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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Child abuse"


Osmanoğlu, Devrim Erginsoy. „Child Abuse and Children’s Strategies to Cope with Abuse“. World Journal of Education 9, Nr. 1 (18.01.2019): 28.

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health, life, development and / or dignity. The prevention of abuse will be possible through the recognition of abuseand abuser by the child and strengthening of the active strategies used by the child to act against them. In line withthe general purpose of the study, answer to the questions “Which age groups from among the elementary school andsecondary school students are under the risk in terms of being abused?”, “Which type of abuse is frequentlyexperienced by the child?”, “Who are the abusers?”, “What are the strategies used by the child abused to cope withthe incidence of abuse?” were sought. An opinion form consisted of 8 questions was used in the current research.The data collected from a total of 616 students were subjected to content analysis. According to the results obtained75% of the children from different age groups were found to have been subject to abuse and all the age groups weremost abused by their peers, followed by family members and relatives.
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De Silva, T. H. A. S., K. A. P. Siddhisena und M. Vidanapathirana. „The Types and Determinants of Child Abuse in Sri Lanka“. Asian Review of Social Sciences 11, Nr. 1 (26.04.2022): 36–44.

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This study examines types and determinants of child abuse in Sri Lanka. Further, the study provides the demographic and social characteristics of victims who are aged below 18 years as well as their family background in Sri Lanka. There is an increasing trend of different types of child abuses globally as well as nationally. In Sri Lankan context, child sexual abuse reveals study mainly based on the secondary data and the main source of data was the National Child Protection Authority of Sri Lanka. Sample size includes all the complaints on child abuse from 2015-2020 to the NCPA Sri Lanka. The analysis of determinants of child abuse in Sri Lanka reveals as to who are the most vulnerable group for child abuse in Sri Lanka and what are the associated factors to be a child victim. Reporting child abuses have highly determined with the school vacation period and seasonal variation has affected by Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Migration of parents has a negative impact on a child victim for abuse. Especially, the family background is a primarily determined factor to be a child victim. The nearest relatives to the family have been the major abuser of the children. Types of child abuse have analyzed based on the Penal Code and other child right related acts and regulations in Sri Lanka. Majority of the child abuses reported are related with the Penal Code and its amendments. Child right violation is at the highest level and the trend has shown a slightly declining pattern of child abuse but, still the number of abuses is at a higher level. However, the awareness programmes should be improved from school level and the knowledge on sexual and reproductive health also have to be improved to prevent child abuse in Sri Lanka.
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Babakhanlou, Rodrick, und Tom Beattie. „Child abuse“. InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice 12, Nr. 4 (20.02.2019): 180–87.

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Child abuse is a global public health concern. Not only is it appalling that children should suffer unnecessarily, but also children who have been abused are at increased risk of recurrent abuse and may proceed to be abusers in later life. Early and prompt recognition of signs and features of abuse is crucial to alleviate the presenting condition and to prevent future harms. The aim of this article is to present the current advice and recommendations for the recognition and management of child abuse from a primary care perspective.
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DE JONG, ALLAN R., und MIMI ROSE. „Child Abuse“. Pediatrics 86, Nr. 5 (01.11.1990): 805–6.

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In Reply.— We thank Dr Smith for his interesting perspective regarding screening for child abuse. We had hoped our article would help physicians focus on the verbal evidence of abuse and show how insensitive the physical evidence is in predicting which child had been abused sexually. To apply the principles of sensitivity and specificity to the assessment of child abuse or sexual abuse, we must have a gold standard which characterizes these problems. Neither a child protective services decision nor a legal determination of "no proven abuse" can be used as a gold standard, unless we can accept a "gold standard" made of iron pyrite.
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Lee-Kelland, Richard, und Fiona Finlay. „Children who abuse animals: when should you be concerned about child abuse? A review of the literature“. Archives of Disease in Childhood 103, Nr. 8 (17.07.2018): 801–5.

