic impact of incisors. In the process of cutting (cutting-chipping) rocks with PDC-type chisels, the methods of setting the angle of the cutters on the chisel are considered and the optimal variant of the angle of the teeth on the bit blade is established.
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Radek, Pražan, Hůla Josef, Kovaříček Pavel, Čedík Jakub, Gerndtová Ilona und Vlášková Marcela. „Functional properties of blade tiller working tools“. Research in Agricultural Engineering 64, No. 2 (28.06.2018): 63–69.

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After the harvest of winter wheat, the tensile force, cross section of loosened soil and specific resistance of soil were measured on a loamy soil plot. During the comparative measurements, 3 blades were used with chisel width of 20 mm, 40 mm and 75 mm. In case of all blades, the measurements were carried out at the depth of 100, 200 and 300 mm. In the course of measurements, the standards of blades were attached in a measuring frame on six-component hinge with connected tensometric sensor. The selected blades were developed for a new type of tiller destined for primary cultivation of soil. Moreover, in case of a blade equipped by chisel there were used side wings of a width of 110, 150 and 200 mm for tillage into a depth of 100 mm. It was found that the width of blade chisels did not have a statistically significant effect on the values of specific resistance of soil during the soil tillage. At all widths of blade chisels, a trend of an increase in specific resistance of soil was recorded at growing recess into the soil.
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Reynolds Chávez, M. A., A. Capetillo Burela, M. Cadena Zapata, J. A. López López und R. Zetina Lezama. „Vertical Tillage Technology for Primary Soil Preparation“. Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development 9 (11.03.2022): 10–19.

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In the last decade in Mexico and other developing countries, soil preparation is the agricultural activity that represents the highest costs per unit of production, due to factors such as lack of appropriate equipment, excessive tillage, high consumption of fossil fuel, lack of knowledge and training for the adequate soil management, among others. The purpose of this research was to develop a vertical tillage technology that allows primary soil preparation without investment and reduces fuel consumption and effective operating time, improves labor quality and conserves soil and water resources. For this, a chisel plow prototype was developed based on four vertical tillage parameters: (1. Working depth 2. Number of bodies 3. Spacing between chisels 4. Use of wings or sweepers). These parameters determined the criteria and dimensions of the prototype for its development in design parameters such as spacing, position, angle of attack and depth of work. The performance evaluation of the prototype was compared with the disc plow; an implement that served as a witness as it was the most widely used technology. The standardized test method was used by the National Center for Standardization of Agricultural Machinery "CENEMA". The results obtained show a prototype plow with five chisels mounted on a double platform frame. The front platform is used for the coupling of three shallow chisels and the rear one, for the coupling of two deep chisels with wings. The implement adjusts for two working depths 0.30 and 0.40 meters and two working widths 1.80 m and 2.40 m respectively. The performance evaluation showed that vertical tillage with the chisel plow prototype in its two treatments showed an average saving of more than 45% in the fuel consumption variable and 53% in the effective working time compared to conventional tillage used with a disc plow. In terms of quality of work, vertical tillage shows high performance in soil disturbance, exceeding up to 65% of the work done by conventional tillage. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed technology should be used as technological innovation and replace the conventional disk plow technology, given its technological, economic and environmental advantages.
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The energy shares occurring in the chiselling process were investigated in order to increase the productivity of the manual destruction of concrete. Apart from the influences of notch energy and cleaving energy, the energy loss due to friction forces was considered. As a result two new chisel forms were developed as a combination of sharp cutting edge and steep wedge. The effectiveness of these chisels was tested under experimental conditions as well as under reality conditions. It was found that the application of lateral tips at the chisel leads to an improved processing performance.
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Hansen, Ole Thirup Kastholm, und Erik Sandquist. „Med mejsel eller pikhammer – Hvorledes blev runer ristet?“ Kuml 53, Nr. 53 (24.10.2004): 181–96.

