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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Prabowo, Donni, Ema Utami und Hanif Al Fatta. „Implementasi Konsep Gamification pada Aplikasi Terapi Autis dengan Metode Applied Behavior Analysis“. Creative Information Technology Journal 1, Nr. 3 (02.04.2015): 204.

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Autisme merupakan gangguan yang dialami sejak lahir ataupun saat balita. Gangguan ini merupakan kelainan perkembangan sistem saraf pada seseorang. Penderita autisme umumnya mengalami kesulitan dengan fungsi sosial, motorik, sensorik, dan kognitif. Salah satu penanganan autisme yaitu dengan melakukan terapi. Metode terapi autis yang paling sering digunakan sampai saat ini yaitu metode Applied Behavior Analisyst (ABA). Saat ini penerapan konsep permainan atau gamification merupakan salah satu cara untuk membuat penderita autism antusias untuk melakukan terapi, oleh karena itu penelitian ini akan membahas perancangan aplikasi game terapi autis pada empat bidang yang menjadi masalah bagi penderita autism yaitu bidang sosial, motorik, sensorik, dan kognitif. Rancangan aplikasi game terapi ini akan diterapkan pada sistem terapi autis yang menerapkan metode ABA yaitu sistem Ahada ( Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses perancangan game terapi pada penelitian ini adalah model Game Design Document menurut Adams Ernest. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan yang menyatakan bahwa implementasi konsep game pada sistem terapi autis Ahada dapat diterapkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Game Design Document. Pendekatan ini dinyatakan sebagai pendekatan yang baik untuk digunakan dalam proses perancangan game. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menyatakan bahwa penerapan konsep Natural User Interface (NUI) dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem Ahada untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terapi motorik.Autism is disorder experienced since the time of birth or infancy. This disorder is developmental disorder of the nervous system in person. People with autism generally have difficulty with social, motor, sensory, and cognitive. One of autism treatment is therapy. Autism treatment methods are most commonly used to date are Applied Behavior Analisyst method (ABA). Now, game concept application is one way to create enthusiasm for autism therapy, therefore this research will discuss about design of autism therapy game on four areas that become problem for people with autism are social, motor, sensory, and cognitive. The design of the therapy game application will be applied to autism therapy system that implements the method ABA, that is Ahada system. The approach used in the game design process of therapy in this study is Game Design Document by Ernest Adams. This study resulted conclusion that the concept of gaming on Ahada autism therapy system can be implemented by using Game Design Document. This approach is expressed as good approach to use in game design process. In addition, this study also stated that the application of the Natural User Interface concept can be integrated with the system to meet the needs motor therapy.
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Siti, Ai, Elly Marlina und Dudy Imanuddin Effendy. „Pengembangan Interaksi Sosial Anak Autis melalui Terapi Applied Behavior Analysis“. Irsyad : Jurnal Bimbingan, Penyuluhan, Konseling, dan Psikoterapi Islam 8, Nr. 3 (30.09.2020): 271–88.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi awal kemampuan interaksi sosial anak autis, proses pelaksanaan dan hasil dari bimbingan dengan metode terapi Applied Behavior Analysis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: kondisi awal kemampuan interaksi sosial anak autis masih belum memiliki kontak mata yang fokus dan bahasa verbal yang bagus. Proses pelaksanaan bimbingan kepada anak autis usia SDLB dilakukan oleh terapis; Bimbingan kepada anak autis usia kelas vokasional oleh konselor;Bbimbingan oleh semua pegawai SLB Autisma Bunda Bening Selakshahati selama 24 jam penuh. Hasil bimbingan menunjukkan bahwa anak autis mampu memiliki kontak mata yang fokus dan bahasa verbal yang bagus. This study aims to describe the initial conditions of social interaction skills of children with autism, the implementation process, and the results of guidance using the Applied Behavior Analysis method. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that: the initial condition of the social interaction ability of children with autism still did not have focused eye contact and acceptable verbal language. Therapists carry out implementing guidance for children with autism at SDLB age; Guidance for children with autism in a vocational class by counselors; Guidance by all employees of SLB Autism Bunda Bening Selakshahati for 24 hours straight. The guidance results show that children with autism can have focused on eye contact and acceptable verbal language.
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Latar Belakang: Salah satu jenis anak berkebutuhan khusus yang banyak dijumpai adalah autis. Jumlah anak autis di Yogyakarta semakin meningkat, pada tahun 2008 dari 98.000 kelahiran terdapat 196 anak yang menyandang autis, kemudian tahun 2009 dari 100.000 kelahiran terdapat 200 anak yang menyandang autis dan pada tahun 2010 tercatat dari dari 202.500 kelahiran terdapat 205 anak yang menyandang autis. Salah satu gangguan yang terdapat pada anak autis yaitu keterbatasan interaksi sosial. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh story telling dengan media gambar terhadap kemampuan interaksi sosial pada anak autis di Sekolah Dasar Khusus Autisme Bina Anggita. Metode Penelitian: Menggunakan metode Pre Experimental Design dengan rancangan one group pre-test post-test design. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 43 anak. Sampel berjumlah 15 anak diambil dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Wilcoxon. Hasil: Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon pada tingkat kemaknaan 95% (α 0,05) diperoleh nilai hitung (p value=0,000). Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh story telling dengan media gambar terhadap kemampuan interaksi sosial anak autis di Sekolah Dasar Khusus Autisme Bina Anggita. Saran: Penelitian selanjutnya supaya menambahkan jumlah sampel supaya bisa digeneralisasikan dan menambah observasi perubahan tingkah laku anak. Kata kunci: Autis - Interaksi Sosial - Story Telling - Media Gambar ABSTRACT Background: One type of child with special needs has is autism. The number of autistic children in Yogyakarta increased. In 2008 from 98,000 births there were 196 children with autism, then in 2009 out of 100,000 births there were 200 children with autism and in 2010 recorded from 202,500 births there were 205 children with autism. One of the disorders that exist in children with autism is the limitation of social interaction. Objective: To identify the effect of story telling with picture on autistic child social interaction ability in Autism Special School Bina Anggita. Methods: It was a pre experimental design with one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study amounted to 43 children. The sample was 15 children taken with purposive sampling technique. Analysis used Wilcoxon. Result: Analysis used Wilcoxon test at significance level 95% (α, 0,05) shows value count (p value = 0,000). Conclusion: There is an effect of story telling with picture on autistic child social interaction ability in Autism Special School Bina Anggita. Suggestion: Further researchers are suggested to add the number of sample to be generalized and add observation changes in children's behavior. Keywords: Autism - Social Interaction - Story Telling - Picture Media
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Febrianto, Ade Surya, und Ira Darmawanti. „Studi Kasus Penerimaan Seorang Ayah Terhadap Anak Autis“. Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan 7, Nr. 1 (30.08.2016): 50.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the process of fathers’ acceptance to their children with autism. This study used a qualitative approach. Three participants who are fathers of children with autism were involved in this study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis. This study reveals three themes, namely participants’ responses on their autistic children; the psychological experiences of having children with autism; and making efforts to accept their autistic children. In general, the result of this study shows that the participants have different experiences in raising their autistic children. This study also found various forms and aspects of acceptance that are experienced by participantsAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana proses penerimaan seorang ayah terhadap anaknya yang menyandang autisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Karateristik partisipan penelitian meliputi ayah yang memiliki anak dengan diagnosis autisme. Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara semi terstruktur, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan 3 (tiga) tema yaitu tanggapan terhadap autism anaknya; pengalaman psikologis memiliki anak autis; dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencapai penerimaan terhadap anaknya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara umum ketiga partisipan memiliki pengalaman berbeda dalam merawat anak mereka yang didiagnosis autisme. Penelitian ini juga menemukan beberapa bentuk penerimaan yang dialami partisipan serta aspek-aspek penerimaan partisipan terhadap anaknya yang autis..
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Martins, Maria Eduarda, Pâmela Milena da Silva, Adelmo Fernandes do Espírito Santo Neto, Bruna da Rosa Maggi Sant'Helena, Hellen Maria de Lima Graf Fernandes und Solange Abrocesi. „Percepções dos irmãos de pessoas com autismo sobre o transtorno do espectro autista: revisão de escopo“. Revista Recien - Revista Científica de Enfermagem 14, Nr. 42 (03.08.2024): 421–32.

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Analisar na literatura a perspectiva dos irmãos não autistas acerca do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo conforme o protocolo Instituto Joanna Briggs, em conjunto com a aplicação dos Itens de Relatórios Preferenciais para Revisões Sistemáticas e a extensão para Meta-Análises em Revisões de Escopo (PRISMA-ScR). As buscas ocorreram nas bases MEDLINE, SciELO, PUBMED e Bireme. Deu-se amostra de 14 artigos, publicados entre 2016 e 2023. A apresentação dos resultados foi apresentada por meio de duas categorias analíticas (1) sentimentos dos irmãos neurotípicos aos irmãos autistas e (2) função social da família no tratamento do autismo. Os irmãos de indivíduos com autismo participam desde o momento do diagnóstico, colaborando com os pais na adaptação da rotina, ocasionando restrições na interação social. Observou-se que esses irmãos vivenciam sentimentos de apreensão, inquietação e possuem escasso conhecimento sobre o autismo, mesmo compartilhando a proximidade com um familiar que manifesta tal transtorno.Descritores: Transtorno do Espectro Autista, Saúde Mental, Relações entre Irmãos, Relações Familiares. Perceptions of siblings of people with autism about autism spectrum disorder: a scoping review Abstract: To explore in literature the perspective of non-autistic siblings regarding ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This constitutes a scope review in accordance with the protocol established by the Joanna Briggs Institute, combined with the utilization of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Searches Were Conducted in the databases MEDLINE, SciELO, PUBMED, and Bireme. The qualitative analysis was conducted in line with Minayo's thematic analysis, encompassing a sample of 14 articles published between 2016 and 2023. The presentation of results was organized into two analytical categories: (1) emotions of neurotypical siblings towards autistic siblings and (2) the family's social role in autism treatment. Siblings of individuals with autism are involved from the moment of diagnosis, collaborating with parents in adapting routines to accommodate the family member with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), resulting in limitations in social interaction. It was observed that these siblings experience feelings of apprehension and unrest, possessing limited knowledge about autism despite their close proximity to a family member with this condition.Descriptors: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mental Health, Sibling Relationships,Sibling Relations. Percepciones de los hermanos de personas con autismo sobre el trastorno del espectro autista: revisión del alcance Resumen: Explorar en la literatura la perspectiva de los hermanos no autistas sobre el TEA. Método: se trata de una revisión de alcance según el protocolo establecido por el Instituto Joanna Briggs, junto con la aplicación de los Ítems de Reporte Preferenciales para Revisiones Sistemáticas y la extensión para Meta-Análisis en Revisiones de Alcance (PRISMA-ScR). Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos MEDLINE, SciELO, PUBMED y Bireme. El análisis cualitativo se realizó según el análisis temático de Minayo y tuvo una muestra de 14 artículos, publicados entre 2016 y 2023. La presentación de los resultados se realizó a través de dos categorías analíticas (1) sentimientos de los hermanos neurotípicos hacia los hermanos autistas y (2) función social de la familia en el tratamiento del autismo. Los hermanos de individuos con autismo participan desde el momento del diagnóstico, colaborando con los padres en la adaptación de la rutina para acomodar al miembro de la familia con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), lo que resulta en restricciones en la interacción social. Se observó que estos hermanos experimentan sentimientos de aprensión, inquietud y tienen escaso conocimiento sobre el autismo, incluso compartiendo la proximidad con un familiar que manifiesta dicho trastorno.Descriptores: Trastorno Del Espectro Autista, Salud Mental, Relaciones Entre Hermanos, Relaciones entre Hermanos.
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Bahan penyerta adalah bahan yang dirancang sebagai pendukung pemanfaatan program televisi/ video tutorial yang berguna untuk membantu kegiatan parenting autis dengan metode Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) tingkat menengah (intermediate). Dengan dukungan bahan penyerta ini, diharapkan akan meningkatkan efektivitas pemanfaatan program televisi/video tutorial parenting autis. Pengembangan bahan penyerta ini dinilai penting karena bertujuan untuk membantu kegiatan parenting autis di mana anak autis juga memiliki hak untuk mengenyam pendididikan sebagai bagian dari perkembangan diri mereka. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan, yaitu mengembangkan bahan penyerta program televisi/video tutorial parenting autis berdasarkan model Dick dan Carey. Bahan penyerta secara umum dinilai bermanfaat untuk membantu orangtua, terapis, atau guru bagi anak autis, mengingat kekhususan anak autis, bukan pada faktor akademiknya melainkan pada faktor komunikasi dan sosial anak. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, ahli materi, ahli media, dan sasaran (guru, terapis, orangtua anak autis) menyatakan secara umum bahan bahwa bahan penyerta program televisi/video tutorial parenting autisme dengan metode ABA tingkat menengah (intermediate) yang sedang dikembangkan layak disebarluaskan.Suplement material was designed to support the use of television programs/video tutorial. Development of video tutorial supporting learning materials is aim to help autistic parenting activities with intermediate levels of ABA method. Parenting autism is important because children with autism also have the right to acquire education as part of their own development. This type of research is the development research. Autism parenting video tutorial supporting learning materials is developed by Dick and Carey model, and useful to help parents, therapists, or teachers. Because, children with autism given the specificity not on academic factors, but communication and social development. Based on the test results of expert content, media experts, and target consist of teachers, therapists, and parents of children with autism in general expressed that video tutorial supporting learning materials of parenting autism with ABA methods level intermediate is feasible to distribute.
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Ammara, Nafika Tsaqif, und Dyan Agustin. „PENERAPAN BEHAVIOUR SETTING PADA BANGUNAN AUTIS CENTER DI BONTANG“. Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur 23, Nr. 1 (10.04.2022): 71–85.

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Bangunan dan manusia adalah hal yang berhubungan. Perilaku manusia menjadi pembentuk arsitektur, tetapi arsitektur juga dapat membentuk perilaku manusia. Terutama untuk fasilitas kesehatan seperti rumah sakit dan juga pusat layanan autis memiliki perhatian khusus untuk penggunanya. Autisme sendiri menjadi perhatian walaupun tidak bisa disembuhkan, autisme dapat dilatih agar mereka dapat beradaptasi pada lingkungan sekitarnya. Perhatian khusus dapat didukung dari bentuk, sirkulasi, dan warna bagi anak autis. Unsur tersebut akan membantu mereka selama proses terapi dan juga bermain mengenal lingkungannya. Maka dari itu, bangunan yang dirancang harus dapat beradaptasi dengen perilaku – perilaku anak autis. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah Analisa deskriptif yang dapat memaparkan, menguraikan, dan menjelaskan mengenai prinsip-prinsip pendekatan behavior setting dari arsitektur perilaku. Bertujuan untuk menjadi landasan ilmu bagaimana sebuah autis center dapat dikatakan adaptif dengan para pasien autis karena sifatnya sebagai pusat terapi harus mendukung setiap elemen yang dapat terciptanya sebuah efektivitas dalam terapi. Identifikasi dilakukan melalui studi kasus Autis Center di Bontang dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ditujukan untuk menghasilkan rangkuman pola pembentuk behavior setting yang dapat diterapkan pada perancangan fasilitas Autis Center di Bontang. Jurnal ini akan menjabarkan bagaimana hubungan antara perilaku anak autis dan bangunan kepada efektivitas mereka dalam proses terapi dengan objek yang sudah terbangun yaitu Autis Center di Bontang.Buildings and people are related. Human behavior forms architecture, but architecture can also shape human behavior. Especially for health facilities such as hospitals and also autism service centers have special attention for their users. Autism itself is a concern even though it cannot be cured, autism can be trained so that they can adapt to the surrounding environment. Special attention can be supported from the shape, circulation, and color for children with autism. These elements will help them during the therapy process and also play to know their environment. Therefore, the building that is designed must be able to adapt to the behavior of autistic children. The research method used is descriptive analysis which can describe, describe, and explain the principles of the behavior setting approach of behavioral architecture. Aims to be the basis of knowledge on how an autistic center can be said to be adaptive to autistic patients because of its nature as a therapy center that must support every element that can create an effectiveness in therapy. Identification is done through a case study of the Autism Center in Bontang with descriptive analysis method. The aim of this research is to produce a summary of patterns of behavior setting that can be applied to the design of the Autism Center facility in Bontang. This journal will describe how the relationship between autistic children's behavior and building to their effectiveness in the therapy process with an object that has been built, namely the Autism Center in Bontang.
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Risna Esa Salsabila und Stephani Raihana Hamdhan. „Studi Literatur Stigma pada Anak Autis“. Bandung Conference Series: Psychology Science 4, Nr. 1 (01.02.2024): 488–94.

