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Hipmanová, Linda. „Geo-kinematic investigations in Slovakia and the region of Central and Southeastern Europe based on combination of permanent and epoch-wise GPS networks“. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy 39, Nr. 4 (01.01.2009): 325–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10126-009-0012-6.

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Geo-kinematic investigations in Slovakia and the region of Central and Southeastern Europe based on combination of permanent and epoch-wise GPS networksThe region of Central and Southeastern Europe is covered by numerous GPS networks investigating geo-kinematical behavior of this area. These activities started in early nineties within the several projects as CERGOP and CERGOP-2/Environment. In this paper we describe the process of combination of four networks located in the region of Central and Southeastern Europe using the CATREF (Combination and Analysis of Terrestrial REFerence Frame) software developed in Institute Geographique National in France. We were particularly interested in the CEPER (Central European Permanent Network), CEGRN (Central European Geodynaminc Reference Network), SGRN (Slovak Geodynamic Reference Network) and local network TATRY shortly described in this paper. Homogeneous velocity field obtained from the final combination is for the purpose of better interpretation divided into three parts: Central Europe, Slovakia and Tatra Mountains. Main interest is focused on the territory of Slovakia where the regional velocity field is not so frequently discussed in scientific community as the case of Central and Southeastern Europe.
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Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., und P. A. Ziegler. „TOPO-EUROPE: Coupled Deep Earth – Surface Processes in Europe“. European Review 17, Nr. 3-4 (Oktober 2009): 517–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1062798709000933.

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TOPO-EUROPE is a multidisciplinary international research program that addresses the interaction of processes inherent to the deep Earth (lithosphere, mantle) with surface processes (erosion, climate, sea level), which together shaped the topography of Europe. The objective of the TOPO-EUROPE project is to assess neotectonic deformation rates and to quantify related geo-risks, such as earthquakes, flooding, landslides, rock falls and volcanism. Research, incorporating iterative data interactive modelling, focuses on the lithosphere memory and neotectonics, with special attention on the thermo-mechanical structure of the lithosphere, mechanisms controlling large-scale plate boundary and intraplate deformations, anomalous subsidence and uplift, and links with surface processes and topography evolution. The TOPO-EUROPE natural laboratories, in which these processes are analysed, cover a wide range of geodynamic settings. These include the post-collisional Alpine/Carpathian/Pannonian-Basin system, the very active Aegean-Anatolian and Apennines-Tyrrhenian orogens and back-arc basins, the Caucasus-Levant area in the Arabia-Europe collision zone, the Iberian Peninsula caught up between Alpine orogens, the meta-stable West and Central European Platform, the stable East-European Platform and the seismically active and elevated Scandinavian continental margin. The TOPO-EUROPE project is a component of the International Lithosphere Program and was initiated with the support of Academia Europaea. A European Science Foundation EUROCORES project provides funding for part of the TOPO-EUROPE research. Other parts of TOPO-EUROPE require support by participating organizations.
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Valenti, Vera, Raimondo Catalano, Pingsheng Wei und Shujiang Wang. „Layered lower crust and mantle reflectivity as imaged by a re-processed crustal seismic profile from Sicily in the central Mediterranean“. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 186, Nr. 4-5 (01.07.2015): 257–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gssgfbull.186.4-5.257.

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Abstract Though Sicily is a key area for understanding the central Mediterranean tectonics, a number of questions on its dynamics remains open due to the lack of detailed data on the lithospheric structure. Deep reflectivity images of the African lithosphere, beneath Sicily, have been derived from the re-processing of the crustal seismic reflection stack (SI.RI.PRO. Project). Of specific interest was the imaging, beneath central-southern Sicily, of a thinned crust with a reflective, “layered” pattern for the lower crust that differs from the one, thicker and sub-transparent, of the northern-central sector. Brittle deformation in the upper crystalline crust along a low-angle normal fault and sub-horizontal sub-Moho events are the main features, spatially associated with the “layered”, attenuated lower crust. Geological implications, which are related to the above-mentioned crustal characters, that allow us to suppose two combined hypotheses (the first suggesting that the crustal features derive from the effects of Permian and Mesozoic rifting cycles, the second connecting the crustal thinning to the latest Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic activity and tectonics), are here discussed. The imaging of the Moho patterns and the crustal/sub-crustal reflectivity characteristics, here illustrated for the first time, could provide constraints for the geodynamic processes governing this area where an interaction between African and Tyrrhenian European plates occurs.
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Aranha, Malcolm, Alok Porwal, Manikandan Sundaralingam, Ignacio González-Álvarez, Amber Markan und Karunakar Rao. „Rare earth elements associated with carbonatite–alkaline complexes in western Rajasthan, India: exploration targeting at regional scale“. Solid Earth 13, Nr. 3 (14.03.2022): 497–518. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/se-13-497-2022.

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Abstract. A two-stage fuzzy inference system (FIS) is applied to prospectivity modelling and exploration-target delineation for rare earth element (REE) deposits associated with carbonatite–alkaline complexes in the western part of the state of Rajasthan in India. The design of the FIS and selection of the input predictor map are guided by a generalised conceptual model of carbonatite–alkaline-complex-related REE mineral systems. In the first stage, three FISs are constructed to map the fertility and favourable geodynamic settings, favourable lithospheric architecture for fluid transportation and favourable shallow crustal (near-surface) emplacement architecture, respectively, for REE deposits in the study area. In the second stage, the outputs of the above FISs are integrated to map the prospectivity of REE deposits in the study area. Stochastic and systemic uncertainties in the output prospectivity maps are estimated to facilitate decision-making regarding the selection of exploration targets. The study led to the identification of prospective targets in the Kamthai–Sarnu-Dandeli and Mundwara regions, where detailed project-scale ground exploration is recommended. Low-confidence targets were identified in the Siwana ring complex region, north and northeast of Sarnu-Dandeli, south of Barmer, and south of Mundwara. Detailed geological mapping and geochemical sampling together with high-resolution magnetic and radiometric surveys are recommended in these areas to increase the level of confidence in the prospectivity of these targets before undertaking project-scale ground exploration. The prospectivity-analysis workflow presented in this paper can be applied to the delineation of exploration targets in geodynamically similar regions globally, such as Afar province (East Africa), Paraná–Etendeka (South America and Africa), Siberia (Russia), East European Craton–Kola (eastern Europe), Central Iapetus (North America, Greenland and the Baltic region) and the pan-superior province (North America).
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Crossley, D., J. Hinderer, M. Llubes und N. Florsch. „The potential of ground gravity measurements to validate GRACE data“. Advances in Geosciences 1 (17.06.2003): 65–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-1-65-2003.

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Abstract. New satellite missions are returning high precision, time-varying, satellite measurements of the Earth’s gravity field. The GRACE mission is now in its calibration/- validation phase and first results of the gravity field solutions are imminent. We consider here the possibility of external validation using data from the superconducting gravimeters in the European sub-array of the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) as ‘ground truth’ for comparison with GRACE. This is a pilot study in which we use 14 months of 1-hour data from the beginning of GGP (1 July 1997) to 30 August 1998, when the Potsdam instrument was relocated to South Africa. There are 7 stations clustered in west central Europe, and one station, Metsahovi in Finland. We remove local tides, polar motion, local and global air pressure, and instrument drift and then decimate to 6-hour samples. We see large variations in the time series of 5–10µgal between even some neighboring stations, but there are also common features that correlate well over the 427-day period. The 8 stations are used to interpolate a minimum curvature (gridded) surface that extends over the geographical region. This surface shows time and spatial coherency at the level of 2– 4µgal over the first half of the data and 1–2µgal over the latter half. The mean value of the surface clearly shows a rise in European gravity of about 3µgal over the first 150 days and a fairly constant value for the rest of the data. The accuracy of this mean is estimated at 1µgal, which compares favorably with GRACE predictions for wavelengths of 500 km or less. Preliminary studies of hydrology loading over Western Europe shows the difficulty of correlating the local hydrology, which can be highly variable, with large-scale gravity variations.Key words. GRACE, satellite gravity, superconducting gravimeter, GGP, ground truth
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Panina, L. V., und V. A. Zaitsev. „Basement influence on formation of the East European platform latest structure“. Moscow University Bulletin. Series 4. Geology, Nr. 3 (28.06.2019): 13–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.33623/0579-9406-2019-3-13-20.

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Structural and geomorphological researches of the most part of the East European platform revealed arch-block style of the latest dislocations. 3D geodynamic modeling showed direct correlation (To =0, 26) of the basement structures with the modern relief surface that demonstrates direct geodynamic basement influence on the cover structure of the platform. The calculated newest tension field for the territory of Central Russian Height, Klin-Dmitrov Ridge, Meshersky and Oka-Donskoy depressions allowed to establish the sites closed to mechanical destruction and are seismodangerous.
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von Raumer, Jürgen F., Fritz Finger, Petra Veselá und Gérard M. Stampfli. „Durbachites-Vaugnerites - a geodynamic marker in the central European Variscan orogen“. Terra Nova 26, Nr. 2 (12.09.2013): 85–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ter.12071.

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Krsnik, Emilija, Katharina Methner, Marion Campani, Svetlana Botsyun, Sebastian G. Mutz, Todd A. Ehlers, Oliver Kempf, Jens Fiebig, Fritz Schlunegger und Andreas Mulch. „Miocene high elevation in the Central Alps“. Solid Earth 12, Nr. 11 (23.11.2021): 2615–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/se-12-2615-2021.

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Abstract. Reconstructing Oligocene–Miocene paleoelevation contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary history of the European Alps and sheds light on geodynamic and Earth surface processes involved in the development of Alpine topography. Despite being one of the most intensively explored mountain ranges worldwide, constraints on the elevation history of the European Alps remain scarce. Here we present stable and clumped isotope measurements to provide a new paleoelevation estimate for the mid-Miocene (∼14.5 Ma) European Central Alps. We apply stable isotope δ–δ paleoaltimetry to near-sea-level pedogenic carbonate oxygen isotope (δ18O) records from the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin (Swiss Molasse Basin) and high-Alpine phyllosilicate hydrogen isotope (δD) records from the Simplon Fault Zone (Swiss Alps). We further explore Miocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental conditions in the Swiss Molasse Basin through carbonate stable (δ18O, δ13C) and clumped (Δ47) isotope data from three foreland basin sections in different alluvial megafan settings (proximal, mid-fan, and distal). Combined pedogenic carbonate δ18O values and Δ47 temperatures (30±5 ∘C) yield a near-sea-level precipitation δ18Ow value of -5.8±1.2 ‰ and, in conjunction with the high-Alpine phyllosilicate δD value of -14.6±0.3 ‰, suggest that the region surrounding the Simplon Fault Zone attained surface elevations of >4000 m no later than the mid-Miocene. Our near-sea-level δ18Ow estimate is supported by paleoclimate (iGCM ECHAM5-wiso) modeled δ18O values, which vary between −4.2 ‰ and −7.6 ‰ for the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin.
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Havlíčková Kysová, Šárka, und Ivona Mišterová. „Introduction: East-Central and Central-East Europe as an Imagined Space for Shakespeare“. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 28, Nr. 43 (30.12.2023): 15–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/2083-8530.28.01.

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The publication of the issue was supported by the International Visegrad Fund, project no. 22210007, titled “Crossing Borders with Shakespeare since 1945: Central and Eastern European Roots and Routes.” The project is co-financed by the Governments of the Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
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Matveyev, A. V., und E. A. Kukharik. „Modern endogenous geological processes in the territory of Central Belarus“. Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 68, Nr. 2 (29.04.2024): 156–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.29235/1561-8323-2024-68-2-156-163.

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The article examines the manifestation features of modern endogenous geological processes in the territory of Central Belarus. A scheme of their distribution has been constructed. A comprehensive methodology has been used to study these processes. It includes the analysis of published and fund materials, multi-age geological, geomorphological, topographic maps of different scales, remote sensing data and the results of field and route observations, measurements at geodynamic testing sites, cartometric and cartographic works. It has been established that despite the location of the region in the western part of the Precambrian East European Platform, the processes of modern endogenous geodynamics develop quite diversely and with varying intensity within its boundaries. They are expressed in the activation of linear faults (faults, cosmoand topolineaments), ring structures, vertical and horizontal displacements of the earth’s crust and its shaking (seismicity).
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Šimić Šarić, Marija. „Determinants of crowdfunding success in central and eastern European countries“. Management 26, Nr. 2 (21.12.2021): 99–113. http://dx.doi.org/10.30924/mjcmi.26.2.6.

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As an alternative way of financing, crowdfunding has been growing rapidly since the last financial crisis in 2008. The number of launched projects has increased, but the number of successful projects remains low. Little is known about what leads to success in this field, especially in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries where the determinants of crowdfunding campaign success for projects are not identified. Therefore, the article focuses on identifying determinants of crowdfunding campaign success for projects from CEE countries. Based on the dataset from Kickstarter, consisting of 473 projects from CEE countries, I examine factors influencing the probability of project success. The analyzed sample of projects shows that the number of backers and mean contribution are positively correlated with the probability of campaign success, while a higher project goal lowers the probability of success. Project duration is not a statistically significant success factor.
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Bokwa, Anita, Petr Dobrovolný, Tamás Gál, Jan Geletič, Ágnes Gulyás, Monika J. Hajto, Juraj Holec et al. „Urban climate in Central European cities and global climate change“. Acta climatologica et chorologica 51-52, Nr. 1 (2018): 7–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.14232/acta.clim.2018.52.1.

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Urban areas are among those most endangered with the potential global climate changes. The studies concerning the impact of global changes on local climate of cities are of a high significance for the urban inhabitants' health and wellbeing. This paper is the final report of a project (Urban climate in Central European cities and global climate change) with the aim to raise the public awareness on those issues in five Central European cities: Szeged (Hungary), Brno (Czech Republic), Bratislava (Slovakia), Kraków (Poland) and Vienna (Austria). Within the project, complex data concerning local geomorphological features, land use and long-term climatological data were used to perform the climate modelling analyses using the model MUKLIMO_3 provided by the German Weather Service (DWD).
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Михтуненко, Вікторія. „THE TRIMORYA INITIATIVE AS A STRATEGIC PROJECT OF THE NEW EUROPE“. КОНСЕНСУС, Nr. 3 (November 2022): 83–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.31110/consensus/2022-03/083-089.

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Today, the "Three Seas" initiative unites 12 Central European states in the space from the Baltic to the Black and Adriatic seas. Its members are: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. Participating countries with a population of 111 million people account for almost a third of the territory of the European Union. The article describes the reasons and prerequisites for the creation of the Trimore initiative. The evolution of the Three Seas initiative from its inception to 2022 is followed. It is determined that the key concept of the initiative is based on the global confrontation, which intensified after Russia's annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea. At the present stage, the idea of unification of states from the Baltic to the Black and Adriatic seas, as it was at its inception, is actively supported by the United States of America. The article identifies the main problems of the Three Seas. The transformation of the attitude of the European Union to this program is defined. The author points out that Poland's attempts to realize its historical Central European ambitions led to the formation of the image of the new Central Europe as a component of the transatlantic community. The author makes an attempt to determine the functionality and competitiveness of the new association in relation to other numerous regional entities. The creation of the Trimore, like some other modern Central European regional projects, in particular the Visegrad Group, did not go without the approval of the USA. The role and purpose of these regional structures are different, and their functioning depends on whether they find their special niche. After all, the Central European initiative evolved over three decades only into a regional forum of a larger format, but of lesser significance. Only the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war led to the intensification of the dialogue between the participants of the Three Seas in order to ensure their own energy independence from the Russian Federation.
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Rusakova, Maria. „Poland and New Trends in Central European Regional Configuration“. Contemporary Europe 101, Nr. 1 (28.02.2021): 52–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.15211/soveurope120215261.

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The article examines Warsaw's attempts to expand its influence in Central Europe by initiating various regional integration projects: cooperation with the Baltic sea countries participation in the development of the Carpathian region the newest format – the Lublin Triangle. The content of the Lublin Declaration signed on July 28, 2020 by Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine is analyzed in detail. Having been convinced by the example of Ukraine that the Eastern Partnership policy does not allow for quick results, as well as in connection with the events in Belarus, Poland decided to create a regional initiative that can be considered as a continuation of the Eastern Partnership policy. The Lublin Declaration opens up a wide range of potential areas of cooperation, however it is still too early to say how successful this project will be. Initially it was planned that Belarus would also join the Lublin Initiative, but later Minsk refused to participate. This seriously limited the project, but does not exclude the possibility of future innovations in its format. The author concludes that the Lublin Triangle is one of the Warsaw's instruments to realize the idea of Intermarium
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Rouet, Gilles. „The European Construction: A Project Without Obviousness“. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences 15, Nr. 1 (01.03.2023): 9–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.62343/cjss.2022.203.

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Without any external or internal coercion, European states, at the end of the Second World War, decided to link their daily lives and even their destiny. The European Union, in continuity with the European Communities, is an ambitious political project, but above all, it is unique in the history of humanity. A quick review of the debates that have punctuated the stages of its construction shows that it is difficult, even illusory, to seek “objective” and indisputable origins or justifications for this political confederation: the “roots,” the national or regional histories, are juxtaposed without always being articulated, the naturalness of the borders does not stand up to analysis, the languages and cultures are infinitely diverse, the traditions, cultures and political organizations are, obviously, mul-tiple. Reuniting the supposed “European continent” was not, and still is not, in any way obvious: for this, a sufficiently solid and shared “why” is needed, or rather “whys”: a desire for dialogue, peace, and prosperity, then, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a desire for the “return back” of the countries of Central Europe, in particular, “in” Europe, and assertions of identity that are more in need of confrontation and exchange than isolation.
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Sagau, Mihai, Mariana Panaitescu, Fanel-Viorel Panaitescu und Scupi Alexandru-Andrei. „A New Consideration About Floating Storage and Regasification Unit for Liquid Natural Gas“. International Journal of Energy and Environment 15 (24.03.2021): 43–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.46300/91012.2021.15.8.

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In this paper we want to present the details of new project about floating liquid natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal based on conversion of an existing LNG carrier . LNG is sent from the tanks to the regasification skid fwd. The regasification skid essentially comprises booster pumps and vaporizers This project can boost both transport and economy sector of Central European countries by introducing a less expensive fuel, more environmental friendly and with a good perspective in the future. The project consists in building a LNG import terminal in Constanta, harbor from where the merchandise (LNG in this situation) can easily be delivered on Danube’s basin and reach central European countries.
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Vaughan‐Hammon, Joshua D., Cindy Luisier, Lukas P. Baumgartner und Stefan M. Schmalholz. „Peak Alpine metamorphic conditions from staurolite‐bearing metapelites in the Monte Rosa nappe (Central European Alps) and geodynamic implications“. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 39, Nr. 7 (25.02.2021): 897–917. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12595.

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Liotti, Giorgio, und Rosaria Rita Canale. „Trust in the European Union project and the role of ECB“. Economia Politica 38, Nr. 2 (20.04.2021): 461–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40888-021-00229-5.

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AbstractWas the European Central Bank able to assure the relaunch of the European project after the weakening of the post-crisis period? To answer this question, this paper presents an empirical analysis connecting citizen trust in the European Union with a variable intended to be a measure of the monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank, namely, the interest rate on government bonds extracted from the 1-year maturity yield curve. The dynamic panel technique, applied to nineteen Eurozone countries for the time span of 2004–2018, estimates the presence of a long-run common relationship between the variables despite allowing different short-run adjustment mechanisms. Results are revealed to be not univocal: the easy monetary policy strategy is associated for the whole period with a decline of trust, and therefore, despite its impressiveness, it was not sufficient to relaunch the European Union project. However, when considering the change in strategy of the post-2013 period, it seemed to have contributed to a slight inversion of the decline of trust. These results highlight the importance of non-conventional measures and call for further support from coordinated policy action as a response to the negative shock deriving from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Cinpoeş, Nicoleta, Kornélia Deres, Jacek Fabiszak, Kinga Földváry und Veronika Schandl. „Popular and Populist Shakespearean Transcreations in Central and Eastern Europe“. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 28, Nr. 43 (30.12.2023): 69–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/2083-8530.28.04.

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The article discusses the variety of ways in which the terms “popular” or “populist” could be associated with postwar Shakespearean transcreations in the Central and Eastern European region, pointing out how performers and adaptors challenged the canonical, highbrow status of Shakespeare and used his oeuvre as raw material in experimental forms and genres. Following a discussion on the variety of socio-historical contexts which inspired noteworthy popular and/or populist reworkings in several Central and Eastern European countries, the article takes a more in-depth look at a few specific comic genres, particularly the burlesque and the cabaret in a theoretical framework, and concludes by examining post-1989 experimental theatre practices. The publication of the article was supported by the International Visegrad Fund, project no. 22210007, titled “Crossing Borders with Shakespeare since 1945: Central and Eastern European Roots and Routes.” The project is co-financed by the Governments of the Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
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Caritat, Patrice de, Brent I. A. McInnes, Alexander T. Walker, Evgeniy Bastrakov, Stephen M. Rowins und Alexander M. Prent. „The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia: Vision and Pilot Project“. Minerals 12, Nr. 8 (28.07.2022): 961. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/min12080961.

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We describe a vision for a national-scale heavy mineral (HM) map generated through automated mineralogical identification and quantification of HMs contained in floodplain sediments from large catchments covering most of Australia. The composition of the sediments reflects the dominant rock types in each catchment, with the generally resistant HMs largely preserving the mineralogical fingerprint of their host protoliths through the weathering-transport-deposition cycle. Heavy mineral presence/absence, absolute and relative abundance, and co-occurrence are metrics useful to map, discover and interpret catchment lithotype(s), geodynamic setting, magmatism, metamorphic grade, alteration and/or mineralization. Underpinning this vision is a pilot project, focusing on a subset from the national sediment sample archive, which is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the larger, national-scale project. We preview a bespoke, cloud-based mineral network analysis (MNA) tool to visualize, explore and discover relationships between HMs as well as between them and geological settings or mineral deposits. We envisage that the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia and MNA tool will contribute significantly to mineral prospectivity analysis and modeling, particularly for technology critical elements and their host minerals, which are central to the global economy transitioning to a more sustainable, lower carbon energy model.
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Blés, J. L., D. Bonijoly, C. Castaing und Y. Gros. „Successive post-Variscan stress fields in the French Massif Central and its borders (Western European plate): comparison with geodynamic data“. Tectonophysics 169, Nr. 1-3 (November 1989): 79–111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0040-1951(89)90185-6.

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Gabor, Daniela, und Jakob Vestergaard. „Chasing unicorns: The European single safe asset project“. Competition & Change 22, Nr. 2 (01.03.2018): 139–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1024529418759638.

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For the past 20 years, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) institutions have sought to engineer a single safe asset that would provide a credible store of value for capital market participants. Before 2008, the European Central Bank used shadow banking to create a single safe asset that we term shadow money, and in doing so also erased borders between Euro area government bond markets. Lacking appropriate ECB support, shadow euros could not withstand the pressures of the global financial crisis and brought down several periphery euro government bonds with them. Two new plans, the Capital Markets Union and the Sovereign Bond-Backed Securities, again turn to shadow banking, this time by using securitization to generate an entirely private safe asset or a public–private safe asset. Such plans cannot solve the enduring predicament of EMU’s bond markets architecture: that Member States have competed for investors (liquidity) since the introduction of the euro, betraying a deep hostility towards collective political solutions to the single safe asset problem. Technocratic-led, market-based initiatives need to persuade EMU states that there is little threat to their ability to issue debt in liquid markets. Without ECB interventions, market-based engineering of single safe assets runs the danger of repeatedly destabilizing national bond markets.
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Kann, A., G. Pistotnik und B. Bica. „INCA-CE: a Central European initiative in nowcasting severe weather and its applications“. Advances in Science and Research 8, Nr. 1 (05.04.2012): 67–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/asr-8-67-2012.

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Abstract. The INCA-CE (Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis – Central Europe) project aims at implementing a transnational weather information system as well as applications for different socio-economic sectors to reduce risks of major economic damage and loss of life caused by severe weather. Civil protection and also stakeholders from economic sectors are in a growing need of accurate and reliable short-term weather forecasts. Within INCA-CE, a state-of-the art nowcasting system (INCA) is implemented at weather services throughout the European Union's CE (Central Europe) Programme Area, providing analyses and short term forecasts to the aforementioned end-users. In a coherent approach, the INCA (Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis) system will be adapted for implementation and use in a number of partner countries. Within transregional working groups, the gap between short-term weather information and its downstream activities in hydrological disaster management, civil protection and road management will be bridged and best practice management and measure plans will be produced. A web-based platform for outreach to related socio-economic sectors will initiate and foster a dialogue between weather services and further stakeholders like tourism or the insurance sector, flood authorities for disaster management, and the construction industry for cost-efficient scheduling and planning. Furthermore, the project will produce a compact guideline for policy makers on how to combine structural development aspects with these new features. In the present paper, an outline of the project implementation, a short overview about the INCA system and two case studies on precipitation nowcasts will be given. Moreover, directions for further developments both within the INCA system and the INCA-CE project will be pointed out.
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Cabada, Ladislav. „The Visegrad Cooperation in the Context of Other Central European Cooperation Formats“. Politics in Central Europe 14, Nr. 2 (01.09.2018): 165–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/pce-2018-0014.

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Abstract This study considers the plethora of contemporary institutional frameworks for Central European cooperation. While the Visegrad Group has been the most visible and stable format for Central European cooperation in recent history, it has been challenged by a number of alternative or complementary projects. These include the Austrian concept of Strategic/Regional Partnership, the Austrian-Czech-Slovak project Austerlitz-Formate/Nord‑Trilaterale, the Polish-Croatian Three Seas Initiative and the European Union’s macro‑regional Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). I focus on the development and prospects of each of these projects as well the rivalries among them and their intersections ot interference with one another. This survey then turns to the future Central European constellations suggested by the very different cooperation trajectories within the region. My thesis is that the region’s identity has been challenged by offers to merge with Europe’s West. Central European cooperation must find new challenges and themes if it is to survive.
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Venuti, Lawrence. „Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom: The Central and Eastern European Publishing Project“. Translation Review 55, Nr. 1 (September 1998): 49–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07374836.1998.10524075.

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Szitás, Emma. „Review: International Scientific Conference “The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age – In Specific Terms”, Miskolc, 1 December 2022“. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu 73, Nr. 4 (30.11.2023): 797–800. http://dx.doi.org/10.3935/zpfz.73.4.08.

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The University of Miskolc – Central European Academy in partnership with the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, Central-European Association for Comparative Law, Hungarian Association for Comparative Law, Slovak Association for Comparative Law, Scientific Association for Comparative Law Poland, Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Researches in Serbia, Romanian Association for Comparative Law and the University of Opole on the 1st of December had organized an International Scientific Conference under the title “The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age – in specific terms”. The conference was held in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which additionally increased the solemnity of the event. The aim of the conference was to present the results of the Central European Professorial Network’s “Right to Privacy” research group through analytical and summary presentations by participating professors and to raise awareness about privacy issues. The research project, “Central European Professorial Network 2022”, involved experts in comparative law from seven Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
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Czebiełko, Daniel Grzegorz. „Project of European and economic interests of The European Union and NATO on the state of energy security“. Catholic Pedagogy 33a, Nr. 1 (15.07.2023): 341–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.62266/pk.1898-3685.2023.33a.27.

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The aim of the article is to present the projection of political and economic interests of the Russian Federation in the countries of the European Union and NATO on the example of energy security. The current geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe (generated by the Russian Federation) and the failure to launch the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline cause that the supplies of raw material (natural gas) contribute to the increase in import costs. The consequence of the above situation is the increase in the wholesale price of electricity on global commodity exchanges. In addition, the political and economic influence of the Russian Federation in Central and Eastern Europe poses a real threat to the stability of the energy security of the states, in the form of a gas crisis and high electricity prices. In addition, the ongoing energy and hydrogen transformation in the European Union countries will generate greater demand for natural gas, as the so-called transition fuel. Therefore, the issues raised in this article are important from the point of view of the energy security of Central and Eastern European countries. Keywords: gas pipeline, gas infrastructure, competition, dominance, prevention
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Kępa, Marcin. „Central ICT system SL2014: the way to reduce the transaction costs of European projects“. Ekonomia i Prawo 21, Nr. 2 (30.06.2022): 449–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/eip.2022.025.

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Motivation: European funds are these kinds of goods for which effective demand exceeds supply. The market value of European projects in Poland is estimated at approximately PLN 1125,44 bn, of which the EU co-financing is PLN 664,29 bn. Their effective use depends on the quality of the institutions responsible for their aggregation, allocation and proper expenditure (in accordance with the EU policies). Aim: The analysis of mechanisms determining the market game on the European project market in Poland in the light of the new institutional economics. Particular attention will be paid to the administrative tools that facilitate efficient long-distance communication between the parties to a project co-financing contract (central ICT system SL2014). Results: ICT systems constitute a part of a wider phenomenon commonly referred to as e-administration. It may be regarded as an institution in the meaning of the new institutional economics. This institution reduces the transaction costs related to handling European projects as well as the transaction costs in other areas connected with public governance. Wherever the e-administration can be applied (e-administration may be found useful in the case of public health emergencies that were triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic). Central ICT system SL2014 (as an element of e-administration) significantly reduced transaction costs in the field of handling European projects in the 2014–2020 financial perspective.
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Levchenko, O. V., und W. Geissler. „Geophysical investigations in the Eastern Indian Ocean in cruise SO258/2 of RV Sonne (Germany)“. Океанология 59, Nr. 3 (26.06.2019): 513–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s0030-1574593513-516.

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New geophysical data were obtained in 2017 in cruise #SO258/2 of RV Sonne in the Central Indian Basin between 81° and 84°E. Total length of collected geophysical profiles (bathymetry, seismoacoustic profiling, magnetometry, gravimetry) is about 6,500 miles. Deep seismic sounding was carried out along N-S profile by 375 m long, which extends on the land, and SW-NE profile by 340 m long. The main objectives of the research were to verify the existing kinematic/geodynamic models of separation of India from Antarctica, to determine drift rate of the Indian Plate, location of the continent-ocean transition zone south of Sri Lanka and structure of 85°E Ridge. The cruise was part of a project INGON performed by the Center for marine research, GEOMAR and the Institute for polar and marine research Alfred Wegener.
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Dill, Harald G. „Metallogenetic and geodynamic evolution in the central European Variscides — A pre-well site study for the German continental deep drilling programme“. Ore Geology Reviews 4, Nr. 4 (August 1989): 279–304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0169-1368(89)90007-3.

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De Villiers, Cecilia, Sabine Ettinger und Judit Erdos. „OP112 Project Management for EUnetHTA Non-Pharmaceutical Technologies“. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 35, S1 (2019): 27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0266462319001533.

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IntroductionThe European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA) facilitates and produces Health Technology Assessments (HTA) across Europe. Project Management (PM) provides the coordination and strategic overview of assessment production and enables the flow of scientific knowledge and assessment publications through collaboration and standardized processes, procedures and documentation.MethodsEUnetHTA established a central PM function at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for HTA (LBI-HTA) for central coordination and assessment production of non-pharmaceutical technologies. LBI-HTA subsequently pursued capability and capacity through a decentralized hub-and-spoke-PM model with six activity centers (AC) providing decentralized coordination and PM of assessments. LBI-HTA provided central oversight and supervision with training days, e-meetings and ad hoc e-mail and telephone support as required. This was complemented by standardized operating procedures (SOPs) in the online Companion Guide (CG). A qualitative data collection via electronic questionnaires collected feedback from AC-PM, LBI-HTA-PM and assessment authors. Specific questions with free-text responses assessed current experiences, challenges, recommendations, communication and task distributions of the centralized and decentralized PM processes from these different perspectives.ResultsThe feedback concluded that PM is a separate, well-defined and important role for assessment coordination and production. The AC-PM received adequate training from the central PM and authors experienced no difference between projects managed centrally or decentrally. The CG and SOPs are important for guiding standard practice and allowing AC-PM to operate independently. Challenges were around extended timelines due to complex topics, external stakeholder involvement, insufficient team communication and not yet published SOPs resulting in additional central support.ConclusionsDecentralized coordination of assessments, knowledge management and governance achieve scale, capacity and capability through a designated pool of agencies with established roles and growing experience in sustainable collaboration of HTA production. Valuable insight into the PM model's operational efficiency, avoidance of duplication and resource savings potentially provides a sustainable post 2020 European network policy and efficiency model for high quality HTA assessment production.
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NAGY, ZSOLT. „National Identities for Export: East European Cultural Diplomacy in Inter-War Pittsburgh“. Contemporary European History 20, Nr. 4 (23.09.2011): 435–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0960777311000476.

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AbstractThis article examines inter-war east-central European cultural diplomacy as played out in one apparently remote locale: the Nationality Rooms of the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh. Here, a local project originally intended to pay homage to the various immigrants of the Steel City was transformed into a transatlantic project in which the Czechoslovak, Hungarian and Romanian governments (among others) each aimed to construct and propagate a national image abroad. A close looks at this particular ‘transnational construction site’ reveals a surprisingly complex entanglement of cultural production, the construction of national identities, and foreign policy. Battles over space and artistic content also lay bare the sense of competition, urgency and anxiety that, this article argues, characterised inter-war cultural diplomacy in east-central Europe.
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Sajter, Domagoj. „Scientific Impact of Central and Eastern European Higher Education Lecturers“. Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy 67, Nr. 3 (01.09.2021): 17–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/ngoe-2021-0014.

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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to obtain and analyse data on the higher education lecturers at the 16 largest, state-owned faculties of economics in seven central and eastern European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia), about their scientific impact and reach. An analysis of their research areas and scientometrics (citations, h-indices) was performed, and aggregate rankings are presented. Data was collected from Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus by using proprietary specialized web crawlers (“bots”). The differences among countries and faculties are significant, and institutions should observe good practices from Slovenia, as its faculties are ranked highest. The insights are important for evaluating scientific progress, mobility, and cooperation, rewarding and promotion requirements, accreditations, project and institution funding, and higher education lecturers’ promotion.
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Burquel, Nadine. „University—Enterprise Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe“. Industry and Higher Education 12, Nr. 1 (Februar 1998): 10–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/095042229801200102.

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This paper highlights the main findings of a study carried out within the framework of the European Commission's Tempus programme on university–enterprise cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. The study was launched in 1996 by the Commission with the technical assistance of the European Training Foundation and developed with the European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities (ESMU) and the Slovak Tempus Office. The author presents the results of desk research on a sample of Tempus projects, and sets out the conclusions and recommendations to policy makers, to project promoters and to the Tempus programme. She describes the nature of university–enterprise cooperation projects in Central and Eastern European countries, showing the active role of individuals, development agencies, local authorities and various interface structures. However, she points out that university–enterprise cooperation is still confronted by major constraints linked to people (the vision of the university, the place of university–enterprise cooperation in that vision, the lack of initiatives and skills to develop it) and to systems (the internal management structure of universities, the hierarchical positioning of university representatives, the legal framework and degree structure which impact on agreements between universities and enterprises).
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Arbatova, N. K. „Relations of the European Union with the United States and NATO: dilemmas of euro-atlanticism“. Полис. Политические исследования, Nr. 4 (24.07.2024): 105–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.17976/jpps/2024.04.08.

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Transatlantic relations have always been central to Western security and defense policy. At the same time, the prospects for the creation of European defense structures from the 1950s to the present day have been a stumbling block in Euro-Atlantic relations. The construction of the defense potential of the European Union until the 90s was considered on both sides of the Atlantic as a purely theoretical project of the distant future, which did not pose a threat to the solidarity of the allies. The gradual formation of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy against the backdrop of the crisis in NATO and the aggravation of the international situation resulted in the project of European strategic autonomy, which sharply raised the question of the future configuration of the Euro-Atlantic partnership. This topic has become central to today’s discussions between the European and American strategic communities, assessing how building the EU’s defense potential could impact the role of NATO and the US leadership position in ensuring security in the Euro-Atlantic area.
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Domańska, Wiesława, Anna Górska und Marta Wojciechowska. „Rachunki podatków związanych ze środowiskiem“. Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician 2014, Nr. 6 (30.06.2014): 72–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.59139/ws.2014.06.6.

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Environmentally related tax accounts are one of the European Environmental Economic Accounts included into Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of 6 July 2011 on European environmental economic accounts. According to Regulation mentioned above, Member States of the UE are obliged to transmit data on environmental taxes accounts in 2013 for the first time. Some countries, including Poland, have received derogation allowing to transmit data for the first time in 2015. In 2012 and 2013 the pilot project Environmental economic accounts: module for environmental taxes accounts was carried out by Central Statistical Office to prepare for the first data transmission. The main goal of the project was to establish the methodology for compiling environmentally related tax accounts as well as to collect data on Eurostat’s questionnaire. This article presents the main stages of the project.
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Makeev, V. M., E. A. Pikulik und A. S. Guseltsev. „Neotectonic structures and modern geodynamics of the middle flow region of the Don river (the territory of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant)“. Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration, Nr. 1 (22.06.2022): 75–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.32454/0016-7762-2022-64-1-75-87.

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Background. Structural and geodynamic studies are conducted in the region of the middle flow of the Don river.Aim. An identification and evaluation of neotectonic structures, determination of geodynamic conditions for their formation and an analysis of intensive exogenous geological processes in connection with the need to ensure the safety of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (NPP) located in this area, the largest in the central part of the Eastern European platform.Materials and methods. According to the concept of deep geodynamic systems, the lithological, structural-geomorphological and neotectonic conditions of the territory were studied. Field observations and publications based on geological survey data were the factual material for the studies.Results. Various types of uplifts and troughs, geodynamically active zones and lineaments were identified. The formation of structures is associated with deep (intracortical) stresses of compression and tension, under the influence of which the tectonic-gravity and suffosion-karst processes negative for the territory of the nuclear power plant are activated. Among the ancient Precambrian faults of the crystalline basement, the latitudinal Sudzhen-Ikorets and submeridional Semiluki-Lipetsky faults are active. The latter is considered as a geodynamically active zone. At the NPP site and in its vicinity, the zones of increased fracturing and permeability were identified, which is consistent with the buried forms of the relief — paleo-reliefs of the Don river and its tributaries. These zones are found to be deeply embedded in the Cretaceous and Devonian carbonate rocks, which is the reason for the increased leaching of these rocks and the removal of fine particles from the fluvioglacial strata. A quantitative assessment of summary and step-by-step amplitudes and speeds of neotectonic movements was carried out.Conclusion. The territory of the Novovoronezh NPP is geodynamically calm, the movement speeds (both calculated and according to instrumental measurements) are relatively low; however, these movements activate exogenous processes, which in turn negatively affect the stability of the Novovoronezh NPP site.
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Tkachuk, Myroslava. „CENTRAL ORIENTATION OF HEALTH AND LIGHT IN THE EUROPEAN LIGHTING SPACE THAT WAY AND FORMULATION“. Collection of Scientific Papers of Uman State Pedagogical University, Nr. 3 (27.09.2023): 105–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.31499/2307-4906.3.2023.289900.

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The article proves the relevance of the problem of forming students’ value orientations in the European educational space. The concept of “value orientations” is considered. The key value orientations of students in the European educational space are identified: understanding and respect for human rights, equality, justice, tolerance, environmental awareness, cultural diversity. It has been established that in Europe, understanding and respect for human rights is based on declarations and conventions that enshrine fundamental rights and freedoms, such as the right to life, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, the inviolability of the person and many others. It is revealed that the concept of justice is related to ethical principles and moral values, such as respect for others, tolerance, solidarity and mutual understanding. It is proved that environmental awareness is an important value in Europe, which contributes to sustainable development and environmental protection. The main ways of forming the value orientations of higher education students are outlined: project-based learning, discussions, role-playing and modeling, the use of various sources of information, creating a favorable atmosphere, raising civic awareness, intercultural approach in education. The author emphasizes the key role of the teacher in shaping students’ value orientations. A review of the peculiarities of the formation of value orientations of higher education students in the European educational space makes it possible to use it for a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience of value formation of the individual and in practical educational activities. Keywords: value orientations; European educational space; European values; European Union; intercultural approach; civic consciousness; justice, environmental consciousness; cultural diversity; discussion; project-based learning; role-playing games.
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Maródi, László. „Editorial Affiliation of the J Project Group to the Central European Journal of Immunology“. Central European Journal of Immunology 4 (2012): 295–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.5114/ceji.2012.32713.

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Mańko, Rafał. „Artur Kozak’s Juriscentrist Concept of Law: a Central European Innovation in Legal Theory“. Review of Central and East European Law 45, Nr. 2-3 (23.06.2020): 334–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15730352-bja04502003.

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Artur Kozak (1960–2009) was one of the most original and innovative philosophers of law to emerge from the so-called ‘middle generation’ of Polish post-War jurisprudence. Kozak’s principal achievement was to break away from the analytical paradigm of legal theory, dominant in the in Poland at the time, and engage legal theory in a fruitful dialogue with contemporary sociology and philosophy, including such currents as social constructionism or postmodernism. To name his original theoretical project, Kozak coined a new term – ‘juriscentrism’ (juryscentryzm), consciously evoking Richard Rorty’s concept of ethnocentrism. Juriscentrist legal theory was mainly focused on providing legitimacy for the newly gained power of the legal community in a post-socialist society, but its theoretical resonance is universal. Kozak’s premature death made it impossible to complete the theoretical project of juriscentrism, nonetheless he managed to elaborate its main tenets, including the concept of juristic discretional power and a juriscentrist concept of law. Kozak’s legacy in contemporary Polish legal theory is particularly visible in Wrocław, where not only the post-analytical paradigm in Poland is the strongest, but also the first Polish school of critical legal theory has recently emerged.
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Tischler, Matthias M. „Pergamins plens de pols i pobles particulars. Nova recerca en matèria de manuscrits carolingis i d'història pública a la Catalunya del segle XXI“. Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 31 (01.07.2018): 345–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.46586/zfk.2018.345-349.

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Summary: The central aim of the new Barcelona research project “From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia” in the framework of the HERA-project “After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, c.900–c.1050 (UNUP)” is to show that it is indispensable for 21st-century Europe and its integral parts to make the rich Carolingian culture publicly accessible in a modern and innovative way. Keywords: Early medieval Catalonia, Carolingian culture, manuscripts, identity building, Public History
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Blokker, Paul. „Populism as a constitutional project“. International Journal of Constitutional Law 17, Nr. 2 (April 2019): 536–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icon/moz028.

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Abstract The engagement of conservative, populist governments with constitutional reform and constitution-making is perceived as a significant threat to the rule of law and democracy within the European Union. Constitutionalists often assume a relation of mutual exclusion between populism and constitutionalism. In contrast, I argue that while populism ought to be understood as a rejection of liberal constitutionalism, it equally constitutes a competing political force regarding the definition of constitutional democracy. The article first discusses populist constitutionalism in the context of the two, main modern constitutional traditions: the modernist and the revolutionary ones. Second, I discuss the populist critique of liberal constitutionalism, with a central focus on the recent cases of right-wing populism in power in East-Central Europe. Four dimensions are prominent: (i) popular sovereignty as the key justificatory claim of populism; (ii) majority rule as the main populist mode of government; (iii) instrumentalism as the legal–practical approach of populists; and (iv) legal resentment as the populists’ main attitude toward public law. In conclusion, I argue that while the populist critique of liberal constitutionalism provides significant insights into structural problems of liberal democracy, populist constitutionalism ultimately fails to live up to its own democratic promise.
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Roumkos, Christos, Pandelis Biskas und Ilias Marneris. „Modeling Framework Simulating the TERRE Activation Optimization Function“. Energies 13, Nr. 11 (09.06.2020): 2966. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en13112966.

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The Trans-European Replacement Reserve Exchange (TERRE) project is the European implementation project for exchanging Balancing Energy (BE) from Replacement Reserves (RR). Its main objective is to operate a common European platform that gathers all RR Balancing Energy Orders (BEOs) from Transmission System Operators’ (TSOs) local BE markets into a Common Merit Order List (CMOL). It provides an optimized allocation of RR, covering all TSOs’ RR BE needs, by executing the Activation Optimization Function (AOF). In this paper, the mathematical formulation of the AOF is presented, which explicitly incorporates all standard products and constraints that are provisioned in the approved implementation framework. The clearing problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model and solved within an iterative algorithm for the handling of Paradoxically Accepted Orders (PAOs). The modeling framework allows the coordination of two distinct market setups, i.e., the self-dispatch and central dispatch. To this end, a BEO conversion pre-process is executed for markets applying the central-dispatch setup, in order to attain the BE quantities for inclusion in the CMOL. The proposed model is evaluated using a test case including six countries that participate in the TERRE project (Portugal, Spain, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy) as well as Greece.
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Davies, Sarah Rachael, Suzanne Franks, Joseph Roche, Ana Lucia Schmidt, Rebecca Wells und Fabiana Zollo. „The landscape of European science communication“. Journal of Science Communication 20, Nr. 03 (10.05.2021): A01. http://dx.doi.org/10.22323/2.20030201.

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European science communication project QUEST surveyed and reviewed different aspects of European science communication, including science journalism, teaching and training in science communication, social media activity, and science in museums. This article draws together themes that collectively emerge from this research to present an overview of key issues in science communication across Europe. We discuss four central dynamics — fragmentation within research and practice; a landscape in transition; the importance of format and context; and the dominance of critical and dialogic approaches as best practice — and illustrate these with empirical material from across our datasets. In closing we reflect upon the implications of this summary of European science communication.
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Waechter, Natalia. „Instrumental and cultural considerations in constructing European identity among ethnic minority groups in Lithuania in a generational perspective“. Nationalities Papers 45, Nr. 4 (Juli 2017): 651–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2016.1258048.

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Research on European identity focuses mainly on majority populations in Western European countries without differentiating among specific population groups and generations, and, above all, disregarding ethnic minority groups living in Central and Eastern Europe. This paper addresses this gap by investigating the development of European identity among three ethnic minority groups in Lithuania: Belarusians, Poles, and Russians. Theoretically, the project is based on the instrumental approach, which argues that European identity is closely related to perceived benefits from “being European,” and on the cultural approach, which holds a common history, ancestry, and culture responsible for the development of European identity. Existing research has, above all, emphasized the importance of instrumental considerations. Analyzing qualitative interviews collected in the FP7 research project “ENRI-East,” the paper compares how young and adult members of ethnic minority groups construct European identity due to “instrumental” and “cultural” considerations. The results show that both instrumental and cultural considerations are relevant and further development of European identity depends on which age group or ethnic minority group an individual belongs to.
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Szende, Katalin. „The Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns“. Historical Studies on Central Europe 1, Nr. 2 (03.12.2021): 260–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.47074/hsce.2021-2.10.

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This article surveys the work carried out in the past two decades on the Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns in a Central European context. With its more than 550 atlases published in nineteen European countries in the last fifty years, the European Atlas of Historic Towns is one of the most comprehensive collaborative projects in the field of humanities. The countries of East Central Europe could join the project only after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and Hungary published its first atlas as late as 2010. In four subsequent project phases, the Hungarian atlas team has been working on nineteen atlases of eighteen towns, out of which eight have been published so far. The editors follow the standards set by the International Commission for the History of Towns and have adopted best practices represented by the Austrian, Polish and Irish atlas series. In addition to describing the source basis and the main methodological concerns, the article highlights examples of comparative urban research for which the atlases offer an unparalleled potential. The article also advocates a more extensive use of this exceptional resource.
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Brázová, Věra Karin. „Response of Central European Civil Security Systems to the Economic Crisis“. Central European Journal of Public Policy 9, Nr. 2 (01.12.2015): 142–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/cejpp-2016-0016.

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Abstract The public sector across Europe and elsewhere was affected by the economic crisis which fully unfolded in 2008. Considerable attention has been paid in the literature to the impacts of related budgetary cuts on social welfare, while some other areas remain largely under-researched. One of such areas is the so-called civil security, where no such endeavour has been attempted so far. In order to fill this gap, the paper examines the civil security systems of Central European countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary), employing a qualitative comparative analysis. Taking on the systems perspective, the article inquires how the stress posed by the economic crisis affected the civil security systems - their structure and financing. The paper builds on the findings from a 7th FP project, “ANVIL”, within which data on civil protection and disaster management systems were collected.
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Manolachi, Monica. „An overview on the 20th-century Central-European novel“. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies 7, Nr. 1 (15.05.2024): 166–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v7i1.26035.

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Over the past century, the history of Romanian literature has been dominated by nationalist approaches, necessary for the consolidation of a stable cultural identity. However, the concept of cultural identity involves changing and migratory components as well, many related to its links with other cultural identities, each of them with its own literature. This book review provides insights into the scholarly significance of Dicționarul romanului central-european din secolul XX [The Dictionary of Central European Novel in the 20th Century] coordinated by Adriana Babeți and edited by Oana Fotache, understood as a project that maps a transnational literary phenomenon. The study is examined for its uniqueness, specific linguistic diversity and multicultural scope: 250 entries about works initially published in one of the fourteen languages spoken in the region, including French and English as international languages, either part of the canon or more marginal and less known. Other reasons include its adequate combination of analysis and synthesis; the extensive team research carried out over three decades; and its socio-political relevance nowadays. The review highlights the historical, cultural, and academic contexts in which the dictionary was published, the avatars of the concept of Central Europe, several characteristics of the Central-European novel, and details about its structure, sections and features. The presentation mentions a few limitations about the availability of the titles in the languages of the region and the admitted gender imbalance and indicates several research audiences possibly interested in alternative ways of approaching novels in the context of globalization.
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Skrodzka, Aga. „Why “goEast” When They Are All Coming West?“ Film Quarterly 70, Nr. 1 (2016): 107–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/fq.2016.70.1.107.

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A report from the sixteenth goEast Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, which took place at the historic Caligari FilmBühne in Wiesbaden, Germany. Supported by the German Film Institute (Deutsches Filminstitut DIF) in Frankfurt, goEast originated in 2001 as a cross-cultural initiative designed to popularize East Central European cinema in the West, an effort which was then aligned with the European unification project focused on incorporating the post- Communist countries into the European family. Today, as the festival continues to cast its gaze eastward, it is no longer the expansion of the European Union that provides its political framework. Rather, this year's edition was more impacted by the questions surrounding the future existence of the European Union itself, whose members had recently refused to act in solidarity to address the ongoing refugee crisis, with some even contemplating exit strategies. Intensifying nationalism and resurgent xenophobia were directly mentioned by a number of goEast organizers as forces that the festival is actively seeking to oppose.
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Cetera-Włodarczyk, Anna, Šárka Havlíčková Kysová, Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik, Ivona Mišterová und Gabriella Reuss. „Monsters and Marvels: Shakespeare Across Opera, Ballet, Dance, Puppetry, and Music in Central and Eastern Europe—and Beyond“. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 28, Nr. 43 (30.12.2023): 89–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/2083-8530.28.05.

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This collectively authored position paper discusses “hybrid” Shakespeares in Central and Eastern Europe, focusing on productions that offer formal experimentation and transnational perspectives. While their contexts remain regional, they provide an insight into how Shakspeare has been mobilised regionally. The paper consists of four distinct parts, each considering Shakespeare in a hybrid form: in opera, dance and musical theatre as well as puppetry in the transnational, regional context. The general discussions of Shakespeare’s presence/appropriation in these art forms are followed by case studies that illustrate the significance of hybridity that characterises Shakespeare in the Central and Eastern European transnational context. Our brief analyses and selected case studies suggest a need for a detailed study of Shakespeare and performative arts in Central and Eastern Europe that would concentrate on the transgressive impulse these theatrical blends realised through formal experiment and artistic innovation. The publication of the article was supported by the International Visegrad Fund, project no. 22210007, titled “Crossing Borders with Shakespeare since 1945: Central and Eastern European Roots and Routes.” The project is co-financed by the Governments of the Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
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