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With Chisel or Pick HammerHow were Runes carved? In 1980, Vitus Nielsen and Erik Moltke published the essay “Pikhammeren – kan man også skrive med den?« (The Pick Hammer – can it be used for writing as well?). Nielsen summed up the historical background of the pick hammer, while Moltke postulated that in the Viking Age this tool was used for carving runes and ornaments on rune stones (Fig. 1). This essay postulates the opposite: that runes were carved with a chisel and a hammer/mallet. Moltke’s hypothesis has been briefly questioned before, but has not been thoroughly discussed. This essay is primarily based on the professional experience gathered by Erik Sandquist, the stonemason, from the carving of modern rune stones.Moltke’s most important argument is the existence of small conical marks made by a pointed tool in a number of rune grooves. This phenomenon can be observed on e.g. rune stone no. 5 from Århus (c.1000 AD) and the Swedish rune stones from Himmelstadlund in Östergötland (400-550 AD) (Fig. 2).Erik Sandquist has been carving rune stones since 1995. His stone no. 44 was erected in the summer of 2004 next to the museum in Jelling (Figs. 3-4). From this work, Sandquist has gained exhaustive experience using a broad chisel and a pick chisel in combination with a hammer or mallet, whereas most modern stonemasons prefer to use pneumatic tools and sandblasting. It is important to note that Sandquist does not consider his work to be experimental archaeology; his results are not systematically documented. Nevertheless, this craftsman’s experience might provide the basis for a few conclusions that would contribute to the archaeological discussion. Sandquist uses the following method for carving a rune stone: when an appropriate stone has been selected and transported to its future location, he sketches a design of runes and ornaments directly onto the stone surface, first using a soaked cloth (so that possible mistakes will easily disappear), then coal (which can be erased easily), and finally, for the ultimate design, chalk. Then he carves the lines using a chisel and a hammer or mallet. The grooves are often painted with a mixture of buttermilk, pigment (e.g. iron oxide), and powdered ammonia. Ideally, the stone should be carved and painted while resting in a horizontal position and not erected until completed. To prevent future confusion among archaeologists and philologists, Sandquist’s rune stones are recorded by the National Museum.Erik Moltke postulated that a pick hammer was more convenient than a chisel for carving runes and ornaments. He argued that if the rune carver was using a chisel and a hammer, his hand would be covering the area he was working on, whereas a pick hammer would allow him to see the work in progress at any time. However, the fact is that a pick hammer is far less precise when it comes to carving lines than the chisel and hammer: by holding the chisel near the stone surface, the rune carver can easily work precisely and furthermore adjust the power of the strokes. The pick hammer, on the other hand, is chisel and hammer all in one, and the direct percussion technique that it requires forces the stone mason to keep a distance from the stone surface, which causes imprecision as to percussion power and direction. The pick hammer is far more suitable for work on large surfaces, e.g. on ashlars, where the power of the hammer stroke is more important than precision.Just one pick hammer is known from Viking Age Scandinavia. It was found in the ring fortress of Trelleborg (Fig. 5). In addition, a pick hammer of uncertain date is known from Lund in Sweden (Fig. 6). In a European perspective, the Romans used this tool around the beginning of the Christian era. Several pick hammers are known, for instance, from the quarries in Felzberg near Odenwald, south of Mainz. In medieval art, pick hammers are often depicted as a tool for cutting ashlars (Figs. 7-8), and they were used until the Second World War.A number of chisels are known from Viking Age Scandinavia (Fig. 9), but the shape of the individual chisels does not reveal whether it was made for iron or stone working. However, the chisels may have a different degree of hardness, since ideally a chisel for stone carving would be less hard than one designed for iron working. The reason is that if the steel in the stonemason’s chisel is too hard, the chisel will crack easily, and if on the other hand the steel is too soft, the chisel will need sharpening too often. This is why modern standard chisels are very poor for rune carving. Oxidation and recycling has probably been the fate of many prehistoric chisels. Wooden mallets, which may have been used for stone carving, are known from Viking Age Sigtuna. In pictures from the Middle Ages, chisels and mallets are depicted as tools for carving inscriptions (Fig. 10).The weathering of the rune stones has made it very difficult to find traces from the rune carvers’ tools. Still, faint chisel marks can be observed on a few Swedish rune stones and on the large Jelling stone (Fig. 11). Erik Moltke interpreted small conical depressions which he observed in a number of rune grooves as marks from a pick hammer. The same phenomenon can be observed on the Vester Tørslev stone (Fig. 12). However, these marks only prove that a pointed tool was used – and that may well have been a pointed chisel.Ole Thirup Kastholm HansenInstitut for Arkæologi og EtnologiKøbenhavns UniversitetErik SandquistFøvling
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Mensink, Gertjan, und J. P. Richard van Merkesteyn. „No chisels in BSSO?“ Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 41, Nr. 3 (April 2013): 188–89.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Chisels"


Зубко, В. М. „Позначення різців із механічним кріпленням багатогранних непереточуваних пластин“. Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013.