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Animal abuse by children is common, with 3–44% of children being reported to abuse animals at some point during their childhood. Much of this behaviour may be regarded as an extension of exploratory behaviour in a younger child; however, the apparent link between child and animal abuse is an area of increasing interest; with children who abuse animals being 2–3 times more likely to be directly abused themselves. How concerned should a health professional be that a child who abuses animals could themselves be the victim of abuse? We reviewed the literature on the subject, finding that abuse to an animal that is perpetrated by an older child (>10 years) is more likely to be associated with child abuse. Animal abuse is less common in girls compared with boys and there is some suggestion that child abuse may be more likely in these cases. Some papers have reported a higher prevalence of animal abuse in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental delay and conduct disorder, but the relationship with child abuse in these cases is unknown. Information on both child and animal abuse needs to be shared between the veterinary, medical and social care teams in order to protect both children and animals who are vulnerable.
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Berkowitz, Carol D. „Child Sexual Abuse“. Pediatrics In Review 13, Nr. 12 (01.12.1992): 443–52.

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Child sexual abuse has been recognized with increasing frequency since the early 1980s, a trend attributable to a number of factors. Increased public awareness has led to programs, particularly in schools, facilitating disclosure by children about abuse. Likewise, parents are more likely now than previously to believe allegations children make about being abused by trusted extrafamilial friends and advisors. Additionally, the medical community is more knowledgeable about both the behaviors that may indicate abuse and the possible physical changes in the anogenital area of sexually abused children. Definition Child sexual abuse is the involvement of children and adolescents in sexual activity that they do not understand and to which they cannot give consent by virtue of their developmental level. There is chronological and developmental asymmetry between the individuals, and the activity is for the sexual gratification of the older individual. Incest involves sexual activities between individuals in whom such activity is prohibited by virtue of societal taboos. These restrictions involve individuals related by blood or by marriage. Sometimes physical abuse may result in injuries in the genital area. Such injuries are not sexual in intent. Epidemiology More than 2 million cases of child abuse are reported annually. Approximately 40% of these cases involve sexual abuse.
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Sumon, Md Syedur Rahaman, Zamilur Rahman, Md Belayet Hossain Khan und Sohel Mahmud. „Forensic Study of Child Abuse in Bangladesh“. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY 6, Nr. 02 (25.12.2020): 19–21.

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Introduction:The future reflection of nation child has some common problem like under-nutrition, infections, as well as abuse or maltreatment is equally important. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that worldwide, approximately 20% of women and 5–10% of men report being sexually abused in childhood? In Bangladesh, a large number of children are exposed to severe forms of sexual, physical and mental abuses at home, in the work place, in institutions and other public places. Methods and Results: A total of 96 children below 18 years above 5 years were included in this research. All the statements made by semi structured interviews and physical examination. About 6% child reported they are referred as idiot and called them foul name being considering them emotionally abused child. 34% child considering physically abused (by burn 34% and by beating 55%). 60% child considering sexually abused. Among them depending on the type of sexual abuse 12% reported someone trying to touch or kissing or even touched their private body parts, 27% reported someone trying to show naked or dirty pictures to them by using mobile, 61% reported that someone put or forced his private organ inside their mouth (11%), anus (32%) or vagina (57%). Conclusion: Child abuse is a global problem. Not in the world but also in Bangladesh. So Bangladesh government should give special attention to safety of child. To prevent child abuse in social life like children on the street, children at work, and children in institutional is a punishable act as per the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act in our parliament.
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ZAIDI, NOSHEEN, SAIF-UD-DIN SAIF, MAHMOOD AHMED und Wasif Khan. „CHILD LABORERS“. Professional Medical Journal 18, Nr. 04 (10.12.2011): 632–34.

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Background: In Pakistan there are about 3.3 Million unprotected child laborers. They are constantly exposed to all kinds of dangers and abuse intimidating the future of the country. These child laborers are without the basic necessities of life including food, shelter, schooling and healthcare services, which has devastating effects on our socio-economic fabric. It is quite imperative to comprehend and unveil the perilous picture of the working conditions of child laborers and the abuse inflicted upon them at such an impressionable age. Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Rawalpindi city including workshops, shops and streets of Rawalpindi. Period: January 2008–Dec 2008. Objective: To assess the presence of any Verbal, Physical and Sexual abuse among the child laborers at Rawalpindi city. Results: Out of the total sample of 700 study subjects 315 (45%) of the Child laborers reported being abused whereas 385 (55%) reported no abuse. Out of the fraction which reported to be abused the break up is as follows. 214 (67.9%) reported verbal abuse, 75 (23.8%) reported Physical abuse and 25 (7.9%) reported sexual abuse. Conclusions: This study concluded that the child laborers are open to the elements of the adversities that come along with their work environment. The government should be urged to take necessary steps to trim down the abuse against child laborers and its frightening effects on their families, society and nation at large by constituting strict laws and ensuring their speedy implementation.
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Udayakumara, A. R. P. C., und H. K. S. Niranjana. „A Criminological Study on Family Environmental Factors Affecting Child Sexual Abuse in Sri Lanka“. Vidyodaya Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 07, Nr. 02 (01.07.2022): 107–19.

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Child sexual abuse is a serious crime prohibited by Sri Lankan criminal law, which is discussed under child abuse. There are various factors that contribute to the sexual abuse of children. This research has conducted a criminological study of the family environmental factors affecting child sexual abuse in Sri Lanka. The research was conducted in the Kalutara and Colombo districts of the Western Province and 228 sexually abused children were used as the main sample in 2015-2020. Two separate samples were also used for officers on duty with regard to parents and children from the victims. The data obtained from the research have been extensively analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. 87% of victims of sexual abuse are girls. The majority of 42% represent the 15-17 category. 47% of the majority are victims of corruption. The boyfriend (42%) is responsible for most of the abuse. 33% of victims have been sexually abused in their own home and 32% in the home of the abuser. Family vulnerabilities such as family economic difficulties, parental ignorance, extramarital affairs, single parent family, parental separation, family disputes, parental emigration, paternal and drug abuse, various physical and mental disorders of the parents, family moral decline, and breakdown of parent-child cooperation And various problems of children, problems in the social environment can be identified as factors contributing to sexual abuse. A child faces many problems when he or she is sexually abused. This physical, mental and social impact is detrimental not only to the child affected but also to his family, society and the country as a whole. It can be pointed out that an integrated approach is more effective in controlling and preventing child sexual abuse.
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David, Tidhamulala. „Practices and Effects of Child Abuse on Learner’s Academic Performance in Primary Schools“. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 5, Nr. 1 (01.09.2024): 12–19.

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This study investigated the practices and effects of child abuse on learners’ academic performance in selected primary schools in Budaya Sub-county. The study concluded that parents ranked highest in promoting child abuse. They subject their children to both physical and psychological abuse, which consequently affects their performance at home and school. In addition, the study revealed that physically and emotionally, the abused child becomes aggressive towards fellow pupils and elders and suffers stunted physical and mental development. According to the findings, the study calls for social welfare agencies (public and private organizations) to redouble efforts in educating, counseling, and rehabilitating victims of child abuse. These efforts could encourage many victims of child abuse to continue their education or engage in other meaningful activities. Furthermore, the knowledge of both teachers and other school personnel, along with representatives from health care services, social services, and law enforcement, regarding child abuse is severely limited. Therefore, the government should educate all stakeholders about ways to reduce child abuse. Finally, the government should make and enforce strong laws to isolate the abuser from the victim, impose harsh sentences, and provide treatment services to the sexually offended victims. Keywords: Academic performance, Child abuse, Culture, Primary school, Students
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Child abuse"


Dryden, Kyrsha M. „Child abuse and neglect a resource guide /“. Online version, 2009.

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Abhilak, Vishnu. „Child abuse : psychopedagogical perspective“. Thesis, University of Zululand, 1992.

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Zululand, 1992.
The aim of this study was : to describe the life-world of the abused child from a psychopedagogical perspective; and to determine, in the light of the findings obtained, certain guidelines according to which accountable support could be instituted in order to meet the needs of the abused child. The study initially outlines current thinking and research on child abuse, first identified as a clinical phenomenon in the 1960's. The early definition of child abuse included only physical abuse, known as "baby battering", but the definition has been broadened to include neglect, emotional abuse, failure-to-thrive, sexual abuse and cultural abuse. Furthermore, the characteristics of abusing parents and those factors that appear to pre-dispose a child to become the object of abuse are discussed. From a psychopedagogical perspective the abused child finds himself in a situation of dysfunctional education mainly because he goes through the difficult road to adulthood without the assistance and guidance of a responsible parent or adult. This results in the psychic life of the abused child being under-actualised. The lack of responsible adult intervention and guidance, which is based on the pedagogical principles of understanding, trust and authority, results in the abused child forming relationships within his life-world which are inadequate for his emancipation. The abused child thus fails to constitute a meaningful life-world. It would seem that poverty together with cultural sanctions which condone violence, stressful living conditions such as overcrowding, insufficient personal, financial and social resources, discrimination and deprivation, all interact with each other to produce fertile ground not only for abuse, but all forms of deviance. It was found that mothers were mainly responsible for abuse, particularly emotional abuse, neglect and abandonment This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that they are in the main responsible for the care of the children. The literature has shown that abusing parents have been abused themselves as children and know no other way of disaplining their children. They have not learned how to "parent". There are factors that pre-dispose the child to abuse ; prematurity, retardation, physical handicaps and the fact that the child is perceived by the parents as being "different". The review of the literature has emphasised the importance of the multi-disciplinary team in the treatment and prevention of child abuse. The role of a specialised unit in treating and preventing child abuse is recommended by some authors. Case conferences are described as a useful means of discussing cases intensively and reporting back to a committee or specialised unit. Education for family life, the outlawing of family violence, involving lay people in running community programmes, the development of better services in the community are all discussed as ways of preventing child abuse. In the light of the findings of this research, the following was recommended : * school social workers should be trained and placed at schools to assist and identify pedagogically neglected children; * that there should be a staff training programme for teachers with regard to the identification, intervention and counselling of abuse cases; * educational programmes directed at school children, parents, parents-to-be and professionals, are essential for the prevention of child abuse.
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Scarlett, Jane Margaret, und Bryan Anderson Wing. „Child abuse and domestic abuse: Factors in reunification“. CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2002.

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This study was designed to differentiate the significant demographic and familial factors found in families when reunification is successful versus when reunification fails in cases of child removal due to physical abuse and domestic violence. The purpose of this study was to identify which, if any of these factors, lead to successful reunification. Content analysis of adjudicated cases of child abuse in San Bernardino County was used to transform qualitative information into quantitative data.
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Fennimore, Beatrice Schneller. „A study of the passage of PL 93-247 : the child abuse prevention and treatment act of 1974 /“. Access Digital Full Text version, 1986.

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Thesis (Ed. D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1986.
Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: Leslie R. Williams. Dissertation Committee: Karen B. Kepler-Zumwalt. Bibliography: leaves 247-259.
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Nguyen, My Linh Thi. „Health consequences of child and adult sexual abuse /“. [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2002.

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Kikuchi, Jacqueline Jackson. „Evaluation of a child abuse awareness program /“. View online ; access limited to URI, 2004.

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Tennfjord, Oddfrid Skorpe. „Attitudes towards child sexual abuse“. Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychology, 2008.

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The main purpose of the present thesis was to develop a measurement instrument aimed to reveal attitudes towards child sexual abuse, and to measure attitudes and associating personal, social and cultural factors among three different samples of Norwegian adults. Additional aims were to explore the relation between participants’ knowledge-seeking on the one hand, their experiences, attitudes and actual knowledge about abuse on the other hand.

Three studies are presented based on the same data material collected in Norway in spring 2004. Three samples were included in the survey: A sample of randomly selected adults between 18-67 years (n = 296). A sample of active Christians between 22-65 years (n = 125) and finally a sample of imprisoned child sexual offenders between 21-74 years (n = 36).

Study I was primarily concerned about the development and validation of a new measurement instrument, entitled Attitudes towards child sexual abuse (ACA). The scale consisted of four different attitudinal dimensions. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the four-factor structure. The four dimensions were entitled 1) Acceptance and responsibility, 2) Fatalism, 3) Damages caused by abuse, and 4) Legal issues. The result showed that there were significant attitude differences across the samples. The differences were in the expected direction e.g. offenders reported more abuse-accepting attitudes than the random adults and active Christians, and men had more abuse-accepting attitudes than women. This confirms the discriminative properties of ACA. Furthermore, the factors hypothesized to be associated with attitudes towards abuse behaved as expected, e.g. high empathy was related to more averse attitudes. Conclusively, the scale was found to be valid and reliable.

Study II further investigated attitudes towards abuse and explored cultural, social and personal factors associated with these attitudes. The results showed that different factors were predictors of attitudes in the three samples. Empathy and normlessness were the best predictors of attitudes among the random sample of adults and the active Christians. The most significant predictors of attitudes among the prisoners were their view of women and femininity. This may imply that different intervention strategies should be chosen depending on the target group.

Study III aimed to explore attitudes towards and knowledge-seeking about child sexual abuse among the samples. It was hypothesized that those who seek more knowledge had more accurate knowledge about abuse, and that the difference in knowledge-seeking and attitudes were related to the respondents’ own experience with abuse. It was furthermore expected that both knowledge-seeking and attitudes were predictors of abusive behaviour. The results suggested that attitudes and knowledge-seeking differed across samples and gender. The active Christians had most aversive attitudes towards child sexual abuse and sought more knowledge about abuse than the comparing samples. The respondents who reported high knowledge-seeking seemed to have more knowledge of abuse as well. However, a more comprehensive measurement of both knowledge-seeking and actual knowledge is recommended in future studies. Knowledge-seeking was related to both direct and indirect experience, e.g. victims of abuse had higher knowledge-seeking compared to non-victims and those who knew a victim had higher knowledge-seeking than those who did not know a victim. Abusive behaviour was predicted by attitudes, gender and sample. Knowledge-seeking did not predict abusive behaviour.

Taken together, the three studies showed that the hypothesized attitudinal differences between the three samples, were confirmed. Furthermore, the expected relation between attitudes on the one hand and social, cultural, and personality factors and knowledge-seeking on the other hand, was supported. The result as a whole may serve as a guide to interventions aimed to prevent abuse.

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Poh, Boon-nee, und 傅文毅. „Children's rights and child abuse“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1996.

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Carter, Shevaun Kirsten. „Perpetrators of child sexual abuse“. Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2017.

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The National Society of Protection and Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) estimate that 1 in 20 children are a victim of sexual abuse (Bentley, O’Hagan, Raff, & Bhatti, 2016). Furthermore, recent figures indicate that there has been a rise in child sexual abuse cases across the UK. Research into perpetrators of child sexual abuse have focused primarily on male offenders. Researchers have explored the cognitive distortions of male offenders and developed theories of sexual offending based on the risk factors associated with this population. More recently, studies have explored the core beliefs and schemas of child offenders to understand the factors that underpin their cognitive distortions. This empirical paper explores the Early Maladaptive Schemas and Implicit Theories of mentally disordered child sex offenders. Historically, societal perspectives of women indicated that females were highly unlikely to perpetrate sexual offences against children. More recent findings suggest that females account for approximately 5% of all sexual offenders across the UK, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. However, this statistic varies depending on the data gathering methods employed: self-report studies indicate higher prevalence rates of female perpetrated sexual abuse compared to case report studies. This systematic review explores societal perspectives of female child sex offenders compared to male perpetrators.
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Poh, Boon-nee. „Children's rights and child abuse /“. Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1996.

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Bücher zum Thema "Child abuse"


Marie, Leverich Jean, Hrsg. Child abuse. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008.

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Langwith, Jacqueline. Child abuse. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011.

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Heidi, Williams, Hrsg. Child abuse. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009.

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Begin, Patricia. Child abuse. Ottawa, Ont: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1996.

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Rey-Salmon, Caroline, und Catherine Adamsbaum, Hrsg. Child Abuse. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Baker, Maureen. Child abuse. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1987.

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Park, Angela. Child abuse. New York: Gloucester Press, 1988.

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J, Grapes Bryan, Hrsg. Child abuse. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001.

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Sanders, Pete. Child abuse. London: Gloucester Press, 1995.

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United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/Force Management and Personnel, Hrsg. Child abuse. Washington, D.C: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management and Personnel, Department of Defense, 1985.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Child abuse"


Mullin, Amy. „Abuse: Child Abuse“. In Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, 8–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Mullin, Amy. „Abuse: Child Abuse“. In Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, 1–8. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Scherl, Susan A. „Child Abuse“. In Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship, 557–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Drubach, Laura. „Child Abuse“. In Pediatric Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 397–406. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Bothe, Denise, und Karen Olness. „Child Abuse“. In Encyclopedia of Women’s Health, 238–40. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2004.

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Kalichman, Seth. „Child Abuse“. In Forensic Psychology, 199–217. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.

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Graskemper, Joseph P. „Child Abuse“. In Professional Responsibility in Dentistry, 47–49. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2013.

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Scribano, Philip V., und Carla A. Parkin-Joseph. „Child Abuse“. In Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, 205–13. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Abrams, David B., J. Rick Turner, Linda C. Baumann, Alyssa Karel, Susan E. Collins, Katie Witkiewitz, Terry Fulmer et al. „Abuse, Child“. In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 10. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Merrick, Melissa, und Jason Jent. „Child Abuse“. In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 386–89. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Child abuse"


Chowdhury, Mahfuzulhoq, und Jaowad Hassan Noor. „Safe-Guard: A Smartphone Application with Child Abuse Detection, Doctor Selection, Legal Aid, and Child Abuse Case Reporting Help Assistance“. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications (InC4), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.

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Pavlova, T. S. „Child abuse“. In ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. НИЦ «Л-Журнал», 2018.

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Ali-Panzarella, Andrea. „Pediatricians Preventing Child Abuse“. In Selection of Abstracts From NCE 2016. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2018.

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Feng, Jiayi, Yingliang Hao und Zhihao Deng. „A Review of Child Sexual Abuse“. In 2021 2nd International Conference on Mental Health and Humanities Education(ICMHHE 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Dhruv Chand, M., Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan und Chandramouli Sharma. „Project Jagriti: Crowdsourced child abuse reporting“. In 2014 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC). IEEE, 2014.

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Ngo, Hannah, und Rachel Silliman Cohen. „Evaluation of Unexplained Bone Fractures in a 3-Month-Old Infant – A Case Report“. In 28th Annual Rowan-Virtua Research Day. Rowan University Libraries, 2024.

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Child physical abuse is a significant cause of injury in infants and young children and can present in a variety of ways. Failure to recognize abuse in infants and young children can be life-threatening and is often recurrent until safety interventions occur. Consequently, it is of paramount importance that providers strongly consider child physical abuse on the differential, along with metabolic bone disease and accidental traumatic injury, when evaluating fractures in young children and infants. This case report will focus on the evaluation of a 3-month-old male infant who was admitted to the hospital with irritability and decreased right arm movement. Multiple unexplained bone fractures were found on skeletal survey, which led to concerns for suspected child abuse and the infant underwent a comprehensive medical evaluation by child abuse pediatricians. Ultimately, it was ruled that the infant’s numerous injuries were most consistent with a medical diagnosis of child physical abuse.
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Raflesia, Sarifah Putri, Dinda Lestarini, Taufiqurrahman und Firdaus. „Geofencing based technology towards child abuse prevention“. In 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS). IEEE, 2017.

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Ansari, Ahlam Shakeel, Rizwan Siddique, Raashid Hamdulay, Rasheda Quraishi und Sayed Samiya. „Real-Time Child Abuse and Reporting System“. In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB). IEEE, 2018.

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Darie, Nadina. „Child Abuse And Neglect In The Family“. In Edu World 7th International Conference. Cognitive-crcs, 2017.

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Kurniawati, Dewi. „Interpersonal Communications in Preventing Child Sexual Abuse“. In 1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2016). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Child abuse"


Currie, Janet, und Erdal Tekin. Does Child Abuse Cause Crime? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2006.

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Maden, Marc. The disposition of reported child abuse. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Matusak, Marguerite. "Follow through" Services for Child Abuse Cases. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Gibbs, Deborah A. Spouse Abuse, Child Abuse, and Substance Abuse Among Army Facilities: Co-Occurrence, Correlations and Service Delivery Issues. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 2006.

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Jones, Liz, und Natasha Sabin. Using supervision and team meetings to improve responses to child sexual abuse. Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse, Oktober 2024.

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This guide shows how practice supervisors can best facilitate discussions about child sexual abyse within individual and group supervision sessions, and in team meetings. It also explains how they can use a range of publications produced by the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) – and particularly our ‘Key messages from research’ series – to support reflection and discussion.
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Markowitz, Sara, und Michael Grossman. The Effects of Alcohol Regulation on Physical Child Abuse. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Juli 1998.

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Antunes, Carla, Cláudia Camilo, Eunice Magalhães, Célia Ferreira und Cristiana Cunha. Child Sexual Abuse: A Meta-analysis of Protective Factors. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, August 2023.

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Haslam, Divna, Ben Mathews, Rosana Pacella, James Graham Scott, David Finkelhor, Daryl Higgins, Franziska Meinck et al. The prevalence and impact of child maltreatment in Australia: Findings from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study: Brief Report. Queensland University of Technology, 2023.

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The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS) is a landmark study for our nation. The ACMS research team has generated the first nationally representative data on the prevalence of each of the five types of child maltreatment in Australia, and their associated health impacts through life. We also identified information about the context of maltreatment experiences, including how old children are when it occurs, and who inflicts it. This knowledge about which children are most at risk of which types of abuse and neglect, at which ages, and by whom, is needed to develop evidencebased population approaches required to reduce child maltreatment in Australia. The concerning prevalence of maltreatment and its devastating associated outcomes present an urgent imperative for nation-building reform to better protect Australian children and reduce associated costs to individuals, families, communities and broader society. The ACMS collected data from 8500 randomly selected Australians aged 16-65 years and older. We included an oversample of 3500 young people 16-24 years of aged to generate particularly strong data about child maltreatment in contemporary Australian society, to assess its associated impacts in adolescence and early adulthood, and to allow future prevalence studies to detect reductions in prevalence rates over time. Our participants aged 25 and over enabled us to understand prevalence trends at different times in Australian history, and to measure associated health outcomes through life. Participants provided information on childhood experiences of each of the five types of child abuse and neglect, and other childhood adversities, mental health disorders, health risk behaviours, health services utilisation, and more. Our findings provide the first nationally representative data on the prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia. Moreover, the ACMS is the first national study globally to examine maltreatment experiences and associated health and social outcomes of all five forms of child maltreatment. Taken together, our findings provide a deep understanding of the prevalence, context and impact of child abuse and neglect in Australia and make an important contribution to the international field. This brief report presents the main findings from the ACMS for a general public audience. These main findings are further detailed in seven peer-reviewed scholarly articles, published in a special edition of the Medical Journal of Australia, Australia’s leading medical journal. Forthcoming work will examine other important questions about the impacts of specific maltreatment experiences to generate additional evidence to inform governments and stakeholders about optimal prevention policy and practice. There is cause for hope. In recent years, there have been reductions in physical abuse, and in some types of sexual abuse. These reductions are extremely important. They mean that fewer children are suffering, and they indicate that change is possible. Policies and programs to reduce these types of maltreatment are having an effect. Yet, there are other concerning trends, with some types of maltreatment becoming even more common, including emotional abuse, some types of sexual abuse, and exposure to domestic violence. And new types of sexual victimisation are also emerging. As a society, we have much work to do. We know that child maltreatment can be reduced if we work together as governments, service sectors, and communities. We need to invest more, and invest better. It is a moral, social and economic imperative for Australian governments to develop a coordinated long-term plan for generational reform. We have found that: 1. Child maltreatment is widespread. 2. Girls experience particularly high rates of sexual abuse and emotional abuse. 3. Child maltreatment is a major problem affecting today’s Australian children and youth – it is not just something that happened in the past. 4. Child maltreatment is associated with severe mental health problems and behavioural harms, both in childhood and adulthood. 5. Child maltreatment is associated with severe health risk behaviours, both in childhood and adulthood. 6. Emotional abuse is particularly harmful, and is much more damaging than society has understood.
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Stewart, Kelly. Preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Juvenile Offending Through Parental Monitoring. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Latzman, Natasha E., Cecilia Casanueva und Melissa Dolan. Defining and understanding the Scope of Child Sexual Abuse: Challenges and Opportunities. RTI Press, November 2017.

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The enormous individual, familial, and societal burden of child sexual abuse has underscored the need to address the problem from a public health framework. Much work remains, however, at the first step of this framework — defining and understanding the scope of the problem, or establishing incidence and prevalence estimates. In this occasional paper, we provide an overview of the ways researchers have defined and estimated the scope of child sexual abuse, focusing on agency tabulations and large-scale surveys conducted over the last several decades. More precise estimates of the number of children affected by child sexual abuse would improve the ability of the public health, child welfare, pediatrics, and other communities to prevent and respond to the problem. We recommend using a comprehensive surveillance system to assess and track the scope of child sexual abuse. This system should be grounded by common definitional elements and draw from multiple indicators and sources to estimate the prevalence of a range of sexually abusive experiences.
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