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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Broadcloth"


Litovskiy, Andrei N. „Founders of the broadcloth empire“. Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, Nr. 187 (2020): 129–39.

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The heightened interest of researchers of the Tambov Governorate in the biography of the Aseevs as the richest dynasty of the broadcloth manufacturers determines the relevance of the study. We summarize the known and new to the scientific community information about Vasily Aseev and Tikhon Aseev – the elder representatives of the main merchant dynasty of the Tambov Governorate. The study reveals the reasons for the resettlement of the Aseevs in the villages of Rasskazovo of the Tambov Governorate; the conditions for the acquisition of the first broadcloth factories and distilleries in the Tambov and Saratov Governorates; their productivity and staff; the prerequisites for their transition to the merchants heirs and the emergence of the “Trading House of the brothers M.V. and V.T. Aseev” and the social activity of the manufacturers. We present detailed metric data and the family ties of the first three generations of the Aseevs. As part of study we review and critically analyzed a number of works on the manufacturers’ biography and draw attention to the unipolar and tendentious approach in describing the personality of M.V. Aseev and his philanthropy to the detriment of historical authenticity, as well as the insufficiency and stinginess of researches on other representatives of the Aseevs and their industrial and social activities.
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Litovskiy, Andrei N. „The development process of manufacturing centers of the Tambov Governorate in the 18th century“. Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, Nr. 185 (2020): 191–201.

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We consider the process of the appearance, foundation and development of the first broadcloth manufactories in the Tambov Governorate in the second half of the 18th century in the future factory centers and the largest commercial and industrial villages: Rasskazovo and Bondari, which predetermined the leading position of the Tambov Region in the broadcloth industry of the country during the 19-20th centuries. The relevance of the study comes from the need to establish the historical conditionality of the origin and development of industrial production in the agricultural region with entrepreneurial activity of certain citizens and active state support of this direction. We pay special attention to the economic potential characteristic of the region for new manufactories creation in the 18th century and merchants-manufacturers personalities (Olesov, Tulinov, the Gardenins and Demidov) from neighboring regions, who founded the first factories in the considered villages. We specify the chronology of the founding and activity of the broadcloth factories of the Tambov Governorate. We describe in detail the material infrastructure, manufactured products and used labor; we trace the communications of Tambov factories and manufacturers with other regions and government departments. The study provides a status summary of the governorate’s industry in the post-reform period (preceding the beginning of intensive industrialization).
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Aono, M., D. E. Breen und M. J. Wozny. „Modeling methods for the design of 3D broadcloth composite parts“. Computer-Aided Design 33, Nr. 13 (November 2001): 989–1007.

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Paludan, Charlotte. „'The Gold House': Military Broadcloth Manufacture in Copenhagen in the Eighteenth Century“. Textile History 41, sup1 (Mai 2010): 31–48.

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McConney, Denise S. „Sheila M. F. Johnston. Buckskin and Broadcloth: A Celebration of E. Pauline Johnson -- Tekahionwake 1861-1913“. Theatre Research in Canada 20, Nr. 2 (September 1999): 265–68.

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Watenpaugh, Heghnar Zeitlian. „DEVIANT DERVISHES: SPACE, GENDER, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANTINOMIAN PIETY IN OTTOMAN ALEPPO“. International Journal of Middle East Studies 37, Nr. 4 (23.09.2005): 535–65.

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In the letters he wrote from Aleppo in 1600, the British merchant William Biddulph described the daily life of this dynamic center of the East–West trade, the city where spices and silks from India and Iran were exchanged for English broadcloth and New World silver in one of the world's largest covered bazaars. He also presented Muslim practices and religious beliefs, emphasizing those features that seemed to him most unusual and reprehensible. His contempt fell firmly on a fixture of the early modern Islamic street, the ecstatic, antinomian Muslim saint: They also account fooles, dumbe men, and mad men,…Saints. And whatsoever such mad men say or doe…or strike them, and wound them, yet they take it in good part, and say, that they shall have good lucke after it. And when such mad men die, they Canonize them for Saints, and erect stately Monuments over their graves, as we have here many examples, especially of one (who being mad) went always naked, whose name was Sheh Boubac…they…erected an house over his grave, where…they are Lampes burning night and day, and many idle fellows (whom they call Darvises) there maintained to looke unto his Sepulchre…
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Varlik, Nükhet. „Plague, Conflict, and Negotiation: The Jewish Broadcloth Weavers of Salonica and the Ottoman Central Administration in the Late Sixteenth Century“. Jewish History 28, Nr. 3-4 (07.11.2014): 261–88.

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Hughs, S. E., W. F. Lalor und F. T. Wahba. „Relationship of Ginning and Fiber Properties to Dyeing Imperfections“. Textile Research Journal 58, Nr. 10 (Oktober 1988): 557–65.

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This study compares the effects of different levels of ginning and lint cleaning, raw cotton quality factors, and yarn quality factors on the level of dyeing imperfections in finished cloth. Seven cotton varieties were included in the test; all were both saw and roller ginned, and processed through both zero and two stages of lint cleaning. All test treatments were processed into carded 16/1 yarn used to make corduroy cloth and combed 40/1 yarn used to make broadcloth. A statistical analysis showed that neither the yarn nor most of the fiber quality measurements were useful in predicting levels of neps in finished cloth. What relationships did exist between raw fiber quality measurements and dyed cloth nep levels, while statistically very significant, resulted in statistical models that left a great deal of the variability in cloth dyeing imperfections unexplained. Including variety and gin treatment in the statistical analysis decreased the level of unexplained variability, but still did not result in a useful predictive model. The conclusion was that there are one or more fiber parameters that have a large effect on cloth nep levels, but these are not currently being measured. One possibility is that the level of small motes from unfertilized ovules or other sources may be partially responsible for the observed levels of cloth dyeing imperfections.
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Cardon, Dominique, Iris Brémaud, Anita Quye und Jenny Balfour Paul. „Exploring Colors from the Past: In the Steps of Eighteenth-Century Dyers from France and England“. Textile Museum Journal 47, Nr. 1 (2020): 9–27.

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Abstract: This paper presents some aspects of the contribution to the history of colors and dyeing technology to be expected from the comprehensive study of a rare type of historical document, which was not published and exploited until recently. It describes and compares several early– to mid–eighteenth century manuscripts of dye books or treatises on dyeing from England and France, having in common an essential feature: all are illustrated with scores of samples of dyed wool fabric. The French sources are the Memoirs on Dyeing of two dyework owners in wool broadcloth–producing centers in Languedoc in southern France. The English sources belong to the Crutchley Archive and consist of the dye books of a family-run dyed wool fabric business in Southwark, London. In this paper, the authors first present the respective color gamuts of the French dyers and their contemporary colleagues in London. The study is based on correlations between the color names given to the samples in the documents, the corresponding dye recipes, and the chromatic specifications of the samples that were obtained through colorimetric measurements and expressed in the CIE L*a*b* and CIE LCh° systems of color description. Madder red is then proposed as a case study for comparisons of the dyeing processes and resulting chromatic effects in the English and French sources.
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Pierson, Michael D. „"Slavery Cannot Be Covered Up with Broadcloth or a Bandanna": The Evolution of White Abolitionist Attacks on the "Patriarchal Institution"“. Journal of the Early Republic 25, Nr. 3 (2005): 383–415.

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Bücher zum Thema "Broadcloth"


Vestergård, Pedersen Kathrine, und Nosch Marie-Louise, Hrsg. The medieval broadcloth: Changing trends in fashions, manufacturing, and consumption. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, 2009.

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Karavar, Hilal. Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e İzmit Çuha Fabrikası, 1844-1920. Kocaeli: Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2007.

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Fox, Hubert C. Quaker broadcloth: The story of Joseph and Mariana Fox and the cousinry at Wellington. 2. Aufl. Southhampton: Pearson & Lloyd Pub., 1995.

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Cooper-Posey, Tracy. Broadcloth Midnight. Tracy Cooper-Posey, 2021.

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Press, Chiswick, und George Francis Savage-Armstrong. Mephistopheles in Broadcloth: A Satire. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Middlemass, Jean. Sackcloth and Broadcloth. a Novel: 1. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Gresham, Perry Epler. The sage of Bethany: A pioneer in broadcloth. College Press, 1988.

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Pedersen, Kathrine Vestergard, und Marie-Louise Nosch. Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption. Oxbow Books, Limited, 2009.

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Pedersen, Kathrine Vestergard, und Marie-Louise Nosch. Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption. Oxbow Books, Limited, 2009.

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Pedersen, Kathrine Vestergard, und Marie-Louise Nosch. Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption. Oxbow Books, Limited, 2009.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Broadcloth"


Gooch, Jan W. „Broadcloth“. In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 95. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Mendoza, Sebastian, Edgar Mendoza, John Prohaska, Theodore Antreas, Yan Esterkin, Antreas Theodosiou, Kyriacos Kalli et al. „Dynamics of Smart Parachute Airborne Deployment Using Broadcloth Canopy Instrumented with an Array of Weaved Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensors“. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 88–96. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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„Broadcloth“. In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 129. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.

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„broadcloth“. In The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles. Fairchild Books, 2021.

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„broadcloth“. In The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Interior Design. Fairchild Books, 2021.

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„wool broadcloth“. In The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles. Fairchild Books, 2021.

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„carded broadcloth“. In The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles. Fairchild Books, 2021.

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„combed broadcloth“. In The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles. Fairchild Books, 2021.

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Luskey, Brian P. „The Republic of Broadcloth“. In On the Make, 148–76. NYU Press, 2010.

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„broadcloth, n. & adj.“ In Oxford English Dictionary. 3. Aufl. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Broadcloth"


Manning, Sarah, und Jared Daum. „CPAS Light Weight Broadcloth Parachute Testing“. In AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.

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Siegel, Katie J., Clara O'Farrell und Charles W. Lowry. „Parachute Broadcloth Development for use on Mars Sample Retrieval Lander“. In 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022.

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Mendoza, Edgar A. „Smart Parachute Broadcloth Fabrics Using Weaved Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors“. In 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022.

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Bazin, John M., Edgar Mendoza, Benjamin A. Tutt und Peter Hill. „Feasibility of Weaved Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors in Parachute Broadcloth for Strain Measurement“. In AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.

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Mendoza, Edgar, John Porhaska, Sebastian Mendoza, Ted Andreas, Yan Esterkin, John Bazin, Peter Hill, Andreas Theodosiou und Kyriacos Kalli. „Weaved distributed fiber optic sensor system (DIFOS) for global strain measurements in parachute broadcloth fabrics“. In Seventh European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2019), herausgegeben von Kyriacos Kalli, Gilberto Brambilla und Sinead O. O'Keeffe. SPIE, 2019.

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