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Orsolin, Luciana Trombini. „Carto(foto)grafando o encontro de migrantes brasileiros na China“. Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2008.

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Os encontros mobilizados nas migrações entre culturas são uma temática emergente que envolve muitos cidadãos brasileiros e outros cidadãos do mundo. Este relatório apresenta uma pesquisa que investigou o encontro de brasileiros migrantes com a China, procurando entender os processos, intensidades, afetos e afecções que nesse encontro emergiram. Para tanto utilizamos a carto(foto)grafia, que se constituiu de um entrelaçamento da cartografia com a fotografia. A exploração do campo ocorreu durante nove meses na cidade de Dongguan, situada ao sul da China. Realizamos uma intervenção com dez brasileiros residentes nessa cidade, na qual os migrantes produziram imagens fotográficas sobre seus encontros, imagens que foram discutidas posteriormente em oficinas. A atenção cartográfica permitiu-nos a seleção de algumas fotografias que foram analisadas a partir de processos de criação e significação, bem como foram relacionadas com a observação do campo e as intensidades que apareceram nessa intervenção. Os brasileiros m
The mobilized encounters in the migrations between cultures are an emergent thematic that involve many Brazilian citizens and other citizens of the world. This report presents a research investigating the encounter of Brazilians expatriates with China, seeking to understand the processes, intensities and affections that emerged from this encounter. In such a way we use the carto(photo)graphy, meaning the interlacement of the cartography with the photograph. The exploration of the field occurred during nine months in the city of Dongguan, situated in south China. An intervention was carried through with ten Brazilian residents in this city. Each expatriate produced photographs about their encounters. Images that were later discussed in workshops. The cartographic attention allowed us the election of some photographs that were analyzed by process of creation and meaning. The photographs were also related to field comment. The Brazilian expatriates create an existential territory in which they share the difficu
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Guedes, Lidiane de Fátima Barbosa. „Encontros de olhares : ensaiando carto(foto)grafias com usuários de drogas“. Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, 2014.

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In the contemporary scenario of the capitalistic Western societies, the flashes of media photographers coupled with legal and scientific hegemonic discursive productions, give light to the body of drug users. Production of photographic image of the infamous subject, provided body - drugged body that contrasts with the other clichés enunciator´s images of beautiful, healthy and perfect body to be consumed. From the web of clichés of contemporary images, this Master thesis was composed with other strands of this web imagery, in order to compose looks, bodies and becoming deviations with said subject infamous drugged bodies. Toward this goal, we conducted meetings with drug users and other residents of a municipality in the Recôncavo of Bahia. Encounters with drug users (crack, marijuana and alcohol) were guided by the proposed production of photographs taken by the user of drugs. The first steps of rapprochement with partners followed the direction: shooting from what was important in their lives, but in time, we deviate from the risk of the web of representation and not confrontational images, which could favor this proposal, and let us guided by other track tensioning of clichés images: producing images from the user´s own relationship with drugs. The body - stoned in the crosshairs of photography and ´look like´, current look / virtual. To follow the process of composition looks and experimentation of thought with partners this study, we invested in mapping as a method of intervention research. The technological feature of the camera founds carto(foto)grafia, subjectivity device, producing cracks in the lenses pointing stereotyped ways of producing and viewing pictures of drug users. In the composition of the theoretical, were affected by the traces of the thinking of philosophers of difference, Baruch Spinoza, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche and the like.
No cenário contemporâneo das sociedades capitalísticas ocidentais, flashs dos fotógrafos midiáticos, conjugados às produções discursivas hegemônicas jurídicas e científicas, dão luminosidade ao corpo de usuários de drogas. Produção de imagem fotográfica do sujeito infame, na condição de corpo-drogado, corpo que contrasta com as outras imagens clichês enunciadoras do corpo belo, saudável e perfeito para ser consumido. A partir da teia de imagens clichês do contemporâneo, esta pesquisa de mestrado se compôs com outros fios, outras imagens com o objetivo de compor olhares, corpos, desvios e devires com os ditos sujeitos infames, corpos drogados. Nesse sentido, realizamos encontros com usuários de drogas e outros moradores de um município do interior do recôncavo da Bahia. Os encontros com usuários de drogas (crack, maconha e álcool) foram guiados pela proposta de produção de fotografias realizadas pelos próprios usuários de drogas. Os primeiros passos de aproximação com os parceiros seguiram a direção de fotografar a partir do que era importante em suas vidas, mas em tempo, nos desviamos do risco da teia da representação e não confronto de imagens, que esta proposta poderia favorecer, e nos deixamos guiar por outra pista tensionadora das imagens clichês: produzir imagens fotográficas a partir da própria relação do usuário com as drogas. O corpo-drogado na mira da fotografia e do olhar de si , olhar atual/virtual. Para acompanhar o processo de composição de olhares e experimentação do pensamento com os parceiros deste estudo, investimos na cartografia como método de pesquisa-intervenção. Com o recurso tecnológico da câmera fotográfica, ensaiase a carto-fotografia, dispositivo de subjetivação, produtor de rachaduras nas lentes que apontam modos estereotipados de produzir e ver as imagens dos usuários de drogas. Na composição do corpo teórico, fomos afetados pelos traços do pensamento dos filósofos da diferença, Baruch Spinoza, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche e afins.
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Queiroz, Luziana Maria Nunes de. „Expansão urbana e vulnerabilidades citadina: carto(grafias) socioeconômicas e de infraestrutura urbana“. PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DESENVOLVIMENTO E MEIO AMBIENTE - PRODEMA, 2018.

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Submitted by Automação e Estatística ( on 2018-06-15T21:34:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LuzianaMariaNunesDeQueiroz_TESE.pdf: 3544225 bytes, checksum: 3712c1338c2b0491da3bc0b924bbbe1a (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva ( on 2018-06-19T22:50:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LuzianaMariaNunesDeQueiroz_TESE.pdf: 3544225 bytes, checksum: 3712c1338c2b0491da3bc0b924bbbe1a (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-19T22:50:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuzianaMariaNunesDeQueiroz_TESE.pdf: 3544225 bytes, checksum: 3712c1338c2b0491da3bc0b924bbbe1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-28
Esta tese problematiza a relação entre expansão urbana e as vulnerabilidades socioeconômica e de infraestrutura urbana, tendo como referência a Cidade de Caicó (Brasil) e como recorte temporal a década de 1980 aos dias atuais. Nessa investida, analisou-se a expansão urbana de Caicó, por fases de ocorrência, considerando as variáveis população, economia e espacialização citadina e calculou-se os índices e níveis de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica e de infraestrutura urbana da cidade, por zonas geográficas e bairros, a partir dos quais foi produzida cartografia relativa a essas temáticas. Metodologicamente, recorreu-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os dados obtidos indicam que os indicadores de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica de Caicó, por zonas geográficas e bairros, apresentaram-se em nível baixo, retratando que a cidade está parcialmente assistida quanto as condições domiciliares, situações dos chefes de família, alfabetização, renda e trabalho. Os índices e os níveis dos indicadores de vulnerabilidade de infraestrutura urbana, por zonas geográficas e bairros, segundo as variáveis estudadas - educação, esportes, saúde, segurança, transporte e cultura/lazer – apresentaram-se insatisfatórios, ou seja, não suprem as necessidades da sociedade. Nesse caso, torna-se evidente a não existência de associação entre os indicadores de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica e os indicadores de vulnerabilidade de infraestrutura urbana. Infere-se, portanto, que a expansão urbana não foi geradora de vulnerabilidades socioeconômicas, mas, revela que a sociedade está submetida a vulnerabilidade de infraestrutura urbana. Também ficou evidente que as políticas públicas implementadas em bairros de formação antiga ou recente, não são suficientes para suprir as demandas por bens e serviços urbanos de seus domiciliados, os quais devem buscar através de instrumentos legais diretrizes que possibilitem a redução dos problemas enfrentados.
This article problematizes relation between urban expansion and socioeconomic vulnerability, with reference in Caicó city (Brazil) and from 1980s to current days as temporal cut. Urban expansion of Caicó was analyzed by occurrence phases, taking into consideration population, economy and city specialty variables, calculating socioeconomic vulnerability indexes and levels by geographic zones and neighborhoods of that city, from which a cartography related to this thematic was produced. Methodologically, a document e bibliographic research was conducted. Thus, cartography of socioeconomic vulnerability in Caicó, by geographic zones and neighborhoods, reveals that indexes and levels related to this phenomenon do not present great variations, situating between medium and very low; however, West Zone presents highest socioeconomic vulnerability, being João Paulo II neighborhood one that holds city's highest index. Furthermore, It was found that although average IVSB has been registered on ancient formation neighborhoods, its occurrence is stronger in recent formation neighborhoods. In this sense, It is possible to infer that socioeconomic vulnerability in Caicó city is associated to urban expansion process, once this phenomenon becomes more present in recent formation neighborhoods, generally situated in peripheries of cities, where lower purchasing power populations are located, and public politics are more neglected.
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Villey-Migraine, Marjolaine. „Multimédia et carto-géographie : Ergonomie des interfaces de navigation hypermédia dans les systèmes documentaires“. Paris 2, 2003.

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Eker, Dayi Betuel. „Akut- und Dauererfolg der Katheterablation bei Vorhofflimmern–Vergleich zweier dreidimensionaler Navigationssysteme (CARTO-XP vs. Ensite/NavX)“. Diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2014.

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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die beiden dreidimensionalen Navigationsverfahren CARTO-XP und Ensite/NavX bei der Katheterablation von Vorhofflimmern miteinander verglichen. Dabei wurde die prozedurale Effektivität und Sicherheit, die Dauer der Intervention, die Strahlenbelastung sowie der Akut- und Dauererfolg der Verfahren analysiert. In die Studie wurden insgesamt 109 Patienten eingeschlossen (CARTO-XP-Gruppe: 57 Patienten vs. Ensite/NavX-Gruppe: 52 Patienten). Die Zuordnung der Patienten in die Studiengruppen erfolgte konsekutiv nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Die Analyse der beiden Patientengruppen zeigte eine gute Vergleichbarkeit bezüglich aller wichtigen Parameter. Für den Vergleich der beiden Navigationsverfahren wurden die Dauer der Intervention, die Dauer des Mappings, die Durchleuchtungszeit, das Flächendosisprodukt, die Anzahl der Energieabgaben, die Häufigkeit einer ergänzenden cavotrikuspidalen Isthmusablation und die Komplikationsrate analysiert. Bis auf die Mapping-Dauer im linken Vorhof (in der CARTO-XP-Gruppe signifikant länger) zeigten die beiden Gruppen bei diesen Parametern keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Gruppen unterschieden sich ebenfalls nicht signifikant hinsichtlich des Akut- und Dauererfolgs, einer post-interventionellen Antiarrhythmika-Therapie sowie der Notwendigkeit einer Reablation. Auch eine Subgruppenanalyse von Patienten mit paroxysmalem und persistierendem Vorhofflimmern ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen für die beiden Navigationsverfahren. Damit war die längere Mapping-Dauer in der CARTO-XP-Gruppe der einzige detektierte Unterschied. Dieser Unterschied ist jedoch bei einer vergleichbaren Interventionsdauer in beiden Gruppen ohne Bedeutung.
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Truong, Thérèse Quy Thy. „Le vandalisme de l’information géographique volontaire : analyse exploratoire et proposition d’une méthodologie de détection automatique“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2020.

