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De Sousa, Renata Teófilo, und Francisco Régis Vieira Alves. „Didactic Engineering and Learning Objects: A Proposal for Teaching Parabolas in Analytical Geometry“. Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 5, Nr. 1 (31.03.2022): 1–16.

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This work aims to investigate the feasibility of using a Learning Object built in GeoGebra software and its potential for teaching parabolas in Analytical Geometry, having as support for its replication in a teaching session the Theory of Didactic Situations. The methodology adopted was Didactic Engineering, in its first two phases – preliminary analysis and a priori analysis. In the preliminary analysis, some epistemological and didactic aspects that permeate the teaching of parabolas, the concept of Learning Objects and the Theory of Didactic Situations were raised. In the a priori analysis, we present the Learning Object called Suspension Bridge and its manipulation in GeoGebra for the exploration of the parabola, as well as a student's attitudinal prediction. Thus, we seek to collaborate with the development of new approaches to teaching this topic, contributing to the advancement of the use of educational technologies integrated into the teaching of mathematics.
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Korotin, Andrey, Gennadiy Kozyrev, Andrey Nazarov und Evgeniy Blagodyrenko. „Investigation of Reliability of Combinatorial-Metric Algorithm for Recognition of N-Dimensional Group Point Object in Hierarchy Features Space“. SPIIRAS Proceedings 18, Nr. 4 (18.07.2019): 976–1009.

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The scientific research of reliability of combinatorial-metric algorithm for multi-dimensional group point objects recognition in hierarchically organized features space is considered in the paper. The nature of reliability indicator change is examined, as an example, using multilevel descriptions of simulated and real objects under the condition that recognition results obtained at one hierarchy level are used as input data at next level. A priori uncertainty of a view angle, composition incompleteness and coordinate noise of objects determine the combinatorial procedures of quantifiable estimation of proximity of multidimensional GPO, presenting the object of recognition to a particular class. The stability of the recognition algorithm is achieved by the possibility of changing strategy of making a classification decision. For this purpose, we use the representation of a group point object at the lowest level of the hierarchy in the form of: sample, composition of sample elements or a complex a priori indicator. In order to increase the recognition accuracy, it was proposed to use the search of recognition results at low levels of the hierarchy. The experimental dependences of a priori and a posteriori reliability indicators for various conditions for measurements and states of recognition objects are provided in the paper.
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Ефремов, В. С., und И. Г. Владимирова. „Costs of the "object-subject" dichotomy in management theory“. Экономика и предпринимательство, Nr. 12(125) (16.02.2021): 1213–16.

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Современная теория и практика менеджмента опирается на ряд аксиом, среди которых одно из центральных положений занимает кибернетическая аксиома экстернальности управления. Авторы данной статьи доказывают, что для управления в социально-экономических системах справедливость подобного положения сомнительна. Феномен объективности суждений исключает субъектно-объектную дихотомию системы социально-экономического управления, в рамках которой любое управляющее воздействие априори оказывается субъективным и соответствующим реальному положению объекта управления только с некоторой вероятностью. Полным знанием о своём положении и состоянии обладает только сам объект. Подобные логические издержки дихотомии «субъектобъект управления» требуют критического переосмысления всей аксиоматики теории менеджмента. Nowadays' theory and practice of management are based on a number of axioms, in which one of the central positions is occupied by the cybernetic axiom of externality of management. The phenomenon of objectivity of judgments excludes the subject-object dichotomy of socio-economic management, within which any regulation is a priori subjective and corresponding to the real position of the control object only with a certain probability. Only the object itself has full knowledge of its stage and state. Such logical costs of the “subject-object of control” dichotomy require a critical rethinking of the entire axiomatics of management theory.
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Yakubov, Maksadkhan, und Gulchekhra Jamalova. „Methods for adaptive control of objects with variable parameters“. E3S Web of Conferences 264 (2021): 01049.

