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Luchin, Vladimir A., und Vladimir I. Matveev. „Interannual variability of thermal state of the cold subsurface layer in the Okhotsk Sea“. Izvestiya TINRO 187, Nr. 4 (30.12.2016): 205–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.26428/1606-9919-2016-187-205-216.

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Long-term variability of the cold subsurface water (CSW) in the Okhotsk Sea is analyzed on the base of all available oceanographic data collected in March through August of 1946-2015 (total 65,742 stations). The Integral Heat Content (IHC) is calculated for each station and average annual IHC anomalies of the cold subsurface water are determined by month and by 2-degree grid. The IHC anomaly series are analyzed using the EOF analysis. Cycles with period of approximately 30 years are revealed in the variations of the subsurface layer heat content. Thus, in the 1946-1950, its temperature decreased, but it grew since 2009-2010 to 2015. The warming of CSW was also observed in the 1951-1964 and 1978-1994, while the cooling was in the 1965-1977 and 1995-2008. Based on this criterion, the CSW thermal condition in certain years is classified as «extremely cold» in 2001, as «cold» in 1949, 1950, 1951, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1999, 2000, 2010, 2012, as «normal» in 1946, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, as «warm» in 1948, 1956, 1964, 1968, 1974, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2015, and as «extremely warm» in 1963. Statistically significant correlation is found between changes of the CSW thermal conditions and long-term variations of atmosphere and ocean climate indices, as well as local patterns of the atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent onshore and offshore areas of Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
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Malheiro Gutiérrez, Xosé M. „La modernización educativa en España en un escenario de cambio social y de apertura democrática. Conversaciones con Pedro Caselles Beltrán, Director General de Educación Básica (1976-1982)“. Historia y Memoria de la Educación, Nr. 14 (26.05.2021): 695. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/hme.14.2021.30053.

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This text is an extract from several conversations held with Pedro Caselles Beltrán (1937), a primary school teacher with a degree in Philosophy and Humanities, specialising in Pedagogy, and an education inspector. Pedro Caselles occupied the provincial education offices in Lugo, Cádiz and A Coruña (1970-1976); later he was Deputy Director General of Non-State Schools and General Director of Basic Education (1977-1982). The text deals with his professional career, a summary of administrative management and political action, with particular emphasis on his time as a provincial delegate and later as a senior official in the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC). Under his mandate, several initiatives were carried out, including the promotion of the General Education and Financing of the Education Reform Act (LGE) of 4 August 1970 through the renewal of the Basic General Education Programmes.
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Vollmerhaus, B. „August Schummer (1902-1977): Wegbereiter einer neuzeitlichen Korrosionsanatomie“. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C 31, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2002): 326–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1439-0264.2002.00404.x.

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Brown, R. G. B., und D. E. Gaskin. „Summer zooplankton distributions at the surface of the outer Bay of Fundy, eastern Canada“. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67, Nr. 11 (01.11.1989): 2725–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/z89-386.

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Copepods and cladocerans were collected, mainly in August, from the top 0.25 m of the water column in the outer Bay of Fundy, off Brier Island, Nova Scotia (ca. 44°15′N, 66°23′W) in 1975–1978, Deer Island, New Brunswick (ca. 45°00′N, 67°00′W) in 1977–1978, and Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick (ca. 44°40′N, 66°43′W) in 1981. In 1975–1977, the dominant species at the surface off Brier Island were stage CIV-I Calanus finmarchicus and CVI-V Pseudocalanus sp. The copepods Acartia spp., Anomalocera pattersonii, Centropages sp., Eurytemora spp., and Oithonia similis and the cladocerans Evadne sp. and Podon sp. also occurred regularly. The relative abundance of Calanus finmarchicus declined during the period July–October 1976, though the proportion of stages CVI-V increased. The relative proportions of Pseudocalanus sp., and of its stages CVI-V, both declined during the same period. The community at the surface was similar to that collected in other studies from subsurface tows in the Bay of Fundy as a whole, including Brier, Deer, and Grand Manan islands. This was not true of Brier Island in 1978: CVI-V Calanus finmarchicus predominated, and other species were scarce. Our samples from Deer and Grand Manan islands resembled those from Brier Island in 1978, though CVI-V Calanus finmarchicus predominated even more strongly. We discuss the differences between our samples from Brier Island in 1978 and 1975–1977, and between the latter and our New Brunswick data. However, there is no obvious explanation for most of these anomalies.
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Fitt, B. D. L., M. E. Finney und N. F. Creighton. „Effects of irrigation and benomyl treatment on chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) and yield of winter-sown field beans (Vicia faba)“. Journal of Agricultural Science 106, Nr. 2 (April 1986): 307–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021859600063899.

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SUMMARYIn 1976–7, 1977–8 and 1978–9 plots of winter-sown field beans, either irrigated in June and July or unirrigated, were treated with one or more sprays of benomyl or were untreated. The amounts of chocolate spot on field bean leaves and flowers were increased by irrigation and decreased by benomyl in all seasons. These effects were greater in 1977 and 1978, when there was respectively 76·5 and 82·4 mm rainfall in June, than in 1979, when there was 30 mm rainfall in June and less chocolate spot developed. Leaves half-way up stems of plants in irrigated, unsprayed plots had 11% of their area affected in July 1977, 17% affected in July 1978, but only 4% affected in August 1979. By contrast, middle leaves of plants in unirrigated, sprayed plots had 3, 4 and 0·3% of their leaves affected in 1977, 1978 and 1979 respectively. Irrigation increased the number of pods per stem in 1977 and 1979 and decreased it in 1978; it decreased grain yield in 1977 and 1978, but increased yield in 1979. Benomyl treatments affected the number of pods little in any year; they increased yield in 1977 and and 1978, but not in 1979.
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Sommaruga, Cornelio. „Appeal by the International Committee of the Red Cross on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Additional Protocols of 1977“. International Review of the Red Cross 37, Nr. 320 (Oktober 1997): 471–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400076762.

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Twenty years ago, on 11 June 1977, the plenipotentiaries of over a hundred States and several national liberation movements signed the Final Act of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts. This Conference had been convened by the government of Switzerland, the depositary State of the Geneva Conventions. After four sessions held between 1973 and 1977, themselves preceded by several years of preparatory work, the Conference drew up two Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the protection of the victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I) and of noninternational armed conflicts (Protocol II).
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Shield, Andrew D. J. „The Legacies of the Stonewall Riots in Denmark and the Netherlands“. History Workshop Journal 89 (2020): 193–206. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/hwj/dbz051.

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Abstract The Netherlands and Denmark housed Europe’s first two postwar homophile organizations, and by the 1960s, activists were already debating anti-homosexual laws in national media (in the Netherlands) demonstrating publicly; thus Stonewall was not the origin of activism in either of these countries. Yet the events in New York City 1969 had two lasting influences in these countries: first, Stonewall catalyzed a transnational ‘consciousness’ (or solidarity) among gay and lesbian activists during a period of radicalization; and second, the Christopher Street Liberation Day 1970 inspired the visible demonstrations known today as ‘Pride’ celebrations. From 1971, Denmark’s national organization planned Christopher Street Day demonstrations every June; and that same year, a radical Gay Liberation Front split off from the association. From 1977, the Netherlands planned its own late-June demonstrations, often with transnational themes (e.g. Anita Bryant in 1977, the Iranian Revolution in 1979). In the following decades, these demonstrations of gay/lesbian visibility moved to August, and Denmark (and Belgium) dropped Christopher Street from event names. Yet scholars, activists, and the general public still evoke the memory of the first Liberation Day when referring to a ‘post-Stonewall’ era in the Netherlands and Denmark.
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Orville, Richard E., und Ronald W. Henderson. „Global Distribution of Midnight Lightning: September 1977 to August 1978“. Monthly Weather Review 114, Nr. 12 (Dezember 1986): 2640–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(1986)114<2640:gdomls>2.0.co;2.

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Bengtsson, Daniel, und Niclas Jonzén. „Höstflyttning av ängshök Circus pygargus och brun kärrhök C. aeruginosus på Ölands södra udde“. Ornis Svecica 11, Nr. 1–2 (01.04.2001): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.34080/os.v11.22857.

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We have analysed the autumn passage of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus and Marsh Harrier C. aeruginosus at Ottenby (56°12'N, 16°24'E), Sweden, based on data collected by Ottenby Bird Observatory during 1972—1998. The observations were made by the ringing team and, hence, possibly less accurate than data from more detailed raptor counts previously carried out at Ottenby and Falsterbo (55°23'N, 12°50'E), Sweden. However, we found a coherent picture when comparing the time of passage found in this study with that of previous studies. For instance, the median date of Montagu’s Harrier (22 August) is identical to what was found in a detailed three-year study at Ottenby in 1977—1977. It is, however, a few days earlier than the median date further south at Falsterbo. The Marsh Harrier passage peaks in late August, similar to the situation at Falsterbo. The main difference between this study and the standardised counts at Falsterbo is the relatively low proportion of birds identified to age and/or sex. Hence, we could not reveal any statistical difference in seasonal timing between age and sex groups.
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Bar-Yaacov, Nissim. „Some Aspects of Prisoner-of-war Status According to the Geneva Protocol I of 1977“. Israel Law Review 20, Nr. 2-3 (1985): 243–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021223700017647.

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The Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, convened by the Swiss Federal Council, held four sessions in Geneva during the years 1974–1977. On 8 June 1977, the Conference adopted by consensus two Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, the first relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I), and the second relating to the protection of victims of noninternational armed conflicts (Protocol II).The states invited to the Conference were all the states Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and such states non-Parties as were members of the United Nations. 126 states were represented at the first session, 121— at the second, 106—at the third and 109—at the fourth.
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Culliney, Thomas W. „PREDATION ON ADULT PHYLLOTRETA FLEA BEETLES BY PODISUS MACULIVENTRIS (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE) AND NABICULA AMERICOLIMBATA (HEMIPTERA: NABIDAE)“. Canadian Entomologist 118, Nr. 7 (Juli 1986): 731–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.4039/ent118731-7.

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On three occasions in late August 1985, during the course of a study of the arthropod community associated with collards (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) (Cruciferae) in central New York State, two species of predaceous Heteroptera, the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Say), and Nabicula americolimbata (Carayon), were observed feeding on adult flea beetles of the genus Phyllotreta. Evidence for predation on adult flea beetles is rare. Tahvanainen and Root (1972) and Kareiva (1985) reported practically no predation on adult Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) in central New York, but scattered observations in Canada have documented occasional attacks on adult crucifer-infesting flea beetles by various insect predators (Gerber and Osgood 1975; Burgess 1977, 1980, 1982). This is the first record of predation on adult flea beetles by P. muculiventris and N. americolimbata. Burgess (1982) noted predation on adult P. cruciferae by another nabid, Nabis alternatus Parshley.
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Williams, Charles H., und David P. Ballou. „Vincent Massey 28 November 1926 – 26 August 2002 Elected FRS 1977“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 49 (Januar 2003): 335–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2003.0019.

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Vincent Massey—Vince to all who knew him—lived life very fully. Carol Strickland, the wife of a former graduate student of Vince's, captured his vitality for many of us. ‘The stop-flow might have been Vince's favorite research tool, but in life, he was all flow without stop. I can still see Vince—his eyes twinkling—practically chomping the stem of his pipe in two as he guffawed at something that struck him as funny. What a bon vivant he was! Whatever he did, he did full-bore, “sucking all the marrow out of life”, as Thoreau put it.’ Vincent Massey gained international distinction in physical biochemistry. His pioneering efforts to relate flavin chemistry to flavin enzymology resulted in a new understanding of flavin charge-transfer complexes, free radicals in flavoproteins, oxygen reactivity of flavins, the interactions of the flavin ring structure with proteins, and the classification of flavoenzymes. His discovery that Straub diaphorase is in fact lipoamide dehydrogenase and that it functions in the pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes was a milestone in understanding metabolism. His development of totally innovative methodology for the determination of intermediates in enzyme catalysis through transient kinetics made flavoproteins one of the best understood enzyme families. This allowed him to define the mechanism by which the drug allopurinol inhibited xanthine oxidase; this was one of the first instances in which the effects of a drug on an enzyme were understood chemically. Vince had a great human impact on science by inspiring and training others and by his determination to maintain the integrity of the scientific method as well as to foster basic research.
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Morris, Ray F., B. G. Penney, G. Greenslade, P. A. Hendrickson und K. B. McRae. „NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE, DISTRIBUTION, POPULATION LEVELS, AND CONTROL OF GRAPHOLITA LIBERTINA HEINR. (LEPIDOPTERA: TORTRICIDAE), A PEST OF LINGONBERRIES IN NEWFOUNDLAND“. Canadian Entomologist 120, Nr. 10 (Oktober 1988): 867–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.4039/ent120867-10.

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AbstractGrapholita libertina Heinr. larvae are a pest of economic importance in lingonberries (partridgeberries), Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. var. minus Lodd, in Newfoundland. Both domestic and export markets are affected. Surveys conducted during the period 1973–1982 to determine distribution and larval population levels, in localities where berries were harvested commercially, indicated they were infested to varying intensities in all 15 localities studied. Highest infestations occurred at Pouch Cove (5 September 1974 — 122 larvae per kilogram of ripe berries) and on Witless Bay Line (9 August 1977 — 276 larvae per kilogram of green berries).In experiments conducted from 1980 to 1982 at six locations, there was a significant decrease in level of infestation as the crop reached maturity. Our results suggest that delaying the opening of the lingonberry harvest season until the last week of September decreased the risk of infestation.Observations on the life history of G. libertina and a naturally occurring hymenopterous parasite are presented.
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Skerska, Elżbieta. „Archiwum Ludwika Muzyczki“. Biuletyn Fundacji Generał Elżbiety Zawackiej 34, Nr. 72 (01.03.2024): 71–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/bfegz.2022.006.

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"W 2002 r. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Salmonowicz przekazał Fundacji materiały zebrane przez Ludwika Muzyczkę w latach 1955–1957 i nazwał je „Archiwum Ludwika Muzyczki”. Ludwik Muzyczka (1900–1977) ps. August, Benedykt, Jacek, Ludwik, Wilk, nazwisko okupacyjne Kazimierz Sułkowski – urodził się 25 VIII 1900 r. w Jarosławiu [...] We wrześniu 1939 r. ewakuowany z pow. nakielskiego, z własnej inicjatywy, ale za zgodą wojewody pomorskiego Władysława Raczkiewicza, objął w Inowrocławiu funkcję komisarycznego prezydenta miasta. 2 IX 1939 r. jako inspektor terenowy przy Komendzie Pomorskiego Okręgu ZS uczestniczył w konferencji zorganizowanej przez gen. Michała Tokarzewskiego-Karaszewicza, dowódcę Okręgu Korpusu VIII w Toruniu. [...] W marcu 1941 r. KG ZWZ decyzją gen. Roweckiego i na podstawie koncepcji Muzyczki przystąpiła do tworzenia odrębnego aparatu administracji. Powstało wówczas Szefostwo Biur Wojskowych określane jakiś czas jako Oddział VIII Sztabu KG krypt. m.in. „Zeszyt”, „Teczka”. Kawaler Orderu Wojennego Virtuti Militari klasy V, zweryfikowany 10 XI 1965 r., zmarł 22 II 1977 r. w Krakowie [...]
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Chen, Tsing-Chang. „Comments on “Global Distribution of Midnight Lightning: September 1977 to August 1978”“. Monthly Weather Review 115, Nr. 12 (Dezember 1987): 3202. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(1987)115<3202:codoml>2.0.co;2.

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Bohr, Felix Nikolaus. „Flucht aus Rom. Das spektakuläre Ende des "Falles Kappler" im August 1977“. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 60, Nr. 1 (Januar 2012): 111–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/vfzg.2012.0005.

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Wang, Yanchao, Huifang Zhang, Hui Wang, Jingli Guo, Erliang Zhang, Jun Wang, Xiao Li, Haoliang Wei und Changliang Zhou. „Tree-Ring-Based Drought Reconstruction in Northern North China over the Past Century“. Atmosphere 13, Nr. 3 (15.03.2022): 482. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/atmos13030482.

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A tree-ring width chronology was developed from the Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis) in northern North China. To acquire a long-term perspective on the history of droughts in this region, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) from August of the previous year to February of the current year was reconstructed for the period of 1903–2012 AD. The reconstruction explained 46.6% of the instrumental records over the calibration period of 1952–2012. Five dry periods (1916–1927, 1962–1973, 1978–1991, 1994–1999 and 2002–2005) and three wet periods (1908–1915, 1928–1961 and 1974–1977) were found in the reconstructed period, and most of the dry years (periods) in the reconstruction were supported by historical records. Comparisons between the reconstruction and other nearby dryness/wetness indices and precipitation reconstructions demonstrated a good repeatability and high reliability in our reconstruction. Spatial correlation implied that the reconstruction could represent regional hydroclimatic characteristics on a larger regional scale. Significant periodicities and correlations were observed between the reconstructed data and the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), which suggested that the hydroclimatic variation in northern North China may be closely connected to remote oceans. The significant and high correlation between the reconstructed series and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the eastern equatorial and Southeast Pacific Ocean indicated that ENSO may be the main factor influencing the regional climate.
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Huang, Christopher L. H. „Roger Yonchien Tsien. 1 February 1952—24 August 2016“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 65 (05.09.2018): 405–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2018.0013.

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Roger Yonchien Tsien displayed precocious childhood talents in chemistry. After graduating from Harvard University in chemistry and physics in 1972, he pursued a PhD programme in the Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, under the supervison of Professor Richard Adrian (FRS 1977) with Marshal Scholarship support. His thesis ‘The design and use of organic chemical tools in cellular physiology’ won the Gedge Prize and a Comyns Berkeley Research Fellowship by Gonville and Caius College, supporting his postdoctoral work developing Ca 2+ -sensitive electrodes and fluorescent probes measuring cellular [Ca 2+ ]. His novel tetracarboxylate quin-2 readily accessed cells as its subsequently cleavable acetomethoxy ester and signalled in the physiological [Ca 2+ ] range. At Berkeley, further improved ratiometric and strongly fluorescent probes included the Ca 2+ -sensing indo-1, fura-2 and fluo-3 sensors for other strategic ions and molecules that could photolytically uncage key intracellular regulators. At San Diego, design of fluorescent protein complexes built from the cAMP-binding phosphokinase A was followed by Nobel prizewinning work expressing green-fluorescent protein (GFP) and developing spectral GFP variants forming fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs. Their conjugation with further proteins specifically binding particular ions or molecules under study permitted measurement of these by optical methods. Further detector protein complexes such as DsRed, fluorescent at longer wavelengths, were to complement GFP. These interests culminated in the development of chemical tools with potential diagnostic and therapeutic clinical applications through their optical and magnetic resonance signals. His scientific work bequeathed a lasting wealth of chemical tools invaluable for physiological investigation with both current and future applicability.
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Yuhl, Stephanie E. „Sculpted Radicals: The Problem of Sacco and Vanzetti in Boston's Public Memory“. Public Historian 32, Nr. 2 (2010): 9–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/tph.2010.32.2.9.

