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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Booms, Alexandre, Stéphane Brau-Antony und Fabien Emprin. „Bifurcations didactiques lors de l’inclusion d’un élève équipé d’un matériel pédagogique adapté“. La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives N° 97, Nr. 1 (07.12.2023): 203–21.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoudreau, Thomas-J. „Le marché des soins médicaux et l'organisation de la profession médicale“. Relations industrielles 19, Nr. 3 (20.01.2014): 344–53.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRothman, Beulah, und Catherine Papell. „Service social des groupes en contexte d’autorité“. Service social 39, Nr. 1 (12.04.2005): 45–63.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGélinas-Proulx, Andréanne, Jean Labelle und Philippe Jacquin. „Compétence interculturelle : adaptation d’un Modèle initial pour les directions d’établissement scolaire de langue française du Québec et du Nouveau-Brunswick1“. Revue des sciences de l’éducation 43, Nr. 2 (26.01.2018): 119–52.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRoman, Pascal, und Marie Douris. „Besoins de l’enfant et statut de protection adapté – Repères juridiques et psychologiques“. Enfances & Psy N° 101, Nr. 3 (25.09.2024): 147–56.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoughnim, Amel. „Le malaise de l'enseignement de l'arabe - Le cas de l'Elco tunisien“. Diversité 164, Nr. 1 (2011): 110–15.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRAZAKA, Andrianina Ismaël, Body Inolice MANANJANDRY, Ny Aina Miharisoa RALAIVAO, Hanitrankasitrahana Amboara Sarobidy ROHIMPITIAVANA und Malinirina Fanjalalaina RALAHY. „PROFIL BACTERIOLOGIQUE DE COMPLICATION INFECTIEUSE DES FRACTURES OUVERTES A FIANARANTSOA (MADAGASCAR)“. EPH - International Journal of Medical and Health Science 8, Nr. 7 (28.07.2022): 5–9.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChamberland, Karine. „La littératie alimentaire en contexte de camps d’été : un modèle adapté pour passer à l’action !“ Nutrition Science en évolution: La revue de l'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec 19, Nr. 1 (2021): 29.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHorn, Ruth. „La France et la Grande-Bretagne à l’ère de la médecine génomique“. médecine/sciences 35, Nr. 2 (Februar 2019): 163–68.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOrrù, W. „Expériences de relaxations psychothérapiques en thérapie familiale“. European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 675.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Mathieu, Bertrand. „Potacco : noeud polymorphique transparent pour l'adaptation de contenu adapté au contexte“. Phd thesis, Paris 6, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWith the evolution of fixed and mobile networks, the increasing number of diversified devices, it is now possible to access any type of services, from any type of devices, being connected to any type of networks. By adding the wish of users to receive personalized contents, adapting content has become a major problem. To help to reach this goal, this thesis defines an intermediate flexible node, allowing dynamic adaptation of any type of content depending on the context of the users. This study resulted in the definition of a node architecture, called Potacco (for noeud POlymorphique Transparent pour l'Adaptation de Contenu adapté au COntexte, in French or Transparent Polymorphic node for content adaptation to the context in English) and its implementation and validation. This node: · collects and provides current context information to enable application modules to make adaptation based on such values · manages/coordinates the application modules and the context collectors (e. G. Context sensors) · enables the secured deployment of code in the node (the supplier code, but also the target node are authenticated) · may be transparent to the applications and may process data without no mean for the endpoints to detect it. Two demonstrators have been implemented as a proof of concept of this generic node being located in a physical network: as a wired/wireless gateway performing media content adaptation and as a node in an ADSL network inserting transparently the users’ context. Then, the use of that node in "overlay" networks has been the subject of a new proof of concept. Two cases were studied: the first one for the provisioning of services adapted to the user’s context in a service specific overlay network service, where a case of a personalized IPTV service is presented, and the second one related to the content adaptation of multimedia stream broadcasted on a P2P network where the Potacco node itself is a member of the P2P network. Validation by simulation and real experiments, permitted to evaluate these solutions
Ben, Salah Fakher. „Service de présence adapté au contexte des communications d'urgence médicale pré-hospitalière“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFauteux, Philippe. „Conception d'un actionneur adapté à l'interaction physique dans un contexte de robotique“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePossompès, Thibaut. „Configuration par modèle de caractéristiques adapté au contexte pour les lignes de produits logiciels : application aux Smart Buildings“. Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSoftware product lines aim at reusing documents, source code, architectures, and, all artefact created during software development achieved in a given domain. Nowadays, we use ``feature models'' to facilitate the reuse of such elements. The approach consists in describing, in this feature model, artefacts and their usage constraints, and then to identify representative features for creating a new product. In some situations, a feature represents an artefact associated to a context element that must be handled by the product. Such a feature, and its related constraints, can be cloned for each occurrence of instances of this element in a given context. In this thesis, we are try to determine the impact of a product execution context on a future product features. We first explore different ways for representing feature models and a product context. Then, we propose a generic method to adapt a feature model to context elements. This thesis has been achieved in the context of the RIDER project (Research for IT Driven EneRgy efficiency). This project aims at reducing energy waste due to an inappropriate management of energy sources and needs. The heterogeneousness of building equipments and each building specificities require to adapt energy optimisation software. We propose to apply a software product line approach to this project. More precisely, we propose to apply to this project our feature model context adaptation methodology, in order to adapt energy optimisation software to each building specific context