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The work uses the method of standard characteristic polynomials, based on the Lyapunov theorem on adaptive control systems, the theory of flexible and robust control, methods of the theory of nonlinear systems. When modeling an internal combustion engine, methods of identification theory were additionally involved. When obtaining theoretical results, the method of Lyapunov functions, the method of standard characteristic polynomials, methods of the theory of adaptive and robust control, methods of the theory of nonlinear systems were used. When constructing a model of an internal combustion engine, methods of identification theory were additionally involved. For the synthesis of control systems in conditions of uncertainty, one of the topical directions is adaptive systems. These are control systems that compensate for parametric, signal, functional, or structural uncertainties of the control object by automatically adjusting the controller during the system's working operation, i.e., adaptive systems make up for the lack of a priori information about the control object during operational operation. To solve the problem of managing undefined objects, for example, classical methods are used. In such methods, when state variables are immeasurable, it becomes necessary to use additional dynamic filters. Classical methods are more often used for a limited class of objects. In the case of class extension, the structure of the control algorithm becomes more complicated.
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Traditional methods of the theory of statistical solutions are developed for cases of making single-valued two-alternative or multialternative solutions about the class of an object. Assuming the possibility of ambiguous multi-alternative (in the case of solving the problem of selection of space objects of three-alternative) decisions on the classification of of space objects at the stages of the selection process, a modification of the traditional statistical decision making algorithm is required. Such a modification of the algorithm can be carried out by appropriate selection of the loss function. In the framework of the Bayes approach, an additive loss function is proposed, the structure of which takes into account a priori information on the structure and composition of launch elements in relation to the classes «Launch vehicle» and «spacecraft». The algorithm of decision making is synthesized under the conditions of a priori certainty regarding the probabilistic description of the analyzed situation. It is shown that the problem of verifying three-alternative hypotheses can be reduced to an independent verification of three two-alternative hypotheses, which makes it possible to take particular solutions in the solution process and use a different set of the signs of selection for the formation of solutions for individual classes of space objects. The peculiarities of the implementation of the selection algorithm are discussed in the presence of a priori information and measurement information on starts of a limited volume. The synthesized Bayesian decision making algorithm has the properties necessary to solve the problem of selection of space objects at launch in real conditions in the presence of measuring information specified in the form of a training sample. Its architecture allows to form unambiguous and ambiguous decisions about each space object in the launch.
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Kruglikov, Sergey V., und Alexey S. Kruglikov. „An A Priori Planning of Joint Motions for USV as a Problem of Guaranteed Control/Estimation“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 494-495 (Februar 2014): 1110–13.

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Navigation and routes planning for a group of unmanned surface vessels (USV) jointly moving in complex environment, including circumvention of seashore and islands, are important applications of computer-based decision-making support systems. A group of objects as an open complex system includes several hierarchy levels and may be controlled by a decision-maker supported by information-analytical software and methodical maintenance. Planning, as a stage of management, includes an a priori phase guidance for all objects in the group, coordinated in both time and directions of approach to the target set restricted by a set of obstacles. A discrete system of priorities reflects relative preferences of importance and allows choosing routes optimal in different senses. One can formalize such tasks in terms of different mathematical models including control problems of formation motion, theory of extreme networks and interval analysis. The paper bases on guaranteed approach to control of dynamic objects under uncertainty. Unified mathematical descriptions of shores, routes of individual objects and the whole group may be given in terms of hierarchic (i)-systems. This allows to reconcile data on geography, environment, object characteristics, peculiarities of control systems and data transmission, including sources and causes of uncertainty, and to describe movement of a group as an extreme problem of control and estimation. The results of computer simulation are considered. One may use similar models to explore economic aspects in application of heterogenic complex of autonomous surface and underwater vessels.
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Voronkov, A. D., und S. A. K. Diane. „Continuous genetic algorithm for grasping an object of a priori unknown shape by a robotic manipulator“. Russian Technological Journal 11, Nr. 1 (02.02.2023): 18–30.

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Krupa, Tadeusz, und Teresa Ostrowska. „Security in Topological, Functional and Semiotic Terms“. Foundations of Management 10, Nr. 1 (01.09.2018): 177–94.

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AbstractThe article is devoted to the modeling of object structures in sequences of event processes characteristic of critical infrastructure (CI) objects arising in emergency situations. The identification of risky sequences of events is a key issue carried out in topological, functional and semiotic terms. The topological approach includes flat, hierarchical and hypergraph - it is possible by means of transformations of equivalent models of the event network through its simplification to the form of a hypothesis or towards the desired functionality. The functionality approach covers theorizing and plural problems in the processes of the creation of a priori and aposteriorical errors of multiplication and synthesis on the basis of also incorrect graphical models of functioning. The semiotic approach captures combinatorically related functional and structural errors, which are impossible to identify and remove by means of arithmetic-logical tests. Currently, this is possible only on the basis of the paradigm of the characterization theory, which guarantees a semantic relationship between the correctness of the functioning and the structure of the analyzed versus the synthesized object of research.
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Rodríguez Arrizabalaga, Beatriz. „On the Frequency of Ocurrence of Cognate Object Constructions in Present-Day British English. A Preliminary Corpus-Based Analysis.“ Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 53 (15.12.2016): 81–105.

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Despite having always being a central subject-matter in linguistics due to their controversial syntactico-semantic and pragmatic status, the pragmatic dimension of English cognate object constructions of the type He died a gruesome death and She smiled an enigmatic smile has almost gone unnoticed in the literature. For this reason, and with the intention of shedding some light on the real frequency of occurrence of cognate object constructions in present-day British English, the present paper reports on a preliminary, but thorough and exhaustive, corpus-based analysis in the British National Corpus of the four verbal classes that, according to Levin (1993), seem to be potentially compatible with cognate objects: namely, (i) verbs of nonverbal expression; (ii)manner of speaking verbs; (iii) waltz verbs; (iv) and a fourth class which, including the semantically diverse verbs dream, fight, live, sing, sleep and think, describe recurrent processes and activities in the behaviour of human beings. I will prove, first, that cognate object constructions are not as recurrent in contemporary British English as could be expected a priori and, second, I will account for the main reasons underlying their scarce production.
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Queijo, Maria Elizabeth da Silva. „Corpus and Object from a Dialogical Perspective: An Analysis in Bakhtin’s Works“. Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso 17, Nr. 2 (April 2022): 89–117.

