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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Apprentissage de curriculum"
Cassie, J. R. Bruce, und Denis Haché. „L’utilisation d'une heuristique curriculaire pour créer un apprentissage adapté à la vie“. Articles 24, Nr. 1 (17.10.2007): 75–93.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSudriès, Marie, Florence Ligozat und David Cross. „Les enjeux de l’enseignement-apprentissage de la transformation chimique au secondaire I : regards croisés sur les prescriptions officielles et ressources formelles en Suisse romande et en France“. Swiss Journal of Educational Research 45, Nr. 1 (20.06.2023): 64–82.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKieren, Thomas E. „Review: A Conceptual Collage“. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 19, Nr. 1 (Januar 1988): 86–89.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReid, Robin Elizabeth. „Adapting Curriculum for a Changing Context“. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching 12 (09.06.2019): 36–45.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGraber, Myriam. „Épreuves spécifiques rencontrées lors d’immigration et de formation en soins infirmiers en Haute école spécialisée en Suisse : le cas d’étudiants subsahariens“. Revue des sciences de l’éducation 41, Nr. 2 (17.11.2015): 301–23.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHerry, Yves. „Enseignement et apprentissage des sciences: résultats de la troisième enquête internationale“. Articles 26, Nr. 2 (09.10.2002): 347–66.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLarue, Caroline. „Les stratégies d’apprentissage d’étudiantes durant le travail de groupe dans un curriculum centré sur la résolution de problèmes“. Revue des sciences de l'éducation 33, Nr. 2 (01.05.2008): 467–88.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuroisin, Natacha, und Nancy Goyette. „Le défi des enseignants belges francophones dans l’élaboration de leurs séquences d’enseignement-apprentissage : prise en compte des théories sur l’autodétermination et le bien-être au travail“. Phronesis 7, Nr. 4 (19.02.2019): 91–105.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLabrecque, Anne-Marie, Marie-France Morin und Isabelle Montésinos-Gelet. „Quelle place est accordée à la composante graphomotrice de l’écriture dans les classes au début du primaire? Enquête auprès d’enseignants québécois“. Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 16, Nr. 1 (03.07.2014): 104–33.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNasredine, Bouache. „Savoirs de référence : quelle transposition dans les contenus d’enseignement-apprentissage du FLE au secondaire algérien ?“ Traduction et Langues 22, Nr. 2 (31.12.2023): 274–93.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Apprentissage de curriculum"
Sungeelee, Vaynee. „Human-Machine Co-Learning : interactive curriculum generation for the acquisition of motor skills“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMotor skill acquisition is the process by which someone is able to perform a movement more accurately. In this context, practice plays a crucial role. However, practice is not always adapted to each learner's needs and learning journey. Generating personalised instructions manually is time-consuming and therefore impractical. Creating personalized practice sessions automatically is one way to alleviate this problem. Adaptive strategies that structure training, i.e. , the sequence of tasks executed, according to task difficulty and skill level have the potential to improve motor learning for the individual. This dual process of a machine learning the sequence adapted to a human learner and the human learning from the machine, is what we call co-learning. In this thesis, we study human-machine co-learning in the context of motor learning, i.e., learning sequences are generated at the same time as the human learns to perform the motor task.Machine learning algorithms can analyze the learning tendencies of individual learners and adapt training instructions accordingly. They can also be used to control a human-machine interface, during which humans learn to adapt their movements (e.g. prosthesis control). In this thesis, we leverage Machine Learning to facilitate the acquisition of motor skills. However, the use of Machine Learning to achieve this goal involves challenges : (i) few data is available to train the algorithms, (ii) the interactive nature of the system requires rapid training of machine learning algorithms. (iii) the effectiveness of the algorithms depends on a precise assessment of the learner's skill level, which is difficult to measure in practice and (iv) the degree of control provided to humans when training the machine learning model can impact their learning and the way they build a mental model to predict the system's behavior.The aims of this thesis are twofold: (i) to develop a strategy for structuring the learning of motor tasks (ii) to study interactive systems that can adapt to and be adapted by the learner to provide guidance during practice. Through two studies, we explore different strategies to sequence motor learning tasks. In the first study, we evaluate the accuracy and smoothness of movement execution during the performance of a visuo-motor task. The second study explores how to train a machine learning algorithm in a prosthesis control task. We evaluate both the recognition accuracy of gestures provided by participants as well as participants' understanding of the system.Our results contribute to the field of adaptive learning of motor skills and Human-Computer Interaction. They demonstrate that adapting motor tasks to the learner has advantages in terms of participants' performance and understanding of the task. These results provide insights for creating training protocols and facilitating their transition to applied contexts
Taisson-Perdicakis, Claire. „Le rôle de la matérialité dans l’apprentissage de la lecture : aspects du curriculum enseigné, pratique enseignante et développement chez l’élève. Une étude de cas à l’école primaire française“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur research consists of a longitudinal study in which one group of pupils in ordinary classroomsituations has been followed from the top level of French pre-elementary school (5- to 6 year-oldpupils) to the second level of French primary school (7- to 8 year-old pupils). For these three schoolgrades, one of the main objectives in the curriculum is learning to read.We consider that pupils build their new reading skills, i.e. the skills characterizing their potentialdevelopment, by relying on skills characterizing their actual development (Vygotski, 1934/1997).When learning to read, pupils yet have at their disposal semiotic abilities related to knowledge bothof material objects and their uses, and of basic gestures and their meaning (Moro & Rodríguez,2005), all of this we sum up under the term of materiality. Consequently, in our research, we makethe hypothesis that the children’s basic abilities related to materiality constitute a resource inteaching-learning situations.We have chosen to carry out a case study. The data collected consist of videos of class sequencescarried out four times a year for three years. These twelve videos are supplemented by two semistructuredinterviews with the teacher, one “self-confronting” interview in which the teacher isbrought to discuss her actions and by the analysis of the ministry’s school curricula. Our analysis isboth macrogenetic and microgenetic. For each teaching sequence, on the level of macrogeneticanalysis, we have made up the synopsis from which we have selected significant episodes in terms ofmateriality. The significant episodes are composed of remarkable events the microgenetic analysis ofwhich requires the use of tools such as materiality boards and photograms.Our study shows that materiality enables pupils to develop reading skills and that the forms thatmateriality takes on change according to the pupils’ acquisition progress and the aspects of reading(code and comprehension) still to be learned
Fournier, Pierre. „Intrinsically Motivated and Interactive Reinforcement Learning : a Developmental Approach“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReinforcement learning (RL) is today more popular than ever, but certain basic skills are still out of reach of this paradigm: object manipulation, sensorimotor control, natural interaction with other agents. A possible approach to address these challenges consist in taking inspiration from human development, or even trying to reproduce it. In this thesis, we study the intersection of two crucial topics in developmental sciences and how to apply them to RL in order to tackle the aforementioned challenges: interactive learning and intrinsic motivation. Interactive learning and intrinsic motivation have already been studied, separately, in combination with RL, but in order to improve quantitatively existing agents performances, rather than to learn in a developmental fashion. We thus focus our efforts on the developmental aspect of these subjects. Our work touches the self-organisation of learning in developmental trajectories through an intrinsically motivated for learning progress, and the interaction of this organisation with goal-directed learning and imitation learning. We show that these mechanisms, when implemented in open-ended environments with no task predefined, can interact to produce learning behaviors that are sound from a developmental standpoint, and richer than those produced by each mechanism separately
Labrecque, Anne-Marie. „Les connaissances et les pratiques des enseignants du 1er cycle du primaire en lien avec l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de la calligraphie“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMayouf, Mouna Sabrine. „Intégration de connaissances de haut-niveau dans un système d'apprentissage par réseau de neurones pour la classification d'images“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 3, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeural networks have made remarkable improvements in challenging tasks such as automatic image classification and natural language processing. However, their black-box nature hinders explainability and limits their ability to leverage external knowledge. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and propose techniques for integrating knowledge into neural networks in order to improve their performance and interpretability. The first part of the thesis focuses on integrating knowledge at the input level. The first chapter deals with data preparation. A formalization of pre-processing is proposed to ensure the transparency and reproducibility of this step. This formalization enables us to study the impact of data augmentation: to characterize a good data preparation, and the informative state of a dataset, a set of measures and principles is proposed, then experimental protocols are designed to evaluate these principles on the BreakHis dataset. The second chapter of this part focuses on exploiting high-level knowledge to determine the order in which data should be inserted into the network. We introduce an incremental curriculum learning for ordering the input data. The results obtained show an improvement of accuracy and convergence speed. Although this study is carried out on the BreakHis dataset, we believe that it can be generalized to any other dataset. The second part is devoted to the integration of knowledge within the network architecture and at the output level. In this context, we focus on hierarchical multi-label classification, for which we formalize the knowledge representing the hierarchical link. For this aim, we introduce two constraints: one representing the fact that an object can only be assigned to one class at a given level of the hierarchy, and the other imposing that the global assignment of an object respects the class hierarchy (for example, we forbid classifying an element as a bee for its sub-type and a mammal for its super-type). We design an architecture and a loss function that impose these two constraints during learning. The architecture differs from the state of the art in that a single network is used to simultaneously predict the labels of the different levels: all layers are responsible for predicting the tuple of classes. Several variants of the network have been tested on five different datasets and the results confirm the efficiency of the hierarchical constraints, thus supporting the importance of taking external knowledge into account. In order to refine the results of this hierarchical classification, we introduce an abstention mechanism, in the form of a third constraint that enforces the network to give a prediction at the most precise level of specificity on which its confidence is sufficient and to abstain otherwise. We define different confidence thresholds and proposed different constraints on the thresholds accordingly to the class hierarchy. To evaluate this mechanism, new classification metrics that take abstention into account are defined. We carry out experiments on the same five datasets and the results show the interest of abstention, and the need to define empirical thresholds adapted to each dataset. In conclusion, the work in this thesis highlights the value of exploiting external knowledge, this is true for the three main components of a neural network: at the input level during data preparation, in the structure of the network, and at the output level when classification decisions are made
Badets, Alexandra. „Médiations et obstacles transitionnels dans les interactions dispositions/dispositifs étayant la construction des identités professionnelles : le cas des apprentis ingénieurs CESI en Apprentissage Actif Par Projets“. Thesis, Normandie, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCESI school of engineering has implemented a PBL curriculum called A2P2 in its combined work and study engineering degree program since 2015. This curriculum revolves around cross-disciplinary projects carried out in small groups and was designed to professionalize students. This research work endeavours to question the challenges and assets of this learning environment as regards the professional identity construction of the future engineers. We first assumed that the program should positively affect their professional identity construction, but also advanced the hypothesis that its impact should differ from one student to another as students’ individual dispositions interact with the learning environment and thus affect their experiences. The research process involved gathering comprehensive data throughout the 3-year engineering program. A dual data collection approach was developed – a sampling, qualitative study (31 students) as well as quantitative data collection from the cohort (587 students), to infer development “profiles”. This student-centred methodology was supported by data triangulation, via external data collected from the tutors, from evaluation results.The data collected supports the theory of the school curriculum contributing to students’ identity development, through the iteration of efficient patterns of actions. They bring out several development profiles –professional identity dynamics, bolstered through specific resources and levers of development, depending on students’ set out goals for the training. The results point out that school and companies provide different levers to support students’ professional becoming
Gérard, Frédérique. „Évaluation des dispositifs d’apprentissage en situation de travail dans les entreprises“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCurrently, in organisations, much attention is given to workplace learning and more specifically, intentional, structured and organised learning on the job. Indeed, this kind of training seems to be more efficient and less expensive than off-the-job training.In our research, we study a specific workplace curriculum which has been developed by Entreprise & Personnel association. The aim of our research is to examine the efficacy of this curriculum.Our theoretical framework draws together the work of Billett (1995, 1996, 2001, 2006) one of leader scholars of the field of Workplace Learning and Pastré (1999, 2005, 2011), one of the key researchers of the francophone field vocational didactic. It allows us to formulate 2 hypothesis:- the curriculum facilitates learnings and in particular scheme transformation process;- this curriculum facilitates learning because it affords opportunities that engage the learner.The data gathering procedures was conducted in the French power distribution company ERDF. They include interviews and observations of 21 technicians. Our findings show that hypothesis n°1 is confirmed for all the participants, and hypothesis n°2 for most of them.Our research invites researchers to examine the efficacy of curriculum in terms of scheme transformation process, workplace opportunities and individual engagement. Our findings confirm the interest of workplace curriculum. At the same time, it invites professionals to think critically of reflexivity and learning transfer questions.Our research was conducted under a partnership between Paris Ouest University and ERDF. It was in part funded by the French national research agency
Elsass, Peyras Véronique. „Apprendre dans le supérieur : le point de vue des étudiants en soins infirmiers. Des stratégies d’adaptation face à l’acte d’apprendre à la conscientisation du processus de construction identitaire“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhile transition to higher education requires time to adapt (Paivandi, 2015), it is clear that nursing students are particularly exposed to stress during training, unlike other sectors (Narchi-Séoud, 2011) and that this vulnerability extends beyond the discovery phase of the studies (Lamaurt el al, 2011; Morenon, 2017; Narchi-Séoud, 2021). Very attracted by the short and professionalizing nature of nursing education, as well as the humanistic values that the profession conveys, students find themselves in the grip of many tensions upon admission:- They are often very disconcerted by the high level of requirement expected, which forces them to make numerous and polymorphic evaluations over the three years of training,- Their willingness to be operational from graduation influences their representations on the