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Kroes, Gert, Jan W. Veerman und Eric E. J. De Bruyn. „Bias in Parental Reports?“ European Journal of Psychological Assessment 19, Nr. 3 (September 2003): 195–203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027//1015-5759.19.3.195.

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Summary: In clinical practice, child psychologists' case formulations are often based on parental reports. In this study, we examined whether mothers' reports of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in their children might be biased by maternal psychopathology. The target child sample consisted of 68 boys aged 6-12 years who were receiving treatment. Mothers' reports were compared with the reports of both teachers and group care workers as criterion ratings. After controlling for variance shared with the independent raters, multiple regression analysis indicated substantial partial correlations between various types of maternal psychopathology and the reporting of internalizing child behavior problems. Only small to insignificant partial correlations were found in the case of externalizing behavior problems. This finding is consistent with the social attribution theory that predicts greater distortion when observing more ambiguous stimuli.
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Kohlhoff, Jane, Nancy Wallace, Susan Morgan, Michelle Maiuolo und Adrienne Turnell. „Internet‐delivered parent–child interaction therapy: Two clinical case reports“. Clinical Psychologist 23, Nr. 3 (27.05.2019): 271–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cp.12184.

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Hachim, Ghita, Yamna Kriouile und Imane Zineb. „Children's Diabetic Ketoacidosis and COVID 19: Two Case Reports“. Saudi Journal of Medicine 7, Nr. 8 (26.08.2022): 451–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2022.v07i08.009.

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Introduction: The current global pandemic due to SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in a large literature on associated comorbidities, including diabetes. COVID 19 infection in a diabetic child can be complicated by severe ketoacidosis. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of COVID-19 infection on a diabetic child. Observations: The first case involved a 12-year-old Congolese child from a diabetic mother who was hospitalized for febrile respiratory distress and a consciousness disorder. Biological examinations showed the first diabetic ketoacidosis. Chest radiography showed radiological images suggestive of COVID-19 involvement, which was confirmed by a PCR and a thoracic CT. The evolution was marked by the appearance of a left pleurisy of medium abundance, which regressed after treatment. Second, a 16-month-old infant with no prior history was admitted to the hospital for febrile dehydration with impaired consciousness. Biological tests were consistent with diabetic ketoacidosis. Multiplex PCRs were performed showing infection with SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses (adenovirus, rhinovirus and enterovirus). Chest radiography was normal. The evolution was favorable under treatment with insulin therapy, rehydration, and antibiotic therapy. Conclusion: After discussing the role of decompensation or the triggering of diabetes in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection, the authors insist on the polymorphism of the clinical presentation and the need to perform a PCR in a diabetic child with ketoacidosis.
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Shimshoni, Yaara, und Eli R. Lebowitz. „Childhood Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: Review of Treatments and a Novel Parent-Based Approach“. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 34, Nr. 3 (26.06.2020): 200–224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/jcpsy-d-20-00009.

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Avoidant/Restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is characterized by dietary restrictions that are not based on weight or shape concerns but that result in marked interference in feeding, growth, or psychosocial functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Eddy et al., 2019). The aim of the current article was to review available reports of treatment for childhood ARFID published since its inclusion in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and to introduce a novel parent-based treatment for child ARFID through a case presentation. Empirical support for psychosocial treatments for child ARFID currently stems from two small-scale pilot randomized control trials, one pilot open trial, case reports, case series, and retrospective chart reviews. Treatment approaches for outpatient care generally apply family-based therapy, child-centered cognitive behavioral therapy, or parent-based behavioral approaches. SPACE-ARFID is a novel outpatient parent-based treatment that focuses on parental responses to child problematic eating habits. SPACE-ARFID aims to promote flexibility and adjustment in food related situations. The treatment helps parents to systematically reduce family accommodation, or changes that they make to their own behavior to help their child avoid or alleviate distress related to the disorder, while increasing supportive responses to the child's symptoms.
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Lindblad, Frank, und Anna Kaldal. „Child witness statements about sexual abuse in day-care: reports from a case with confessions from the suspect“. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 2, Nr. 3 (2005): 165–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jip.34.

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Drotar, Dennis, Annette M. La Greca, Kathleen Lemanek und Anne Kazak. „Case Reports in Pediatric Psychology: Uses and Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers“. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 20, Nr. 5 (1995): 549–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/20.5.549.

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Strika, Evija, und Raitis Eglītis. „THE ROLE OF SUGGESTIBILITY IN FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS: CASE REPORT“. Visuomenės sveikata 28, Nr. 4 (20.11.2018): 43–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.5200/sm-hs.2018.048.

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Suggestibility is the degree to which someone res­ponds to and is influenced by suggestions made by someone or something. Scientific studies have shown that suggestibility most often correlates with memory processing, false memory and false confession phe­nomena and is crucial to child testimony and forensic psychological examination. Traditionally, there are two general suggestibility re­search approaches: the experimental psychology and the individual difference approach. Experimentally designed studies reflect the effects of misinformation – conditions under which suggestions affect recall of events. The individual difference approach seeks to identify people as being more or less suggestible, re­lating different degrees of suggestibility with several cognitive and personality variables. Both approaches suggest that certain social, cognitive and psycholo­gical factors affect the accuracy of a person`s report (testimony). The current article will focus primary on the accuracy of children reports in the context of forensic psycho­logical examination. The inaccuracy can be due to unconscious assimilation of false suggestions and pressure made by those (usually adults) who have access to the child (suggestibility) or to conscious lies on the part of the child. Some data extractions from research in relation to factors affecting the accuracy of children`s reports during forensic psychological examinations and overall children`s testimonies will be provided. In this context, a case study from fo­rensic psychological examination will be discussed.
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Allen, Kathleen. „A Brief Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention for a 10-year-old Child With an Adjustment Disorder — A Case Study“. Behaviour Change 17, Nr. 2 (01.06.2000): 84–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1375/bech.17.2.84.