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Позначення відбувається згідно ГОСТ 26476-85, який відповідає стандарту ISO 5608-80. Але ці стандарти мають певні неточності та неузгодженості. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
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Криворучко, Дмитро Володимирович, Дмитрий Владимирович Криворучко, Dmytro Volodymyrovych Kryvoruchko und А. В. Кузьменко. „Повышение производительности обработки канавок за счет применения резцов со сменными неперетачиваемыми пластинами СНП“. Thesis, Издательство СумГУ, 2008.

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Криворучко, Дмитро Володимирович, Дмитрий Владимирович Криворучко, Dmytro Volodymyrovych Kryvoruchko und Я. Ю. Николаев. „Повышение эффективности применения резьбонарезных резцов со сменными неперетачиваемыми пластинами“. Thesis, Издательство СумГУ, 2008.

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Månsson, Rosana. „La risa en los Chistes de Facebook“. Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Spanska, 2013.

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People tell jokes in order to amuse and produce laughter. It is possible to represent laughter in the cyberspace discourse by writing how it sounds or by using a representation of a facial expression formed by various combinations of keyboard characters called emoticon. Jokes are appreciated by both men and women in our society but is there any difference between the way they represent laughter in the cyberspace discourse? In this research, we use the qualitative and quantitative method. First, we analyze the mechanism of linguistic construction of five jokes and their types and techniques based on Freud’s theory about this subject. Then we present the reactions produced by the jokes found in a social network and focus in the written representation of the laughter. The results show us that more women than men react to the jokes by writing a comment. The most popular laughter used by both men and women in a Spanish social network is "jajajaja" and the emoticon "XD". We have also found that people use the international laughter "hahahaha" and more women than men use "jejeje" to represent laughter in the same network. Although each individual has a laughter style, the way people represent the laughter graphically in the cyberspace discourse is almost the same between men and women but it differs in the way they use them as a reaction to the type and technique of the joke.
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As tecnologias digitais de fabricação por adição ou subtração têm em si um potencial ainda inexplorado pela indústria joalheira. Por isso, essa dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar as vantagens técnicas e comerciais que podem incentivar a transformação no seu uso pela indústria de joias, inclusive apontando exemplos de iniciativas internacionais e nacionais, estas últimas centradas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, assinalando assim as razões de seus sucessos e falhas. Através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica se busca determinar as bases históricas e especificações técnicas dos principais processos de produção tradicionais (técnicas manuais tais como o repuxo, a cinzelagem, a modelagem e fundição por cera perdida, entre outras) e digitais (impressão 3D, escaneamento 3D e modelagem digital), para, nesse contexto, seguir-se à experimentação com as tecnologias mais novas, como forma de se buscar a comprovação da existência do potencial técnico e comercial destas tecnologias para o setor joalheiro fluminense que justifiquem essa inovação.
The digital manufacturing technologies by addition or subtraction of material holds an unexplored potential for the jewellery industry. Therefore, this dissertation aims to assess the technical and commercial advantages that can encourage the transformation of its use by the jewellery industry, pointing out examples of international and national enterprises, the latest centered in the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro, thus signalizing the reasons of their successes and failures. Through a literature research this work pursuits the historical foundations and the technical specifications of the traditional manual techniques (such as repoussé, chasing, lost wax casting, among others) and digital manufacturing processes (3D printing, 3D scanning and 3D modelling), for, in this context, experimenting with the newest technologies, as a way to seek evidence of its technical and commercial potential for the jewellery industry in Rio de Janeiro that justifies the innovation.
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Skirrow, Roger G. (Roger George) Carleton University Dissertation Geology. „Silicification in a semiconformable alteration zone below the Chisel Lake massive sulphide deposit, Manitoba“. Ottawa, 1987.

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O'Dwyer, Maeve Anne. „From Batoni's brush to Canova's chisel : painted and sculpted portraiture at Rome, 1740-1830“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2017.

