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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Abguss"


Jungenitz, Tassilo, Marcel Beining, Tijana Radic, Thomas Deller, Hermann Cuntz, Peter Jedlicka und Stephan W. Schwarzacher. „Structural homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity in mature and adult newborn rat hippocampal granule cells“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, Nr. 20 (30.04.2018): E4670—E4679.

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Adult newborn hippocampal granule cells (abGCs) contribute to spatial learning and memory. abGCs are thought to play a specific role in pattern separation, distinct from developmentally born mature GCs (mGCs). Here we examine at which exact cell age abGCs are synaptically integrated into the adult network and which forms of synaptic plasticity are expressed in abGCs and mGCs. We used virus-mediated labeling of abGCs and mGCs to analyze changes in spine morphology as an indicator of plasticity in rats in vivo. High-frequency stimulation of the medial perforant path induced long-term potentiation in the middle molecular layer (MML) and long-term depression in the nonstimulated outer molecular layer (OML). This stimulation protocol elicited NMDA receptor-dependent homosynaptic spine enlargement in the MML and heterosynaptic spine shrinkage in the inner molecular layer and OML. Both processes were concurrently present on individual dendritic trees of abGCs and mGCs. Spine shrinkage counteracted spine enlargement and thus could play a homeostatic role, normalizing synaptic weights. Structural homosynaptic spine plasticity had a clear onset, appearing in abGCs by 28 d postinjection (dpi), followed by heterosynaptic spine plasticity at 35 dpi, and at 77 dpi was equally as present in mature abGCs as in mGCs. From 35 dpi on, about 60% of abGCs and mGCs showed significant homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity on the single-cell level. This demonstration of structural homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity in abGCs and mGCs defines the time course of the appearance of synaptic plasticity and integration for abGCs.
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Luna, Victor M., Christoph Anacker, Nesha S. Burghardt, Hameda Khandaker, Valentine Andreu, Amira Millette, Paige Leary et al. „Adult-born hippocampal neurons bidirectionally modulate entorhinal inputs into the dentate gyrus“. Science 364, Nr. 6440 (09.05.2019): 578–83.

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Young adult-born granule cells (abGCs) in the dentate gyrus (DG) have a profound impact on cognition and mood. However, it remains unclear how abGCs distinctively contribute to local DG information processing. We found that the actions of abGCs in the DG depend on the origin of incoming afferents. In response to lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) inputs, abGCs exert monosynaptic inhibition of mature granule cells (mGCs) through group II metabotropic glutamate receptors. By contrast, in response to medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) inputs, abGCs directly excite mGCs throughN-methyl-d-aspartate receptors. Thus, a critical function of abGCs may be to regulate the relative synaptic strengths of LEC-driven contextual information versus MEC-driven spatial information to shape distinct neural representations in the DG.
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Heumer, Wolfgang. „„Elektra“ verzichtet auf Abgase“. VDI nachrichten 76, Nr. 03 (2022): 10.

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Märzhäuser, Helene. „Abgase, die neuen Rohstoffe“. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 64, Nr. 11 (November 2016): 1077–78.

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Nusrullah, Muhammad, Muhammad Younus und Yasir Nasir. „Relationship between Arterial and Venous Blood Gases in Patients Presenting with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease“. Annals of King Edward Medical University 24, Nr. 1 (17.04.2018): 684–88.

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Arterial blood gas analysis is an important test for determining acid base balance of the body. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by chronic airflow limitation which is not fully reversible and it can lead to respiratory failure. Objective: To determine the correlation between arterial and venous blood gases in patients presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Material and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Chest Medicine, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. After meeting the inclusion criteria, 100 patients were enrolled. Informed consent was taken and demographic information was obtained. Blood sample was obtained anaerobically from the radial artery and from a dorsal hand vein using 2 separate 5cc BD heparinized syringes with needle size 22G for each patientand pH, PCO2, and HCO3 were analyzed. All the collected data was entered and analyzed on SPSS version 21.Results: The mean age of the patients was 52.68±10.51 years. Strong relationship was found between the VBGs and ABGs in pH, PCO2 and HCO3 i.e. r=0.913, 0.999 and 0.994 (p-value <0.0001), respectively. Conclusion: A strong correlation was found among ABG’s and VBGs in patients presenting with COPD.
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Corrêa, Dinalva da Silva, und Denise Simões Simões Rodrigues. „Memória política do Pará na voz poética de Abguar Bastos: romance Safra, um eco da resistência na Amazônia“. Boitatá 14, Nr. 27 (15.12.2019): 145.

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Este artigo trata de uma pesquisa de Dissertação em andamento. O objetivo é demonstrar comoa influência das posições políticas de Abguar Bastos está presente no romance Safra (1937), pertencente à Série Os dramas da Amazônia. Tem como questões centrais: 1. Abordar de forma breve aspectos da vida e obra de Abguar Bastos; 2. Apresentar a memória política do escritor e por fim, na última seção discutir sobre o romance “Safra”, demonstrando a influência política na obra em relação à educação. Dessa forma, este artigo se caracteriza do ponto de vista metodológico como uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo bibliográfica e documental. Utilizamos como fundamentação teórica: Halbachw (1990), Bosi (1994), Cândido (2006),Furtado (2008).Conclui-se daí que, a posição política de Abguar se revela na representação de personagens e no problema social da espoliação vivida no cenário amazônico da década de 30.
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Wu, An, Bin Yu, Qiyu Chen, Gillian A. Matthews, Chen Lu, Evan Campbell, Kay M. Tye und Takaki Komiyama. „Context-dependent plasticity of adult-born neurons regulated by cortical feedback“. Science Advances 6, Nr. 42 (Oktober 2020): eabc8319.

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In a complex and dynamic environment, the brain flexibly adjusts its circuits to preferentially process behaviorally relevant information. Here, we investigated how the olfactory bulb copes with this demand by examining the plasticity of adult-born granule cells (abGCs). We found that learning of olfactory discrimination elevates odor responses of young abGCs and increases their apical dendritic spines. This plasticity did not occur in abGCs during passive odor experience nor in resident granule cells (rGCs) during learning. Furthermore, we found that feedback projections from the piriform cortex show elevated activity during learning, and activating piriform feedback elicited stronger excitatory postsynaptic currents in abGCs than rGCs. Inactivation of piriform feedback blocked abGC plasticity during learning, and activation of piriform feedback during passive experience induced learning-like plasticity of abGCs. Our work describes a neural circuit mechanism that uses adult neurogenesis to update a sensory circuit to flexibly adapt to new behavioral demands.
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Hofman, Jean-Marc. „Une collection de plâtres méconnue. Les moulages de sculpture du Moyen Âge français de la Villa Médicis“. Studiolo 13, Nr. 1 (2016): 184–96.

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Eine Sammlung von missverstandenen Gipsabgüssen. Die Abgüsse von Skulpturen des französischen Mittelalters der Villa Im Jahr 1918 bietet Albert Besnard der Villa Medici eine patriotische Propaganda und künstlerische Ausstellung von Gipsabgüssen von mittelalterlichen französischen Skulpturen. Mit dieser Veranstaltung wollte man den Italienern den Kapitalverlust auf französischem Boden beweisen. Dies wurde mit zwei Veranstaltungen, wo der künstlerische und architektonische Reichtum hervorgehoben wurde, unterstrichen. Die Abgüsse mittelalterlichen Skulpturen, benannt “ Musée de Sculpture“ und heute in Villa Medici ausgestellt, sind die letzten Zeugen dieser Veranstaltung und die, im Juni 1919, die französische Kunst in Italien förderte.
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Davis, J. Q., T. McLaughlin und V. Bennett. „Ankyrin-binding proteins related to nervous system cell adhesion molecules: candidates to provide transmembrane and intercellular connections in adult brain.“ Journal of Cell Biology 121, Nr. 1 (01.04.1993): 121–33.

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A major class of ankyrin-binding glycoproteins have been identified in adult rat brain of 186, 155, and 140 kD that are alternatively spliced products of the same pre-mRNA. Characterization of cDNAs demonstrated that ankyrin-binding glycoproteins (ABGPs) share 72% amino acid sequence identity with chicken neurofascin, a membrane-spanning neural cell adhesion molecule in the Ig super-family expressed in embryonic brain. ABGP polypeptides have the following features consistent with a role as ankyrin-binding proteins in vitro and in vivo: (a) ABGPs and ankyrin associate as pure proteins in a 1:1 molar stoichiometry; (b) the ankyrin-binding site is located in the COOH-terminal 21 kD of ABGP186 which contains the predicted cytoplasmic domain; (c) ABGP186 is expressed at approximately the same levels as ankyrin (15 pmoles/milligram of membrane protein); and (d) ABGP polypeptides are co-expressed with the adult form of ankyrinB late in postnatal development and are colocalized with ankyrinB by immunofluorescence. Similarity in amino acid sequence and conservation of sites of alternative splicing indicate that genes encoding ABGPs and neurofascin share a common ancestor. However, the major differences in developmental expression reported for neurofascin in embryos versus the late postnatal expression of ABGPs suggest that ABGPs and neurofascin represent products of gene duplication events that have subsequently evolved in parallel with distinct roles. The predicted cytoplasmic domains of rat ABGPs and chicken neurofascin are nearly identical to each other and closely related to a group of nervous system cell adhesion molecules with variable extracellular domains, which includes L1, Nr-CAM, and Ng-CAM of vertebrates, and neuroglian of Drosophila. The ankyrin-binding site of rat ABGPs is localized to the C-terminal 200 residues which encompass the cytoplasmic domain, suggesting the hypothesis that ability to associate with ankyrin may be a shared feature of neurofascin and related nervous system cell adhesion molecules.
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Krijgsman, Arco, Arjen de Jong und Rick Breunesse. „Zylinderabschaltung mit Nachexpansion der Abgase“. MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 81, Nr. 2 (10.01.2020): 60–65.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Abguss"


Miller, Jefrey Luiz Sevalho. „O pensamento social e político de Abguar Bastos“. Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 2013.

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Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2016-12-01T19:51:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jefrey Luiz Sevalho Miller.pdf: 613136 bytes, checksum: 778c36f1c9757c05240dd344d2a43d0e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2016-12-01T19:51:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jefrey Luiz Sevalho Miller.pdf: 613136 bytes, checksum: 778c36f1c9757c05240dd344d2a43d0e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2016-12-01T19:52:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jefrey Luiz Sevalho Miller.pdf: 613136 bytes, checksum: 778c36f1c9757c05240dd344d2a43d0e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:52:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Jefrey Luiz Sevalho Miller.pdf: 613136 bytes, checksum: 778c36f1c9757c05240dd344d2a43d0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-07
CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
This study brings to understanding the studies and debates around the Brazilian revolutionary process from analysis and interpretation of the work History of Revolutionary Politics in Brazil, of Abguar Bastos. It focuses on the original form of analysis that the author undertakes the Brazilian revolutionary process, from the first recorded demonstrations and riots registered all around the country. It examines the advent of modernity in Brazil, highlighting in particular the changes in the political, social and cultural development of the country.
O presente estudo traz para a compreensão os estudos e debates em torno do processo revolucionário brasileiro a partir da análise e interpretação da obra História da Política Revolucionária no Brasil, de Abguar Bastos. Procura destacar a forma original da análise que o autor empreende do processo revolucionário brasileiro, desde as primeiras manifestações e revoltas registradas em todo o território nacional. Examina o advento da modernidade no Brasil, destacando, sobretudo as transformações ocorridas nos campos político, social e cultural do país.
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Völker, Günter. „Photokatalytisches Verfahren zur Reinigung NH3- und NO-haltiger Abgase“. [S.l. : s.n.], 2000.

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Bechmann, Olaf. „Untersuchungen zur Ablagerung von Russpartikeln aus dem Abgas von Dieselmotoren“. [S.l. : s.n.], 2000.

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Scharr, Detlef. „Zeolithhaltige Katalysatoren für die Nachbehandlung von sauerstoffreichem Abgas aus Verbrennungsmotoren“. kostenfrei, 2007.

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Grob, André. „Rohemissionsreduktion und Abgasnachbehandlungskonzepte an Hochleistungs-Ottomotoren mit Direkteinspritzung“. Berlin Logos, 2007.

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Bürki, Thomas. „Verbesserung der Aufladung eines Dieselmotors durch einen Abgas-Turbolader mit variabler Geometrie /“. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1985.

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Eilts, Manfred [Verfasser]. „Erhöhung des Risikos für Bronchitis im Kindesalter durch Lärm und Abgase aus dem Straßenverkehr / Manfred Eilts“. Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2009.

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Stritzke, Felix [Verfasser], Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Dreizler und Christof [Akademischer Betreuer] Schulz. „Absorptionsspektrometrie zur zeitaufgelösten Untersuchung von Ammoniakverteilungen in Abgas / Felix Stritzke ; Andreas Dreizler, Christof Schulz“. Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2017.

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Horn, André. „Aktive plasmachemische NO2-Erzeugung zur Verbesserung der Tieftemperaturaktivität eines Harnstoff-SCR-Systems“. Berlin Logos-Verl, 2007.

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Stumpf, Markus. „Einfluss motorischer Betriebsparameter auf die Eigenschaften von Russpartikeln und deren messtechnische Erfassung /“. Berlin : Logos-Verl, 2008.

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Bücher zum Thema "Abguss"


Wurm, Erwin. Erwin Wurm: Cast-Abguss : (eine Skulptur) : deutscher Abguss des englisch-deutschen Wörterbuchs : Galerie Aurel Scheibler. Köln: Walther König, 2003.

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Plastik, Abguss-Sammlung Antiker. - von gestern bis morgen -: Zur Geschichte der Berliner Gipsabguss-Sammlung(en) : eine Ausstellung der Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie der Freien Universität Berlin in Kooperation mit dem Winckelmann-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin und der Gipsformerei der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Rahden/Westf: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2012.

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Plastik, Abguss-Sammlung Antiker, Hrsg. Wege der Sphinx: Monster zwischen Orient und Okzident : eine Ausstellung der Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie der Freien Universität Berlin. Rahden: VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2011.

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Klaus, Stemmer, und Vogel Dietmar, Hrsg. Berliner Gypse des 19. Jahrhunderts: Von der Idee zum Gipsabguss. Alfter: VDG Verlag, 1993.

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(Switzerland), Skulpturhalle Basel. Transarcadia revisited: Mat Collishaw - Erwin Gross - Axel Heil - Thomas Lehnerer - Urs Lüthi - Urs Stadelmann ; [Skulpturhalle Basel, Abguss-Sammlung des Antikenmuseums und Sammlung Ludwig ; 16. Februar - 30. April 2000]. Basel: Schwabe, 2000.

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Plastik, Abguss-Sammlung Antiker, Hrsg. Amor und Psyche: Eine Erzählung in zwölf Bildern ; eine Ausstellung der Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie der Freien Universität Berlin und des Fachgebietes Latein des Heinrich Schliemann-Instituts für Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Rostock. Rahden/Westf: VML, Verlag Marie Leidof, 2008.

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Karlsruhe, Universität, Hrsg. Barrierenentladungen zur Entstickung motorischer Abgase. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1995.

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Ebeling, Norbert. Abluft und Abgas: Reinigung und Überwachung. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 1999.

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Institut, Universität Bonn Archäologisches. Gips nicht mehr: Abgüsse als letzte Zeugen antiker Kunst. Bonn: Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Antikensammlung der Universität Bonn, 2000.

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Keith, Hattotuwa, Hrsg. Understanding ABGs & lung function tests. London: JP Medical, 2012.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Abguss"


Giese, Francine. „Orientalisierende Fumoirs in der Schweiz. Islamische Architekturzitate zwischen Nachahmung, Abguss und Assemblage“. In Der Orient in der Schweiz, herausgegeben von Francine Giese, Leïla el-Wakil und Ariane Varela Braga, 59–84. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

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Bosch. „Abgase von Ottomotoren“. In Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch, 518–33. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1999.

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Bosch. „Abgase von Dieselmotoren“. In Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch, 560–67. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1999.

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Pelka, Rainer, Günter Driedger und Walter Lehle. „Abgas-Messtechnik“. In Dieselmotor-Management im Überblick, 184–91. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner, 2010.

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Reif, Konrad. „Abgas-Messtechnik“. In Dieselmotor-Management, 516–23. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2012.

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Reif, Konrad. „Abgas-Messtechnik“. In Dieselmotor-Management im Überblick, 194–201. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014.

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Bauer, Horst, Karl-Heinz Dietsche und Thomas Jäger. „Abgas- und Diagnosegesetzgebung“. In Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch, 550–91. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2003.

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Bosch, Robert, und Ulrich Adler. „Schadstoffe im Abgas“. In Diesel-Einspritztechnik, 26–27. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Todsen, Uwe. „Abgas und Abgasgrenzwerte“. In Verbrennungsmotoren, 135–49. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2017.

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Todsen, Uwe. „Abgas und Abgasgrenzwerte“. In Verbrennungsmotoren, 135–49. München, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2017.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Abguss"


Lang, Jörn, Paula Michalski und Katharina Meinecke. „Zwischen Gips und 3D-Modell: Dokumentation und Visualisierung antiker Plastik am Beispiel des Toro Farnese in der Abguss-Sammlung des Antikenmuseums Leipzig“. In Digital Humanities Day Leipzig (DHDL) 2023, 04.12.2023, Leipzig. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig, 2024.

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Conceição, Evellin Natasha Figueiredo da. „A CHAMA DA ESTRELA QUE PULSA E ARDE: EDUCAÇÃO SENSÍVEL NA PROSA POÉTICA DE ABGUAR BASTOS“. In VIII Seminário de Integração Científica da Universidade do Estado do Pará, Chair Josebel Akel Fares. Universidade do Estado do Pará, 2019.

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