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AbstractThis case study reports a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention with a 10-year-old child who presented in a clinical setting with an adjustment disorder which has been rarely discussed in the literature. The focus of the paper is on the intervention which was individually devised to suit the child, the particular presenting problems, and the family context of the child. Although there were no quantitative data collected, the outcome as reported by the client and her carer, together with clear behavioural indicators, attested to positive effects of therapy. Relevant factors that contributed to the outcome are discussed.
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Oshima-Takane, Yuriko. „Analysis of pronominal errors: a case-study“. Journal of Child Language 19, Nr. 1 (Februar 1992): 111–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0305000900013659.

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ABSTRACTThe present paper reports a case-study of a normally developing boy who made pronominal errors for about ten months. Comprehension and production of first- and second-person pronouns were longitudinally examined from 1; 7 to 2; 10 to test three hypotheses concerning pronominal errors: pronominal errors are a result of either (a) semantic confusion, (b) simple imitation, or (c) confusion between self and others. The results showed that the child began using first- and second-person pronouns at about 1; 8 and mastered the correct usage by 2; 10. Consistent errors for the first- and the second-person pronouns were observed from 1; 11 to 2; 4, but proportions of errors occurring in his imitative language were low. The comprehension and production data clearly indicated that the child persistently made pronominal errors due to semantic confusion. That is, first-person pronouns referred to a person with whom the child conversed and second-person pronouns referred to himself.
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Christian, Christopher, Leon Hoffman, Wilma Bucci, Michelle Crimins und Michael Worth. „Symbolization and emotional engagement in mothers' reports of child care activities“. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 7, Nr. 1 (März 2010): 22–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aps.234.

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Belsky, Jay, und Michael Pluess. „Differential susceptibility to long-term effects of quality of child care on externalizing behavior in adolescence?“ International Journal of Behavioral Development 36, Nr. 1 (17.06.2011): 2–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0165025411406855.

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Much research on the quality of child care reveals it —in the case of low-quality child care—to be related to poorer child functioning, net of confounding factors, perhaps especially in the case of cognitive-linguistic performance. Recent work using data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (USA) makes clear that when children’s early negative emotionality/difficult temperament is taken into account, it also predicts externalizing problems reported by teachers through the primary school years. More negatively emotional infants are more affected—for better and for worse—by child care quality than less difficult ones, such that the latter appear unaffected by it but the former benefit from good quality care and are adversely affected by poor quality care. Here we determine whether the same is true when children are restudied in adolescence and the focus is their own reports of externalizing problems, impulsivity and risk taking. Results prove more consistent with a diathesis-stress model of environmental action than a differential-susceptibility-related one, in that 15-year-olds who were highly negative as infants report more externalizing behavior (but not risk taking or impulsivity) if they experienced low-quality child care, but not fewer problems if they experienced high-quality care relative to their counterparts with less difficult temperaments in infancy. Results are discussed in relation to physiological stress, with possible explanations offered as to why the predictive nature of child care experience might change over time.
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Brennan, Deborah. „Counterpoint: Child Care Reform and Labour Market Participation by Women“. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 23, Nr. 3 (September 1998): 5–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/183693919802300303.

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The public hearings conducted by the Senate Inquiry into Child Care Funding earlier this year provided a window onto the concerns of child care service providers and users. As both a participant and an observer at the Sydney hearings I listened to detailed reports of the crisis facing this sector. The reports came from a range of sources: parents, staff, service providers, local councils, early childhood professionals, sponsoring agencies, and peak bodies. Overwhelmingly they presented a consistent and depressing picture: many middle- and low-income Australian families can no longer afford child care; parents are being compelled to reduce the hours their children attend child care or withdraw them from formal care altogether (at the same time reducing their own commitment to paid work); children are increasingly subjected to a patchwork of arrangements involving family care, informal care, and limited formal provision; and some parents, as a last resort, have withdrawn from paid employment.
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Corlis, McKenna, Amy Damashek, Kate Meister, Hilary Richardson und Barbara Bonner. „Sibling Child Protective Services Involvement Following a Child Maltreatment Fatality“. Child Maltreatment 25, Nr. 1 (02.07.2019): 43–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077559519856435.

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Each year in the United States, approximately 1,720 children die from a child maltreatment fatality (CMF). Although many of these children are survived by siblings, few studies have examined the child protective service (CPS) involvement of these siblings. Objective: This study examined CPS involvement of children surviving the CMF of a sibling as well as predictors of subsequent CPS reports. Method: Department of Human Services and Child Death Review Board data about children who died from a CMF during 1993–2003 ( n = 416) and their siblings in the state of Oklahoma were used to examine CPS involvement and predictors of subsequent CPS reports for surviving siblings. Results: Surviving siblings of a victim of a CMF experienced substantial CPS involvement; 81% of the original victims had siblings who were subsequently reported to CPS ( n = 1,840). Original victim and family characteristics that predicted a greater rate of siblings’ subsequent reports to CPS included younger original victim age, greater number of children in the original victim’s home, and more previous reports of the original victim to CPS. Discussion: A large portion of families with a CMF struggle to adequately care for their surviving children. Such families may need additional support after a CMF.
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Hawk, Brandi N., und Susan G. Timmer. „Parent–Child Care as a Brief Dyadic Intervention for Children With Mild to Moderate Externalizing Problems: A Case Study“. Clinical Case Studies 17, Nr. 5 (17.05.2018): 263–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534650118774417.

