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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Butler Foundation"


Moreton, R. „Managing Data in a Complex Systems Environment“. Journal of Information Technology 4, Nr. 1 (März 1989): 49–54.

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This paper was produced as the result of a research project funded by the Butler Cox Foundation. The Butler Cox Foundation is an exclusive service for managers responsible for computing, communications and office systems. It helps them to keep abreast of major developments in the technology and to identify the related implications for technical and general managers.
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Thorpe, Roland, und Jamie Justice. „ESPO and Butler-Williams Symposium: Race, Ethnicity, and Overcoming Barriers to Understand Why Aging Matters“. Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (01.12.2020): 858–59.

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Abstract The NIA’s Butler-Williams Scholars Program and GSA’s Emerging Scholars and Professional Organization are united in providing career development opportunities for early career scholars in a manner that promotes leadership, diversity, and inclusivity. This provides a foundation to develop a network of next generation of scientists, clinicians, and policy makers capable of shaping health in aging. Among the chief concerns of our aging population are disparities in health associated with race/ethnicity, experience, sociocultural and socioeconomic factors, as well as access to and communications regarding health care. GSA’s early career professionals and alumni of the prestigious NIA Butler-Williams Scholars Program have tackled these issues directly and the scientific scholarship that results is astounding in its breadth and depth. Dr. Glenna Brewster (Butler-Williams class of 2018) will discuss new findings from a study of African American caregivers of persons living with dementia. Dr. Candace Brown, Ph.D. (Butler-Williams class of 2017), will present on overcoming social and environmental barriers to exercise among older adults. Dr. Joseph Saenz (Butler-Williams class of 2017), will present current work disparities in cognition function in the older Mexican population. The final speaker, Dr. Sarah Forrester (Butler-Williams class of 2019) will explore new perspectives on health equity in physiological dysregulation and aging. In sum, the featured talks by rising stars in aging research deepen our understanding of the influence of race, ethnicity, and overcoming barriers to understand ‘why aging matters’ across our diverse aging populations.
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Justice, Jamie N., Carl V. Hill und Roland J. Thorpe. „ESPO AND NIA BUTLER-WILLIAMS SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM: INFLUENCE OF RACE, ETHNICITY, AND EXPERIENCE ON HEALTH IN AGING“. Innovation in Aging 3, Supplement_1 (November 2019): S353.

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Abstract The NIA’s Butler-Williams Scholars Program and GSA’s Emerging Scholars and Professional Organization are united in providing career development opportunities for early career scholars in a manner that promotes leadership, diversity, and inclusivity. This provides a foundation to develop a network of next generation of scientists, clinicians, and policy makers capable of shaping health in aging. Among the chief concerns of our aging population are disparities in health associated with race/ethnicity, experience, environment, access to health care, and sociocultural and socioeconomic factors. GSA’s early career professionals and alumni of the prestigious NIA Butler-Williams Scholars Program have tackled these issues directly and the scientific scholarship that results is astounding in its breadth and depth. Dr. Vicki Johnson-Lawrence, Ph.D. (Butler-Williams class of 2014), will present on the interacting effects of education and race/ethnicity on multi-morbidity, highlighting lessons learned from the National Health Interview Study. Dr. Lauren Parker (Butler-Williams class of 2018) will review efforts to develop culturally competent content for recruitment of Hispanic and black/African American persons to NIA-supported dementia-caregiving studies. Dr. Ryon Cobb (Butler-Williams class of 2016) will discuss the impact of race/ethnicity on kidney function among older adults, with evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. The final speaker, Dr. Ana Quiñones (Butler-Williams class of 2012), will present on longitudinal tracking of multi-morbidity in racially/ethnically diverse older adults. In sum, the featured talks by rising stars in aging research deepen our understanding of the influence of race, ethnicity, and experience on health and chronic disease in diverse aging populations.
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Stenner, Paul H. D. „Non-foundational criticality? On the need for a process ontology of the psychosocial“. Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 9, Nr. 2 (01.09.2007): 44–55.

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The articulation of critical dialects of psychology has typically involved a questioning of the foundational assumptions of the so-called mainstream. This has included critiques in the name of more adequate scientific foundations, but more recently these have been accompanied by critiques in the name of an absence of foundations altogether, and critiques that suggest a rethinking of the concept of foundation. These latter versions are usually influenced by the great 20th Century non-foundational philosophies of figures such as Bergson, Whitehead, Wittgenstein and Heidegger, or by related thinkers such as Deleuze, Serres, Luhmann, Butler and Stengers. In foregrounding themes of process and multiplicity such thinkers provide potent tools for critically rethinking psychological questions. Less positive has been a tendency amongst critical psychologists to polarise natural and social scientific issues and to associate the former with negative images (all that is static, mechanistic, essentialist and conservative). This can lead to a formulaic criticality in which arguments for nature are bad, and those for culture are good. Deconstruction comes to appear simply as an assertion of ‘the discursive construction of’ whatever phenomenon is under scrutiny. To counteract this trend, the proposed paper will discuss a process approach to ontology that welcomes contributions from the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences.
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Moon, Sung-Yun. „Death of Others and Social Mourning Due to National Disaster: Based on Judith Butler's Philosophy“. Research Institute for Life and Culture Sogang University 72 (30.05.2024): 65–84.

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Korean society has experienced a somber social atmosphere in the last five years due to the Corona19 pandemic and the Itaewon disaster. This situation can be classified as a national disaster that affects the mental and mental state of the whole country. The national disaster, like any other ordeal, leaves us with a scar of pain. The national disaster leaves a sense of social shock, hurt, and loss and requires a corresponding act of mourning. This paper philosophically considers death during the national disaster and examines the direction of social mourning to heal this wound. The study focused on the thoughts of American ethical philosopher Judith Butler. According to Butler, the national disaster reveals the vulnerability of human society, and when we face this vulnerability and participate in mourning, social integration can be overcome. So, the direction of social mourning that Butler explains is ‘the attitude of responsibility, not retribution, the vulnerability and precarity of life revealed as the true form of a national disaster,' and ‘mourning that unites society.’ A practical philosophical plan was suggested for applying this to Korean society. The first is what Butler calls willless sensitivity, the second is self-thinking and phenomenological parentheses, and the third is social integrated growth. This study is significant because it laid the foundation for developing more specific future methodologies and programs for social mourning.
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BENNETT, J. A. „Museums and the establishment of the history of science at Oxford and Cambridge“. British Journal for the History of Science 30, Nr. 1 (März 1997): 29–46.

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In the Spring of 1944, an informal discussion took place in Cambridge between Mr. R. S. Whipple, Professor Allan Ferguson and Mr. F. H. C. Butler, concerning the formation of a national Society for the History of Science.This is the opening sentence of the inaugural issue of the Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science, the Society's first official publication. Butler himself was the author of this outline account of the subsequent approach to the Royal Society, the parallel moves to establish a National Committee of the International Academy of the History of Science, the formation of a provisional committee to prepare a draft constitution for a national society, and the proceedings of the first Annual General Meeting in May 1947. Whipple had been in Cambridge to discuss his offer to present his collection of old scientific instruments to the University and the possible foundation of a new museum, and Butler, as Secretary of the History of Science Committee in Cambridge, was the chief mover in both this development and an initiative coupled with it to establish a department of the history of science.
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Lee, SeonHyeon. „‘Bare Life’ and Judith Butler’s Misinterpretations:A Critical Review of Butler’s Intervention and a Comparative Study on Diaspora’s Identity“. Criticism and Theory Society of Korea 28, Nr. 1 (28.02.2023): 157–86.

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Giorgio Agamben’s ideas of sovereign power and ‘Homo Sacer’ received a lot of criticism because the decline of nation-states due to globalization tends to be equated with the weakening of sovereignty. Especially, Judith Butler argues that the process of removing the heterogeneity within the citizens to invent those who are the foundation of the nation-state cannot be explained by the operation of sovereign power and the mass production of ‘bare lives’ presented by Agamben. Butler explains the ‘statelessness’ in the sense that the situation of global violence is out of territorial conditions, and also highlights the ‘statelessness’ to deconstruct the basis of the nation-state and explore the possibility of resisting it. According to her, given the diaspora produced across territories and the operation of power, this violent exclusion today is caused by neoliberal governmentality, not sovereign power. And it is necessary to see power working in many ways to materialize the diaspora and resist state violence. For Butler, the concept of diaspora is presented as a resistance practice and ethical request of the dispossessed. However, this thesis aims to reveal that Butler’s criticism against ‘bare life’ is misread. Butler’s misinterpretation arises from the difference in perspective of Agamben, who reads Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt. If sovereignty is an anachronism to Butler, the original form of sovereignty is biopolitics to Agamben. In addition, Butler considers Arendt distinguishing between the public and private realms and maintaining a discriminatory perspective on the private, whereas Agamben reads that Arendt paid attention to the modern reality in which this public/private distinction is collapsing. Unlike Butler’s criticism, ‘bare life’ does not exist outside of the polity or power. Even if the citizen belong to the nation state, there is the potential for them to become a “bare life,” or diaspora at any time, which reveals the possibility of rethinking the identity of the diaspora.
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Steward, David R., Paul J. Bruss, Xiaoying Yang, Scott A. Staggenborg, Stephen M. Welch und Michael D. Apley. „Reply to Butler et al.: A sound hydrologic foundation for interdisciplinary studies of the High Plains Aquifer“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, Nr. 5 (27.01.2014): E532—E533.

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Kauffman, Emma. „Queering the Docile Body“. Political Science Undergraduate Review 1, Nr. 2 (15.02.2016): 56–62.

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Increasingly, there is a view that the recent emergence of sexual and gender diversity has helped to move mainstream society towards the eradication of the normative privileging of particular genders and sexualities. However, when we look beneath the surface it is more likely to be a reconfiguration of the heterosexual matrix, a term defined by Judith Butler as that grid of cultural intelligibility through which norms are created and maintained in bodies, genders, and desires and how they appear natural (Butler, 24). Using Judith Butler’s heterosexual matrix as my foundation, this paper will demonstrate the ways in which gender and sexuality become naturalized in order to explore the normalization process of both heterosexual desire, or orientation, and the gender binary. It will argue that although we are in the midst of a historic mobilization of diverse and complex (trans)gender movements, the sphere of intelligibility continues to be subject to hegemonic interpretations. These interpretations privilege a binary model of genders and sexual behaviors, thus resulting in a continuation of normative identities and desires. Further, as this essay will explicate, the heterosexual matrix, in accordance with neoliberalism, work as a mechanism of power that designates what is an intelligible life. As such, without first locating these functions of power, the push for a more fluid and open understanding of gender, sexuality and desire will continue to fail, and the space for widespread change will dissolve.
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Plazek, David J. „Where the Rubber Meets the Road: The Role of Collegiality and Normative Science in Our Profession“. PS: Political Science & Politics 43, Nr. 02 (April 2010): 333–36.

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Lyndon State College's (LSC) participation in the America's Future Initiative on the U.S. national debt, in association with Public Agenda, began with a grant application for funding to participate. After being awarded funding, as the sole political scientist, I was selected with approval by the administration to attend the September 11 to 13, 2008, opening conference in Washington, DC. Flying into Washington, DC, on September 11 surely was a sign of commitment. At the conference, participants were schooled on the initiative by George Mehaffy of the American Democracy Project, Andrew Yarrow of Public Agenda, the Concord Coalition's Diane Rogers, and Stuart Butler from the Heritage Foundation. As a political scientist, I was well-aware of much of what was presented, but to hear differing perspectives and review the data and presentation materials was an excellent experience.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Butler Foundation"


Johnsson, Sara. „"Rummet mellan rummen" : En studie om keramiken från Buttle Änge“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia, 2018.

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The Iron age settlement of Buttle Änge is located on the island of Gotland (Sweden), in the inland south of the medieval town Visby. The Stonehouse foundations on the site have been the focus for the University of Uppsala Campus Gotland archeological excavation since 2013. This paper aims to present a study of the pottery found in the Stonehouse foundations and the spaces between the houses from the excavations 2014-2016. The intention is to map and comprehend the Buttle ceramics. In order to accomplish the intended purpose and questions, I have defined and categorized the ceramics in different ceramic types based on color and minerals alterations in the clay, as well as other defining features to investigate the craft and the archaeological structures. The ceramic ware is evaluated by certain restrictions intended for obtaining a relative dating for the houses, which can provide an increased insight into the locations relationships to other Stonehouse foundations. The houses display many similarities with both foundations and construction, the difficulty has been to establish a chronology.   The focus has been on ceramics rather than on the Stonehouse foundations, which has resulted in 21 different ceramic types, based on color and minerals variations in the clay. In the documentation of the material, both archaeological and handicraft markers have been considered. This is where the pottery is both a source of information for the archaeologists, but also a craft that possesses information. By trying to put the ceramics into its context, it becomes possible to get an understanding of how it has changed and developed. The pottery has then been compared with Vallhagar (Fröjel, Gotland), to see if the material from Buttle is of the same style and shape. Different markers have since been compared with the Vallhagar material, which has given deeper understanding for a chronology, but also that there are similarities that indicate that there has been a know-how to produce the ceramic. Although there are minor details that have changed in the vessel's markers, it may be crucial for the chronology. The change may have been for practical reasons, but also for social reasons, and we need to know the significance of the change before we can see the chronological value. The study of pottery can hopefully give a wide-ranging understanding of the Stonehouse foundations timelines and the iron age people’s daily life.
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Bücher zum Thema "Butler Foundation"


Gastineau, Jane E. Winthrop Butler papers: Lincoln Library, Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection at Allen County Public Library. Fort Wayne, Ind.]: [Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection at Allen County Public Library], 2008.

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Stankovic, Radomir, Paul Leo Butzer, William R. Wade, Weiyi Su, Yasushi Endow, Sandor Fridli, Boris I. Golubov und Franz Pichler. Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Patrick Butler: A biography. Center City, Minn: Hazelden, 1999.

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Compilation. Leap of Faith:Stories of Courage from the LeRoy Butler Foundation. The LeRoy Butler Foundation, 2007.

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American and modern prints and illustrated books. 1990.

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The girl made of butter. Ridgefield, Conn: Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 2000.

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Jordan, Marsha Mott. Hugs, Hope And Peanut Butter. Jada Press, 2006.

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Ashtor, Gila. Homo Psyche. Fordham University Press, 2021.

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An analysis that focuses on the metapsychological dimension of queer theorizations will demonstrate why, in spite of how bold and emancipatory key queer formulations might initially seem, the field maintains an uninterrogated reliance on erotophobic psychological conventions that ultimately reproduces an erotophobic relationship to sexuality. Homo Psyche introduces metapsychology as a new dimension of analysis that zeroes in on the underlying psychological assumptions that determine contemporary critical thought. Such an intervention deepens current debates about the future of queer studies by demonstrating how the field’s systematic neglect of metapsychology as a necessary and independent realm of ideology ultimately enforces the complicity of queer studies with psychological conventions that are fundamentally erotophobic and therefore inimical to queer theory’s radical and ethical project. Homo Psyche therefore introduces a break with the current configuration of traditional psychoanalysis as the presumptive and undisputed foundation for radical psycho-sexual theorizations. In order to elaborate a critical alternative, the French theoretician Jean Laplanche (1924–2012) will be introduced. In order to rigorously articulate and defend the centrality of sexuality to psychic life, Laplanche insisted on “new foundations for psychoanalysis” that radically departed from existing Freudian and Lacanian models of the mind. This study conducts a purposive survey of six major theoretical concepts, through the lens of six eminent individual critics who represent exemplary, influential, and authoritative developments of them: Eve Sedgwick on “hermeneutics,” Leo Bersani on “sex,” Jane Gallop on “violation,” Lee Edelman on “radicalism,” Judith Butler on “gender,” and Lauren Berlant on “relationality.”
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Anno, Mariko. Piercing the Structure of Tradition. Cornell University Press, 2020.

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What does freedom sound like in the context of traditional Japanese theater? Where is the space for innovation, and where can this kind of innovation be located in the rigid instrumentation of the Noh drama? This book investigates flute performance as a space to explore the relationship between tradition and innovation. This first English-language monograph traces the characteristics of the Noh flute (nohkan), its music, and transmission methods and considers the instrument's potential for development in the modern world. The book examines the musical structure and nohkan melodic patterns of five traditional Noh plays and assesses the degree to which Issō School nohkan players maintain to this day the continuity of their musical traditions in three contemporary Noh plays influenced by William Butler Yeats. The book's ethnographic approach draws on interviews with performers and case studies, as well as the author's personal reflection as a nohkan performer and disciple under the tutelage of Noh masters. The book argues that traditions of musical style and usage remain influential in shaping contemporary Noh composition and performance practice, and the existing freedom within fixed patterns can be understood through a firm foundation in Noh tradition.
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Pending nominations: Hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, on Stephen L. Johnson, to be Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Luis Luna, to be Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resource Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; John Paul Woodley, Jr., to be Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Army for Civil Works; Major General Don T. Riley, to be member and president of the Mississippi River Commission, U.S. Army; Brigadier General William T. Grisoli, to be member of the Mississippi River Commission, U.S. Army; D. Michael Rappoport, to be member of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Foundation; Michael A. Butler, to be member of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Foundation, April 6, 2005. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2006.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Butler Foundation"


Yajima, Naoki. „Formation of Butler’s Moral Theology as a Foundation of Commercial Society“. In Joseph Butler, 25–40. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Schachtner, Christina. „Storytelling as a Cultural Practice and Life Form“. In The Narrative Subject, 29–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract Narrative is introduced as a cultural practice and life form which contributes to creating the foundation of our lives as it helps us to interpret the world, through stories, in which we must be able to act. Borrowed from Ricœur (Time and narrative: The configuration of time in fictional narrative (Vol. 2, K. McLaughlin & D. Pellauer, Trans). Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press (1985) and The course of recognition (D. Pellauer, Trans). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (2005).), the concepts of time and space are presented as the contexts and products of narrative. The functions of storytelling are discussed under the heading of “technologies of Self-construction” (inspired by Foucault, Technologies of the self. In L. H. Martin, H. Gutman, & P. H. Hutton (Eds.), Technologies of the self: A seminar with Michel Foucault (pp. 16–49). Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press (1988).), which provide orientation, self-understanding, and transgression. These need to be developed within the constraints of social norms—so the theory goes—and yet subjects still have some room to move within the process of adopting norms (Butler, Giving an account of oneself. New York, NY: Fordham University Press (2005).).
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Wade, William R. „Early History of Walsh Analysis“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 1–36. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Wade, William R. „Why I got Interested in Dyadic Differentiation“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 359–441. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Golubov, Boris I. „Dyadic Derivative and Walsh-Fourier Transform“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 443–47. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Golubov, Boris I. „How I started my research in Walsh and dyadic analysis“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 449–52. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Pichler, Franz. „My involvement in Walsh and Dyadic Analysis“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 37–88. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Stanković, Radomir S., und Ferenc Schipp. „The Origins of the Dyadic Derivative due to James Edmund Gibbs“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 89–160. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Butzer, Paul L., und Heinrich Josef Wagner. „Early Contributions from the Aachen School to Dyadic Walsh Analysis with Applications to Dyadic PDEs and Approximation Theory“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 161–208. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Fridli, Sándor, und Ferenc Schipp. „Dyadic Derivative, Summation, Approximation“. In Dyadic Walsh Analysis from 1924 Onwards Walsh-Gibbs-Butzer Dyadic Differentiation in Science Volume 1 Foundations, 209–34. Paris: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Butler Foundation"


Lall, Pradeep, und Sungmo Jung. „Polarization Curves, Package-Level Multiphysics Simulation of Cu85Al15 and Cu94Al6 WB Corrosion for Automotive and Rugged Environment Applications“. In ASME 2023 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.

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Abstract Copper wire bonding has increasingly being preferred in place of the more expensive gold wire for chip-to-substrate or chip-to-leadframe interconnects. The copper wire has a higher propensity for corrosion, higher hardness, narrow process window, thinner intermetallics and a higher propensity for cratering owing to a highe splash. Electronics in automotive underhood applications may be routinely expected to function reliability for 10-years, 100K miles. There is lack of foundational data for the assessment of Cu-Al wirebond reliability under humidity and contaminants including Bromine and Chlorine. Exposure to high temperature has been shown to appearance of two new intermetallics Cu85Al15 and Cu94Al6 never studied before for their propensity for corrosion. In this paper, the Cu85Al15 and Cu94Al6 intermetallics have been methodically fabricated using an arc-melter. Polarization curves of the intermetallics have been measured versus operating temperature, annealing duration at 250C, and changes in the pH. For each use-case, the effect of open circuit corrosion current density, open circuit corrosion potential, anodic and cathodic slopes have been quantified. Corrosion rate has been computed for both the intermetallics. The experimental data has been used to formulate a Multiphysics model for the prediction of propensity for corrosion using the Butler-Volmer and Nernst Planck Equations.
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Di Dio, Salvatore, Dario Russo, Francesco Monterosso und Benedetto Inzerillo. „Designing the Future: A Manifesto for Design Education“. In Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2024) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. AHFE International, 2024.

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The design discipline, historically rooted in the capitalist consumerism framework, has predominantly focused on influencing consumer desires to promote the sale of superfluous products (Papanek, 1971). This traditional approach to design education has often been misaligned with the pressing socio-environmental challenges of our times, leading to a production of graduates ill-equipped to address the realities of dwindling resources and the imperative to maintain and optimize the existing built environment (Monteiro, 2019).Recent decades have witnessed significant shifts in global economic paradigms, relationships with natural resources, and evolving social conditions (Meadows et al., 1972). Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful" underscores the necessity for a sustainable economic approach, emphasizing the value of localized, human-centric systems. Concurrently, the "Donut Economy" model proposed by Raworth (2017) presents an innovative framework, advocating for an economic system that harmoniously balances human needs with ecological boundaries.The cradle-to-cradle design approach, as elucidated by prof. Federico Maria Butera, emphasizes the interconnectedness of natural systems and the importance of a circular design methodology. This perspective aligns with the broader shift towards community empowerment and co-designing change paths, a sentiment echoed by thought leaders such as Thackara, Hill, and Lutz.Technological advancements, particularly the advent of CAD tools and AI-driven design platforms, have democratized the design process (Manzini, 2015). While these tools have transformed the discipline, there is a pressing need for an epistemological renovation of design education (DiSalvo, 2020; Di Dio, 2022). The proposed Manifesto for design education, grounded in a transdisciplinary approach, mission-driven learning methodologies, and a strong ethical foundation, seeks to address these challenges. Core principles include social and environmental justice, emphasizing the role of designers as stewards of a sustainable future.The imperative is to articulate a comprehensive Manifesto for the future of design education to inspire design practitioners and professors to develop universities programs. This Manifesto, while providing a foundational structure, is intended to be a living document, open to international discourse and iterative refinement.This paper develops a draft Structure of the Manifesto for the Future of Design Education in the following points:1. Preamble:- Contextualizing the current state of design education.- Recognizing the global challenges and the role of design in addressing them.2. Principles of Sustainable Design:- Emphasizing the importance of social and environmental justice.- Advocating for a holistic, systemic, circular design approach.3. Transdisciplinary Approach:- Promoting collaboration across disciplines.- Recognizing the interconnectedness of global challenges and the need for diverse expertise.4. Mission-Driven Learning:- Aligning educational objectives with global sustainability goals.- Encouraging problem-solving that addresses real-world challenges.5. Ethical Foundation:- Establishing a code of ethics for designers.- Emphasizing responsibility, integrity, and accountability.6. Community Empowerment and Co-Design:- Promoting participatory design practices.- Empowering communities to be active stakeholders in the design process.7. Technological Integration:- Recognizing the role of technology in democratizing design.- Encouraging the ethical use of technology in design practices.8. Open Forum for International Discourse:- Inviting global perspectives and insights.- Facilitating regular reviews and updates to the Manifesto based on collective wisdom.9. Call to Action:- Encouraging institutions, educators, and practitioners to adopt and adapt the principles of the Manifesto.- Promoting collaborative efforts to develop a novel design master's program aligned with the Manifesto's vision.By proposing this draft structure, the aim is to foster a collaborative, international dialogue. The overarching goal is to nurture a generation of designers equipped to address the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century, ensuring the discipline's relevance and impact in shaping a sustainable future.
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