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La qualité de l'information géographique volontaire est actuellement un sujet qui questionne autant les consommateurs de données géographiques que les producteurs de données d'autorité voulant exploiter les bienfaits de la démarche collaborative. En effet, si les données cartographiques collaboratives présentent l'intérêt d'être ouvertes, contrairement à certaines bases de données géographiques officielles, celles-ci sont néanmoins sujettes à des erreurs voire à des dégradations volontaires, provoquées par des contributeurs malintentionnés. Dans ce dernier cas, on parle de vandalisme cartographique ou de carto-vandalisme. Ce phénomène est un travers de la démarche collaborative, et bien qu'il ne concerne qu'une faible portion des contributions, il peut constituer un obstacle à l'utilisation des données cartographiques participatives. Dans une démarche de qualification de l'information géographique volontaire, ce travail de thèse a plus précisément pour objectif de détecter le vandalisme dans les données collaboratives cartographiques. Dans un premier temps, il s'agit de formaliser une définition du concept de carto-vandalisme. Puis, en partant du principe que les contributions volontairement dégradées proviennent de contributeurs malveillants, nous cherchons à démontrer que la qualification des contributeurs permettant d'évaluer leurs contributions. Enfin, nos expériences explorent la capacité des méthodes d'apprentissage machine (machine learning) à détecter le carto-vandalisme
The quality of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is currently a topic that question spatial data users as well as authoritative data producers who are willing to exploit the benefits of crowdsourcing. Contrary to most authoritative databases, the advantage of VGI provides open access to spatial data. However, VGI is prone to errors, even to deliberate defacement perpetrated by ill-intended contributors. In the latter case, we may speak of cartographic vandalism of carto-vandalism. This phenomenon is one the main downsides of crowsdsourcing, and despite the small amount of incidents, it may be a barrier to the use of collaborative spatial data. This thesis follows an approach based on VGI quality -- in particular, the objective of this work is to detect vandalism in spatial collaborative data. First, we formalize a definition of the concept of carto-vandalism. Then, assuming that corrupted spatial data come from malicious contributors, we demonstate that qualifying contributors enables to assess the corresponding contributed data. Finally, the experiments explore the ability of learning methods to detect carto-vandalism
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Bordes, Ghislaine. „Interprétation d'images aériennes guidée par une base de données cartographiques : application à l'extraction automatique des routes“. Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 1997.

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L'interpretation automatique des images aeriennes pour des applications cartographiques est une tache extrement complexe. Une des solutions pour guider et fiabiliser l'interpretation consiste a utiliser des donnees externes. Dans cette these, l'interpretation des images est guidee par une base de donnees cartographiques : la bd carto. Le theme d'application est l'extraction automatique des routes. La bd carto apporte des connaissances qui permettent de localiser grossierement les routes dans l'image, de connaitre leurs caracteristiques semantiques et contextuelles et donc d'adapter les algorithmes de detection. Toutefois les donnees de la bd carto sont imprecises par rapport aux images aeriennes. La demarche d'interpretation proposee est une demarche descendante. La bd carto est utilisee pour generer des hypotheses de route. L'interpretation de la scene consiste alors a extraire dans l'image les routes correspondant a ces differentes hypotheses, c'est a dire a trouver la position exacte de la route dans l'image. Pour chaque hypothese, le systeme d'interpretation selectionne l'algorithme d'extraction de route le plus adapte et regle ses parametres en fonction des caracteristiques intrinseques et contextuelles de l'hypothese. Pour limiter les effets de l'imprecision des donnees de la bd carto, une strategie de traitement des hypotheses par ordre de facilite est mise en oeuvre : les hypotheses de route qui sont a priori les plus fiables et les plus visibles dans l'image sont traitees en priorite. La strategie d'interpretation proposee a ete implementee dans un systeme-test utilisant deux algorithmes de suivi de route. Une part importante du travail a ete consacree a l'acquisition des connaissances operatoires-notamment des connaissances de controle du systeme- et a la validation de la demarche proposee
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Eker, Dayi Betül [Verfasser], und Christopher [Akademischer Betreuer] Reithmann. „Akut- und Dauererfolg der Katheterablation bei Vorhofflimmern [[Elektronische Ressource]] : Vergleich zweier dreidimensionaler Navigationssysteme (CARTO-XP vs. Ensite/NavX) / Betül Eker Dayi. Betreuer: Christopher Reithmann“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2014.

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Bevilacqua, Michela. „Prognostic value of three-dimensional electroanatomic voltage mapping in patients with arrhythmias of right ventricular origin“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2010.

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Endocardial voltage mapping (EVM) by CARTO system offers the potential to accurately identify the presence, location and extent of right ventricular (RV) low-voltage regions (i.e. electroanatomic scars) which may represent the substrate of life-threatening right ventricular tachyarrhythmias. This study prospectively evaluated the prognostic value of RV electroanatomic scars in a cohort of patients presenting clinically with arrhythmias of RV origin. Methods The study population comprised 109 consecutive patients (73 men and 36 women; mean age 36±14 years) with a left bundle branch block pattern ventricular arrhythmia, of which 21 with ventricular tachycardia (VT), 64 with non sustained VT, frequent and/or repetitive premature ventricular beats were detectable in 24 patients. All patients underwent detailed clinical evaluation and high density RV EVM by sampling multiregional RV bipolar electrograms (197±23 sampled points) to identify RV electroanatomic scars (defined as low-amplitude areas with bipolar electrogram <0,5 mV). Results Electroanatomic scars were found in 54 patients (49%), affecting 20,4±13,0% (range 2,6% to 49,8%) of the RV free wall. The presence of electroanatomic scar significantly correlated with a positive family history (P<0,001), late potentials on SAECG (P<0,001), and RV dilatation/dysfunction (P<0,001). During the follow-up, mean period of 49±13 months, 25 of 109 patients (23%) experienced malignant arrhythmic events such as sudden death in 2, cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation in 4, appropriate ICD intervention in 7, and unstable VT leading to syncope in 12. Unexplained syncope (P<0,001) and electroanatomic scar (P<0,001) were significantly associated with the arrhythmic events. Among patients with an abnormal RV EVM, those who experienced arrhythmic events during follow-up had a significantly greater percentage of electroanatomic scar (27,4±10,5% versus 16,0±12,3%, p<0,001). After adjustment for age, family history, VT, and RV dilatation/dysfunction, unexplained syncope (OR=15,9, 95%CI=4,1-61,8; P<0,001) and RV electroanatomic scars (OR=9,28, 95% CI=2,0-42,7; P=0,004) remained independent predictors of malignant arrhythmic outcome. Conclusions Electroanatomic scars were found in approximately half of patients with significant arrhythmias of right ventricular origin. There was a significant correlation between electroanatomic scar extent and incidence of arrhythmic events during follow-up. Electroanatomic scar, unlike RV dilatation/dysfunction, was an independent predictor of malignant arrhythmic outcome.
La mappa elettroanatomica di voltaggio con sistema CARTO permette di identificare e caratterizzare (presenza, sede ed estensione) aree di miocardio ventricolare caratterizzate da basso voltaggio elettrico, cosiddette “cicatrici elettroanatomiche”, che rappresentano un possibile substrato per tachiaritmie ventricolari pericolose per la vita. Questo studio si propone di valutare prospetticamente il valore prognostico della presenza di cicatrici elettroanatomiche in una popolazione di pazienti con aritmie ad origine dal ventricolo destro. Metodi La popolazione studiata era costituita da 109 pazienti (73 maschi e 36 femmine, età media 36±14 anni) giunti consecutivamente alla nostra osservazione per la comparsa di aritmie ventricolari con aspetto tipo blocco di branca sinistra, che includevano tachicardia ventricolare sostenuta in 21, tachicardia ventricolare non sostenuta in 64 e battiti ventricolari prematuri frequenti e/o ripetitivi in 24 pazienti. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad una dettagliata valutazione clinica e alla mappa elettroanatomica di voltaggio del ventricolo destro eseguita registrando elettrogrammi bipolari multiregionali (197±23 punti) allo scopo di identificare la presenza di cicatrici elettroanatomiche (definite come aree con voltaggio elettrico inferiore a 0,5 mV). Risultati La presenza di cicatrici elettroanatomiche è stata documentata in 54 pazienti (49%). L’estensione della cicatrice elettroanatomica, espressa come area percentuale di parete libera del ventricolo destro con voltaggio elettrico inferiore a 0,5mV, variava da 2,6% a 49,8% (media 20,4±13,0%). La presenza di cicatrice elettroanatomica risultava associata in maniera statisticamente significativa con storia familiare positiva (P<0,001), dimostrazione di potenziali tardivi al SAECG (P<0,001) e presenza di dilatazione/disfunzione del ventricolo destro (P<0,001). Durante un follow-up di 49±13 mesi, 25 pazienti (23%) hanno presentato eventi aritmici maligni, quali morte improvvisa (2 pazienti), arresto cardiaco da fibrillazione ventricolare (4 pazienti), intervento appropriato dell’ICD (7 pazienti) e sincope secondaria a tachicardia ventricolare (12 pazienti). All’analisi univariata le uniche variabili cliniche-elettrofisiologiche predittive di eventi aritmici nel follow-up risultavano una storia positiva per sincope aritmica (P<0,001) e la presenza di cicatrice elettroanatomica (P<0,001). Nei pazienti con un mappa elettroanatomica di voltaggio anormale, la comparsa di eventi aritmici durante il follow-up si associava ad un’estensione della cicatrice elettroanatomica significativamente superiore (27,4±10,5% verso a 16,0±12,3%, P<0,001). All’analisi multivariata, la sincope inspiegata (OR=15,9, IC 95%=4,1-61,8; P<0,001) e la presenza di cicatrice elettroanatomica (OR=9,28, IC 95%=2,0-42,7; P=0,004) rimanevano predittori indipendenti di rischio aritmico, dopo correzione dei dati per età, storia familiare, presenza di tachicardia ventricolare e dilatazione/disfunzione del ventricolo destro. Conclusioni La presenza di cicatrici elettroanatomiche veniva documentata in circa metà dei pazienti con aritmie ad origine dal ventricolo destro. I pazienti con cicatrice elettroanatomica presentavano più spesso storia familiare positiva, potenziali tardivi e dilatazione/disfunzione del ventricolo destro. L’estensione della cicatrice elettroanatomica correlava con l’incidenza di eventi aritmici durante il follow-up. La presenza di cicatrice elettroanatomica, a differenza della dilatazione/disfunzione del ventricolo destro, costituiva un marker predittivo indipendente di rischio aritmico.
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Fioravanti, Matteo. „Sviluppo di tecniche di elaborazione di dati elettroanatomici per l'analisi dei pattern di attivazione elettrica in fibrillazione atriale“. Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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Per quanto risulti chiaro come l'innesco della fibrillazione atriale (principalmente parossistica) sia da attribuire a sorgenti focali collocate prevalentemente in prossimità delle vene polmonari (nel 94% dei casi), risulta tutt'ora estremamente dibattuto quali siano i meccanismi di mantenimento di tale anomalia del ritmo cardiaco. Fra le varie teorie riportate in letteratura, una delle più accreditate risulta essere la teoria dei rotori, secondo la quale il mantenimento della FA sarebbe da attribuire a pattern di rotazione spiraliformi, in grado di persistere, come osservato nel celebre studio CONFIRM, per tempi superiori ai 10 minuti. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha quindi l'obiettivo di dare un contributo alla teoria dei rotori, attraverso la realizzazione di mappe di fase ottenute elaborando segnali endocavitari acquisiti durante procedure di ablazione transcatetere con il sistema di mappaggio elettroanatomico CARTO 3 e l'elettrocatetere diagnostico PentaRay, della Biosense Webster. Dopo aver introdotto la fisiopatologia della fibrillazione atriale, soffermandosi particolarmente sulla teoria dei rotori, nel Capitolo 1, e aver introdotto la procedura di ablazione transcatetere, focalizzandosi sull'ausilio del CARTO 3 come sistema di mappaggio real-time, nel Capitolo 2, è stata infatti presentata l'elaborazione eseguita per poter ottenere dai segnali unipolari intracardiaci prelevati, le mappe di fase dalle quali è stata indagata l'eventuale presenza di rotori in 6 pazienti affetti principalmente da FA persistente (Capitolo 3). In conclusione, nell'ultimo capitolo è stata eseguita un'analisi dei risultati, valutando non solamente l'eventuale presenza di rotori nelle regioni della camera atriale in cui sono stati maggiormente osservati in letteratura, ma soffermandosi anche sulla validità dell'elettrocatetere Pentaray nell'indagare la dinamica alla base dei pattern di rotazione spiraliformi.
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Sonna, Joachim. „Vergleich zweier dreidimensionaler Navigationssysteme (Carto® versus NavX®) bei der zirkumferentiellen Pulmonalvenenablation zur Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern unter Einbeziehung einer 3D-Rekonstruktion des linken Vorhofs aus den CT-Daten“. Diss., lmu, 2008.