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Although many parenting interventions have been shown efficacious in reducing externalizing behavior problems in young children, they often take months to implement and tend to target children with moderate to severe behavior problems. Parent–Child Care (PC-CARE) was designed to be an engaging, brief (six-session) dyadic intervention to reduce mental health symptoms even for children with few behavior problems and/or parents who are unable to commit to lengthy treatments. We present an evidence-based case study of a 5-year-old child with mild externalizing problems and his biological parents, who participated in PC-CARE. Standardized measures were collected, and the child’s and parents’ emotional availability were assessed at pre- and posttreatment. Weekly codings of parent–child interactions and parent-reported measures of child behaviors were also collected. This child’s behavioral symptoms improved from pre- to posttreatment (per parents’ reports and observation), and he maintained this improved behavior 1 month after treatment. The parents similarly demonstrated improvement in their use of parenting skills and emotional availability. Aspects of treatment that may affect effectiveness are discussed.
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Arcelus, Jon, und Walter Pierre Bouman. „Case reports Gender identity disorder in a child with a family history of cross-dressing“. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 15, Nr. 4 (November 2000): 407–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/713697436.

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SIMON, ELLEN. „Child L2 development: A longitudinal case study on Voice Onset Times in word-initial stops“. Journal of Child Language 37, Nr. 1 (27.03.2009): 159–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0305000909009386.

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ABSTRACTThis paper reports the results of a longitudinal case study examining the acquisition of the English voice system by a three-year-old native speaker of Dutch. The study aims to examine whether the child develops two different phonetic systems or uses just one system for both languages, and compares the early L2 acquisition process with L1, simultaneous bilingual and late L2 acquisition. The results reveal that the child successfully acquires the English contrast between short-lag and long-lag stops, but gradually changes the Dutch system, which contrasts prevoiced with short-lag stops, into the direction of the English system.
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Yandell, Margaret, und Lesley Hewitt. „Relief daycare: A role in preventing child abuse. The case emerging from the literature“. Children Australia 20, Nr. 3 (1995): 5–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200004569.

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This article examines the assumptions linking stress and the lack of social support to the need for relief child daycare. The literature reviewed finds support for the view that such daycare can be a useful preventative intervention. It is a valid option to consider among the range of family supports, given accelerating rates of child abuse reports.
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Burgess, Ann Wolbert, Michael Welner und Danny G. Willis. „Educator Sexual Abuse: Two Case Reports“. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 19, Nr. 4 (03.08.2010): 387–402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10538712.2010.495045.

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Widya Lestari, Kadek Ayu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi und Surya Nita. „Handling Child Victims of Incestuous Sexual Violence by The PPA Unit (A Case Study of Sexual Violence by Biological Fathers at the North Jakarta Metro Police)“. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 11, Nr. 5 (21.05.2024): 457. http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i5.5819.

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The process of handling cases of incestuous sexual violence against children by the Child and Woman Protection Unit (PPA) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department begins with the receipt of reports from victims. Investigators provide initial services, including counseling and preliminary assessments. Legal psychology is crucial in understanding victims and compiling strong reports. Investigators use cognitive interview methods and various interviewing techniques. Victim support involves multiple parties, and inter-agency cooperation and coordination are essential to provide optimal protection and recovery for victims. Evaluating the competence of investigators in the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department based on indicators set by Spencer and Spencer. This evaluation shows that investigators have adequate abilities to handle cases of child sexual violence, including incest. Motivation, physical characteristics, self-concept, knowledge, and skills of investigators are key in handling these sensitive cases. Identifying several challenges in the investigation process of child rape faced by the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department. These challenges include difficulty in obtaining statements from victims, lack of direct eyewitnesses, and delays in the forensic examination process. However, the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department ensures that the investigation process is carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures, considering steps such as notifying the Prosecutor's Office, examining witnesses, preparing reports, conducting investigations, holding case hearings, and using coercion to apprehend suspects.
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Elliott, Anne, und Chris-Maree Sultmann. „Principles and processes for child protection decision-making: Queensland’s case management framework“. Children Australia 23, Nr. 4 (1998): 9–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200008828.

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Many welfare authorities have developed detailed systems for the management of their initial response to child abuse reports. But what happens then? Less attention has been given to frameworks for the management of cases subject to on-going statutory intervention. The Queensland framework is unique in Australia – its methodology ensures an on-going client-focused response which integrates ‘bestpractice’ standards, accountability and dynamic planning and review until the child’s needs have been met.
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Johnson, Anna D., und Chris M. Herbst. „Can we trust parental reports of child care subsidy receipt?“ Children and Youth Services Review 35, Nr. 6 (Juni 2013): 984–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2013.03.005.

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Furuzawa, Ayako, Naoki Yoshinaga und Kie Hattori. „Parent–Child Interaction Therapy for Japanese Working Mother and Child With Behavioral Problems: A Single Case Study“. Clinical Case Studies 19, Nr. 4 (01.06.2020): 270–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534650120926705.

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Parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) is an empirically supported behavioral parenting intervention developed for families with young children who have significant behavior problems. In Japan, PCIT was introduced in 2008 as a parenting intervention method and later introduced to therapists. This case study reports on the detailed use of PCIT, originally developed in Western cultures, for a 5-year-old Japanese boy with behavioral problems and his mother. During the treatment, the mother successfully acquired PCIT skills in the early stages of the coach sessions that led to improvements in the child’s problematic behavior. However, especially in the later stages of the treatment, the mother was too tired/distressed to focus on the treatment, which complicated the implementation of PCIT (e.g., unable to do homework, canceled sessions). This was mainly because she was a full-time working mother who was very busy with work, housework, and child-rearing, and also had no help from her husband. Cases such as this are commonly seen in current Japanese society. In summary, this case study supported the potential effectiveness of Western-originated PCIT for Japanese families with children who have behavioral problems, and also argued that there is a need for PCIT therapists to carefully assess and address the primary caregiver’s distractions outside the session room especially when working with Japanese working mothers.
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Hauck, Fern R., Kawai O. Tanabe und Sarah R. Blackstone. „Risk of Postneonatal Infant Mortality Associated With Prior Founded Allegations of Child Abuse“. Child Maltreatment 27, Nr. 2 (31.01.2022): 185–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/10775595211069923.

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This study examined the association between prior reports of child abuse and subsequent postneonatal death and differences by cause of death, using data from the Chicago Infant Mortality Study (CIMS). CIMS included all sudden, unexplained infant deaths up to 1 year of age in Chicago (November 1993–April 1996), and age, race-ethnicity, and birthweight-matched living controls. Information on prior child abuse reports and outcomes was obtained through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) State Central Registry for each case and control. Conditional logistic regression modeling determined the odds of postneonatal death when there was a founded prior allegation. Families with founded allegations were almost 4 times more likely to have a child die during the postneonatal period (aOR = 3.79, 95% CI, 1.56, 9.10). Child protective services involvement is an opportunity for education on safe sleep messaging to help reduce the incidence of potentially preventable infant deaths.
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Trotter, Chris, und Rosemary Sheehan. „Family Group Conferencing in child protection: An evaluation“. Children Australia 25, Nr. 4 (2000): 37–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200009950.

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Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in child protection is a method of involving families in planning. This paper reports on a study undertaken in the Victorian child protection system, which examined (1) the extent to which the Victorian FGC program actually involves families in the planning process, (2) the extent to which FGC develops case plans which are appropriate, and (3) the extent to which FGC develops case plans which are sustained over time. Researchers observed 28 conferences and phone interviews were conducted with more than 100 participants including family members, staff members and representatives of non-government agencies providing placement and support services. The results suggest that FGC is more successful in involving family members in case planning than more traditional planning processes. Family members believe that FGC leads to more appropriate case plans which are more likely to be sustained. Child protection workers on the other hand believe that more appropriate case plans are developed in traditional planning meetings, rather than FGCs, and that case plans developed in traditional meetings are more likely to be sustained over time. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed, in particular that FGCs may be used for more difficult cases.
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McCabe, R. J. R., und D. Green. „REHABILITATING SEVERELY HEAD-INJURED ADOLESCENTS: THREE CASE REPORTS“. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 28, Nr. 1 (Januar 1987): 111–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-7610.1987.tb00656.x.

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Gonzalez, Andrea, Harriet MacMillan, Masako Tanaka, Susan M. Jack und Lil Tonmyr. „Child Welfare Responses Linked to Subtypes of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence From the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect“. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35, Nr. 13-14 (20.04.2017): 2607–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0886260517705661.

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Children exposed to intimate partner violence (CE-IPV) are at increased risk for later health and social difficulties. To date, studies have primarily focused on CE-IPV as a unitary construct; this may lead to the mistaken assumption that all subtypes of CE-IPV (i.e., exposure to direct or indirect physical abuse, or exposure to emotional abuse) are equally harmful requiring similar responses from child welfare services. The purpose of this study was to examine child welfare responses by CE-IPV subtype in a large Canadian child welfare sample. Using data from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect–2008 ( N = 2,184), we examined child welfare responses to CE-IPV subtypes or their co-occurrence. Information was obtained from child welfare workers’ reports. Cases with co-occurring subtypes of CE-IPV were more likely to be substantiated and involved multiple incidents compared with that with single CE-IPV subtypes. Cases with direct physical CE-IPV and co-occurring CE-IPV were also more likely to remain open and have an application considered or made to child welfare court. Exposure to emotional IPV was the least likely to warrant interventions by welfare services, including referrals to specialized services. These results suggest that within CE-IPV subtypes, there is evidence of different responses (recommendations and services) once a case has been opened by a worker. Future research is needed to examine the effectiveness of the responses and outcomes for children following child welfare interventions.
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Meddin, Barbara J. „The Future of Decision Making in Child Welfare Practice: The Development of an Explicit Criteria Model for Decision Making“. Children Australia 9, Nr. 4 (1985): 3–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0312897000007451.

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AbstractThe paper examines the impact that a decision making model can have on child placement decisions. Using a pre and post test design with three different conditions, the research investigated the ability to increase the consistency of the placement decision by the use of a decision making model that includes explicit criteria.The study found that consistency of decision making was enhanced by the provision of the decision making model and that consistency could be further enhanced by the provision of training in the model. Implications for training of new workers and reduction of worker stress and burnout are discussed.The incident of child abuse and neglect continues to rise. The National Centre on Child Abuse and Neglect estimates that approximately one million children will be abused or neglected this year in the United States. In the State of Illinois alone, during fiscal year 1981 nearly 80,000 reports of abuse or neglect were received. Almost 50% of those reports were found to be actual cases of abuse or neglect.Whether the incident in Australia of child abuse and neglect is increasing or not is difficult to assess, since currently there is no standardised way of collecting data. However, from all indicators a similar increase is indeed occurring. Boss in his book, “On the Side of the Child”, reports that the number of cases seen by the Western Australian Department of Community Welfare has steadily increased. This is corroborated by statistics compiled by that State’s Advisory and Consultative Committee in Child Abuse (ACCCA). Their Statistical Information Report for July-December 1983 indicates an 86% increase in reports of sexual abuse and 12.5% increase in physical abuse. In Queensland the number of child abuse and/or neglect case investigations went from 1 095 in 1981 to 1 631 in 1982 – an increase of more than one third. In Tasmania between 1980 to 1982 the number of reports increased by nearly one-third, from 228-302. The Montrose Child Protection and Family Crisis Unit of the Department of Youth and Community Services in New South Wales report similar increases.On almost a daily basis, social workers are called upon to make far reaching decisions that have the potential to be a life consequential both for the child who is the victim of abuse and/or neglect and that child’s family. Because these decisions, especially the placement decision, have such great ramifications, social workers should be expected to make decisions with great care, consideration and consistency. This may be due, in part because agencies have been slow to explicate, empirically validate, and systematically apply decision making criteria that assist workers in making case decisions.While research indicates that criteria do exist and are used by child welfare workers, the research also indicates that they are not used in any systematic fashion. The result is that idiosyncratic decisions are invited and the potential spectre of gross inequities in the delivery of social services exists. Unless asystematic, consensually based decision making model is used that explicates both the decisions that need to be made along with a specific set of criteria for making these decisions, it is impossible for the child welfare agency to guarantee a minimum level of service delivery.
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Goddard, Chris. „Child abuse, systems abuse and media coverage: A tale of a young woman’s courage in Victoria’s Supreme Court“. Children Australia 25, Nr. 3 (2000): 37–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200009834.

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The media play important roles in fighting child abuse at all levels. Reports of individual cases may be criticised as seeking to sensationalise, but in some circumstances the true horror of child abuse is missed or too terrible to report. A recent case in Victoria’s Supreme Court received prominent media coverage and led to demands that more be done to protect children in court proceedings.
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Dey, Joy Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Dey und Abhishek Pramanik. „A Case of Oligospermic Male Infertility Successfully Treated with Personalised Homoeopathic Medicine Phosphoricum acidum“. Homœopathic Links 36, Nr. 01 (März 2023): 058–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1721807.

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AbstractA 25-year-old Indian, male being married for two years presented with complaints of low sperm count for one year at Homoeopathic Seva Niketan, Durga Park, New Delhi, India. The patient came to the clinic with complaints of oligospermia or oligozoospermia, headache, weak memory, and constipation. The couple had undergone various medical tests and sought the help from various infertility specialists and were told that the wife had no medical condition preventing them from having a child. The patient was treated on the wholistic concept of homoeopathy with specific doses of Phosphoricum acidum resulting in fruitful conception within three years. These were evident from the time to time semen analysis reports of the patient and presence of a live foetus in his wife's diagnostic reports.
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Zabel, Andrew T., Beth Slomine, Kathy Brady und James Christensen. „Neuropsychological profile following suicide attempt by hanging: two adolescent case reports“. Child Neuropsychology 11, Nr. 4 (August 2005): 373–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09297040490916965.

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Cooper Altman, Julie. „A Study of Engagement in Neighborhood-Based Child Welfare Services“. Research on Social Work Practice 18, Nr. 6 (November 2008): 555–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1049731507309825.

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This article reports the results of a mixed-method study that examined processes and outcomes of parent-worker engagement in child welfare. Knowledge gained from a qualitative exploration of engagement at one neighborhood-based child welfare agency informed the gathering of quantitative data from 74 different parent-worker dyads in this sequential exploratory design. Seven themes instrumental to engagement emerged: (a) clear, collaborative goal setting; (b) hope-fulness; (c) parent acknowledgment of their situations; (d) motivation; (e) respect for cultural differences; (f) honest and straightforward communication; and (g) persistent and timely efforts by all. Quantitative analyses yielded little relationship between engagement and either visitation rate or case disposition by 9 months post placement. Although these data provide support for the clinical benefits of working to improve parent-worker engagement in child welfare services, they fail to provide evidence of a relationship between engagement and improved case outcomes.
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Kotch, Jonathan B., Frank Loda, Thelma Harms, Richard M. Clifford und Marsha P. Mc‐Murray. „Parents’ reports of home and out‐of‐home injuries among children attending child care centers“. Early Child Development and Care 96, Nr. 1 (Januar 1993): 183–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0300443930960115.

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Kim, Kihyun, Jungtae Choi, Heesun Jang, Hyun Ji Lee und Hwajung Jang. „Predictive model for intra-familial child maltreatment re-reports and recurrence in South Korea: Analysis of national child protection services case records“. Child Abuse & Neglect 125 (März 2022): 105487. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105487.

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de Tychey, Claude, und Marianne Dollander. „Maternal Resilience and Chronic Depression in Mourning for a Child: A Preliminary Case-Based Analysis“. Rorschachiana 28, Nr. 1 (Januar 2006): 16–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1192-5604.28.1.16.

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This article reports a retrospective comparative study of 10 mothers whose loss of a child caused chronic major depression despite medication followed by psychotherapy. The mothers were compared to 10 other mothers who participated in a longitudinal study conducted over the time period between the occurrence of the tragedy and complete recovery. The mothers were compared on the basis of life-event data, a semidirective interview, and a projective inquiry using the Rorschach Test. Some important differences were found between the two groups of mothers, from the standpoint of the support offered by their therapist, the elaboration of guilt feelings following the loss, their ability to mentally represent the trauma as assessed by the Rorschach Test, and their capacity to disinvest the lost object. Two factors that were not considered at the beginning of the research seem to fulfill a crucial function from the preventive standpoint: (1) the possibility of offering mourning mothers psychological support in addition to medication immediately after the loss, and (2) the possibility for the mother of freeing herself from a strong oedipal link with the deceased child.
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Gibson, Megan, Amanda McFadden, Kate E. Williams, Lyn Zollo, Abigail Winter und Jo Lunn. „Imbalances between workforce policy and employment for early childhood graduate teachers: Complexities and considerations“. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 45, Nr. 1 (09.12.2019): 82–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1836939119885308.

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Early childhood teachers have a myriad of possible employment options, with birth to eight years degree qualifications preparing graduates to work in a range of early childhood settings, including prior-to-school. At the same time, early childhood workforce policies in Australia, and elsewhere, are increasingly requiring degree-qualified teachers to be employed in prior-to-school settings. A growing number of reports and studies make a compelling case that there is a shortage of early childhood, degree-qualified teachers who are willing to work in prior-to-school settings, including centre-based child care. This conceptual article focuses on the imbalances in workforce policy and employment for early childhood teacher graduates. We examine the complexities and considerations of these imbalances, through exploration of literature and existing research, including small-scale studies and existing graduate destination data (Australian Graduate Survey). The article concludes with a proposed research agenda and suggestions to redress the imbalance of early childhood graduate teachers who are prepared, though seemingly not willing, to operationalise policy requirements for teachers to work in centre-based child care.
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Tierney, Len, und Meryl McDowell. „Child Welfare: Reception Centres, Regionalization, and Deinstitutionalization“. Children Australia 15, Nr. 1 (1990): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200002522.

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Between 1972 - 1980, eighteen regional offices were opened by state welfare authorities in Victoria, with the long term prospect that a comprehensive set of programmes would be developed in each region. This is part of an extensive policy change in which the reception of children into care will proceed by more diverse and local arrangements. Safe custody options already include small residential units and foster care and the very term “reception centre” is no longer part of official language. Substantial progress has been made along these lines and of the two central reception centres, Allambie (25-150 residents) is in the process of being closed and Baltara (45-70 residents) is to be redeveloped. In the most recently published planning documents redevelopment of these facilities had been anticipated by December 1990.1 However, not a great deal is known about the population of these two centres, about reception processes and why some children proceed quickly through the process and others do not. This paper examines the present status of reception centres in Victoria and reports upon a preliminary study of the reception centre population for the period 1986-1987. An argument is made that there is a case for revising reception policy and practice not only in existing centres but, in proposed new facilities and for giving more attention to services, for children and families who present with unusual difficulties.
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Cassibba, Rosalinda, Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn und Laura D’Odorico. „Attachment and play in child care centres: Reliability and validity of the attachment Q-sort for mothers and professional caregivers in Italy“. International Journal of Behavioral Development 24, Nr. 2 (Juni 2000): 241–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/016502500383377.

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The purpose of this article was to adapt and validate the Attachment Q-Sort (AQS; Vaughn & Waters, 1990) in the Italian context of child rearing at home and in centre care, and to analyse the associations of attachment to the mother and to the professional caregiver with play behaviour of the child. The article reports on three studies. The first study describes the procedure used to create the Italian version of the Attachment Q-Sort. Fifteen Italian experts provided the AQS descriptions of the prototypical “most secure child”; moreover, 18 Italian caregivers used the AQS to describe the hypothetical “ideal child” in the context of the child care centre. The profiles of the Italian experts were very similar to those of American experts. Italian experts and Italian caregivers also strongly agreed in their descriptions, respectively, of the “most secure” and the “ideal” child. The second study reports on the reliability of the AQS data. Eighty-six children (43% male; 59%first-borns) and their mothers and caregivers participated in the research. Children’s ages ranged from 14 to 36 months ( M = 26.6; SD = 6.78). All children spent at least 30 hours per week in the child care centres. Test-retest reliability and inter-observer agreement appeared to be satisfactory. Agreement between mother/caregiver- and observer-reported security scores was less convincing. In the third study, the associations between the network of attachment and level of play were examined. Fifty children (58% male; 60% first-borns) participated. Children’s ages ranged from 14 to 36 months ( M = 25.8; SD = 6.56). Play behaviour was observed at the child care centre during free play sessions of 30 minutes and social and cognitive play categories were coded. Secure attachment led to higher cognitive levels of play. Attachment to the caregiver was generally more influential than attachment to the mother.
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Barlow, Fiona, und Jeremy Turk. „Adolescents with Learning Disability and Psychiatric Illness: Two Case Reports“. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 6, Nr. 1 (Januar 2001): 125–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359104501006001010.

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Barber, James G., und Paul Delfabbro. „The Assessment of Parenting in Child Protection Cases“. Research on Social Work Practice 10, Nr. 2 (März 2000): 243–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/104973150001000206.

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This article reports on the development of a procedure for standardized assessment ofparenting within statutory child protection agencies. The instruments were trialed on 64 children and adolescents under the supervision of the New Zealand Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Services (CYPFS) and results were compared with normative samples from Canada and Australia. Results revealed that CYPFS cases displayed poorerfunctioning and receivedfewer positive parenting practices than the normative populations. Eight of the CYPFS children were also subjected to severe or very severe abuse in the 1-month study period General population norms were then used to construct a taxonomy of CYPFS cases according to the dimensions ofnurtur-ance and abuslveness. Using this schema, it was found that 29 of the CYPFS cases could be classified as “nonabusive + nurturant” and had therefore reached criteria for case closure. Limitations of the research and implications for practice are discussed.
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Sims, Margaret, Andrew Guilfoyle und Trevor Parry. „What Children's Cortisol Levels Tell us about Quality in Childcare Centres“. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 30, Nr. 2 (Juni 2005): 29–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/183693910503000207.

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The Australian childcare profession has watched with some concern results of research coming out of North America indicating that child care is not good for children. This research identifies undesirable outcomes in children's development and behaviour as a result of childcare attendance. How does this research apply to Australian children in Australian childcare centres? Australian research is limited, and this paper reports on results to date of an Australian study of children's biological stress levels (measured using salivary cortisol) and their relationship with quality child care. Results demonstrate clearly that children attending high-quality child care have lower stress levels across the day than do children attending satisfactory or unsatisfactory programs. Poor-quality child care is not good for children.
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Loeb, Diane Frome, Eric S. Davis und Tara Lee. „Collaboration Between Child Play Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology: Case Reports of a Novel Language and Behavior Intervention“. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 30, Nr. 6 (04.11.2021): 2414–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/2021_ajslp-20-00310.

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Purpose It has been well documented that a significant number of children with developmental language disorders (DLDs) also exhibit challenging behaviors. In this study, a new intervention (Play and Language [PAL]) was developed through a research collaboration between a speech-language pathologist and a play therapist. The purpose of this clinical focus article is to describe child play therapy techniques and how these, along with early language intervention techniques, may positively impact preschool children's general communication and behavior. Method Students in a communication sciences and disorders program were trained to use a combination of child therapy techniques and language facilitation procedures in the PAL approach. Five preschool children, who displayed DLD and challenging behaviors, participated in a 2-week daily intensive intervention. Pre- and postintervention data for general communication and behavior skills were collected through parent report and language sample data. Student clinician and parent surveys were collected to assess the feasibility of conducting the new intervention and the parent-observed outcomes and satisfaction. Results A majority of the children who participated in the study increased their intelligibility and number of different words. Fewer than half increased their sentence length. These same children decreased their challenging behaviors, with 11 of 14 behaviors being reduced to normal levels. All parents reported satisfaction with their child's results. In addition, students trained to provide the intervention reported high levels of satisfaction with the training to implement PAL and that they were confident in providing the intervention techniques. Conclusion Together, our exploratory data provide preliminary and limited evidence that combining play therapy and language facilitation techniques may improve general communication skills and decrease challenging behaviors within the same intervention. Supplemental Material https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.16840459
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Palomares-Rodríguez, José María, Adrián Bustos-Berruezo, José Luis Calatrava-Urán und Raúl Quevedo-Blasco. „Contrainforme Psicológico Pericial de un Caso de Abuso Sexual Infantil“. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud 15, Nr. 1 (2024): 27. http://dx.doi.org/10.23923/j.rips.2024.01.073.

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Bernier, Annie, Émilie Tétreault, Marie-Ève Bélanger und Julie Carrier. „Paternal involvement and child sleep“. International Journal of Behavioral Development 41, Nr. 6 (06.09.2016): 714–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0165025416667851.

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While maternal influences on young children’s sleep are increasingly documented, the study of paternal contributions to this important sphere of child functioning is only just beginning. In addition, much of this emerging research has focused on infancy only or has relied on parental reports of child sleep. The current study aimed to examine the associations between paternal involvement and child sleep during toddlerhood, a period that witnesses both increased paternal involvement in child care and marked developments in child sleep. Fathers ( N = 85) reported on their involvement when their toddlers were aged 2 years, and sleep was assessed objectively with actigraphy at age 3. Results indicated that above and beyond several key covariates, fathers who reported engaging more frequently in emotional support with their 2-year-old child, and those who reported evoking the child more often, had children who slept longer at night 1 year later. These results are among the first to suggest potential paternal influences on children’s sleep after the infancy period. They raise the possibility that interventions seeking to enhance paternal involvement may carry benefits for toddlers’ sleep and consequently, for aspects of cognition, behavior, and emotion that depend on adequate sleep regulation.
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Tufnell, Guinevere. „Judgements of Solomon: the relevance of a systems approach to psychiatric court reports in child care cases“. Journal of Family Therapy 15, Nr. 4 (November 1993): 413–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6427.1993.00769.x.

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Pierrehumbert, Blaise, Tatjana Ramstein, Athanassia Karmaniola, Raphaële Miljkovitch und Olivier Halfon. „Quality of child care in the preschool years: A comparison of the influence of home care and day care characteristics on child outcome“. International Journal of Behavioral Development 26, Nr. 5 (September 2002): 385–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01650250143000265.

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One hundred and six families of 2-year-old children, having experienced either family day care or centre-based day care, took part in this study. Parents’ and day care providers’ representations and values concerning their ideal definition of child care were assessed, and direct observations of child care settings conducted, using a time-sampling procedure. The instruments concerning both representations and observations have a seven dimension structure: caregiver availability, stimulation, firmness, warmth, autonomy, achievement, and organisation. When children were 3 years of age, the families were contacted again (16% drop out) for an evaluation of various outcomes: parental reports of child behaviour problems (CBCL) and egoresiliency (CCQ), assessments of child developmental quotient (McCarthy), and of attachment representations (ASCT). The day care variables (care providers’ representations and observed variables of the setting), unexpectedly explained the variance of the dependent variables (especially behaviour problems) more than the corresponding parental variables. These results contrast with other studies in the field. Apparently, they can be attributed to the relatively wide span of dimensions, as well as to the variety of child care settings considered. Non-parental and parental care had some selective effects on the different dependent variables. The effects of representations were globally stronger than those of observed characteristics. These data point to the importance of child care quality, emphasise the idea that quality is multidimensional, and stress the significance of caregivers’ representations and values.
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LAAKSO, AARRE, und LINDA B. SMITH. „Pronouns and verbs in adult speech to children: A corpus analysis“. Journal of Child Language 34, Nr. 4 (24.10.2007): 725–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0305000907008136.

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ABSTRACTAssessing whether domain-general mechanisms could account for language acquisition requires determining whether statistical regularities among surface cues in child directed speech (CDS) are sufficient for inducing deep syntactic and semantic structure. This paper reports a case study on the relation between pronoun usage in CDS, on the one hand, and broad verb classes, on the other. A corpus analysis reveals statistical regularities in co-occurrences between pronouns and verbs in CDS that could cue physical versus psychological verbs. A simulation demonstrates that a simple statistical learner can acquire these regularities and exploit them to activate verbs that are consistent with incomplete utterances in simple syntactic frames. Thus, in this case, surface regularitiesaresufficiently informative for inducing broad semantic categories. Childrenmightuse these regularities in pronoun/verb co-occurrences to help learn verbs, although whether theyactuallydo so remains a topic of ongoing research.
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Romano, Elisa, Dafna Kohen und Leanne C. Findlay. „Associations among child care, family, and behavior outcomes in a nation-wide sample of preschool-aged children“. International Journal of Behavioral Development 34, Nr. 5 (03.06.2010): 427–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0165025409351657.

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Canadian data based on maternal reports for a nationally representative sample of 4,521 4—5-year-olds were used to examine associations among child care, family factors, and behaviors in preschool-aged children. Linear regressions testing for direct and moderated associations indicated that regulated home-based care was associated with less physical aggression and less prosocial behavior while high process quality in home-based care was associated with greater prosocial behavior. Among children in home-based settings, being in at least one additional current child care arrangement was linked with greater physical aggression, and low child care stability was linked to greater hyperactivity-inattention, internalizing behavior, and prosocial behaviors. For family factors, parenting behaviors and maternal depression were associated with greater behavioral problems while low household income was linked with greater hyperactivity-inattention among children in home-based care. There was a significant interaction between process quality and household income for physical aggression and internalizing behavior and between structure quality and parenting consistency for prosocial behavior for children in home-based care. Results suggest that child care matters for preschool behavioral outcomes, even after controlling for socio-demographic factors. High quality care appears particularly important for children in home-based care from low-income families so issues around child care quality and regulation should be considered. Findings also underscore the importance of family factors on young children’s behaviors and show that child care and family influences work together to impact child outcomes.
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Deater-Deckard, Kirby, Sandra Scarr, Kathleen McCartney und Marlene Eisenberg. „Paternal Separation Anxiety: Relationships With Parenting Stress, Child-Rearing Attitudes, and Maternal Anxieties“. Psychological Science 5, Nr. 6 (November 1994): 341–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9280.1994.tb00283.x.

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Employed mothers of young children worry about the effects of daily separation on their children Do fathers have similar anxieties? Because fathers are expected to leave the home and go to work, psychologists have not studied fathers' concerns about daily separation from their babies and preschool children In this study, we investigated fathers' and mothers' separation anxiety and the relationships between separation anxiety and family and child-care characteristics The sample included 589 married couples from a larger study of families and center-based child care Data were collected through in-home and center visits Fathers and mothers had similar levels of Separation Anxiety However, fathers reported slightly higher Concern for the Child, and mothers reported higher Employment Concerns Fathers' perceptions of their wives' anxieties were higher by half a standard deviation compared with mothers' reports Fathers' and mothers self-reported separation anxieties were modestly correlated Paternal separation anxiety was most strongly associated with fathers' perceptions of their wives' separation concerns, not with mothers' reported anxieties, which suggested ego defensiveness and projection
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Brelsford, Gina M., Kim K. Doheny und Lisa Nestler. „Parents’ post-traumatic growth and spirituality post-neonatal intensive care unit discharge“. Journal of Psychology and Theology 48, Nr. 1 (21.06.2019): 34–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0091647119856468.

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Parents of preterm infants often experience high levels of stress resulting in feelings of trauma after discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, post-traumatic growth can occur after a stressful incident resulting in more favorable individual outcomes. One predictor of post-traumatic growth that has not been studied in relation to the NICU is parents’ religiousness and spirituality. This study focused on filling this gap in the literature by conducting a pilot study comprised of 25 parents’ reports on their experiences of post-traumatic growth post-NICU discharge. Specifically, we explored associations between parents’ reports on religiousness and spirituality through measures of parent–child sanctification, religious coping, and spiritual disclosure in relation to parents’ distress and their post-traumatic growth. We found that parents who sanctified their parent–child relationship experienced higher levels of post-traumatic growth even in the presence of stress. Parents who reported increased use of positive forms of religious coping and open spiritual disclosure with their spouse/partner also reported higher levels of post-traumatic growth. Results support a continued focus on family-centered NICU care during and after discharge with the caveat of also considering parents’ spiritual and religious worldviews.
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Lees, Dianne G., und Kevin R. Ronan. „Engagement and Effectiveness of Parent Management Training (Incredible Years) for Solo High-Risk Mothers: A Multiple Baseline Evaluation“. Behaviour Change 25, Nr. 2 (01.06.2008): 109–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1375/bech.25.2.109.

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AbstractThe effectiveness ofThe Incredible Yearsparent-training program with a small sample of four high risk solo mothers in a public clinic setting was assessed. All families had a number of risk factors for early drop-out and poor outcomes. Mindful of resource limitations in the public setting, economical strategies were used to enhance attendance rates and engagement. For the outcome evaluation, a multiple baseline across participants design was used. Participants attended a 2-hour group treatment session weekly for twenty weeks, with booster sessions at 2 months and 4 months following treatment. Participants had sons aged between 6 years and 9 years diagnosed with ADHD. Family functioning was assessed from a pretreatment interview schedule, measures of child behaviour and parent and family functioning. Participants also completed program satisfaction and program evaluation measures. Results showed: (a) all mothers engaged with and finished the program, (b) improvement in family functioning, (c) improvements in some teacher and parent reports of child behaviour, (d) increased parenting confidence, (e) reduced stress and depression levels for most parent participants, and (f) reports of better parent–child relationships. Additionally, participants all reported being highly satisfied with the program. Findings overall support the use of easy to do engagement strategies and the use of theIncredibleYears parent-training program as an effective, low cost and early step intervention for families at higher risk in a day-to-day practice setting. The use of this intervention in an overall stepped care approach is considered and discussed.
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