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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Bullying – Juvenile fiction"


Tan, Maria. „Noni Speaks up by H. Hartt-Sussman“. Deakin Review of Children's Literature 6, Nr. 3 (29.01.2017).

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Hartt-Sussman, Heather. Noni speaks up. Tundra Books, 2016.Nominated for the Ontario Library Association’s Blue Spruce Award, Noni speaks up is the third book in the Noni series by Toronto-based children’s picture book author, Heather Hartt-Sussman, and acclaimed illustrator Geneviève Côté.When Noni sees Hector being bullied by other kids at school, and is encouraged by her friends to join in, she is unable to speak up; Noni is paralyzed by fear of making enemies if she stands up for her schoolmate. Noni feels bad for not defending Hector, but is uncertain about what to do.During a restless night, she worries about what might happen if she doesn’t take her friends’ side. She considers the things Hector is being bullied about. As Noni reflects on her relationships with her friends, she notices that they sometimes say and do things to her that are hurtful.When Noni goes to school the next day, she sees Hector being bullied again and experiences the same fear and inability to speak. But when her friend laughs at Hector’s misfortune, Noni has had enough and screws up the courage to defend Hector. Speaking out stops her friend laughing, and Noni and a grateful Hector actively ignore the bully’s taunting, demonstrating another strategy for dealing with bullying.Noni speaks up presents a realistic scenario and provides accurate, helpful information for dealing with bullying, in an empathic and reassuring manner. Young readers will relate to the events in the story, and the Noni models positive behaviour that children experiencing a similar issue could put into practice. This book meets the Juvenile Health Fiction Checklist criteria (described in the October 2014 issue of the Deakin Review).Readers who enjoy Noni speaks up can re-connect with Noni in Hartt-Sussman’s other books, Noni is nervous and Noni says no.Recommended: 3 out of 4 starsReviewer: Maria TanMaria is a sessional instructor at the University of Alberta and a former editorial team member of the Deakin Review. She is the co-author, with Sandy Campbell, of the Children’s Health Fiction Checklist, described in the October 2014 Special Issue of the Deakin Review (Vol. 4, No. 2)
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Julita, Annisa. „Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Novel Kembara Rindu Karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy“. Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education 2, Nr. 1 (28.01.2022).

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Abstract. Moral problems are problems for which there is no complete answer. Parameters of declining morals are marked by rampant juvenile delinquency, corruption, collusion, nepotism, promiscuity, bullying etc. It is necessary to takesteps preventive that must be done. Education has the most strategic position in teaching morals. the provision of moral education is not only in the form of verbal in formal or non-formal education, but can also be through written works presented in the form of literature or fiction writings such as novels. When reading a novel indirectly, it means that the reader is in the process of receiving messages, in this case educational messages. This study aims to describe the views of novel critics about the novel Kembara Rindu, the values ​​of moral education in the novel Kembara Rindu by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, and the relevance of the values ​​of moral education in the novel Kembara Rindu by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy to PAI learning materials. The type of research used is library research with a qualitative approach, using data collection techniques through documentation. The researcher as a human instrument has a function as a data source, collecting data to making conclusions on everything that has been found. The data analysis technique used is content analysis (content analysis). The results of this study indicate that the views of the critics of the novel call this novel as a soul builder and insert a lot of advice and da'wah and there are many meanings and lessons that can be taken. The novel also contains the values ​​of moral education, including praying, being grateful, being honest, respecting parents, caring, respecting teachers, being responsible, and being patient. Then there is the relevance of the moral content in the novel Kembara Rindu with Islamic religious education learning materials, including faith, morals, worship, and the Qur'an. Abstrak. Problematika akhlak merupakan persoalan yang belum ada jawabannya secara tuntas. Parameter merosotnya akhlak ditandai dengan maraknya kenakalan remaja, korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme, pergaulan bebas, bullying dan sebagainya. Perlu adanya langkah preventif yang harus dilakukan. Pendidikan memiliki posisi paling strategis dalam pengajaran akhlak. pemberian pendidikan akhlak tidak hanya dalam bentuk verbal pada pendidikan formal ataupun nonformal, tetapi dapat juga melalui karya tulis yang disajikan berupa sastra maupun tulisan-tulisan fiksi seperti Novel. Saat membaca novel secara tidak langsung, berarti pembaca sedang melakukan proses penerimaan pesan, dalam hal ini pesan-pesan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pandangan para kritik novel tentang novel Kembara Rindu, nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam novel Kembara Rindu karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, serta relevansi nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam novel Kembara Rindu karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy terhadap materi pembelajaran PAI. Jenis penelitian yang diguanakan yaitu library research dengan pendekatan kualitatif, menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi. Peneliti sebagai human instrumen yang memiliki fungsi sebagai sumber data, pengumpulan data hingga membuat kesimpulan atas semua yang telah ditemukan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pandangan para kritik novel menyebut novel ini sebagai pembangun jiwa serta banyak menyisipkan nasihat serta dakwah dan terdapat banyak makna serta pelajaran yang dapat diambil. Dalam novel tersebut juga terkandung nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak, diantaranya berdoa, bersyukur, jujur, menghormati orang tua, peduli, menghormati guru, tanggung jawab, dan sabar. Kemudian adanya relevansi dari kandungan akhlak dalam novel Kembara Rindu dengan materi pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam, diantaranya keimanan, akhlak (budi pekerti), ibadah, dan Al-Qur’an..
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Bücher zum Thema "Bullying – Juvenile fiction"


Spilsbury, Louise. Say no to bullying. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's, 2014.

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Lisa, Delorme, Hrsg. The big bully. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse, 2011.

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Dell, Gaye. SOS: Save our schools from bullying! [Mount Tamborine, Qld.]: Interrelate Family Services, 2011.

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Marilee, Harrald-Pilz, Hrsg. Here comes smelly Nellie. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2007.

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Wilson, Jacqueline. Buried alive! London: Yearling, 2009.

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Marilee, Harrald-Pilz, Hrsg. Jake's secret. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2007.

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Spinelli, Jerry. The mighty crashman. London: Orchard, 2008.

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Wilson, Jacqueline. Buried Alive! London: Random House Publishing Group, 2008.

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Fuller, Dawn. Looper. [United States]: Trafford Publishing, 2012.

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Ryan, Jackson, Hrsg. Beth and the bullies. Charleston, SC: Heart Eyes, 2013.

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