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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "August 1977"


Luchin, Vladimir A., und Vladimir I. Matveev. „Interannual variability of thermal state of the cold subsurface layer in the Okhotsk Sea“. Izvestiya TINRO 187, Nr. 4 (30.12.2016): 205–16.

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Long-term variability of the cold subsurface water (CSW) in the Okhotsk Sea is analyzed on the base of all available oceanographic data collected in March through August of 1946-2015 (total 65,742 stations). The Integral Heat Content (IHC) is calculated for each station and average annual IHC anomalies of the cold subsurface water are determined by month and by 2-degree grid. The IHC anomaly series are analyzed using the EOF analysis. Cycles with period of approximately 30 years are revealed in the variations of the subsurface layer heat content. Thus, in the 1946-1950, its temperature decreased, but it grew since 2009-2010 to 2015. The warming of CSW was also observed in the 1951-1964 and 1978-1994, while the cooling was in the 1965-1977 and 1995-2008. Based on this criterion, the CSW thermal condition in certain years is classified as «extremely cold» in 2001, as «cold» in 1949, 1950, 1951, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1999, 2000, 2010, 2012, as «normal» in 1946, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, as «warm» in 1948, 1956, 1964, 1968, 1974, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2015, and as «extremely warm» in 1963. Statistically significant correlation is found between changes of the CSW thermal conditions and long-term variations of atmosphere and ocean climate indices, as well as local patterns of the atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent onshore and offshore areas of Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
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Malheiro Gutiérrez, Xosé M. „La modernización educativa en España en un escenario de cambio social y de apertura democrática. Conversaciones con Pedro Caselles Beltrán, Director General de Educación Básica (1976-1982)“. Historia y Memoria de la Educación, Nr. 14 (26.05.2021): 695.

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This text is an extract from several conversations held with Pedro Caselles Beltrán (1937), a primary school teacher with a degree in Philosophy and Humanities, specialising in Pedagogy, and an education inspector. Pedro Caselles occupied the provincial education offices in Lugo, Cádiz and A Coruña (1970-1976); later he was Deputy Director General of Non-State Schools and General Director of Basic Education (1977-1982). The text deals with his professional career, a summary of administrative management and political action, with particular emphasis on his time as a provincial delegate and later as a senior official in the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC). Under his mandate, several initiatives were carried out, including the promotion of the General Education and Financing of the Education Reform Act (LGE) of 4 August 1970 through the renewal of the Basic General Education Programmes.
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Vollmerhaus, B. „August Schummer (1902-1977): Wegbereiter einer neuzeitlichen Korrosionsanatomie“. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C 31, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2002): 326–30.

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Brown, R. G. B., und D. E. Gaskin. „Summer zooplankton distributions at the surface of the outer Bay of Fundy, eastern Canada“. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67, Nr. 11 (01.11.1989): 2725–30.

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Copepods and cladocerans were collected, mainly in August, from the top 0.25 m of the water column in the outer Bay of Fundy, off Brier Island, Nova Scotia (ca. 44°15′N, 66°23′W) in 1975–1978, Deer Island, New Brunswick (ca. 45°00′N, 67°00′W) in 1977–1978, and Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick (ca. 44°40′N, 66°43′W) in 1981. In 1975–1977, the dominant species at the surface off Brier Island were stage CIV-I Calanus finmarchicus and CVI-V Pseudocalanus sp. The copepods Acartia spp., Anomalocera pattersonii, Centropages sp., Eurytemora spp., and Oithonia similis and the cladocerans Evadne sp. and Podon sp. also occurred regularly. The relative abundance of Calanus finmarchicus declined during the period July–October 1976, though the proportion of stages CVI-V increased. The relative proportions of Pseudocalanus sp., and of its stages CVI-V, both declined during the same period. The community at the surface was similar to that collected in other studies from subsurface tows in the Bay of Fundy as a whole, including Brier, Deer, and Grand Manan islands. This was not true of Brier Island in 1978: CVI-V Calanus finmarchicus predominated, and other species were scarce. Our samples from Deer and Grand Manan islands resembled those from Brier Island in 1978, though CVI-V Calanus finmarchicus predominated even more strongly. We discuss the differences between our samples from Brier Island in 1978 and 1975–1977, and between the latter and our New Brunswick data. However, there is no obvious explanation for most of these anomalies.
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Fitt, B. D. L., M. E. Finney und N. F. Creighton. „Effects of irrigation and benomyl treatment on chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) and yield of winter-sown field beans (Vicia faba)“. Journal of Agricultural Science 106, Nr. 2 (April 1986): 307–12.

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SUMMARYIn 1976–7, 1977–8 and 1978–9 plots of winter-sown field beans, either irrigated in June and July or unirrigated, were treated with one or more sprays of benomyl or were untreated. The amounts of chocolate spot on field bean leaves and flowers were increased by irrigation and decreased by benomyl in all seasons. These effects were greater in 1977 and 1978, when there was respectively 76·5 and 82·4 mm rainfall in June, than in 1979, when there was 30 mm rainfall in June and less chocolate spot developed. Leaves half-way up stems of plants in irrigated, unsprayed plots had 11% of their area affected in July 1977, 17% affected in July 1978, but only 4% affected in August 1979. By contrast, middle leaves of plants in unirrigated, sprayed plots had 3, 4 and 0·3% of their leaves affected in 1977, 1978 and 1979 respectively. Irrigation increased the number of pods per stem in 1977 and 1979 and decreased it in 1978; it decreased grain yield in 1977 and 1978, but increased yield in 1979. Benomyl treatments affected the number of pods little in any year; they increased yield in 1977 and and 1978, but not in 1979.
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Sommaruga, Cornelio. „Appeal by the International Committee of the Red Cross on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Additional Protocols of 1977“. International Review of the Red Cross 37, Nr. 320 (Oktober 1997): 471–72.

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Twenty years ago, on 11 June 1977, the plenipotentiaries of over a hundred States and several national liberation movements signed the Final Act of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts. This Conference had been convened by the government of Switzerland, the depositary State of the Geneva Conventions. After four sessions held between 1973 and 1977, themselves preceded by several years of preparatory work, the Conference drew up two Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the protection of the victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I) and of noninternational armed conflicts (Protocol II).
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Shield, Andrew D. J. „The Legacies of the Stonewall Riots in Denmark and the Netherlands“. History Workshop Journal 89 (2020): 193–206.

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Abstract The Netherlands and Denmark housed Europe’s first two postwar homophile organizations, and by the 1960s, activists were already debating anti-homosexual laws in national media (in the Netherlands) demonstrating publicly; thus Stonewall was not the origin of activism in either of these countries. Yet the events in New York City 1969 had two lasting influences in these countries: first, Stonewall catalyzed a transnational ‘consciousness’ (or solidarity) among gay and lesbian activists during a period of radicalization; and second, the Christopher Street Liberation Day 1970 inspired the visible demonstrations known today as ‘Pride’ celebrations. From 1971, Denmark’s national organization planned Christopher Street Day demonstrations every June; and that same year, a radical Gay Liberation Front split off from the association. From 1977, the Netherlands planned its own late-June demonstrations, often with transnational themes (e.g. Anita Bryant in 1977, the Iranian Revolution in 1979). In the following decades, these demonstrations of gay/lesbian visibility moved to August, and Denmark (and Belgium) dropped Christopher Street from event names. Yet scholars, activists, and the general public still evoke the memory of the first Liberation Day when referring to a ‘post-Stonewall’ era in the Netherlands and Denmark.
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Orville, Richard E., und Ronald W. Henderson. „Global Distribution of Midnight Lightning: September 1977 to August 1978“. Monthly Weather Review 114, Nr. 12 (Dezember 1986): 2640–53.<2640:gdomls>;2.

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Bengtsson, Daniel, und Niclas Jonzén. „Höstflyttning av ängshök Circus pygargus och brun kärrhök C. aeruginosus på Ölands södra udde“. Ornis Svecica 11, Nr. 1–2 (01.04.2001): 1–6.

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We have analysed the autumn passage of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus and Marsh Harrier C. aeruginosus at Ottenby (56°12'N, 16°24'E), Sweden, based on data collected by Ottenby Bird Observatory during 1972—1998. The observations were made by the ringing team and, hence, possibly less accurate than data from more detailed raptor counts previously carried out at Ottenby and Falsterbo (55°23'N, 12°50'E), Sweden. However, we found a coherent picture when comparing the time of passage found in this study with that of previous studies. For instance, the median date of Montagu’s Harrier (22 August) is identical to what was found in a detailed three-year study at Ottenby in 1977—1977. It is, however, a few days earlier than the median date further south at Falsterbo. The Marsh Harrier passage peaks in late August, similar to the situation at Falsterbo. The main difference between this study and the standardised counts at Falsterbo is the relatively low proportion of birds identified to age and/or sex. Hence, we could not reveal any statistical difference in seasonal timing between age and sex groups.
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Bar-Yaacov, Nissim. „Some Aspects of Prisoner-of-war Status According to the Geneva Protocol I of 1977“. Israel Law Review 20, Nr. 2-3 (1985): 243–81.

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The Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, convened by the Swiss Federal Council, held four sessions in Geneva during the years 1974–1977. On 8 June 1977, the Conference adopted by consensus two Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, the first relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I), and the second relating to the protection of victims of noninternational armed conflicts (Protocol II).The states invited to the Conference were all the states Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and such states non-Parties as were members of the United Nations. 126 states were represented at the first session, 121— at the second, 106—at the third and 109—at the fourth.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "August 1977"


Lenares, Antonio Alfredo. „Augusto Biaggi : (1908-1977) /“. Dietikon : Juris-Dr. und Verl, 1997.

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Preda, Cristian. „Le liberalisme du desespoir : tradition liberale et critique du totalitarisme dans les annees 1938-1960“. Paris, EHESS, 1998.

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La these est une reconstruction philosophique de l'identite liberale contemporaine qui s'exprime dans les oeuvres de walter lippmann, wilheim roepke, ludwig von mises, friedrich von hayek et michael polanyi. Le liberalisme de cette periode (1938-1960) est une double critique: tout d'abord, il est une critique de la tradition intellectuelle du liberalisme des xviie, xviiie et xixe siecles; en deuxieme lieu, il est une critique des idees socialistes et de la realite nee de ces idees. La premiere partie de la these analyse en detail les differentes distinctions proposees par lippmann, roepke, mises, hayek et polanyi pour caracteriser un vrai liberalisme et respectivement un faux liberalisme. La deuxieme partie de la these analyse les arguments liberaux utilises dans la description de la realite totalitaire (l'esprit militaire, la bureaucratie, la prison), dans la critique des idees socialistes (l'utopie socialiste, le role des intellectuels, le rapport entre socialisme, d'une part, democratie et religion, de l'autre) et enfin dans l'examen du rapport entre les idees socialistes et la realite totalitaire (le dogme, la prophetie, l'effet pervers, l'identite communisme-fascisme)
The thesis is a philosophical reconstruction of one contemporary liberal identity made from the works of walter lippmann, wilhelm roepke, ludwig von mises, friedrich von hayek and michael polanyi. The liberalism of this time (1938-1960) consists in a double critique: first, it is a critique of the liberal intellectual tradition of the seventeenth's, eighteenth's and nineteenth's centuries; secondly, it is a critique of socialist ideas and of reality issuing from these ideas. The first part of the thesis analyses in detail the various distinctions made by lippmann, roepke, mises, hayek and polanyi in order to describe a true liberalism and a false liberalism. The second part of the thesis deals with the liberal arguments used in the description of the totalitarian reality (the military spirit, the bureaucracy, the prison), in the critique of socialist ideas (the socialist utopia, the role of intellectuals, the relation between socialism, democracy and religion) and finally in the analysis of the connection between socialist discourse and totalitarian reality (the dogma, the prophecy, the perversity, the identity communism-socialism)
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Lima, Solyane Silveira. „Uma maneira de proteger e educar : a Casa Maternal Amélia Leite (1947-1970)“. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2009.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This study aims to investigate the creation and consolidation of Protection Society of Casa Maternal Amélia Leite , in the period that includes the opening date in 1947 until 1970, when its founder, the doctor Augusto César Leite, get away from the direction. Formulated from the hygienists precepts, this philanthropic and educational institution, that service to single adolescent mothers and children, use to promote medical social assistance and moralizing education with the objective of reducing the number of abortions, infanticides and prostitution in Sergipe. To better understand its dynamic, operation and contribution, theoretical methodological subsidies were sought in the New Cultural History and in the contributions of Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias and Pierre Bourdieu. In addition to, it was tried to elucidate the initiatives related to the issues of the devoid child, aiming to contribute to studies about the History of Childhood and Education in Sergipe.
O presente estudo tem como finalidade investigar a criação e consolidação da Sociedade Protetora da Casa Maternal Amélia Leite, no período que compreende a data de inauguração em 1947 até 1970, quando seu fundador, o médico Augusto César Leite, se afasta da direção. Formulada a partir dos preceitos higienistas, essa instituição filantrópica e educativa de atendimento às mães adolescentes solteiras e crianças, promovia assistência médico-social e educação moralizante com o intuito de diminuir o número de abortos, infanticídios e prostituição em Sergipe. Para melhor compreender a dinâmica, o funcionamento e a contribuição da Casa Maternal buscou-se subsídios teóricos-metodológicos na Nova História Cultural e nas contribuições de Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias e Pierre Bourdieu. Bem como, procurou-se elucidar iniciativas que se voltaram para as questões da criança carente, visando contribuir com os estudos sobre a História da Infância e da Educação no Estado.
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Żorawska-Witkowska, Alina. „Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie [Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]: Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie[Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]“. Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa ; 1 (1997), S. 167-174, 1999.

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MacLeod, Alan Stuart. „The United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, United States and the conflict in Northern Ireland, August 1971 - September 1974“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012.

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This thesis offers a new interpretation of the international history of the early period of Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’. Such a revision is necessary given the recently released material in the national archives of the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and the United States, and in the personal archives of those involved. Furthermore, by adopting a different methodology, made possible by the recent archive material, further new perspectives emerge of the international dimension. Rather than taking a single element of the international history of the Troubles – for example, the ‘Irish dimension’, ‘American dimension’, the Cold War, or European integration – this thesis takes a multidimensional approach analysing the impact of the interactions of each of the international actors. The starting point for this multidimensional analysis is the introduction of internment without trial on 9 August 1971. This was not just a significant event in Northern Ireland, but also had the effect of internationalising the Troubles. Over the months that followed the international dimension developed two distinct spheres of activity – a political sphere and a security sphere. Different combinations of actors interacted in each of these spheres. In addition to the moderate Northern Irish parties, the British and Irish governments participated in the political sphere. The US government eventually ruled itself out of this sphere following the US presidential election in November 1972, but only after it had flirted with intervention. However, interventions by the US Congress’s ‘Irish Caucus’ continued. Meanwhile, in the security sphere, comprehensive Anglo-Irish security cooperation proved impossible to achieve. Instead, Anglo-American and Hiberno-American security cooperation developed – with Dublin eventually exerting as much of an influence on US policy as the UK. However, the US government’s attempts to supress IRA support were seriously restricted by the administration’s unwillingness to pick a fight with the Irish Caucus. The international dimension was an integral component of the peace process that resulted in the establishing of a cross-community power-sharing executive and the Sunningdale Agreement of December 1973. Even when this process was brought to an end by a Protestant backlash in May 1974 the principles developed during this period were confirmed and were to be central to future peace initiatives in Northern Ireland, including the Good Friday Agreement.
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Kundid, Laurence. „Penser la dictature aujourd'hui : enquêtes d'anthropologie politique auprès d'habitants de Santiago du Chili“. Paris 8, 2004.

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Cette thèse s'attache à identifier ce qu'ouvre le coup d'Etat du 11 septembre 1973 au Chili. Elle propose, dans un premier temps, une analyse en terme de séquences politiques (l'Unité populaire, la junte militaire, la Concertation) déployant, pour chacune d'elles, les catégories référentielles de la politique à l'oeuvre. Dans un second temps, sont analysées les formes de pensée de chiliens à propos de leur histoire récente. Lors d'entretiens menés à Santiago entre 1998 et 1999, des interlocuteurs se prononcent sur des thèmes qui sont généralement laissés "impensés" par les discours officiels de la Concertation. Les propos recueillis ouvrent, d'une part, à une caractérisation de ce qui a eu lieu sous la junte (terreur, nouvelles formes de socialité, vies bouleversées) ; d'autre part, à des catégorisations surprenantes concernant la période actuelle allant jusqu'à redisposer la séquentialité communément admise en posant que "la dictature n'est toujours pas terminée"
This thesis attempts to identify what is opened by the military coup against the State of Chile on the 11th of September 1973. At first, it consists of an analysis in terms of political sequences (the Popular Unity Party, the military junta, the Concertation) and presents, for each one, the political referential categories at work. Secondly, it examines Chilean people's forms of thinking in regards to their recent history. In conducting open interviews carried out in Santiago between 1998 and 1999, some interview subjects express themselves about topics that are usually left as "unthought" in the Concertation official speeches. The interviews gathered permits, on the one hand, to characterise what happened during the Junta period (terror, new forms of sociality, destroyed lives) ; on the other hand, it reveals surprising categorisations of the present situation going towards rearranging the commonly admitted succession of sequences by contending that "the dictatorship has not ended yet"
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Żorawska-Witkowska, Alina. „Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, Muzyka na dworze Augusta II w Warszawie [Musik am Hof Augusts II. in Warschau], Warszawa 1997 [Zusammenfassung]“. Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017.

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Filatova, Anna. „Les russes autour de Rodin (1880-1917)“. Thesis, Paris, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2017.

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Cette étude veut contribuer à soutenir la thèse que les relations de Rodin avec la Russie sont de nature diverse. Elle se compose de quatre parties. La première est consacrée à la perception de l’œuvre de Rodin par les Russes. Nous étudions les relations du sculpteur avec les collectionneurs russes, et les amateurs d’art, sa participation aux manifestations artistiques en Russie et sa fortune critique en Russie. Le sujet auquel est consacrée la deuxième partie de cette thèse est celui des Russes qui ont « touché » à la création de l’œuvre de Rodin (en premier lieu des praticiens et des élèves de Rodin, mais aussi des modèles et photographes). La troisième partie est consacrée au regard de Rodin sur la Russie. La quatrième partie porte sur deux relations artistiques du sculpteur – avec Nijinski et Goloubew
This study aims at supporting the thesis that Rodin's relations with Russia are in fact quite diverse. The manuscript consists of four parts. The first part is devoted to the perception of Rodin's work by the Russians. We study his relations with Russian art collectors, art amateurs, his participation in artistic events in Russia and his critical fortune in Russia. The second part deals with the Russians who contributed to Rodin's work (most notably, “praticiens” and pupils of Rodin, but also models and photographers). In the third part, we discuss Rodin's view on Russia. We find out how Russia becomes part of Rodin's life. The fourth part describes two artistic relations of Rodin, namely with Nijinski and Goloubew
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Filatova, Anna. „Les russes autour de Rodin (1880-1917)“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2017.

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Cette étude veut contribuer à soutenir la thèse que les relations de Rodin avec la Russie sont de nature diverse. Elle se compose de quatre parties. La première est consacrée à la perception de l’œuvre de Rodin par les Russes. Nous étudions les relations du sculpteur avec les collectionneurs russes, et les amateurs d’art, sa participation aux manifestations artistiques en Russie et sa fortune critique en Russie. Le sujet auquel est consacrée la deuxième partie de cette thèse est celui des Russes qui ont « touché » à la création de l’œuvre de Rodin (en premier lieu des praticiens et des élèves de Rodin, mais aussi des modèles et photographes). La troisième partie est consacrée au regard de Rodin sur la Russie. La quatrième partie porte sur deux relations artistiques du sculpteur – avec Nijinski et Goloubew
This study aims at supporting the thesis that Rodin's relations with Russia are in fact quite diverse. The manuscript consists of four parts. The first part is devoted to the perception of Rodin's work by the Russians. We study his relations with Russian art collectors, art amateurs, his participation in artistic events in Russia and his critical fortune in Russia. The second part deals with the Russians who contributed to Rodin's work (most notably, “praticiens” and pupils of Rodin, but also models and photographers). In the third part, we discuss Rodin's view on Russia. We find out how Russia becomes part of Rodin's life. The fourth part describes two artistic relations of Rodin, namely with Nijinski and Goloubew
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Newell, Jonathan Quentin Calvin. „British military policy in Egypt and Palestine, August 1914 - June 1917“. Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1990.

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Bücher zum Thema "August 1977"


Scott, Esther Mae. Interview with Esther Mae Scott: August 11, 1976 and November 3, 1977. [Cambridge, Mass.]: Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, 1986.

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M, Myers, Hrsg. Elvis Presley: An anthology in memoriam (January 8, 1935-August 16, 1977). Bristol, IN: Bristol Banner Books, 1994.

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Burke, Barbara L. Energy from the wind: Annotated bibliography : cumulative indexes to basic volume, August 1975, first supplement, April 1977, second supplement, December 1979, third supplement, April 1982. Fort Collins: Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, College of Engineering, Colorado State University, Foothills Campus, 1985.

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Conference, on Culture Cultural Research and Cultural Policy (1997 Stockholm Sweden). Culture and human development: Report on a Conference on Culture, Cultural Research, and Cultural Policy held in Stockholm, August 1977 [i.e. 1997]. [Stockholm]: Royal Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities, 1998.

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Claude, Pilloud, Sandoz Yves, Swinarski Christophe, Zimmermann Bruno und International Committee of the Red Cross., Hrsg. Commentary on the additional protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1987.

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Perez, Augusto. Augusto Perez: Metamorfosi 1971-1974. Milano: Studio Copernico, 2008.

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interviewer, Frederickson Mary E., Mitchell, Louise Pearson, 1906-1986, interviewee, Southern Oral History Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Documenting the American South (Project) und University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library, Hrsg. Oral history interview with Broadus Mitchell, August 14 and 15, 1977: Interview B-0024, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007). [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: University Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2007.

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Kirkeby, Per. Per Kirkeby: Gemälde, Arbeiten auf Papier, Skulpturen, 1977-90 : Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 7. Juni-19. August 1990. Frankfurt am Main: Die Galerie, 1990.

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Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (10th 2002 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Cosmology and gravitation: Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, 25th anniversary (1977-2002), Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29 July - 9 August 2002. Herausgegeben von Novello M, Perez Bergliaffa Santiago E und Fundaȯ̂ de Amparo ̉Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Melville, N.Y: American Institute of Physics, 2003.

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Holger. Holger Bunk: Installationen, 1977-1990 : Westfälischer Kunstverein Münster, 6. Juli bis 26. August 1990, Portikus Frankfurt am Main, 2. März bis 7. April 1991. Münster: Der Kunstverein, 1990.

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Buchteile zum Thema "August 1977"


Kirkup, Jonathan. „The Final Phase of the Lib-Lab Pact, October 1977–August 1978“. In The Lib-Lab Pact, 193–218. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.

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Strieff, Daniel. „Firestorm over US-Soviet Joint Communiqué (August–October 1977)“. In Jimmy Carter and the Middle East, 59–77. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015.

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Schopper, Herwig, und James Gillies. „Travels to the Far East“. In Herwig Schopper, 183–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractWhen Herwig received his phone call from the office of Deng Xiaoping in August 1977, little did he know that it would lead to a long relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and the Chinese physics community. “At that time, most people in the West didn’t know much about China,” recalled Herwig. “The cultural revolution had recently ended, and Deng Xiaoping was gradually assuming power in China.”
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Precup, Mihaela. „“To dream of birds”: The Father as Potential Perpetrator in Nina Bunjevac’s “August, 1977” and Fatherland“. In The Graphic Lives of Fathers, 107–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „[August 1975]“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 332. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „[August 1975]“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 330–31. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „[August 1975]“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 333. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „August 1975“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 334–35. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „[August 1976]“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 336–37. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Mawson, Chris, und Francesca Bion. „[August 1978]“. In The Complete Works of W. R. Bion, 338–39. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "August 1977"


Xu, Yao, Limin Zhang und Jinsheng Jia. „Lessons from Catastrophic Dam Failures in August 1975 in Zhumadian, China“. In GeoCongress 2008. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.

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Zagvazdin, E. P. „The sights of Tobolsk in the diaries of the Romanovs (August 1917)“. In ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. НИЦ «Л-Журнал», 2018.

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Puentedura, Olga, Manuel Gil, Margarita Yela, Gerald Lehmacher, Emilio Cuevas und Dattatraya Jadhav. „NO2 profiles during the CRISTA-2 experiment (August 1997) at subtropical regions“. In Remote Sensing, herausgegeben von Klaus Schaefer. SPIE, 1998.

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McHugh, R., R. M. Dunbar, E. A. Lawson und N. Taylor. „Automated acoustic data collection experiments using a directional projector system: Clyde Sea August 1997“. In IEE Colloquium on Underwater Applications of Image Processing. IEE, 1998.

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„39th Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry“. In Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance. Rocky Mountain Conference, 1997.

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Preliminary program and registration information for the 39th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, co-sponsored by the Colorado Section of the American Chemical Society and the Rocky Mountain Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Held in Denver, Colorado, August 3-7, 1997.
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Strachan, L., A. Ciaravella, J. C. Raymond, S. Fineschi, R. O’Neal, J. L. Kohl, A. Modigliani, G. Noci und M. D. Andrews. „Comparison of outflow velocity determinations with UVCS and LASCO for the coronal mass ejection of 13–14 August 1997“. In The solar wind nine conference. AIP, 1999.

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Novikov, P. A. „Organizational measures in the armed forces of A.V. Kolchak (August 1919 - January 1920)“. In Civil War in the East of Russia (November 1917 – December 1922). FUE «Publishing House SB RAS», 2019.

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McGee, T. J., M. R. Gross, U. Singh, I. S. McDermid, J. Barnes und D. Hofmann. „Intercomparison of Lidar-Derived Temperatures during the MLO3 NDSC Validation at Mauna Loa, HI, August, 1995“. In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1997.

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During August of 1995, a number of scientific groups gathered at Mauna Loa Observatory, on the island of Hawaii, to participate in an ozone lidar instrument validation campaign. The two ozone lidars which participated, also are capable of retrieving upper atmosphere temperature profiles from the data collected and so it was decided to use this opportunity to compare the temperature capabilities of the instruments. NOAA has for many years operated a Rayleigh lidar at the site. This had just recently been upgraded to a Nd-YAG lidar. The Goddard Space Flight Center also shipped a new Temperature and Aerosol Lidar to the site for this campaign.
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Sasano, Yasuhiro, Makoto Suzuki, Tatsuya Yokota und Hiroshi Kanzawa. „Preliminary Results of Stratospheric Ozone Layer Measurements with Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ELAS) aboard ADEOS“. In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1997.

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ILAS, an instrument for monitoring physical and chemical behavior of the stratospheric ozone layer from space, has been developed by Environment Agency of Japan and installed on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS), which was launched on August 17, 1996 from Tanegashima Space Center by National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).
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Pimenta, Alexandre A., Danielle C. M. Amorim, Aline A. de Almeida und Cristiano S. Machado. „Plasma blob observed by ground-based radio and optical techniques in the F-region — A case study on 27–28 August 1987“. In 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. IEEE, 2011.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "August 1977"


Heinmiller, Robert H. Cruise report, Chain 116 : July 22 - August 10, 1974. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2018.

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Brumbach, S. B., und P. J. Collins. ZPPR progress report: August 1987-October 1987. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1987.

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Wimmer, R. Fuel Cell/Battery Powered Bus System. Final Report for period August 1987 - December 31, 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 1999.

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Sen, A. K. Ion anomalous transport and feedback control. Final technical report, September 1, 1987--August 31, 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 1998.

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Upadhye, R. Science and technology review, July/August 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1997.

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Vlases, G. C., und Z. A. Pietrzyk. Aerospace and energetics research program: Annual report, 15 August 1987--14 August 1988. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 1989.

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Clink, G. L. Transition metal HE`s - VII ACP. Progress report, August 1971--October 1971. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1998.

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Bessonet, C. G. de. Research and development for the declassification productivity initiative. Quarterly report, January 1997--August 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 1997.

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Attig, R. C., J. P. Foote, W. P. Millard, R. J. Schulz und C. L. Wagoner. Advanced combustion system for industrial boilers. Quarterly technical progress report, August 1987--October 1987. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1987.

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Incropera, F. P. Effect of buoyancy and externally induced forces on the solidification of binary mixtures. Final report, August 1, 1987--July 31, 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 1997.

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