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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Krotki, Karol J. „S. Chandrasekhar (ed.). From India to Canada. A Brief History of Immigration; Problems of Discrimination; Admission and Assimilation. La Jolla, California: A Population Review Book, 1986.217 pp.US $ 25.00 Cloth, US $10.00 Paperback.“ Pakistan Development Review 28, Nr. 1 (01.03.1989): 57–64.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWieviorka, Michel. „LA GAUCHE AUJOURD’HUI, EN FRANCE“. Abya-yala: Revista sobre Acesso à Justiça e Direitos nas Américas 2, Nr. 3 (30.12.2018): 120–34.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBodler, Markus. „„Halb Courteline, halb Ubu, halb Kafka““. apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], Nr. 1 (12.12.2018): 145–60.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLevallois, Bruno. „L'enseignement de l'arabe en France. Une tradition vivante et spécifique“. Migrants formation 67, Nr. 1 (1986): 81–83.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCandau, Pierre. „Le rôle et les fonctions des centres de relations industrielles en France“. Relations industrielles 26, Nr. 3 (12.04.2005): 726–43.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLyngå, Gösta. „Computer-based catalogue of open-cluster data“. Symposium - International Astronomical Union 106 (1985): 143–44.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBergounioux, Gabriel. „Science et institution : la linguistique et l'université en France (1865-1945)“. Langue française 117, Nr. 1 (1998): 22–35.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFebvre, F. „Importations et utilisations des bois tropicaux en France : analyse des marchés des bois tropicaux et des filières d'utilisation“. BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 216 (01.06.1988): 97–102.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDebarbieux, Bernard. „Quel aménagement du territoire pour l'université française ? [Réflexions suggérées par les débats actuels sur l'organisation territoriale de l'université en France ]“. Espace géographique 19, Nr. 3 (1990): 203–6.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHeon, Lucie, Renee Clourtier und Pierre W. Belanger. „La reconnaissance des acquis expérientiels: étude de cas de la politique d'admission des adultes à l'Université Laval“. Canadian Journal of Higher Education 16, Nr. 2 (31.08.1986): 67–79.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Geuring, Esther. „Le processus de construction des aspirations de poursuite d’études vers et dans l’enseignement supérieur : l’expérience sociale de la procédure Parcoursup“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlthough access to higher education has been a public policy objective for the last 20 years, it is now being implemented in France in its most recent version through the Students’ orientation and achievement law, which introduced the Parcoursup procedure. Transforming the modalities of access to higher education, this reform strengthens the commitment of the different actors involved in the process of orienting students. Parcoursup falls within an institutional conception of orientation according to which providing students with information and support allows them to formulate “free, informed and enlightened choices”. Nevertheless, this linear conception of orientation can be nuanced by observing the social and educational inequalities that punctuate the process of construction of aspirations.In this context, this thesis proposes to grasp the process of construction of aspirations for further learning towards and in higher education by mobilising sociology of experience. Relying on an interpretive approach, the objective is to comprehend this process while specifying the notion of aspiration by inscribing it in the relation that neo-high school graduates have towards time, themselves and the world. Two main results emerge from a double survey comprising a questionnaire and longitudinal follow-up interviews with neo-bacalauréat graduates enrolled in the first year of their bachelor’s degree at a provincial university. Contrary to the injunction to make a project implied by the continuum “bac –3 / bac +3”, this thesis shows on the one hand a certain volatility of the aspirations for further studies depending on the experience of Parcoursup and the student experience. Furthermore, this more or less important volatility reinforces on the other hand the idea of university being a space to democratise aspirations, for young people who go there to build their future as much as to build themselves
Allouch, Annabelle. „L'ouverture sociale comme configuration : pratiques et processus de sélection et de socialisation des milieux populaires dans les établissements d'élite : une comparaison France-Angleterre“. Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWidening participation programmes have been launched simultaneously in both France and England in the 2000s. They stem from the idea that it is necessary for elite universities, despite their traditional mission of elite education, to get involved in the field of antidiscrimination and thus develop measures to increase equality of opportunity and diversify their student body. This thesis highlights the impact of these programmes on the way to address social inequalities in the educational sector. In fact, widening participation schemes contribute to the dissemination of a new interpretation of social mobility on the basis of a compensation targeting talented pupils (Pupils identified as “with potential”) rather than sustaining the most deprived of them. It is allowed by the current withdrawal of the traditional role of the Welfare state in education (in a context of financial crisis) which increases the pressure on universities (through financial incentives), in the name of their social responsibility towards society. This work is based on an ethnographic survey led in three French and English elite institutions, including the University of Oxford, Sciences Po and ESSEC
Le, Quentrec Erwan. „Management des examens à l'Université“. Dijon, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLafon, Sophie. „L'Université dans la métropole : la Communauté Urbaine et l'Université de Bordeaux“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this reseach is to study the emergence of French metropolitan governments, from the exempleof Bordeaux, as actors of higher education and research policymaking. In a context of devolution thatstrengthens local governments, of a knowledge economy and knowledge society, of universities interactingwith their local environment, metropolitan governments have developped their intervention capacity in thefield of higher eduction and research. With new interventions and strategic plans, their actions have had animpact on the cooperation between local governments and the harmonization of their political strategies, thuspaving the way for a governance of higher eduction and research policies at a metropolitan level