knowledge to be acquired and places them in a utilitarian perspective of knowledge,- The strict application on competency frameworks (Campia, 2016) does not guarantee the authenticity and human dimension expected by students, nor their "formativity" while personal development, what is more in a formation with a strong axiological dimension, cannot be dissociated from professional construction. (Honoré, 2019). - The high number of evaluation practices places evaluation at the centre of their concerns, at the risk of shifting the objective of knowledge integration towards the sole objective of credit capitalization (Paivandi and Coulon, 2008). In addition, the question arises whether the highly evaluative system is likely to allow an effective integration of knowledge and the emergence of a professional identity in line with institutional expectations, knowing that repeated failures in exams lead to ineffective learning and a sense of failure (Younès, 2023).Thus, this thesis aims to define to what extent the learning perspectives of nursing students are constitutive of differentiated perceptions of the training system in terms of their individual experiences (trajectories, school heritage...) and make it possible to translate their ability to emancipate themselves from the strictly normative dimension of the evaluation system. Based on the principle that "no single quantitative or qualitative perspective adequately represents reality" (Hunt and Lavoie, 2011, p. 29), a mixed sequential survey was conducted among a cohort of nursing students in their 3rd year: A questionnaire to describe the target audience and identify the different sociological phenomena related to student life, followed by a series of semi-structured interviews, with a comprehensive and explanatory aim (Paillé and Mucchielli, 2021).The results of the survey showed that efficiency plays a central role in the student approach, to identify a category of learners little taken into account in the major national higher education surveys, to demonstrate the central place of the internship in the development of professional identity, and to identify four typologies of nursing learners, emerging from the confluence between their initial path and their motivations. They have similarities with the model of learning perspectives developed by Saeed Paivandi but our audience reveals some peculiarities that we have categorized and nuanced. At the end of this survey, we propose various perspectives to converge the needs of learners with the expectations of the curriculum, so many premises of a reengineering of nursing training that is underway
Clamer-Meignié, Françoise. „Rencontres numériques réelles et itinéraires potentiels des élèves au collège : proposition d'un outil d'interprétation pour l'enseignement“. Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMallet, Francis-Jean. „Naissance, implantation et mise en oeuvre de la polyvalence des apprentissages scolaires dans le système éducatif québécois“. Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Apprentissage de curriculum"
Besse, Henri, und Pierre Martinez. Français langue seconde: Apprentissage et curriculum. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDavid, Hamilton. Learning about education: An unfinished curriculum. Milton Keynes [England]: Open University Press, 1990.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenW, Parkay Forrest, Anctil Eric J und Hass Glen, Hrsg. Curriculum planning: A contemporary approach. 8. Aufl. Boston: Pearson, 2006.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden1961-, Sage Sara, Hrsg. Problems as possibilities: Problem-based learning for K-16 education. 2. Aufl. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden1961-, Sage Sara, Hrsg. Problems as possibilities: Problem-based learning for K-12 education. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenRobin, Ginette. Guide en reconnaissance des acquis: Plus qu'un c.v., un portfolio de ses apprentissages. 3. Aufl. Boucherville, Qué: Vermette, 1988.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development., Hrsg. How to use problem-based learning in the classroom. Alexandria, Va., USA: ASCD, 1997.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden1950-, Wiggins Grant P., Hrsg. Understanding by design handbook. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenM, Adams Dennis. Cooperative learning: Critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A: C.C. Thomas, 1990.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenM, Adams Dennis. Cooperative learning: Critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A: C.C. Thomas, 1990.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Apprentissage de curriculum"
Kolmos, Anette, Jette Holgaard und Xiangyun Du. „Chapitre 9. Transformation du curriculum : vers un apprentissage par problèmes et par projets“. In Innover dans l’enseignement supérieur, 151. Presses Universitaires de France, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRAMANDIMBISOA, Farah-Sandy. „Langues et représentations linguistiques des étudiants issus de milieux défavorisés. Le cas du programme SÉSAME à Madagascar“. In Langue(s) en mondialisation, 77–84. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTahirou, Kalilou. „Écoles en mouvements et réformes“. In Perspectives en éducation et formation, 125–31. De Boeck Supérieur, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAdopo, Aimé Achi. „Des difficultés en expression orale en français des apprenants de zone rurale ivoirien : spécificités et remédiation“. In L’enseignement-apprentissage en/des langues européennes dans les systèmes éducatifs africains : place, fonctions, défis et perspectives, 277–96. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDiop, Papa Mamour. „La mise en œuvre de l’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’espagnol au Sénégal : quels points d’ancrage de la réforme ?“ In L’enseignement-apprentissage en/des langues européennes dans les systèmes éducatifs africains : place, fonctions, défis et perspectives, 141–63. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
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