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This thesis examines the city of Rome as a primary context of British sociability and portrait identity during the period from 1740 to 1830. Part I considers the work of the portrait painter Pompeo Batoni. It examines the pictorial record of grand tourist sociability at Rome in the 1750s, questioning the complex articulation of nationality among British visitors, and the introduction of overt references to antiquity in the portraiture of Pompeo Batoni. It subsequently interrogates Batoni's use of the partially nude Vatican Ariadne sculpture in five portraits of male grand tourists, dating from Charles John Crowle in 1762, to Thomas William Coke in 1774. Part II of this thesis considers the realities of viewing the sculpted body at Rome, recreating the studios of sculptors Christopher Hewetson and Antonio Canova. It postis the studio space as a locus of sociability for British visitors to Rome, drawing on the feminine gaze in the form of the early nineteenth-century writings of Charlotte Eaton and Lady Murray. The final chapter moves from the focus on British sitters to examine sculpture by Antonio Canova, framing it within a wider discourse of masculinity and propriety. Thte reception of Canova's nude portrait sculpture of Napoleon Bonaparte and Pauline Borghese is considered as indicative of cultural anxieties stemming from new conceptions of gender.
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Piliackas, Júnior Afonso Mário. „A trova e suas relações com o chiste“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2004.

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A presente pesquisa busca estudar as relações entre o construto psicanalítico estádio do espelho e o aparecimento do Transtorno Específico da Função Motora em crianças. O trabalho parte do desenvolvimento motor, tal qual é classicamente concebido pela biologia, passando pela concepção de desenvolvimento dada pela psicomotricidade até o entendimento de uma metapsicopatologia do desenvolvimento. Também são trabalhados conceitos como Corpo, Esquema Corporal, Imagem Corporal, além do conceito de estádio do espelho. A pesquisa está baseada na tratamento psicanalítico de uma criança portadora de Transtorno Específico da Função Motora, servindo de base à construção metapsicológica de caso, que é a forma de apresentação dos achados de uma pesquisa psicanalítica.
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Fernandes, Sergio Augusto Franco. „Uma noção de verdade a partir da analise dos chistes conceituais“. [s.n.], 2002.