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Abstract. Individuals with autism often face difficulties in social interactions and socio-emotional development, which can be influenced by societal stigma surrounding this condition. Stigma may arise from misconceptions and myths about autism. This research aims to investigate public perceptions, triggering factors of stigma, and their impact on the lives of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Indonesia. The primary data sources are scientific journals, articles, and academic materials discussing stigma towards autistic children in Indonesia. Thematic analysis was employed to identify common patterns related to public perceptions, triggering factors of stigma, and the impact of stigma on autistic children. The research findings indicate that stigma towards autism is not only public but also internal (self-stigma) and involves close associates (affiliation stigma). Stigma's impacts include difficulties in seeking assistance, hindrances in recovery, discrimination, limited opportunities, inhumane treatment, social isolation, and mental health issues. Factors such as gender, age, culture, prior experiences, and knowledge about autism influence the occurrence of stigma. Accurate understanding of autism is crucial in addressing stigma in this study. Efforts are needed to raise public awareness, dispel prevalent myths, and provide better support for individuals with autism and their families. With these measures, it is hoped that the negative impact of stigma on the lives of children with ASD in Indonesia can be reduced. Abstrak. Individu dengan autisme sering mengalami kesulitan dalam interaksi sosial dan perkembangan sosio-emosional, yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh stigma masyarakat terhadap kondisi ini. Stigma dapat berasal dari persepsi yang keliru dan mitos seputar autisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki persepsi masyarakat, faktor-faktor pemicu stigma, dan dampaknya terhadap kehidupan anak-anak dengan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) di Indonesia. Sumber data utama berasal dari jurnal ilmiah, artikel, dan sumber-sumber akademis yang membahas stigma terhadap anak-anak autis di Indonesia. Data dianalisis secara tematik untuk mengidentifikasi pola umum terkait persepsi masyarakat, faktor-faktor pemicu stigma, dan dampak stigma pada anak-anak autis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stigma terhadap autisme tidak hanya bersifat publik, tetapi juga internal (self-stigma) dan melibatkan orang-orang terdekat (stigma afiliasi). Dampak stigma mencakup kesulitan mencari bantuan, hambatan dalam pemulihan, diskriminasi, kurangnya peluang, perlakuan kurang manusiawi, isolasi sosial, dan masalah kesehatan mental. Faktor-faktor seperti jenis kelamin, usia, budaya, pengalaman sebelumnya, dan pengetahuan tentang autisme memengaruhi terjadinya stigma. Dalam penelitian ini pemahaman yang akurat mengenai autisme untuk mengatasi stigma. Upaya perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat, mengoreksi mitos yang berkembang, dan memberikan dukungan yang lebih baik kepada individu dengan autisme dan keluarganya. Dengan langkah-langkah ini, diharapkan dapat mengurangi dampak negatif stigma terhadap kehidupan anak-anak dengan ASD di Indonesia.
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Abbas, Irfan, Khalid Ahmed und Muhammad Asad Habib. „Conversation Analysis: A Methodology for Diagnosing Autism“. Global Language Review VII, Nr. II (30.06.2022): 1–12.

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The present study examines the conversational turn-taking patterns in autist-neurotypical talk. The objective of the study is to find out the distinctive features of autist-normal conversations. This study is cross-sectional, descriptive and qualitative in its nature. Recordings are done in anautism center in Lahore for a period of ten days. It is mainly a qualitative study in its nature. Five autistic children of different ages are selected from an autism center in Lahore. The data for the study is collected through video recording of the conversations between autists and speech therapists. The sample is selected through convenient sampling and analysis is done by following the methods of conversation analysis. The results of the analysis highlight certain distinct features of autist child-therapist talk which are not observed in the normal ordinary conversation. However, there is not a total violation of the conversation rules on the part of autists. Moreover, the findings of the research show that conversational patterns in autist-normal conversation are also affected by the chronological age of the autists. Finally, the research concludes that conversation analysis can be used as a tool for the identification of autism.
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<p><em>One of the causes of autism are environmental factors contaminated by toxic substances, food, nutrition, and as a result raksenasi. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parents applying compliance gluten and casein-free diet (GFCF) by the behavior of children with autism in Bukittinggi SLB AlIkhlas 2015 years.Design of this study was cross-sectional, this research has been carried out in July 2015. The number of samples in this study as many as 47 parents of children with autism who are undergoing training in Autism Special SLB Al-Ikhlas London in 2015. Tools used to collect data in the form of questionnaires. This study uses a Chi-Square test of univariate data analysis of data obtained more than half of the 57,4% perents dutifully implement the gluten and casein free diet (GFCF) , Less than half of the 44,7% of respondents have good behavior and bivariate data analysis p= 0,034 smaller than 0,05 there is a relationship of parents applying a gluten and casein free diet (GFCF) by the behavior of children with autism. Suggestion in this research is need to develop research about influence of gluten-free diet and casein (GFCF) on autism child development as one of intervention given by health worker for deeper study and number of samples more so that accuracy of result of research more guaranteed.</em></p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK </strong>Salah satu faktor penyebab autis yaitu faktor lingkungan yang terkontaminasi oleh zat-zat beracun, pangan, gizi, dan akibat raksenasi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan orang tua menerapkan diet bebas gluten dan kasein (DBGK) dengan perilaku anak autis di SLB Al-Ikhlas Bukittinggi tahun 2015. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2015. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 47 orang tua dari anak autisme yang sedang menjalani pendidikan di SLB Khusus Autis Al-Ikhlas Bukittinggi pada tahun 2015. Alat yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dari analisa data didapatkan data univariat lebih dari separuh yaitu 57,4% orang tua patuh menerapkan diet bebas gluten dan kasein (DBGK), kurang dari separuh yaitu 44,7% responden memiliki perilaku yang baik dan hasil analisa data bivariat didapatkan p=0,034 lebih kecil dari 0,05 yaitu ada hubungan kepatuhan orang tua menerapkan diet bebas gluten dan kasein (DBGK) dengan perilaku anak autis. Saran pada penelitian ini adalah perlu dikembangkannya penelitian mengenai pengaruh dari diet (DBGK) terhadap perkembangan anak autisme sebagai salah satu intervensi yang diberikan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk kajian yang lebih dalam dan jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak sehingga keakuratan hasil penelitian lebih terjamin.</p>
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Norris, Megan. „Examining the Autism Phenotype: The Structure of Autism Spectrum Disorders as Measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule“. The Ohio State University, 2010.

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de, Sousa Ines Girao Meireles. „Molecular genetics of autism : Identification and analysis of autism susceptibility genes“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010.

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Donnelly, Julie A. „Subtypes of autism by cluster analysis /“. free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 1996.

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Johnson, Taylon M. „Autism Policy: State and National Legislation Analysis“. Scholarship @ Claremont, 2012.

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This research thesis is a policy assessment of the factors that contribute to the current status in treating autism. The policy assessment begins with a description of the key components that that influence policy outcomes in regard to autism. After developing a policy model that outlines various components of issues and approaches to the policy has on Autism, the paper examines several issues with regard to Autism policy, including the lack of insurance coverage, state legislation, waiting lists, evidence vs. non evidence treatments, and the high price for treatments. The paper also examines current approaches to Autism, and potential solutions. Solution analysis on current policy alternatives is provided and, this suggests that increasing knowledge and awareness of the affects of autism on society needs further attention along with proper funding for early treatment.
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Huws, Jacqueline C. „Making sense of autism: A component analysis“. Thesis, Bangor University, 2009.

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Georgi, Udo [Verfasser]. „Functional Analysis of Autism Genes in Zebrafish : Investigation of the Autism Related 16p11.2 Deletion / Udo Georgi“. Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2014.

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Bonora, Elena. „Autism susceptibility genes : analysis of candidate genes at the AUTS1 locus on chromosome 7q“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004.

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Harding, Susie. „Interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of autism and perceptions of parenting in parents with a child with autism“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014.

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Background: Research has highlighted that parenting a child with autism can be challenging and stressful. However, many parents successfully cope with the challenges posed by autism. A systematic review investigated parental psychological predictors of positive adjustment and coping in parents with a child with autism. Although a range of potential predictor variables were examined, including social support, coping styles and religious beliefs, the results of the review were inconclusive due to the conceptual overlap of predictor variables, and inconsistent use of outcome indicators of positive adjustment. However, parental perceptions of their situation and themselves as parents were represented across a number of variables, and were thought to be of relevance in understanding processes of adjustment. Therefore, qualitative research was undertaken to explore this further. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight parents of children with autism on their experiences of being a parent, and their perceptions of influences on their sense of self. The data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results: The following five super-ordinate themes emerged from the study: ‘experiencing autism as hard to know’, ‘experiencing autism as all-consuming and extreme’, ‘diagnosis giving understanding and confidence’, ‘parenting in the eyes of others’, and ‘dilemma of acceptance’. The meaning of these themes for parents and how they related to their sense of self and belief in their ability was discussed. For example, the ambiguity and difficulty in understanding autism, and the overwhelming nature of the condition related to feelings of self-doubt in parents. On the other hand, confidence increased when the diagnosis was identified, and when parenting skills and the child’s progress were recognised by others. Discussion: This research has provided a richer understanding of self-perceptions of parenting and the impact of these experiences on a parent’s sense of self. It has contributed to a broader literature on positive adjustment in families with a child with autism. This understanding will be useful to those seeking to engage and support families with a child with autism, and assist parents with coping and adjustment.
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The current study utilized a multiple baseline design to teach olfactory discrimination skills to adolescent participants with autism spectrum disorders. Relational abilities among smells and causal relations were initially probed and an intervention was implemented via training and reversal testing probes using frames of distinction between stimulus depicting clean clothing (A) and worn clothing (B), causal framing to relate those odors with specific actions stimulus depicting clean clothing (A) with wearing or hanging the clothing (C) and stimulus depicting worn clothing (B) and placing the clothing in the laundry or hamper (D). Finally, these skills were tested in an applied setting when comparing clothing items that may or may not need to be laundered through the demonstrate of transformation of stimulus function in a novel setting by testing relations between clean clothing (Y) and wearing or hanging the clothing (C) and previously worn clothing( Z) and putting them in the laundry or hamper (D). The intervention was effective at establishing these relational responses for all 4 participants throughout each phase leading to the application of these responses in an applied setting with 80%-100%. Limitations and future application are discussed involving the use of cross modal stimuli in when teaching relations and broader implications of the science.
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Foxall, Gemma. „When autism strikes (an exegesis)“. Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2020.

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The structure of this thesis is twofold: a creative work and exegesis. The creative work is a book entitled When Autism Strikes, and documents my family's journey into the world of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the actions taken to reduce the disabling features of my son's diagnosis. The text is supplemented with commentary sections, presenting information gathered from my professional and personal experiences. The creative work uses the writing genre known as Creative Nonfiction and shares scenes over the course of one year in the characters’ lives. Character development and first person dialogue create an emotive narrative to link together clinical disciplines not usually integrated in published work. Relevant in-text links to academic literature and references are cited at the end of each of the three parts, so that readers are supported to learn more about significant publications. Key features of Autism Spectrum Disorder that underpin the clinical diagnostic terms are incorporated into the story to demonstrate the complexity and broadness of the condition. Whilst the creative work has implicit discussion points and messages, the exegesis explicitly explores and reviews the issues highlighted in the creative work. The methodology underpinning this research is Practice-based research, and sourced data according to the four perspectives I bring to the project, that of: therapist, researcher, parent and teacher. The evolution of the research design is discussed in the exegesis and how data were presented to produce the creative work. When Autism Strikes communicates information in a new way, thereby creating a novel contribution to the academic community, and pending future publication, the broader audience for whom it is written.
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Bücher zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Victor, George. The riddle of autism: A psychological analysis. Northvale, N.J: Jason Aronson, 1995.

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Buchanan, Suzanne M. Applied behavior analysis and autism: An introduction. Ewing, N.J: New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community, 2006.

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Leaf, Justin B., Joseph H. Cihon, Julia L. Ferguson und Mary Jane Weiss, Hrsg. Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis Interventions for Autism. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Matson, Johnny L., Hrsg. Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Bury, Chris. Autism and applied behavioral analysis: To find the words. Princeton, N.J: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2007.

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Michael, Keenan, Hrsg. Applied behaviour analysis and autism: Building a future together. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley, 2006.

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Matson, Johnny L., Hrsg. Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Adrienne, Fitzer, und Sturmey Peter, Hrsg. Language and autism: Applied behavior analysis, evidence, and practice. Austin, Tex: PRO-ED, 2009.

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Rey-Flaud, Henri. Les enfants de l'indicible peur: Nouveau regard sur l'autisme. Paris: Aubier, 2010.

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Roger, Perron, und Ribas Denys, Hrsg. Autismes de l'enfance. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1994.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Roncati, Ana Luiza, und Andresa A. De Souza. „Autism“. In Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1235–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Thompson, Travis. „Autism and Behavior Analysis“. In The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning, 483–508. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.

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Palmieri, Mark. „Functional Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–7. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2020.

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Weiss, Mary Jane, Thomas Zane und Samantha Russo. „Behavior Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–5. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2018.

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Pilato, Madison. „Hair Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–2. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2017.

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Georgiades, Stelios, Thomas Frazier und Eric Duku. „Factor Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–5. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2017.

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Pratt, Cathy, und Lisa Steward. „Task Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1–2. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2017.

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Anagnostou, Evdokia, Deepali Mankad, Joshua Diehl, Catherine Lord, Sarah Butler, Andrea McDuffie, Lisa Shull et al. „Narrative Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1972. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Ward, Tracey, Raphael Bernier, Cora Mukerji, Danielle Perszyk, James C. McPartland, Ellen Johnson, Susan Faja et al. „Functional Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1345–51. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Macy, Kelly, Wouter Staal, Cate Kraper, Amanda Steiner, Trina D. Spencer, Lydia Kruse, Marina Azimova et al. „Behavior Analysis“. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 405–9. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Sujatha, E., R. Suguna Devi, D. Pavai und K. Saranya. „Comprehensive Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection Using Deep Learning“. In 2024 4th International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (ICSES), 781–85. IEEE, 2024.

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Azizifard, Narges, Lidia Pivovarova und Eetu Mäkelä. „Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19“. In 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 401–8. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2024.

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Uday, Nayana, Judy K. George und Elizabeth Sherly. „An fMRI-Based Centrality Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder“. In 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 1–8. IEEE, 2024.

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Arathi, T. S., Samyukths Sasikumar und A. S. Mahesh. „Predictive Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder using Machine Learning Techniques*“. In 2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.

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P L, Lekshmylal, Vinod B R, Ashalatha Radhakrishnan und Shiny G. „Advancing Early Autism Detection in Children through Machine Learning-Assisted Spectrogram Analysis“. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES), 1–5. IEEE, 2024.

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Du, Minghao, Tao Li, Yunuo Xu, Peng Fang, Xin Xu, Ping Shi, Wei Liu, Xiaoya Liu und Shuang Liu. „Camera-based Gait Kinematic Features Analysis and Recognition of Autism Spectrum Disorder“. In 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 1–4. IEEE, 2024.

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B, Akshitha Yadav, Rupa Ch und Sushma Sri K. „Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Pediatric Populations using Facial Feature Analysis“. In 2024 First International Conference on Innovations in Communications, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICICEC), 1–7. IEEE, 2024.

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Karpliuk, Yevhenii, Anton Popov, Volodymyr Kharytonov, Kateryna Ivanko und Hanna Porieva. „AI-Assisted Analysis of EEG for Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pilot Study“. In 2024 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 412–16. IEEE, 2024.

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Chen, Zhonghao. „The Clinicopathologic Analysis of Autism“. In 2020 International Conference on Public Health and Data Science (ICPHDS). IEEE, 2020.

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Hersinta. „Tweeting Autism - A Framing Analysis of Twitter Conversations on Autism in Indonesia“. In International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Autism analysis"


Duan, Ye. 3D Facial Pattern Analysis for Autism. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 2009.

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Duan, Ye. 3D Facial Pattern Analysis for Autism. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 2010.

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Wang, Xiaoxi. A Meta-Analysis of Acupuncture for Autism Spectrum Disorders. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2020.

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Kushak, Rafail. Analysis of Small Intestinal Microbiome in Children with Autism. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 2013.

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Kushak, Rafail. Analysis of the Small Intestinal Microbiome of Children With Autism. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2013.

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Wei, Ran, Yonglu Wang, Hui Fang, Luyang Guan, Jianxing Gao, Xinyue Xu, Jin Hua und xiaoyan Ke. A Meta-Analysis on Electrophysiological Microstates in Autism Spectrum Disorder. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, Oktober 2024.

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Li, Yinhua, Wanting Lan und Xiaohui Hou. The effectiveness of physical activities on children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of different physical activity interventions and to determine which physical activity interventions are most effective for children with autism spectrum disorder. Condition being studied: Autism is a set of heterogeneous neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by early-onset difficulties in social communication and unusually restricted, repetitive behavior and interests. Autism affects more male than female individuals, and comorbidity is common (>70% have concurrent conditions). Exercise has increasingly emerged as one of the promising compensation methods that can positively affect autistic symptoms. The positive effects of various physical activity interventions have been reported, but it is unclear which interventions are most effective at improving symptoms of autism.
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Feng, Xiang, Keshang Li, Quanrui Jiang, Yuxing Zhang, Zhichao Gong, Hui Zhi, Wu Li und Jiangshan Li. Chinese medicine intervention for autism spectrum disorders:A protocol for systematic review and network meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, Januar 2022.

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Review question / Objective: This study will help patients recover better, provide clinical evidence for practitioners, and promote the use of TCM in ASD interventions. Condition being studied: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in social communication and/or social interaction as well as restrictive and/or repetitive behaviors. TCM has been clinically practiced in the intervention of ASD, especially in mainland China where studies have shown promising efficacy. However, it remains to be further explored and elaborated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of conventional treatment-based TCM intervention modalities for ASD.
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Meng, Shu-qiao, Meng Zhang, Wen-xia Tong, Ai-guo Chen, Ling-ling Tang, Wen-jing Tang, Yu Zhang, Bo Li, Zhi-yuan Sun und Ge Zhan. Exploring the cellular and molecular mechanisms of exercise impact on autism health through meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2024.

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Fisher, Wayne W., Cathleen C. Piazza, Henry S. Roane und Kevin C. Luczynski. Using Technology to Expand and Enhance Applied Behavioral Analysis Programs for Children with Autism in Military Families. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 2014.

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