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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Burtin"


Larsen, Mike. „Announcing the Burtin Graphic Contest Winners“. CHANCE 22, Nr. 2 (März 2009): 43–45.

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Larsen, Mike. „Announcing the Burtin graphic contest winners“. CHANCE 22, Nr. 2 (22.05.2009): 43–45.

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Colomina Subiela, Antoni, und Vicente Guerola Blay. „El tratado sobre pintura de François-Xavier de Burtin (1743-1818) en el contexto de la conservación y restauración de arte en el siglo XIX“. Ge-conservacion 26, Nr. 1 (26.08.2024): 6–15.

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El tratado sobre pintura del médico François Xavier de Burtin, escrito en 1808, coincide con la transformación cultural e intelectual que había traído el movimiento ilustrado y supone un claro referente para los primeros textos específicos sobre restauración de pinturas que surgieron a lo largo del siglo XIX. Para la contextualización y reconocimiento del autor y de su obra se considera su biografía y su producción literaria en el convulso contexto histórico, artístico, social y político que transita entre el siglo de las luces y los primeros años del siglo XIX, haciendo hincapié en sus aportaciones relacionadas con la conservación y restauración pictórica. Su tratado de pintura debe considerarse como un texto de indiscutible trascendencia, que aparece en relación con el interés de Burtin por el coleccionismo y después de sus visitas a las más importantes galerías europeas de pintura de la época.
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Olave, Diana Cristóbal. „Design for Biological Research: Upjohn, Will Burtin, and the Cell“. Design Issues 37, Nr. 2 (2021): 16–31.

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Abstract This article discusses the role of design in collaborative scientific research, through an analysis of the human-scaled models produced by designer Will Burtin for the pharmaceutical conglomerate Upjohn. It argues that such models triggered an intimate co-dependence between architectural techniques and biological theories, consolidating biology into a form of construction—a form of building. Within the context of corporate-sponsored scientific research of American postwar, Upjohn embraced unorthodox methods of mass media communication to engage the public with scientific narratives. It was through such unconventional techniques that design concerns—form, scale, construction, aesthetics—were placed at the forefront of scientific debates.
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Zaitsev, Alexander V. „Yuri Burtin and his failed attempt to nominate A.T. Tvardovsky a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (based on to archival sources)“. LOCUS people society cultures meaning 11, Nr. 2 (2020): 23–39.

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The publication used previously unknown archival documents from the collections of the State Archive of the Latest History of Kostroma Region related to the history of the exclusion of Yuri Burtin from candidates for membership of the CPSU for an unauthorized government attempt to nominate A.T. Tvardovsky as a candidate for deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the March 16, 1958 elections. After graduating from Leningrad State University, within the state program of job distribution in August 1954 Burtin was sent in the town of Bui, Kostroma Region, where he taught the Russian language and literature at the Working Youth School for eight years. And in 1958 he made a selfless attempt to nominate A.T. Tvardovsky to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The purpose of this article is to verify existing information and introduce into the scientific circulation new archival materials that complement and expand our understanding of the place and role of the “sixties” (on the example of Burtin) in the context of political history of Soviet society. The main research methods are the systemic method, the historical approach, elements of the comparative analysis methodology and sociocultural approach to the study of the life and work of one of the prominent representatives of the Russian intelligentsia of the second half of the 20th century. The materials of the article confirm the presence in Soviet society among the intelligentsia of indirect (latent) resistance to the system of power, the methodology of nominating candidates and holding elections to the highest echelons of power. This confirms the need for deep reform of the electoral system, as well as the entire political structure of the country, which has already objectively matured in post-Stalin society.
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Wainer, Howard. „A centenary celebration for Will Burtin: A pioneer of scientific visualization“. CHANCE 22, Nr. 1 (15.02.2009): 51–55.

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Beegan, Gerry. „Design and Science: The Life and Work of Will Burtin, by R. Roger Remington and Robert S.P. Fripp“. Design and Culture 1, Nr. 3 (November 2009): 373–75.

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Shafieesabet, Azadeh, und Wolfram Doehner. „Comment on: “Handgrip weakness, low fat‐free mass, and overall survival in nonsmall cell lung cancer treated with curative‐intent radiotherapy" by Burtin et al.“ Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 11, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2020): 1863–64.

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Burtin, Chris, Jacques Bezuidenhout, Karin J. C. Sanders, Anne‐Marie C. Dingemans, Annemie M. W. J. Schols, Stephanie T. H. Peeters, Martijn A. Spruit und Dirk K. M. De Ruysscher. „The Authors reply: Comment on: “Handgrip weakness, low fat‐free mass, and overall survival in non‐small cell lung cancer treated with curative‐intent radiotherapy” by Burtin et al.“ Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 12, Nr. 2 (28.01.2021): 526–27.

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Burton, Tristesse, Johanna E. Adlam, Megan Murphy-Belcaster, Melva Thompson-Robinson, Carolee Dodge Francis, Daryl Traylor, Eboni Anderson, Kristina Ricker-Boles und Sutton King. „Stress and Coping among American Indian and Alaska Natives in the Age of COVID-19“. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 44, Nr. 2 (01.04.2020): 49–70.

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The COVID-19 pandemic compounds stressors of daily life among American Indian/Alaska Natives. This study investigated the impact of COVID-19 among American Indian/Alaska Natives and non-Hispanic whites by examining depressive symptoms, overall stress, resilience, and coping, utilizing the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. Of the 207 individuals participating in this study, 109 identified as American Indian/Alaska Native and 98 as non-Hispanic white. Despite demographic similarities, American Indian/Alaska Natives exhibited more stressors related to COVID-19 as well as higher depressive symptom scores compared to non-Hispanic whites. Furthermore, COVID-19 stressors were more positively correlated with depressive symptoms for American Indian/Alaska Natives than non-Hispanic whites. For American Indian/Alaska Natives, the predominant coping processes identified were planful problem solving, escape-avoidance, and self-controlling. This study provides data to support programs and policies centered on improving the psychosocial health for American Indians/Alaska Natives and decreasing COVID-19-related health disparities.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Burtin"


Barat, Théodora. „Fοur Cοrners : désert fourmillant, zone sacrifice, objet de représentations“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Cette recherche porte sur l’empreinte de l'extraction d'uranium et de l'armement militaire nucléaire dans la région des Four Corners aux États-Unis. Confrontant récit muséal et enquête de terrain, elle tend à démontrer comment la propagande infuse la narration historique et invisibilise certaines réalités irradiées. Elle questionnera également le nucléaire comme paroxysme du paradigme techno-capitaliste et comme réinvestissement de la figure du pionnier. Nous étudierons aussi Les résurgences nucléaires dans d’autres domaines comme le Land Art et le cinéma. Cette étude démontrera enfin comment les États-Unis sont un incubateur du colonialisme nucléaire. En opposition à ce regard colonial, le désert sera présenté non pas comme une zone aride et stérile, mais comme un écosystème fourmillant afin d’envisager une représentation en résistance
This research focuses on the footprint of uranium mining and nuclear military weaponry in the Four Corners area in the United States. Confronting museum narratives and field surveys, it aims to demonstrate how propaganda infuses the historical narrative and invisibilizes certain irradiated realities. It also examines nuclear power as a paroxysm of the techno-capitalist paradigm and as a reinvestment in the pioneer figure. It will also examine nuclear resurgences in other fields, such as Land Art and cinema. Finally, this study will show how the United States is an incubator of nuclear colonialism. In opposition to this colonial gaze, the desert will be presented not as an arid, sterile zone, but as a teeming ecosystem in order to consider a representation in resistance
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Wallen, John. „Burton and Orientalism“. Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2010.

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My thesis aims to analyse the ways in which the Victorian intellectual and traveller, Richard Francis Burton, has been viewed by contemporaries and more modern critics. In 3 particular, I point out that while most views of Burton in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were positive, in recent times his achievements have been rather neglected in certain academic circles (though there has been no shortage of interest in his life with the publication of a steady stream of biographies). As I show in the thesis, this is largely due to the negative views of Burton expressed in Edward Said's influential book, Orientalism. With the subsequent development of Said's treatise into the branch of modern criticism known as post-colonial theory, Said's views on Burton have become ossified within the discourse. In post-colonialism, Burton is often used as an archetype of everything that was wrong about Victorian imperialism and paternalism. For example, Mary Louise Pratt portrays Burton as a prime example of an English traveller whose "imperial eyes" survey and control everything they light upon (in the case referred to, Lake Tanganyika). On the other hand, biographers and historical writers such as Dane Kennedy have had many positive things to say about Burton, and one of my major concerns in this thesis is to bring together the differing viewpoints of the biographers and post-colonial critics (who up to the present time have largely ignored each other) in a mutually beneficial process of crossfertilisation that will reveal a more complicated-and also more accurate-Richard Burton for detailed future consideration and discussion. In the thesis I assert that we should view Burton as a man of his time who contributed much that was previously unknown to the fledgling Victorian sciences of anthropology and ethnography. In particular, I emphasise Burton's contribution to the development of a relativistic view of religion and cultural traditions that challenged the monolithic view of the Victorians concerning the absolute superiority of their own religion-Christianity-over the native peoples they ruled. In essence, my thesis is an attempt to put Burton back where he belongs as a significant contributor to the developing world-view that gained such huge momentum in the late nineteenthcentury and subsequently led to what is, usually, roughly termed as "the scientific method". Furthermore, it is my belief that this aim can best be realised by dissociating Burton from Said's discourse on "Orientalism" and placing him in other, more positive contexts connected with Victorianism such as Victorian travel writing, Victorian intellectuals with a sympathy for Islam, and the development of Victorian science.
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Burnes, John. „Playing Richard Burton“. Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School, 1995.

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Weum, Sofia. „Tim Burton och fantasifabriken“. Thesis, Växjö University, School of Humanities, 2008.

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Masalitin, М. „Timothy Walter "Tim" Burton“. Thesis, Sumy State University, 2015.

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Grant, Benjamin John. „Burton / empire : strategies of appropriation“. Thesis, University of Kent, 2005.

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Azevedo, Carolina Noury da Silva. „O design de Victor Burton“. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2014.

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Victor Burton é um designer que dedicou a maior parte do seu trabalho ao livro. A fascinação por este objeto começou ainda na infância devido ao contato com as obras raras da biblioteca da família, o que aguçou o desejo de se tornar designer exclusivamente para projetar livros. Sua atuação no mercado editorial brasileiro começou no final dos anos 1970, na editora Confraria dos Amigos do Livro. Como o maior interesse de Victor no livro é a relação entre texto e imagem, os livros iconográficos se tornaram seu principal objetivo e são nos livros desta natureza onde melhor conseguimos visualizar seu estilo. Victor desenvolveu uma linguagem gráfica própria que redefiniu o padrão do mercado editorial brasileiro. Numa época em que o projeto gráfico, principalmente a capa do livro, entre tantas cores e atrativos disputam a atenção do consumidor nas prateleiras das livrarias, já não é tão fácil identificar nem a editora nem a autoria do projeto gráfico e da capa. Entretanto, os livros de Victor Burton possuem um estilo que nos permite reconhecer sua assinatura. Desta forma, a questão que norteou este trabalho foi por que conseguimos identificar os livros do designer Victor Burton? Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi enumerar e identificar os aspectos gráficos que caracterizam o estilo deste designer nos livros iconográficos. Para isso, nos baseamos no método descritivo desenvolvido por Guilherme Cunha Lima, em O Gráfico Amador. A partir das características levantadas, pudemos identificar os principais elementos que nos permite reconhecer a autoria dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Victor Burton. O uso desses aspectos gráficos reflete o trabalho meticuloso do designer Victor Burton que consegue criar uma narrativa visual auxiliando a leitura do texto através de uma nova leitura gráfica, sobretudo nos livros iconográficos
The designer Victor Burton has dedicated the most part of his work to the book. The interest for this object begun in childhood due the contact with rares books that are part of his familys collection, which increased the desire to become designer only to design books. When Victor started to work in the Brazilian editorial market at the end of the 1970s, at the Confraria dos Amigos do Livro house publisher. As the Victors main interest is the relationship between text and image, the iconographic books became his main goal and are in books of this nature that we can better visualize his style. Victor developed his own graphic language that has redefined the standard of the Brazilian editorial market. At a time when graphic design, especially the book cover, among many colors and attractive vie for consumer attention on the shelves of bookstores, is not so easy to identify neither the publisher nor the author of the graphic design and cover. However, the books of Victor Burton have a style that allows us to recognize your signature. Thus, the question that guided this study was why we can identify books of Victor Burton? Thus, the aim of this study was to enumerate and identify graphic aspects that characterize the style of this designer in iconographic books. For this, we based on descriptive method developed by Guilherme Cunha Lima in O Gráfico Amador. From the characteristics raised, we could identify the major elements that allow us to recognize the authorship of the work of Victor Burton. The use of these graphic aspects reflects the meticulous work of the designer Victor Burton who can create a visual narrative aiding reading the text through a new graphic reading, especially in iconographic books.
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Zida, Didier. „Impact of forest management regimes on ligneous regeneration in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso /“. Umeå : Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2007.

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Reed, Diane J. „Burning Spring“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2001.

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Graf, Natascha. „Düstere Bilder, skurrile Gestalten und märchenhafte Welten drei Filme Tim Burtons im Vergleich“. Marburg Tectum-Verl, 2009.

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Bücher zum Thema "Burtin"


Remington, R. Roger. Design and science: The life and work of Will Burtin. Aldershot, England: Lund Humphries, 2007.

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1828-1902, Burtin N. V., Hrsg. Histoire de l'Ancien Testament traduite en iroquois par N.V. Burtin: Tsini iawenhon tsinahe thaonwentsison ne R. tsiniiore ahennakerate Jesos. Montréal: C.O. Beauchemin, 1993.

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1966-, Salisbury Mark, Hrsg. Burton on Burton. London: Faber and Faber, 2006.

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Ferenczi, Aurelien. Tim Burton. Paris: "Cahiers du cinema, 2007.

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Baecque, Antoine de. Tim Burton. Paris: Cahiers du Cinema, 2011.

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Maria, Casanova, Torres Ana Maria 1960- und Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Hrsg. Scott Burton. Valencia: IVAM, 2004.

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1939-, Burton Scott, Waters Trish und Baltimore Museum of Art, Hrsg. Scott Burton. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1986.

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Simon, Charnan. Richard Burton. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1991.

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Spanu, Massimiliano. Tim Burton. Milano: Editrice Il castoro, 1998.

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Segura, Antonio. Burton & CYB. New York: Catalan Communication, 1991.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Burtin"


Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. „Mainstream Outsider: Burton Adapts Burton“. In The Works of Tim Burton, 1–29. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2013.

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Lamey, Annegret, und Rainer Emig. „Robert Burton“. In Kindler Kompakt: Philosophie der Neuzeit, 124–27. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.

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Williams, Grant. „Burton, Robert“. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Emig, Rainer. „Burton, Robert“. In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Williams, Grant. „Burton, Robert“. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, 546–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Pomerance, Murray. „Burton Black“. In The Works of Tim Burton, 33–46. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2013.

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Washbourne, Kelly. „Burton Raffel“. In Translators on Translation, 76–87. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Geha, Raif S., Alessandro Plebani und Luigi D. Notarangelo. „CD40, CD40 Ligand, and the Hyper-IgM Syndrome“. In Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, 251–68. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2006.

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Abstract Immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM (HIGM) is a rare congenital disorder, characterized by recurrent infections and very low levels of serum IgG, IgA, and IgE, with normal or elevated IgM (Notarangelo et al., 1992). Both primary and acquired forms of the disease have been reported. Among primary HIGM, X-linked (Krantman et al., 1980; Benkerrou et al., 1990), autosomal recessive (Pascual-Salcedo et al., 1983; Benkerrou et al., 1990; Revy et al., 2000; Ferrari et al., 2001, Imai et al., 2003b), and possibly autosomal dominant (Beall et al., 1980; Brahmi et al., 1983) variants are known, accounting for genetic heterogeneity. Acquired HIGM may be secondary to congenital rubella (Schimke et al., 1969; Espanol et al., 1986; Benkerrou et al., 1990), neoplasia (Raziuddin et al., 1989), or use of antiepileptic drugs (Mitsuya et al., 1979). The disease, originally named dysgammaglobulinemia, was first described in 1961 in a 15-year-old boy with recurrent pneumonia, meningitis, and lymphadenopathy (Burtin, 1961), and in two male brothers with a history of recurrent bacterial infections (Rosen et al., 1961).
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Di Pentima, Cecilia. „Burden of Non-Sexually Transmitted Infections on Adolescent Growth and Development in the Developing World“. In AM:STARs: International Health Issues in Adolescents, Vol. 20, No. 3, 930–48. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2005.

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„Burton“. In Willie Brown, 55–60. University of California Press, 2023.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Burtin"


Song, Hongwei, Jiahua Zhang, Shihua Huang und Jiaqi Yu. „Electron transition process of 5D2→7F0 of Sm2+ in spectral hole-burning“. In Spectral Hole-Burning and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1994.

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Materials of MyM’1-yFClxBr1-x:Sm2+ have been widely applied in spectral hole-burning since the first observation of persistent spectral hole-burning in BaFCl:Sm2+ at 2K was reported by A. Winnaker, etc. in 1985[1]. From then on, hole-burning in BaFCl0.5Br0.5:Sm2+ at 77K[2] in SrFCl and Mg0.5Sr0.5FCl0.5Br0.5:Sm2+ at room temperature[3, 4] were reported. Room temperature hole-buring of Sm2+ in fluorohafnate glasses[5,6] were reported in recent years also. These materials are of potential use in high temperature hole- burning. But comparing to organic materials, they have lower hole- burning efficiency and narrower inhomogenous line width. In order to apply spetral hole- buring in frequency domain optical storage, it is important to improve these materials.
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Kubik, Anna. „Sally Burton“. In the 29th International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2002.

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Popovic, Predrag, Geoffrey Myers, Joseph Citeno, Richard Symonds und Anthony Campbell. „Fuel Flexibility With Low Emissions in Heavy Duty Industrial Gas Turbines“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2010.

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In the 1990’s GE introduced low-emissions combustion technology primarily for gas turbines burning natural gas (NG) fuel. Today, industrial gas turbine fuels are more diverse than ever. As a result, diverse diffusion and premixed combustion technologies are used to burn gaseous fuels with low emissions. This paper summarizes combustion and gas turbine control challenges when firing diverse fuels, and advancements in technology when burning a wide range of fuels with low emissions.
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Sun, C. K., B. Golubovic, H. K. Choi, C. A. Wang, G. D. Sanders, C. J. Stanton und J. G. Fujimoto. „Femtosecond Spectral Hole Burning in InGaAs/AlGaAs Strained-Layer Single-Quantum-Well Diode Lasers“. In International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1994.

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Studies of the high speed modulation response of semiconductor lasers, exhibited a strong damping of the relaxation oscillation resonance and suggested the presence of a nonlinear gain process with a characteristic time much shorter than the carrier lifetime[1]. Several possible mechanisms were proposed which might produce this nonlinear gain, including spectral hole burning, carrier heating, and four wave mixing related effects[2]. CW studies have been performed in an effort to indentify these nonlinear gain mechanisms[2,3]. However, time domain femtosecond measurements have the advantage that they can directly characterize the ultrafast gain dynamics. Several single-wavelength femtosecond pump-probe investigations were performed on various diode laser systems[4,5]. Carrier heating effects and spectral hole burning were reported, but to date, no direct femtosecond measurements of the wavelength dependence of spectral hole buring have been possible.
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Maloney, Caitlin E. „Burning love: The attraction of soil invertebrates occupying a burn chronosequence to macro and micronutrients“. In 2016 International Congress of Entomology. Entomological Society of America, 2016.

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Melek, Zeki, und John Keyser. „Bending burning matches and crumpling burning paper“. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Research posters. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2006.

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Parsinejad, Farzan, Edwin Shirk und Hameed Metghalchi. „Reformed Fuel and Its Properties, Burning Speeds and Flame Characteristics“. In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Premixed, lean burn combustion research has been focused for years on extending the lean flammability limit while maintaining both stable ignition and turbulent flame propagation. Burning speed is a fundamental physicochemical property of homogenous fuel/oxygen/diluent mixtures. It determines the rate of energy released during combustion and is of basic importance for developing and testing chemical kinetic models of hydrocarbons. The burning speed and flame structure of blends of reformed fuel and Methane-air mixtures have been studied using two similar constant volumes; a cylindrical vessel with end windows and a spherical chamber. The Experiments were conducted for a range of reformed fuel blends (20–80%) as well as mixture equivalence ratios (0.4–0.6). The burning speed results clearly define the regime of stable flame propagation for equivalence ratio/reformed fuel blend combinations.
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Ball, R. W. „Alternative Fuels for Gas Turbines“. In ASME 1985 International Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibit. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1985.

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The gas turbines owned and operated by utilities throughout the world burn expensive fuels and are under-utilised. Much research work has been done into burning cheaper, alternative fuels. The range of alternative fuels that are available is extensive and the gas turbine can be adapted to burn most of them. The adaptation process will cost the utility money, the pay back period for which depends on the utilisation of the modified plant. Modification of gas turbine plant to burn acceptable fuels can delay purchase of new plant. No major problems are envisaged in the modification of gas turbine plant operated in New Zealand.
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Solimene, R., A. Marzocchella, P. Salatino und R. Ragucci. „Gas-Mixing in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustors: Hydrodynamics and Macromixing Associated With Bubble Bursting at the Bed Surface“. In 17th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. ASMEDC, 2003.

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Gas-mixing phenomena may play a significant role in fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels. Issues associated with gas mixing include: a) effectiveness of mass transfer between the bubble and the emulsion phases in the bed; b) degree of mixing between segregated gaseous streams in plume-like or bubbly flow in the bottom bed; c) extent of mixing between segregated gaseous pockets/streams in the splashing zone or in the upper freeboard. Among the others, issues b) and c) turn out to be relevant to fluidized bed combustion of high-volatile solid fuels (biomass, RDF, etc.). In this case, the rate of gas mixing often overcomes intrinsic kinetics as the rate-controlling step in volatile matter burn-out, especially under “stratified” combustion conditions. Despite several and significant contributions to the subject, understanding of gas-mixing in bubbling fluidized beds is still poor and calls for additional investigation. The present work aims at investigating gas-mixing in bubbling fluidized bed with specific reference to the above issue c). A laser assisted imaging technique has been used to characterize the hydrodynamic patterns associated with the bursting of either isolated bubbles or couples of closely time-delayed bubbles at the surface of a fluidized bed. Quantitative image analysis procedures were exploited in order to assess parameters defining the general fluid-dynamic behaviour and macromixing of the bubble-generated gas pockets with the mainstream gas. The formation of toroidal flow structures upon bubble bursting is highlighted in the case of isolated bubbles. The toroidal pockets entrain mainstream gas and grow accordingly while rising along the splash zone. Toroidal flow structures are observed also in the case of couples of closely time-delayed bubbles, but interference between leading and trailing pockets leads to more complex structures characterized by multiple incoherent eddies. The relevance of macromixing to volatile matter burning under conditions of stratified fluidized bed combustion is assessed and discussed.
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Chandra, Eshwar, Ujas Patel, R. Vinu und Srikrishna Sahu. „Burning Characteristics of Boron/JP10 Nanofuel Droplets“. In ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract The demand for higher volumetric calorific value of fuels for modern high performance aircraft has led to development of nanofuels that opens a promising future for enhancing the energy density of liquid fuels. This paper intends to study the effect of addition of boron nano-particles (NPs) on the burning characteristics of JP10 fuel droplets for various particle mass loadings (2%, 5%, 7% and 10%). Stable suspension of the NPs was achieved by adding Span80 and Tween80 as surfactant followed by ultra-sonication of the mixture. The fuel droplet was suspended on a horizontal quartz fiber. All experiments were conducted under atmospheric conditions. The droplet burning process was recorded using a high speed camera. The burning of pure JP10 and JP10 plus surfactant (without NPs) were also studied. In case of burning of pure JP10 fuel, the linear trend in time evolution of normalized droplet surface area suggested that the droplet burning follows the classical d2 – law and formation of bubbles inside the droplet was observed. However, these bubbles did not lead to puffing, which though occurred for JP10 plus surfactant (no NPs). This means that addition of surfactants, which has low burning rate, modifies the droplet burning process. In case of nanofuel droplet, burning occurs in different distinct stages for all mass loadings: initially the burning is smooth similar to pure fuel which is followed by intense periodical swelling and puffing in the later stages accompanied with ejection of secondary droplets from the parent droplet which burn separately. Finally, solo burning of NPs was evident for all cases. With increase in NPs loading from 2% to 10% vigorous surface oscillations and shattering of liquid masses were found which contributed to reduction in droplet lifetime. In such case the normalized droplet surface area showed periodic oscillations indicating departure from d2 – law.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Burtin"


Jack, B. Kelsey, Seema Jayachandran, Namrata Kala und Rohini Pande. Money (Not) to Burn: Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, November 2022.

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Vigil-Holterman, Luciana R. Interim Status Closure Plan Open Burning Treatment Unit Technical Area 16-399 Burn Tray. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2012.

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Urban, Angela, Ioannis Wallingford, Stephen Cosper, Abigail Rice, Whitney Wolf, H. Anderson, Michael Wolford, Chad Gemeinhardt und David Stokes. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for open-air solid waste burning in contingency locations. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), September 2022.

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Service engineer doctrine and field manuals, such as Army Techniques Publication 3-34.40, Technical Manual 5-634, and Army Regulation 420-1, offer guidance on solid waste management but do not provide the level of detail and practical guidance for open-air burning of solid waste to reduce risk to the Warfighter. Studies have shown that there could be ill health effects to service members from exposure to toxins from open-air burning. Further practical guidance is necessary to ensure that if there are no other means available for solid waste disposal, the risks associated with open-air burning are minimized as much as possible during contingency operations. Commands have limited resources and reduced personnel available to study which open-air burning procedures are optimal based on readiness and mission requirements. Planning for efficiency and risk avoidance in open-air burning operations includes several facets (e.g., site planning, processing, and recordkeeping considerations). This special report provides operational guidance to minimize risk of open-air burning for the Warfighter and other joint service personnel, particularly when there is no other alternative to open-air burning, during initial phase operating a burn pit or for waste management planning to establish standard operating procedures.
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Furth, H. P., R. J. Goldston, S. J. Zweben und D. J. Sigmar. Burning plasmas. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 1990.

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Pastor, Lubos, Robert Stambaugh und Lucian Taylor. Carbon Burden. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, November 2024.

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Scharfen, J. R. The Helms-Burton Act: A Strategic Critique. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 1998.

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Vreeland, Heidi, Christina Norris, Lauren Shum, Jaya Pokuri, Emily Shannon, Anmol Raina, Ayushman Tripathi et al. Collaborative Efforts to Investigate Emissions From Residential and Municipal Trash Burning in India. RTI Press, September 2018.

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Emissions from trash burning represent an important component of regional air quality, especially in countries such as India where the practice of roadside, residential, and municipal trash burning is highly prevalent. However, research on trash emissions is limited due to difficulties associated with measuring a source that varies widely in composition and burning characteristics. To investigate trash burning in India, a collaborative program was formed among RTI, Duke University, and the India Institute of Technology (IIT) in Gandhinagar, involving both senior researchers and students. In addition to researching emission measurement techniques, this program aimed to foster international partnerships and provide students with a hands-on educational experience, culminating in a pilot study in India. Before traveling, students from Duke and IIT met virtually to design experiments. IIT students were able to visit proposed sites and offer specified knowledge on burning practices prior to the pilot study, allowing potential experiments to be iteratively improved. The results demonstrated a proof of concept of using a low-cost sensor attached to a commercial drone to measure emissions from a municipal dump site. In addition, for small-scale residential and roadside trash burning, a combustor was designed to burn trash in a consistent way. Results suggested that thermocouples and low-cost sensors may offer an affordable way for combustor designers to assess particulate emissions during prototype iterations. More experiences like this should be made available so that future research can benefit from the unique insights that come from having veteran researchers work with students and from forming international partnerships.
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Skone, Timothy J. Broadcast Burning Crownwood. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2013.

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Skone, Timothy J. Broadcast Burning Stemwood. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2013.

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Heinemann-Heile, Vanessa, Hans-Peter Huber, Ralf Maiterth, Caren Sureth-Sloane und Martin Fochmann. Tax Burden on German Companies – Income Tax Burden and Administrative Costs. TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency, 2021.

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