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Orientador : Luiz Roberto Monzani
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T05:55:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernandes_SergioAugustoFranco_M.pdf: 7075954 bytes, checksum: 5f2371514172b65482d7550604a985f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002
Resumo: Ao abordar algumas teorias sobre o riso e o cômico, relaciono-as com idéias treudianas acerca dos chistes. Aproximo a sofistica do chiste, além de marcar e ressaltar a diferença para com o cômico, através da análise dos "sofisticados" chistes "conceituais". A análise de tais chiste nos aponta para a existência de uma suposta verdade - verdade do sujeito -, que surge através do erro, do equívoco, da falha do raciocínio, do absurdo
Abstract: Approaching some theories about laughter and comic, I related them to the treudian ideas about Witz. I approximate sophistic to Witz, besides spotting and standing out the difference trom the comic, through the analisys of "sophisticated" "conceptual" Witz. The analisys of such Witz suggests the existence of a supposed truth - truth of the subject - that comes out trom the error, trom equivocity, from the fail of thinking, from absurdity
Mestre em Filosofia
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Backes, Clarice [UNESP]. „Aplicação e efeito residual do lodo de esgoto em sistemas de produção de tapetes de grama esmeralda“. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-03-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:04:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 backes_c_dr_botfca.pdf: 1024890 bytes, checksum: 91a05475df40d34d77d94079924ecc73 (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A disposição final de lodo de esgoto no solo representa não somente um sistema apropriado, mas também a oportunidade para o manejo dos mesmos com o mínimo de efeito sobre o ambiente podendo gerar benefícios químicos e físicos ao solo. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar doses de lodo de esgoto e o efeito residual na produção e qualidade de tapetes de grama esmeralda bem como as alterações químicas desse solo. Os experimentos foram instalados e conduzidos em uma propriedade de grama, localizada na cidade de Itapetininga - SP. A cultura utilizada foi a grama Zoysia japonica Steud. conhecida como grama esmeralda. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, sendo as parcelas principais constituídas por dois sistemas de manejo (com e sem o uso de um escarificador superficial “estrelinha”, utilizado para romper uma camada superficial compactada). e as subparcelas de cinco doses de lodo (0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 Mg ha-1, base seca), mais um tratamento com adubação química, de acordo com as necessidades da cultura. Utilizou-se o lodo da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Jundiaí. As doses de lodo aplicadas correspondem às doses de 100, 200, 300 e 400 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio. Após a colheita dos tapetes, avaliou-se o efeito residual das doses de lodo e dos sistemas de manejo utilizados. Pode-se concluir que aos 165 dias após a aplicação do lodo de esgoto, a dose de 31 Mg ha-1 permitiu a formação completa do tapete de grama (100% da taxa de cobertura do solo). O mesmo resultado foi encontrado quando utilizou-se a adubação química. A testemunha e as parcelas que receberam 10 Mg ha-1 de lodo não formaram tapete. Verificou-se redução na massa dos tapetes de grama com o aumento das doses de lodo aplicadas. Com a utilização do escarificador...
The final disposal of municipal waste in the ground is not only an appropriate system, but also the opportunity for management of those with the least possible effect on the environment and can generate chemical and physical benefits to the soil. The present study aimed to evaluate the sewage sludge doses and its residual effects in the zoysiagrass sod production system and also the chemical changes in the soil. The experiment was carried out in a grass grower property, located in the city of Itapetininga-SP. The turfgrass used was Zoysia japonica Steud. known as esmeralda. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks with split plot design, with four replications, the main plots consisting of two management systems (with and without chisel use, to break a compacted surface layer) and subplots consisting of five doses of sludge (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 Mg ha-1, a dry basis), another treatment with chemical fertilization, according to the requirement of the culture. The sludge used came from “Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Jundiaí”. The doses of sludge applied correspond to the doses of 100, 200, 300 and 400 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. After sod harvesting it was evaluated the residual effect of the sludge doses and evaluated the management system used. It can be concluded that 165 days after application of sewage sludge the dose of 31 Mg ha-1 allowed the complete closing of the zoysiagrass sod (100% of soil cover rate). The same results were found when used chemical fertilization. The control and the plots that received 10 Mg ha-1 of sludge did not formed sod. There was a reduction in weight of zoysiagrass sod with increasing doses of sludge applied. With the use of surface chisel, there was a decrease in the strength of zoysiagrass sod. There were residual effect of sludge application and also of chemical fertilization in...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Bücher zum Thema "Chisels"


Kalaitzakēs, Manolēs. Ergaleia xyloglyptikēs: Proviomēchanika skeparnia kai smilaria. Athēna: Trochalia, 2001.

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Huisken, Jesse. The Chisels : an account of segmented literacy. Toronto: The Expert Press, 1999.

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Effner, Jim. Chisels on a wheel: A comprehensive reference to modern woodworking tools and materials. Ann Arbor, MI: Prakken Publications, 1992.

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Ni chistes, ni chismes: Cuentos. Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2008.

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Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Chisel Plow. S.l: s.n, 1987.

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Borevich, Z. I. Teorii͡a︡ chisel. 3. Aufl. Moskva: Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry, 1985.

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Affairs, Canada Department of Indian and Northern. Chisel and brush. Ottawa: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 1985.

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Soĭkin, Igorʹ Valentovich *. Dnevnik bez chisel: stikhi. Moskva: Voenizdat, 1989.

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Chisel of remembrance: Poems. Simbsury, Conn: Antrim House, 2009.

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The chisel-tooth tribe. Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2012.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Chisels"


Lai, Karyn L. „Models of Knowledge in the Zhuangzi: Knowing with Chisels and Sticks“. In Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy, 319–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Ortega-Iturriaga, Adrián, und Tzitzi Sharhí Delgado. „Asymmetric Territories: Power as a Bag of Chisels Shaping Rural Mexico“. In The Latin American Studies Book Series, 107–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Collie, Michael. „The Hours of the Chisel“. In Huxley at Work, 35–68. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.

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Riesco, Adrián, Irina Măriuca Asăvoae und Mihail Asăvoae. „Slicing from Formal Semantics: Chisel“. In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 374–78. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.

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Asăvoae, Irina Măriuca, Mihail Asăvoae und Adrián Riesco. „Context-Updates Analysis and Refinement in Chisel“. In Model Checking Software, 328–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Kambič, Bojan. „Caelum (The Chisel) to Draco (The Dragon)“. In Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series, 205–91. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Ferres, Bruno, Olivier Muller und Frédéric Rousseau. „Chisel Usecase: Designing General Matrix Multiply for FPGA“. In Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications, 61–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Tsvetayeva, Marina. „As patiently as stones are chiseled“. In In the Inmost Hour of the Soul, 78. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 1989.

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Bisht, Dhananjay Singh, und Mohammed Rajik Khan. „Identification and Classification of Parameters for Woodworking Chisel Design“. In Design Science and Innovation, 121–36. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Kuria, Peter, Josiah Gitari, Saidi Mkomwa und Peter Waweru. „Effect of conservation agriculture on soil properties and maize grain yield in the semi-arid Laikipia county, Kenya.“ In Conservation agriculture in Africa: climate smart agricultural development, 256–69. Wallingford: CABI, 2022.

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Abstract Low and unreliable rainfall, along with poor soil health, is a main constraint to maize production in the semi-arid parts of Kenya that account for over 79% of the country's land area. In the vast county of Laikipia, farmers continue to plant maize despite the predominantly low quantities of precipitation. Participatory farmer experimentation with Conservation Agriculture (CA) was undertaken for six consecutive growing seasons between July 2013 and December 2016 to determine the effectiveness of CA as a method of improving soil properties and enhancing maize yields with the limited rainfall quantities received in these parts of Kenya. The main CA practices tested include chisel tine furrow opening (ripping) and live legume (Lablab purpureus) cover crop, as well as maize stover mulches, all implemented under varying inorganic fertilizer rates. The research was done across 12 administrative locations of Laikipia County where soils are mainly Phaeozems and Vertisols with a clay-loam texture. The research design used was researcher-designed and farmer-managed. In each of the 12 trial sites, participatory farmers' assessments and field days were carried out as a way of outreach to the bigger farming communities around the trial sites. The research findings obtained demonstrated that the use of CA impacts positively on soil properties and is a viable practice for enhancing maize yields in these moisture deficit-prone parts of the country. Soil chemical analysis assessment results showed that CA impacted positively on a number of soil mineral components including organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and pH. Midseason chlorophyll content assessment of the maize crop showed that there was good response to fertilizer application, as well as to mulching with crop residues for soil cover. Maize grain yield data also showed that the use of a CA package comprising chisel tine ripping combined with mulching by plant residues and use of mineral fertilizer resulted in a two- to threefold increase in grain yields above the farmer practice control. Mean maize grain yield in farmer practice plots was 1067 kg ha-1 compared with the CA-treated plot with mineral fertilization that yielded 2192 kg ha-1.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Chisels"


Glancey, J. L., P. Popper, M. Mitch, P. Truitt, N. Nasr, M. Orgovan und J. Stevens. „A New Cyclic Impact Test Instrument and Methodology for Hand-Struck Tools“. In ASME 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2003.

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The use of hand-struck tools is still a necessary job function for technicians in several industries throughout the world. Despite the importance of these tools, evolving concerns regarding the detrimental effects of their long-term use continue to grow. Repetitive motion injuries, nerve damage of the hands and arms, and hearing loss are some of the problems that continue to afflict users of these types of tools. Although hammer-tool systems are relatively simple mechanical systems that have required very little improvement historically, the growing concerns associated with their use necessitate a thorough evaluation of current tool designs. In addition, the introduction of new and modified tools with improved performance characteristics will be essential to maintaining their long term, effective use in the workplace. Currently, no standard test methods exist to assess the performance characteristics of hand-struck tools. This makes evaluations and comparisons very difficult since performance characteristics are significantly influenced by the user of the tool. As a result, for the purposes of assessing the performance of current hammer-tool systems as well as evaluating alternate designs, a new testing device for hand-struck tools was developed. The device is designed to simulate the approximate cyclic kinematic motion of a user repeatedly hitting a tool with a conventional hammer. A computer controller automates the striking and return stroke actions, and the resulting impact velocity and force exerted by the hammer are adjustable and approximate the performance of a human. For the purpose of development, the testing device was designed to accept steel hand-struck chisels. As configured, a chisel is placed in the device and used to shear a standard, replaceable work piece. The key output of this test is the number of impacts needed to fail the standard piece. Other features integrated into the device include a load cell under the work piece to capture the force exerted during a hammer impact, measurement of the hammer velocity at impact, noise measurements, and an automatic counter to record the number of hammer impacts required to fail the work piece. Preliminary tests with standard, conventional chisels indicate the device is capable of failing a standard 6.5 mm steel drill rod work piece in the same number of hammer blows as an experienced chisel user. Subsequent work will focus on characterizing and improving the properties of hammer-chisel systems relevant to the detrimental effects associated with their long term use.
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Kovalevskiy, S. „On the problem of dating of the bronze Irmen chisels“. In Archaeological sites of Southern Siberia and Central Asia: from the appearance of the first herders to the epoch of the establishment of state formations. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021.

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Mamman, Eli. „THE EFFECTS OF TOOL WIDTH AND RAKE ANGLE ON DRAUGHT AND SOIL FAILURE PATTERNS OF MODEL CHISELS FURROWERS“. In 2019 Boston, Massachusetts July 7- July 10, 2019. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2019.

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Narwal, Kavita, Promila Sharma und Pratibha Joshi. „Risk Assessment of Forging Workers in Unorganized Sector of Uttrakhand, India“. In Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference. AHFE International, 2020.

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A blacksmith is a person who forges, or shapes, metal by first heating it until it is red-hot, then uses tools like chisels and hammers to force the metal into the shape he desires. Blacksmiths usually work standing up and have to bend over to work on pieces of metal. The work can involve heavy lifting, use of power tools such as power hammers, drills, air chisels and hydraulic presses. However, use of such power tools and poor body posture lead to MSDs. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are common health problem throughout the world and a major cause of disability in the workplace. MSDs are found due to Inappropriate and poor working postures, lack of task variation, poor ergonomic design of work places, and poor design of plant layout, long working hours, low salaries and awkward schedules are all areas where relatively simple intervention can significantly reduce the rate of exposure to MSDs. They also deal with extremely hot objects and face a constant worry about fire and heat. The blacksmiths perform repetitive hammering jobs that give shape to the instruments. This type of job not only requires skill but is also time consuming. Hammering jobs are responsible for most of the incidents. In Iron & Steel and other manufacturing industries, foundries and forges produce a lots of pollutants in the environment – both working and ambient environment. In these processes, metals are extracted and produced from ores by various metallurgical processes and processes for moulding, melting and castings etc. are accompanied by evolution of heat, noise, dust fines, fly-ash, oxides of Nitrogen, Sulphur and metals. Particulate matters are generated in large quantities when preparing mould core sands and moulds melting metals, pouring metal, knocking out poured moulds and loading and unloading raw materials. Here metals are given a specific shape by metal castings for various engineering purposes. Gaseous matters like gases, vapours, fumes and smoke are produced during melting and pouring operations. The major pollutants are emitted from various work areas in Foundry i.e. Pattern shop, Sand preparation, moulding and core making, mould drying and ladle heating, cupola, electric arc furnace, pouring and mould cooling, knockout, fettling, heat treatment etc. In addition, various air pollutants and noise pollutants (Davis, 2002) are produced from forge shops and other manufacturing industrial units. So keeping all these factors in mind, a study was conducted to assess the risks involved among forging workers of Uttrakhand state of India. For this purpose 120 workers were taken through snowball technique. The data revealed that the most common problem faced by the workers was improper working posture and inappropriate working environment. Due to poorly designed work place, working environment, and working tools, workers physiological and psychological cost of work was high they reported to have health problems like back ache, shoulder ache and difficulty in movement of hands while in operation. Workers were also observed to be found irritated and restless.
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Misailovic, Sasa, Michael Carbin, Sara Achour, Zichao Qi und Martin C. Rinard. „Chisel“. In SPLASH '14: Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2014.

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Dhawalia, Prateek, Sriram Kailasam und Dharanipragada Janakiram. „Chisel++“. In the sixth international workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2014.

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Doleschal, Johannes, Nico Höllerich, Wim Martens und Frank Neven. „Chisel“. In Companion of the The Web Conference 2018. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2018.

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Bachrach, Jonathan, Huy Vo, Brian Richards, Yunsup Lee, Andrew Waterman, Rimas Avižienis, John Wawrzynek und Krste Asanović. „Chisel“. In the 49th Annual Design Automation Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Scarton, Henry A., und Kyle R. Wilt. „Jackhammer Chisel Noise Control“. In ASME 2015 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference at InterNoise 2015. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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A robust chisel damper for quieting a jackhammer is presented. The noise produced from a jackhammer chisel is dominated by the ringing of the chisel moil resulting from impacts of the internal hammer against the end of the chisel producing airborne radiation of the transverse bending and longitudinal modes. A model steel chisel moil point was constructed with geometric properties similar to a jackhammer chisel and designed so as to not fail during severe acceleration impacts from the reciprocating hammer. Anechoic tests of the maximum overall unweighted sound pressure level for the undamped chisel due to a longitudinal impact was 86.8 dB linear (re. to 20 μ Pa) at 1 meter with the strongest ring tone at 1.37 kHz and harmonics; the overall sound pressure level for the damped chisel with identical axial impacts was reduced by 16.5 dB to 70.3 dB with severe reduction of 40 dB of the dominant chisel ring tone, and the harmonics.
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Seif, Charbel Y., Ilige S. Hage und Ramsey F. Hamade. „Modeling and Experimental Verification of Torque and Thrust Forces Generated by the Conventional Drill’s Chisel Edge“. In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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As alternative to complex modeling, simple empirical equations that provide estimates of the chisel edge’s torque and thrust cutting force components are a useful tool for estimating chisel cutting forces. This work aim to develop a model capable of estimating torque and thrust forces generated by only the drill’s chisel edge as function of machining feed (f), cutting velocity (V), and chisel edge’s width (w). The chisel edge’s generated machining forces are quantified and statistically verified utilizing JMP-SAS/STAT® design of experiment (DOE) software. An experimental setup involving 50 drilling tests was conducted with drilling feed, spindle speed and chisel web dimensions varied to enhance the statistical significance of the collected data. Experimental torque and thrust data were collected using a 4-channel rotary dynamometer (Kistler model 9123) at a 200 Hz sampling rate. Torque and thrust values encountered at the chisel edge were isolated from those of the full drill. Due to its wide industrial use, the workpiece material investigated is Aluminum 6061-T6. In-line with literature, reported values of experimentally collected data showed that chisel edge’s forces increased with drilling feed and drill bit web dimension while decreased with increasing speed (perhaps due to thermal softening). JMP-SAS/STAT® module, nonlinear fitting with convergence criteria of 10−15 and 70 iterations was utilized The developed model equations allow the estimation of the forces encountered at the chisel edge of a classical twist drill while cutting aluminum alloy 6061-T6 material.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Chisels"


Plimpton, Steven James, Rodney Cannon Schmidt, Pauline Ho und Lawrence Cale Musson. ChISELS 1.0: theory and user manual :a theoretical modeler of deposition and etch processes in microsystems fabrication. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2006.

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Hanna, H. Mark, und Dana D. Schweitzer. Diesel Fuel Consumption During Chisel Plowing. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2014.

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Licht, Mark A., und Kent R. Berns. No-tillage, Strip Tillage, Chisel Plow Tillage Trial. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2012.

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Licht, Mark A., Zachary A. Koopman und Kent R. Berns. No-tillage, Strip-tillage, and Chisel Plow Tillage Trial. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2013.

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Bailes, A. H., A. G. Galley, R. G. Skirrow und J. Young. Geology of the Chisel volcanic-hosted massive sulphide area, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1996.

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Wright, D. F., und G. F. Bonham-Carter. VHMS favourability mapping with GIS-based integration models, Chisel Lake-Anderson Lake area. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1996.

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Skirrow, R. G., und J. M. Franklin. Semiconformable Hydrothermal Alteration Below the Chisel Lake Zn - Cu Massive Sulphide Deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1989.

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Mallarino, Antonio P., und David Rueber. Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization for Corn and Soybeans Managed with No-till and Chisel-Plow Tillage. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2001.

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Mallarino, Antonio P., und Kevin Van Dee. Phosphorus and Potassium Placement for Corn and Soybeans Managed with No-till and Chisel-Plow Tillage. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2003.

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Mallarino, Antonio P., und Kenneth T. Pecinovsky. Phosphorus and Potassium Placement for Corn and Soybeans Managed with No-till and Chisel-Plow Tillage. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2001.

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