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Lauretti, Federica. „Studio e sviluppo di un metodo per il monitoraggio della posizione dell'esofago durante l'ablazione transcatetere“. Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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Lo scopo del presente lavoro di tesi è l’implementazione di un metodo per la detezione automatica dei contorni dell’esofago in immagini ecografiche intracardiache acquisite durante procedure di ablazione transcatetere per il trattamento della fibrillazione atriale. Il progetto si è svolto in collaborazione con il laboratorio di elettrofisiologia, Unità Operativa di Cardiologia, Dipartimento Cardiovascolare, dell’ospedale ‘’ S. Maria delle Croci ’’ di Ravenna, Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale della Romagna e si inserisce in un progetto di ricerca più ampio in cui sono stati sviluppati due differenti metodi per il tracciamento automatico della parete posteriore dell’atrio sinistro. L’obiettivo è consentire al clinico il monitoraggio della posizione dell’esofago rispetto all’atrio sinistro per ridurre il rischio di lesioni della parete esofagea. L’idea di base dell’algoritmo è di lavorare sull’immagine per linee di scansione orizzontali, valutando la distribuzione dei livelli di intensità di grigio. Una volta individuati i punti appartenenti alle pareti anteriore e posteriore dell’esofago, sono stati utilizzati dei polinomi rispettivamente del quarto e secondo ordine per interpolare i dati. Per assicurarsi che la detezione sia corretta è stato introdotto un check aggiuntivo che consente la correzione del risultato qualora il clinico non sia soddisfatto, basandosi su input manuale di due punti richiesto all’operatore. L’algoritmo è stato testato su 15 immagini, una per ogni paziente, e i contorni ottenuti sono stati confrontati con i tracciamenti manuali effettuati da un cardiologo per valutare la bontà del metodo. Le metriche di performance e l’analisi statistica attestano l’accuratezza del metodo. Infine sono state calcolate delle misure di interesse clinico, quali la distanza tra parete posteriore dell’atrio sinistro e parete anteriore dell’esofago e la larghezza media di quest’ultimo che risulta comparabile con quanto riportato in letteratura.
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Zin, Angela <1991&gt. „La Nuova carta acquisti sperimentale. Mettiamo le carte in tavola“. Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2015.

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L'oggetto della tesi sarà la Sperimentazione della nuova carta acquisti, introdotta nel nostro ordinamento nel 2013. L'approccio adottato non sarà solamente di tipo descrittivo ma anche di ordine analitico e critico. A fronte del vuoto normativo dell'Italia in tema di povertà e dato l'alto grado di frammentazione del welfare a livello locale, la sperimentazione è stata progettata con lo scopo di garantire, in modo permanente ed eguale su tutto il territorio, un istituto di sostegno attivo alle famiglie meno abbienti. Dopo una breve panoramica sui concetti attribuiti al fenomeno della povertà nel corso del tempo, analizzeremo la concretizzazione di queste definizioni nelle politiche e misure d'intervento volte a contrastare questo fenomeno con particolare interesse nei confronti dei modelli di reddito minimo adottati o sperimentati in Unione europea e Italia. Dopodiché, entreremo nel vivo della Sperimentazione, concentrandoci dapprima sul contesto economico politico e sociale entro il quale essa è stata elaborata e avviata e, in seguito, analizzando le disposizioni del Decreto attuativo. Nell'analisi di questa fase della sperimentazione cercheremo di effettuare una comparazione tra i 12 Comuni coinvolti per quel che riguarda le modalità di avvio e adozione del provvedimento. Uno spazio consistente sarà dedicato al caso veneziano, oggetto del tirocinio svolto nel corso della magistrale.
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Brouillat, Jonathan. „Illumination Globale par Monte Carlo Bayésien et cache d'éclairement généré à partir d'une carte de photons“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2009.

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Le rendu réaliste est devenu essentiel dans l'industrie (cinéma, jeux vidéo, prototypage et design...). Cela nécessite de simuler l'interaction entre la lumière et les objets d'une scène 3D, un calcul connu sous le nom d'Illumination Globale et habituellement très coûteux en temps de calcul. Nous présentons une technique d'illumination globale combinant deux méthodes usuelles : les cartes de photons et le cache d'éclairement. Les cartes de photons ne dépendent pas de la vue, mais nécessitent une passe coûteuse appelée regroupement final. Le cache d'éclairement est plus rapide mais dépend de la vue : pour couvrir la scène entière, l'utilisateur doit placer manuellement plusieurs caméras dans la scène. Notre méthode exploite les avantages de chaque méthode, sans intervention de l'utilisateur. Elle génère un cache d'éclairement de qualité indépendant de la vue à partir d'une carte de photons, affichable interactivement. Nous étudions également une nouvelle approche pour réduire la variance inhérente aux méthodes de Monte Carlo. En règle générale, les emplacements des échantillons sont ignorés : deux échantillons proches se voient attribuer la même importance, bien qu'ayant probablement des valeurs similaires. L'approche bayésienne que nous proposons dans cette thèse utilise la valeur et la position des échantillons et se base sur un modèle probabiliste de l'intégrant pour inférer une valeur de l'intégrale. L'estimée bayésienne ne dépend que des échantillons, et non pas de la manière dont ils ont été choisis. Nous montrons que cette approche peut être appliquée au calcul du regroupement final et nous présentons des résultats démontrant l'intérêt du Monte Carlo Bayésien.
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Bailón, Aguirre Enrique. „Roig: de canto a canto“. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013.

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Ovodas, Donatas. „Karinių aeronavigacinių žemėlapių optimizavimas“. Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.

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Disertaciniame darbe pasitelkiant kompleksinė vertinimo metodika analizuojami karinių aeronavigacinių žemėlapių ženklai, ženklų sistemos ir užrašai. Šios analizės pagrindu tobulinami sutartiniai ženklai, optimizuojamas žemėlapio turinys ir pateikiama vieningos Lietuvos karo aeronavigacinių duomenų bazės struktūrą. Kompleksiškai parengta tyrimo metodika rėmėsi Lietuvoje nusistovėjusia teminių žemėlapių ir ženklų kartosemiotine vertinimo praktika. Įvairūs ženklų ir užrašų vertinimo aspektai leido tiksliai ir nuodugniai atlikti aeronavigacinių ženklų ir užrašų vertinimą. Analizės metu nustatyta kad ne visi karinių aeronavigacinių žemėlapių ženklai atitinka kartosemiotikos reikalavimų, todėl galėtu būti keičiami. Karinių aeronavigacinių ženklų analizė ir tobulinimas rėmėsi ankščiau vykdytais psichofiziologinio suvokimo tyrimais bei išvadomis. Siūlomi nauji aeronavigacinių žemėlapių ženklai pilnai atitinka psichofiziologinių tyrimų rekomendacijas. Išnagrinėjus karinius NATO šalių aeronavigacinius žemėlapius ir atsižvelgiant į vieningą žemėlapių sistemą, klasifikacijos požymius ir atitinkamus klasifikacijų reikalavimus, darbe pateikta apibendrinta NATO šalių karinių aeronavigacinių žemėlapių klasifikacija, kurioje yra numatyta galimybė sugebėti integruoti naujai atsirandančių žemėlapių grupes.
This dissertation provides an overall in-depth use evaluation methodology that assists in analysing of military aeronautical maps, sign system and records. On the basis of this research of signs and their conventions an optimised map and content of a unified Lithuanian military aeronautical database structures is suggested for improvement. Methodically prepared research was collected and based on already established and consistent thematic maps, signs and carto-semiotic assessment practices already used in Lithuania. A variety of illustrations and aspect assessments established an accurate and in-depth aeronautical value of signs and their practices. The analysis highlighted that not all carto-semiotic characters and signs of military aeronautical charts meet the criteria, and therefore could be changed. Previous military aeronautical sign analysis and their improvements were based on exercises of psycho-physiological studies of perception with their conclusions. Therefore a set of new aeronautical map characters that fully comply with psycho-physiological research recommendations are proposed. Through the examination of NATO's military aeronautical maps, charts and a look at a unified system of classifications, and its requirements, the dissertation summarises the overall work of the NATO’s military aeronautical maps and their classifications, which provides the possibility of integration for the newly emerging sign and map groups.
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Ovadia, Benjamin. „Nouvelles réactions radicalaires multicomposants : carbo-arylation, carbo-oximation, carbo-alcénylation d'oléfines“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.

