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Lenares, Antonio Alfredo. „Augusto Biaggi : (1908-1977) /“. Dietikon : Juris-Dr. und Verl, 1997. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=007947726&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Preda, Cristian. „Le liberalisme du desespoir : tradition liberale et critique du totalitarisme dans les annees 1938-1960“. Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHES0018.

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La these est une reconstruction philosophique de l'identite liberale contemporaine qui s'exprime dans les oeuvres de walter lippmann, wilheim roepke, ludwig von mises, friedrich von hayek et michael polanyi. Le liberalisme de cette periode (1938-1960) est une double critique: tout d'abord, il est une critique de la tradition intellectuelle du liberalisme des xviie, xviiie et xixe siecles; en deuxieme lieu, il est une critique des idees socialistes et de la realite nee de ces idees. La premiere partie de la these analyse en detail les differentes distinctions proposees par lippmann, roepke, mises, hayek et polanyi pour caracteriser un vrai liberalisme et respectivement un faux liberalisme. La deuxieme partie de la these analyse les arguments liberaux utilises dans la description de la realite totalitaire (l'esprit militaire, la bureaucratie, la prison), dans la critique des idees socialistes (l'utopie socialiste, le role des intellectuels, le rapport entre socialisme, d'une part, democratie et religion, de l'autre) et enfin dans l'examen du rapport entre les idees socialistes et la realite totalitaire (le dogme, la prophetie, l'effet pervers, l'identite communisme-fascisme)
The thesis is a philosophical reconstruction of one contemporary liberal identity made from the works of walter lippmann, wilhelm roepke, ludwig von mises, friedrich von hayek and michael polanyi. The liberalism of this time (1938-1960) consists in a double critique: first, it is a critique of the liberal intellectual tradition of the seventeenth's, eighteenth's and nineteenth's centuries; secondly, it is a critique of socialist ideas and of reality issuing from these ideas. The first part of the thesis analyses in detail the various distinctions made by lippmann, roepke, mises, hayek and polanyi in order to describe a true liberalism and a false liberalism. The second part of the thesis deals with the liberal arguments used in the description of the totalitarian reality (the military spirit, the bureaucracy, the prison), in the critique of socialist ideas (the socialist utopia, the role of intellectuals, the relation between socialism, democracy and religion) and finally in the analysis of the connection between socialist discourse and totalitarian reality (the dogma, the prophecy, the perversity, the identity communism-socialism)
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Lima, Solyane Silveira. „Uma maneira de proteger e educar : a Casa Maternal Amélia Leite (1947-1970)“. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2009. https://ri.ufs.br/handle/riufs/4644.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This study aims to investigate the creation and consolidation of Protection Society of Casa Maternal Amélia Leite , in the period that includes the opening date in 1947 until 1970, when its founder, the doctor Augusto César Leite, get away from the direction. Formulated from the hygienists precepts, this philanthropic and educational institution, that service to single adolescent mothers and children, use to promote medical social assistance and moralizing education with the objective of reducing the number of abortions, infanticides and prostitution in Sergipe. To better understand its dynamic, operation and contribution, theoretical methodological subsidies were sought in the New Cultural History and in the contributions of Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias and Pierre Bourdieu. In addition to, it was tried to elucidate the initiatives related to the issues of the devoid child, aiming to contribute to studies about the History of Childhood and Education in Sergipe.
O presente estudo tem como finalidade investigar a criação e consolidação da Sociedade Protetora da Casa Maternal Amélia Leite, no período que compreende a data de inauguração em 1947 até 1970, quando seu fundador, o médico Augusto César Leite, se afasta da direção. Formulada a partir dos preceitos higienistas, essa instituição filantrópica e educativa de atendimento às mães adolescentes solteiras e crianças, promovia assistência médico-social e educação moralizante com o intuito de diminuir o número de abortos, infanticídios e prostituição em Sergipe. Para melhor compreender a dinâmica, o funcionamento e a contribuição da Casa Maternal buscou-se subsídios teóricos-metodológicos na Nova História Cultural e nas contribuições de Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias e Pierre Bourdieu. Bem como, procurou-se elucidar iniciativas que se voltaram para as questões da criança carente, visando contribuir com os estudos sobre a História da Infância e da Educação no Estado.
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Żorawska-Witkowska, Alina. „Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie [Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]: Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie[Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]“. Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa ; 1 (1997), S. 167-174, 1999. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A15525.

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MacLeod, Alan Stuart. „The United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, United States and the conflict in Northern Ireland, August 1971 - September 1974“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/3359/.

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This thesis offers a new interpretation of the international history of the early period of Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’. Such a revision is necessary given the recently released material in the national archives of the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and the United States, and in the personal archives of those involved. Furthermore, by adopting a different methodology, made possible by the recent archive material, further new perspectives emerge of the international dimension. Rather than taking a single element of the international history of the Troubles – for example, the ‘Irish dimension’, ‘American dimension’, the Cold War, or European integration – this thesis takes a multidimensional approach analysing the impact of the interactions of each of the international actors. The starting point for this multidimensional analysis is the introduction of internment without trial on 9 August 1971. This was not just a significant event in Northern Ireland, but also had the effect of internationalising the Troubles. Over the months that followed the international dimension developed two distinct spheres of activity – a political sphere and a security sphere. Different combinations of actors interacted in each of these spheres. In addition to the moderate Northern Irish parties, the British and Irish governments participated in the political sphere. The US government eventually ruled itself out of this sphere following the US presidential election in November 1972, but only after it had flirted with intervention. However, interventions by the US Congress’s ‘Irish Caucus’ continued. Meanwhile, in the security sphere, comprehensive Anglo-Irish security cooperation proved impossible to achieve. Instead, Anglo-American and Hiberno-American security cooperation developed – with Dublin eventually exerting as much of an influence on US policy as the UK. However, the US government’s attempts to supress IRA support were seriously restricted by the administration’s unwillingness to pick a fight with the Irish Caucus. The international dimension was an integral component of the peace process that resulted in the establishing of a cross-community power-sharing executive and the Sunningdale Agreement of December 1973. Even when this process was brought to an end by a Protestant backlash in May 1974 the principles developed during this period were confirmed and were to be central to future peace initiatives in Northern Ireland, including the Good Friday Agreement.
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Kundid, Laurence. „Penser la dictature aujourd'hui : enquêtes d'anthropologie politique auprès d'habitants de Santiago du Chili“. Paris 8, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA082376.

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Cette thèse s'attache à identifier ce qu'ouvre le coup d'Etat du 11 septembre 1973 au Chili. Elle propose, dans un premier temps, une analyse en terme de séquences politiques (l'Unité populaire, la junte militaire, la Concertation) déployant, pour chacune d'elles, les catégories référentielles de la politique à l'oeuvre. Dans un second temps, sont analysées les formes de pensée de chiliens à propos de leur histoire récente. Lors d'entretiens menés à Santiago entre 1998 et 1999, des interlocuteurs se prononcent sur des thèmes qui sont généralement laissés "impensés" par les discours officiels de la Concertation. Les propos recueillis ouvrent, d'une part, à une caractérisation de ce qui a eu lieu sous la junte (terreur, nouvelles formes de socialité, vies bouleversées) ; d'autre part, à des catégorisations surprenantes concernant la période actuelle allant jusqu'à redisposer la séquentialité communément admise en posant que "la dictature n'est toujours pas terminée"
This thesis attempts to identify what is opened by the military coup against the State of Chile on the 11th of September 1973. At first, it consists of an analysis in terms of political sequences (the Popular Unity Party, the military junta, the Concertation) and presents, for each one, the political referential categories at work. Secondly, it examines Chilean people's forms of thinking in regards to their recent history. In conducting open interviews carried out in Santiago between 1998 and 1999, some interview subjects express themselves about topics that are usually left as "unthought" in the Concertation official speeches. The interviews gathered permits, on the one hand, to characterise what happened during the Junta period (terror, new forms of sociality, destroyed lives) ; on the other hand, it reveals surprising categorisations of the present situation going towards rearranging the commonly admitted succession of sequences by contending that "the dictatorship has not ended yet"
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Żorawska-Witkowska, Alina. „Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie [Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]“. Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-222432.

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Filatova, Anna. „Les russes autour de Rodin (1880-1917)“. Thesis, Paris, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENCP0001/document.

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Cette étude veut contribuer à soutenir la thèse que les relations de Rodin avec la Russie sont de nature diverse. Elle se compose de quatre parties. La première est consacrée à la perception de l’œuvre de Rodin par les Russes. Nous étudions les relations du sculpteur avec les collectionneurs russes, et les amateurs d’art, sa participation aux manifestations artistiques en Russie et sa fortune critique en Russie. Le sujet auquel est consacrée la deuxième partie de cette thèse est celui des Russes qui ont « touché » à la création de l’œuvre de Rodin (en premier lieu des praticiens et des élèves de Rodin, mais aussi des modèles et photographes). La troisième partie est consacrée au regard de Rodin sur la Russie. La quatrième partie porte sur deux relations artistiques du sculpteur – avec Nijinski et Goloubew
This study aims at supporting the thesis that Rodin's relations with Russia are in fact quite diverse. The manuscript consists of four parts. The first part is devoted to the perception of Rodin's work by the Russians. We study his relations with Russian art collectors, art amateurs, his participation in artistic events in Russia and his critical fortune in Russia. The second part deals with the Russians who contributed to Rodin's work (most notably, “praticiens” and pupils of Rodin, but also models and photographers). In the third part, we discuss Rodin's view on Russia. We find out how Russia becomes part of Rodin's life. The fourth part describes two artistic relations of Rodin, namely with Nijinski and Goloubew
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Filatova, Anna. „Les russes autour de Rodin (1880-1917)“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENCP0001.

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Cette étude veut contribuer à soutenir la thèse que les relations de Rodin avec la Russie sont de nature diverse. Elle se compose de quatre parties. La première est consacrée à la perception de l’œuvre de Rodin par les Russes. Nous étudions les relations du sculpteur avec les collectionneurs russes, et les amateurs d’art, sa participation aux manifestations artistiques en Russie et sa fortune critique en Russie. Le sujet auquel est consacrée la deuxième partie de cette thèse est celui des Russes qui ont « touché » à la création de l’œuvre de Rodin (en premier lieu des praticiens et des élèves de Rodin, mais aussi des modèles et photographes). La troisième partie est consacrée au regard de Rodin sur la Russie. La quatrième partie porte sur deux relations artistiques du sculpteur – avec Nijinski et Goloubew
This study aims at supporting the thesis that Rodin's relations with Russia are in fact quite diverse. The manuscript consists of four parts. The first part is devoted to the perception of Rodin's work by the Russians. We study his relations with Russian art collectors, art amateurs, his participation in artistic events in Russia and his critical fortune in Russia. The second part deals with the Russians who contributed to Rodin's work (most notably, “praticiens” and pupils of Rodin, but also models and photographers). In the third part, we discuss Rodin's view on Russia. We find out how Russia becomes part of Rodin's life. The fourth part describes two artistic relations of Rodin, namely with Nijinski and Goloubew
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Newell, Jonathan Quentin Calvin. „British military policy in Egypt and Palestine, August 1914 - June 1917“. Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1990. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/british-military-policy-in-egypt-and-palestine--august-1914--june-1917(015506f2-2605-4c52-abef-8dfb31192965).html.

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Tamman, Tina. „Stateless envoy: the life and times of August Torma (1895-1971)“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2010. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1541/.

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This is a study of the life and activities of August Torma, an Estonian diplomat. He was born in 1895, well before his country broke free from Tsarist Russia, and died in 1971, in London, when Estonia was back in the Russian, by then Soviet, fold. Although a biography, it has the capacity to provide fresh insights into Estonian history.The study begins with Torma s early years and his activities during the First World War, observes his subsequent progression through the ranks at the Foreign Ministry in Tallinn and thereafter follows him to Rome, Bern and Geneva where he was appointed ambassador. The focus of the study falls on his years in London where he was posted in 1934. With the help of archival material the study sheds new light on a difficult period in Estonian history, particularly on the years leading up to the 1940 loss of independence, the Second World War and its aftermath. Torma s final three decades in England were a struggle for survival as financial problems persisted and his diplomatic position was gradually eroded.The study concludes that although Torma did not live to see Estonia regain its independence in 1991 he kept the idea of Estonian sovereignty very much alive during the Cold War and maintained the concept of legal continuity which was to form the cornerstone of the country s resurrection.
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Samuelsson, Petter, und David Magnusson. „Tidsserieanalys över svensk varuhandel januari 1975 – augusti 2010“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statistiska institutionen, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-146035.

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Syftet med denna uppsats är att modellera och prognostisera Sveriges varuexport, varuimport och handelsnetto. Vi använder oss av data från januari 1975 till och med augusti 2010 för respektive serie. Dessa data testas och jämförs i olika ARIMA- och SARIMA-modeller samt skattas även medelst säsongsreningsprogrammet TRAMO/SEATS. För de modeller som bäst passar serierna genomförs därefter in sample- och out of sample-analyser med felmåtten RMSE och MAPE. Modellerna med bäst felmått och som därpå väljs ut för att göra prognoser för serierna till och med augusti 2012 är (3,1,0)x(0,1,1) för export, (2,1,1)x(0,1,1) för import samt (0,1,1)x(0,1,1) skattad i TRAMO/SEATS för handelsnetto.
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Besier, Gerhard. „" Selbstreinigung " unter britischer Besatzungsherrschaft : die evangelisch-lutherische Landeskirche Hannovers und ihr Landesbischof Marahrens 1945-1947 /“. Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34985284r.

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Fernandes, Carla. „Ecriture et oralité dans l'œuvre de Augusto Augusto Roa Bastos“. tours, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995TOUR2008.

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La problématique écriture-oralité est présente au Paraguay, tant au niveau linguistique (le guarani était à l’ origine une langue orale) qu'au niveau culturel, à travers un certain nombre de mythes, croyances et chants encore vivaces aujourd'hui. On retrouve ce double niveau culturel et linguistique dans l'œuvre d’A. Roa Bastos. Mais l'originalité de cet auteur repose sur un travail d'écriture réalisé au niveau de la narration et de la structure des œuvres. A travers ce travail il parvient à l'élaboration d'une oralité de l'écriture. Il s'agit alors d'une oralité purement littéraire et non plus seulement traditionnelle
The problematics of writing and orality is important in Paraguay as much on the linguistic level (guarani was originally a spoken language) as on the cultural level through a certain amount of myths, beliefs and songs that are still vivelly spread nowadays. This twofold cultural and linguistic level can be traced down in a. Roa Bastos's work. But this writer's originality lies in a whole work on writing as it is to be seen in the narrative techniques and structures of his works. He thus manages to engender on orality of his writings, though his is a purely literary and not merely traditional orality
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Gaudet, Guillaume. „La réception critique des monuments français (1880-1917) d'Auguste Rodin“. Amiens, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AMIE0017.

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Taylor, Steven M. „A case study of the Monterey Bay sea breeze on 25 August 1997“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1998. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA356525.

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Thesis (M.S. in Meteorology) Naval Postgraduate School, September 1998.
"September 1998." Thesis advisor(s): Wendell A. Nuss, Douglas K. Miller. Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-119). Also Available online.
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Adolphi, Paul A. J. „Aspects of the Anglo-Russian convention of 31 August 1907 and British opinion /“. Title page, contents and introduction only, 1988. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09AR/09ara239.pdf.

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Auguste, Isabelle. „L'administration des affaires Aborigènes en Australie depuis 1972 : l'autodétermination en question“. La Réunion, 2005. http://elgebar.univ-reunion.fr/login?url=http://thesesenligne.univ.run/05_04-auguste-1.pdf.

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Depuis 1972 l'Australie a adopté une politique réformiste pour ses Aborigènes, préconisant le principe d'autodétermination politique, socio-économique et culturelle. L'égalité de droit et l'égalité des chances, synonymes de citoyenneté australienne, étaient déjà des revendications de l'époque assimilationniste et elles constituent deux points essentiels des nouvelles politiques. Mais l'administration fédérale de Canberra doit aussi répondre aux demandes aborigènes de droits inhérents à leur condition de peuple premier. L'octroi de droits fonciers, la reconnaissance du Titre Indigène et la compensation représentent au cours de ces années une partie capitale de l'action gouvernementale qui s'est singularisée aussi par la mise en place de structures politiques propres aux Aborigènes. Mais la question fondamentale de l'autodétermination reste liée à celle d'un Makarrata, d'un Traité qui scellera la Réconciliation de tous les Australiens.
Australia has adopted a reformist policy for its Aboriginal population since 1972, advocating the principle of political, socio-economic and cultural self-determination. Equal rights and equal opportunities, synonymous with Australian citizenship, were already claimed at the time of assimilation and are two essential points of the new policies. But the federal administration of Canberra also has to respond to Aboriginals’ demands for the recognition of their inherent rights as First peoples. The granting of land rights, the recognition of Native Title and compensation for injury or lost land, have represented during those years an important part of government action which has also been distinctive in its establishment of new Aboriginal structures specifically for Aborigines. Nevertheless, the fundamental issue of self-determination remains inextricably linked with the Makarrata, the Treaty which will seal the Reconciliation of all Australians
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Russell, Allison Kate. „Overture to the Red Terror : the Bolsheviks in power, October 1917 to August 1918 /“. Title page, contents and introduction only, 1992. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09AR/09arr961.pdf.

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Dannenberg, Julia von. „The fruits of daring diplomacy : the making of the Moscow Treaty, 12 August 1970“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.411124.

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Shaw, Louise Grace. „Attitudes of the British political elite towards the Soviet Union, May 1937 - August 1939“. Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2001. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/attitudes-of-the-british-political-elite-towards-the-soviet-union-may-1937-august-1939(3d8b5e19-3934-42d2-a2ff-8f2f3d7db1b7).html.

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Blevins, Jeff T. (Jeff Taylor). „The British Foreign Office Views and the Making of the 1907 Anglo-Russian Entente, From the 1890s Through August 1907“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1998. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc279078/.

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This thesis examines British Foreign Office views of Russia and Anglo-Russian relations prior to the 1907 Anglo-Russian Entente. British diplomatic documents, memoirs, and papers in the Public Record Office reveal diplomatic concern with ending Central Asian tensions. This study examines Anglo-Russian relations from the pre-Lansdowne era, including agreements with Japan (1902) and France (1904), the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05, and the shift in Liberal thinking up to the Anglo-Russian Entente. The main reason British diplomats negotiated the Entente was less to end Central Asian friction, this thesis concludes, than the need to check Germany, which some Foreign Office members believed, was bent upon European hegemony.
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Santos, Silvaney Silva. „José Augusto Garcez, uma trajetória no campo intelectual sergipano (1938-1972)“. Pós-Graduação em História, 2018. http://ri.ufs.br/jspui/handle/riufs/8676.

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The dissertation reconstructs the trajectory of José Augusto Garcez (1938 - 1972), a Sergipe intellectual agent responsible for editing and publishing several local authors through the Sergipe Cultural Movement, an idea created by the Author in 1953. For Thais purpouse, concepts of sociability, intellectuals and capital were fundamental. The object studied was situated in the cultural context of the period, it was also highlighted the places of diffusion of ideas in Aracaju and the main intellectual agents involved in sociability networks, such as magazines, cultural institutions, bars, radio, among others . The dissertation reconstructs the capitals acquired by José Augusto Garcez in his trajectory from his practices in the sergipean intellectual field. The study undertaken in this dissertation allows us to also perceive a profile of our intellectuality in the period under study. The sources for the development of this work were diverse, among them works of the Cultural Movement of Sergipe, manuscripts (letters, cards ando all kind of registers), newspapers, photographs, disks, birth and death certificates and magazines.
A dissertação em tela reconstrói a trajetória do intelectual José Augusto Garcez (1938-1972), agente cultural sergipano, responsável pela edição e publicação de diversos autores locais, através do Movimento Cultural de Sergipe, ideia criada pelo sergipano em 1953. Para tal, os conceitos de sociabilidade, intelectuais e capitais foram fundamentais. O objeto estudado foi situado no contexto cultural do período, destacou-se também os lugares de difusão de ideias em Aracaju e os principais agentes intelectuais envolvidos nas redes de sociabilidades, como as revistas, as instituições culturais, os bares, o rádio, entre outros. A dissertação reconstrói os capitais adquiridos por José Augusto Garcez na sua trajetória a partir das suas práticas no campo intelectual sergipano. O estudo empreendido nessa dissertação permite-nos perceber também um perfil da nossa intelectualidade no período em estudo. As fontes para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram diversas, entre elas, obras do Movimento Cultural de Sergipe, manuscritos (cartas, cartões, registros avulsos), jornais, fotografias, discos, certidões de nascimento e óbito e revistas.
São Cristóvão, SE
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Dazet-Brun, Philippe. „Auguste Champetier de Ribes (1882-1947) : du christianisme social au centrisme“. Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040037.

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Avocat, issu d'un milieu bourgeois et catholique parisien, Auguste Champetier de Ribes s'engage dans l'action sociale catholique dès 1908. Au terme de la Première Guerre mondiale, dont il revient mutilé, il décide de porter son idéal chrétien social sur le terrain politique, aux côtés des démocrates chrétiens. Député de 1924 à 1934, puis sénateur des Basses-Pyrénées, il est l'un des fondateurs du parti démocrate populaire qu'il préside à partir de 1929. Ministre des pensions d'André Tardieu et de Pierre Laval de 1930 à 1932, il est à l'origine de la retraite du combattant. Inquiet de la montée des fascismes, ce centriste prône la fermeté face aux dictatures. Ainsi des basques lors de la guerre d’Espagne, figure marquante de l'esprit antimunichois, il est le sous-secrétaire d'état aux affaires étrangères de la Drôle de guerre. C'est au quai d’Orsay qu'il prépare, en vain, un pacte d'entente avec le Vatican afin de régler la question de la laïcité. Champetier est des 80 parlementaires à refuser les pouvoirs constituants à Pétain le 10 juillet 1940. Résistant, il est interné du 2 décembre 1942 au 8 juin 1944. A la Libération, hostile au MRP, il n'effectue sa rentrée politique qu'à l'automne 1946, après avoir été procureur général de son pays au procès de Nuremberg. Il devient alors le troisième personnage de l'état en présidant le Conseil de la République. Il meurt le 6 mars 1947
Auguste Champetier de Ribes, a catholic middle-class Parisian lawyer became involved in catholic social action as soon as 1908. Seriously disabled after the First World War, he decided to focus his catholic social ideal on politics, on Christians democrats' side. He became a deputy from 1924 to 1934, then a senator of the "Basses-Pyrénées" and was one of the founders of the popular democratic party that he lead as soon as 1929. André Tardieu and Pierre Laval’s minister of pensions from 1930 to 1932, he was the first to create the combatant pension. Worried about the rise of fascist regimes, this centrist advocated firmness faced with dictatorships. He was on friendly terms with the Basques during the Spanish civil war and was a great figure of the anti-Munich movement as well as the under-secretary of state at the Foreign Office during the Phoney war. He vainly worked on an agreement with the Vatican at the French Foreign Office in order to deal with the issue about secularism. Champetier was one of the 80 members of Parliament to refuse the constituent powers to Pétain on July, 10 1940. As a resistance fighter he was interned from December, 02 1942 to June, 08 1944. At the liberation, as the was hostile to the MRP, he resumed his political action in 1946 only after being the public prosecutor of his country at the Nuremberg trial
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Kumar, Sujith Shashi. „Reassessing J.S. Mill's liberalism : the influence of Auguste Comte, Jeremy Bentham, and Wilhelm von Humboldt“. Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2006. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/1917/.

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The thesis starts by considering the controversial claim made by Joseph Hamburger that couched within the arguments for freedom in On Liberty are calls for high levels of social control, which threaten the conventional reading of Mill as a paradigmatic liberal thinker. The thesis tests this argument against the claims of the revisionary secondary literature, which attempts to reconcile Mill's utilitarian and liberal writings. Examining Hamburger's main line of argumentation, the thesis shows how Mill's thought is more influenced by the thought of August Comte than Mill or the secondary literature acknowledge, while still retaining some crucial differences. The thesis next considers another influence argued to be outside of the liberal tradition, Jeremy Bentham. Even though Mill admittedly inherits utilitarianism from Bentham, he expands the psychological notion of pleasure in fundamental ways, even at the cost of internal consistency. Moreover, the thesis argues that Bentham utilises particular forms of social control in a similar manner as Comte, which is ultimately what Mill rejects in both of their doctrines. However at the same time, it is Comte's positivist philosophy of history that enables Mill to reconcile his utilitarian foundation with his liberal prescriptions. Next, the thesis argues that it is ultimately the influence the Wilhelm von Humboldt that maintains Mill's thought as recognizably liberal. Von Humboldt introduces the notion of individuality to Mill, whose expression is the highest source of pleasure, and is the concept that prevents Mill's moral and political system from collapsing back into a more Comtean and Benthamite formulation. Finally, synthesizing these influences, the thesis uses a hierarchical conception of the self, as articulated by Harry Frankfurt and Gerald Dworkin, to reconcile the high levels of social control correctly perceived by Hamburger with Mill's unambiguous protection and valuation of negative liberty. This socially embedded and highly normative conception of autonomy underpins Mill's progressive doctrine, and preserves his inclusion in the liberal tradition.
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Sasso, Wilson. „A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1884/24466.

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Lima, Damaris Pereira Santana [UNESP]. „O intelectual exilado em Augusto Roa Bastos“. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/103642.

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Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar como a literatura articulada com a historiografia e a memória pode contribuir para a reelaboração da escrita da história. A partir da leitura crítica da trilogia do escritor Augusto Roa Bastos (1917-2005) - Hijo de hombre (1960), Yo el Supremo (1974) e El fiscal (1993) – este trabalho discute a questão do exílio e suas implicações na vida dos intelectuais, especialmente no século XX. Os textos são analisados à luz de referencial teórico que trata das relações entre história, memória, intelectual, poder e exílio. Os conceitos são abordados sob a perspectiva da literatura, literatura comparada e estudos históricos e culturais. Os personagens históricos envolvidos nas tramas do paraguaio Roa Bastos permitem revisitar a história de seu país, e contribuem para o estudo de sua identidade nacional. Os fatos históricos e os textos memorialísticos ficcionalizados permitem ao autor abordar questões como a relação entre história, memória e esquecimento, memória coletiva e poder
This work aims to demonstrate how literature, combined with historiography and memory, can contribute to reworking history writing. From the critical reading of the trilogy written by Augusto Roa Bastos (1917-2005) - Hijo de hombre (1960), Yo el supremo (1974) and El fiscal (1993) - this research discusses the question of exile and its implications for the life of intellectuals, especially in the twentieth century. The texts are analyzed in the light of theoretical references that deal with relations between history, memory, intellectual, power and exile. The concepts are discussed from the perspective of literature, comparative literature and historical and cultural studies. The historical characters involved in Roa Bastos' plot allow revisiting the history of his country, and contribute to the study of national identity. The historical facts and the fictionalized memorialistic texts allow the author to discuss issues such as the relation between history, memory and forgetfulness, collective and power
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Licla, Meza Ricardo. „La definición de filosofía en Augusto Salazar Bondy“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2016. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/5547.

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Muestra y esclarece los sentidos del término filosofía en las reflexiones de Augusto Salazar Bondy. Sistematiza sus principales aportes y considera que la síntesis de la propuesta salazarina se resume en su triada procedimental: presentar, cuestionar y proponer. Da cuenta de algunas críticas a las propuestas salazarianas de parte de David Sobrevilla y Rosemary Rizo Patrón y presenta algunas observaciones a estas críticas.
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Espindola, Ricardo da Silva. „O tempo na sombra da linguagem: Vigilia del Almirante, de Augusto Roa Bastos“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8145/tde-02102013-114613/.

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Este estudo tem como objeto de análise o romance Vigilia del Almirante (1992), de Augusto Roa Bastos. O eixo temático e o instrumental teórico da dissertação foram definidos visando à investigação das relações entre realidade e linguagem no âmbito da ficção histórica, mais especificamente, no romance histórico metaficcional, gênero que problematiza sua própria natureza discursiva, assumindo-se como construção linguística e opondo-se diametralmente ao modelo clássico, que prima pela plasmação realista de feitos e processos históricos em uma fábula elaborada de modo verossimilhante e linear. Tal projeto romanesco pode ser sintetizado em uma frase do próprio Roa Bastos extraída de Yo el Supremo (1974): Escribir no significa convertir lo real en palabras sino hacer que la palabra sea real. Enfatiza-se nesta pesquisa o emprego do discurso mítico e da condição de desterro transcendental (cisão entre vida e linguagem) como elementos fundamentais da estrutura de Vigilia del Almirante. Roa Bastos explora a incongruência entre realidade e palavra experimentada pelo Colombo histórico, correlacionando-a com dois outros desterros transcendentais: o de D. Quixote e o da civilização guarani. Além disso, o autor retoma nesta obra algumas construções de Yo el Supremo, romance também estruturado em torno do mito e cujo protagonista, um desterrado transcendental, também é associado ao cavaleiro andante cervantino. Tais escolhas são organizadas de modo a gerar um romance inverossímil, não linear e sem o predomínio da invocação dramática, marcado pela presença de diferentes vozes que se contradizem. Isto faz de Vigilia del Almirante uma obra complexa, ambígua, polifônica e autocrítica, que não se apresenta como única visão possível sobre o tema. Essa estratégia ficcional tem como objetivo questionar as representações e historiografias tradicionais, conservadoras e mitificadoras de Cristóvão Colombo, revelando-as em sua natureza puramente linguística e destituindo-as de seu caráter de verdade absoluta.
This study discusses Augusto Roa Bastoss novel Vigilia del Almirante (1992). The thematic axis and theoretical grounds of this dissertation were established with the purpose of investigating the relations between reality and language in the scope of historical fiction more specifically, in metafictional historical novel, a genre that problematizes its own discursive nature, establishing itself as a linguistic construction and directly opposing the classical model that values a realistic account of historical deeds and processes in a fable that is verisimilarly and linearly developed. This Romanesque project is summarized by Roa Bastos himself, in a sentence extracted from Yo el Supremo (1974): Writing does not mean to turn what is real into words, but to make words real. This research emphasizes the use of mythical discourse and transcendental exile (a rupture between life and language) as fundamental elements of structure in Vigilia del Almirante. Roa Bastos explores the inconsistency between reality and words experienced by the historical Columbus, correlating it to two other transcendental exiles: D. Quixotes and that of the guarani civilization. In addition, in this work the author reuses some constructions from Yo el Supremo, a novel that is also structured around myth and whose protagonist, who is in transcendental exile, is also associated to Cervantes roving rider. These choices are combined to originate an unlikely, non-linear novel, without the predominance of dramatic evocation, marked by the presence of different conflicting voices. This characterizes Vigilia del Almirante as a complete, ambiguous, polyphonic and self-critical work that does not present itself as the only possible standpoint on the theme. This fictional strategy aims to question traditional, conservative and mythicizing portrayals and historiographies on Christopher Columbus, unveiling their purely linguistic nature and not accepting them as a universal truth.
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Garnier, Bénédicte. „Le Cercle des Antiques : histoire de la collection d'antiques du sculpteur Auguste Rodin“. Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040021.

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Le sculpteur Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) rassembla entre 1895 et 1917 plus de 6000 œuvres d'art, qui, malgré la diversité de leurs origines, furent connues sous le nom de collection d'"antiques". Il s'agissait en majorité d'œuvres d'art grec, romain et égyptien, et, en moindre quantité d'Extrême-Orient, du Mexique précolombien, du Moyen-Orient, du moyen-âge, de la Renaissance ou de l'époque classique. Le 22 décembre 1916, le sculpteur fit don à l'état français de cette collection privée qui devint une collection publique gérée par le musée national Auguste Rodin mais demeura, de par la volonté de Rodin, liée à son œuvre pour la postérité. Cette collection d'artiste avait été construite, à la manière d'un musée de la sculpture comparée, au service de l'art de Rodin. L'œuvre du sculpteur était née avec constance de ces traditions puisées au fil des années dans le vaste réservoir de son musée imaginaire, et accumulées à la manière des pièces d'une collection. Pour l'artiste, le passage du virtuel au réel constitua un nouvel acte de création, encouragé par des conditions matérielles et culturelles propices à la construction de l'édifice. Rodin constitua une collection assez conformiste issue du marché de l'art de l'époque, dominée par la fragmentation du corps humain et tentée par l'archaïsme. Cette collection fut mise en scène par l'artiste dans ses différents lieux de création et de vie à l'identique de ses propres œuvres, auxquelles elle fut sans cesse confrontée. Elle fut un matériau d'étude, justifia l'œuvre de Rodin et lui servit d'écrin. La collection devint signe de la modernité d'un artiste qui annonçait déjà l'art du XXe siècle. Composée de nombreux fragments antiques, elle accompagna le sculpteur dans de nouvelles voies artistiques ou le beau et le fini n'étaient plus des valeurs absolues. Rodin se nourrissait des œuvres collectées avec une boulimie grandissante, et s'en servait dans son art comme d'une matière nouvelle fantasmatique ou réelle.
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Guiñez, Chepillo Sebatián. „Porque el progreso encuentra muchas veces palancas poderosas en situaciones transitorias: regímenes autoritarios y crisis económicas en Chile: los casos de Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (1927-1931) y Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1973-1990)“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2017. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/144242.

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Santos, Claudia Regina Ferreira. „Yo el supremo, romance, historia... : historiografia e literatura paraguaias sobre o ditador Francia“. [s.n.], 2000. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/282016.

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Orientador: Hector Hernan Bruit
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
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Resumo: Não informado
Abstract: Not informed.
Mestre em História
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Bungart, Neto Paulo. „Augusto Meyer proustiano : a reinvenção memorialística do eu“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/10786.

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Cette thèse de Doctorat en Littérature Comparée analyse l’oeuvre mémorialistique de Augusto Meyer sous l’influx proustien, mis en évidence, dans les deux volumes qui la composent (Secrets de l’enfance, 1949; et Au temps de la fleur, 1966), par l’appel aux cinq sens, la reconstituition des endroits paradisiaques de l’enfance, le moi “perdu” et “retrouvé” et surtout, les différentes manifestations de la mémoire involontaire, comme celles attachées au minuano, le “vent de la campagne”. Après l’Introduction (1), on débat des approches (2 - “Fondements théoriques”) les plus variées ayant rapport à l’étude des phénomènes mnémoniques, dans le but de démontrer la façon dont des branches tellement diversifiées de la connaissance humaine (la Mithologie, la Philosophie, la Psychanalyse, le Cinéma, la Musique, etc) ont traité le thème de la mémoire et de sa représentation. En plus, dans les considérations spécifiques sur la mémoire en tant que genre littéraire, je considère, à la lumière de la critique structuraliste française, les différentes formules théoriques concernant les concepts d’autobiographie, de journal, de mémoires et autres genres dérivés de la confession. Dans le chapitre suivant (3 - “A la recherche du temps perdu et la reconstruction de la mémoire: le monumental ‘édifice immense du souvenir’ involontaire”), le thème de la mémoire involontaire dans le roman A la recherche du temps perdu, de Marcel Proust, est mis en relief, aussi bien que la réception critique, en France et au Brésil, de ce chef-d’oeuvre du XXe siècle. Enfin, dans le quatrième chapitre (“Augusto Meyer mémorialiste: l’influx proustien à la recherche de l’unité perdue”), l’essentiel de la thèse est formulé: la notion que la mémorialistique brésilienne moderne a subi un profond influx du roman-fleuve de Proust, hypothèse qui se confirme par sa présence dans les genres les plus divers (cronique, poésie, mémorialistique), et par les thèmes (la mémoire involontaire et la mémoire des sens, largement employées par les écrivains Augusto Meyer, Pedro Nava, Cyro dos Anjos, Gilberto Amado, Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade et autres).
Esta tese de Doutoramento em Literatura Comparada aborda a obra memorialística de Augusto Meyer a partir do influxo proustiano que se evidencia, nos dois volumes que a compõem (Segredos da infância, 1949; e No tempo da flor, 1966), através do apelo aos cinco sentidos, da reconstituição dos lugares paradisíacos da infância, do eu “perdido” e “reencontrado” e, sobretudo, de diversas manifestações da memória involuntária, especialmente aquelas ligadas ao minuano, o “vento da campanha”. Após a Introdução (1), são discutidos (2 - “Fundamentos teóricos”) os mais variados enfoques relacionados ao estudo de fenômenos mnemônicos, a fim de se demonstrar de que maneira ramos tão diversificados do conhecimento humano (tais como Mitologia, Filosofia, Psicanálise, Cinema, Música, etc) trataram a questão da memória e de sua representação. Além disso, nas considerações específicas sobre a memória como gênero literário, percorro, à luz da crítica estruturalista francesa, as diferentes formulações teóricas acerca dos conceitos de autobiografia, diário, memórias e outros subgêneros confessionais. No capítulo seguinte (3 - “A la recherche du temps perdu e a reconstrução da memória: o monumental ‘edifício imenso da recordação’ involuntária”), o destaque é dado à questão da memória involuntária no romance A la recherche du temps perdu, de Marcel Proust, bem como à recepção crítica, na França e no Brasil, desta obra-prima do século XX. Ao quarto capítulo (“Augusto Meyer memorialista: influxo proustiano na busca da unidade perdida”), por fim, reserva-se a formulação essencial desta tese – a noção de que a memorialística modernista brasileira sofreu forte influxo do roman-fleuve de Proust, sugestão que se confirma através de sua presença nos mais diversos gêneros (crônica, poesia, memorialística) e temas (a memória involuntária e a memória dos sentidos, amplamente utilizadas por escritores como Augusto Meyer, Pedro Nava, Cyro dos Anjos, Gilberto Amado, Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade e outros).
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Rivera, Narváez Luis Felipe. „La dominación en Augusto Salazar Bondy: desarrollo y teorización“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/10928.

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Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor
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Propone un esquema de interpretación sobre el desarrollo especulativo del concepto dominación en ASB, tanto en su tesis sobre la cultura y la filosofía de la dominación, así como de su posterior Teoría de la Dominación. Los objetivos secundarios son evaluar estas reflexiones y observar sus respectivas fuentes y/o autores implicados, así como también determinar su importancia, vigencia y límites. Las razones que justifican el desarrollo de este estudio, es en primer lugar, una motivación académica que se traduce en la contribución a un área de estudio como es la Filosofía en el Perú y de su específico desarrollo desde mediados del siglo pasado. Se analizará por eso el pensamiento de ASB y sus implicancias especulativas en relación a su concepto dominación. Nuestra segunda motivación es más bien práctica, por estar relacionada la dominación y su teorización a la posibilidad de entender las deficiencias como comunidad.
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Guillaudat, Patrick. „Luttes et mouvements sociaux au Chili de 1973 à nos jours“. Paris 8, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA081241.

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Apres dix annees de fort recul des mouvements sociaux, la dictature de pinochet se heurte a une montee rapide des luttes contre sa politique economique ultraliberale et l'absence de droits democratiques. La transition negociee avec les militaires est marquee, la democratie revenue, par une grande continuite dans les choix economiques. Au nom de la modernite et de la mondialisation, les mouvements sociaux sont renvoyes a une fonction d'appui a la politique gouvernementale. Il leur reste a conquerir leur independance pour proposer une alternative en terme de developpement social contre les mefaits du neoliberalisme
Ten years after the coup, the military dictatorship is facing a rapid growth of the struggles. The social movements are mobilized against the chilean economic model and reclaim for democracy and justice in the area of human rights. The consensual democracy appeared after the transition with the collapse of the social movements. The concertacion government is continuing the pinochet's economics. In the name of modernity, it is trying to obtain the support of the labor movement to his politics. Now, the future of the social movements is depending of their capacity to build up a class alternative against the neoliberalism and its effects
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Contreras, Godoy Loreto. „Producir poéticamente la historia: sobre Yo el supremo de Augusto Roa Bastos“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2015. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/136585.

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Dospital, Michelle Kugel Verónica. „Siempre más allá... : el movimiento Scandinista en Nicaragua, 1927-1934 /“. Managua : Instituto de historia de Nicaragua, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb400087110.

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Lavopa, Marco. „La Diplomatie des ‘petits pas’ : l’Ostpolitik vaticane de Mgr Augustin CAsaroli (1965-1975)“. Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CERG0544.

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L'étude «La diplomatie des ‘petits pas'. L'Ostpolitik vaticane de Mgr Augustin CASAROLI (1965-1975)» cherche, à travers l'histoire de l'œuvre du prélat Placentin, Augustin CASAROLI de 1965 à 1975, à circonscrire les raisons historiques qui ont mené le Saint-Siège (sous la direction de Paul VI) à entreprendre des négociations avec les États socialistes de l'Europe orientale et à choisir une ‘politique du dialogue'. CASAROLI est le représentant d'une diplomatie vaticane qui se trouve au centre de la scène européenne et internationale pendant ces années (1965-1975), tant au niveau bilatéral que multilatéral (avec la participation de Mgr CASAROLI lui-même – comme délégué du Saint-Siège – à la Conférence d'Helsinki de 1975). Les manuscrits des ‘Archives CASAROLI' utilisés pour la réalisation du travail de thèse mettent en évidence des aspects peu connus de l'œuvre du prélat Placentin. C'est une représentation des faits très importante car elle met en relief toute la force de l'Ostpolitik vaticane et la persévérance du négociateur CASAROLI au cours des contacts avec les représentants de l'Église locale et des gouvernements des États socialistes au-delà du rideau de fer. À la lecture du travail, on peut mesurer le grand mérite du négociateur du Saint-Siège en tant qu'exécutant matériel de la ‘politique du dialogue' du pape Paul VI pendant la période postconciliaire entre 1965 et 1975: sauvegarder, grâce à un dur travail de médiation, en parcourant un chemin long et tortueux et dans les limites du possible, les intérêts de l'Église catholique et apporter sa contribution à la construction de la maison commune européenne
The study, «The diplomacy of ‘small steps'. The Vatican's Ostpolitik of monsignor August CASAROLI (1965-1975)» seeks to develop, through the history of the work of Piacenza prelate, August CASAROLI between 1965 and 1975, the historical reasons that led the Holy See (under the direction of Pope Paul VI) to undertake negotiations with the socialist states of Eastern Europe and select a ‘politics of the dialogue'. CASAROLI is the representative of Vatican diplomacy that lies at the centre of the European and international scene during those years (1965-1975), both bilaterally and multilaterally (with the participation of Bishop CASAROLI himself – as a delegate of the Holy See – the Helsinki Conference of 1975). Papers of ‘Archives CASAROLI' used to carry out the thesis highlights little-known aspects of the work of the Piacenza prelate. It is a representation of the facts very important because it demonstrated the strength of the Vatican's Ostpolitik and perseverance of CASAROLI negotiator during contacts with representatives of the local church and government of socialist states beyond the curtain of iron. Reading the work, it is possible to understand the great merit of the negotiator for the Holy Seat as a running material of ‘politics of the dialogue' of Pope Paul VI during the post-council period between 1965 and 1975: back up with hard work mediation through a long tortuous path within the limits of things possible, the interests of the Catholic Church and contribute to building a common European home
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Rojas, Huaynates Joel Williams. „Para una filosofía de la liberación en Augusto Salazar Bondy“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2019. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/10585.

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Plantea que en el corpus teórico de Salazar Bondy se ubica una propuesta de filosofía de la liberación. El primer argumento presentado es la presencia de Salazar Bondy en las Cuartas Jornadas Académicas realizadas en la Universidad del Salvador (Argentina) en 1973. El segundo argumento señala que en la filosofía de la liberación de Salazar Bondy subyace un vasto planteamiento antropológico que se sostiene en los siguientes tópicos: la histórica, la pedagógica, la axiológica. A través de estos tópicos cuestiona la designación de los conceptos de Salazar Bondy como mero antecedente de la filosofía de la liberación como sostienen Enrique Dussel (1994) y Juan Carlos Scannone (2009), y la de gestor como sostiene Carlos Beorlegui (2010).
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima). Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Posgrado
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Muñoz, Agustín. „La production poétique chilienne : période 1973-1983 : analyse sociologique de textes poétiques“. Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040062.

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L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier la production poétique publiée pendant le régime militaire et d'analyser le contenu et la forme. Sont analyses les textes poétiques d'écrivains qui vivent au chili et en exil. Les résultats de la recherche montrent : - qu'il s'agit d'une poésie ouvertement politique - que les thèmes développés sont en rapport avec la répression et avec l'absence de liberté d'expression. - que le texte poétique devient instrument de lutte contre la dictature. - que les thèmes "classiques" de la poésie sont très minoritaires et traites d'une manière différente. - qu'il n'existe pas une coupure entre la poésie de l'intérieur et la poésie de l'exil. Les problématiques sont les mêmes. L'étude montre aussi les formes diverses d'organisation pour pouvoir publier au chili. Les limitations imposées par la censure et analyse la politique anti culturelle du régime militaire. Apres avoir rendu compte de l'opinion de douze écrivains chiliens sur la poésie, la dictature et l'exil, la recherche s'achève avec une anthologie poétique de l'actuel. L'étude analyse sociologiquement les textes de 46 poètes chiliens.
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Gramolelli, Giada <1996&gt. „Tanaquilla, Clelia e Veturia: tre exempla femminili raccontati da Livio nella propaganda augustea“. Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/19717.

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Livio nella sua Ab Urbe condita ha inserito vari exempla femminili di età monarchica e repubblicana. La tesi inizia con l’analisi delle problematiche dell’opera liviana quali la cronologia e le fonti, utilizzate dallo storico, che non ci sono giunte. Si occupa in seguito della differenza tra figura storica e leggendaria, evidenziando come molti personaggi descritti da Livio possono essere stati frutto della stratificazione di tradizioni differenti. La tesi quindi prende in esame tre figure femminili: Tanaquilla con l’occultamento della morte del marito Tarquinio Prisco; Clelia con il suo coraggio e con il suo onore statuario; e Veturia con la sua azione nell’agmen mulierum e con il suo discorso al figlio Coriolano. Si tratta di tre personaggi le cui azioni potevano trovare un chiaro richiamo nella realtà contemporanea di Livio: Tanaquilla con l’occultamento della morte di Augusto messa in atto da Livia; Clelia con l’onore statuario del 35 a.C. concesso a Livia e Ottavia; Veturia con l’azione dell’agmen mulierum e con il restauro del tempio a Fortuna Muliebre. La domanda quindi attorno cui ruota l’intero elaborato è se le scelte contenutistiche di Livio sono state fatte in base a quanto le sue fonti, a noi non pervenute, gli hanno riportato, o se lo storico ha manipolato ad hoc episodi antichi all’interno di quella che era la propaganda augustea per legittimare le azioni di Augusto o di donne della sua famiglia.
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Vázquez-Medina, Olivia. „Cuerpo presente : imaginería corporal, representación histórica y textura narrativa en Yo el Supremo (1974), Noticias del Imperio (1987) y el General en su Laberinto (1989)“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.670014.

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Shannon, Matthew K. „An augury of revolution the Iranian student movement and American foreign policy, 1960-1972 /“. View electronic thesis (PDF), 2009. http://dl.uncw.edu/etd/2009-1/shannonm/matthewshannon.pdf.

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Oliveira, Junior Antonio Ribeiro de. „Do reflexo a mediação : um estudo da expressão fotografica e da obra de Augusto Malta“. [s.n.], 1994. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/284147.

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Orientador: Etienne Samain
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes
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Resumo: Não informado
Abstract: Not informed.
Mestre em Multimeios
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Pimenta, Larissa Itami O’Hara. „A ficção histórica em "Vigilia del Almirante", de Augusto Roa Bastos“. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/3296.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:11:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_8599_Texto completo.pdf: 755854 bytes, checksum: 7dec662a6c946a861679f40622381b3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25
Analisa-se a obra Vigilia del Almirante, de Augusto Roa Bastos, publicada em 1992, em seus aspectos textuais mais marcantes, a partir dos procedimentos utilizados pelo escritor para a criação da metaficção historiográfica, que o autor revela ser fruto da comemoração do quinto centenário desde a viagem de Cristóvão Colombo à América. Busca-se, no preenchimento das lacunas deixadas pela história do descobrimento, a compreensão da feitura de um Colombo ficcional. A verdade particular da ficção estudada permite que se construa e se desconstrua a paródia da personagem principal. A obra de Roa Bastos invade a história e retoma a figura de Colombo de modo poético e revisional. Conceitos como romance histórico, mímesis, verossimilhança, estranhamento e outros mais são abordados para o estudo do texto. Igualmente, as categorias do romance são percebidas neste estudo, como personagens, tempo, espaço e enredo, além das particularidades do gênero textual em questão.
Analyzes the work Vigilia del Almirante, Augusto Roa Bastos's, published in 1992 in his most striking textual aspects, from the procedures used by the writer to the creation of the historiographical metafiction, which the author reveals himself to be the result of the fifth centennial celebration from the voyage of Christopher Columbus to America. Seeks, in filling the gaps left by the history of the discovery, understanding the making of a fictional Columbus. The particular truth of the studied fiction allows us to build and deconstruct the parody of the main character. The work of Roa Bastos invades the history and resumes Columbus figure of poetic and revisional mode. Concepts such as "historical novel", "mimesis", "likelihood," "defamiliarization" and others are addressed to the interpretation of the text. Also, the categories of romance are perceived in this study, as characters, time, space and plot, beyond the particularities of the genre in question.
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Patino, Bruno. „Le SOMMEIL DU LION : la transition a la democratie au chili 1988-1993“. Paris 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA030119.

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La transition est le moment de passage d'un regime politique a un autre. L'outil methodologique est celui des espaces de transition, qui couvrent des domaines autonomes regis par leur logique. La transition est le moment ou le travail dans les espaces constitue la principale tache du gouvernement, ce qui permet de dater la transition chilienne du plebiscite perdu par le general pinochet en 1988, a l'election d'eduardo frei en 1993. Elle apparait, non pas suite a une crise terminale du regime militaire, mais alors que se pose la question de l'institutionnalisation politique , apres le succes de l'institutionnalisation du modele de developpement. Le passage a la democratie resulte a la fois de l'echec du regime, et du succes de la strategie adoptee par une opposition qui choisit, non plus de changer de regime, mais de changer le regime. La question institutionnelle constitue un espace de negociation, qui permet de definir les futures regles et l'identite des futurs acteurs dans le jeu democratique. La question du role des forces armees se solde a la fois par la reprofessionnalisation et par l'octroi d'une plus grande autonomie. En revanche, la question des suites a apporter aux violations des droites de l'homme constitue un espace de confrontation, car ni la revelation, ni la punition, ne sont acceptables pour les militaires, alors qu'elles sont indispensables pour la refondation du regime democratique. Le choix, par les forces democratiques, d'une strategie pragmatique, evite les ruptures et permet le succes de la transition
The transition from authoritarian regime is defined by the moment in which the tasks pertaining to the + transition arenas ; prevail upon any other policy under a given government. Transition towards democracy in chili starts in 1988, when general pinochet is defeated in the plebiscite election, and ends in 1993, when president eduardo frei is elected. This transition does not result from the terminal crisis of the military regime, but from the failure to succeed in institutionalizing its political model the way it institutionalized its development model. The change in the opposition's strategy enables a negotiated transition. The institutional negotiations form a negotiation arena which defines both the future rules of the game and the identity of the future regime's players. The military question is resolved through bartering an increased autonomy against a new professionalism. However, human rights give birth to a confrontation arena, where no acceptable solution can be found
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Oliveira, Caroline Ladeira de 1976. „Cantar como prática da liberdade“. [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/285306.

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Orientador: Jorge Luiz Schroeder
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes
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Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem a intenção de compartilhar algumas aproximações percebidas entre as obras do educador brasileiro Paulo Freire, do teatrólogo Augusto Boal e reflexões sobre o fazer artístico de cantoras brasileiras contemporâneas. Através de entrevistas com quatro cantoras e a experiência de trabalho da autora, alguns alinhavos são tecidos entre as reflexões das profissionais e conceitos presentes na obra freireana: Palavra, Diálogo e Inéditos Viáveis
Abstract: This research intent is to share some approaches perceived between the works of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, the play writer Augusto Boal and reflections on the artistic work of contemporary Brazilian songstresses. Through interviews with four singers and work experience of the author, some alignment is woven between the reflections of these professionals and the concepts presented in Paulo Freire¿s work: Word, Dialogue and Unprecedent Viable
Teatro, Dança e Performance
Mestra em Artes da Cena
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Camargo, Leonardo Pellegrinello. „Totalitarismo e a recuperação da política no pensamento de Hannah Arendt / Leonardo Pellegrinello Camargo ; orientador, César Augusto Ramos“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2012. http://www.biblioteca.pucpr.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2301.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012
Bibliografia: f. 88-90
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo pesquisar e problematizar a compreensão de Hannah Arendt acerca da política e da tradição, e refletir sobre se é possível pensar e fazer política após os eventos totalitários. A autora percebe que no século XX a tradição
This dissertation aims to investigate and problematize the understanding of Hannah Arendt about politics and tradition, and reflect on whether it is possible to think and do after the events totalitarian politics. The author realizes that in the twentieth
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Vianna, Carla Cristiane Martins. „Augusto Meyer no sistema literário dos anos vinte : poesia, memória e polêmica“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/11164.

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O presente trabalho parte da reconstrução da circunstância intelectual e literária do momento modernista no Rio Grande do Sul, processo possível graças à leitura de narrativas memorialísticas de autores atuantes na segunda década do século XX, bem como à leitura da polêmica entre Rubens de Barcellos e Paulo Arinos, intelectuais que debateram o destino da imagem identitária do gaúcho na ficção de Alcides Maya e na vida social daquele momento histórico. Panorama esboçado com a atenção voltada à estreita ligação entre os dados históricos e literários do período que antecedeu a chegada de Getúlio Vargas ao comando nacional. Procedimento crítico necessário devido ao fato desse elo entre a literatura e a matéria sul-rio-grandense configurar a singularidade do Modernismo na província. Os dados da vida social encontrados nas fontes de pesquisa orientam a leitura crítica do corpus poético composto pela lírica de três poetas de considerável relevo no sistema literário de então: Vargas Netto, Ernani Fornari e Augusto Meyer. Leituras que se complementam e, que juntas, compõem um panorama da produção poética do Modernismo gaúcho. No entanto, a confluência estética e temática do Modernismo na província é encontrada na lírica de Augusto Meyer, que seria uma espécie de poeta síntese dos demais, motivo pelo qual foi ele o ponto de chegada da discussão sobre a poesia modernista no Rio Grande do Sul.
El presente trabajo parte de la reconstrucción de la coyuntura intelectual y literaria del momento modernista en Río Grande del Sur. El proceso de dicha reconstrucción fue posible gracias a la lectura de narrativas memorialísticas de autores actuantes en la segunda década del siglo XX y al análisis de la polémica entre Rubens de Barcellos y Paulo Arinos, intelectuales que debatieron el destino de la imagen identitaria del gaúcho (relativo al Estado citado) en la ficción de Alcides Maya y en la vida social de aquel momento histórico. Esbozamos nuestro panorama volcando nuestra atención en la estrecha relación existente entre los datos históricos y literarios del período que antecedió a la llegada de Getúlio Vargas al comando nacional. Ese procedimiento crítico se reveló necesario debido, justamente, a que esa ligazón entre la literatura y la materia de Río Grande del Sur configuró la singularidad del Modernismo en la provincia. Los datos de la vida social encontrados en las fuentes de investigación orientan la lectura crítica del cuerpo poético compuesto por la lírica de tres poetas de considerable relieve en el sistema literario de entonces: Vargas Netto, Ernani Fornari y Augusto Meyer. Las lecturas de esos autores, en efecto, se complementan, componiendo juntas un panorama de la producción poética del Modernismo gaúcho. Sin embargo, la confluencia estética y temática del Modernismo en la provincia se encuentra en la lírica de Augusto Meyer, especie de poeta síntesis de los demás, motivo por el cual lo escogimos como punto de llegada de la discusión sobre la poesía modernista en Río Grande del Sur.
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Herbert, Nicolas. „Penser le politique au prisme du totalitarisme : ce que l'advenue du totalitarisme révèle de la politique et de la démocratie à travers les pensées politiques de Hannah Arendt et de Friedrich Hayek“. Nice, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NICE0016.

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Bien avant la chute du mur de Berlin, Hannah Arendt et Friedrich Hayek se sont attelés à l'étude du totalitarisme au point d'en faire l'épicentre de leur réflexion sur la politique moderne. Loin de le considérer comme un évènement accidentel, ils en ont fait un laboratoire révélateur des tendances intimes de la politique moderne. Ils l'ont utilisé comme une ressource heuristique sous trois angles d'appréhension : celui de la politique sous son aspect institutionnel (le lieu où s'exerce la terreur totalitaire), celui de la connaissance des affaires humaines (le domaine du scientisme, auquel s'abreuvent les idéologies totalitaires), celui, enfin, de la signification – anthropologique – du totalitarisme (le sens de l'adhésion à l'idéologie totalitaire). Si, pour Hayek, le totalitarisme révèle le vrai visage de la politique, il constitue pour Arendt, en absolutisant la politique, la négation de celle-ci
A long time before the collapse of communism, Hannah Arendt and Friedrich Hayek buckled down to study totalitarianism so much so that it became the core of their political thought. They used that concept as a laboratory able to reveal intimate trends of modern politics. They brought out three sides of totalitarianism: politics over its institutional aspect (the place where terror is exerted), knowledge of human affairs (the field of scientism, which feeds totalitarian ideologies), and – anthropological – meaning of totalitarianism (the understanding of attraction for ideology). If Hayek sees totalitarianism as the true face of politics, and deduce that moderns should get rid of politics, Arendt considers, on the contrary, that it reveals the necessity to reassert the value of politics
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