Cuney, Florence. „Enseignement supérieur et territoires : l'exemple de l'Université de Franche-Comté“. Besançon, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis examines the role played by the Université de Franche-Comté in town and country organisation, development and planning. It starts by presenting the main stages of the construction of the national and regional higher education area. It then sets out to analyse the influence of the training courses proposed by the Université de Franche-Comté and the competition from neighbouring universities. This thesis seeks to point out the elements which account for students' mobility. It eventually develops two sides of the socioeconomic impact of higher education facilities : one relates to the influence of the contractual relationships of the local research laboratories and the other one to the students' way of life and their sociocultural habits
Becquet, Valérie. „Fondements et dimensions de la participation associative des étudiants à l'université“. Caen, 2001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNguyen, Viet quy lan. „Les fonctions sociales des cours magistraux à l'université, en France“. Phd thesis, Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKrupa, Sophie. „Réussites et échecs à l'université : analyse théorique et empirique“. Toulouse 1, 1993.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe objective of this thesis is to bring some new elements tht may enrich the analysis of successes and failures in a higher education program. To this end, we started from the traditional economic theory, first from the individual point of view, then from the educational organisational point of view. To analyse the internal effectiveness of a higher education system, we do need to take into account both the demand that applies to this system (what does motive a student to work ?) and the conditions in which the student progresses within this system (what are the characteristics of the educational supply ?). After being interested in some empiric problems, we propose some analytic tools that permit to characterise an educational program. This leads to distinguish two selection processes : the "grouped selection" and the "distributed selection". A formalisation in terms of game theory shows why it is the second model that exists today in the open university sector. An econometric study of the success of students cohorts in three programs of the university of social sciences of toulouse permits then to test some implications of the theoretical analysis
Roux, Simone. „Le quartier de l'Université à Paris du XIIIe au XVe siècle : étude urbaine“. Paris 10, 1989.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe left bank in Paris, in the 13th century, shows a time when traces from the rural past (vineyards, barns, lands without building) are vanishing while urbanization is in full process. The ecclesiastical seigniories (among which Sainte-Genevieve abbey is a fine illustration) must adapt to the new urban world but their adaptation is late. Concerning the 14th and 15th centuries, this research work is more thematic: first, the common houses, streets, signs; then, the ordinary population (people engaged in catering or in every kinds of trade and craft, masters and students, clergy and legal profession) who are the agents of urban dymamism; at last, the realty market (sale of buildings, sale of loans based on the buildings). In synthesizing those three analyses, we have found an urban system which remains basically a seigniorial system. The house-holders are stile dependent, even though, since the 13th century, they won a large autonomy for making the most of the urban real estate, and even though they increased this autonomy after the serious urban crisis in the first middle of the 15th century
Goastellec, Gaële. „Égalité et mérite à l'université : une comparaison États-Unis, Indonésie, France“. Bordeaux 2, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHigher education is structured around a tension between two fundamental principles of all democracies : equality and merit. By opening access to higher education, the process of massification is transforming the means to resolve this tension. How can one reconcile the necessity of a meritocratic system in societies that only have very few places at their head, with worldwide demands of equality that encourage universities to produce more justice ? How can one move from the reproduction of society to its production ? To these shared question, the American, Indonesian and French systems each answer in their own way, according to the perception their respective societies have of themselves, but also according to students' capability to become actors of their own system, to make their claims heard, and to transform their study environments. By comparing these three systems, this research shows how the admission moment of the highschool students in higher education crystallizes the whole of these tensions. The means of selection put forward how each society perceives and produces legitimate identities, the distribution system of students within the university, and how their encounter allows students' integration in a study environment which can also be a life environment. The diversity of these local contexts does not prevent a shared tendancy : the university's increasing autonomy that puts forward as necessary the diversity of their respective roles by recruiting identified student populations. Whichever the higher education system studied, a process of convergence is at work, that not only concerns the system's way of functioning, but also, and most importantly, that claims to recognize individual identities
Bücher zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Centre d'études et de recherches de science administrative (France), Hrsg. Le Conseil d'État et l'université. Paris: Dalloz, 2015.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenJalley, Emile. La crise de la psychologie à l'université en France. Paris: Harmattan, 2004.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenLandron, Olivier. L'Université catholique de l'Ouest, 1875-1970: Enracinement et ouverture. Paris: CLD, 2012.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenrobespierristes, Société des études, Université de Poitiers und Université de Haute Bretagne, Hrsg. La surveillance révolutionnaire dans l'Ouest en guerre: Actes des journées d'études tenues à l'Université de Poitiers le 30 mars 2012 et à l'Université de Rennes le 17 octobre 2013. Paris: Société des études robespierristes, 2017.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenMarantz, Éléonore, und Stéphanie Méchine. Construire l'université: Architectures universitaires à Paris et en Île-de-France (1945-2000). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenFrance. Entrée, séjour et éloignement des étrangers en France: Les textes. Paris: Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrés, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden1932-2014, Favier Jean, und Favier Jean 1932-2014, Hrsg. Les palais de l'histoire: Suivi de, Un parcours dans l'Université ; Cheminements au long d'une vie. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2016.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenVieillescazes, Catherine. Un trésor à l'université d'Avignon: La pharmacie de l'hôpital Sainte-Marthe. Avignon: Éditions universitaires d'Avignon, 2018.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPonsard, André. La cour de cassation, l'université et le droit: André Ponsard, un professeur de droit à la Cour de cassation. Paris: Litec/Juris-Classeur, 2003.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenFrance. Entrée et séjour des étrangers en France: Les textes. 2. Aufl. Paris: Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrés, 2006.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Messner, Francis. „France“. In Les théologies à l'université, 287–311. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„1. L’éducation en Nouvelle-France. Des legs durables“. In L'Université de Montréal, 15–22. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLaval, Florence, und Aurélie Dudézert. „Chapitre 8. « Et si j’étais personnellement responsable des suicides à France Télécom ? » : une éthique de la recherche « en action »“. In Entrepreneur à l'université, 98–111. EMS Editions, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„La formation universitaire des élites en France et en Allemagne“. In Universitätskulturen - L'Université en perspective - The Future of the University, 73–88. transcript-Verlag, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMoniot, Adrien. „La formation universitaire des élites en France et en Allemagne“. In Universitätskulturen - L'Université en perspective - The Future of the University, 73–88. transcript Verlag, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Université impériale et enseignement supérieur en France sous le Premier Empire (1808–1814)“. In Universitätskulturen - L'Université en perspective - The Future of the University, 33–50. transcript-Verlag, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHorn, Pierre. „Université impériale et enseignement supérieur en France sous le Premier Empire (1808–1814)“. In Universitätskulturen - L'Université en perspective - The Future of the University, 33–50. transcript Verlag, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMujica, Bárbara. „Ana and the French“. In Women Religious and Epistolary Exchange in the Carmelite Reform. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„French Literature“. In The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English, herausgegeben von Stuart Gillespie und David Hopkins, 307–92. Oxford University PressOxford, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePoulter, Sebastian. „Introduction“. In Ethnicity, Law and Human Rights, 3–37. Oxford University PressOxford, 1998.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Formosa, T., L. Azzopardi, M. Attard Pizzuto und A. Serracino Inglott. „PS-003 Risks in medication reconciliation during hospital admission“. In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePlessala, I., I. Jolivet, S. Quintel und B. Granger. „PS-103 Optimisation of the drug prescription process in patient admission“. In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCampos-Baeta, Y., B. Zurita, M. Estelrich und M. Martí-Navarro. „4CPS-083 Medication reconciliation interventions in an emergency department at admission“. In 28th EAHP Congress, Bordeaux, France, 20-21-22 March 2024. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRibed, A., A. Gimenez-Manzorro, I. Taladriz-Sender, S. Alvarez-Atienza, S. Martin-Lozano, MP Montero-Anton, A. Herranz-Alonso und M. Sanjurjo-Saez. „4CPS-002 Pharmaceutical care in postoperative pain management at admission and discharge“. In 28th EAHP Congress, Bordeaux, France, 20-21-22 March 2024. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCarvalho, P., und D. Palma. „DI-092 Warfarin toxicity: impact on hospital admission—the reality of a portuguese hospital“. In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChung, C., F. Marques-Tavares, V. Gauthier, J. Lehrer, P. Hindlet, A. Cohen, C. Fernandez und M. Antignac. „CP-067 Medication reconciliation at admission in a cardiology unit: identify patients at risk“. In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDenoyelle, S., O. Bures und A. Fischer. „CP-231 Implementation of medication reconciliation on admission in a psychiatric hospital: who comes first?“ In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCauliez, C., A. Bigot, E. Civade, J. Tourel, MC Morin und J. Jouglen. „PS-041 Optimisation of medication reconciliation at patient admission to hospital: what about patient selection?“ In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleŠtehec, A., I. Samardžić, V. Bačić Vrca, M. Ortner Hadžiabdić und I. Marinović. „4CPS-039 Drug-related problems at hospital admission in elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases“. In 28th EAHP Congress, Bordeaux, France, 20-21-22 March 2024. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHeislerova, M., P. Paterova, M. Novosadova, P. Rozsivalova und H. Drábková. „5PSQ-075 Adherence to local antibiotic prescribing guidelines within 48 hours of inpatient admission“. In 28th EAHP Congress, Bordeaux, France, 20-21-22 March 2024. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Admission à l'université – France"
Jacob, Steve, und Justin Lawarée. Les mesures publiques dans les stratégies gouvernementales en matière d'intelligence artificielle : une perspective internationale. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, Februar 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle