Dissertationen zum Thema „Analyse numérique : volumes finis“
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Agélas, Léo. „Schémas volumes finis multipoints pour grilles non orthogonales“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PEST1048/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOne of the key ingredients for the numerical simulation of Darcy flow in heterogeneous porous media is the discretization of anisotropic heterogeneous elliptic terms. In the oil industry, the need to improve accuracy in near wellbore regions has prompted the use of general unstructured meshes and full permeability tensors. Our effort has therefore been devoted to find consistent and robust finite volume discretizations of anisotropic, heterogeneous elliptic terms on general meshes. Our research was focused on finite volume methods which are consistent and coercive on general polyhedral meshes as well as robust with respect to the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the permeability tensor ; yield well-conditioned linear systems for which optimal preconditioning strategies can be devised ; have a narrow stencil to reduce the communications in parallel implementations. To answer to this search, we have proposed several scemes such that generalized MPFA O, G scheme, CG method, VFSYM, DIOPTRE. We proved also the convergence of all these methods under suitable assumptions on both the permeability tensor and the mesh
Fosso, Pouangue Arnaud. „Schémas Volumes Finis précis : application à l'aéroacoustique numérique de jets subsoniques“. Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066084.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleColin, Claire. „Analyse et simulation numérique par méthode combinée Volumes Finis - Éléments Finis de modèles de type Faible Mach“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL1I022/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, we study some flows characterized by a low Mach number. In a first part, we develop a numerical scheme allowing the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the low Mach number approximation. The continuityequation is solved by a finite volume method, while the momentum and temperature equations are solved by finite elements. The scheme ensures the preservation of constant states. In a second part, we analyze a specific low Mach type model, in which the thermodynamic pressure is considered constant, and the viscosity is a particular function of the temperature. We show the existence, the uniqueness and the regularity of the solutions, as well as a maximum principle result for the temperature. Finally, in a third part, we develop a numerical scheme to simulate the equations of this model. Emphasis is placed on the discretization of the temperature equation, which is of finite volume type. Several schemes are studied and compared on criteria of precision and respect of the maximum principle. The momentum equation is discretized by finite elements, defining a new combined scheme
Ong, Thanh Hai. „Finite volume schemes for anisotropic and heterogeneous diffusion operators on non-conforming meshes“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PEST1097/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe present a new scheme for the discretization of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems on general meshes. With light assumptions, we show that the algorithm can be written as a cell-centered scheme with a small stencil and that it is convergent for discontinuous tensors. The key point of the proof consists in showing both the strong and the weak consistency of the method. Besides, we study non-linear corrections to correct the FECC scheme, in order to satisfy the discrete maximum principle (DMP).The efficiency of the scheme is demonstrated through numerical tests of the 5th & 6th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - FVCA 5 & 6. Moreover, the comparison with classical finite volume schemes emphasizes the precision of the method. We also show the good behaviour of the algorithm for nonconforming meshes. In addition, we give some numerical tests to check the existence for the non-linear FECC schemes
Mroue, Fatima. „Couplage Électromécanique du coeur : Modélisation, analyse mathématique et simulation numérique“. Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ECDN0039/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is concerned with the mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of cardiac electrophysiology models. We use the unfolding method of homogenization to rigorously derive the macroscopic bidomain equations. We consider tensorial and space dependent conductivities and physiological and simplified ionic models. Using the Faedo-Galerkin approach followed by compactness, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solution to the microscopic bidomain model. The convergence of a sequence of solutions of the microscopic model to the solution of the macroscopic model is then obtained. Due to the nonlinear terms on the oscillating manifold, the boundary unfolding operator is used as well as a Kolmogorov compactness argument for the simplified models and a Minty type argument for the physiological models. Furthermore, we consider the monodomain model coupled to Beeler- Reuter's ionic model. We propose a finite volume scheme and analyze its convergence. First, we show existence and uniqueness of its solution. By compactness, the convergence of the discrete solution is obtained. Since the two-point flux approximation (TPFA) scheme is inefficient in approximating anisotropic diffusion fluxes, we propose and analyze a nonlinear combined scheme that preserves the maximum principle. In this scheme, a Godunov approximation to the diffusion term ensures that the solutions are bounded without any restriction on the transmissibilities or on the mesh. Finally, in view of adressing the solvability of cardiac electromechanics coupled to physiological ionic models, we considered a model with a linearized description of the passive elastic response of cardiac tissue, a linearized incompressibility constraint, and a truncated approximation of the nonlinear diffusivities appearing in the bidomain equations. The existence proof is done using nondegenerate approximation systems and the Faedo-Galerkin method followed by a compactness argument
Blanc, Philippe. „Méthodes de volumes finis pour les équations de Stokes“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX11026.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCautres, René. „Discrétisation par volumes finis et méthodes de décomposition de domaine pour des problèmes de convection diffusion“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX10008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOudin, Fabienne. „Schémas volumes finis pour problèmes elliptiques : analyse a priori et a posteriori par éléments finis mixtes, méthode de décomposition de domaines“. Lyon 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LYO10303.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTournus, Magali. „Modèles d'échanges ioniques dans le rein : théorie, analyse asymptotique et applications numérique“. Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066372.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis of applied mathematics deals with theoretical, numerical and asymptotic questions in transport, motivated by the renal physiology. To get into the details, the purpose is to understand and quantify the solutes exchanges in base case and pathological cases and to explain why nephrocalcinosis, i. E. Deposition of calcium salts in kidney tubules, arise. The manuscript is divided in two parts. The first part is made of the development and the mathematical analysis of a simplified kidney model. It is a system of 3 hyperbolic PDE's with constant velocities, coupled by a non-linear source term and with specific boundary conditions. This model can be considered in the framework of kinetic models with a finite number of velocities and reflexion boundary conditions. We prove that the system is well posed and relax to the unique stationary state for large time with an exponential rate of convergence. Thanks to a spectral analysis, we prove that the rate of convergence is exponential. We study the role of two parameters through an asymptotic analysis. One of these analysis is formulated in the framework of hyperbolic relaxation toward a scalar conservation law with an heterogeneous flux on a bounded domain. The second part is about the development and the numerical analysis of a realistic kidney model. It is an hyperbolic system of 27 hyperbolic PDEs whose velocities are solutions to 8 non linear ODEs, all coupled by their source term. The boundary conditions are also very specific. We interpret then the results from a physiological point of view, by predicting calcium concentration profiles in kidney, in base case and in some chosen pathological cases
Kluth, Gilles. „Analyse mathématique et numérique de systèmes hyperélastiques et introduction de la plasticité“. Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066459.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBenjelloun, Saad. „Quelques problèmes d’écoulements multi-fluide : analyse mathématique, modélisation numérique et simulation“. Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012DENS0074/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis contains three independent parts.The first part presents a proof of existence of weak global solutions to a Vlasov-incompressible-Navier-Stokes system with variable density. This system is obtained formally from a classical Vlasov-incompressible-Navier-Stokes model with fragmentation for which only two values for the particules radii are considered: a radius r1 for non fragmented particules and a radius r2<
Cioni, Jean-Pierre. „Résolution numérique des équations de Maxwell instationnaires par une méthode de volumes finis“. Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005612.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBradji, Abdallah. „Amélioration de l'ordre de convergence dans les méthodes de volumes et éléments finis“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX11028.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRompteaux, Arnauld. „Développement d'un code de calcul instationnaire compressible en volumes finis à faible diffusivité numérique“. Toulouse, ENSAE, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ESAE0011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFranck, Emmanuel. „Construction et analyse numérique de schémas asymptotic preserving sur maillages non structurés : Application au transport linéaire et aux systèmes de Friedrichs“. Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066393.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe transport equation in highly scattering regimes has a limit in which the dominant behavior is given by the solution of a diffusion equation. The angular discretizations like the discrete ordinate method Sn or the truncated spherical harmonic expansion Pn have the same property. For such systems it would be interesting to construct finite volume schemes on unstructured meshes which have the same dominant behavior even if the mesh is coarse (these schemes are called asymptotic preserving schemes). Indeed these models can be coupled with Lagrangian hydrodynamics codes which generate very distorted meshes. To begin we consider the lowest order angular discretization of the transport equation that is the P1 model also called the hyperbolic heat equation. After an introduction of 1D methods, we start by modify the classical edge scheme with the Jin-Levermore procedure, this scheme is not valid in the diffusion regime because the limit diffusion scheme (Two Points Flux Approximation) is not consistent on unstructured meshes. To solve this problem we propose news schemes valid on unstructured meshes. These methods are based on the nodal scheme (GLACE scheme) designed for the acoustic and dynamic gas problems, coupled with the Jin-Levermore procedure. We obtain two schemes valid on unstructured meshes which give in 1D on the Jin-Levermore scheme an Gosse-Toscani scheme. The limit diffusion scheme obtained is a new nodal scheme. Convergence and stability proofs have been exhibited for these schemes. In a second time, these methods have been extended to higher order angular discretisation like the Pn and Sn models using a splitting strategy between the lowest order angular discretization and the higher order angular discretization. To finish we will propose to study the discretization of the absorption/emision problem in radiative transfer and a non-linear moment model called M1 model. To treat the M1 model we propose to use a formulation like a dynamic gas system coupled with a Lagrange+remap nodal scheme and the Jin-Levermore method. The numerical method obtained preserve the asymptotic limit, the maximum principle, and the entropy inequality on unstructured meshes
PIERRE, Charles. „Modélisation et simulation de l'activité électrique du coeur dans le thorax, analyse numérique et méthodes de volumes finis“. Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010705.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePierre, Charles. „Modélisation et simulation de l'activité électrique du coeur dans le thorax, analyse numérique et méthodes de volumes finis“. Nantes, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005NANT2058.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe two purposes of that PhD thesis are firstly the modeling in the field of bio mathematics and secondly numerical analysis and scientific computing. The bidomain model describes the electrical activity of the heart. This activity is complex : at the cellular scale it is based on biochemical processes and at the macroscopic scale on the anisotropic structure of the cardiac tissues and the torso characteristics. A fundamental application for that model is the simulation of electrocardiograms. Finite volumes methods have been developed to solve the model. First of all the stability and the convergence of a classical finite volumes scheme is proved, theoretically and numerically, for a simplified version of the bidomain model. To handle with conceptual and practical difficulties of the complete model (tissues anisotropy, limit conditions, distorted and unstructured meshes), a second class of finite volumes schemes in 2D or 3D, called cell-vertex centered, has been elaborated and tested
Auffray, Valérie. „Étude comparative de schémas numériques pour la modélisation de phénomènes diffusifs sur maillages multiéléments“. Toulouse, INPT, 2007. http://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/archive/00000455/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleInitially, the CFD code N3S-Natur used a Finite Volum/Finite Element approach that is only defined an triangular and tetrahedral cells. The objective of this work is to define a new numerical method that can handle hybrid meshes. First, we extend the metric to all kinds of elements. Then, six différent modellings for the diffusive operator, that constitute the main issue, are proposed and tested. These methods are studied in terms of consistency, accuracy and stability. The comparison is carried out both theoretically and numerically using grid convergence and Fourier analysis. Only one method satisfies all the industrial criteria and is therefore implemented in the code. The higher order schemes for the convective operator are modified consequently and the linerisation of the new diffusive flux, that is required for the implication, is treated. The code is successfully validated on a flat plate test case
Ong, Thanh Hai. „Schémas volumes finis pour des opérateurs de diffusion anisotropes hétérogènes sur des maillages non-conformes“. Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00794875.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBenjelloun, Saad. „Quelques problèmes d'écoulements multi-fluide : analyse mathématique, modélisation numérique et simulation“. Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00823095.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLa première partie présente une preuve d'existence de solutions faibles globales pour un modèle de sprays de type Vlasov-Navier-Stokes-incompressible avec densité variable. Ce modèle est obtenu par une limite formelle à partir d'un modèle Vlasov-Navier-Stokes-incompressible avec fragmentation, où seules deux valeurs de rayons de particules sont considérées : un rayon r1 pour les particules avant fragmentation, et un rayon r2<
Mbinky, Estelle Carine. „Adaptation de maillages pour des schémas numériques d'ordre très élevé“. Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066696.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMesh adaptation is an iterative process which consists in changing locally the size and orientation of the mesh according the behavior of the studied physical solution. It generates the best mesh for a given problem and a fix number of degrees of freedom. Mesh adaptation methods have proven to be extremely effective in reducing significantly the mesh size for a given precision and reaching quickly an second-order asymptotic convergence for problems containing singularities when they are coupled to high order numerical methods. In metric-based mesh adaptation, two approaches have been proposed: Multi-scale methods based on a control of the interpolation error in Lp-norm and Goal oriented methods that control the approximation error of a functional through the use of the adjoint state. However, with the emergence of very high order numerical methods such as the discontinuous Galerkin method, it becomes necessary to take into account the order of the numerical scheme in mesh adaptation process. Mesh adaptation is even more crucial for such schemes as they converge to first-order in flow singularities. Therefore, the mesh refinement at the singularities of the solution must be as important as the order of the method is high. This thesis deals with the extension of the theoretical and numerical results getting in the case of mesh adaptation for piecewise linear solutions to high order piecewise polynomial solutions. These solutions are represented using kth-order Lagrangian finite elements (k ≥ 2). This thesis will focus on modeling the local interpolation error of order k ≥ 3 on a continuous mesh. However, for metric-based mesh adaptation methods, the error model must be a quadratic form, which shows an intrinsic metric space. Therefore, to be able to produce such an area, it is necessary to decompose the homogeneous polynomial and to approximate it by a quadratic form taken at power k. This modeling allows us to define a metric field necessary to communicate with the mesh generator. The decomposition method will be an extension of the diagonalization method to high order homogeneous polynomials. Indeed, in 2D and 3D, symmetric tensor decomposition methods such as Sylvester decomposition and its extension to high dimensions will allow us to decompose locally the error function, then, to deduce the quadratic error model. Then, this local error model is used to control the overall error in Lp-norm and the optimal mesh is obtained by minimizing this error. In this thesis, we seek to demonstrate the kth-order convergence of high order mesh adaptation method for analytic functions and numerical simulations using kth-order solvers (k ≥ 3)
Aoun, Mirella. „Analyse et analyse numérique d'EDP issues de la thermomécanique des fluides“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023NORMR093.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, we focus on nonlinear evolutionary systems derived from a non-isothermal solidification problem with melt convection. These systems consist of three partial differential equations. The first is the phase-field equation coupled with the heat equation and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. More precisely, we are interested in the existence of solutions for these types of systems in the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional cases, and in the convergence of a finite volume approximation. One of the particularities of this type of system is the presence of a term naturally in L^1 in the energy conservation equation, which requires special treatment.This thesis is divided into two parts.The first part is divided into two chapters and is devoted to the study of problems with L^1 data and Neumann-type boundary conditions. To deal with these problems, and with data that are not very regular, we use the framework of renormalized solutions.In the first chapter, we establish a convergence result for solutions approximated by the finite volume method to the unique renormalized solution with zero median in the case of an elliptic convection-diffusion equation. In the second chapter, we focus on a non-linear parabolic problem with non-homogeneous Neumann conditions and a convection term. For this problem, we provide a definition of a renormalized solution and we show the existence and uniqueness of such a solution.The second part is devoted to the study of the system in dimensions 2 and 3. The first chapter deals with the dimension 2 and defines the notion of weak--renormalized solutions. With the help of the existence and stability results established in the first part for the conservation of energy equation, we prove the existence of a weak--renormalized solution.The final chapter considers the trickier case of dimension 3. The absence of a general stability and uniqueness result for the 3-dimensional Navier-Sokes equation requires us to transform the system into a formally equivalent one. By approximation and passage to the limit, we prove the existence of a solution in a weak sense
Uzureau, Alexandre. „Modélisations et calculs pour la cicatrisation osseuse“. Phd thesis, Nantes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NANT2099.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis analyzes a bone healing model which is then coupled with a model of fluid flow to model bone growth in bioreactors (systems that mimic the in vivo environment). The proposed model of population dynamics take into account the rates of change of four populations : the mesenchymal stem cells, the osteoblasts, the bone matrix and the osteogenic growth factor. With the Faedo-Galerkin approximations, we proved that this model has at least one weak solution physically admissible. In this proof, getting the energy estimates is difficult because some populations do not have spatial terms. Then, we proposed a numerical scheme for admissible meshes. The discretization is classical except for the haptotaxis term discretized by an upstream scheme with an additional monotony property. For this scheme, we have proved existence and convergence of discrete solutions physically admissible toward a weak solution physically admissible of the system. We have computed some numerical simulations to validate the model. Finally, to model the bone growth in bioreactors, we have coupled the previous model with a model of fluid flow in porous medium. This new model takes into account the effects of the shear stress on the osteoblastic differentiation and the population advection by the flow
Moguen, Yann. „Modélisation et simulation d'écoulements compressibles à bas nombre de Mach“. Pau, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PAUU3035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study presents an efficient methodology of simulation of low Mach number flows aimed at overcoming the fundamental problem caused by the large disparity between acoustic and convective speeds specific to this class of flow. The proposed algorithm is based on predictor/corrector steps in which the acoustic information is treated implicitly. Because of the specific role it plays in the progressive decoupling between the equations when the Mach number goes to zero (evidenced by asymptotic expansions), the proper handling of the pressure field is at the core of the strategy followed. The aero acoustic interaction in low Mach number flows and the disappearance of this interaction as the Mach number goes to zero are investigated through the analysis of the continuous model of equations. Then, using a first-order cell centered finite-volume method, it is shown how the continuous asymptotic properties can be conserved after applying the discretization procedure, provided that the pressure, mass flux and velocity are centrally interpolated. The effect of acoustic fluctuations on the kinetic energy of the flow is numerically illustrated along with the occurence of the observed check board oscillations related to the centered schemes used. A multi-scale semi-discrete asymptotic analysis allows us to explain the origin of this latter behaviour. Finally, consistency issues that result from the explicit introduction of a given level of numerical dissipation are also discussed from an asymptotic point of view
El, Mahi Imad. „Schémas volumes finis pour la simulation numérique de problèmes à fronts raides en maillages non structurés adaptatifs“. Rouen, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999ROUES019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbudawia, Amel. „Analyse numérique d'une approximation élément fini pour un modèle d'intrusion saline dans les aquifères côtiers“. Thesis, Littoral, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DUNK0390/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this work, we study a finite element scheme we apply to a model describing saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers confined and free. The model is based on the hydraulic approach of vertically averaging the 3D original problem, this approximation is based on a quasi-hydrostatic flow hypothesis which, instead of the walls and springs, is checked. To model the interface between freshwater and salt water (respectively between the saturated zone and dry zone), we combine the approach net interface (approach with the diffuse interface) ; This approach is derived from the phase field theory introduced by Allen-Cahn, to describe the phenomena of transition between two zones. Given these approximations, the problem consists of a strongly couple to edps parabolic quasi-linear system in the case of unconfined aquifers describing the evolution of the depths of two free surfaces and elliptical-parabolic type in the case confined aquifer, the unknowns being then the depth of salt water / fresh water and the hydraulic load of fresh water. In the first part of the thesis, we give in the case of a confined aquifer, error estimation results of a semi-implicit scheme in a combined time discretization space finite element type Pk Lagrange. This result among other uses a regularity result of the gradient of the exact solution in the space Lr(ΩT), r > 2, which can handle the non-linearity and to establish the error estimate under assumptions reasonable regularity of the exact solution. In the second part of the thesis, we generalize the previous study to the case of the free aquifer. The main difficulty is related to the complexity of the system of parabolic edps but again, thanks to regularity result Lr(ΩT), r > 2 gradients established for the free surfaces, we show that the scheme is of order 1 time and space k for sufficiently regular solutions. We conclude this work by numerical simulations in different contexts (impact of porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the evolution of the interface, and pumping fresh water injection, tidal effects) thus validating the model and diagram. The we compare the results with those obtained using a finite volume scheme constructed from a structured mesh
Berde, Béla. „Etude d'une méthode de volumes finis de type Galerkin discontinu : résolution des Equations d'Euler et de Navier-Stokes sur des maillages irréguliers“. Paris 6, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA066820.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKhali, Ziad. „Ecoulement diphasique compressible et immiscible en milieu poreux : analyse mathématique et numérique“. Phd thesis, Ecole centrale de nantes - ECN, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00562244.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNabet, Flore. „Schémas volumes finis pour des problèmes multiphasiques“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM4359/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis manuscript is devoted to the numerical analysis of finite-volume schemes for the discretization of two particular equations. First, we study the Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions whose one of the main difficulties is that this boundary condition is a non-linear parabolic equation on the boundary coupled with the interior of the domain. We propose a spatial finite-volume discretization which is well adapted to the coupling of the dynamics in the domain and those on the boundary by the flux term. Moreover this kind of scheme accounts naturally for the non-flat geometry of the boundary. We prove the existence and the convergence of the discrete solutions towards a weak solution of the system. Second, we study the Inf-Sup stability of the discrete duality finite volume (DDFV) scheme for the Stokes problem. We give a complete analysis of the unconditional Inf-Sup stability in some cases and of codimension 1 Inf-Sup stability for Cartesian meshes. We also implement a numerical method which allows us to compute the Inf-Sup constant associated with this scheme for a given mesh. Thus, we can observe the stable or unstable behaviour that can occur depending on the geometry of the meshes. In a last part we propose a DDFV scheme for a Cahn-Hilliard/Stokes phase field model that required the introduction of new discrete operators. We prove the dissipation of the energy in the discrete case and the existence of a solution to the discrete problem. All these research results are validated by extensive numerical results