Koteich, Jana. „Routage opportuniste tenant compte du contexte dans les réseaux sans fil“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleToday, sharing data and digital content is essential across various applications, particularly in health, education, and agriculture. Traditional wired networks and wireless networks are the two main modes of communication, with the latter presenting more challenges due to the absence of a guided physical path.Opportunistic routing emerges as a promising solution in regions lacking communication infrastructure, especially in Least Developed Countries.In this thesis, we propose an alternative solution to infrastructure-based approaches for delivering data independently of any existing operated infrastructure. This solution relies on low-cost communication and storage devices that can embed different communication technologies, resulting in a global privacy-preserving data-sharing system based on natural crowd mobility. To achieve this, we analyze crowd mobility patterns to assign a delivery probability for a message based on its mobility pattern. First, we generated the PILOT dataset, a privacy-preserving data collection of wireless communication Technologies. The dataset consists of four types of jointly collected information in different mobility contexts. It includes three wireless communication technologies: WiFi probe responses, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacons, and LoRa (Long Range Radio) packets, as well as additional information on acceleration, roll, and pitch, all collected simultaneously. The dataset was collected over approximately 90 hours, with a size of 200 MB, using FiPy devices from Pycom. We provided the keys to reproduce such data collection and shared the datasets already collected on GitHub. After generating the dataset, we processed the collected traces of WiFi and BLE to generate a classification model that can estimate the real-life situation of a device. The first created model, called the B-model, aims to identify whether a device is stationary or mobile. Subsequently, a complementary model, the M-model, was created to determine a more precise real-life situation of the device, such as being at home, in the office, on a bus, train, etc. Finally, we exploited the collected dataset and the trained machine learning models todesign a routing protocol by setting delivery probabilities conditioned by the determined context of the device. We are testing and validating our approach using the ONE simulator, which is designed for an opportunistic network environment
Durand, Anaïs. „Algorithmes distribués efficaces adaptés à un contexte incertain“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDistributed systems become increasingly wide and complex, while their usage extends to various domains (e.g., communication, home automation, monitoring, cloud computing). Thus, distributed systems are executed in diverse contexts. In this thesis, we focus on uncertain contexts, i.e., the context is not completely known a priori or is unsettled. More precisely, we consider two main kinds of uncertainty: processes that are not completely identified and the presence of faults. The absence of identification is frequent in large networks composed of massively produced and deployed devices. In addition, anonymity is often required for security and privacy. Similarly, large networks are exposed to faults (e.g, process crashes, wireless connection drop), but the service must remain available.This thesis is composed of four main contributions. First, we study the leader election problem in unidirectional rings of homonym processes, i.e., processes are identified but their ID is not necessarily unique. Then, we propose a silent self-stabilizing leader election algorithm for arbitrary connected network. This is the first algorithm under such conditions that stabilizes in a polynomial number of steps. The third contribution is a new stabilizing property designed for dynamic networks that ensures fast and gradual convergences after topological changes. We illustrate this property with a clock synchronizing algorithm. Finally, we consider the issue of concurrency in resource allocation problems. In particular, we study the level of concurrency that can be achieved in a wide class of resource allocation problem, i.e., the local resource allocation
Voisin, Samuel. „L'ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA PROPORTIONNALITÉ EN SEGPA Contraintes, spécificités, situations“. Phd thesis, Université Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVoisin, Samuel. „L'enseignement de la proportionnalité en segpa : contraintes, spécificités, situations“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux 2, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the teaching of proportionality to 11 to 16-year old pupils registered in special-needs schools including pupils with more severe learning disabilities.Studies related to the teaching of mathematics have shown that the understanding of proportionality by pupils up to middle school age and more particularly by children with significant learning difficulties is often inappropriate. In order to find out if an adjustment can be made without any impact on the knowledge requirements, we experimented a teaching plan concerning the learning of proportionality by children with special-needs in the context of our study. We insist on the importance of the organization of the different types of knowledge within this teaching plan and also on the relevance of backgrounds and values of numerical didactical parameters. Analysis of our observations is carried out with statistical implicative analysis, Theory of Didactical Situations and with the frame of the double approach used to analyse the practices of teachers.The implementation of such a teaching plan requires, for teachers, mathematical knowledge. In order to reactivate this knowledge, we propose a symbolic scheme for each resolving technique applied to problems involving direct proportionality
