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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Alessandria (Italy)"


Polello, Loredana, Anna Rita Molinar Min, Angela Fanelli, Ennio Negri, Andrea Peano, Pier Giuseppe Meneguz und Paolo Tizzani. „First Data on Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infection in the Red-Legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) in Italy“. Diversity 13, Nr. 7 (24.06.2021): 287.

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The Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) is a Mediterranean Galliformes, recently classified as Near Threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, due to the constant and significant decline of its global population. While the gastrointestinal parasites of the species are well studied in some part of its range (Iberian peninsula), limited information is available for the Italian populations, that represent the eastern limit of the species range. This study was conducted to fill this gap of knowledge, determining the composition, richness, prevalence, intensity and abundance of A. rufa gastrointestinal parasite community in two populations in Italy. During the autumn seasons 2008–2009 and 2009–2010, necropsies were conducted on 18 Red-legged partridge from the southern part of Alessandria province (Piedmont, northwestern Italy) and 34 from the Parma province (Emilia Romagna, northern Italy). All the animals were examined for the presence of gastrointestinal parasites. Additionally, 229 fecal samples were collected from live animals in Alessandria province. Prevalence, abundance and intensity of infection were calculated for each parasite species, except for coccidia for which only the prevalence was determined. The following parasites were observed: Heterakis gallinarum, Ascaridia spp., Ascaridia columbae, Raillietina spp., Eimeria spp. The highest parasite prevalence was found in Alessandria province for Eimeria sp., infecting almost half of the sampled animals (P: 45%, CI95%: 39–51). Eimeria sp. was also the most prevalent parasite in Parma province but with much lower prevalence (P: 19%, CI95%: 5–32). Intestinal helminths prevalence ranged from 3% (CI95%: 0–9) for A. columbae and Raillietina spp. (Parma Province) to 9% for H. gallinarum in both Parma (CI95%: 0–19), and Alessandria province (CI95%: 0–22). To our knowledge, this is the first study providing information on the gastrointestinal parasites of the Red-legged partridge in Italy. Ascaridia columbae, a parasite typical of the domestic pigeon, was reported for the first time in A. rufa. The epidemiological descriptors reported herein could serve as a basis for future studies, allowing for epidemiological comparison across countries, locations, and time periods.
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Bichindaritz, Isabelle, und Stefania Montani. „Report on the Eighteenth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning“. AI Magazine 33, Nr. 1 (15.03.2012): 79–82.

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This article reports on the main track papers, speakers, satellite events, and other activities of the Eighteenth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR), held 19-22 July 2010 in Alessandria, Italy
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Pasini, Giovanni, und Alessandro Garassino. „A pinnotheroid pea crab (Decapoda, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae), from the early Pliocene of Cassine (Alessandria, Piemonte, NW Italy)“. Natural History Sciences 6, Nr. 1 (18.03.2019): 77–78.

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A pinnotheroid pea crab (Pinnotheridae De Haan, 1833), is here reported from the Zanclean (early Pliocene) clays of a quarry located S-SW of Cassine (Alessandria, Piemonte, NW Italy). Though the studied specimen cannot be assigned to any genus within the Pinnotherinae (Pinnotheridae De Haan, 1833), it is the first record from the Pliocene of Italy and paleo-Adriatic Gulf, increasing the knowledge of the presence and fossil distribution of this family in the Mediterranean area.
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Fratini, Fabio, Manuela Mattone, Silvia Rescic und Luisa Rovero. „Analysis of the earthen architectural heritage in Piedmont (northern Italy): typologies, construction techniques and materials“. Gremium 7, Nr. 14 (01.08.2020): 41–52.

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Piedmont is characterized by the presence of numerous earthen buildings mainly concentrated in the province of Alessandria. Studies conducted over the last decade, however, have shown the presence of interesting examples of these buildings also in the provinces of Asti, Torino, Biella and Cuneo. They are generally two-storied rural constructions, built with both fired bricks (for the bearing structures) and adobe (for internal and external walls).
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Koster, Sjaak J. C., Giorgio Baldizzone, Helmut Deutsch, Peter Huemer und Erik J. van Nieukerken. „The Eastern Palaearctic Cosmopterix feminella Sinev, 1988, introduced in Italy: taxonomy, biology and a new synonymy (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae)“. Nota Lepidopterologica 42, Nr. 1 (30.05.2019): 49–61.

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CosmopterixfeminellaSinev, 1988, previously known from the East Palearctic, Primorskiy Territory in Russia and Japan has been collected at light in Europe. In northern Italy 58 females were collected in two localities in the province Asti, two in Alessandria, three in Udine, and in one locality in Pordenone.Cosmopterixfeminellais most likely parthenogenetic as only females are known. The caterpillars are leafminers on grasses. The species is redescribed and illustrated. DNA barcodes are provided and compared with other European species.CosmopterixfeminaeKuroko, 2015 is synonymised withC.feminella. The species was probably accidentally introduced into Italy.
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Marengo, Emilio, Maria Carla Gennaro, Elisa Robotti, Alessandro Maiocchi, Giuseppina Pavese, Alessia Indaco und Alberto Rainero. „Statistical analysis of ground water distribution in Alessandria Province (Piedmont—Italy)“. Microchemical Journal 88, Nr. 2 (April 2008): 167–77.

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Surnames were obtained for the second half of the 20th century from civil and religious marriage registers on fifteen Provençal-Italian and five Italian villages of Cuneo Province, Italy. To insert in the analysis an outward comparison, surnames from two Italian villages of Turin Province, one parish of Turin, one village of Alessandria Province and one village of Asti Province were also collected. Ethnicity does not seem to be the main factor affecting the present genetic structure of the Provençal-Italians. They are an open community, and evidence the end of the genetic isolation of the alpine populations.
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Bo, Tiziano, Alessandro Candiotto, Giovanni Battista Delmastro, Gianluca Fea, Stefano Fenoglio, Daniela Ghia und Laura Gruppuso. „[First reporting of the signal crayfish (Decapoda, Astacidae) in the Province of Savona, Italy]“. Natural History Sciences 3, Nr. 1 (29.06.2016): 63.

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In this short note we report the sudden and numerically significant expansion of signal crayfish (<em>P. leniusculus</em>) from Piedmont towards Liguria. <em>P. leniusculus</em> (Decapode Astacidae) is native to northwestern America, introduced in Italy in 1981 in the province of Bolzano, a few years later it was reported in Brugneto Lake (Genova district) and during the 2009 in the Valla stream (Alessandria district). The peculiarities of this species, originally from “cold water”, making it potentially invasive in the Apennine watercourses and also the presence of this allochthonous decapod in the Savona district, would like to suggest the implementation of containment plans, acts at least to limit its spread.
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Fontefrancesco, Michele Filippo. „Modes and Forms of Knowledge of Farming Entrepreneurship: An Ethnographic Analysis among Small Farmers in NW Italy“. Knowledge 1, Nr. 1 (08.09.2021): 2–11.

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This article investigates the modes and forms of knowledge underpinning farming entrepreneurship through an ethnographic case study of Alessandria province in NW Italy. It shows that farming entrepreneurs base their decisions on explicit and implicit knowledge encompassing forms of knowledge linked to the environment where they live, their trade, the characteristics of their firms, issues concerning their family and private life, and even the emotions linked with their surroundings. All these forms of knowledge inform their vision of their future and guide them in their choices in terms of investments and crop selection. Accordingly, the article argues that farming entrepreneurship is embedded in the locale.
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Scarsi, Marco, Laura Crispini, Cristina Malatesta, Chiara Spagnolo und Giovanni Capponi. „Geological Map of a Treasure Chest of Geodiversity: The Lavagnina Lakes Area (Alessandria, Italy)“. Geosciences 9, Nr. 5 (17.05.2019): 229.

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The aim of this work is to present a new georeferenced geological map of an area in the Ligurian Western Alps (Lavagnina Lakes area) that includes both a unique geodiversity and great biodiversity, a peculiar geological heritage, and cultural features. The study area is located in the northern part of the Capanne di Marcarolo Regional Natural Park, occurring in the southern Piedmont Region (Alessandria, NW Italy) and close to the suburbs of Genoa. This area has been studied by multi-disciplinary scientific researchers who, so far, have focused their attention on the occurrence of alkaline springs and investigation of different endemic floral species. Moreover, in the past, the Lavagnina Lakes area has been exploited due to the presence of gold mineralization, and several mining records are still visible. We performed detailed geological mapping at a 1:10,000 scale, and collected data that were later integrated into a digital GIS map. The database associated with the map contains information that may be interesting from different points of view: (i) scientific research; (ii) outreach and dissemination activities; and (iii) geotourism (i.e., trail networks and panoramic viewpoints). The area represents a section of the Jurassic Piedmont Ligurian oceanic lithosphere, showing several geologic processes on different scales, such as the serpentinization process and intense and widespread carbonation of ultramafic rocks; the area is, moreover, characterized by fault systems showing paleoseismic structures. Beyond scientific research activities (i.e., geology, geoarchaeology, and mining archaeology), the area can also be promoted for geotourism, outreach and dissemination activities, field trips for schools, and gold panning activities. Hence, our new digital map and our 3D model could be a useful tool to illustrate the main characteristics of the area, leading a non-expert public to explore different geological features in a relatively “small” area. In this way, our map could help to improve geotourism, be used as a tool for educational activities, and, finally, could also help the Capanne di Marcarolo Regional Natural Park to be recognized as a geopark.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Alessandria (Italy)"


Alessandrini, Giulia <1993&gt. „Seismotectonic study on two strategic infrastructures in Southern Italy“. Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.

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With the entry into force of the latest Italian Building Code (NTC 2008, 2018), innovative criteria were provided, especially for what concerns the seismic verifications of large infrastructures. In particular, for buildings considered as strategic, such as large dams, a seismotectonic study of the site was declared necessary, which involves a re-assessment of the basic seismic hazard. This PhD project fits into this context, being part of the seismic re-evaluation process of large dams launched on a national scale following the O.P.C.M. 3274/2003, D.L. 79/2004. A full seismotectonic study in the region of two large earth dams in Southern Italy was carried out. We identified and characterized the structures that could generate earthquakes in our study area, together with the definition of the local seismic history. This information was used for the reassessment of the basic seismic hazard, using probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approaches. In recent years, fault-based models for the seismic hazard assessment have been proposed all over the world as a new emerging methodology. For this reason, we decided to test the innovative SHERIFS approach on our study area. The occasion of the seismotectonic study gave also the opportunity to focus on the characteristics of the seismic stations that provided the data for the study itself. In the context of the work presented here, we focused on the 10 stations that had been active for the longest time and we carried out a geophysical characterization, the data of which merged into a more general study on the soil-structure interaction at seismic stations and on the ways in which it could affect the SHA. Lastly, an additional experimental study on the two dams and their associated minor structures is also presented, aimed at defining their main dynamic parameters, useful for subsequent dynamic structural and geotechnical studies.
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Avery, Victoria Jane. „The early works of Alessandro Vittoria (c.1540-c.1570)“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1996.

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Wilson, Helen 1924. „A study of the letters of Alessandra Strozzi : illustrating the significant role which could be played by women in Renaissance Florence“. Master's thesis, Department of History, 1994.

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Beltrami, Marzia. „The spatial dimension of narrative understanding : exploring plot types in the narratives of Alessandro Baricco, Andrea Camilleri and Italo Calvino“. Thesis, Durham University, 2017.

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The thesis explores the hypothesis that some plots might rely on spatiality as an organising principle that impacts on the narrative structure and, consequently, on the strategies adopted by readers to understand them. In order to lay the grounding for a spatially-oriented approach to narrative understanding, this study pursues both a theoretical line of inquiry and an applied line of inquiry in literary criticism. A cognitive stance on the nature of thought as non-propositional (Johnson-Laird 1983) and of the mind as embodied (Lakoff and Johnson 1999; Varela et al. 1993) provides the theoretical point of departure for the subsequent identification of a range of principles and frameworks that can be implemented to support a spatially-oriented interpretation according to the specificities of narratives. The three case studies provided by Alessandro Baricco’s City, Andrea Camilleri’s Montalbano crime series, and Italo Calvino’s Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore illustrate how a spatially-oriented perspective can add new interpretive angles and an unprecedented insight into the ways narratives achieve a coherent structure. At the same time, the case studies serve to extrapolate a set of features that constitute the preliminary criteria for assessing whether it would be fruitful to apply a spatially-oriented approach to a specific narrative. Baricco’s, Camilleri’s and Calvino’s works represent three plot types in which spatiality impinges in three different ways on the narrative, which, as I will show, can be epitomised by the image schemata of map, trajectory, and fractal. Far from simply referring to objects which plot is compared to, these images indicate procedural techniques and strategies of sense-making that a certain type of narrative is designed to prompt in the reader through textual cues. The study, in fact, builds on and advances a notion of plot to be analysed as a process rather than a given structure, something that readers understand as they read, and not retrospectively only.
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Kern-Oudot, Catherine. „L'Ecriture d'un monde sonore dans les oeuvres d'I. Calvino, J. M. G. Le Clézio et A. Baricco“. Strasbourg, 2009.

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Par leur dénonciation du vide des mots et du caractère artificiel des limites génériques, les auteurs du corpus prennent part à la modernité littéraire. Leur approche sonore et rythmique du langage, prolongement de la tradition orale du conte, les engage vers une poétique de l'écoute. .
By noticing the void of words and the artificial characteristic of the generic borders, the authors of this corps take part in the literary modernity. Their rhytmic and sound approach to language, outcome of the oral tradition, commit them towards poetics of the listening. .
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Čaplyginová, Olga. „Hranice labyrintu. Poetika prostoru italského postmoderního románu“. Doctoral thesis, 2016.

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The Phd thesis titled Boundaries of the labyrinth and subtitled Literary space in the Italian postmodern novels strives for specification and closer definition of the genre of post-modern novel through the analysis of literary space. Formally, the thesis is divided into three parts. The first part aims to provide a theoretical introduction into the problems of three areas related to the given topic, namely the definition of postmodernity and postmodernism, the genre of the novel itself and last but not least the study of space in literature. The content of the second part is the actual literary and scientific analysis of the selected novels (Città invisibili and Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore by Italo Calvino, Notturno indiano by Antonio Tabucchi, Comici spaventati guerrieri by Stefano Benni and Oceano mare and City by Alessandro Baricco) which follows three basic and most frequent spacial topoi occurring in these novels, namely the topos of the city, the house-hotel and the road. The third and final section sums up the observed aspects and characteristics and strives to use them as a basis for determining a certain and generalizing spacial and temporal principle which would facilitate at least a partial characterization of the postmodern novel as an independent genre.
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Bücher zum Thema "Alessandria (Italy)"


Viazzi, Federica. Catalogo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca civica di Alessandria. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2018.

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Lanzavecchia, Renato. Storia della diocesi di Alessandria. [S.l.]: Alessandria, 1999.

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Istituto per la storia della resistenza in provincia di Alessandria., Hrsg. Il Partito d'azione in Alessandria. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'orso, 1986.

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Maconi, Giovanni. Storia dell'Ospedale dei Santi Antonio e Biagio di Alessandria. Genova: Le mani, 2003.

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Arcella, Raffaele. L'ultima carica: Dolnij Poloj 17 ottobre 1942. Acireale: Bonanno, 2008.

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Lera, Riccardo. L'Uspidalët: L'opedale infantile "Cesare Arrigo" di Alessandria dalle origini alla seconda guerra mondiale. Recco, Genova: Le mani, 2001.

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Massola, Giovanni. Venti anni di arte alla Sala comunale d'arte contemporanea e a Palazzo Cuttica (1972-1992). Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 1996.

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International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (18th 2010 Alessandria, Italy). Case-based reasoning research and development: 18th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 19-22, 2010 : proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2010.

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International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (18th 2010 Alessandria, Italy). Case-based reasoning research and development: 18th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 19-22, 2010 : proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2010.

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Carlenrica, Spantigati, und Ieni Giulio, Hrsg. Pio V e Santa Croce di Bosco: Aspetti di una committenza papale : Alessandria, Palazzo Cuttica, Bosco Marengo, Santa Croce, 12 aprile-26 maggio, 1985. [Italy]: Edizioni dell'Orso, 1985.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Alessandria (Italy)"


Luino, Fabio. „A Flood Can Point Out Improper Land-Use Planning: The Case of Alessandria Town (Piedmont, Northern Italy)“. In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, 787–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Jones, Verina R. „Lucia and her Sisters: Women in Alessandro Manzoni’s I promessi sposi“. In Women and Italy, 209–23. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.

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Villa, Sara. „Translating Orlando in 1930s Fascist Italy: Virginia Woolf, Arnoldo Mondadori, and Alessandra Scalero“. In Virginia Woolf and the Literary Marketplace, 209–21. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2010.

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Tedesco, Anna. „Ancora sulla fortuna de La Fuerza lastimosa nell’opera del Seicento: Alfonso I di Matteo Noris (Venezia Napoli Palermo)“. In Studi e saggi, 179–204. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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Lope de Vega’s play, La fuerza lastimosa, written around 1599 and first published in 1609, was very popular in Seventeenth-Century Italy, as research by Fausta Antonucci and Salomé Vuelta has demonstrated. Several Italian adaptations are already known, among which a dramma per musica, La forza compassionevole, written by Antonio Salvi and staged in Leghorn in 1694. In the same year, another opera based on Lope’s drama was staged in Venice (as Alfonso I) and in Naples (under the title Alfonso il Sesto re di Castiglia). Two years later, this last version was revived in Palermo, again, as in Naples, to celebrate the birthday of King Charles II of Spain. None of these three librettos indicates Lope’s authorship nor it has been hypothesized until now. However, the plot of all librettos is clearly based on Lope’s play. This chapter aims at illustrating the relation between the librettos for these three performances and La fuerza lastimosa. It also discusses the context of all the stagings and identifies some of the existing musical sources. Finally, it argues that Alessandro Scarlatti could be the author of the Neapolitan score.
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Zanin, Giulia, Francesco Guzzi, Roberto Pugliese, Laura Cerni, Andrey Vukolov, Andrea Lorenzon und Marco De Simone. „Robotic Systems as a Part of AI Fundamentals Course at ITS Academy Foundation for New Life Technologies n.a. Alessandro Volta in Trieste, Italy“. In Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (2018–2022), 165–78. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Bani, Luca. „Alessandro Verri, Translator of Hamlet and Othello. The Discovery of Shakespeare in the Transition from Classicism to Pre-Romanticism in the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century in Italy“. In Translation and Interpretation, 95–104. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022.

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Canonico, Massimo, Stefania Montani, Diego Gazzolo, Mariachiara Strozzi und Manuel Striani. „TEEM“. In Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Emergency Services, 67–87. IGI Global, 2020.

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In this article, the authors describe a client-server architecture, designed for supporting data recording and transmission during emergency patient transportation by ambulance. The clients are a set of mobile apps, interfaced to the monitoring devices in the ambulance, that automatically send all the recorded data to a server at the destination center. One additional app enables the travelling personnel to input and transmit further significant patient data, or comments. At the destination center, the specialist physician logs onto the server, receives the data in real time, and is allowed to plot/analyze them, assessing the patient's situation, and possibly sending immediate feedback to the operators in the ambulance. The system is currently under evaluation at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Alessandria Children Hospital, Italy. The system, by allowing real time data communication, is able to provide clear advantages from the organizational and economical viewpoint.
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Marino, John A. „Introduction: on the Grand Tour“. In Early Modern Italy, 1–10. Oxford University PressOxford, 2002.

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Abstract Guercino’s fresco of Aurorain the Casino Ludovisi in Rome depicts the charioteer Dawn ushering in a virile Day to dispel the furtive Night. Guercino’s Dawn,commissioned by the cardinal nephew of the newly elected Pope Gregory XV (1621-3), celebrates the beginning of his Bolognese compatriot Alessandro Ludovisi’s pontificate as a new golden age, while it marked the high point of baroque painting among the Bolognese school in Rome-Annibale Carracci, Guido Reni, Francesco Albani, Lanfranco, Domenichino, as well as the young Guercino himself. Dawn, boldly streaking across the sky above the pope’s casa,a house in the sense both of family and of property where social relationships and power politics were one, chases away the darkndess.
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Schmidt, Arnold Anthony. „The politics of the unities: tragedy and the Risorgimento in Byron and Manzoni“. In Byron and Italy. Manchester University Press, 2018.

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This chapter takes an original approach to Byron’s much-discussed engagement with the early Risorgimento by focusing not on biographical aspects, but rather on formal issues. It centres on The Two Foscari in the context of the highly politicised contemporary Italian critical debates about the dramatic unities. In this fashion, it teases out the political implications of Byron’s adherence to the unities by comparing his play to Alessandro Manzoni’s Il conte di Carmagnola, which programmatically violates them. Focusing specifically on the playwrights’ representations of the fifteenth-century mercenary leader, Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola, the chapter explores these writers’ use or abuse of the unity of time, in particular. In doing so, it throws light on, and contrasts, Manzoni’s Risorgimento agenda on the one hand and Byron’s generally sceptical attitude about leadership and uncertainty about social and political change on the other.
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Villani, Stefano. „In Search of Patronage“. In Making Italy Anglican, 49–59. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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This chapter reconstructs the vicissitudes of the Italian Alessandro Amidei, who moved to England in 1656. He apparently taught Hebrew at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and it is certain that he was professor on the same topic in Edinburgh. A singular figure with a shifting and elusive identity, Amidei presented himself as a Catholic ecclesiastic converted to Protestantism on his arrival in England but in following years professed to be a Jew converted to Christianity. In the late 1660s, Amidei made a manuscript copy of an Italian translation of the Book of Common Prayer, posting as its author. Apart from this manuscript, all his other known works for which he claimed his authorship—published and unpublished—were not actually penned by him. So the possibility cannot be excluded that Amidei’s manuscript incorporates elements of someone else’s translation, possibly the one done by Bedell and Sarpi in 1608.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Alessandria (Italy)"


De Pascalis, Giancarlo, Lara De Giorgi, Ivan Ferrari, Francesco Giuri, Dora Francesca Barbolla, Lucrezia Longhitano, Chiara Torre und Giovanni Leucci. „Ground-penetrating Radar survey at the Basilica of Santa Caterina D\'Alessandria (Galatina-Italy)“. In 2023 IMEKO TC4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Budapest: IMEKO, 2023.

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De Pascalis, Giancarlo, Lara De Giorgi, Ivan Ferrari, Francesco Giuri, Dora Francesca Barbolla, Lucrezia Longhitano, Chiara Torre und Giovanni Leucci. „Ground-penetrating Radar survey at the Basilica of Santa Caterina D\'Alessandria (Galatina-Italy)“. In 2023 IMEKO TC4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Budapest: IMEKO, 2023.

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Felli, Marco, und Antonello Incerto. „Recovering of an identity: restoration works of the Orsini-Colonna castle in Avezzano, Italy“. In FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2020.

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The Orsini Colonna castle of Avezzano represents one of the most important historic buildings in the internal area of Abruzzo. Founded at the end of the fifteenth century, on the rests of an older structure, with continuing modification till the sixteenth century, the building had several damages with the earthquake of January thirteenth 1915, which destroyed the entire city Avezzano and the neighborhood, causing more than 30000 victims. After the quake event, the efforts and the works for the preservation didn’t have the time to start, because of the beginning of the world wars; in particular, the castle suffered more damages with the three different bombardments on the city in 1943 and 1944. The first works of recovering and restoration were achieved in 1964 by the Genio Civile of Avezzano, the corps of engineers, with the direction of Tommaso Orlandi; in this intervention, the building had been interested by the recovering of the structures, with the reconstruction of the perimeter walls, also with the purpose of avoiding deterioration and the complete abandonment. The second works were conducted by the architect Alessandro Del Bufalo, who designed the restoration of the entire building, inserting an internal concert hall in the courtyard with a new structure in steel and glass, recovering the castle basement under the towers, and creating a modern art gallery museum in the second level. The works finished in 1994. This paper aims to redefine the historical development of the building, focusing in particular on the restoration interventions of the last century, and their different methods in the efforts of preservation, which approached to the preservation and reconstruction of the building in different ways.
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Pietrogrande, Enrico, und Alessandro Dalla Caneva. „Study for a new definition of the southern side of Prato della Valle in Padua, Italy“. In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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The southern limit of thePrato della Valle space in the southern part of Padua's historical centre, inItaly, was continuously delimited by the boundary wall of the Santa Maria dellaMisericordia convent until the early twentieth century. Its presence was one ofthe elements that more than a century ago inspired the enlightened proposal byDomenico Cerato, a design professor at the University of Padua who had beeninspired by Andrea Memmo, the Superintendent of the Serenissima Republic ofVenice. The straight and continuous limit was replaced by the discontinuousarchitecture of the Foro Boario entrance, built in 1913 according to a designby Alessandro Peretti; this weakened the overall solution based on anelliptical shape, as did the communicative power of the nearby basilica ofSanta Giustina. The examination carried out dwells on these limits, simulatingthe virtual introduction of architecture with a continuous front to thesouthern edge of the Prato della Valle. One example of this type ofarchitecture is the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art built in Kansas City between1930 and 1933, based on a design by the brothers Thomas and William Wight, andexpanded in 1999 based on a design by Steven Hall. The study generallyconfirmed that the compactness of the building's front newly provides strengthto Cerato's design, which gave a sense of unity to the general emptiness thanksto the certainty of its borders, and gives again the Basilica of Santa Giustinaits monumental size. This paper investigates the composition ofheterogeneous fragments, excerpts from the inventory of collective memory, andthe resulting unpredictable architecture in an urban context.
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Camiz, Alessandro. „Diachronic transformations of urban routes for the theory of attractors“. In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Alessandro Camiz ¹ ¹ Department of Architecture, Girne American University, Cyprus, Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Home for Cooperation (H4C), 28 Marcou Dracou Street, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1102. E-mail: Keywords (3-5): urban tissues, urban morphology, urban routes, theory, history Conference topics and scale: Tools of analysis in urban morphology Recent urban morphology studies consider urban tissues as living organisms changing in time (Strappa, Carlotti, Camiz, 2016), following this assumption the theory should examine more analytically what Muratori called ‘medievalisation’ (Muratori, 1959), a term describing some of the transformations of urban routes happened in the middle ages. The paper considers the diachronic deformation of routes, and other multi-scalar occurrences of the attraction phenomena (Charalambous, Geddes, 2015), introducing the notion of attractors and repellers. Archaeological studies already do consider attractors and repellers as a tool to interpret some territorial transformations, following the assumption that “the trajectory that a system follows through time is the result of a continuous dynamic interaction between that system and the multiple 'attractors' in its environment” (Renfrew, Bahn, 2013, p. 184). There are different elements that can act as attractors in an urban environment, such as bridges, city walls, city gates, water systems, markets, special buildings, and it is possible to consider each of these anthropic attractors as equivalent to a morphological attractor at the geographical scale. We can even interpret the ridge-top theory (Caniggia, 1976) as the result of attraction and repellence of geographic features on anthropic routes. The territorial scale analysis is the methodological base of the theory, but the attractors herein considered operate at the urban scale, deviating locally across time from a rectilinear trajectory and defining a specific urban fabric. The research interprets and reads the effects of attractors on urban routes and fabrics as a method for the reconstruction of Nicosia’s medieval city walls, in continuity between the Conzenian approach (Whitehand, 2012) and the Italian School of Urban Morphology (Marzot, 2002). References:, Muratori, S. (1959) Studi per un’operante storia urbana di Venezia (Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma). Caniggia, G. (1976) Strutture dello spazio antropico. Studi e note (Uniedit, Firenze). Marzot, N. (2002) ‘The study of urban form in Italy’, Urban Morphology 6.2, 59-73. Whitehand, J.W.R. (2012) ‘Issues in urban morphology’, Urban Morphology 16.1, 55-65. Renfrew, C., Bahn, P. (eds.) (2013) Archaeology: The Key Concepts, (London, Routledge). Charalambous, N., Geddes, I. (2015) ‘Making Spatial Sense of Historical Social Data’, Journal of Space Syntax 6.1, 81-101. Strappa, G., Carlotti, P., Camiz, A. (2016) Urban Morphology and Historical Fabrics. Contemporary design of small towns in Latium (Gangemi, Roma).
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