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L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse a consisté en le développement de nouveaux accepteurs sulfonylés pour l’élaboration de processus multicomposants radicalaires originaux. De nouvelles réactions de carbo-arylation, carbo-oximation et carbo-alcénylation d’oléfines ont ainsi été mises au point. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, étudié la faisabilité de nouvelles réactions de carbo-hétéroarylation basées sur deux modes d’activation des hétérocycles. Cette méthodologie s’est toutefois révélée être un réel défi en raison de la non-complémentarité des polarités du système, entrainant la formation de plusieurs réactions secondaires et des rendements assez faibles.Dans une seconde partie nous avons étudié le diastéréocontrôle lors de réactions de carbo-oximation d’allylsilanes et d’esters chiraux. Lors de ces processus, les produits de carbo-oximation sont obtenus avec de bons niveaux de diastéréocontrôle mais avec des rendements modestes en raison de l’encombrement stérique et de l’apparition de réactions secondaires. La configuration relative des diastéréoisomères majoritaires n’a pas encore pu être établie avec certitude, mais des modèles d’état de transition peuvent toutefois être proposés afin de prédire la stéréochimie la plus favorable.Dans le but de nous affranchir de l’utilisation d’une quantité stoechiométrique de diétain nous avons également développé de nouveaux accepteurs bi-fonctionnels capables d’agir à la fois comme accepteurs de radicaux nucléophiles et comme sources de radicaux électrophiles via l’α-scission du radical alkylsulfonyle généré. Nous avons mis au point une méthode de préparation de ces accepteurs extrêmement simple et efficace permettant l’accès à une large série de composés.Dans une dernière partie nous avons étendu les résultats obtenus lors des réactions de carbo-alcénylation en préparant de nouveaux accepteurs halogénés et sulfonylés très appauvris en électron par la présence de groupements électroattracteurs. Nous avons finalement réalisé un premier test concluant de carbo-alcénylation à partir d’un vinylsulfoxyde permettant d’envisager la réalisation de ces réactions en version énantiosélective à partir de vinylsulfoxydes énantioenrichis
This thesis consists in the development of new sulfonylated acceptors for the elaboration of original free-radical multicomponent processes. Thereby, we have developed new free-radical carbo-arylation, carbo-oximation and carbo-alkenylation processes onto olefins.We have first studied the feasibility of new free-radical carbo-heteroarylation based on two different way of activation. This process proved to be very challenging due to the mismatch polarity between the different components, leading to the formation of side reactions and therefore relatively poor yield.In a second part, we examined the diastereocontrol arising from carbo-oximation of chiral allylsilanes and allylic esters. Carbo-oximation products are obtained with high level of selectivity, albeit in modest yields, due to steric hindrance and the formation of side-products. The relative configuration of the major diastereoisomer could not be established, but transition state models may be proposed to predict the most favorable stereochemistry. In order to overcome the use of stoechiometric amount of tin, we have developed new bi-functional reagents which can act both as a trap for nucleophilic radicals as well as a source of electrophilic radical via α-scission of generated alkylsulfonyl radicals. We have developed a very simple and efficient method for the preparation of these acceptors allowing an access to a wide range of compounds.In the final part, we extended the results obtained in the carbo-alkenylation reactions by preparing new activated halogenated and sulfonylated acceptors containing electron-withdrawing groups. We finally carried out a successful test on a carbo-alkenylation reaction using a vinylsulfoxide, offering an entry toward the development of such reactions in an enantioselective series starting from enantioenriched vinylsulfoxides
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Zou, Chunhai. „Carbo-benzènes et carbo-benzènes expansés“. Toulouse 3, 2006.

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Les carbo-mères sont formellement obtenus par «enrichissement» en carbone de structures de Lewis mères quelconques. Le but de ce travail était de synthétiser des dérivés du carbo-mère de cycle du benzène (carbo-benzènes). Le premier chapitre décrit un processus optimisé pour la synthèse de carbo-benzènes. Il est fondé sur une stratégie de cyclisation de type [8+10] conduisant à un précurseur pivot [6]péricyclynedione pouvant subir une double addition de divers nucléophiles avant aromatisation réductrice. Dans le deuxième chapitre, une version hexasilylée du carbo-mère total du benzène est décrite. A cette occasion, une caractérisation structurale par DRX du précurseur hexaéthynyl-[6]péricyclyne a pu être établie. Dans le dernier chapitre, l’existence et le caractère aromatique du carbo-benzène de deuxième génération sont démontrés en version hexaphénylée. Des précurseurs hexaoxy[6]péricyclynes expansés ainsi que les [4] et [8]péricyclynes expansés ont été entièrement caractérisés
Carbo-mers are formally obtained by “carbon enrichment” of any parent Lewis structure. The goal of this work was to synthesize derivatives of the ring carbo-mer of benzene (carbo-benzenes). The first chapter describes a more effective process for the synthesis of carbo-benzenes. It is grounded on a [8+10] cyclization strategy affording a versatile [6]péricyclynedione precursor, which can undergo double attack by various nucleophiles prior to reductive aromatization. In the second chapter, a hexasilylated version of the total carbo-mer is reported. These efforts allowed for a structural characterization by X-ray diffraction of the hexaethynyl-[6]pericyclyne precursor. In the final chapter, the existence and the aromatic character of the carbo-benzene of second generation are demonstrated in the hexaphenyl series. Expanded hexaoxy[6]pericyclyne precursors, as well as expanded [4] and [8]pericyclynes were fully characterized
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Baglai, Iaroslav. „Synthèse de carbo-benzènes, carbo-cyclohexadiènes et carbo-butadiènes à substituants chromophores“. Toulouse 3, 2014.

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La thématique de recherche développée pour ce doctorat est centrée sur la synthèse et la caractérisation de molécules hautement insaturées et enrichies en carbone de type carbo-mères, portant des substituants chromophores, notamment de type polycyclique et hétérocyclique azoté. La première partie concerne la synthèse de carbo-benzènes quadripolaires portant des fluorophores hydrocarbonés de type fluorène, soit directement connectés au noyau carbo-benzénique, soit séparés de ce dernier par l'intermédiaire d'un lien acétylénique. La deuxième partie porte sur la synthèse de carbo-benzènes para-disubstitués par des fluorophores hétérocycliques azotés (indoles et carbazoles) et de deux types d'analogues : des carbo-cyclohexadiènes, macrocycliques mais non-macro-aromatiques, et des carbo-butadiènes, références acycliques présentant un enchaînement conjugué commun aux deux autres séries. Des représentants de ces trois sous-familles de molécules carbo-mères ont été préparés, et une étude comparative de leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques a été réalisée. Enfin, le dernier chapitre porte sur la synthèse et la fonctionnalisation d'isoindoles dans le but de les accrocher à un cœur carbo-benzénique. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence le caractère électrophile particulier du 3-chloro-2-phénylisoindole-1-carbaldéhyde conduisant notamment à un réarrangement original du noyau isoindole en dérivé amino-isochromanone. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ouvrent des perspectives inédites en chimie des hétérocycles azotés et en chimie des carbo-mères, et plus généralement des polyacétyléniques aromatiques (notion de " p-frustration "). De plus, l'étude préliminaire de propriétés photophysiques de deux des carbo-benzènes décrits dans ce manuscrit laisse entrevoir des possibilités d'applications en optique non-linéaire du troisième ordre, et notamment en absorption à deux photons
The project developed for this PhD thesis is focused on the synthesis and characterization of highly unsaturated and carbon-enriched molecules called carbo-mers, substituted by polycyclic and heterocyclic chromophoric groups. The first part of the work concerns the synthesis of quadrupolar carbo-benzenes bearing purely hydrocarbon fluorene substituents, which are either directly connected to the carbo-benzene ring or separated from it by acetylenic linkers. The second part deals with the synthesis of carbo-benzenes substituted by nitrogen-containing heterocycles (indoles or carbazoles) and of two series of analogs: macrocyclic but non macro-aromatic carbo-cyclohexadienes, and carbo-butadienes, which can be viewed as the acyclic references of the two other series. Selected representatives of these three sub-families of carbo-mers were prepared, and a comparative study of their physico-chemical properties was conducted. The last chapter addresses the synthesis and functionalization of isoindoles in view of anchoring them to a carbo-benzene ring. This work has highlighted the peculiar electrophilic character of 3-chloro-2-phenylisoindole-1-carbaldehyde, leading to an original rearrangement of the isoindole core into an amino-isochromanone. The results presented in this thesis open unprecedented perspectives in both the chemistry of nitrogen-containing heterocycles and carbo-mers, and more generally of aromatic polyacetylenics (notion of "p-frustration"). Finally, the study of photophysical properties of two carbo-benzenes described in this manuscript suggests potential applications in third order nonlinear optics, and in particular in two-photon absorption
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Cocq, Kévin. „Synthèse et propriétés de nouvelles molécules carbo-mères : carbo-quinoïdes et carbo-benzénoïdes“. Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.

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A la suite de nombreuses illustrations et validations au niveau fondamental, la chimie de molécules carbo-mères s'est récemment orientée vers des cibles fonctionnelles en termes de perspectives d'applications (" carbo-matériaux " moléculaires). C'est ainsi que de telles molécules expansées en carbone ont récemment montré des propriétés remarquables dans les domaines de la conductivité sur molécule unique (SMC) ou de l'absorption à deux photons (TPA). La considération de cibles de types fondamentalement nouveaux " reste cependant nécessaire en préliminaire à l'étude de propriétés nouvelles aussi. Le travail décrit dans ce manuscrit présente essentiellement les résultats concernant la synthèse de carbo-quinoïdes et de carbo-benzénoïdes, deux types de structures carbo-mères qui n'avaient jamais été envisagées expérimentalement auparavant. Le premier chapitre est un résumé bibliographique décrivant notamment la synthèse et les propriétés de molécules carbo-mères aromatiques, et plus généralement hautement pi-conjuguées (carbo-benzènes, carbo-cyclohexadiènes, carbo-oligoacétylènes...) Le second chapitre porte sur l'étude complète des trois régioisomères, " ortho ", " para ", et " meta " du tétraphényl-carbo-benzène, dont les deux premiers représentants avaient été partiellement décrits. Le troisième chapitre décrit la synthèse et l'étude du premier exemple de carbo-quinoïde, ainsi que sa transformation rédox réversible en carbo-benzènes, illustrant ainsi la " pro-aromaticité redox " des carbo-quinoïdes vis-à-vis de leurs analogues oxydés carbo-benzènes. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre est consacré à la synthèse et l'étude d'un carbo-benzénoïde, le carbo-naphtalène, pouvant être considéré comme le plus petit fragment polycyclique condensé d'alpha-graphyne, un matériau largement étudié au niveau théorique mais encore inconnu expérimentalement à ce jour. Les propriétés physico-chimiques et spectroscopiques de carbo-naphtalène sont comparées à celle du carbo-benzène monocyclique correspondant, dont la synthèse est aussi détaillée
Following numerous illustrations and validations at the fundamental level, the chemistry of carbo-meric molecules was recently directed towards functional targets in terms of application prospects (molecular "carbo-materials'). Such carbon-expanded molecules have indeed recently been shown to exhibit remarkable properties in the areas of single molecule conductivity (SMC) or two-photon absorption efficiency (TPA). The consideration of target of fundamentally "new types" remains necessary in view of the study of new properties as well. The work described in this manuscript focus mainly on results concerning the synthesis of carbo-quinoids and carbo-benzenoids, two types of carbo-meric structures that had not been considered hitherto. The first chapter is a bibliographic summary describing the synthesis and properties of carbo-meric molecules, either aromatic or, more generally, highly pi-conjugated (carbo-benzenes, carbo-cyclohexadienes, carbo-oligoacetylenes...) The second chapter focuses on the complete study of the three regioisomers, "ortho", "para" and "meta" of tetraphenyl-carbo-benzene, the first two representatives having been partly described previously. The third chapter describes the synthesis and study of the first example of carbo-quinoid and its reversible redox transformation to carbo-benzenes, illustrating the "redox pro-aromaticity" of carbo-quinoid with respect to their oxidized carbo-benzenic analogues. The fourth and final chapter is devoted to the synthesis and study of a carbo-benzenoid, carbo-naphthalene, which can be regarded as the smallest condensed polycyclic fragment of alpha-graphyne, a material widely studied at the theoretical level but remaining unknown experimentally to date. The physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of carbo-naphthalene are compared to that of the corresponding monocyclic carbo-benzene, the synthesis of which is also detailed
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Saccavini, Catherine. „Carbo-chromophores hétéro-substitués et nouveaux carbo-hétérocycles“. Toulouse 3, 2004.

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Une molécule carbo-mère est définie par l'insertion d'unités C2 dans chaque liaison de la structure de Lewis d'une molécule mère quelconque. Le but de ce travail est d'évaluer la compatibilité fonctionnelle et les propriétés de pont conjugué du noyau p-carbo-phénylène. Le premier chapitre décrit la synthèse d'un carbo-chromophore à substituants donneur-accepteur 4-méthoxyphényle/4-pyridinyle via un [6]péricyclyne dissymétrique original. Ses propriétés spectroscopiques et optiques (EFISH) ont été mesurées et comparées à celles de nouvelles molécules p-oligophényléthynylènes zwitterioniques à terminaisons 4-benzénolate/méthylpyridinium-4-yle. La synthèse et la caractérisation cristallographique d'un diéthynyl-carbo-benzène sont exposées ; les fonctions éthynyles pourraient en effet servir de point d'ancrage à des substituants variés. Le deuxième chapitre traite de la synthèse et du dédoublement stéréochimique partiel du premier carbo-silolane, équivalent rédox du carbo-silole
A carbo-mer molecule is defined by the insertion of C2 units into each bond of the Lewis structure of any parent molecule. The aim was here to explore the functional compatibility and the conjugated bridge properties of the p-carbo-phenylene unit. The first chapter describes such a carbo-chromophore with donor (4-methoxyphenyl) and acceptor (4-pyridinyl) substituants. The synthesis proceeds through an original dissymmetric [6]pericyclyne. The spectroscopical and optical (EFISH) properties of this chromophore were investigated and compared with those of new zwitterionic p-oligophenylethynylene chromophores with 4-benzenolate/methylpyridinium-4-yl termini. The synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of a diethynyl-carbo-benzene are then reported; the ethynyl functions might indeed serve as anchoring points for various substituants. The second chapter deals with the synthesis and partial stereochemical resolution of the first carbo-silolane, a redox equivalent of carbo-silole
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Unglaub, Tânia Regina da Rocha. „O poder do canto ou canto do poder?“ Florianópolis, SC, 2008.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em História.
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-23T21:58:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 249440.pdf: 28524908 bytes, checksum: e4bb78bb81370726541a1a548af79769 (MD5)
Este trabalho apresenta o enfoque dado ao Canto Orfeônico, utilizado como um saber escolarizado nas práticas pedagógicas em vigência em Santa Catarina, notadamente no período do Estado Novo. Foi exigido por meio de decretos e leis que os escolares cantassem musicas nacionalistas em salas de aulas e cerimônias cívicas. Para aplicar e fiscalizar essas medidas legais contou-se com a atuação dos inspetores. Eles representaram os ideais nacionalistas impondo a cultura e tradições brasileiras, durante as visitas escolares. O Inspetor Federal das Escolas Subvencionadas, João dos Santos Areão foi o encarregado de sistematizar e coordenar o Canto Orfeônico. Ele defendia a idéia de que essa música contribuiria para moldar na alma infantil o espírito de civismo. Formou orfeões e compôs algumas canções patrióticas. Para que a escola cumprisse sua missão foi necessária uma formação adequada para habilitar professores nacionalistas a levar o canto e conteúdos patrióticos a todas as regiões do Estado. A música foi utilizada no currículo de formação inicial e continuada de professores, para torná-los aptos a transmitir esse conhecimento. A coleta de informações ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas de protagonistas que vivenciaram aquele momento e documentos encontrados em arquivos pessoais e nos órgãos oficiais do Estado. Estes dados foram analisados na clave das representações.
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Sharp, John. „Carlo Crivelli“. [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of History of Art, 2006.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-01, Section: A, page: 0005. Adviser: Bruce Cole. "Title from dissertation home page (viewed Dec. 13, 2006)."
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Santana, Arriagada Romina. „Canto patagón“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2014.

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Magíster en artes, mención musicología
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo central acercar y contribuir al conocimiento de la música popular del extremo Sur de Chile, específicamente XII Región de Magallanes. Es por ello, que esta investigación se centra en el estudio analítico de texto y música del género popular de raíz folclórica extraído del Cancionero de la Patagonia de Danny Perich Campana, con el objetivo segundo de indagar en el papel que éste género ha jugado en la producción de representaciones que abrieron camino hacia la construcción del llamado Canto patagón o Canto patagónico. El análisis musical-textual se llevará a cabo mediante el modelo propuesto por el investigador Oscar Hernández Salgar, que trata de rastrear la existencia de asociaciones entre las cualidades emocionales predominantes de la música y la letra. A través de la correlación de los diversos resultados obtenidos del análisis musical y verbal este estudio se aproxima a una definición y caracterización preliminar del así llamado Canto patagón o Canto Patagónico exponiendo el valor de su discurso poético y musical en la construcción de la identidad magallánica.
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Tutida, Nara Beatriz Milioli. „Cartão-portal“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.

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cartão-portal consiste num estudo da paisagem realizado por meio de uma pesquisa da sensação em processos criativos com meios eletrônicos de produção de imagens. Desenvolve-se em duas vertentes: \"desenho de observação\" e \"arquiteturas verdes\". Na primeira fase da pesquisa, \"desenho de observação\", a paisagem, dividida em duas atualizações distintas, é problematizada por meio do \"olhar do retorno\" que consiste, por sua vez, num dispositivo óptico de visibilidade - regime de luz singular para fazer (re)ver e (re)inventar. Nessa abordagem, contrapontos se articulam para desencadear múltiplas linhas de fuga e paisagens possíveis. Na segunda vertente do estudo, \"arquiteturas verdes\", a partir da observação de dois modos constitutivos da paisagem - \"liso\" e \"estriado\" -, diametralmente opostos e detectados por meio da singularidade de suas formas de ocupação espacial - especificamente em relação à conformação dos jardins -, emerge a questão do clichê, a qual corresponde o problema dos processos culturais hegemônicos homogeneizantes. Os trabalhos compreendidos na série cartão-portal põem em evidência o traço sensológico dos processos de cristalização do sentir que caracteriza a civilização do clichê, para opor a ela, como ato de resistência, o olhar/ chave que abre o portal da criação.
portalcard consists in the study of the landscape performed through a research of the sensation in the creative processes with the means of electronic image production. It is developed in two different vertents: \"observation drawing\" and \"green architectures\". In the first stage of the research, \"observation drawing\", the landscape, split in two distinctive updates, is problematized through the means of the \"return look\", which consists, in turn, of an optical device of disponibility - single light regimen to make (re) view, and (re) invent. In this approach, counterpoints are articulated to create multiple flight lines and possible landscapes. In the second vertent of the study, \"green architectures\", from the observation of two constitutive modes of the landscape, \"smooth\" and \"striated\", diametrically opposed and detected through means of the singularity of their spatial occupational shapes- especially regarding the gardens formation-, the cliché issue, which corresponds to the hegemonic cultural homogenizing processes, emerges. The works included in the portalcard series put in evidence the sensologic trace of the crystallization processes of the feeling that characterize the civilization of the cliché, in order to oppose to it, as an act of resilience, the look/key which opens the portal of the creation.
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editorial, Comité. „Carta Editorial“. Anthropía, 2014.

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Marin, Chiara. „Carlo Saraceni“. Paris, EPHE, 2013.

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Cette thèse de doctorat se propose d'analyser la carrière artistique du peintre Carlo Saraceni à la suite des dernières études qui sont apparus sur cet artiste depuis 1968, date à la quelle remonte la première et unique monographie qui lui a été dédiée jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Des nouveaux tableaux et documents sont en effet apparus dans ce derniers trente ans sur «Carlo Venetiano» et aussi pendant l'écriture de ce travail, avec lequel on a essayé de reconstituer un profil biographique mis à jour. Le cas critique de Carlo Saraceni est particulièrement intéressant puisque, vu sa position centrale dans le mouvement caravagesque, il est signifiant pour la compréhension du mouvement même et aussi pour apprendre combien certains importants peintres doivent à sa manière. Dans cette thèse donc, après avoir analysé la première formation du peintre à Venise et les modelés qu'il a pu observer dans cette ville, on a étudié la phase artistique plus connue de l'artiste qui a eu lieu à Rome, en étudiant la place et la valeur accordée à ces œuvres dans les collections italiennes et étrangères et les rapports que le peintre entretenait avec les marchands et experts de son temps. Ensuite on a analysé le retour du peintre à Venise en 1620 et ça place dans l'évolution de la peinture vénitienne du premier XVIIe siècle et l'introduction du caravagisme à Venise. On a aussi analysé le fonctionnement et les enjeux de l'atelier de Saraceni à Rome tout en étudiant le répandre de sa manière en Italie, France, Espagne et dans les pays du Nord à travers certains des artistes lui proches. Enfin a été proposé un chapitre sur l'exigüe production graphique de l'artiste et, outre le catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre de Carlo Saraceni, ont été rédigés les annexes documentaires et une liste des oeuvres perdues
This Ph. D thesis proposes to revisit the artistic career of the 17th century painter Carlo Saraceni, from the appearance of the 1968 discoveries of this painter, when the first monographic study was dedicated to Saraceni. New paintings and documents infact have emerged in the last thirty years of «Carlo Venetiano» and even during the rendition of these work, it was attempted to recreate through the complete revision of critical essays dedicated to him, an updated biographic profile. The critical case of Carlo Saraceni is particularly interesting since the focal point of his work within the caravaggesque movement has played a significant role in understanding the ladder along with understanding some very important 17th century French painters, as well as Spanish, Flemish, and Italians that are credited to Saraceni’s craft. Therefore after having examined the initial formation of the painter in Venice and the artistic examples that Saraceni may has seen in this city, I have studied the most noted activity of the painter conducted in Rome, that has been carried out by evaluating the exchanges between Saraceni and important clients and painters that were in the city at that time. Analysed as well is the return of the painter in Venice in 1620 along with a chapter dedicated to evaluating Saraceni’s followers and the expansion of his craft in Italy, France, Spain, and countires of Northern Europe, through certain artists connected to Saraceni. Finally, a chapter dedicated to the scarce sketches of the artist in addition to the complete catalogue of his works, and an appendix of documents has been included with a list of his dispersed works
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Marin, Chiara <1982&gt. „Carlo Saraceni“. Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013.

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La tesi di dottorato in esame si propone di rivisitare la carriera artistica del pittore seicentesco Carlo Saraceni alla luce delle novità emerse su questo pittore dal 1968, quando gli fu dedicato il primo studio monografico. Nuovi dipinti e documenti sono infatti apparsi nel corso degli ultimi trent’anni su «Carlo Venetiano» e anche durante la redazione di questo lavoro, con cui si è cercato di ricreare, tramite la revisione completa degli studi critici a lui dedicati, un profilo biografico aggiornato. Il caso critico di Carlo Saraceni è particolarmente interessante poiché la sua centralità all'interno del caravaggismo lo ha reso significante per la comprensione del medesimo e per capire quanto alcuni importanti pittori seicenteschi francesi, ma anche spagnoli, fiamminghi e italiani, devono alla sua maniera. Nel lavoro in esame quindi, dopo avere analizzato la prima formazione del pittore a Venezia e i modelli cui poté attingere in questa città, si è analizzata la fase più nota dell'attività del pittore svoltasi a Roma, esaminando gli scambi intercorsi tra Saraceni e alcuni importanti committenti ed artisti presenti nella città alla luce delle ultime monografie e studi sul collezionismo del Seicento romano. Si è poi analizzato il rientro del pittore a Venezia nel 1620 e si è dedicato un capitolo all'analisi della bottega del Saraceni e all'espandersi della sua maniera in Italia, Francia, Spagna e paesi nordici attraverso alcuni artisti a lui vicini. Infine si è proposto un capitolo sull'esigua produzione grafica dell'artista e, oltre al catalogo completo delle opere, sono stati redatti un'appendice documentaria ed un elenco delle opere perdute.
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Pagliacci, Vanessa. „Aritmie in atrio destro e morfologia del seno coronario“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.

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Il seno coronario è la principale vena della circolazione coronaria, che ha il compito di portare il sangue refluo del cuore all'atrio destro, dove il suo orifizio si trova. Data tale posizione, si ipotizza che sia influenzato dall'attività elettrica del cuore morfologicamente e dimensionalmente, e in particolare in questa tesi si dimostra come in presenza di determinate aritmie sopraventricolari il suo ostio risulti dilatato. Per fare ciò viene analizzato un database contenente informazioni relative a 71 pazienti affetti da AVNRT, FA, flutter atriale e TAE che si sono sottoposti ad una procedura di ablazione transcatetere con radiofrequenza.
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Britton, John Robert. „The impact of cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo carbo and Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) on inland fisheries in the UK“. Thesis, University of Hull, 1999.

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Cormorants are piscivorous birds with a daily food intake (DFI) of approximately 500 g. They are a protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. In the UK, the number of over-wintering, inland cormorants increased steadily between 1970 and 1987, at a rate of between 5 and 10 % per annum. An increase of 74 % occurred between winter 1987/88 and 1990/91, and the population is still believed to be rising. The population growth was observed in all regions of the UK, on all habitat types. As cormorants exploited new habitats, ornithologists welcomed their increased presence. This contrasts with the views of angling bodies, who assert that the presence of cormorants, feeding daily on their fisheries, has a damaging impact on fish stocks with inevitable financial losses. Due to a lack of effective non-lethal control methods, the angling bodies wish to see the cormorants removed from the protected species list so their inland numbers can be controlled. Ornithologists insist that there is no scientific evidence proving cormorants are damaging to inland fisheries and so are opposed to any culling. A review of previous cormorant studies was undertaken to evaluate information on their ecology, feeding behaviour and predation impact. The general conclusion was no study had been able to prove cormorant predation damages fish populations, because few studies had moved beyond determining the mass of fish removed by the birds over the particular study period. No assessment had been made of the impact of that fish removal on the fish population dynamics and the angling performance of the fishery. This highlighted the requirement for research into the impact of cormorant predation on inland fisheries. This study was formulated to estimate cormorant predation impact on fisheries in a more realistic and robust manner than had previously been undertaken. The principal objective of the study was to integrate fish population and cormorant feeding dynamics data on specific fisheries (study sites) in such a way as to quantify, where possible, the full impacts of the cormorant predation. This required the following criteria at each study site: - evaluation of the historical status of fish and cormorant populations; - determination of the population and community dynamics of the fish stocks; - analysis of the angling effort and angling performance; - identification of the species, and estimation of the numbers and sizes of fish consumed and wounded by cormorants, and comparison with the numbers and sizes of the fish populations present; - determination of the occupancy on, and use by, cormorants at the selected sites. The work programme ran between September 1995 and July 1998, covering three winters of cormorant predation. At each study site, the cormorant feeding dynamics were assessed by detailed feeding observations and cormorant counts. This enabled data to be collected on the species, size and amount of fish being ingested during each foraging bout, and the diurnal and seasonal patterns of cormorant occupancy. As feeding observations were unable to completed at each site everyday, a modelling system was designed, using a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), to estimate the number and mass of fish being removed from the site over the whole winter period. The fisheries data were collected by electric fishing, seine netting, hydro-acoustics and angler catch analysis. The actual methods used at each site were dependent upon the physical conditions present. The data were analysed for fish population dynamics, including length frequency of species, year class strength, natural mortality rate and growth indices; and for angling performance, including catch per unit effort and the relative importance of species. Combining site-specific data for the fish species composition, and the length frequency distribution from fisheries surveys and the cormorants' diet, allowed preliminary predation impact assessment. Reconstruction of life tables from the fisheries data allowed integration of the cormorant feeding data from the Monte Carlo Simulation to assess impact in terms of the numbers of fish consumed on subsequent population densities. This enabled the status of the fish population at each study site to be shown, with and without cormorant predation over the three-year period, resulting in a detailed predation impact assessment. The fisheries studied were located in two regions of the UK, the Midlands and the North West of England. This enabled the research to be completed in two distinct geographical areas, with known and established over-wintering cormorant roosts. The Midland study sites were Holme Pierrepont Rowing Course, Colwick Park Trout Lake and the River Trent. The North West study sites were the lower River Ribble and Grimsargh number 3 Reservoir. These sites encompassed cyprinid and salmonid fish populations, and covered riverine and lacustrine fisheries.
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Campos, Marcio Roberto. „Canto popular: aspectos da atuação de professores de canto brasileiros“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018.

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Submitted by Filipe dos Santos ( on 2018-03-20T12:47:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Roberto Campos.pdf: 2117693 bytes, checksum: de21288c8044e845f15a419c5d1a5e18 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T12:47:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Roberto Campos.pdf: 2117693 bytes, checksum: de21288c8044e845f15a419c5d1a5e18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Introduction: theoretical-practical knowledge is fundamental for a teacher and, usually, only with an appropriate method of teaching it is possible to transmit knowledge effectively. Thus, it is up to the singing teacher to master the specific technical issues of the art of teaching, as well as the particularities of each musical genre. Objective: to analyze the performance characteristics of a group of Brazilian teachers of popular singing. Method: a questionnaire specially designed for this study was applied, based on the literature and the researchers' experience. The instrument was divided into two parts: characterization of the sample and research on the performance of popular singing teachers. The survey was conducted online using the SurveyMonkey tool. Results: The sample was finalized with 175 teachers, 91 women and 84 men, predominantly in the age group of 30 to 39 years. About the method, 73.7% reported having a working method. For this group, five categories were created to name such methods. Of these categories, the one of known methods was the most outstanding, with 46.5%, followed by unnamed methods, with 33.3% and methods based on books, handouts, videos or singing schools, with 10.1%. In the description of the singing classes, seven categories were created and the most outstanding was the technique / exercises with 59.7%, followed by repertoire / performance with 54.3%, vocalizes / tuning with 36.4%, aspects related to the body with 34.1%, warm up with 32.6%, respiration / support with 31.0% and, finally, perception / proprioception with 24.0%. Conclusion: when analyzing the characteristics of the work of a group of teachers of popular singing we can conclude that these professionals have a method of work and, in general, in the singing class, the focuses are the techniques and the vocal exercises, as well as aspects related to repertoire and performance
Introdução: o conhecimento teórico-prático é fundamental para um professor e geralmente apenas com um método adequado de ensino se consegue transmitir de forma eficiente o conhecimento. Dessa forma, cabe, portanto ao professor de canto dominar as questões técnicas específicas da arte de ensinar, assim como das particularidades de cada gênero musical. Objetivo: analisar as características de atuação de um grupo de professores brasileiros de canto popular. Método: foi aplicado um questionário, elaborado especialmente para esse estudo, baseado na literatura e na experiência dos pesquisadores. O instrumento foi dividido em duas partes: caracterização da amostra e investigação sobre a forma de atuação de professores de canto popular. A pesquisa foi realizada online por meio da ferramenta SurveyMonkey. Resultados: a amostra foi finalizada com 175 professores, 91 mulheres e 84 homens e, com predomínio na faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos. Sobre o método 73.7% afirmaram possuir um método de trabalho. Para esse grupo foram criadas cinco categorias para nomear tais métodos. Entre as categorias com maior destaque, 46.5% para métodos conhecidos, 33.3% não deram nome para seus métodos e 10.1% para métodos baseado em livros, apostilas, vídeos ou escolas de canto. Na descrição das aulas de canto foram criadas sete categorias e a que teve maior destaque foi a de técnica / exercícios com 59.7%, seguida por repertório / performance com 54.3%, vocalizes / afinação com 36.4%. Na sequência as categorias aspectos relacionados ao corpo com 34.1%, aquecimento com 32.6%, respiração / apoio com 31.0% e por fim percepção / propriocepção com 24.0%. Conclusão: ao analisar as características do trabalho de um grupo de professores de canto popular concluímos que este profissional possui um método de trabalho e de maneira geral na aula de canto o foco são técnicas e exercícios vocais, além de aspectos relacionados ao repertório e a performance
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Janzon, Krister. „Monte Carlo Path Simulation and the Multilevel Monte Carlo Method“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik, 2018.

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A standard problem in the field of computational finance is that of pricing derivative securities. This is often accomplished by estimating an expected value of a functional of a stochastic process, defined by a stochastic differential equation (SDE). In such a setting the random sampling algorithm Monte Carlo (MC) is useful, where paths of the process are sampled. However, MC in its standard form (SMC) is inherently slow. Additionally, if the analytical solution to the underlying SDE is not available, a numerical approximation of the process is necessary, adding another layer of computational complexity to the SMC algorithm. Thus, the computational cost of achieving a certain level of accuracy of the estimation using SMC may be relatively high. In this thesis we introduce and review the theory of the SMC method, with and without the need of numerical approximation for path simulation. Two numerical methods for path approximation are introduced: the Euler–Maruyama method and Milstein's method. Moreover, we also introduce and review the theory of a relatively new (2008) MC method – the multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method – which is only applicable when paths are approximated. This method boldly claims that it can – under certain conditions – eradicate the additional complexity stemming from the approximation of paths. With this in mind, we wish to see whether this claim holds when pricing a European call option, where the underlying stock process is modelled by geometric Brownian motion. We also want to compare the performance of MLMC in this scenario to that of SMC, with and without path approximation. Two numerical experiments are performed. The first to determine the optimal implementation of MLMC, a static or adaptive approach. The second to illustrate the difference in performance of adaptive MLMC and SMC – depending on the used numerical method and whether the analytical solution is available. The results show that SMC is inferior to adaptive MLMC if numerical approximation of paths is needed, and that adaptive MLMC seems to meet the complexity of SMC with an analytical solution. However, while the complexity of adaptive MLMC is impressive, it cannot quite compensate for the additional cost of approximating paths, ending up roughly ten times slower than SMC with an analytical solution.
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Fichou, Jean-Christophe. „La carte marine : principes d'élaboration d'une future carte de plaisance“. Brest, 1987.

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Les cartes marines traditionnellement proposées aux divers navigateurs reposent souvent sur la présentation cumulative de données de tout ordre qui aboutit à un encombrement visuel et des difficultés de lecture indéniables. C'est surtout flagrant, pour les plaisanciers qui dans leur grande majorité n'ont pas les connaissances nautiques nécessaires pour une parfaite utilisation des documents qui leur sont proposés. C'est pourquoi il semble intéressant de rechercher des méthodes particulières pour l'élaboration d'une carte marine spécifique à la plaisance, surtout si l'on considère qu'aujourd'hui c'est plus de 600 000 embarcations de ce type qui sillonnent les eaux côtières françaises. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable dans un premier temps de connaître parfaitement les solutions conventionnelles utilisées par les services hydrographiques nationaux. Il s'agit généralement des institutions chargées de la conception et de la confection des cartes marines sans le souci cependant de répondre aux besoins particuliers des marins non-professionnels. Dans un second temps, il faut savoir ce que l'on entend par le mot "plaisance" et tenter de définir les critères propres à ce type de navigation, mais aussi connaître les particularités des navires employés et les connaissances des marins qui les utilisent. Après ces études, il est plus aisé de se préoccuper de questions telles que la perception visuelle et les conditions optimales d'utilisation de la carte pour le plaisancier. Il apparaît donc judicieux de tenter d'élaborer, sur des bases de recherche nouvelles et différentes, un document destiné aux plaisanciers et tenant compte de leurs besoins, de leur navire et de leur mode de navigation fondamentalement différents de ceux des professionnels des la mer
Nautical charts which are traditionally presented to the various navigators are based on the cumulative display of diverse facts which are often result in a visual obstruction and undeniable reading difficulties. It is particulary obvious for yachtmen who, in their great majority, do not have the needful nautical knowledge for a good use of the documents suggested to them. This is the reason why it seems interesting to search particular methods to work out a pleasure craft chart specifically designed for yachting; it is all the more than 600 000 small-crafts of that type which scour the french seashore today. In that purpose, it is at first absolutely necessary to know perfectly the conventional solutions which are used by the national hydrographic services. They generally consist in instituttions in charge of the conception and making of nautical charts, taking no account, however of answering amateur sailors particular needs. Then one has to know what is to be understood by the word "yachting" and to try to define the criteria approriate for that type of sailing and also know the particularities of the ships in question and the knowledges of the sailors who use them. After these investigations, it is easier to be concerned with questions such as the visual perception and optimum conditions of the use of the yachting chart by the yachtmen. Therefore it appears judicious to attempt to work out on new and different research basis a document intented to yachtmen considering their needs, their ship and their way of navigation fundamentally different from professional sailor's one
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Jun, Seong-Hwan. „Entangled Monte Carlo“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2013.

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A recurrent problem in statistics is that of computing an expectation involving intractable integration. In particular, this problem arises in Bayesian statistics when computing an expectation with respect to a posterior distribution known only up to a normalizing constant. A common solution is to use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the target expectation. Two of the most commonly adopted simulation methods are Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods. However, these methods fail to scale up with the size of the inference problem. For MCMC, the problem takes the form of simulations that must be ran for a long time in order to obtain an accurate inference. For SMC, one may not be able to store enough particles to exhaustively explore the state space. We propose a novel scalable parallelization of Monte Carlo simulation, Entangled Monte Carlo simulation, that can scale up with the size of the inference problem. Instead of transmitting particles over the network, our proposed algorithm reconstructs the particles from the particle genealogy using the notion of stochastic maps borrowed from perfect simulation literature. We propose bounds on the expected time for particles to coalesce based on the coalescent model. Our empirical results also demonstrate the efficacy of our method on datasets from the field of phylogenetics.
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Dickinson, Andrew Samuel. „On the analysis of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004.

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Faria, Marcio Antonio. „Canto coral: um estudo sobre a prática do canto na escola“. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011.

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This work proposes some reflexions about choir singing in the school environment, with the main objective of demonstrating how possible is for a generalist teacher to develop a musical practice on high school counting on their natural abilities and with the development of these natural abilities in a continuing graduation program in music. For that, interviews and activities were carried out with the teacher, and it was analyzed, not only the rehearsals, but also the characteristics of her job which can only be emphasized through a deep observation. Through the interview analysis and the observation of the teacher s activities and the choir s performance, besides the bibliographical surveying and the specific documents, we were able to have access to trialed paths and to the conceptions of musical education underlying the teacher s job. This work allows us to conclude that the choir singing is a fundamental strategy to the development of the several intelligences and cognitive and social abilities of the student, as well as it contributes with some suggestions of musical activities and it confirms the multidiscipline job of the teacher from this area
Este trabalho propõe algumas reflexões sobre o canto coral no ambiente escolar, tendo como objetivo principal demonstrar como é possível uma professora generalista desenvolver uma prática musical no ensino fundamental contando com suas habilidades naturais e com o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades num programa de formação continuada em música. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas e atividades com a professora, e feita uma análise não somente dos ensaios, mas também das características de seu trabalho que só mediante uma observação mais específica podem ser ressaltadas. Por meio da análise da entrevista e observação das atividades da professora e da atuação do coral, além do levantamento bibliográfico e de documentos específicos, pôde-se ter acesso aos caminhos percorridos e às concepções de educação musical subjacentes ao trabalho da professora. Este trabalho permite concluir que o canto coral é estratégia fundamental para o desenvolvimento das diversas inteligências e das habilidades cognitivas e sociais do estudante, bem como contribui com algumas sugestões de atividades musicais e corrobora com o trabalho multidisciplinar do professor da área
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Göncü, Ahmet. „Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods in pricing financial derivatives“. Tallahassee, Florida : Florida State University, 2009.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2009.
Advisor: Giray Ökten, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Mathematics. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed on Oct. 5, 2009). Document formatted into pages; contains x, 105 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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Berezovska, Ganna [Verfasser], und Alexander [Akademischer Betreuer] Blumen. „Monte Carlo study of semiflexible polymers = Monte Carlo Studie von semiflexiblen Polymeren“. Freiburg : Universität, 2011.

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Mendes, Adriano Caçula. „Aboio no sertão paraibano: um canto no trabalho, um trabalho no canto“. Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2015.

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This work results from a research about Aboio’s (cow herding) singing in the Paraiba’s high sertão (backwoods) region, especially in these cities: Sousa, Cajazeiras, Marizópolis, São João do Rio do Peixe among surrounding municipalities. The focus is on the adaptive processes that this kind of chanting undergoes in order to survive as a manifestation of the Vaqueiros’ (Cowboy) voice and culture. Interviews and ethnographic research has been done with Aboio’s singers of this region seeking for an understanding of musical and sociological changes that have occurred to cowboy culture and how they influence and construct reality for contemporary cowboy. It follows that the aboio, actually, is very different from that described by Mário de Andrade since he organized the folkloric research missions in 1938. The aboio has adapted to new contexts and to the changes brought by modernity and late modernity in order to ensure its survival in northeast backcountry culture.
Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o canto de aboio na região do alto sertão paraibano, em especial, os municípios de Sousa, Cajazeiras, Marizópolis, São João do Rio do Peixe e municípios circunvizinhos. Foca-se nos processos adaptativos que o aboio passa para sobreviver enquanto manifestação da voz e da cultura do vaqueiro. Foram feitas entrevistas e pesquisa etnográfica com os cantadores de Aboio da região buscando uma compreensão das transformações musicais e sociológicas por que passa a cultura do vaqueiro e como as mesmas influenciam e constroem a realidade do vaqueiro contemporâneo. Concluiu-se que o aboio está muito diferente da prática descrita por Mário de Andrade desde que organizou as missões de pesquisas folclóricas em 1938, pois o aboio se adaptou aos novos contextos e às mudanças trazidas pela modernidade e modernidade tardia a fim de assegurar sua sobrevivência na cultura do sertanejo nordestino.
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Garritano, Francesco. „La carte de géogaphie comme carte d'identité dans l'oeuvre de Michel Leiris“. Paris 8, 1987.

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L'objet de cette these est le rapport entre le present et l'avenir, relation qui dans le cas de leiris prend la forme d'autoportrait inacheve. A l'interieur de l'ecriture de leiris le temps joue un role central et decisif, puisque, a partir de sa reconnaissance, l'ecrivain sent qu'il est soumis a la coupure. Cela l'oblige au decryptage du devenir dans la tentative de faire filtrer de la lumiere dans la nuit de la conscience: il nait pour leiris l'obligation de changer sa vie, de s'observer a partir de sa limite, c'est-a-dire de la memoire. Nous avons donne le juste relief a l'activite mnesique, marquee par l'idee du gain, qui, enfin, se transforme en disparition du souvenir et de la continuite psychique. Tout cela est visible non seulement dans la modalite de realisation de l'ecriture de leiris, ecriture axee sur l'evocation, mais aussi dans le type de style adopte: nous sommes en presence d'une phrase en mouvement rotatoire sur son propre centre, donc dans une situation d'affirmation et de destitution des signifies. C'est justement au moment de la disparition du sens, regulierement efface lorsqu'il apparait, que l'autoportrait prend forme: l'amitie avec l'unheimliche se realise a travers la disparition de la representation et de la conscience. Bien que leiris procede vers cette sinistre harmonie, il ne peut pas s'empecher de se proteger par l'activite esthetique, qui le lie a la quotidiennete, a la lumiere. Il a conscience de cela et il se sent coupable, au point qu'il declare sa responsabilite, meme s'il la differe: la confession acquiert de la valeur grace au renvoi et a la reticence
This thesis is an investigation into the work of michel leiris, a work the autor himself sees as an unfinished selfportrait. The thesis adopts neither a historical nor a merelly literary approach, but is based on categories of a semiologic-deconstructionist kind. Since all leiris' work is an attempt at autobiographic reconstruction, an attempt which he sees as bound to failure, the thesis attaches a central role to the analysis of writing and contents. Memory, in fact, makes writing possible but, at the same time, stands as the limit of autobiography. Writing is seen as a formal apparatus where the event is lost, as leveling of all psychical stages, thus as a loss of identity. Paradoxically the end of self-portrait is realized in its incompleteness. Together with the interwined categories of time-memory-autobiography, the thesis stresses freudian unheimliche, which looms in his work in a disquieting and unresolved fashion. Conscience is alwais veiled, representation of the self and the world is never granted; the act of writing is alwais submitted to chance, to what has not surfaced yet, but which should be unveiled. Leiris is well aware of this and he feels guilty. He acknowledges responsability, although he tries to delay its effects. The confession gains value trough delay and reticence
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Velez, Maria Amélia Cordeiro. „O adultério casto: um olhar casto sobre o romance do século XIX“. Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2001.

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Introdução - A temática do amor na literatura é talvez a mais recorrente e a mais antiga. Diz-se, inclusivamente, que o amor nasceu com e da literatura. A este propósito, Denis de Rougemont (1968:158) afirma que «os sentimentos que [sentimos] são criações literárias no sentido de que uma certa retórica é a condição suficiente da sua confissão, portanto da sua tomada de consciência». Não disse La Rochefoucauld que poucos homens se apaixonariam se nunca tivessem ouvido falar de amor? Porém, a literatura só trata de amores infelizes; o amor feliz parece não ter história. Só existem romances de amor ameaçado, condenado, é o amor-paixão, o amor sofrimento...Bakhtine (1978:374) sublinha esse facto e circunscreve-o no tempo: «L' idylle détruite [...] devient 1'un des principaux thèmes littéraires à la f 1n du XVIII° siècle et dans la première moitié du XIX° siècle». O amor infeliz reveste muito frequentemente na literatura a forma de adultério. Com efeito, o adultério ou amor -transgressão/proibição tornou-se uma temática preferencial nas literaturas das diferentes culturas e países, ora objecto de censura, ora defendido e até justificado, ora condenado. Rougemont afirma, numa das primeiras páginas da sua obra L'Amour et L'Occident, que existe um grande mito europeu do adultério: o romance de Tristão e Isolda. Contudo, o primeiro caso de amor adúltero na literatura ocidental é, sem dúvida, o expresso nas Cantigas de Amor. O estabelecimento do código do amor cortês entre a dama e o trovador é o primeiro sinal de amor adúltero não consumado em termos literários. O poeta obrigava-se a amar uma mulher casada sem dela esperar nada, senão o direito de continuar a louvar os seus dotes nas suas cantigas. O romance do adultério desenvolveu-se sobretudo na época de ouro do romance, o século XIX, que viu nascer a obra-prima do género, Madame Bovary de Flaubert. Quando se fala em romance do adultério, apontam-se geralmente obras como Madame Bovary, Ana Karenina de Tolstói, O Primo Basilio de Eça de Queirós, Effi Briest de Fontane..., que se caracterizam pela consumação sexual do adultério. O tema do adultério consumado foi, aliás, sobejamente analisado pelos estudos comparatistas nas suas vertentes literárias, social, psicanalítica, etc; todavia, nunca, ou quase nunca, se aborda a questão literária do adultério não consumado ou casto. Esta temática tem sido efectivamente descurada e ignorada, apesar das grandes obras de vulto que nela se inspiraram: La Princesse de Clèves de Mme de Lafayette, Julie ou La lhouvelle Héloise de Rousseau, Werther de Goethe, Le Lys dans la Uallée de Balzac, Dominique de Fromentin..., cujo denominador comum é a castidade em que se mantém o adultério, designado por «adultério mental» (COE-LH0,1990:902), ou «adultério sonhado» (MOISES,1984:405) ou ainda. «adultério espiritual» (J. Barrento in Introdução GOETI-IE,1992:13). Este tema não tem merecido, na nossa opinião, o tra-tamento comparativo devido. Até ao momento, não nos foi dado a conhecer qualquer estudo no âmbito desta problemática. Deste modo, será nosso propósito, neste trabalho em Literatura Comparada, comprovar a existência do tema do adultério casto na literatura ocidental. Nortearemos a nossa argumentação por duas hipóteses: primeiramente, corroboraremos a hipótese de partida segundo a qual existe uma literatura que tem como tema central o adultério casto e que se distingue da literatura convencionalmente designada como pertencente ao tema do adultério no seu sentido lato; em segundo lugar, verificaremos que os mesmos escritores que escreveram sobre o adultério casto também o fizeram sobre o adultério consumado e, nesse momento, deparar-nos-emos com outra hipótese de trabalho: o adultério casto aparece desculpabilizado pelos mesmos escritores que antes, noutras obras, condenaram acerbamente o adultério consumado. Com o desígnio de averiguar a autenticidade dessas hipóteses, delineámos um plano metodológico que pretenderá, essencialmente, encontrar pontos de convergência/divergência entre as diversas obras que constituem o nosso corpus textual, a partir do tema central do adultério casto e dos súbtemas que formos encontrando. Estamos cientes de que, nos estudos comparativos, a análise temática revela ser sempre um estudo extenso, denso, para que se possa chegar a conclusões fiáveis e comprováveis. Provar que um tema existe e perpassa em várias obras literárias, de vários autores, de vários países, é um trabalho árduo que, pela sua diversidade e pluralidade de vertentes, pode muito bem confundir o comparatista. Para além disso, os poucos trabalhos fidedignos sobre estudos temáticos e a falta de um método universal para a abordagem comparativa temática exigem, da parte do comparatista, a consciência de que está, mais ou menos, a construir o seu próprio modelo de análise, válido apenas para este trabalho, mas, ao mesmo tempo, que este poderá ser sempre encarado como um possível contributo para futuros trabalhos. Neste sentido, a nossa argumentação dividir-se-á em três momentos fundamentais: numa primeira parte, delinearemos os preâmbulos metodológicos que presidirão ao desenvolvimento desse trabalho; salientamos que grande parte do esquema comparativo de análise que apresentaremos se baseia nos presupostos de Lukács (1989), segundo os quais a classificação do romance é determinada pela configuração de um herói problemático e pelas relações que este mantém com a sociedade.
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Drumond, Lorenzo. „Il Metodo Monte Carlo“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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La tesi introduce le tecniche di approssimazione numerica note come Metodo Monte Carlo. Dopo una breve presentazione dell'apparato teorico che giustifica il funzionamento di questo metodo, si procede con uno studio sulla stima dell'errore, focalizzando l'interesse sulla dimostrazione del Teorema di Berry-Esseen. La tesi continua affrontando il tema della generazione di numeri pseudocasuali, fondamentali nel Metodo Monte Carlo, per poi finire con tre esempi di applicazione.
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Zumaeta, Eduardo. „Dokumentation för programförändring Carta“. Thesis, University of Gävle, Department of Mathematics, Natural and Computer Sciences, 2007.

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Carta är ett datasystem som är skapat av SMS Meer, Tyskland och som används av Rörverk 6 på Ovako i Hofors vid rörtillverknings processen. Systemet är placerat i ett Reducerverk, som man använder till processreglering, för processtyrning av Streckreducerverket, och som processadministration med en Central database för att sköta kommunikation mellan olika datasystem anknutna till Rörverk 6, och som planeringsverktyg för att få fram samtliga data för rörtillverknings processen.

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Carrillo, Antonio, und Diego Salazar. „El canto del Zorzal“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2015.

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Memoria audiovisual para optar al título de Periodista
Nuestra memoria es un documental cuyo tema central es la música disidente a la dictadura militar, ejemplificada en el Canto Nuevo, movimiento musical que surgió durante la dictadura. La duración del filme es de 45 minutos y está orientado tanto a cine como a televisión.
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Chin, Mary Pik Wai. „Monte Carlo portal dosimetry“. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2005.

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This project developed a solution for verifying external photon beam radiotherapy. The solution is based on a calibration chain for deriving portal dose maps from acquired portal images, and a calculation framework for predicting portal dose maps. Quantitative comparison between acquired and predicted portal dose maps accomplishes both geometric (patient positioning with respect to the beam) and dosimetric (2D fluence distribution of the beam) verifications. A disagreement would indicate that beam delivery had not been according to plan. The solution addresses the clinical need for verifying radiotherapy both pre-treatment (without patient in the beam) and on-treatment (with patient in the beam). Medical linear accelerators mounted with electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) were used to acquire portal images. Two types of EPIDs were investigated: the amorphous silicon (a-Si) and the scanning liquid ion chamber (SLIC). The EGSnrc family of Monte Carlo codes were used to predict portal dose maps by computer simulation of radiation transport in the beam-phantom-EPID configuration. Monte Carlo simulations have been implemented on several levels of High Throughput Computing (HTC), including the Grid, to reduce computation time. The solution has been tested across the entire clinical range of gantry angle, beam size (5 cm x 5 cm to 20 cm x 20 cm), beam-patient and patient-EPID separations (4 cm to 38 cm). In these tests of known beam-phantom-EPID configurations, agreement between acquired and predicted portal dose profiles was consistently within 2% of the central axis value. This Monte Carlo portal dosimetry solution therefore achieved combined versatility, accuracy and speed not readily achievable by other techniques.
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Abd, Rahman F. N. „Shipper liability for cargo“. Thesis, City, University of London, 2018.

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This research is important for the determination of the basis of shipper liability, in particular whether the fault of the shipper is taken into account or whether the shipper’s liability is strict. The research question asks to what extent the mental element of the shipper is relevant to the determination of the shipper’s liability for cargo. The researcher seeks to prove that although the rules seek to distinguish between liabilities which are fault-based and those which attract strict liability, considerations made in the determination of liability results in an unclear line being drawn between the two. The minimal application and the limited existence of fault-based rules would be consistent with the overall nature of the strict contractual liabilities of the shipper.
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Kant, Immanuel. „Carta a Marcus Herz“. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013.

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Dreyfus, Gracia Yaël. „Vie de Francis Carco“. Besançon, 1994.

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Francis Carco (1886 - 1958) est né à Nouméa. Il a débuté très tôt dans la littérature. Il débarque à Paris en 1910, et se lie d'amitié avec les poètes. Il fondera le mouvement fantaisiste. Après avoir réuni en plaquettes ses premiers poèmes, il publie au Mercure de France en 1914, "Jésus-la-caille". Son œuvre s'enrichira par la suite de toute une série de romans ou évoluaient, dans une atmosphère riche d'un singulier pouvoir d'évocation, "les mauvais garçons qui vivaient dans le milieu". "L'homme traque" lui valut en 1922 le grand prix du roman de l'académie française. On lui doit également des récits de voyages, des livres de souvenirs, plusieurs pièces de théâtre, et même des chansons. Ami des peintres et collectionneur, il s'est signalé comme critique d'art. Elu à l'académie Goncourt en 1937, la ville de Paris lui décerne en 1956 le grand prix du roman pour l'ensemble de son œuvre
Francis Carco (1886-1958) was born at noumea. He started in literature. He landed in Paris in 1910, and strike up a frienship with poets. He found the fanciful impulse. After having collected his first poems in pamphlets, he published in the "Mercure de France" in 1914, "Jésus-la-caille". His production enlarged herself laten on by mass production novels in witch "the bad boys who lived in the "milieu" were progressing in a rich atmosphere of a recalling power. "L'homme traque" won him in 1922 the "grand prix du roman de l'académie française". We owe him also stories of travels, books of remembrances, many plays and even songs. Friend of painters and collector, he distinguished himself as an critic, elected at the Goncourt academy in 1937, the town of Paris awarded him her "grand prix du roman" for his production as a whole
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Karakash, Clairette. „Apocalypses à la carte /“. [Neuchâtel] : [s. n.], 1999.

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Prášek, Martin. „Návrh prefabrikované haly CARGO“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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Master’s thesis describes the structural design and static analysis of selected elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete industrial building, that will be used as storage hall. Purpose of thesis is elaboration of assembly drawings of the project documentation and drawings of formwork and reinforcement assembly of selected elements. Calculations were performed in computer programs for static analysis SCIA Engineer 16, IDEA StatiCa and FIN EC. Drawing were made in programs Allplan 2016 and AutoCad 2015.
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