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Abstract On August 23, 1927, Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed for robbery and murder in Massachusetts. This essay examines the echoes of that event in Boston's commemorative landscape as a means to discuss the relationship between official and vernacular expressions of public memory as well as some of the limitations that interpreting ideological radicalism reveals in public historical practice. It examines the history and discourses surrounding the Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial at the Boston Public Library, the Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Day Proclamation (1977), and a 2007 anarchist/radical parade and rally in Boston commemorating the eightieth anniversary of the executions.
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Prabhakar, Gouri, Eric A. Betterton, W. Conant und Benjamin M. Herman. „Effect of Urban Growth on Aerosol Optical Depth—Tucson, Arizona, 35 Years Later“. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, Nr. 8 (August 2014): 1876–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jamc-d-14-0001.1.

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AbstractMultiwavelength solar irradiance measurements between 400 and 900 nm were made on cloudless days in Tucson, Arizona, over a 30-month period between March 2010 and August 2012. They were analyzed to simultaneously retrieve aerosol optical depth (AOD) and ozone column abundance and to examine their monthly variation. These retrievals were compared with results from a similar study done at the same location between 1975 and 1977. The near tripling of population in Tucson over the past 35 years may have contributed to a 19% increase in the AOD, and the annual-mean ozone column abundance was found to be 11% lower than that inferred during the mid-1970s.
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Hunt, Shelby D. „On the Founding of the Journal of Macromarketing“. Journal of Macromarketing 31, Nr. 2 (11.09.2010): 199–214. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0276146710383283.

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This article chronicles the events leading to the founding of the Journal of Macromarketing, including (1) the first Macro-Marketing Seminar, which was organized by Charles C. ‘‘Chuck’’ Slater and held the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1976, (2) the subsequent Macro-Marketing Seminars of 1977 to 1979, (3) the formation of the Macro-Marketing Editorial Advisory Board in 1978, and (4) a meeting of the Advisory Board on August 9, 1979, at the Broker Inn in Boulder, Colorado. The article represents the author’s personal account. Accordingly, it relies on personal recollections of the events and some documents that were retained in an old manila folder.
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Tanasschuk, R. W., und W. C. Mackay. „Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Somatic and Gonadal Growth of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta“. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46, Nr. 6 (01.06.1989): 989–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/f89-128.

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A yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population from a shallow eutrophic north temperate lake was sampled 10 times between March 1976 and June 1977 to determine the characteristics of somatic and gonadal growth. Quantitatively, somatic growth differed in timing and extent among age-sex groups. One + males and females grew mostly in June whereas 2 + males grew mainly in July; 2 + females grew from June through September. Two + males grew less over the year than did the other age-sex groups. The qualitative characteristics of somatic growth were not influenced by sex or maturation. The timing of gonadal growth and the associated endogenous energy utilization differed between the sexes. One + females did not mature. Testes grew in late summer (August). There was no impact of gonad development on somatic composition of 1 + males whereas 2 + males appeared to use visceral fat. Gonadal growth for 2 + females began in August and continued through March and presumably to spawning in April; somatic lipid was depleted during ovarian growth.
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Dey, D., M. R. Conway, H. E. Garrett, T. S. Hinckley und G. S. Cox. „Plant—Water Relationships and Growth of Black Walnut in a Walnut-Forage Multicropping Regime“. Forest Science 33, Nr. 1 (01.03.1987): 70–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/forestscience/33.1.70.

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Abstract Eastern black walnut seedlings were planted on a 1.5 x 1.5 m spacing in the spring of 1976 and irrigated throughout the growing season. During the spring of 1977, forage plots consisting of Kentucky 31 tall fescue, orchard grass, or Kobe lespedeza measuring 1 m wide and 10.2 m long and centered on a row of trees, were established with and without irrigation. Soil-water relationships measured throughout the 1977 growing season demonstrated lower Ψs, on the average, in irrigated than in nonirrigated plots during drought periods. Differences were attributed to the greater physiological vigor, thus greater transpiration, of forages growing under irrigated conditions. At the 45 cm depth, Ψs dropped to a low during August of -3.0 MPa with irrigation and only -0.8 MPa without. Predawn xylem pressure potentials of walnut seedlings however, were consistently lower on forage plots without irrigation. Significant decreases in dry weights of walnut grown with forages were associated with reductions in Ψ1 and increases in anthracnose infection. For. Sci. 33(1):70-80.
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Griffith, Don A. „Emergency Cloud Seeding in Georgia, Summer, 1977“. Journal of Weather Modification 14, Nr. 1 (17.10.2012): 43–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.54782/jwm.v14i1.67.

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Three drought relief cloud seeding programs were conducted ~n Georgia during the summer of 1977 by on-site meteorologists who flew on specially equipped seeding aircraft. Suitable clouds, actively growing cumulus towers reaching at least the -5°C level, were seeded with ejectable silver iodide pyrotechnic flares. The seeding technique was patterned after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE) in southern Florida, and followed a dynamic seedability hypothesis. In limited evaluation of one of the three programs, a target~ontrol comparison indicated an excess of 27 percent in actual July-August precip- itation over that predicted from control area precipitation. A one tailed Student’s t test indicated less than five chances in 100 that this difference could be attributed to chance.
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Wiles, Gregory C., Joshua Charlton, Rob J. S. Wilson, Rosanne D. D’Arrigo, Brian Buma, John Krapek, Benjamin V. Gaglioti, Nicholas Wiesenberg und Rose Oelkers. „Yellow-cedar blue intensity tree-ring chronologies as records of climate in Juneau, Alaska, USA“. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49, Nr. 12 (Dezember 2019): 1483–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0525.

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This is the first study to generate and analyze the climate signal in blue intensity (BI) tree-ring chronologies from Alaska yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis (D. Don) Oerst. ex D.P. Little). The latewood BI chronology shows a much stronger temperature sensitivity than ring width and can thus provide information on past climate. The well-replicated BI chronology exhibits a positive January–August mean maximum temperature signal for 1900–1975, after which it loses temperature sensitivity following the 1976–1977 shift in northeastern Pacific climate. The positive temperature response appears to recover and remains strong for the most recent decades, but the coming years will continue to test this observation. This temporary loss of temperature sensitivity from about 1976 to 1999 is not evident in ring width or in a change in forest health but is consistent with prior work linking cedar decline to warming. A confounding factor is the uncertain influence of a shift in color variation from the heartwood–sapwood boundary. Future expansion of the yellow-cedar BI network and further investigation of the influence of the heartwood–sapwood transitions in the BI signal will lead to a better understanding of the utility of this species as a climate proxy.
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Gasser, Hans-Peter. „Universal acceptance of international humanitarian law — Promotional activities of the ICRC“. International Review of the Red Cross 34, Nr. 302 (Oktober 1994): 450–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020860400078451.

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In its Final Declaration of 1 September 1993, the International Conference for the Protection of War Victims inter alia urged all States to make every effort to:“Consider or reconsider, in order to enhance the universal character of international humanitarian law, becoming party or confirming their succession, where appropriate, to the relevant treaties concluded since the adoption of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, in particular:—the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts of 8 June 1977 (Protocol I);—the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts of 8 June 1977 (Protocol II);—the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons and its three Protocols;—The 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”.
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Ghețe, Eugen. „Divergențe ȋntre stat şi societate ȋn România secolului XX: Greva minerilor din Valea Jiului din august 1977“. Hiperboreea A1, Nr. 11 (01.01.2012): 38–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.5325/hiperboreea.1.11.0038.

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Abstract In year 1977 romanian miners from the region of ”Valea Jiului” get into strike as a protest against heavy conditions of work and life. Immediately, the communist regime begins a hard repression against them.
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Hurley, D. A. „Feeding and Trophic Interactions of White Perch (Morone americana) in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario“. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, Nr. 11 (01.11.1992): 2249–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/f92-246.

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White perch (Morone americana) biomass declined dramatically in the Bay of Quinte in 1978 after two abnormally cold winters in 1976–77 and 1977–78. White perch diet was qualitatively and quantitatively different before and after the population decline. Changes in production and standing stocks of diet items were related to reduced eutrophy when phosphorus inputs to the bay were restricted in early 1978. The hypothesis that phytoplankton biomass in the shallow, highly eutrophic upper bay was related to white perch biomass through the benthic food web was not supported by the calculated daily consumption of benthos. White perch consumed about 5% of the daily production of chironomids in 1972–77 and less than 1% in 1978–88. In the less eutrophic, deep lower bay, predation on the amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi in August–September was 112% of daily production before 1978 and affected their biomass. After 1978 when white perch biomass was reduced in the lower bay, daily consumption of P. hoyi was 1% of daily production, and numbers of P. hoyi expanded greatly. Data linking consumption rate of specific diet items to production are necessary to establish trophic relationships and follow the effects of biomass shifts.
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Feilden, G. B. R. „Lionel Haworth. 4 August 1912 — 12 April 2000“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 51 (Januar 2005): 195–220. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2005.0013.

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Lionel Haworth was one of the leading aero engine designers in the world. After initial training in 1934 to 1936 with the Associated Equipment Company of Southall–the builders of London's buses—he moved to Rolls–Royce, Derby, where he worked until 1963 when he transferred to the Bristol Siddeley engine company, which merged with Rolls–Royce in 1966. Throughout his career he was very much a 'hands on' engineer who insisted in keeping close to work on any new engine for which he was responsible. He worked on Rolls–Royce engines for aircraft ranging from the Meteor to Concorde, his crowning achievement in Derby being the Dart engine, which was an extremely successful, admirably simple turboprop that powered the Vickers Viscount and 11 other aircraft and had a wide influence on the future of civil aviation around the world. In Bristol, as Chief Designer, he took overall responsibility for the Concorde, Harrier and Tornado as well as all other aero engines being developed and built by Rolls–Royce, Bristol, between 1963 and 1977.
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Norman, Jack C. „Preliminary report on the Silver content of soils in Northeastern Wisconsin July-August 1977“. Journal of Weather Modification 10, Nr. 1 (03.04.2018): 62–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.54782/jwm.v10i1.589.

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..These studies have led to the conclusion that silver iodide used for cloud seeding poses no immediate threat to either people or the ecosystem in general. However, since most of the data have been obtained over the relatively short time span of the last decade and in limited geographical regions (the most extensive work has been done in the Rocky Mountain states), it seems prudent to monitor weather modification activities when they are extended into new areas.....
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Rogers, K. „The Yolngu Teacher“. Aboriginal Child at School 22, Nr. 2 (August 1994): 98–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s031058220000626x.

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Kevin Rogers is of the Wandarung tribe. He is in his third year of teacher education at the Aboriginal Teacher Education Centre at Batchelor. He is also a member of the National Aboriginal Education Committee. This talk was delivered to teachers at the National Workshop for Teachers of Aboriginal Children, Perth, 29th August - 2 September, 1977.
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Rothlisberg, PC, CJ Jackson, BF Phillips und PS McWilliam. „Distribution and abundance of scyllarid and palinurid lobster larvae in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia“. Marine and Freshwater Research 45, Nr. 3 (1994): 337. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/mf9940337.

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Plankton samples from the Gulf of Carpentaria contained large numbers of the phyllosomata of Scyllarus martensii and an unknown scyllarid species (Scyllarus sp. A) and smaller numbers of the larvae of seven other scyllarid species (Thenus orientalis and six unidentified species of Scyllarus) and three palinurid species (Panulirus homarus homarus, P. versicolor and P. ornatus). The final phyllosoma stage of Scyllarus sp. A is described. The spatial and temporal variabilities of the more abundant scyllarid larvae are described and related to temperature, salinity and plankton biomass. Both S. martensii and Scyllarus sp. A were widespread in the deeper waters of the Gulf, living in a wide range of temperatures (21.7 to 30.3� C) and salinities (28.9 to 34.3). From the range of stages found on six cruises between April 1976 to March 1977, it appears that these two species reproduce throughout the year, although S. martensii had a broad peak period of reproduction from August to November 1976.
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Kahveci, Gülzade. „Dendrochronological potential of Juniperus foetidissima Willd in central Anatolia, a semi-arid region of Turkey“. BioResources 18, Nr. 3 (28.06.2023): 5435–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.15376/biores.18.3.5435-5446.

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The dendrochronological potential of Juniperus foetidissima, growing in central Anatolia, was assessed. Raw, standard, and residual tree-ring chronologies were prepared for J. foetidissima trees in the Eskişehir region using classical dendrochronological methods for the period between 1875 and 2014. All the chronologies were statistically relevant, and the running correlation, expressed population signal, and mean sensitivity values in the residual tree-ring chronology were within the given limits. Therefore, the residual tree-ring chronologies were used to assess the climate-growth relationship. The relationships between tree-ring width growth and climate variables (mean temperature, monthly sum of precipitation) were investigated using response function analysis (moving windows correlations) in the R platform. Positive or negative relations were found between the residual tree-ring widths and the monthly precipitation and mean temperature, but with low coefficient values. The tree-ring width growth showed a significantly negative response to precipitation in August of the current year for the period in 1977-2001 and 1978-2002 and significantly positive to temperature in June of the current year for the period in 1971-1995, 1972-1996, and 1993-1996. In conclusion, despite some problems with cross-dating, J. foetidissima can generally be used for dendrochronological research and is suitable for developing long-term chronologies.
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Karaseva, E. M., und E. E. Ezhova. „Long-Term Changes in the Seasonal and Interannual Dynamics of the Abundance of Eggs of Common Pelagophilic Fish Species in the Gdansk Deep of the Baltic Sea“. Биология моря 50, Nr. 1 (14.06.2024): 62–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s0134347524010042.

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The abundance of eggs of the Baltic cod Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 and the Baltic sprat Sprattus sprattus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gdansk Deep of the Baltic Sea was estimated from data for March–August 2015–2022. The estimates were compared with historical data for 1968–1977. In the modern period, the average sprat egg abundance increased one and a half times from 134.7 to 192.6 eggs/m2, and the spawning peak shifted to earlier dates, from May–July 1968–1977 to April–June 2015–2022. The average cod egg abundance decreased by half from 16.3 to 8.0 eggs/m2, and the spawning shifted a month later, from May–June to June–July, which is apparently related to climate change.
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Montevecchi, W. A., D. K. Cairns und R. A. Myers. „Predation on marine-phase Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by gannets (Morus bassanus) in the Northwest Atlantic“. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59, Nr. 4 (01.04.2002): 602–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/f02-033.

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Predation on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has been recorded in rivers and estuaries, but there is little documentation of predation at sea. Prey landed by gannets (Morus bassanus) over 24 years in a large colony off northeast Newfoundland included small proportions of post-smolt Atlantic salmon. Before 1990, when shifts in oceanographic conditions and pelagic food webs occurred in the Labrador Sea, post-smolts, on average, made up 0.29% of estimated intake by gannets during August 1977–1989. In contrast, during the 1990s, this estimate increased to 2.53%, peaking at 6.37% in 1993. Model estimates with wide error margins projected that gannets consumed a mean of 1.6 t and 19.2 t of post-smolts during August 1977–1989 and 1990–2000, respectively, making up 0.22% and 2.70% of estimated North American post-smolt biomass during these periods. The migratory routes of post-smolt Atlantic salmon pass through the foraging ranges of gannet colonies, but limited sampling at colonies other than Funk has not revealed salmon in gannet diets. Sampling seabird diets is an economic, biological means of investigating the ecology and natural mortality of Atlantic salmon. Spatial and temporal expansion of this sampling would enhance its oceanographic context and reduce uncertainty associated with estimates of predation by seabirds.
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Mattson, David J., Bonnie M. Blanchard und Richard R. Knight. „Food habits of Yellowstone grizzly bears, 1977–1987“. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69, Nr. 6 (01.06.1991): 1619–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/z91-226.

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Food habits of grizzly bears were studied for 11 years in the Yellowstone area of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho by analyzing scats. Ungulate remains constituted a major portion of early-season scats, graminoids of May and June scats, and whitebark pine seeds of late-season scats. Berries composed a minor portion of scats during all months. The diet varied most among years during May, September, and October, and was most diverse during August. Defecation rates peaked in July and were low in April through June. Among-years differences in scat content were substantial; estimates of average scat composition took 4–6 years to stabilize. Major trends in diet were evident and reflected long-term variation. We suggest that long-term studies are necessary to adequately document bears' food habits in variable environments; the Yellowstone grizzly bears' diet varied with seasonal and yearly availability of high-quality foods, lack of berries and large fluctuations in the size of pine seed crops were major factors limiting bear density in the Yellowstone area, and the availability of edible human refuse buffered the limitations imposed by inadequate berry and pine seed crops prior to the 1970s.
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Senn, Stephen. „John Ashworth Nelder. 8 October 1924—7 August 2010“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 67 (21.08.2019): 307–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2019.0013.

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John Nelder was a statistician who made important contributions to applied statistical theory, of which three are notable: his work on general balance; his influential collaboration with Robert Wedderburn and later Peter McCullagh on the development of generalized linear models (GLMs); and his post-retirement collaboration with Youngjo Lee on hierarchical generalized linear models (HGLMs). John started his career at the National Vegetable Research Station in Wellesbourne in 1950, and was subsequently head of statistics at Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, from 1968 to his retirement in 1984, during which time he regularly gave a course of lectures on statistical computing at Imperial College London. He wrote several highly influential books and received many honours, including the Guy Medals in Silver and in Gold of the Royal Statistical Society (in 1977 and 2005) and an honorary doctorate from the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, in 1981. His work on GLMs completely changed the world of statistical modelling, his theory of general balance was years ahead of its time and it is perhaps too early to judge his work on HGLMs. The simplex algorithm for function optimization developed with Roger Mead has proved extremely popular. John was an excellent pianist with a wide range of musical interests.
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King, Jackie R., Gordon A. McFarlane und Tyler B. Zubkowski. „First record of Commander Skate (Bathyraja lindbergi) in Canadian Pacific waters“. Canadian Field-Naturalist 132, Nr. 3 (11.04.2019): 261–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v132i3.2025.

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We report the first verified record of a Commander Skate (Bathyraja lindbergi Ishiyama and Ishihara, 1977) from British Columbia, Canada. A female measuring 829 mm in total length was captured by bottom trawl on 2 August 2009 in Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada (51°37'N, 130°6'W). The depth of capture was 449 m. We used physical characteristics as well as meristic and morphometric characters to identify the specimen as a Commander Skate.
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Martinek, Libor. „Poetic landscapes of Wilhelm Przeczek“. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 59, Nr. 4 (30.12.2020): 147–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.59.09.

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Wilhelm Przeczek is a Polish writer who has lived in Karviná, the Czech Republic, since he was born in 1936. He is a member of a Polish minority and he has aimed his literary output at its members and at readers in Poland. Translations into the Czech language are aimed at readers in the Czech Republic. Having made a protest against the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies into Czechoslovakia in August 1968, W. Przeczek was not allowed to publish and he was dismissed – he had worked as an editor of a Polish paper “Głos Ludu”. In 1970–1977 he worked as an actor, stage director, and dramatic advisor of a puppet show theatre Bajka in Český Těšín, the Czech Republic. In his article, the author deals with poems by W. Przeczek’s on the subject of journeys about Europe. The starting point is local, but a global result.
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Okhuoya, J. A. „Seasonal and diurnal changes of two leaf pathogens of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) in the air of Iyanomo, Nigeria“. Acta Mycologica 22, Nr. 1 (20.08.2014): 65–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.5586/am.1986.007.

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Air spore concentrations of <i>Drechslera hevea</i> Petch and <i>Colletotrichum gloesporoides</i> Penz were studied in a rubber nursery, over a 12-months period, from March 1976 to February 1977, using both the exposed nutrient medium technique and Rotorod samplers. Both methods showed seasonal changes in the spore concentrations of these organisms throughout the year. The spore concentrations of <i>D. hevea</i> were consistently higher than those of <i>C. gloeosporoides</i>. The highest spore concentrations were recorded in February and August for <i>D. hevea</i> and <i>C. gloeosporoides</i> respectively. In both cases there were diurnal fluctuations, with peaks occurring between 12.00h and 14.00h. The effect of environmental factors on these changes in discussed.
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Brownlee, George G. „Frederick Sanger CBE CH OM. 13 August 1918 — 19 November 2013“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 61 (Januar 2015): 437–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2015.0013.

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Frederick Sanger—always known as Fred—was one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century. A committed molecular biologist, he spent all his academic life in Cambridge devising methods for sequencing proteins and nucleic acids. He twice won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry—once in 1958 for protein sequencing and then again in 1980 for sequencing nucleic acids. He is the only scientist to have achieved this distinction. The impact of his work was enormous. He opened up the field of protein chemistry in the 1950s, stimulating studies of the sequence, structure and function of many proteins and enzymes. In 1977 he devised an ingenious DNA sequencing method that has revolutionized molecular biology and made it possible to completely sequence the 3 × 10 9 nucleotides of the human genome. Moreover, he confirmed the genetic code, showed that the genetic code differed in mitochondria, and discovered overlapping genes. Fred Sanger was a modest, reserved man but to his colleagues and friends he always had vision. He was a pioneer and a leader.
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Sugden, A. M., E. V. J. Tanner und V. Kapos. „Regeneration following clearing in a Jamaican montane forest: results of a ten-year study“. Journal of Tropical Ecology 1, Nr. 4 (November 1985): 329–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0266467400000432.

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ABSTRACTSuccession was monitored over ten years in a 10×10m plot in forest with mor humus at 1550 m in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, following the removal in January 1975 of all aerial plant parts and some of the root material. In April 1977, August–January 1980/1 and August 1984, all woody recruits in the plot were tagged and numbered, identified and measured (height), and mapped on a 1 m grid. The height of coppice was recorded. Ten of the eleven tree species present before felling produced coppice shoots. Two individuals almost attained canopy height by 1984. Twenty tree species and three shrub species were recruited from seed; six of the tree species were normally absent from the forest. Species composition changed very little with time.The rate of seedling recruitment was greatest immediately after clearing. The overall den-sity of individuals changed little after 1977. Overall mortality of recruits was about 10% per annum. Mortality of the earliest recruits declined with time since establishment. Later recruits and individuals with poor growth had higher mortality than other plants. Mortality was not density-dependent. Growth rates of recruits were relatively slow. Only ten individuals exceeded 4 m by 1984.Recruitment rates, density, growth and species diversity were greatest in the parts of the plot where the mor humus had been removed or piled up during the initial clearance. Recruit-ment, growth and density were least, and mortality was greatest, at the edge. There was no relationship between any of these parameters and the presence of coppicing stumps.Tree species showed a clear spectrum from obligate gap-demanders to obligate shade-bearers. The persistence of gap-demanding species in this forest (in which gaps are normally rare) may be due to infrequent hurricanes, and also to a natural ability to produce basal sprouts. The succession conforms to an initial floristic composition model; it is slow, and we suggest that at least 50 years will elapse before the plot begins to resemble the undisturbed forest.
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Palfi-Springer, Sandra. „Paul Moor – ein Klassiker zwischen Theorie und Praxis als Impulsgeber für die Heil- und Sonderpädagogik heute!?“ Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute, Nr. 1 (19.03.2019): 92–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.3262/sz1901092.

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Paul Moor (1899–1977) war ein Schweizer Heilpädagoge, der an der Universität sowie am Heilpädagogischen Seminar in Zürich lehrte. Sein Todestag jährte sich am 16. August 2017 zum vierzigsten Mal. Er gilt als Klassiker der Heil und Sonderpädagogik. Nachfolgend werden seine Biografie, sein zentrales Konzept vom Inneren Halt sowie die kritische Auseinandersetzung und Würdigung dieses Konzeptes überblicksartig dargestellt. Zudem wird das Theorie-Praxis-Dilemma auf dem Hintergrund seines Schaffens diskutiert, um daraus hilfreiche Impulse für heute zu gewinnen.
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Al-Kulabi, Ali Khazaal Jawad. „The Concept of Desertification, Its Causes and Effects, and Treatments“. Journal La Lifesci 3, Nr. 1 (19.02.2022): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.37899/journallalifesci.v3i1.550.

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Since the United Nations General Assembly passed two resolutions in December 1974, the term "desertification" has become a part of international development discourse: The first is a call to all countries to pay attention to desertification research and work together to explore its causes and find strategies to prevent it. The decision to organize an international conference on desertification in 1977 was the second. From August 29 to September 9, 1977, the conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya. The term "desertification" seems to have taken the place of prior words like "desert encroachment." Perhaps what we witness when desert sand dunes creep over oasis communities and farms and fill them, as well as when sand dunes crawl over paved highways and trains, contributes to this picture. This is a genuine depiction, however it only depicts a small portion of the problem (less than 10%). The word "desertification" refers to the process by which productive land outside of the desert's natural limits deteriorates and loses its capacity to produce (agricultural crops, pastures, timber and fuelwood) and transforms into a desert that resembles a limited resource. Desertification, in other words, impacts productive lands in dry and semi-arid locations, agricultural fields (rain-fed or irrigated), and grazing lands. The degradation begins as little patches that get larger and more like expanding patches until they converge and combine, becoming an arid band that joins the deserts of the surrounding places as it becomes more like them.
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Diakakis, Michalis, Gavriil Xanthopoulos und Leontios Gregos. „Analysis of forest fire fatalities in Greece: 1977–2013“. International Journal of Wildland Fire 25, Nr. 7 (2016): 797. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/wf15198.

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Although forest fires are considered an integral part of forest ecosystems, the abundance of human activities in forested areas has led to a significant number of human casualties and to important effects on properties and infrastructure. Over recent decades, Greece has suffered extensive forest fire disasters, with a significant number of fatalities being recorded. However, there is no coherent inventory of human losses from fires in the country. This work develops and examines a database of 208 fatalities occurring in 78 forest fires in Greece between 1977 and 2013 to provide a better understanding of the circumstances under which fatal incidents occur. Around three-quarters of the victims were civilians; the remainder were firefighters, forest service officials and aircraft crews. Most deaths occurred in July and August, generally under adverse meteorological conditions. Male and older individuals showed an overrepresentation among the victims. A significant number of fatalities occurred in open space, mostly in wildland–urban interface areas and in tall forest vegetation. Late evacuation on foot or in a vehicle and firefighting were the most common activities of victims at the time of the incidents.
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Moll, Martin, Jens Schöne, Harald Möller, Andreas Lutsch, Wolfgang Kaufmann, Benjamin Ziemann, Markus Henkel, Laura Metz und Sebastian Prinz. „Zeitgeschichte (ab 1945)“. Das Historisch-Politische Buch (HPB) 65, Nr. 4-6 (01.10.2017): 448–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.3790/hpb.65.4-6.448.

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Henriette Schuppener: „Ihr trugt die Schande nicht Ihr wehrtet Euch.“ Das Gedenken an den 20. Juli 1944 im Wandel der Zeit (Martin Moll) Gerhard Sälter, Johanna Dietrich, Fabian Kuhn: Die vergessenen Toten. Todesopfer des DDR-Grenzregimes in Berlin von der Teilung bis zum Mauerbau (1948-1961) (Jens Schöne) Eckard Michels: Schahbesuch 1967. Fanal für die Studentenbewegung (Harald Möller) Heinrich August Winkler: Geschichte des Westens. Band 3: Vom Kalten Krieg zum Mauerfall (Andreas Lutsch) Friedemann Weckbach-Mara: Deutschland – deine Politiker. Machtkämpfe, Staatsgeheimnisse, Amtsmissbrauch und Privates von Helmut Schmidt bis Angela Merkel (Wolfgang Kaufmann) Claudia Kemper (Hg.): Gespannte Verhältnisse. Frieden und Protest in Europa während der 1970er und 1980er Jahre (Benjamin Ziemann) Jan Ole Wiechmann: Sicherheit neu denken. Die christliche Friedensbewegung in der Nachrüstungsdebatte (1977-1984) (Markus Henkel) Jan Mohnhaupt: Der Zoo der Andern. Als die Stasi ihr Herz für Brillenbären entdeckte und Helmut Schmidt mit Pandas aufrüstete (Laura Metz) Andreas Apelt, Robert Grünbaum (Hg.): Das letzte Jahr der DDR. Von der Volkskammerwahl zur Wiedervereinigung (Sebastian Prinz)
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Kalsbeek, F., und T. F. D. Nielsen. „Regional geological investigations in the Ammassalik district, South-East Greenland“. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse 135 (31.12.1987): 59–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v135.7999.

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One of GGU's main expeditions in 1986 took place in July and August in the Ammassalik (Angmagssalik) district of South-East Greenland between 64° and 67°N (fig. 1). Until this summer the geology of this region was known only superficially, mainly from reconnaissance by Wager (1934), from local mapping projects by the University of Birmingham in the sixties and early seventies (Wright et al., 1973) and from coastal reconnaissance carried out by GGU under the direction of D. Bridgwater, mainly in the seventies (e.g. Bridgwater & Gormsen, 1968; Bridgwater et al., 1977; Bridgwater & Myers, 1979). The present work had two major aims: to provide regional data for the preparation of the 1:500 000 map sheet 14 and to obtain an impression of the area's economic mineral resources. Much of the summer's work was based on helicopter support which made it possibie to study large inland areas that had not been visited previously.
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Spiridon, Raluca Nicoleta. „Nicolae Ceauşescu and the Jiu Valley miners' strike of 1977“. Twentieth Century Communism 23, Nr. 23 (10.11.2022): 147–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.3898/175864322836165599.

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The miners' strike of 1‐3 August 1977, in the Jiu Valley, Romania's largest coalfield, was a rare example of popular revolt against the regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu, although it did not take on an explicitly political character. This article places the strike in its international and domestic, political, and especially economic, contexts. The miners' unrest was the result of deteriorating living and working conditions, as the regime, increasingly in debt to western banks and hit by the global economic downturn, accelerated industrial investment at the expense of other sectors. This mass strike, which mobilised around a third of the miners in a proletarian 'bastion', shook the regime, and even brought Ceauşescu to visit the Jiu Valley in person, and it extracted a range of concessions. However, as archives of the Securitate secret police show, masked methods of repression were used against the miners and their leaders, while concessions were quickly reneged upon. This strike against a 'workers' state' anticipated further breaks in the social pact between the regime and the Romanian people, culminating in the fall of Ceauşescu in December 1989.
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Beven, John L., Lixion A. Avila, James L. Franklin, Miles B. Lawrence, Richard J. Pasch und Stacy R. Stewart. „Eastern North Pacific Hurricane Season of 2003“. Monthly Weather Review 133, Nr. 5 (01.05.2005): 1403–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/mwr2917.1.

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Abstract The tropical cyclone activity for 2003 in the eastern North Pacific hurricane basin is summarized. Activity during 2003 was slightly below normal. Sixteen tropical storms developed, seven of which became hurricanes. However, there were no major hurricanes in the basin for the first time since 1977. The first hurricane did not form until 24 August, the latest observed first hurricane at least since reliable satellite observations began in 1966. Five tropical cyclones made landfall on the Pacific coast of Mexico, resulting in 14 deaths.
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Da Silva Duarte, Adriane. „As Mulheres de Atenas: Aristófanes sob a Ótica do Teatro do Oprimido“. Dramaturgias, Nr. 13 (21.04.2020): 45–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias.vi13.31054.

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O artigo examina a recepção das comédias Lisístrata e Assembleia de Mulheres, de Aristófanes, em As Mulheres de Atenas, de Augusto Boal. Escrita durante o exílio na Argentina (1971-1976), inicialmente intitulada Lisa, a mulher libertado- ra, é contemporá‚nea da publicação do livro de maior projeção do dramaturgo brasileiro, Teatro do Oprimido e outras poéticas políticas (1975, edição brasileira, 1974, edição argentina), constituindo, de certa forma, uma resposta prática às questões teóricas ali propostas. A peça documenta a recepção da comédia aristofá‚nica no Brasil.
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