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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Toledo"


Kajinić, Josip. „Comparative analysis of the spatial organisation of the Catholic Church on the Croatian Adriatic coast. Changes after World War II and perspectives for its future reorganisation“. Geoadria 21, Nr. 2 (02.01.2017): 183–209.

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This paper outlines the changes in the organisation of the Catholic Church in Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia after World War II. A detailed analysis of the circumstances that lead to the establishment of the Rijeka Diocese, Archdiocese and Metropolitan Archdiocese, ecclesiastical union of the Istrian region in Croatia, the abolition of the Zadar Metropolitan Archdiocese, the raising of the Split-Makarska Diocese to an Archdiocese, and the establishment of the Split Metropolitan Archdiocese. The principles upon which the Church reorganisation in the spatial sense are considered, and presents new insights, particularly for the Croatian dimension. The second part of the paper gives a comparative analysis of the spatial organisation of the Catholic Church on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea, with other countries. Examples were selected based on compatibility of different factors, with consideration to the historical context of events and their causes. To that aim, specific examples of the church administration in France and Italy are given. Using these examples and documents of church archives and official records and documents of the Catholic Church, this paper gives a final overview of the possibilities for the reorganisation of the church administration on the Croatian Adriatic coast.
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Kajinić, Josip. „Komparativna analiza prostorne organizacije Katoličke Crkve na hrvatskoj obali Jadrana. Promjene nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata te perspektive buduće reorganizacije“. Geoadria 21, Nr. 2 (18.07.2016): 183.

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This paper outlines the changes in the organisation of the Catholic Church in Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia after World War II. A detailed analysis of the circumstances that lead to the establishment of the Rijeka Diocese, Archdiocese and Metropolitan Archdiocese, ecclesiastical union of the Istrian region in Croatia, the abolition of the Zadar Metropolitan Archdiocese, the raising of the Split-Makarska Diocese to an Archdiocese, and the establishment of the Split Metropolitan Archdiocese. The principles upon which the Church reorganisation in the spatial sense are considered, and presents new insights, particularly for the Croatian dimension. The second part of the paper gives a comparative analysis of the spatial organisation of the Catholic Church on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea, with other countries. Examples were selected based on compatibility of different factors, with consideration to the historical context of events and their causes. To that aim, specific examples of the church administration in France and Italy are given. Using these examples and documents of church archives and official records and documents of the Catholic Church, this paper gives a final overview of the possibilities for the reorganisation of the church administration on the Croatian Adriatic coast.
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Demianchuk, Andrii, Vladyslav Hrymskyy, Myroslava Tsyhanyk, Yuliia Stempitska und Mychailo Hnatyuk. „Sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine: A Historical Overview“. International Journal of Religion 5, Nr. 5 (08.04.2024): 358–67.

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The research aims to collect historical information on the sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine that are dedicated to the Persons of the Holy Trinity (or the Divine mystery), the Blessed Virgin Mary, saints, and blesseds. The study applies a comprehensive approach using methods of scientific analysis, systematisation and generalisation, and a combination of historical, cultural and art historical methods to provide a broader understanding of the topic. This research considers twenty sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese that were officially proclaimed from June 13, 1995, to June 10, 2020, as well as the ancient Sanctuary of the Mother of God Merciful and God of Mercy. It has been established that all sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese are diocesan. The study analyzed more than fifty publications. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is a comprehensive analysis of historical information about the sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine. The sanctuaries of the Lviv Archdiocese in Ukraine require further historical, cultural, and art historical research that will complement previous publications.
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Bowman, William D. „The National and Social Origins of Parish Priests in the Archdiocese of Vienna, 1800–1870“. Austrian History Yearbook 24 (Januar 1993): 17–49.

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Under The Influence of Enlightenment ideals of rational administration and cameralist notions of increasing the productivity and welfare of the populace, Joseph II and his ministers embarked on an aggressive program of reform for the Habsburg monarchy in the late eighteenth century. Their view as to what needed change was wide-ranging, but among their chief concerns was the desire to restructure the relationship between the Catholic church and Austrian society. As the largest and most powerful religious denomination in the Habsburg monarchy, the Catholic church possessed immense human and material resources, which could possibly be exploited to benefit the Austrian people and state. For Joseph II, the process whereby Catholicism could best be put to use in Austrian society necessarily involved seizing partial administrative control over the Catholic church. The Catholic church, he believed, did not distribute material and moral benefit to the Austrian people evenly, and changing this situation required the active intervention of the Austrian government.
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Sianturi, Berkat Rahmat. „Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni, Medan, Sebagai Gereja Pewarta Studi Kasus di Gereja Velangkanni di Keuskupan Agung Medan“. Perspektif 14, Nr. 2 (01.12.2019): 137–48.

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The article is focusing its analysis on the Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni Church (the Our Lady of Good Health Church) in Medan, North Sumatra. The church describes and introduces itself as ‘Gereja Pewarta’ (an Evangelizing Church). At first sight, however, this Catholic church gives an impression of a Buddhist or Hindu temple, due to its construction. But it is rich in and full of traditional Catholic symbols. It presents itself in two meanings, viz., as the people of God and the sacred place for worship. The popularly called Velangkanni Church in the Archdiocese of Medan with all its richness, basically wants to proclaim Jesus Christ and to promote the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, not merely a place of prayer or worship.
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Miławicki, Marek. „Źródła do dziejów Kościoła ormiańskokatolickiego w Galicji w zbiorach wiedeńskich“. Lehahayer 6 (31.12.2019): 125–47.

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Sources for the History of the Armenian Catholic Church in Galicia in the Viennese Collections The article is a report from a query that took place in March 2019. The author discusses sources that relate to the history of the Armenian Catholic Church in Galicia (i.e. the Archdiocese of Lwów, Lemberg) found in the Austrian State Archives (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv) and in the Library of the Mechitharist Congregation (Bibliothek des Mechitharistenklosters) in Vienna. The collections contain a wealth of sources on the history of the Church and the Armenians living in Poland on the territories acquired in 1772 by the Austrian Empire, and until now only some of them have been used in the scientific literature. They present the relations of the central offices of the Habsburg monarchy with the Galician Armenians (who, in the overwhelming majority, were Catholics), and the role of this minority in the provincial administration. The sources also denote the importance of the religious congregation of Mechitarists in the life of the Armenian Catholic Archdiocese of Lwów. Many future priests learnt the Armenian language and Armenian liturgy at the Viennese religious secondary school (gymnasium) led by Mechitarists, and later a number of them joined the congregation. The book of religious professions, the letters and personal files, which mention a great number of Galician names, not only of Armenian descent (like archbishop Samuel Cyryl Stefanowicz or Rev. Dominik Barącz), but also of Polish origin serve as evidence of the aforementioned bond.
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Turcu, Lucian. „The Interest of the Convert: Marius Theodorian-Carada and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church in the First Decades of the 20th Century“. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia 68, Nr. 2 (15.03.2024): 123–40.

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The present study aims to present the situation of the Greek-Catholic community in Bucharest in the first decades of the 20th Century, starting from the reports that Marius Theodorian-Carada sent to the Holy See at that time. As a convert to Greek Catholicism in 1908, Theodorian-Carada showed an increased interest in the situation of the Greek Catholic believers in Bucharest during the interwar period, more precisely after the parish of Saint Basil the Great had been placed under the authority of the Greek- Catholic Archdiocese of Blaj. The present paper covers the intellectual profile of the convert, his continuous activism for the cause of the union of the Orthodox Church in Romania with the Catholic Church and, above all, the solutions that Theodorian- Carada proposed in response to the most urgent problems that the Romanian Greek Catholic Church was facing at that time. Last but not least, our study sheds light, based on archival documents, on the perspective that the Nunciature from Bucharest and the Greek- Catholic hierarchy had on the issues raised. Keywords: Greek-Catholic Parish of Saint Basil in Bucharest, union of Churches, liturgical language, religious press, Greek-Catholics in the Old Romanian Kingdom
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Carvalho, Rosana Areal, und Thiago Andreuci. „Entre a cruz e a educação: a liberdade de ensino nas páginas de O Arquidiocesano (Between the cross and education: the freedom of teaching inside the 1961’s LDB by the newspaper O Arquidiocesano)“. Revista Eletrônica de Educação 15 (22.12.2021): e4527077.

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e4527077This article aims to understand factors that demonstrate the position of the Catholic Church in the debate on public and private freedom of teaching present in the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB) of 1961. The treatment of the data was made by historical analysis and of content using the weekly printed newspaper O Arquidiocesano as a source, available for consultation at the Ecclesiastical Archive of the Archdiocese of Mariana. The discursive strategies of the Church were analyzed through the press in the section from 1959, the year the newspaper was created, until 1964, framing movements prior to the enactment of the LDB and its echoes until the civil-military coup. The presence of Catholicism in Brazil, Mariana's history and the strength of religion in the specified framework are elements explored to enrich the debate about public and private education and the democratization of education. In addition, in order to deepen the view of the press as a source and/or scientific object within the Humanities, a quick exhibition of works in the area is carried out. As a result of the research, the analysis of the five newspaper articles related to the 1961 LDB within the specified framework revealed the position of the official body of the Archdiocese of Mariana, which considered the ideal of freedom of teaching present in the LDB as a means to meet the aspirations of private schools.ResumoEste artigo tem como objetivo compreender fatores que demonstrem a posição da Igreja Católica no debate acerca da liberdade de ensino público e privado presente na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB) de 1961. O tratamento dos dados fez-se pela análise histórica e de conteúdo utilizando como fonte o jornal O Arquidiocesano, de periodicidade semanal, disponível para consulta no Arquivo Eclesiástico da Arquidiocese de Mariana-MG. Foram analisadas as estratégias discursivas da Igreja através da imprensa no recorte de 1959, ano de criação do jornal, até 1964, enquadrando movimentações prévias à promulgação da LDB e os ecos desta até o golpe civil-militar. A presença do catolicismo no Brasil, a história de Mariana e a força da religião no recorte especificado são elementos explorados para enriquecer o debate acerca do ensino público e privado e a democratização da educação. Ademais, com intuito de aprofundar o olhar acerca da imprensa como fonte e/ou objeto científico dentro das Humanidades, realiza-se uma exposição rápida de trabalhos na área. Como resultado da pesquisa, a análise das cinco matérias do jornal tocantes à LDB de 1961 dentro do recorte especificado revelou a posição do órgão oficial da Arquidiocese de Mariana, que considerava o ideal de liberdade de ensino presente na LDB um meio para atender às aspirações das escolas privadas.Palavras-chave: LDB, Público e privado em educação, Imprensa, Igreja católica.Keywords: LDB, Public and private in education, Press, Catholic church.ReferencesAMARAL, Alexandre Gonçalves do. Belo tipo de democracia. O Arquidiocesano. Mariana, 1 de maio de 1960, p. 3.AMARAL, Alexandre Gonçalves do. Princípios doutrinários, oposições e inovações. O Arquidiocesano. Mariana, 15 de maio de 1960, p. 3. BARROS, Roque Spencer Maciel de. Diretrizes e Bases da Educação. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1960, 190 p.BOSCHI, Caio César. Igreja. Estado e irmandades em Minas Gerais. In: BOSCHI, Caio César. Os leigos e o poder. São Paulo: Ática, 1996, p. 71-139.BRASIL. Lei nº 4.024, de 20 de dezembro de 1961. Fixa as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Disponível em: Acesso em maio de 2020.CATANI, Denice Bárbara. A imprensa periódica educacional: as revistas de ensino e o estudo do campo educacional. Educação E Filosofia, Uberlândia, v.10, n. 20, 115-130, julho/dezembro 1996.COMO funciona o conversor de valores. Acervo Estadão, São Paulo, 9 de dez. 2011. Disponível em:,como-funciona-o-conversor-de-valores,581,0.htm. Acesso em maio de 2020.DIRETRIZES e bases da educação: dois vetos precisam cair. O Arquidiocesano, Mariana, 14 de janeiro de 1962, p.1.DOM Alexandre Gonçalves do Amaral. Arquidiocese de Uberaba, Uberaba. Disponível em: Acesso em maio de 2020.FERREIRA, Jorge. 1946-1964: a experiência democrática no Brasil. Revista Tempo, Niterói, v. 14, n. 28, p. 11-18, junho 2010.FONSECA, Cláudia Damasceno. Arraiais e vilas d’el rei: espaço e poder nas Minas setecentistas. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2011. Humanitas series, 731 p.INSTITUTO CULTURAL FLÁVIO GUTIERREZ. Museu do Oratório. 2 ed. Belo Horizonte: ICFG, 2000, 200 p.LIBERDADE de ensino. O Arquidiocesano, Mariana, 6 de março de 1960, p.2. LIBERDADE de ensino. O Arquidiocesano, Mariana, 10 de abril de 1960, p.1.LUCA, Tania Regina de. História dos, nos e por meio dos periódicos. In: PINSKY, Carla Bassanezi. (org.) Fontes históricas. São Paulo: Contexto, 2006, p. 111-153. MAINWARING, Scott. A Igreja e a Política no Brasil (1916-1985). In: MAINWARING, Scott. A Igreja e a Política no Brasil 1916 - 1985. Tradução: Heloísa Braz de Oliveira Prieto. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 2004, 304 p. MARCHELLI, Paulo Sérgio. Da LDB 4.024/61 ao debate contemporâneo sobre as bases curriculares nacionais. Revista e-Curriculum, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 03 p. 1480 – 1511, out./dez. 2014.INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. Enciclopédia dos municípios brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1959. v. 26. p. 49-57. (Mariana - MG).MARTINS, Ana Luiza, LUCA, Tania Regina de. Introdução: pelos caminhos da imprensa no Brasil. In: MARTINS, Ana Luiza, LUCA, Tania Regina de. História da imprensa no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto, 2018, 304 p. OLIVEIRA, Fabrício Roberto Costa. Religião e Mobilização Social na Arquidiocese de Mariana/MG. 2005. 174 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Extensão Rural) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2005.PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio. Bye bye, Brasil – O declínio das religiões tradicionais no censo 2000. Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, v18, n. 52, set/dez. 2004. ROMEIRO, Adriana. A construção de um mito - Antônio de Albuquerque e o levante emboaba. Revista Tempo, v. 15, n. 29, p. 167-188, jul/dez. 2010.SCARFONI, Eduardo Norcia. A primeira Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, na ótica dos dirigentes de estabelecimentos particulares de ensino. In: Anais VII Congresso Brasileiro de História da Educação, 2013, Cuiabá.SILVA, Fernanda Aparecida Oliveira; CARVALHO, Rosana Areal de. Defenderá ele os direitos de Deus e da comunidade cristã? Estudo exploratório sobre a escola na visão do jornal católico O Arquidiocesano (1959-1991). In: DÍAZ, José Maria Hernandéz. (Org.). Prensa Pedagógica, Mujeres, Niños, sectores populares y otros fines educativos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Aquilafuente, 2018, v. 01, p. 569-578.SOUZA, Laura de Mello e. Nas redes do poder. In: SOUZA, Laura de Mello e. Desclassificados do ouro. Rio de Janeiro: Graal, 1979, p. 91-140.SOUZA, Laura de Mello. Discurso Histórico e Político da Sublevação que nas Minas houve no ano de 1720. Belo Horizonte: Fundação João Pinheiro, Centro de Estudos Históricos e Culturais, 1994, 193 p. TOLEDO, Cézar de Alencar Arnaut de; SKALINSKI JUNIOR, Oriomar. A imprensa periódica como fonte para a história como fonte para a história da educação: teoria e método. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, v.12, n.48, p. 255-268, dez. 2012.VENÂNCIO FILHO, Francisco. 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Taylor, Kieran D. „The relief of Belgian refugees in the archdiocese of Glasgow during the First World War: ‘A Crusade of Christianity’“. Innes Review 69, Nr. 2 (November 2018): 147–64.

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The relief of Belgian refugees in Britain is an emerging area of study in the history of the First World War. About 250,000 Belgian refugees came to Great Britain, and at least 19,000 refugees came to Scotland, with the majority hosted in Glasgow. While relief efforts in Scotland were co-ordinated and led by the Glasgow Corporation, the Catholic Church also played a significant role in the day-to-day lives of refugees who lived in the city. This article examines the Archdiocese of Glasgow's assistance of Belgian refugees during the war. It considers first the Catholic Church's stance towards the War and the relief of Belgian refugees. The article then outlines the important role the Church played in providing accommodation, education and religious ministry to Belgian refugees in Glasgow. It does this by tracing the work of the clergy and by examining popular opinion in Catholic media. The article establishes that the Church and the Catholic community regarded the relief and reception of Belgian refugees as an act of religious solidarity.
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Gręźlikowski, Janusz. „Czwarty synod archidiecezji warszawskiej“. Prawo Kanoniczne 52, Nr. 3-4 (10.12.2009): 23–49.

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The 4th Synod of the Warsaw Archdioceses was debating during the five-year period, between 19th March 1998 and 19th March 2003 when the Warsaw Church had been run by the primate of Poland, cardinal Joseph Glemp. He proposed, summoned and carried out the synod and promulgated its resolutions. The initiative of summoning the synod was connected with the need for overall renewal of the religious and moral life of the Warsaw archdiocese. The synod’s deliberations and its resolutions were to cause the betterment of the organization and functioning of administrative and pastoral apparatus in the archdiocese, to normalize the many issues concerning the church and religious life, as well as to improve the laity and clergy’s religious, social and moral level. To achieve, a wide representation of clergy, catholic laity and monks were engaged. The synodical resolutions with its jurisdictional and pastoral nature are signified by strong setting in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, the Canon Law, the documents of the Holy See and John Paul II, as well as by the resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Second and the instructions of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate. At the same time they refer to the tradition of the Warsaw archdiocese and remain fully opened for the “tomorrow” of the Church, evangelizing and pastoral objective. Furthermore they undertake, organize and regulate many difficult pastoral issues. Thus the synodical legislator contributed to the renewal, revival and activation of the church and administrative structures of the archdioceses, so they could serve to various pastoral, church and administrative assignments.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Toledo"


Maurutto, Paula. „Governing charities church and state in Toronto's catholic archdiocese, 1850-1950 /“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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DeLuca, Lorraine Susanna. „Adult education and the ambivalence of the Catholic Church towards modern American society, in the Archdiocese of New York: 1860-1911/by Lorraine Susanna DeLuca“. Access Digital Full Text version, 1994.

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Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1994.
Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: Douglas M. Sloan. Dissertation Committee: William B. Kennedy. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-323).
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Byrne, John Henry. „Sacred or profane: The influence of Vatican legislation on music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne“. Thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2005.

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Despite the authoritative and very explicit directions from the Vatican in 1903, the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne successfully resisted the demands for a major reform of liturgical Church music for 35 years. This thesis will examine the reasons for this strong and effective resistance to the demands of the Holy See and show that despite being complex and interrelated these reasons can be summarised under two fundamental headings. The thesis will examine the broad spectrum of music performed in the Melbourne Archdiocese, but because of the limited availability of information and the prime importance of the two principal churches of the Archdiocese, it shall concentrate on St. Patrick's Cathedral and on St. Francis Church. The thesis shall also examine in detail the documents of the Holy See concerning liturgical music which were relevant to musical practice in Melbourne. Special attention is drawn to the influential Motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini (1903) issued by Pope Pius X. The time span of this thesis covers the 95 years from March 1843 when the first music was sung in Melbourne's only Catholic church to 1938 when Archbishop Daniel Mannix ordered the reforms to liturgical music as demanded by the Vatican. The thesis shall demonstrate that the resistance to the reform of liturgical music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne was due to the two following influences: the fact that the new freedom and wealth that the immigrant Irish community of the Archdiocese of Melbourne experienced enabled them to establish churches and liturgies whose grandeur and artistic excellence symbolized their success in establishing a major new social and cultural status in their new home. Church music was one of the great manifestations of this and as an integral part of their new significance and sense of achievement, it was to be jealously guarded.;the second was the matter of authority and the independence of the Catholic bishops from the dictates and interference of the Vatican authorities. These Irish-born bishops were trained in an historical milieu in Ireland and Europe which fostered a fierce pride in the value of autonomy from external and alien authority. In this they were given a great degree of protection by the isolation of Australia and its distance from outside authority. In this Archbishops Carr and Mannix both proved to be strongly independent leaders who proved to be most reluctant to automatically implement reforms imposed by the Vatican. It will be shown that only in the fourth decade of the twentieth century was Episcopal authority finally brought to bear to make reforms to liturgical music a reality in the Catholic Church in Melbourne.
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Garrett, Scott J. „Implementation of Canon 1112 [section] 1 to the Archdiocese of Anchorage“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2006.

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Rosera, Steve E. „Infant confirmation in the archdiocese of Santa Fe a study in customary law in the 1983 code /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1988.

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Turkington, Mark. „The Catholic Education Office (CEO) as a learning organization and its perceived impact on standards“. Thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2004.

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The Catholic Education Office (CEO) Sydney is a large non-government education authority which administers the systemic, Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia. The system consists of 148 primary and secondary schools with an enrolment of some 62,000 students. The major research question was: What characteristics of a learning organization can be identified in the Catholic Education Office (CEO) Sydney and are these perceived to raise standards in systemic schools of the Archdiocese of Sydney? Like all western education systems the CEO Sydney is immersed in constant change and is expected to account for improving educational standards within the system. The learning organization with its emphasis on adaptability and continuous improvement was considered an appropriate framework within which to conduct this research. The study consisted of two main parts the first investigated the CEO Sydney as a learning organization using a survey questionnaire distributed, using a dedicated web site, to a sample of primary and secondary principals in the system and a smaller number of senior CEO Sydney personnel. The response rate was 91%. This was complemented by examination of relevant CEO Sydney documentation and policies. The definition of the learning organization adopted for the study consisted of eight characteristics each of which formed a scale in the questionnaire. The eight characteristics adopted were: 'Systemic Thinking and Mental Models', 'Continuous Improvement of Work', 'Taking Initiatives and Risks', 'Ongoing Professional Development', 'Trusting and Collaborative Climate', 'Shared and Monitored Vision/Mission', 'Effective Communication Channels' and 'Team Work and Team Learning'. This part of the study was essentially a quantitative one, with the data subjected to descriptive, statistical analysis complemented by some clarifying and contextualising qualitative data. The second part of the study investigated the perceived relationship between the CEO Sydney and its learning organization characteristics and the standards in three curriculum outcome areas (religious education, literacy and numeracy). This part of the study was also quantitative using descriptive statistics complemented by Pearson correlation, multiple regression and canonical correlational analyses. Once again some relevant contextualising qualitative data was gathered. Five demographic groups (gender, role, region (principals only), years of experience as a principal and age) were examined to see if there were any differences in the extent to which the various learning organization characteristics and curriculum outcomes were identified by each group. The results of this study indicated that the CEO Sydney exhibited many of the characteristics of a learning organization with particular strengths in 'Continuous Improvement of Work', 'Systemic Thinking and Mental Models' and 'Shared and Monitored Vision/Mission'. The weakest characteristic was 'Taking Initiatives and Risks'. Demographic group analysis of this data revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the different demographic groups. The results also indicated that there were correlations between the CEO Sydney as a learning organization and raising standards particularly in religious education and literacy and less so in numeracy. Finally, the study made a number of recommendations for the further development of the CEO Sydney as a learning organization and ways that it can further raise standards in the schools of the system.
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Sagala, Miranda Belinda. „Los Angeles Archdiocese child sexual abuse scandal: A case study in crisis communication“. CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003.

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This thesis examined strategies employed by the Los Angeles Archdiocese in its communcation with the media during the initial phases of handling the child sexual abuse scandal. Internal and external messages from the archdiocese were analyzed in terms of how well they conformed to the five generally accepted principles that should govern crisis communication: timeliness, openness, honesty, regret and accessibility.
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Welch, Bethany J. „The Catholic Church and urban revitalization a case study of the Office for Community Development of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia /“. Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file, 301 p, 2008.

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Shaheen, Fred Mark G. „A tale of two churches the Toledo and New York Archdioceses of the Antiochian Church in North America, 1936-1975 /“. Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2002.

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Dowling, Peter, und res cand@acu edu au. „How Is Power Used In The Catholic Church? A case study of a group of male religious in the Archdiocese of Melbourne“. Australian Catholic University. School of Social Science, 2002.

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Aim. While there is much talk of an emerging interest in spirituality in Australia, there is evidence of a declining affiliation with the established Churches. The impact of mainstream Christianity in these circumstances would appear to be waning. The continued attention given to the Church in the wake of these realities and that of the Church's dealing with situations of sexual abuse has often focussed around the way in which the Church has used its power and influence. While undoubtedly there is much evidence of the Church's service and care for its members and those most in need, more questions are being asked about the accountability of those who minister within the boundaries of Catholic Church structures, and the healthiness of those very structures for helping the Church to live out its mission with integrity. Further questioning has often been around the perceived intent of Church authorities, as seen by many, to return the Church to times prior to the Second Vatican Council when clerical authority was unquestioned. There are divergent viewpoints as to whether the call of the Council for wider involvement of lay people in Church decision-making and structures is in the process of being reversed. The researcher, coming from his experience as a member of a Catholic Religious Congregation of Men, is interested in looking broadly at the issue of how power is used in the Catholic Church, with a particular focus on a case study of one Group of Male Religious in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The aim of the study is to provide further insight into use of power in the Catholic Church, and to offer some recommendations for future use of that power in a healthy and constructive way for the benefit of the Church and, ultimately, all of society. Scope. A Literature Review was carried out to investigate the broader issues of how power may be defined. A multitude of answers emerged, resulting in a rich understanding of power and some specific related factors: gender, hegemony, patriarchy, authority, leadership, empowerment and networks. Following these explorations around how use of power may be understood, examination of issues relating to abuse of power took place. Given this background, attention was then given to issues of power in relation to Church structures. With these learnings, the researcher conducted five focus groups of people who had relevant knowledge of the male Religious Congregation in Melbourne, which was the specific case study for this research. The groups included current members of the Congregation, former members, staff members in schools run by the Congregation, former students and a women's group. The study was restricted to one specific Congregation, the 'Brothers of St Charles' [fictitious name], in Melbourne, in order to provide a particular and manageable focus. While limited in scope, the study provides an analysis of the focus groups and a linking between this analysis and the Literature Review. Conclusions. The study finishes with some reflections by the researcher on the learnings of the study and recommendations arising from the study. Central place is given to the quality of relationships of those engaged in ministry on behalf of the Catholic Church. An interplay of personal and Church/Congregational factors is proposed in order to provide some qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of such relationships. In order for ministers to take up and use their power in an enriching way for themselves and particularly for those to whom they are called in service, recommendations are made around the need for learning about use of power as part of formation for Church personnel, around encouraging ongoing personal growth in those in Church ministry, around the importance of engaging in processes of healing where people have been hurt by past inappropriate use of power, and around the need to continually critique and challenge existing Church structures where there is injustice through lack of inclusivity.
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Bücher zum Thema "Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Toledo"


Castro, María Concepción Abad. Arquitectura mudéjar religiosa en el Arzobispado de Toledo. Toledo: Caja Toledo, 1991.

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Mendoza, J. Carlos Vizuete. Sacra loca toletana: Los espacios sagrados en Toledo. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2008.

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Higueruela, Leandro. La Iglesia en Castilla-La Mancha: La Diócesis de Toledo en la edad contemporánea (1776-1995). Toledo]: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, 2003.

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Yolanda, Moreno Koch, und García Casar, Ma. Fuencisla (María Fuencisla), Hrsg. Judaizantes del arzobispado de Toledo habilitados por la Inquisición en 1495 y 1497. Miranda de Ebro: Fundación Cultural "Profesor Cantera Burgos", 2009.

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Collado, Angel Fernández. Los informes de visita ad limina de los arzobispos de Toledo. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2002.

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Pilar Tormo Martín de Vidales. El Cardenal Payá, apuntes para una biografía. Toledo: Estudio Teológico de San Ildefonso, Diputación Provincial de Toledo, 1992.

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ón y traducción de Carlos Pérez González. El concilio de Aranda, 1473. Burgos]: Junta de Castilla y León, 2007.

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Méndez, Mary. Divinas piedras: Arquitectura y catolicismo en Uruguay, 1950-1965. Montevideo, CP, Uruguay: CSIC, Universidad de la República Uruguay, 2016.

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Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Detroit (Mich.). Office of Communications. Archdiocese of Detroit directory. Detroit: Office of Communications, 1986.

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Roy, Hodsman, Hrsg. Archdiocese of Regina: A history. Regina: Archdiocese of Regina, 1988.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Toledo"


Dias, Darren J. „Pedagogy of Migration: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto’s Response to Immigration (1934–1963)“. In The Church, Migration, and Global (In)Difference, 369–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Rademacher, Nicholas K. „Coming of Age in the Archdiocese of Boston“. In Paul Hanly Furfey. Fordham University Press, 2017.

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Paul Hanly Furfey’s childhood and young adulthood in the Archdiocese of Boston introduced him in direct and indirect ways to broader developments with in the Roman Catholic Church. He attended parochial school, and attended Jesuit run Boston College High School and Boston College. The Jesuits introduced Furfey to Ignatian spirituality, in particular the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Fufey’s early years were influenced by broader developments in the church concerning centralization of ecclesiastical operations and a rise in authoritarian governance. Debates surrounding Americanism and Modernism were a factor during this era. As he matured, Furfey wrestled with intellectual and spiritual doubt. He resolved to remain committed to Catholicism. Upon graduation from college, Furfey served as a lay evangelist with the Catholic Truth Guild before departing to Washington, DC to attend graduate school at The Catholic University of America.
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Rademacher, Nicholas K. „Learning Constructive Civic Engagement at the Catholic University of America“. In Paul Hanly Furfey. Fordham University Press, 2017.

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Paul Hanly Furfey was profoundly influenced by the famous Catholic priest psychologist Thomas Verner Moore who taught him how to balance rigorous scientific study with theological and spiritual analysis. Moore also modelled a civically engaged scholarship by opening clinics in the area surrounding the university. Furfey’s training in the seminary was uninspiring while his graduate studies at CUA were stimulating. His professors at CUA and the Sulpicians at St. Mary’s Seminary introduced Furfey to exciting developments in the Catholic Church in the United States, namely the formation of the National Catholic Welfare Council. While Furfey was drawn to the simplicity of the Jesuit lifestyle, he chose to be ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1922.
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Fernández, Lilia. „Chicago’s Catholic Archdiocese and the Challenges of Serving a Multiethnic Latino Population“. In Faith and Power, 42–69. NYU Press, 2022.

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In the mid-twentieth century, the Chicago Catholic archdiocese encountered multiple Spanish-speaking constituencies and had to respond to their distinct interests, concerns, and priorities, while seeking to cultivate a deeper loyalty to the church. Though some Latinos gravitated to Protestant sects, and others spurned religion altogether, with the creation of the Cardinal’s Committee for the Spanish Speaking in 1955, the see had the competing tasks of identifying “Spanish-speaking” Catholics as a pan-ethnic religious community while also attending to and respecting their cultural and national idiosyncrasies (such as their unique representations of the Virgin Mary) and their distinct economic needs. This essay follows how the church became an important influence in Latinos’ social and political formation as members of civic society just as it became a vehicle through which to practice their activism and volunteerism. It played a prominent role by responding to the labor movements, civil rights campaigns, and local issues of the day.
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Kourelis, Kostis. „Style and Real Estate“. In Redirecting Ethnic Singularity, 105–40. Fordham University Press, 2022.

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The Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches have a long architectural heritage whose deployment in the design of American cities had preceded their arrival. Placed under a centralized church administration, Italians were subservient to an American Catholicism dominated by the Irish. Architecture became a tool to monopolize living connections with the Italian Renaissance and the Baroque. The Catholic Archdiocese, moreover, orchestrated real estate speculation and urban control through the intentional foundation of national parishes. In contrast, Greek immigrants encountered a fragmented church hierarchy that led to the ad hoc reuse of pre-existing buildings (especially aging Protestant churches). When building churches ex novo, Greek congregations chose the pan-European style of the national Cathedral of Athens, invented by the nation-state in 1842 to replace the medieval Byzantine past. By comparing Italian and Greek architectural stories, we illuminate a pluralism that shifted sameness and otherness across time and space.
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