Paragot, Paul. „Analyse numérique du système d'équations Poisson-Nernst Planck pour étudier la propagation d'un signal transitoire dans les neurones“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024COAZ5020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeuroscientific questions about dendrites include understanding their structural plasticityin response to learning and how they integrate signals. Researchers aim to unravel these aspects to enhance our understanding of neural function and its complexities. This thesis aims at offering numerical insights concerning voltage and ionic dynamics in dendrites. Our primary focus is on modeling neuronal excitation, particularly in dendritic small compartments. We address ionic dynamics following the influx of nerve signals from synapses, including dendritic spines. To accurately represent their small scale, we solve the well-known Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) system of equations, within this real application. The PNP system is widely recognized as the standard model for characterizing the electrodiffusion phenomenon of ions in electrolytes, including dendritic structures. This non-linear system presents challenges in both modeling and computation due to the presence of stiff boundary layers (BL). We begin by proposing numerical schemes based on the Discrete Duality Finite Volumes method (DDFV) to solve the PNP system. This method enables local mesh refinement at the BL, using general meshes. This approach facilitates solving the system on a 2D domain that represents the geometry of dendritic arborization. Additionally, we employ numerical schemes that preserve the positivity of ionic concentrations. Chapters 1 and 2 present the PNP system and the DDFV method along with its discrete operators. Chapter 2 presents a "linear" coupling of equations and investigate its associated numerical scheme. This coupling poses convergence challenges, where we demonstrate its limitations through numerical results. Chapter 3 introduces a "nonlinear" coupling, which enables accurate numerical resolution of the PNP system. Both of couplings are performed using DDFV method. However, in Chapter 3, we demonstrate the accuracy of the DDFV scheme, achieving second-order accuracy in space. Furthermore, we simulate a test case involving the BL. Finally, we apply the DDFV scheme to the geometry of dendritic spines and discuss our numerical simulations by comparing them with 1D existing simulations in the literature. Our approach considers the complexities of 2D dendritic structures. We also introduce two original configurations of dendrites, providing insights into how dendritic spines influence each other, revealing the extent of their mutual influence. Our simulations show the propagation distance of ionic influx during synaptic connections. In Chapter 4, we solve the PNP system over a 2D multi-domain consisting of a membrane, an internal and external medium. This approach allows the modeling of voltage dynamics in a more realistic way, and further helps checking consistency of the results in Chapter 3. To achieve this, we employ the FreeFem++ software to solve the PNP system within this 2D context. We present simulations that correspond to the results obtained in Chapter 3, demonstrating linear summation in a dendrite bifurcation. Furthermore, we investigate signal summation by adding inputs to the membrane of a dendritic branch. We identify an excitability threshold where the voltage dynamics are significantly influenced by the number of inputs. Finally, we also offer numerical illustrations of the BL within the intracellular medium, observing small fluctuations. These results are preliminary, aiming to provide insights into understanding dendritic dynamics. Chapter 5 presents collaborative work conducted during the Cemracs 2022. We focus on a composite finite volume scheme where we aim to derive the Euler equations with source terms on unstructured meshes
Cauvin, vila Jean. „Cross-diffusion systems in moving-boundary domains“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023ENPC0050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with the analysis, stabilization, and numerical approximation of systemsof PDEs with cross-diffusion in domains with moving boundaries. It is motivated by themodeling of a vapor deposition process for thin film synthesis. The original work isdivided into three parts.The first part focuses on the stabilization of a cross-diffusion system in an expandingone-dimensional domain. Assuming that we can control the boundary data, we constructa feedback law using the backstepping method that exponentially stabilizes the steadystates of the system.In the second part of the work, we study the same system coupled with Cahn-Hilliardterms in a fixed domain. We obtain results concerning the minimizers of the associateddegenerate Ginzburg-Landau energy and use the entropy method to study the long-timedynamics when diffusion dominates. We introduce a semi-implicit finite volume schemethat preserves the structure of the continuous system and present numerical results indimensions 1 and 2.The third part is dedicated to an extension of the previous one-dimensional model,where we couple two cross-diffusion systems through a mobile interface and a linearexchange law of Butler-Volmer type. We study the formal properties of the model,including its variational entropy structure and steady states. We then introduce a finitevolume scheme where the mesh is locally modified to follow the interface. We provideelements of analysis for the scheme and numerically illustrate the dynamics
Colin, Pierre-Louis. „Analyse numérique de modèles de dérive-diffusion : convergence et comportements asymptotiques“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10038/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this PhD thesis, we are interested in a simplified corrosion model derived from the Diffusion Poisson Coupled Model (DPCM). We analyze the numerical scheme implemented in the CALIPSO code used by the French nuclear waste management agency ANDRA. It is a backward Euler scheme in time and a finite volume scheme in space, with Schafetter-Gummel approximation of the convection-diffusion fluxes. We study the convergence of this scheme and its asymptotic behavior for different limits of parameters. Finally, we compare several higher order schemes in time
Clairet, Alexandre. „Modélisation et analyse numérique de résonateurs à quartz à ondes de volume“. Thesis, Besançon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BESA2034/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work is devoted to the development of a digital analysis tool dedicated to study new bulk acoustic waves quartz resonatorsby using finite elements. This method of characterization allows the calculation of the elements of the equivalentelectrical circuit (resistor, inductance and capacitor) of a given resonant frequency as well as the quality factor, while takinginto account its sensitivity to the temperature and to the stresses induced by the mounting support. Firstly, a validationphase is carried out in order to check our choices, in terms of modeling and computation, by comparing simulation data tothe measures of existing resonators. The three analyzed devices (40MHz, 10 MHz and 100 MHz) show good agreementbetween theory and experiment. To obtain such results, the mounting support is taken into account and modeled thanks toRayleigh damping areas when the trapping of energy is not optimal (presence of a spurious shell vibration mode). Then, animportant aspect of resonators is studied : the temperature behavior of its vibrating modes. Indeed, the thermal expansionstresses as well as the change of stiffness coefficients according to the temperature induce frequency shift. The comparisonbetween theory and experiment allows us to check the shape of curves and to quantify the accuracy of the model.Thereafter, the effect of mechanical stress applied on the edge of the blank of quartz is introduced in the model by usingthe perturbation method developed by Tiersten and Sinha. So, it is possible to define the influence of some manufacturingdefects on the resonant frequency. Finally, the digital method is applied to study innovative structures in the framework ofthe project FREQUENCE2009. The aim is to review the concept of BVA resonator and consider collective manufacturingprocesses. The idea involves replacing the radius of curvature of a resonator, for which the expected frequency is around9 MHz, by several steps, more compatible with microelectronics processes (DRIE : Deep Reactive Ion Etching). Althoughthe results are far from our expectations, we note that the analysis tool is perfectly able to anticipate the characteristics ofnew structures