Arnaud, Julien. „Délivrance de servcies médias ubiquitaires adaptés selon le contexte au sein de réseaux de nouvelles générations“. Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe latest advances in technology have already defied Moore’s law. Thanks to research and industry, hand-held devices are composed of high processing embedded systems enabling the consumption of high quality services. Furthermore, recent trends in communication drive users to consume media Anytime, Anywhere on Any Device via multiple wired and wireless network interfaces. This creates new demands for ubiquitous and high quality service provision management. However, defining and developing the next generation of ubiquitous and converged networks raise a number of challenges. Currently, telecommunication standards do not consider context-awareness aspects for network management and service provisioning. The experience felt by the end-user consuming for instance Voice over IP (VoIP) or Internet Protocol TeleVision (IPTV) services varies depending mainly on user preferences, device context and network resources. It is commonly held that Next Generation Network (NGN) should deliver personalized and effective ubiquitous services to the end user’s Mobile Node (MN) while optimizing the network resources at the network operator side. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a standardized NGN framework that unifies service access and allows fixed/mobile network convergence. Nevertheless IMS technology still suffers from a number of confining factors that are addressed in this thesis; amongst them are two main issues :The lack of context-awareness and Perceived-QoS (PQoS):-The existing IMS infrastructure does not take into account the environment of the user ,his preferences , and does not provide any PQoS aware management mechanism within its service provisioning control system. In order to ensure that the service satisfies the consumer, this information need to be sent to the core network for analysis. In order to maximize the end-user satisfaction while optimizing network resources, the combination of a user-centric network management and adaptive services according to the user’s environment and network conditions are considered. Moreover, video content dynamics are also considered as they significantly impact on the deduced perceptual quality of IPTV services. -The lack of efficient mobility mechanism for conversational services like VoIP :The latest releases of Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) provide two types of mobility solutions. Long-Term Evolution (LTE) uses Mobile IP (MIP) and IMS uses Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) mobility. These standards are focusing on signaling but none of them define how the media should be scheduled in multi-homed devices. The second section introduces a detailed study of existing mobility solutions in NGNs. Our first contribution is the specification of the global context-aware IMS architecture proposed within the European project ADAptative Management of mediA distributioN based on saTisfaction orIented User Modeling (ADAMANTIUM). We introduce the innovative Multimedia Content Management System (MCMS) located in the application layer of IMS. This server combines the collected monitoring information from different network equipments with the data of the user profile and takes adaptation actions if necessary. Then, we introduce the User Profile (UP) management within the User Equipment (UE) describing the end-user’s context and facilitating the diffusion of the end-user environment towards the IMS core network. In order to optimize the network usage, a PQoS prediction mechanism gives the optimal video bit-rate according to the video content dynamics. Our second contribution in this thesis is an efficient mobility solution for VoIP service within IMS using and taking advantage of user context. Our solution uses packet duplication on both active interfaces during handover process. In order to leverage this mechanism, a new jitter buffer algorithm is proposed at MN side to improve the user’s quality of experience. Furthermore, our mobility solution integrates easily to the existing IMS platform
Maestre, Carlos. „Autonomous and Online Generation of Skills Inferring Actions Adapted to Low-Level and High-Level Contextual States“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRobots are expected to assist us in our daily tasks. To that end, they may need to perform different tasks in changing scenarios. The number of dissimilar scenarios a robot can face is unlimited. Therefore, it is plausible to think that a robot must learn autonomously to perform tasks. A task consists in generating an expected change, i.e. an effect, in the environment, the robot configuration, or both. Therefore, the robot must learn to perform the right action on the environment to obtain the expected effect. An approach to learning these actions is through a continuous interaction of the robot with its environment focusing on those actions producing effects on the environment. The acquired relation of applying an action on an object to obtain an effect is called affordance. During the last years many Research efforts were devoted toaffordance learning. Related works cover from the learning of simple push actions on tabletop scenarios to the definition of complex cognitive architectures. These works rely on different building blocks, as vision methods to identify the position of the objects or predefined sensorimotor skills to generate effects on a constrained environment. The use of predefined actions eases the learning of affordances, producing a rich and consistent information oft he changes produce don an object. However, we claim that the use of these actions constrains the scalability of the available experiments to dynamic and noisy environments. The current work addresses the autonomous learning of a set of sensorimotor skills through interactions with an environment. Each skill must generate a continuous action to reproduce an effect on an object, adapted to the object position. Besides, each skill is simultaneously adapted to low level perturbations, e.g. a change in the object position, and high-level contextual changes, e.g. a stove gets on [...]
Bücher zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Kante, Aboubacar Sidiki. Gestion des ressources humaines au Mali: Méthodes et outils adaptés au contexte. Bamako: La Sahélienne, 2020.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenSlaats, Herman. Traditional decision-making and law: Institutions and processes in an Indonesian context. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1992.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCharlotte, Plante, und Québec (Province). Conseil supérieur de l'éducation. Comité catholique., Hrsg. L'Enseignement moral et religieux catholique au secondaire pour un enseignement mieux adapté aux jeunes et aux contextes actuels: Avis au ministre de l'Éducation. Sainte-Foy, Québec: [Conseil supérieur de l'éducation, Direction des communications], 1991.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenQuébec (Province). Conseil supérieur de l'éducation. Comité catholique. L'enseignement moral et religieux catholique au primaire: Pour un enseignement mieux adapté aux jeunes et aux contextes actuels : avis au ministre de l'Éducation. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Direction des communications du Conseil supérieur de l'éducation, 1994.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCattanei, Elisabetta, und Stefano Maso. Paradeigmata voluntatis All’origine della concezione moderna di volontà. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePelke, Eberhard, und Eugen Brühwiler, Hrsg. Engineering History and Heritage Structures – Viewpoints and Approaches. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLawless, Una. A curriculum development experiment based on Kodály's teaching methods, adapted and modified for use in the Northern Ireland school context, for 8-11 year old pupils, using irish folk-song as teaching material. [s.l: The Author], 1997.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBulmer, Elliot. Démocratie Locale. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBulmer, Elliot. Pouvoirs d'urgence : Guide introductif à l’élaboration d’une constitution nº 8. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBulmer, Elliot. Le pouvoir de veto présidentiel: Guide introductif à l’élaboration d’une constitution nº 14. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBuchteile zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Bachelier, Julien. „Terre d’Église puis seigneurie laïque en Bretagne : l’exemple de Rannée/La Guerche (XIe-XIIIe siècles)“. In Espaces ecclésiastiques et seigneuries laïques, 155–66. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLattard, Alexia, Marie-José Ancel, Audrey Baradat-Joly, Bruno Bizot, Aurélie Bouquet, Aude Civetta, Mireille Cobos et al. „Typo-chronologie des inhumations de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine en Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur : une nouvelle synthèse régionale“. In Rencontre autour des typo-chronologies des tombes à inhumation, 141–58. Tours: Fédération pour l’édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBungum, Lars, und Björn Gambäck. „Multi-domain Adapted Machine Translation Using Unsupervised Text Clustering“. In Modeling and Using Context, 201–13. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerthouzoz, Cathy. „A Model of Context Adapted to Domain-Independent Machine Translation“. In Modeling and Using Context, 54–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGurzynski-Weiss, Laura, Lara Bryfonski und Derek Reagan. „Chapter 11. Teacher IDs and task adaptations“. In Individual Differences and Task-Based Language Teaching, 312–42. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKhan, Wajahat Ali, Maqbool Hussain, Bilal Amin, Asad Masood Khattak, Muhammad Afzal und Sungyoung Lee. „AdapteR Interoperability ENgine (ARIEN): An approach of Interoperable CDSS for Ubiquitous Healthcare“. In Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Context-Awareness and Context-Driven Interaction, 247–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJackowski, Konrad. „Evolutionary Adapted Ensemble for Reoccurring Context“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 550–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTzouveli, Paraskevi K., Klimis S. Ntalianis und Stefanos D. Kollias. „Automatic Videoconference Objects Watermarking Using Object Adapted Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees“. In Visual Content Processing and Representation, 156–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYavuz, Erkan, und Ziya Telatar. „SVD Adapted DCT Domain DC Subband Image Watermarking Against Watermark Ambiguity“. In Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security, 66–73. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCeleste, Edoardo, Nicola Palladino, Dennis Redeker und Kinfe Yilma. „Shaping Standards from Below: Insights from Civil Society“. In The Content Governance Dilemma, 61–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Warner, Jamieson, Ashwin Devaraj und Risto Miikkulainen. „Using Context to Adapt to Sensor Drift“. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), 1–7. IEEE, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLowe, Michael, Joseph D. Prusa, Joffrey L. Leevy und Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar. „Context-Relevant Denoising for Unsupervised Domain-Adapted Sentence Embeddings“. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI), 13–18. IEEE, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRan, Liu, Zhongzhou Liu, Xiaoli Li und Yuan Fang. „Context-Aware Adapter Tuning for Few-Shot Relation Learning in Knowledge Graphs“. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 17525–37. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleShin, Joongbo, Youbin Ahn, Seungpil Won und Stanley Jungkyu Choi. „Learning to Adapt Large Language Models to One-Shot In-Context Intent Classification on Unseen Domains“. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Customizable NLP: Progress and Challenges in Customizing NLP for a Domain, Application, Group, or Individual (CustomNLP4U), 182–97. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSicard, L., A. B. Kaddour, D. O'Hana und R. Khonsari. „Luxation bilatérale de l’articulation temporo-mandibulaire chez l’enfant“. In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMorrisson, Mark S. „Periodicals, Scientific Popularization, and Domaining Effects“. In Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLong, Quanyu, Wenya Wang und Sinno Pan. „Adapt in Contexts: Retrieval-Augmented Domain Adaptation via In-Context Learning“. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePivaš, Milana. „Neformalni obrazovni kontekst i nastava prirode i društva u izmenjenom društvenom kontekstu – metodički pristup i značaj“. In Nauka, nastava, učenje u izmenjenom društvenom kontekstu. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education in Uzice, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCarvalho, Juliana do E. Santo, Flavia Maria Santoro, Kate Revoredo und Vanessa Tavares Nunes. „Learning context to adapt business processes“. In 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSajin, Andreea. „Online university education in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic“. In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Adapté au contexte"
Jukes, Matthew C. H., Yasmin Sitabkhan und Jovina J. Tibenda. Adapting Pedagogy to Cultural Context. RTI Press, September 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTillett, Will, und Oliver Jones. Improving Rural Sanitation in Challenging Contexts. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Oktober 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVaskivskyj, Yurij. STATE AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR: PERSONNEL ASPECT. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, März 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRevi, Aromar, Amir Bazaz, Chandni Singh Singh, Prathijna Kodira und Ketaki Ghoge. Accelerating India’s Climate Transition: Pathways to the1.5°C Goal. Indian Institute for Human Settlements, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTillett, Will, und Oliver Jones. Améliorer l’assainissement rural dans les contextes difficiles. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, März 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBaptista, Dulce, Juan Manuel Sandoval Ayala, Heewan Noh und Rafael Novella. Labor Markets and Climate Change: How to Adapt Labor Market Policies and Improve Employment Opportunities? Inter-American Development Bank, April 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSchmidt-Sane, Megan, Tabitha Hrynick, Erica Nelson und Tom Barker. Mutual Learning for Policy Impact: Insights from CORE. Adapting research methods in the context of Covid-19. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Dezember 2021.
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Der volle Inhalt der QuellePetrie, Christopher, und Katija Aladin. HundrED Global Collection: 2021. HundrED, November 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDavey, Calum, Syreen Hassan, Chris Bonell, Nancy Cartwright, Macartan Humphreys, Audrey Prost und James Hargreaves. Gaps in Evaluation Methods for Addressing Challenging Contexts in Development. Centre for Excellence and Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL), September 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle