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Nazarudeen, A., G. Rajkumar, Rohith Mathew Mohan und R. Prakashkumar. „Taxonomic notes on the identity of Rungia latior var. anamalayana (Acanthaceae) from Western Ghats, India“. Plant Science Today 7, Nr. 1 (01.01.2020): 23–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.14719/pst.2020.7.1.626.

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Rungia latior Nees var. anamalayana Chandrab. & V. Chandras., examined as part of the revisionary studies on the Acanthaceae of Western Ghats, have shown some taxonomic ambiguity. As the original authors rightly pointed out, the variety ‘does not fit within the circumscription of the typical species’. Based on our recent collections, we also felt that the varietal status is superfluous as the same has got some merits to be recognized as a distinct species. As such the status of the variety has been reassessed; elevated to the specific rank and a new combination has been set, conserving the varietal name as the specific epithet. Accordingly, the species is renamed as Rungia anamalayana (Chandrab. & V. Chandras.) A. Nazarudeen & G. Rajkumar comb. et stat. nov. The distinctive features and alliance of the species is discussed and a full account of the species is presented with illustrations.
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Arisdason, W., und P. Daniel. „Syzygium Chandrasekharanii Chandrab. & V. Chandras., A synonym of Syzygium Fergusonii (Trimen) Gamble (Myrtaceae)“. Indian Journal of Forestry 33, Nr. 2 (01.06.2010): 221–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.54207/bsmps1000-2010-02mmt4.

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Syzygium chandrasekharanii, a new species described from the Anamalais on the Western Ghats, is found to be conspecific with the less known Indo-Srilankan species Syzygium fergusonii (Trimen) Gamble and hence it is synonymized.
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Chandra, Sonaksh. „Comparative Analysis of Gluten Content of Raw and Processed Materials“. Universities' Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights 2, Nr. 29 (24.12.2020): 47–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.51129/ujpah-2020-29-2(7).

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Abstract-Gluten intolerance /allergies is now a silently rising problem world-wide. Gluten is a protein composite found in cereals, wheat, rice, barley and certain oat varieties. It also causes Celiac disease which is an autoimmune disease (most severe form of gluten intolerance), resulting from glutenintoleranceandisbasedongeneticintolerance. The only therapeutic treatment for the patients with gluten allergies and celiac disease is a strict gluten free diet. Rising demand for gluten free products is a task for the bakers and manufacturers to eliminate gluten completely from their products which is technically not possible. This draws the attention to the fact that mandatory analysis in this field is required. The aim of this work is to find a way to reduce the gluten content in the available materials, and also to find the source of gluten contamination after processing of raw materials. It wasnotedthatgarlicandsugarcontainingcombination were found effective and showed decrease in gluten content and that they were better additivities in the processing process than rest of others.
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Bonde, Suresh D., und Nauneeth K. P. Kumaran. „Taxonomic realignment of the fossil polypodiaceous rhizome Thayeriorhizomoxylon chandrae (“chandraii ”) Patil and Datar from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India“. TAXON 54, Nr. 1 (Februar 2005): 117–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/25065307.

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Finnigan, John, und James Wilczak. „Jagadish Chandran Kaimal (1930–2021)“. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 180, Nr. 1 (28.04.2021): 1–4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10546-021-00623-3.

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MAHARAJ, AJESH B., und VINOD CHANDRAN. „Drs. Maharaj and Chandran reply“. Journal of Rheumatology 42, Nr. 6 (Juni 2015): 1062. http://dx.doi.org/10.3899/jrheum.150254.

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Mukherjee, Proshanto K. „Chandrika Prasad Srivastava“. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 9, Nr. 2 (Oktober 2010): 135–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf03195170.

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Chandran, Sunil. „A Conversation with Dr. Sunil Chandran“. Industrial Biotechnology 18, Nr. 6 (01.12.2022): 334–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/ind.2022.29293.sch.

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Baker, Monya. „Chandra Tucker“. Nature Methods 7, Nr. 12 (29.11.2010): 939. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth1210-939.

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Tamhane, Swapna. „Mohini Chandra“. Wasafiri 17, Nr. 36 (Juni 2002): 40–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02690050208589787.

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Khan, Ayantik. „Narrative Techniques and Storytelling in Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's 'Parinita'“. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 12, Nr. 12 (05.12.2023): 698–717. http://dx.doi.org/10.21275/sr231205234128.

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Marilang, Marilang, und Hasbi Hasbi. „ANALISIS KRITIS TERHADAP PUTUSAN PENGADILAN No. 253/Pdt.G/2012/PN. MKS TENTANG KEWARISAN“. Jurisprudentie : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum 5, Nr. 1 (08.06.2018): 154. http://dx.doi.org/10.24252/jurisprudentie.v5i2.5436.

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AbstractCase position in Decision Justice of Number 253/Pdt.G/2012/PN. Makassar is that Tjiang Junk of Tjeng which later;then b] him become Tony Chandra ( Non-Islam) at its life spans twice marry. First marriage of him with Mrs. Yuliana Baco Pande ( Kristen) bearing children counted 6 people ( Christian all), that is: Rico Chandra, Image of Chandra, Hadianto Chandra, Meinland Chandra, Rhirin Cahndra, and Christian Chandra. Still tied to marry validity with Mrs. Yuliana Baco Pande, Tony Chandra remarry with Mrs. Zuliyati ( Islam) by Tony Chandra hide to Mrs. Zuliyati that there is barrier ( first wife) to x'self to remarry ( berpoligami) and bear a child ( so called Islam) of Hendrawan Chandra. And so do Mrs. Zuliyati, before marrying with Tony Chandra, he/she have married with other man ( Agus Kaswandi) and bear a so called child of Yudhi Kaswandi (Islam). After Tony Chandra pass away, Tony leave 7 heir of first marriage that is first wife and its childs; 2 heir of both marriage that is both wife and a its child. Beside that, Tony Chandra also leave a number of good and chattel as heritage which have been divided pursuant to Justice decision, but its division according to applicable law there are by mistake, good in the balance and also its its his, so that open opportunity to be critical and analysed from the aspect of look into normatif yuridis with approach of legislation.Keywords: Critical Analysis, Decision Justice, Division of Heritage AbstrakPosisi kasus dalam Putusan Pengadilan Nomor 253/Pdt.G/2012/PN. Makassar adalah bahwa Tjiang Jong Tjeng yang kemudian diganti namanya menjadi Tony Chandra (Non-Islam) pada masa hidupnya dua kali kawin. Perkawinan pertamanya dengan Ny. Yuliana Baco Pande (Kristen) yang melahirkan anak sebanyak 6 orang (Kristen semua), yaitu: Rico Chandra, Citra Chandra, Hadianto Chandra, Meinland Chandra, Rhirin Cahndra, dan Christian Chandra. Masih terikat kawin sah dengan Ny. Yuliana Baco Pande, Tony Chandra kawin lagi dengan Ny. Zuliyati (Islam) dengan cara Tony Chandra menyembunyikan kepada Ny. Zuliyati bahwa ada halangan (istri pertama) bagi dirinya untuk kawin lagi (berpoligami) dan melahirkan seorang anak (Islam) bernama Hendrawan Chandra. Demikian juga Ny. Zuliyati, sebelum kawin dengan Tony Chandra, dia pernah kawin dengan pria lain (Agus Kaswandi) dan melahirkan seorang anak bernama Yudhi Kaswandi (Islam). Setelah Tony Chandra meninggal dunia, Tony meninggalkan 7 ahli waris dari perkawinan pertama yaitu istri pertama dan anak-anaknya; 2 ahli waris dari perkawinan kedua yaitu istri kedua dan seorang anaknya. Disamping itu, Tony Chandra juga meninggalkan sejumlah harta benda sebagai harta warisan yang telah dibagi berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan tersebut, namun pembagiannya menurut hukum yang berlaku terdapat kekeliruan, baik dalam pertimbangannya maupun diktumnya, sehingga membuka peluang untuk dikritisi dan dianalisis dari sudut pandang yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan.Kata Kunci : Analisis Kritis, Putusan Pengadilan, Pembagian Warisan
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Chandran, Anita. „Uncharted territories of scientific history“. Physics World 35, Nr. 12 (01.12.2022): 43ii—44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2058-7058/35/12/34.

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Ni Made Adnyani. „YOGA CHANDRA TRADISI WATUKARU“. Veda Jyotih: Jurnal Agama dan Sains 2, Nr. 1 (20.08.2023): 31–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.61330/vedajyotih.v2i1.51.

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For a Sanatani, to understand the symbolic manifestation of Lord Śiva and his attributes, which is crowned with a crescent moon called Ardha Chandra. This crescent moon has the meaning that a devotee must develop the qualities of the heart which are the crown of a human being. The crown of man lies in his character. Having the character of the moon helps humans achieve happiness (Jagadhita). The development of the Soma (Chandra) element in the body can be obtained by practicing Asana, Pranayama and Mudra. The aims are to know the types of Yoga Chandra in the Watukaru tradition; 2) to know the benefits of Yoga Chandra in the Watukaru tradition. Efforts to achieve research objectives, used a qualitative descriptive The data analysis process is the Miles and Huberman model. Data analysis activities are data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. The results showed that there were 4 types of Candra Yoga, namely Chandranamaskara, Chandra Lomawati, Chandra Kirana and Chandra Kumari. Chandranamaskara yoga is a tribute to the moon as the aspect that represents gentleness. Yoga Chandra Lomawati means worship of Chandra who is in a state of injury to the Moon. Yoga Chandra Kirana is worship of the Moon in its bright, perfect light. Yoga Chandra Kumari is worship of the Moon in its crescent form. These four types of yoga chandra have their own uniqueness. Their purpose and symbolic meaning also differ from each other. But all of this chandra yoga has physical and non-physical benefits.
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Chandran, Anita. „Who killed General Electric?“ Physics World 36, Nr. 3 (01.03.2023): 36–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2058-7058/36/03/25.

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Donnelly, Russell J. „Recollections of Chandra“. Physics Today 64, Nr. 6 (Juni 2011): 8–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3603929.

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Collett, Edward. „Recollections of Chandra“. Physics Today 64, Nr. 6 (Juni 2011): 9–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3605466.

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Kappes, Martin, Andreas Malcher und Detlef Wotschke. „Remembering Chandra Kintala“. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 31 (07.08.2010): 15–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/eptcs.31.4.

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Smith, N. „Interview: Suryansh Chandra“. Engineering & Technology 14, Nr. 10 (01.11.2019): 76–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/et.2019.1027.

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Millar, S. W. „Prakash Chandra Srivastava“. BMJ 324, Nr. 7341 (06.04.2002): 853h—853. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.324.7341.853/h.

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GOODMAN, JEREMY, und ZACHARY SLEPIAN. „Chance and Chandra“. Pramana 77, Nr. 1 (Juli 2011): 107–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12043-011-0116-1.

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Underhill, Geoffrey. „Obituary: Chandra Sriram“. European Journal of International Relations 24, Nr. 4 (09.11.2018): 739. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1354066118812261.

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Chakravorty, Animesh. „Prafulla Chandra Rây“. Resonance 6, Nr. 1 (Januar 2001): 3–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf02839028.

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Rustika Manik, I. Made Dwi, I. Nyoman Sudiana und Ni Putu Hartini. „Wira Chandra New Music Creation | Musik Kreasi Baru Wira Chandra“. GHURNITA: Jurnal Seni Karawitan 1, Nr. 3 (03.07.2023): 204. http://dx.doi.org/10.59997/jurnalsenikarawitan.v1i3.383.

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Komposisi Wira Chandra ini terinspirasi dari karakteristik seorang guru yang sedang mengajari muridnya, penata tertarik untuk mengangkat peristiwa tersebut menjadi sebuah ide karya yang akan ditransformasikan kedalam sebuah karya komposisi karawitan yang apik dan spektakuler. Wira Chandra ialah kesatria yang memiliki kepribadian yang tangguh dan sikap kasih sayang dengan menginterpretasikan ide dari karakteristik seorang guru. Menciptakan sebuah karya seni Wira Chandra ini akan dituangkan pada salah satu media ungkap gamelan Bali yaitu Gong Kebyar. Karya komposisi Wira Chandra merupakan sebuah komposisi lelambatan yang terinspirasi dari karakter seorang guru yang dikemas menjadi tabuh lelambatan kreasi dengan menggunakan struktur Tri Angga Pegongan pada dasarnya, dan penata memecahkan kembali struktur tersebut menjadi Kawitan, Pengawak, Pengisep, Pengecet, Ngembat dan Pekaad, bisa menggunakan tabuh telu atau gilak. Terwujudnya Karya Wira Chandra ini melalui proses kreativitas yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahap penjajagan (exsplorasi), percobaan (improvisasi), dan pembentukan (forming).
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CHANDRA, KAILASH, DIRK AHRENS, DEBIKA BHUNIA, KOLLA SREEDEVI und DEVANSHU GUPTA. „New species and records of Sericini from India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)“. Zootaxa 4951, Nr. 3 (07.04.2021): 492–510. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4951.3.4.

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Five new sericine species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) are described, diagnosed and illustrated from India: Lepidoserica barapaniensis Chandra, Ahrens, Bhunia, Sreedevi & Gupta, new species, Maladera kaimurensis Chandra, Ahrens, Bhunia, Sreedevi & Gupta, new species, M. silviafabriziae Chandra, Ahrens, Bhunia, Sreedevi & Gupta, new species, M. kottagudiensis Chandra, Ahrens, Bhunia, Sreedevi & Gupta, new species, and M. tripuraensis Chandra, Ahrens, Bhunia, Sreedevi & Gupta, new species. This paper also presents new locality records, including first state records for 74 species (including two subspecies) of Sericini from the Indian subcontinent.
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Winkelman, Sherry, Arnold Rots, Raffaele D’Abrusco, Glenn Becker, Sinh Thong und Michael McCollough. „Growing a Bibliography“. EPJ Web of Conferences 186 (2018): 04001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818604001.

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The Chandra Data Archive (CDA) has been tracking publications based on Chandra observations in journals and on-line conference proceedings since early in the mission. Our goals are two-fold: 1) provide a means for Chandra users to search literature on Chandra-related papers to further their scientific research; and 2) provide a means for measuring the science produced from Chandra data. Over the years the database and its associated tools have expanded dramatically. In this paper I will give a history of the development of the bibliography with a focus on the human capital involved, along with the skill sets and management structures developed which allow us to maintain a very rich and extensive bibliography with a limited number of full time employees (FTEs). I will also cover how the diverse metadata collected has made the Chandra bibliography an essential resource in managing the Chandra X-ray Center. This work has been supported by NASA under contract NAS 8-03060 to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for operation of the Chandra X-ray Center. It depends critically on the services provided by the ADS.
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Prasad, Mamidi, und Kshama Gupta. „BOOK REVIEW ON YOGA CHANDRIKA“. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy 5, Nr. 4 (16.09.2014): 582–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.7897/2277-4343.054118.

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Indriati, Inayat Hanum. „PENGARUH STRUKTUR ORGANISASI, FASILITAS KERJA DAN BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS KERJA PEGAWAI BPR CHANDRA MUKTIARTHA YOGYAKARTA“. Jembatan : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen 18, Nr. 1 (30.09.2021): 13–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.29259/jmbt.v18i1.12333.

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The study is to determine the effect of organizational structure, work facilities and workload, either simultaneously or partially on the work effectiveness of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta employees.The sample of this research is all employees of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta, totaling 140 people who were selected by using population sampling technique. The data collected with a questionnaire. Analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis.The results that (1) the organizational structure has a significant effect on the work effectiveness of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta employees (p = 0.000); (2) Work facilities have a significant effect on the work effectiveness of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta employees (p = 0.035); (3) Workload has a significant effect on the work effectiveness of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta employees (p = 0.003); (4) The organizational structure, work facilities and workload simultaneously affect the work effectiveness of BPR Chandra Muktiartha Yogyakarta employees (p = 0.000).
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Narlikar, Jayant V. „Chandra's Influence on Indian Astronomy“. Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter 01, Nr. 01 (Mai 2012): 54–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s2251158x12000082.

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The extraordinary achievements of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Chandra) have guided and inspired many younger astrophysicists. The brief survey seeks to highlight a few specific cases in India where, through his writings, lectures and discussions, Chandra made a lasting impact. It will be argued that although at a general, somewhat superficial level, Chandra is a light beacon to be followed, very few Indian astrophysicists reached a level where they could engage Chandra in a scientific discussion on a topic that interested him.
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Lehmer, B. D., W. N. Brandt, D. M. Alexander, F. E. Bauer, D. P. Schneider, P. Tozzi, J. Bergeron et al. „The Extended Chandra Deep Field–South Survey: Chandra Point‐Source Catalogs“. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 161, Nr. 1 (November 2005): 21–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/444590.

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Green, P. J., J. D. Silverman, R. A. Cameron, D. ‐W Kim, B. J. Wilkes, W. A. Barkhouse, A. LaCluyze et al. „The Chandra Multiwavelength Project: Optical Follow‐up of Serendipitous Chandra Sources“. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 150, Nr. 1 (Januar 2004): 43–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/379818.

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Shah, Svati P. „Book Review: Arvind Narrain and Vinay Chandran, Nothing to Fix: Medicalisation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity“. Social Change 47, Nr. 2 (Juni 2017): 318–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0049085717696204.

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Arvind Narrain and Vinay Chandran, Nothing to Fix: Medicalisation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. New Delhi: Yoda Press and SAGE Publications, 2015, 340 pp., ₹995, ISBN: 9351508900 (Hardcover).
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Chandran, Anita. „Helen Edwards: pioneer of the Tevatron“. Physics World 35, Nr. 7 (01.08.2022): 22–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2058-7058/35/07/31.

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Helen Edwards was a formidable force in the field of accelerator science, whose impact can still be felt around the world today. Anita Chandran finds out more about her contributions to particle physics.
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Pence, W. D., S. L. Snowden, K. Mukai und K. D. Kuntz. „ChandraX‐Ray Sources in M101“. Astrophysical Journal 561, Nr. 1 (November 2001): 189–202. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/323240.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh budaya organisasi dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Chandra Tabanan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Chandra Tabanan yang berjumlah 30 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sensus yaitu menggunakan seluruh jumlah karyawan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda yang diolah menggunakan software SPSS versi 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Chandra Tabanan, disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Chandra Tabanan.
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Wilkes, Belinda J. „L’Univers radiographié par Chandra“. Pour la Science N° 509 - mars, Nr. 3 (03.01.2020): 48–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/pls.509.0048.

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Taylor, Jay. „Harish-Chandra cuspidal pairs“. Indagationes Mathematicae 33, Nr. 1 (Januar 2022): 24–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2021.09.006.

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Draper, Norman R. „Obituary: Raj Chandra Bose“. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 153, Nr. 1 (Januar 1990): 98–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-985x.1990.tb00201.x.

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Penkov, I., und V. Serganova. „Generalized Harish-Chandra Modules“. Moscow Mathematical Journal 2, Nr. 4 (2002): 753–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.17323/1609-4514-2002-2-4-753-767.

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Chandra, Ranjit Kumar. „Dr. Ranjit Kumar Chandra“. Journal of Nutritional Immunology 2, Nr. 1 (13.07.1993): 3–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j053v02n01_02.

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Weisskopf, Martin C. „Chandra x-ray optics“. Optical Engineering 51, Nr. 1 (06.02.2012): 011013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.oe.51.1.011013.

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Kirkwood, Melanie. „Damselfly by Chandra Prasad“. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 71, Nr. 7 (2018): 305. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/bcc.2018.0208.

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Teverson, Andrew. „Vikram Chandra in conversation“. Wasafiri 17, Nr. 37 (Dezember 2002): 5–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02690050208589798.

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