Lhebrard, Xavier. „Analyse de quelques schémas numériques pour des problèmes de shallow water“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PESC1019/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe build and analyze mathematically numerical approximations by finite volume methods of weak solutions to hyperbolic systems for geophysical flows. In a first part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with flat bottom. We develop a Godunov scheme using an approximate Riemann solver defined via a relaxation method. Explicit formulas are established for the relaxation speeds, that lead to a scheme satisfying good properties of consistency and stability. It preserves mass, positivity of the fluid height, satisfies a discrete entropy inequality, resolves contact discontinuities, and involves propagation speeds controlled by the initial data. Several numerical tests are performed, endorsing the theoretical results. In a second part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with non-flat bottom. We develop a well-balanced scheme for several steady states at rest. We use the hydrostatic reconstruction method, with reconstructed states for the fluid height and the magnetic field. We get some new corrective terms for the numerical fluxes with respect to the classical framework, and we prove that the obtained scheme preserves the positivity of height, satisfies a semi-discrete entropy inequality, and is consistent. Several numerical tests are presented, endorsing the theoretical results. In a third part we prove the convergence of a kinetic scheme with hydrostatic reconstruction for the Saint-Venant system with topography. Some new estimates on the gradient of approximate solutions are established, by the analysis of energy dissipation. The convergence is obtained by the compensated compactness method, under some hypotheses concerning the initial data and the regularity of the topography
Boyer, Franck. „Modélisation, Analyse et Approximation numérique en mécanique des fluides“. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00104532.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleUne première partie du travail concerne l'étude de modèles dits à interface diffuse pour les écoulements incompressibles multiphasiques. Après une étude assez précise du cadre diphasique, on propose la généralisation au cadre triphasique, ce qui nécessite d'introduire la notion importante de consistance des modèles. Des résultats numériques confirment la pertinence des modèles proposés. Ensuite, on s'intéresse au modèle plus classique de Navier-Stokes non-homogène incompressible pour lequel on établit le caractère bien posé du problème pour des conditions aux limites ouvertes non-linéaires en sortie d'un écoulement. Une brique essentielle de ce travail est l'étude détaillée du problème de traces pour l'équation de transport associée à un champ de vitesse peu régulier. Ce travail, dont l'intérêt dépasse le cadre applicatif décrit ci-dessus, fait l'objet d'un chapitre à part entière.
Dans une seconde partie, on s'intéresse à l'approximation numérique par des méthodes de volumes finis des solutions de problèmes elliptiques non-linéaires monotones (du type p-laplacien). Un premier chapitre décrit un certain nombre de résultats obtenus dans le contexte de maillages cartésiens. Un second chapitre est consacré à l'étude d'un cadre géométrique plus général par le biais de méthodes dites en dualité discrète. Une attention particulière est portée au cas où les coefficients du problème présentent des discontinuités spatiales, ce qui mène à des problèmes de transmission non-linéaire entre deux milieux.
Le mémoire s'achève par la description de quelques travaux connexes, d'une part sur une classe de schémas VF pour les équations elliptiques linéaires adaptés à des maillages non orthogonaux, et d'autre sur l'étude numérique de problèmes elliptiques couplés 2D/1D issus de la description asymptotique d'écoulements dans des milieux poreux fracturés.
Kortas, Samuel. „Préconditionnement multi-niveaux et multi-domaines de solveurs volumes finis de haute précision : implémentation sur machine parallèle“. Aix-Marseille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX11091.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWolff, Marc. „Analyse mathématique et numérique du système de la magnétohydrodynamique résistive avec termes de champ magnétique auto-généré“. Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00632428.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGnanga, Honoré. „Analyse numérique d'écoulements turbulents anisotropes à l'aide de modèles non-linéaires de turbulence“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL10057/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this work is to predict numerically the three - dimensional turbulent flows of a Newtonian and incompressible fluid using nonlinear stress - strain models. The Explicit Algebraic Stress Models (EASM), which can take into account the anisotropy of turbulence with less CPU time and computer memory than RSM or approach DNS and LES, are adopted as a turbulence model. Among these models, we choosed Shih et al. (1995) and Craft et a1.(1996) models. These models are studied using a priori and a posteriori investigations. The study is carried out in square duct. This configuration presents a secondary flow and a significant anisotropy between the Reynolds stress components. To predict the significant viscous effects due to the wall and the corner, the damping functions are implemented. The maps of the second and third invariants in the plan of Lumley exhibited show the various states of turbulence and a good anisotropy level obtained. The mean flow field and the turbulent statistics are compared with existing numerical and experimental data for square and rectangular duct flow. The model performance is shown to be satisfactory. ln particular, the mean secondary velocity vectors and stream wise vorticity are well predicted
Chargy, Didier. „Etude numérique d'écoulements réactifs transsoniques“. Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1991. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00523155.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAit, Ameur Katia. „Contributions à la simulation parallèle d’écoulements diphasiques et analyse de schémas volumes finis sur grille décalée“. Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUS077.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, the most important contribution has consisted in the implementation of modern algorithms that are well adapted for modern parallel architectures, in an industrial software dedicated to nuclear safety studies, the Cathare code. This software is dedicated to the simulation of two-phase flows within nuclear reactors under nominal or accidental situations. This work represents in itself an important contribution in nuclear safety studies thanks to the reduction of the computational time and the better accuracy that it can provide for the knowledge of the state of nuclear power plants during severe accidents. A special effort has been made in order to efficiently parallelise the time variable through the use of the parareal algorithm. For this, we have first designed a parareal scheme that takes more efficiently into account the presence of multi-step time schemes. This family of time schemes can potentially bring higher approximation orders than plain one-step methods but the initialisation of the time propagation in each time window needs to be appropriately chosen. The main idea consists in defining a consistent approximation of the solutions involved in the initialisation of the time propagations, allowing to reach convergence with the desired accuracy. Then, this method has been succesfully applied on test cases that are representative of the numerical challenges for the simulation of two-phase flows in the context of nuclear safety studies. A second phase of our work has been to explore numerical methods that could handle better the numerical difficulties that are specific to two-phase flows with a lower computational cost. This part of the thesis has been devoted to the understanding of the theoretical properties of finite volume schemes on staggered grids such as the one used in the Cathare code. Staggered schemes are known to be more precise for almost incompressible flows in practice and are very popular in the thermal hydraulics community. However, in the context of compressible flows, their stability analysis has historically been performed with a heuristic approach and the tuning of numerical parameters. This question has been addressed by analysing their numerical diffusion operator that gives new insight into these schemes. For classical staggered schemes, the stability is obtained only in the case of constant sign velocities. We propose a class of linearly L 2 -stable staggered schemes and a class of entropic staggered schemes. These new classes are based on a carefully chosen numerical diffusion operator and are more adapted to two-phase flows where phasic velocities frequently change signs. These methods have been successfully applied in analytical cases (involving Euler equations) and we expect that the present developments will allow its use in more realistic and complex cases in the future, like the one of the simulation of two-phase flows within a nuclear reactor during an accidental scenario
Granet, Sylvie. „Modélisation et étude numérique des transferts en milieux fissurés“. Bordeaux 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR10520.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleClauzon, Vivien. „Analyse de schémas d'ordre élevé pour les écoulements compressibles.Application à la simulation numérique d'une torche à plasma“. Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00235951.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDans la première partie, une méthode volumes finis 3D pour maillages non structurés est construite. Cette méthode d'ordre 2 utilise une reconstruction linéaire multipente. On prouve qu'elle est stable au sens du principe du maximum. Sa simplicité est mise en avant et sa rapidité est vérifiée par des tests numériques. Enfin on l'utilise pour réaliser une simulation de l'écoulement non visqueux dans une chambre de torche.
La seconde partie est dédiée à l'étude des jets chauds compressibles fortement pulsés par simulation numérique directe. L'utilisation de schémas d'ordre élevé en temps et en espace est justifiée. Des conditions aux limites permettant d'imposer de fortes perturbations au jet sont décrites. Le nombre de Reynolds de l'écoulement est d'autant plus élevé que la température du milieu ambiant est faible, rendant les simulations numériques difficiles.
Bulteau, Solène. „Développement et analyse de schémas numériques préservant les régimes asymptotiques de diffusion linéaire et non linéaire“. Thesis, Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NANT4046.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this work is to build and analyse schemes able to discretize the solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws endowed with a source term. The main property required here is the preservation of the asymptotic behaviour, in other words the schemes must stay accurate in the diffusive regime, namely the long time and stiff source term regime. This manuscript is divided in two parts. The first one is dedicated to the presentation of a rigourous numerical convergence result for a scheme discretizing the solutions of the p-system. The convergence rate obtained is explicitly exhibited and coincides with the results obtained in the continuous and semi-discrete frameworks. The second part is devoted to the development of asymptotic preserving schemes and two methods are proposed. The first one is a generalization of the perturbed HLL method introduced by Berthon and Turpault in order to treat source terms of quadratic form and the second one is able to preserve both all the steady states and the diffusive limit
Kadiri, Anass. „Études analytique et numérique 2D et 3D de la convection mixte d'un fluide binaire sous effet Soret et soumis à des conditions hydrodynamiques Libre-Libre et Rigide-Libre“. Amiens, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AMIE0117.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work deals with the analytical and numerical study of heat and mass transfer in mixed convection with Soret effect of a binary fluid subjected to free-free and rigid-free hydrodynamic conditions. We consider a parallelepiped box filled with a Boussinesq binary mixture. Horizontal boundaries are perfectly heat conducting and subjected to constant temperatures; with highest temperature on the bottom; the lateral walls are adiabatic. A through flow is imposed on the other vertical bounds. The fluid enters from one side and exits from the other. The liquid layer is subjected respectively to free-free and rigid-free conditions on the horizontal bounds. The study focuses on linear stability analysis, leading to general dispersion equation, and explicit relation between Rayleigh, Reynolds, Lewis, and Prandtl numbers, and also the buoyancy rate, the wave number and the pulsation. A second part focuses on 3D numerical simulations based on finite volume method. It is found that, the mixed convection in free-free case is not a Galilean transformation because of advection phenomena. The main difference with natural convection is the absolute instabilities. Comparison with numerical results shows good agreement especially when non-linearity's are weak. The propagation of transverse waves was studied in details. In the rigid-free case, the effect of the hydrodynamic boundary layer partially and fully established on convective structures was examined
Tetelin, Arthur. „Reconstruction des variables vectorielles dans le cadre des méthodes volumes finis sur maillages non-structurés généraux“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ESAE0029.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNumerical simulations in the field of energetics often present sharp gradients or discontinuities, as well as strong disparity of spatial and temporal scales. This is typical of simulations runned with Cedre software, developed by ONERA’s Multi-physics department for energetics. All these features involve the development of accurate, robust and efficient numerical methods. In this framework, variable reconstruction is one of the key aspects of the resolution of hyperbolic conservation laws in finite volume methods. These reconstructions improve the accuracy of the numerical fluxes, which has a direct impact on the spatial accuracy of the scheme. Moreover, it is well known that a linear reconstruction is not sufficient to ensure the scheme stability. Thus, non-linear reconstructions are required. While scalar variables reconstructions have been intensively studied during the last decades, very few studies have been conducted on vectorial variable reconstructions. In industrial codes like Cedre, each component of vectorial variables is usually treated independently as a scalar variable. However, such an approach reveals to be frame-dependent : the solution is dependent on the frame, leading to conservation and accuracy problems on periodical meshes. This thesis therefore focuses on two aspects. Firstly, it aims to study theoretically the accuracy and stability of vectorial reconstructions, and secondly to develop a vectorial reconstruction method designed for the multislope MUSCL scheme, being efficient, accurate and robust. To do so, we introduce limited κ-schemes, allowing to obtain a second-order accurate frame-invariant reconstruction, easily adaptable to any monotone condition chosen. We also introduce fictitious reconstructions, allowing to get a formulation of the scheme highlighting its stability properties. We deduce from it two monotonicity definitions suitable for vectors, that we then run on different numerical test-cases. Lastly, we present a third approach, based on the direct extension of the scalar monotonicity condition to the vectorial case. Even if no stability proof has been written, this approach presents the best compromise between stability and accuracy
Ben, Ahmed Haïkel. „Etude de la convection mixte d'origine thermosolutale sous l'influence de l'effet Soret dans un milieu poreux : analyse de stabilité linéaire et simulation 3D“. Cergy-Pontoise, 2008. http://biblioweb.u-cergy.fr/theses/08CERG0379.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe study a binary layer of fluid between two horizontal plates at fixed temperatures influenced by a forced flow at weak PECLET. We start with linear stability analysis by finite elements leading us to reduce in diagonal form a rigorously determined linear operator. The spectral elements of the operator contain information useful to determine more destabilizing among infinity of eigenmodes. These results will be useful as guides of a further numerical experimentation which we carried out by use of a 3D code in finite volumes highly precise in space, and using EULER scheme in time. Literal relations determining the thresholds of transitions were shown. Diagrams of stability were established; the mechanics of the convection is better cleared up, the influence of lengthening was studied, the propagation in the two directions of the travelling waves of the transverse rolls were highlighted, a collection of characteristic parameters of these flows is given in terms of a number waves, pulsations, speeds of phase and heat and mass transfers
Tine, Léon Matar. „Analyse mathématique et numérique de modèles de coagulation-fragmentation“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL10147/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis concerns the mathematical and numerical analysis of the asymptotic behavior of some coagulation-fragmentation type models arising in physics or in biology.In the first part we consider the Lifshitz-Slyozov system that models the dumping of a population of macro-particles in interaction with a bath of monomers. This model develops in long time a behavior depending in a very particular way on the initial data abd its technical specificities make a real challenge for the numerical simulation. We introduce a new numerical finite volume type scheme based on an anti-dissipative strategy; this scheme succeeds in capturing the asymptotic profiles waited by the theory and exceeds in performances the methods used before. The numerical investigation ispursued by taking into account in the model the phenomena of coalescence between macro-particles through the Smoluchowski operator. The question is to find by numerical experiment how these phenomena influence the asymptotic behavior. We also consider an extension of the classical Lifshitz-Slyozov model which takes into account the spatial effects via the diffusion of monomers. We establish the existence and the uniqueness of the solutions of the corresponding hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system.The second part of this thesis deals with approaches coagulation-fragmentation models stemming from biology. Indeed, we are interest in equations describing the phenomena of growth and division for a celles population caracterised by its size density repartition. The asymptotic behavior of this size density repartition is accessible to the experiment and can be established in theory. The biological stake consists, from measured data of the cellular density, to estimate the cellular division rate which is not experimentally measurable. So, to find this cellular division rate requires the study of an inverse problem which we approach numerically and theoretically by techniques of regularizations by quasi-reversibility and by filtering.This third part of this thesis work is devoted to coupled systems describing fluid-particles interactions with coagulation-fragmentation terms of Becker-Döring type. We study the stability properties of the model and we present some asymptotic results corresponding to the regime with strong friction force
Dabonneville, Felix. „Développement d'une méthode numérique multi-échelle et multi-approche appliquée à l'atomisation“. Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMR018/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this work has been to develop a multi-approach and multi-scale numerical method applied to the simulation of two-phase flows involving non miscible, incompressible and isothermal fluids, and more specifically primary atomization. This method is based on a coupled approach between a refined local mesh and a coarser global mesh. The coupling is explicit with refinement in time, i.e. each domain evolves following its own time-step. In order to account for the different scales in space and time of the atomization process, this numerical method couples two different two-phase numerical methods: an interface capturing method in the refined local domain near the injector and a sub-grid method in the coarser global domain in the dispersed spray region. The code has been developed and parallelized in the OpenFOAMR software. It is able to reduce significantly the computational cost of a large eddy simulation of a coaxial atomization, while predicting with accuracy the experimental data
Moussaed, Carine. „Modèles variationnels dynamique et hybride pour la simulation numérique d'écoulements turbulents“. Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON20130/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work is a contribution to the numerical simulation of turbulent flows with the aim of industrial application. At first, we focus on a new combination "VMS-LES/dynamic procedure" for the simulation of flows around circular and square cylinders. The VMS-LES approach adopted in this work is original in using an averaging procedure over agglomerated finite volumes in order to separate the scales, the dynamic approach being the one introduced by Germano in LES. A RANS/VMS-LES hybrid approach is then evaluated on the circular cylinder test case at high Reynolds numbers. This approach introduces a hybridization parameter which privileges the RANS model or the VMS-LES model according to the grid resolution. Finally, the performance of a two-level Schwarz algorithm, which uses the deflation and balancing methods, are examined in terms of efficiency and scalability in the context of VMS-LES simulations
Tournus, Magali. „Modèles d'échanges ioniques dans le rein: théorie, analyse asymptotique et applications numériques“. Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00845333.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle