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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Biais de régularisation ridge"
Grose, Irene C. „Fingerprint Identification: Potential Sources of Error and the Cause of Wrongful Convictions“. Journal of Student Science and Technology 10, Nr. 1 (19.08.2017).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Biais de régularisation ridge"
Ayme, Alexis. „Supervised learning with missing data : a non-asymptotic point of view“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMissing values are common in most real-world data sets due to the combination of multiple sources andinherently missing information, such as sensor failures or unanswered survey questions. The presenceof missing values often prevents the application of standard learning algorithms. This thesis examinesmissing values in a prediction context, aiming to achieve accurate predictions despite the occurrence ofmissing data in both training and test datasets. The focus of this thesis is to theoretically analyze specific algorithms to obtain finite-sample guarantees. We derive minimax lower bounds on the excess risk of linear predictions in presence of missing values.Such lower bounds depend on the distribution of the missing pattern, and can grow exponentially withthe dimension. We propose a very simple method consisting in applying Least-Square procedure onthe most frequent missing patterns only. Such a simple method turns out to be near minimax-optimalprocedure, which departs from the Least-Square algorithm applied to all missing patterns. Followingthis, we explore the impute-then-regress method, where imputation is performed using the naive zeroimputation, and the regression step is carried out via linear models, whose parameters are learned viastochastic gradient descent. We demonstrate that this very simple method offers strong finite-sampleguarantees in high-dimensional settings. Specifically, we show that the bias of this method is lowerthan the bias of ridge regression. As ridge regression is often used in high dimensions, this proves thatthe bias of missing data (via zero imputation) is negligible in some high-dimensional settings. Thesefindings are illustrated using random features models, which help us to precisely understand the role ofdimensionality. Finally, we study different algorithm to handle linear classification in presence of missingdata (logistic regression, perceptron, LDA). We prove that LDA is the only model that can be valid forboth complete and missing data for some generic settings
Gonzalez, Ignacio. „Analyse canonique régularisée pour des données fortement multidimensionnelles“. Toulouse 3, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMotivated by the study of relationships between gene expressions and other biological variables, our work consists in presenting and developing a methodology answering this problem. Among the statistical methods treating this subject, Canonical Analysis (CA) seemed well adapted, but the high dimension is at present one of the major obstacles for the statistical techniques of analysis data coming from microarrays. Typically the axis of this work was the research of solutions taking into account this crucial aspect in the implementation of the CA. Among the approaches considered to handle this problem, we were interested in the methods of regularization. The method developed here, called Regularised Canonical Analysis (RCA), is based on the principle of ridge regularization initially introduced in multiple linear regression. RCA needing the choice of two parameters of regulation for its implementation, we proposed the method of M-fold cross-validation to handle this problem. We presented in detail RCA applications to high multidimensional data coming from genomic studies as well as to data coming from other domains. Among other we were interested in a visualization of the data in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results. For that purpose, we proposed some graphical methods: representations of variables (correlations graphs), representations of individuals as well as alternative representations as networks and heatmaps. .
Khazâal, Ali. „Reconstruction d'images pour la mission spatiale SMOS“. Toulouse 3, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSynthetic aperture imaging radiometers are powerful sensors for high-resolution observations of the Earth at low microwave frequencies. Within this context, the European Space Agency is currently developing the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission devoted to the monitoring of SMOS at global scale from L-band space-borne radiometric observations obtained with a 2-D interferometer. This PhD is concerned with the reconstruction of radiometric brightness temperature maps from interferometric measurements through a regularization approach called Band Limited Regularization. More exactly, it concerns with the reduction of the systematic error (or bias) in the reconstruction of radiometric brightness temperature maps from SMOS interferometric measurements. It also extends the concept of "band-limited regularization approach" to the case of the processing of dual and full polarimetric data. Also, two problems that may affect the quality of the reconstruction are investigated. First, the impact of correlators and receivers failures on the reconstruction process is studied. Then, the calibration of MIRAS antenna's voltage patterns, when the instrument is in orbit, is also studied where a general approach is proposed to estimate this antenna's patterns
Buchteile zum Thema "Biais de régularisation ridge"
„Chapitre 8 Régularisation des moindres carrés : ridge, lasso, elastic-net“. In Régression avec R, 191–216. EDP Sciences, 2023.
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