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González Aguilar, Maria Josefina. „Plasticidad Cognitiva en Adultos Mayores: Valores de Referencia de la AVLT-PA para Adultos de Buenos Aires“. Revista de Psicología 20, Nr. 39 (30.04.2024): 111–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.46553/rpsi.20.39.2024.p111-123.

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Introducción. En Latinoamérica, los estudios de plasticidad cognitiva en el envejecimiento son escasos. La AVLT-PA es una versión modificada de la Lista de Rey que evalúa plasticidad cognitiva mediante la valoración del potencial de aprendizaje. No se cuenta con datos normativos de la AVLT-PA para adultos mayores. Objetivo. Estudiar la correlación entre variables sociodemográficas (sexo, edad y nivel educativo) y la AVLT-PA en personas mayores, para presentar valores de referencia argentinos de la AVLT-PA. Metodología. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 107 adultos mayores argentinos entre 60 y 89 años. Se analizaron la correlación y las diferencias de variables de la AVLT-PA según sexo, edad y nivel educativo. Resultados. Se observó una correlación negativa estadísticamente significativa entre edad y AVLT-PA, y se observaron diferencias según sexo. No se observó correlación entre las variables de la AVLT-PA y los años de educación. Conclusiones. La AVLT-PA presenta diferencias según edad y sexo, pero no presentó correlación con los años de educación formal, resultando así una herramienta útil para describir el funcionamiento en memoria episódica en personas mayores sanas con diferentes niveles educativos. Por lo tanto, se tomaron en cuenta estas variables para presentar los valores de referencias de la AVLT-PA para población argentina.
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Gonzalez Aguilar, María Josefina. „Plasticidad cognitiva en adultos mayores: valores de referencia de la AVLT-PA para adultos de Buenos Aires“. Revista de Psicología 20, Nr. 39 (April 2024): 81–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.46553/rpsi.20.39.2024.p81-93.

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Introducción. En Latinoamérica, los estudios de plasticidad cognitiva en el envejecimiento son escasos. La AVLT-PA es una versión modificada de la Lista de Rey que evalúa plasticidad cognitiva mediante la valoración del potencial de aprendizaje. No se cuenta con datos normativos de la AVLT-PA para adultos mayores. Objetivo. Estudiar la correlación entre variables sociodemográficas (sexo, edad y nivel educativo) y la AVLT-PA en personas mayores, para presentar valores de referencia argentinos de la AVLT-PA. Metodología. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 107 adultos mayores argentinos entre 60 y 89 años. Se analizaron la correlación y las diferencias de variables de la AVLT-PA según sexo, edad y nivel educativo. Resultados. Se observó una correlación negativa estadísticamente significativa entre edad y AVLT-PA, y se observaron diferencias según sexo. No se observó correlación entre las variables de la AVLT-PA y los años de educación. Conclusiones. La AVLT-PA presenta diferencias según edad y sexo, pero no presentó correlación con los años de educación formal, resultando así una herramienta útil para describir el funcionamiento en memoria episódica en personas mayores sanas con diferentes niveles educativos. Por lo tanto, se tomaron en cuenta estas variables para presentar los valores de referencias de la AVLT-PA para población argentina.
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UÇAN TOKUÇ, Firdevs Ezgi, Fatma GENÇ, Ömer Tarık SELÇUK, Ruhsen OCAL und Aylin YAMAN. „Ağır Derecede Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu Hastalarında Bilişsel İşlevlerin Değerlendirilmesi“. Batı Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi 7, Nr. 2 (31.08.2023): 219–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.29058/mjwbs.1225470.

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Amaç: Üst solunum yolu obstrüksiyonuna bağlı apne ve oksijen satürasyonunda düşme ile karakterize obstrüktif uyku apne sendromunun (OUAS) bazı nörokognitif bozukluklara sebep olabileceği daha önceki çalışmalarda ileri sürülmüştür. Bu çalışmada sağlıklı kontrol grubuna kıyasla, ağır OUAS hastalarında gelişebilecek ileri kognitif fonksiyonları değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Polisomnografik (PSG) inceleme yapılmış olan hastalardan ağır OUAS tanısı alan 18-70 yaş arasındaki 25 hastaya ileri kognitif testler uygulandı. Olgular yaş ve cinsiyet uyumlu 25 sağlıklı kontrol grubu ile kıyaslandı. Hasta ve kontrol gruplarına; epizodik bellek ve öğrenmeyi değerlendirilmek için Rey İşitsel Sözel Öğrenme Testi (Rey ‘Auditory Verbal Learning Test’, AVLT) ile yürütücü fonksiyonlar ve dikkati değerlendirmek için Stroop Testi uygulandı. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında Stroop-1, Stroop-2, Stroop-3, Stroop-4 ve Stroop-Toplam sürelerinde (sırası ile ortalama ± standart sapma: 13,3±5,3 saniye, 13,2±4 saniye, 18,1±7,1 saniye, 24,2±7,4 saniye, 100,8±29,7 saniye ve p değerleri: p=0.031, p=0.044, p=0.013, p=0.027 ve p=0.032) uzama, AVLT testinde ise AVLT B, AVLT Tanıma puanlarında düşüş izlendi (sırası ile ortalama ± standart sapma: 12,7±2,3 puan, 38±10,2 puan ve p değerleri: p=0.042, p0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda ağır derecede OUAS hastalarında Stroop Testi ve AVLT sonucuna göre dikkat ve epizodik belleğin belirgin şekilde bozulduğunu gösterdik.
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Stricker, Nikki H., John L. Stricker, Aimee J. Karstens, Jay S. Patel, Teresa J. Christianson, Winnie Z. Fan, Sabrina M. Albertson et al. „3 Stricker Learning Span criterion validity: remote self-administration of a computer adaptive word list memory test shows similar ability to differentiate PET-defined biomarker groups as in-person Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test performance in cognitively unimpaired individuals on the Alzheimer’s continuum“. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 29, s1 (November 2023): 407–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617723005416.

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Objective:The Stricker Learning Span (SLS) is a computer-adaptive word list memory test specifically designed for remote assessment and self-administration on a web-based multi-device platform (Mayo Test Drive). Given recent evidence suggesting the prominence of learning impairment in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the SLS places greater emphasis on learning than delayed memory compared to traditional word list memory tests (see Stricker et al., Neuropsychology in press for review and test details). The primary study aim was to establish criterion validity of the SLS by comparing the ability of the remotely-administered SLS and inperson administered Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) to differentiate biomarkerdefined groups in cognitively unimpaired (CU) individuals on the Alzheimer’s continuum.Participants and Methods:Mayo Clinic Study of Aging CU participants (N=319; mean age=71, SD=11; mean education=16, SD=2; 47% female) completed a brief remote cognitive assessment (∼0.5 months from in-person visit). Brain amyloid and brain tau PET scans were available within 3 years. Overlapping groups were formed for 1) those on the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) continuum (A+, n=110) or not (A-, n=209), and for 2) those with biological AD (A+T+, n=43) vs no evidence of AD pathology (A-T-, n=181). Primary neuropsychological outcome variables were sum of trials for both the SLS and AVLT. Secondary outcome variables examined comparability of learning (1-5 total) and delay performances. Linear model ANOVAs were used to investigate biomarker subgroup differences and Hedge’s G effect sizes were derived, with and without adjusting for demographic variables (age, education, sex).Results:Both SLS and AVLT performances were worse in the biomarker positive relative to biomarker negative groups (unadjusted p’s<.05). Because biomarker positive groups were significantly older than biomarker negative groups, group differences were attenuated after adjusting for demographic variables, but SLS remained significant for A+ vs A- and for A+T+ vs A-T- comparisons (adjusted p’s<.05) and AVLT approached significance (p’s .05-.10). The effect sizes for the SLS were slightly better (qualitatively, no statistical comparison) for separating biomarker-defined CU groups in comparison to AVLT. For A+ vs A- and A+T+ vs A-T- comparisons, unadjusted effect sizes for SLS were -0.53 and -0.81 and for AVLT were -0.47 and -0.61, respectively; adjusted effect sizes for SLS were -0.25 and -0.42 and for AVLT were -0.19 and -0.26, respectively. In secondary analyses, learning and delay variables were similar in terms of ability to separate biomarker groups. For example, unadjusted effect sizes for SLS learning (-.80) was similar to SLS delay (.76), and AVLT learning (-.58) was similar to AVLT 30-minute delay (-.55) for the A+T+ vs AT- comparison.Conclusions:Remotely administered SLS performed similarly to the in-person-administered AVLT in its ability to separate biomarker-defined groups in CU individuals, providing evidence of criterion validity. The SLS showed significantly worse performance in A+ and A+T+ groups (relative to A- and A-T-groups) in this CU sample after demographic adjustment, suggesting potential sensitivity to detecting transitional cognitive decline in preclinical AD. Measures emphasizing learning should be given equal consideration as measures of delayed memory in AD-focused studies, particularly in the preclinical phase.
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Abdul Rasid, A. F., T. I. Mohamad, M. J. Ghazali und W. M. F. Wan Mahmood. „Improvement of Engine Performance Using an Adaptive Valve Lift and Timing (AVLT) Mechanism at High Engine Speeds“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 663 (Oktober 2014): 359–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.663.359.

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This paper explains about an improvement of high end performance using an adaptive valve lift and timing mechanism (AVLT). This system is developed with an aim to produce a more powerful engine through a variable valve timing technique. The preliminary design of this system adjusts the valve lift via control lever positioned by the rotation of an electric motor and has the potential to be actuated by a hydraulic cylinder that utilises engine fluids pressure difference with respect to the engine speed which made the valve lifts higher in higher engine speed and loads. The mechanism actuation is determined by a feedback signal of the engine electronic control unit that interacted in relation with the present engine speed and load. Therefore, a continuously dynamic valve lift profile with respect to the engine speed can be achieved thus varies the output performance of an engine. As a result of applying the AVLT on a simulated engine model with the actual parameters, the power and torque were increased in high engine speed (above 4000 rpm). The AVLT is able to increase the default valve lift by up to 35.96%. In high end speed of 7000 rpm, maximum lift of AVLT improved engine power by 4.26%, brake torque by 4.25% and reduced the brake specific fuel consumption by 1.14%. Maximum lift of AVLT increased the engine peak power at 6000 rpm by 2.38%. The product of this research will be useful to optimise the height of the valve lift during operation thus improves the engine performance, fuel economy and emission levels of spark ignition engine.
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Enaud, Raphaël, Sophie Cambos, Esther Viaud, Erwan Guichoux, Emilie Chancerel, Aline Marighetto, Nicole Etchamendy et al. „Gut Microbiota and Mycobiota Evolution Is Linked to Memory Improvement after Bariatric Surgery in Obese Patients: A Pilot Study“. Nutrients 13, Nr. 11 (13.11.2021): 4061. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nu13114061.

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Patients with obesity are known to exhibit gut microbiota dysbiosis and memory deficits. Bariatric surgery (BS) is currently the most efficient anti-obesity treatment and may improve both gut dysbiosis and cognition. However, no study has investigated association between changes of gut microbiota and cognitive function after BS. We prospectively evaluated 13 obese patients on anthropometric data, memory functions, and gut microbiota-mycobiota before and six months after BS. The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) and the symbol span (SS) of the Weschler Memory Scale were used to assess verbal and working memory, respectively. Fecal microbiota and mycobiota were longitudinally analyzed by 16S and ITS2 rRNA sequencing respectively. AVLT and SS scores were significantly improved after BS (AVLT scores: 9.7 ± 1.7 vs. 11.2 ± 1.9, p = 0.02, and SS scores: 9.7 ± 23.0 vs. 11.6 ± 2.9, p = 0.05). An increase in bacterial alpha-diversity, and Ruminococcaceae, Prevotella, Agaricus, Rhodotorula, Dipodascus, Malassezia, and Mucor were significantly associated with AVLT score improvement after BS, while an increase in Prevotella and a decrease in Clostridium, Akkermansia, Dipodascus and Candida were linked to SS scores improvement. We identified several changes in the microbial communities that differ according to the improvement of either the verbal or working memories, suggesting a complex gut-brain-axis that evolves after BS.
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Staff, R. T., M. J. Hogan und L. J. Whalley. „The influence of childhood intelligence, social class, education and social mobility on memory and memory decline in late life“. Age and Ageing 47, Nr. 6 (02.08.2018): 847–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afy111.

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Abstract In an observational longitudinal study of a sub-sample of the Aberdeen 1936 birth cohort, from age 62 to 77 years, we investigated childhood intelligence, social class, education, life-course social mobility, memory test performance and memory decline in late life. We examined 388 local residents who had attended school in Aberdeen in 1947 and measured Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) at recruitment age about 64 years and up to five times until age about 77 years. Better performance at age about 64 on AVLT was predicted by early socioeconomic status (SES), social mobility and childhood intelligence. The trajectory of AVLT decline was steeper in those who had received less education. This relationship was independent of childhood ability, sex, SES in childhood and social mobility. The protection of memory by education suggests that education supports resilience to age-related cognitive impairment. Upward social mobility does not enhance this effect, suggesting that resilience to age-related decline may be established in early life.
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Terry, William S., und Barbara Phifer. „Caffeine and memory performance on the AVLT“. Journal of Clinical Psychology 42, Nr. 6 (November 1986): 860–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1097-4679(198611)42:6<860::aid-jclp2270420604>3.0.co;2-t.

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Rasid, Ahmad Fuad Abdul, Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali, Wan Mohd Faizal Wan Mahmood und Taib Iskandar Mohamad. „Evaluation of Noise and Air Flow on a Motorized Adaptive Valve Lift and Timing Engine“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 315 (April 2013): 482–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.315.482.

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This paper explains about the evaluation of intake air flow, volumetric efficiency and noise of a motor-driven engine that used an adaptive valve lift and timing mechanism (AVLT) on one intake valve. This system is developed with an aim to produce a more powerful engine through variable valve timing and lift technique. The system made the valve lifts higher without increasing the valve lift duration. Therefore, a dynamic valve lift profile with respect to the engine speed can be achieved thus varies the input and output of an engine. As a result of applying the AVLT on a motor-driven engine, the engine noise, emission noise and the mass air flow entering the engine cylinder was increased. When AVLT is employed to a maximum lift, the mass air flow of default intake valve lift was improved within a range from 8% to 46.64% in 500 rpm to 2000 rpm speed range. Maximum lift produced engine noise within a range of 2.57% to 18.13% higher than the default lift throughout all speed. Also, maximum lift produced emission noise within a range of 2.47% to 19.19% higher than the default lift throughout all speed. The product of this research will be useful to optimise the height and timing of the valve lift and the AVLT mountings on the engine head during operation thus improves the engine performance, fuel economy, emission levels and reduced noise of a modified engine.
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Bierman, E. J. M., H. C. Comijs, C. Jonker, P. Scheltens und A. T. F. Beekman. „The effect of anxiety and depression on decline of memory function in Alzheimer's disease“. International Psychogeriatrics 21, Nr. 6 (17.07.2009): 1142–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1041610209990512.

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ABSTRACTBackground: Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and concomitant atrophy of the hippocampus may be extra vulnerable to the consequences of psychological distress, leading to greater decline in memory function. The present study investigated whether symptoms of anxiety and depression predict decline of memory function in elderly people diagnosed with early stage AD.Methods: A sample of 44 elderly people diagnosed with early stage AD was tested on their memory function, anxiety and depression and confounding variables with one year follow-up. Episodic memory was measured with a modified Dutch version of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) which measures learning and recall abilities. Linear regression analyses were used to investigate the association between anxiety and depressive symptoms and decline of memory function.Results: Anxiety symptoms predicted a smaller decline in learning on the AVLT. Anxiety symptoms did not predict decline on the recall of the AVLT. No association was found between depressive symptoms and decline in either learning or recall of the AVLT.Conclusions: In early AD, symptoms of anxiety and depression generally seem to be mild, and do not accelerate decline of memory function over time. On the contrary, anxiety symptoms were found to predict a smaller decline in memory function.
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Wang, Zan, Zhengsheng Zhang, Chunming Xie, Hao Shu, Duan Liu und Zhijun Zhang. „Identification of the Neural Circuit Underlying Episodic Memory Deficit in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment via Machine Learning on Gray Matter Volume“. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 84, Nr. 3 (23.11.2021): 959–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/jad-210579.

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Based on whole-brain gray matter volume (GMV), we used relevance vector regression to predict the Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed Recall (AVLT-DR) scores of individual amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patient. The whole-brain GMV pattern could significantly predict the AVLT-DR scores (r = 0.54, p < 0.001). The most important GMV features mainly involved default-mode (e.g., posterior cingulate gyrus, angular gyrus, and middle temporal gyrus) and limbic systems (e.g., hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus). Therefore, our results provide evidence supporting the idea that the episodic memory deficit in aMCI patients is associated with disruption of the default-mode and limbic systems.
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Ramanathan, Deepa M., Amanda R. Rabinowitz, Fiona H. Barwick und Peter A. Arnett. „Validity of Affect Measurements in Evaluating Symptom Reporting in Athletes“. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 18, Nr. 1 (17.11.2011): 101–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617711001457.

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AbstractIdentifying factors that improve the assessment of athletes’ psychological functioning is imperative to make proper return-to-play decisions following concussion. Prior research indicates that an individual's affect is related to symptom reporting. The present study examines two novel methods of affect assessment in college athletes at baseline participating in a sports-concussion management program. A total of 256 athletes completed a neuropsychological baseline battery with measurements of psychological symptoms (BDI-Fast Screen, Post-Concussion Symptom Scale, and ImPact Total Symptom Score) and a measure of affective memory bias (the Affective Verbal Learning Test; AVLT). Examiners completed an observation-based rating of affect. Multivariate analysis of variance and χ2 analyses were conducted to examine the effect of affect on symptom reports. Examiners’ Affect Ratings were predictive of broad symptom reporting, while the performance based index of affect (Affective Verbal Learning Test, AVLT) was more predictive of depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that performance on the AVLT may be a useful indicator of self-reported depression in a collegiate athlete sample. Additionally, these results demonstrate that examiners’ behavioral assessments of affect are important in the assessment of psychological functioning in athletes. Continued work should focus on developing objective measures that are sensitive and valid for the evaluation of outcomes from concussion. (JINS, 2012, 18, 101–107)
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Heubrock, Dietmar. „Error Analysis in Neuropsychological Assessment of Verbal Memory and Learning“. European Journal of Psychological Assessment 11, Nr. 1 (Januar 1995): 21–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759.11.1.21.

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Performance on a German version of the Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) was investigated for 64 juvenile patients who were subdivided in 6 clinical groups. In addition to standard evaluation of AVLT protocols which is usually confined to items recalled correctly, an error analysis was performed. Differentiating between total errors (TE), repetition errors (RE), and misnamings (ME), substantial differences between clinical groups could be demonstrated. It is argued that error analysis of verbal memory and learning enriches the understanding of neuropsychological syndromes, and provides additional information for diagnostic and clinical use. Thus, it is possible to gain a more accurate picture so that patients can be appropriately retrained, and research into the functional causes of memory and learning disorders can be intensified.
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Hawkins, Keith A., David Dean und Godfrey D. Pearlson. „Alternative Forms of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test: A Review“. Behavioural Neurology 15, Nr. 3-4 (2004): 99–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2004/940191.

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Practice effects in memory testing complicate the interpretation of score changes over repeated testings, particularly in clinical applications. Consequently, several alternative forms of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) have been developed. Studies of these typically indicate that the forms examined are equivalent. However, the implication that the forms in the literature are interchangeable must be tempered by several caveats. Few studies of equivalence have been undertaken; most are restricted to the comparison of single pairs of forms, and the pairings vary across studies. These limitations are exacerbated by the minimal overlapping across studies in variables reported, or in the analyses of equivalence undertaken. The data generated by these studies are nonetheless valuable, as significant practice effects result from serial use of the same form. The available data on alternative AVLT forms are summarized, and recommendations regarding form development and the determination of form equivalence are offered.
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Sharoni, Varda, und Nazeh Natur. „The Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Rey AVLT): An Arabic Version“. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2, Nr. 1 (Januar 2014): 54–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2013.855991.

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Reitz, R. O., A. E. House und D. Graybill. „Rey AVLT performance as a function of age and gender“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 6, Nr. 3 (01.01.1991): 218–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/6.3.218a.

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Zhao, Mingyan, Guanqun Chen, Taoran Li, Can Sheng, Yuxia Li und Ying Han. „The Impact of Study Setting on Clinical Characteristics in Older Chinese Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: Baseline Investigation of Convenience and Population-Based Samples“. BioMed Research International 2021 (04.06.2021): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/5538323.

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Background. Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is the earliest symptom stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Previous studies have shown that the study setting is an important influence factor of SCD. However, the effect of this factor among a Chinese population with SCD is not clear. Here, we aim to compare the clinical characteristics of SCD between a convenience and a population-based sample in China. Methods. We included a convenience sample of 212 SCD subjects and a population-based sample of 110 SCD subjects. We performed univariate analysis to evaluate the between-group differences in sociodemographic characteristics, neuropsychological performance, psychiatric conditions, different cognitive domains, and the SCD-plus criteria. Multiple linear regression model was established, adjusted for sex, age, and education, and compared the neuropsychological performance between the groups. Results. The convenience sample had more years of education, a higher family history of dementia, and higher neuropsychological and anxiety depression score than the population-based sample. Using sex, age, education, group as the independent variables, and neuropsychological score as the dependent variable, multiple linear regression model was established; a statistically significant neuropsychological score difference (MoCA-B, AVLT-H-N4, AVLT-H-N5, AVLT-H-N7, AFT, and STT-B) was found between the two samples. In the SCD cognitive domains, the population-based sample had more complaints about declines in their language and planning domains. For SCD-plus criteria in memory domain, the convenience sample had more complaints, worry, and cognitive decline within the last 5 years, along with medical help-seeking. Conclusion. There were some different characteristics among SCD individuals between convenience samples and population-based samples in China.
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Navarro-González, Elena, und Dolores Calero. „Relationship between Plasticity and Cognitive Performance: the Potential of Learning in Cognitively Impaired Elderly“. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 1, Nr. 2 (26.09.2011): 45–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1989/ejihpe.v1i2.4.

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Old age is an extended period of life characterized by major inter-individual differences and different life trajectories which have been synthesized in three modalities of ageing: usual, pathological and successful (Rowe and Khan, 1997). Analysis of the variables associated with these patterns and with cognitive evolution in old age has generated a large number of studies, many of which involve the analysis of learning potential or cognitive plasticity as an assessment tool which enables us to establish differences between old adults with greater precision than static assessments (Schreiber and Schneider, 2006). The present study analysed the performance of an initial sample of 312 old adults with different cognitive profiles in the AVLT-PA learning potential assessment task, with the objective of determining which components of the task may be used to classify participants most correctly, and which may be used to predict the long-term cognitive evolution of old adults. Results indicate that the most appropriate marker of the AVLT-PA task for classifying old adults and determining their cognitive evolution is the Delayed Recall measure.
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Navarro-González, Elena, und Dolores Calero. „Relationship between Plasticity and Cognitive Performance: the Potential of Learning in Cognitively Impaired Elderly“. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 1, Nr. 2 (26.09.2011): 45–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe1020004.

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Old age is an extended period of life characterized by major inter-individual differences and different life trajectories which have been synthesized in three modalities of ageing: usual, pathological and successful (Rowe and Khan, 1997). Analysis of the variables associated with these patterns and with cognitive evolution in old age has generated a large number of studies, many of which involve the analysis of learning potential or cognitive plasticity as an assessment tool which enables us to establish differences between old adults with greater precision than static assessments (Schreiber and Schneider, 2006). The present study analysed the performance of an initial sample of 312 old adults with different cognitive profiles in the AVLT-PA learning potential assessment task, with the objective of determining which components of the task may be used to classify participants most correctly, and which may be used to predict the long-term cognitive evolution of old adults. Results indicate that the most appropriate marker of the AVLT-PA task for classifying old adults and determining their cognitive evolution is the Delayed Recall measure.
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Pizzonia, Kendra, Kathi Heffner, Taylor Lambertus und Julie Suhr. „4 Comparing Learning Process Variables to Memory Performance and Salivary Cortisol: Is Gender a Moderator of Relationships?“ Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 29, s1 (November 2023): 862–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617723010652.

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Objective:Learning process variables such as the serial position effect and learning ratio (LR) are predictive of cognitive decline and dementia. Gender differences on memory measures are well documented, but there is inconsistent evidence for gender effects on learning process variables. In the present study, we examined the relationship of serial position and LR to memory performance and to cortisol levels, considering gender as a potential moderator.Participants and Methods:Data were taken from a deidentified dataset of a study on stress and aging in which 123 healthy community-dwelling adults over age 50 completed various assessments. Our analyses included 100 participants (56% female, 93% white, Mage 60.65, Meducation 15.22 years) who completed all measures of interest. LR, primacy effect, and recency effect were calculated from the learning trials of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Additional memory measures included recall measures from the AVLT and from the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). AUC cortisol was calculated from salivary cortisol samples taken across 6 time points in the study.Results:Women performed better than men on LR, primacy, and traditional memory measures (ps=<.001 to .018) but not on recency (p=.40). LR was moderately correlated with primacy (r=.481, p<.001) and weakly correlated with recency (r=.271, p=.008), after controlling for age, gender, and education. After controlling for age, gender, and education, better LR was related to better memory performance across all measures (rs=.276-.693, ps= <.001-.007) and better recency was related to better performance on all memory measures (rs=.212-.396, ps=<.001-.038). Better primacy was related to better AVLT immediate and delayed recall and RBANS Immediate Memory Index (rs=.326-.532, p<.001) but not RBANS delayed (r=.115, p=.263).Hierarchical linear regressions were conducted to examine gender as a moderator of relationships between learning process variables and memory performance, after accounting for age, gender, and education. There were no gender by LR (ps=.349-.830) or gender by primacy interactions (ps=.124-.671). There was an interaction between gender and recency on AVLT memory measures (ps=.006-.022), but not on RBANS measures (ps=.076-.745). For men, higher recency was related to higher AVLT immediate and delayed recall (rs=.501-.541, ps<.001), but not for women (rs=.-.029-.020, ps=.839-.888), after controlling for age and education. The relationship of AUC salivary cortisol to learning process measures was also moderated by gender (LR/gender interaction p=.055; primacy/gender interaction p=.047; but not recency/gender p=.79). Interestingly, for women, higher cortisol was related to higher LR (r=.16) and higher primacy (r=.36), while for men, it was related to lower LR (r=-.22) and not to primacy (r=-.05). Cortisol was not related to recency (rs=-.04 to -.07).Conclusions:Women performed better on LR and primacy, as well as on other traditional memory variables, but gender did not appear to differentially impact the relationship of LR or primacy to memory outcomes. Findings suggest some differential relationships of recency to memory outcomes by gender. Results also suggested potential gender differences in the relationship of cortisol to learning process variables, but further study is necessary, especially with samples of individuals with memory impairment.
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Fernaeus, Sven-Erik, Per Julin, Ove Almqvist und Lars-Olof Wahlund. „Medial temporal lobe volume predicts rate of learning in Rey-AVLT“. Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 02, Nr. 01 (2013): 7–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aad.2013.21002.

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Navarro-González, Elena, und Mª Dolores Calero. „Relación entre plasticidad y ejecución cognitiva: el potencial de aprendizaje en ancianos con deterioro cognitivo“. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 1, Nr. 2 (22.10.2015): 45. http://dx.doi.org/10.30552/ejihpe.v1i2.18.

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La vejez es una fase amplia de la vida caracterizada por importantes diferencias interindividuales y trayectorias vitales diferentes que han sido sintetizadas en tres modalidades de envejecimiento: usual, patológico y con éxito (Rowe y Khan, 1997). El estudio de las variables asociadas a dichos patrones y a la evolución cognitiva en la vejez ha generado numerosos estudios, entre los cuales destacamos el análisis del potencial de aprendizaje o la plasticidad cognitiva como herramienta evaluativa que permite establecer diferencias entre ancianos a un nivel mayor del que permiten las evaluaciones estáticas (Schreiber y Schneider, 2006). El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar en una muestra inicial de 312 ancianos con perfiles cognitivos diferentes el rendimiento en la prueba de evaluación del potencial de aprendizaje AVLT-PA para determinar en qué medida diferentes marcadores de la misma sirven para clasificar a los participantes de la manera más correcta y cuáles sirven para predecir la evolución cognitiva de los ancianos a largo plazo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el marcador más idóneo de la prueba AVLT-PA para clasificar a los ancianos y determinar su evolución cognitiva es la medida de recuerdo demorado de la prueba.
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Hájek, Tomáš, Miloslav Kopeček, Marek Preiss, Martin Alda und Cyril Höschl. „Prospective study of hippocampal volume and function in human subjects treated with corticosteroids“. European Psychiatry 21, Nr. 2 (März 2006): 123–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2005.01.005.

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AbstractPurpose.Decreased hippocampal volume reported in neuropsychiatric and endocrine disorders is considered a result of putative neuronal damage mediated by corticosteroids. This is the first prospective study of hippocampal volume and function in patients treated with corticosteroids.Methods.14 subjects treated systemically with prednisone or betamethasone for dermatological or rheumatic disorders underwent prospective neurocognitive testing (Auditory Verbal Learning Test—AVLT, Trail Making Test—TMT, Digit Span—DS) and nine of them also repeated magnetic resonance volumetry.Results.The mean duration of treatment between the first and the second assessment was 73 ± 38 days with mean daily dose of 37 ± 17 mg prednisone and 193 ± 29 days, with mean daily dose of 24 ± 15 mg prednisone between the first and the third assessment. There was a trend towards decreases in total AVLT scores and an improvement in the TMT and DS, but no significant changes in the volumes of the right or the left hippocampi between the assessments. Prednisone dose did not correlate with the hippocampal volume change.Conclusion.We observed a trend for decline in verbal memory despite improvement in psychomotor speed, attention/working memory and no macroscopic hippocampal volume changes during 36–238 days of treatment with therapeutic doses of corticosteroids.
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Devanand, D. P., Xinhua Liu, Patrick J. Brown, Edward D. Huey, Yaakov Stern und Gregory H. Pelton. „A Two-Study Comparison of Clinical and MRI Markers of Transition from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease“. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2012 (2012): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/483469.

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A published predictor model in a single-site cohort study (questionable dementia, QD) that contained episodic verbal memory (SRT total recall), informant report of function (FAQ), and MRI measures was tested using logistic regression and ROC analyses with comparable measures in a second multisite cohort study (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ADNI). There were 126 patients in QD and 282 patients in ADNI with MCI followed for 3 years. Within each sample, the differences in AUCs between the statistical models were very similar. Adding hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes to the model containing AVLT/SRT, FAQ, age and MMSE increased the area under the curve (AUC) in ADNI but not QD, with sensitivity increasing by 2% in ADNI and 2% in QD for a fixed specificity of 80%. Conversely, adding episodic verbal memory (SRT/AVLT) and FAQ to the model containing age, Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes increased the AUC in ADNI and QD, with sensitivity increasing by 17% in ADNI and 10% in QD for 80% specificity. The predictor models showed similar differences from each other in both studies, supporting independent validation. MRI hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes showed limited added predictive utility to memory and function measures.
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UNVERZAGT, FREDERICK W., LINDA KASTEN, KATHY E. JOHNSON, GEORGE W. REBOK, MICHAEL MARSISKE, KATHY MANN KOEPKE, JEFFREY W. ELIAS et al. „Effect of memory impairment on training outcomes in ACTIVE“. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 13, Nr. 6 (18.10.2007): 953–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617707071512.

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Cognitive training improves mental abilities in older adults, but the trainability of persons with memory impairment is unclear. We conducted a subgroup analysis of subjects in the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) trial to examine this issue. ACTIVE enrolled 2802 non-demented, community-dwelling adults aged 65 years and older and randomly assigned them to one of four groups: Memory training, reasoning training, speed-of-processing training, or no-contact control. For this study, participants were defined as memory-impaired if baseline Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) sum recall score was 1.5 SD or more below predicted AVLT sum recall score from a regression-derived formula using age, education, ethnicity, and vocabulary from all subjects at baseline. Assessments were taken at baseline (BL), post-test, first annual (A1), and second annual (A2) follow-up. One hundred and ninety-three subjects were defined as memory-impaired and 2580 were memory-normal. Training gain as a function memory status (impaired vs. normal) was compared in a mixed effects model. Results indicated that memory-impaired participants failed to benefit from Memory training but did show normal training gains after reasoning and speed training. Memory function appears to mediate response to structured cognitive interventions in older adults. (JINS, 2007, 13, 953–960.)
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Constantinidou, Fofi, Ioannis Zaganas, Emmanouil Papastefanakis, Dimitrios Kasselimis, Andreas Nidos und Panagiotis G. Simos. „Age-Related Decline in Verbal Learning Is Moderated by Demographic Factors, Working Memory Capacity, and Presence of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment“. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 20, Nr. 8 (22.08.2014): 822–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617714000678.

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AbstractAge-related memory changes are highly varied and heterogeneous. The study examined the rate of decline in verbal episodic memory as a function of education level, auditory attention span and verbal working memory capacity, and diagnosis of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI). Data were available on a community sample of 653 adults aged 17–86 years and 70 patients with a-MCI recruited from eight broad geographic areas in Greece and Cyprus. Measures of auditory attention span and working memory capacity (digits forward and backward) and verbal episodic memory (Auditory Verbal Learning Test [AVLT]) were used. Moderated mediation regressions on data from the community sample did not reveal significant effects of education level on the rate of age-related decline in AVLT indices. The presence of a-MCI was a significant moderator of the direct effect of Age on both immediate and delayed episodic memory indices. The rate of age-related decline in verbal episodic memory is normally mediated by working memory capacity. Moreover, in persons who display poor episodic memory capacity (a-MCI group), age-related memory decline is expected to advance more rapidly for those who also display relatively poor verbal working memory capacity. (JINS, 2014, 20, 1–14)
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Powell, Matthew R., Jeffrey D. Gfeller, Michael V. Oliveri, Shannon Stanton und Bryan Hendricks. „The Rey AVLT Serial Position Effect: A Useful Indicator of Symptom Exaggeration?“ Clinical Neuropsychologist 18, Nr. 3 (Januar 2004): 465–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1385404049052409.

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Fernaeus, Sven-Erik, Per Östberg, Lars-Olof Wahlund und Åke Hellström. „Memory factors in Rey AVLT: Implications for early staging of cognitive decline“. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 55, Nr. 6 (12.08.2014): 546–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12157.

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Crawford, J. R., L. E. Stewart und J. W. Moore. „Demonstration of savings on the AVLT and development of a parallel form“. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 11, Nr. 6 (Dezember 1989): 975–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01688638908400950.

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Shapiro, D. M., und D. W. Harrison. „Alternate forms of the AVLT: A procedure and test of form equivalency“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 5, Nr. 4 (01.01.1990): 405–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/5.4.405.

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Shapiro, D. „Alternate forms of the AVLT: A procedure and test of form equivalency“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 5, Nr. 4 (1990): 405–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0887-6177(90)90018-k.

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Pačić-Turk, Ljiljana, Valerija Hauptfeld, Lana Maljković, Ivo Somek und Larissa Kalaus. „Verbal Memory Functions in Patients after the Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery“. Archives of Psychiatry Research 57, Nr. 1 (15.11.2020): 81–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.20471/may.2021.57.01.10.

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A cerebral aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of a brain blood vessel with a risk to rupture. It occurs in about 2% of the population, somewhat more often in women. Most aneurysms are located in the anterior circulation area. Aneurysm rupture is relatively rare and accounts for 5% of all cerebrovascular brain incidents. Ruptured and asymptomatic/unruptured aneurysms are often treated surgically at the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical School University of Zagreb. The study included 134 patients after cerebral aneurysm surgery during the last 10 years, and neuropsychological testing was performed on average 77 days after surgery. The average age was 52 years and they completed an average of 12 years of education. In the group of patients included in this study, 40.3% of them were operated after ruptured, and 59.7% for unruptured cerebral aneurysm. Most aneurysms were located in the middle cerebral and anterior communicating arteries. With regard to lateralization, there was an equal number of aneurysms located in the right and left hemisphere and bilaterally (on the anterior communicating artery). As part of regular neuropsychological assessment, tests of verbal learning and memory (numerical, logical and mechanical memory) were applied. The aims of the study were to find out whether patients operated for ruptured cerebral aneurysms show greater verbal memory impairments than patients operated for unruptured cerebral aneurysms and whether there was the significant effect of lateralization of aneurysm (to check the interaction effect of both rupture and lateralization on those functions). The results obtained show that, even though there are no statistically significant differences between groups of patients that underwent surgery for ruptured and unruptured brain aneurysm, patients show a trend of somewhat better results on most of the verbal memory functions after surgery for unruptured brain aneurysm. The results show statistically significant difference between groups of patients that underwent surgery for ACoA aneurysm and those with right lateralized cerebral aneurysms on most of the trails on AVLT test. Also, patients with operated ACoA aneurysm have significantly worse scores in learning process (AVLT 3 and AVLT 4) and especially on short-term and long-term verbal memory than the patients who were operated for left or right lateralized aneurysm.
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Hájek, Tomáš, Miloslav Kopeček, Marek Preiss, Martin Alda und Cyril Höschl. „Estudio prospectivo del volumen y la función del hipocampo en sujetos humanos tratados con corticoesteroides“. European psychiatry (Ed. Española) 13, Nr. 6 (September 2006): 295–300. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1134066500003155.

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ResumenPropósito.La disminución del volumen del hipocampo comunicada en trastornos neuropsiquiátricos y endocrinos se considera resultado de un daño neuronal putativo mediado por corticoesteroides. Éste es el primer estudio prospectivo del volumen y la función del hipocampo en pacientes tratados con corticoesteroides.Métodos.Se sometió a 14 sujetos tratados sistémicamente con prednisona o betametasona por trastornos dermatológicos o reumáticos a pruebas neurocognitivas prospectivas (Prueba de Aprendizaje Verbal Auditivo [AVLT], Prueba del Trazo [TMT], Amplitud de dígitos [AD]) y nueve de ellos repitieron también una volumetría de resonancia magnética.Resultados.La duración media del tratamiento entre la primera evaluación y la segunda fue 73 ± 38 días con dosis diaria media de 37 ± 17 mg de prednisona y 193 ± 29 días, con dosis diaria media de 24 ± 15 mg de prednisona, entre la primera evaluación y la tercera. Hubo una tendencia a disminuciones en las puntuaciones totales de la AVLT y una mejoría en la TMT y la AD, pero ausencia de cambios significativos en el volumen de los hipocampos derecho o izquierdo entre las evaluaciones. La dosis de prednisona no correlacionaba con el cambio de volumen del hipocampo.Conclusión.Observamos una tendencia a la disminución en la memoria verbal a pesar de la mejora en la velocidad psicomotriz, la atención/memoria operativa y una ausencia de cambios del volumen macroscópico del hipocampo durante los 36-238 días de tratamiento con dosis terapéuticas de corticoesteroides.
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Ivnik, Robert J., James F. Malec, Glenn E. Smith, Eric G. Tangalos, Ronald C. Petersen, Emre Kokmen und Leonard T. Kurland. „Mayo's older americans normative studies: Updated AVLT norms for ages 56 to 97“. Clinical Neuropsychologist 6, sup001 (Juni 1992): 83–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13854049208401880.

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Ponton, M. O., L. P. Herrera, J. Gonzalez, M. E. Corona-LoMonaco und S. Herrera. „Spanish version of the WHO-UCLA AVLT: Continuous norming data on 400 subjects“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 14, Nr. 8 (01.11.1999): 713–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/14.8.713a.

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Binder, L. M., M. R. Villanueva, D. Howieson und R. T. Moore. „The Rey AVLT recognition memory task measures motivational impairment after mild head trauma“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 8, Nr. 2 (01.01.1993): 137–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/8.2.137.

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Ivnik, Robert J., James F. Malec, Eric G. Tangalos, Ronald C. Petersen und et al. „The Auditory^Verbal Learning Test (AVLT): Norms for ages 55 years and older.“ Psychological Assessment 2, Nr. 3 (1990): 304–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/1040-3590.2.3.304.

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Binder, L. „The Rey AVLT recognition memory task measures motivational impairment after mild head trauma“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 8, Nr. 2 (April 1993): 137–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0887-6177(93)90031-u.

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Navarro, Elena, und M. Calero. „Cognitive Plasticity in Young-Old Adults and Old-Old Adults and Its Relationship with Successful Aging“. Geriatrics 3, Nr. 4 (29.10.2018): 76. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/geriatrics3040076.

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The general objective of this study was to analyze cognitive plasticity as a variable related to successful aging in a group of young-old adults and old-old adults using the Auditory Verbal Learning Test—Learning Potential (AVLT-LP). Method: A total of 569 persons, with mean age 76.67 years (379 between the ages of 65 and 80 years, and 190 older than age 80). They were assessed with a socio-health questionnaire, with the AVLT-LP, and with the Spanish version of the Mini Mental State Examination. Results: The results showed significant differences on the test, in favor of the younger group, while the over 80 group gave poorer performance and showed less cognitive plasticity. With relation to gender, slight differences appeared in favor of the women, on the first four test trials, but not on the last two, nor in delayed recall or cognitive plasticity. As for cognitive status, the results showed significantly better task performance levels in healthy elders, as well as greater plasticity. Nonetheless, certain persons with high plasticity were also found among those with cognitive impairment. Conclusions: The data obtained here offers evidence for the importance of cognitive plasticity in elders and its relation to longevity and successful aging. It also provides information about the influence of variables like age, gender and cognitive status on a verbal memory and plasticity assessment task that is in wide use today.
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Shakeel, M. K., L. Lu, S. W. Woods, D. O. Perkins und J. Addington. „Neurocognitive predictors of metacognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis“. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 48, Nr. 2 (15.04.2019): 248–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1352465819000328.

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AbstractBackground:Metacognition refers to the ability to evaluate and control our cognitive processes. While studies have investigated metacognition in schizophrenia and clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR), less is known about the potential mechanisms which result in metacognitive deficits.Aims:We aimed to investigate whether neurocognitive functions including attention, working memory, verbal learning and executive functions predicted the tendency to focus on one’s thoughts (cognitive self-consciousness) and beliefs in the efficacy of one’s cognitive skills (cognitive confidence).Method:Participants (130 CHR individuals) were recruited as part of the multi-site PREDICT study. They were assessed using the Metacognitions Questionnaire (MCQ) as well as measures of executive function (WCST), attention (N-Back), working memory (LNS) and verbal learning (AVLT).Results:Cognitive competence was negatively correlated with N-Back while cognitive self-consciousness was positively correlated with N-Back and LNS. Linear regression analysis with N-Back, AVLT, LNS and WCST as predictors showed that neurocognition significantly predicted cognitive self-consciousness, with N-Back, LNS and WCST as significant predictors. The model accounted for 14% of the variance in cognitive self-consciousness. However, neurocognition did not result in a significant predictive model of cognitive competence.Conclusions:Neurocognition was associated with an increased focus on one’s thoughts, but it was not associated with higher confidence in one’s cognitive skills. Neurocognition accounted for less than one-sixth of the variance in metacognition, suggesting that interventions that target neurocognition are unlikely to improve metacognitive abilities.
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Heydarpour, Saber, Leila Mehdizadeh Fanid, Zahra Mirza Asgari und Soomaayeh Heysieattalab. „Effects of Repeated Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cognitive Functions of Policemen With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder“. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 29, Nr. 1 (01.04.2023): 32–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/ijpcp.29.1.4493.1.

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Objectives The present study aims to investigate the effects of repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on the cognitive functioning of policemen with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Methods This is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test/post-test design. The study population included all male police officers referred to the neuropsychiatric department of Imam Sajjad Hospital in Tehran, Iran, in 2022. Of these, 30 policemen diagnosed with PTSD were selected using a convenience sampling method and randomly divided into two groups of control and intervention. Their PTSD was diagnosed using a diagnostic interview by a psychiatrist and an expert clinical psychologist. Cognitive functions were evaluated using Rey’s visual memory test (VMT), Rey’s auditory-verbal learning test (AVLT), Tower of London test (TLT), Stroop test, and Wisconsin card sorting test, which were performed at the pre-test and post-test phases for both groups. The intervention group received 20-Hz rTMS at 10 sessions, including 5 seconds of stimulation and 20 seconds of rest interval between each stimulation (1000 pulses per session). The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS software, version 22. Results The intervention group showed better scores in the VMT, AVLT, TLT, residual error, number of card designs, interference score, interference time, congruent error, and incongruent error compared to the control group Conclusion The high-frequency rTMS has a positive effect on the cognitive functions of policemen suffering from PTSD.
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Prathibha, K. Muthu, Kathrina Joseph, Dharunya Pachaiyappan und Soma Sri Harsha. „Prenatal testosterone (2D: 4D Ratio) and its association with learning and memory in medical undergraduates – A cross-sectional study“. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 8, Nr. 2 (15.07.2021): 130–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.18231/j.ijcap.2021.030.

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The 2D:4D ratio is a sexually dimorphic trait, negatively related to prenatal testosterone which in turn influences the areas in brain, critical for learning and memory. The objective of the present study was to compare the 2D:4D ratios between sexes, right / left hands and correlate with mean scores of learning and memory. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 116 participants (80 males and 36 females) of 18 -19 years of age. Lengths of index and ring fingers were measured using vernier calipers to calculate 2D:4D ratios. Free & Placement recall and Working visual memory (Visual N Back test) were assessed. Verbal learning ability was assessed using Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Mean 2D:4D ratios of right hand (0.96±0.051) were significantly lower than left hand (0.98±0.1; p = 0.036). Females had higher ratios than males in both hands. In Free recall (FR) and Placement Recall (PR) tests, average hits and errors scores of females and males were comparable. In Visual N Back test, there were statistically significant correlations between 2D:4D ratios and mean hits & errors scores (M &#62;F). The mean hits score in AVLT was lower in males (13.9±1.4) when compared to females (14.2±1.0). The findings of the present study can help us to associate a simple measure like 2D:4D ratio to learning abilities of an individual. Also, 2D:4D ratio, a non invasive measure can be used to evaluate one’s cognitive abilities with regard to memory and learning.
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Stricker, N., E. Lundt, T. Christianson, M. Machulda, W. Kremers, J. Fields, M. Mielke, D. Knopman und R. Petersen. „Normative Data that Does Not Exclude Participants with Mild Cognitive Impairment Results in Lower Than Expected Memory Impairment Rates, Particularly in Females“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 34, Nr. 6 (25.07.2019): 848. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acz035.16.

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Abstract Objective Mayo’s Older Adult Normative Studies (MOANS) have served as an important resource for clinicians for three decades. Data collection was completed prior to the development and widespread use of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) as a construct. Therefore, a portion of individuals included in the MOANS normative studies likely had undetected cognitive impairment. Method The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging (MCSA) is a population-based study of cognitive aging among Olmsted County, Minnesota, residents that began in October 2004. We applied age-adjusted MOANS norms (Ivnik et al., 1992) for the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) long delay recall to cognitively unimpaired participants age 56 or older in the MCSA (N = 3,603). We used 1-sample tests of proportions comparing observed impairment rates to impairment rates expected based on a normal distribution of performance. Results Results showed that a significantly lower than expected number of participants demonstrated impaired delayed recall based on MOANS norms (all p’s < .001). Using a lenient cut-off (< -1 SD), only 7.3% of participants demonstrated impaired performance (vs. 15.9% expected), and this was more pronounced for females (3.5% impaired) relative to males (11.1% impaired). Further, only 0.6% of participants demonstrated impaired performance at a cut-off of < -2 SD, and no participants aged 80-91 reached this cut-off (2.3% expected). Conclusions Results suggest that the sensitivity of the original MOANS norms is lowered by likely inclusion of individuals with MCI, particularly in females. Updated normative data for the AVLT that exclude individuals with MCI and adjust for sex are needed.
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Carmichael, Owen T., Rebecca H. Neiberg, Gareth R. Dutton, Kathleen M. Hayden, Edward Horton, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Karen C. Johnson, Stephen R. Rapp, Adam P. Spira und Mark A. Espeland. „Long-term Change in Physiological Markers and Cognitive Performance in Type 2 Diabetes: The Look AHEAD Study“. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 105, Nr. 12 (26.08.2020): e4778-e4791. http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa591.

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Abstract Context The effects of physiological improvements on cognitive function among persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are not fully understood. Objective To determine whether improvements in physiological markers (body weight, blood sugar control, and physical activity) during intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) are associated with enhancements in cognitive function in older adults with T2DM. Design Multisite randomized controlled trial. Setting Academic research centers. Patients or Other Participants Participants were aged 45–76 years, with T2DM. Intervention The Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) study, a randomized, controlled clinical trial of ILI. Main Outcome Measure Two to 3 cognitive assessments were collected from 1089 participants, the first and last occurring a mean (standard deviation) of 8.6 (1.0) and 11.5 (0.7) years after enrollment. Results Greater improvement in blood sugar control was associated with better cognitive scores (fasting glucose and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test [AVLT]: P = 0.0148; fasting glucose and Digit Symbol Coding (DSC): P = 0.0360; HbA1C and DSC: P = 0.0477); but weight loss had mixed associations with cognitive scores (greater body mass index [BMI] reduction and worse AVLT overall: P = 0.0053; and greater BMI reduction and better DSC scores among those overweight but not obese at baseline: P = 0.010). Associations were strongest among those who were overweight (not obese) at baseline, and among those with a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at baseline. Conclusions Improvements in glycemic control, but not necessarily weight status, during ILI may be associated with better subsequent cognitive performance. These associations may differ by adiposity and CVD history.
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Caselli, Richard J., Amylou C. Dueck, Dona E. C. Locke, Leslie C. Baxter, Bryan K. Woodruff und Yonas E. Geda. „Sex-Based Memory Advantages and Cognitive Aging: A Challenge to the Cognitive Reserve Construct?“ Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 21, Nr. 2 (Februar 2015): 95–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355617715000016.

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AbstractEducation and related proxies for cognitive reserve (CR) are confounded by associations with environmental factors that correlate with cerebrovascular disease possibly explaining discrepancies between studies examining their relationships to cognitive aging and dementia. In contrast, sex-related memory differences may be a better proxy. Since they arise developmentally, they are less likely to reflect environmental confounds. Women outperform men on verbal and men generally outperform women on visuospatial memory tasks. Furthermore, memory declines during the preclinical stage of AD, when it is clinically indistinguishable from normal aging. To determine whether CR mitigates age-related memory decline, we examined the effects of gender and APOE genotype on longitudinal memory performances. Memory decline was assessed in a cohort of healthy men and women enriched for APOE ɛ4 who completed two verbal [Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), Buschke Selective Reminding Test (SRT)] and two visuospatial [Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (CFT), and Benton Visual Retention Test (VRT)] memory tests, as well as in a separate larger and older cohort [National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC)] who completed a verbal memory test (Logical Memory). Age-related memory decline was accelerated in APOE ɛ4 carriers on all verbal memory measures (AVLT, p=.03; SRT p<.001; logical memory p<.001) and on the VRT p=.006. Baseline sex associated differences were retained over time, but no sex differences in rate of decline were found for any measure in either cohort. Sex-based memory advantage does not mitigate age-related memory decline in either APOE ɛ4 carriers or non-carriers. (JINS, 2015, 21, 95–104)
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Liu, Huixin, Hongjuan Lu, Yichen Ji, Wenjian Liu, Haoran Yang, Xuan Zhang, Jiayi Li und Wei Sun. „Efficacy and cognitive impact of modified Atkins diet in adults with drug-resistant epilepsy“. Brain & Heart 2, Nr. 1 (16.02.2024): 1978. http://dx.doi.org/10.36922/bh.1978.

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This study aims to explore the efficacy and cognitive impact of the modified Atkins diet (MAD) in adults with drug-resistant epilepsy, as well as to analyze changes in epileptiform activity during ketogenic diet (KD) intervention. We performed a prospective, open-label study with patients aged 16 &ndash; 60 years who met the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) criteria for drug-resistant epilepsy. Sixteen patients were enrolled in this study, and baseline clinical and electroencephalography (EEG) characteristics, along with neuropsychological tests, were collected before and after 3 months of KD. Patients were divided into responders (&ge;50% seizure reduction) and non-responders (<50% seizure reduction) according to the clinical efficacy of the KD. Results indicate that 37.5% of patients reported a &ge;50% seizure reduction after 3 months. In terms of safety, 37.5% of patients reported adverse effects, including constipation, abdominal pain, and nausea. In addition, a statistically significant increase in the level of total cholesterol was observed (P = 0.037) after diet treatment. Regarding cognitive impact, there was a significant improvement in auditory verbal learning test (AVLT) instant recall scale scores (P = 0.017). In terms of EEG characteristics, MAD significantly reduces interictal epileptic discharge (IED) index in non-rapid eye movement 2 (NREM2) after 3 months. No clinical predictors or EEG characteristics of MAD efficacy were identified. In conclusion, MAD can be safely and effectively practiced by adults with drug-resistant epilepsy. KD treatment has a significant impact on AVLT instant recall and can reduce the IED index in NREM2.
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Geffen, G. M., P. Butterworth und L. B. Geffen. „Test-retest reliability of a new form of the auditory verbal learning test (AVLT)“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 9, Nr. 4 (01.01.1994): 303–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/arclin/9.4.303.

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Geffen, G. „Test-retest reliability of a new form of the auditory verbal learning test (AVLT)“. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 9, Nr. 4 (August 1994): 303–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0887-6177(94)90018-3.

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Vakil, Eli, und Haya Blachstein. „A supplementary measure in the Rey AVLT for assessing incidental learning of temporal order“. Journal of Clinical Psychology 50, Nr. 2 (März 1994): 240–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1097-4679(199403)50:2<240::aid-jclp2270500215>3.0.co;2-5.

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THAUT, MICHAEL H., DAVID A. PETERSON, KIMBERLY M. SENA und GERALD C. MCINTOSH. „MUSICAL STRUCTURE FACILITATES VERBAL LEARNING IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS“. Music Perception 25, Nr. 4 (01.04.2008): 325–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/mp.2008.25.4.325.

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THERE IS GROWING EVIDENCE that the temporal patterns in music and rhythm can be a mediating stimulus to enhance cognitive function.We investigated here whether a musical template would influence verbal learning and memory performance in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The patients were randomly divided into two groups, hearing either a spoken or musical (sung) presentation of Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Patients in the music condition showed significantly better word order memory than patients in the spoken condition. The evidence suggests that music enhances word order memory in patients with MS.We discuss the possible neurobiological underpinning of this result.
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