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ABSTRACT Through the analysis of the studies developed by Mikhail Bakhtin regarding the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky and François Rabelais, this article aims to discuss the boundaries and the relationship between corpus and object. Therefore, we compared two Brazilian editions of Bakhtinian works, with the research on the French author and popular comic culture, with a set of texts involving the Russian original, frame-texts, translations, and other correlated utterances. The reflection is based on a dialogical perspective, particularly on the notion of alterity. The results show that, although corpus and object are a priori amalgamated, it is the essential relationship of the author-researcher with this corpus that gradually detached the object.
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Kruzhilina, T. V., I. B. Kruzhilin und L. B. Kruzhilina. „Emotional Intelligence As an Object of Psycholinguistic Research“. Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy 13, Nr. 3 (26.12.2023): 92–107.

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The purpose of research is to conduct a theoretical psycholinguistic analysis of the phenomenon of "emotional intelligence", and to answer the following questions: 1) if emotional intelligence can be considered a syncretic psychological phenomenon or is it just a kind of general intelligence; 2) how and when emotional intelligence is formed in the process of ontogenesis; 3) to what extent the level of formation of emotional intelligence correlates with the level of development of speech ability.Methods. On the basis of L.S. Vygotsky's theory of speech activity, cognitive, constructivist theories of language ontogenesis, in particular, the theory of phasing and continuity of speech and cognitive development, a descriptive and comparative analyses of the models of emotional intelligence of Mayer-Salovey-Caruso, Goleman, Reuven Bar-On and the model of emotional literacy of Steiner is carried out. From the standpoint of modern psychology and psycholinguistics, the process of forming the abilities that make up the essence of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence is analyzed.The results. The considered models allowed us to identify a phenomenological core – emotions and their manifestations – that coincides in all. All models assume a priori the presence of abilities to perceive, control and understand their own emotions and emotional states and those in other people. It is proved that these abilities have continuity and are formed in the complex of all social interactions of the child in parallel with cognitive and speech development. The matter of the syncretic nature of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence is dismissed.Conclusion. Emotional intelligence is not a separate psychological education, but serves as a marker of the development of the cjgnitive functions, it is a "by-product" of the cognitive, speech and mental development of the child in the norm.
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Kopkin, Evgeniy, und Igor Kobzarev. „Information Value Measure for Optimization of Flexible Diagnosis Programs of Technical Objects“. SPIIRAS Proceedings 18, Nr. 6 (29.11.2019): 1434–61.

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Existing methods of calculating of the value of diagnostic information circulating in the automated systems of monitoring of technical condition of objects do not take into account "losses" ("gains") resulting from making “wrong” decisions when identifying this state. The purpose of the work is to develop an algorithm that allows to solve the problem of recognizing the technical state of the object being analyzed by means of dynamic programming, the value of the diagnostic information as an optimized indicator being used. The solution to the optimization problem of a diagnostic procedure is based on the use of a measure of the information value proposed by R. L. Stratonovich. It is modified according to the subject area of the technical diagnostics and in the case when the diagnostic features presented in the form of intervals on the real numerical axis are used. The maximum value of the diagnostic information is achieved by minimizing the average "losses" (maximizing the average "gains") obtained when performing tests of diagnostic signs in the process of recognizing the technical condition of an object. To solve the problem, a recurrent expression possessing a scientific novelty has been proposed. It allows to calculate the value of the information obtained when performing tests of diagnostic signs in each of the analyzed information states of the diagnostic process. In the process of the diagnostics program implementation when recognizing the technical condition of the object both “losses” and “winnings” are possible. The difference between their a priori and a posteriori means values characterizes the value of the diagnostic information numerically. The magnitude of the information value indication depends on the probabilities of the results of the diagnostic signs checks and is proportional to the difference between the a posteriori and a priori probabilities of achieving the diagnostic goal. By using the proposed solution, it is possible to synthesize the flexible diagnostics program that is optimal according to the maximum value of diagnostic information in the form of a oriented graph or sets of tests in proper sequence of their execution. This is necessary in order to recognize the specific technical state in which the object is located. The implementation of the algorithm developed is possible in the software and algorithmic support of the automated systems for monitoring the state of complex technical objects.
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Kalchbrenner, Nal. „Between Euclid, Kant, and Lobachevsky: On the Construction of Geometrical Objects in Pure Intuition“. Yale Philosophy Review 5 (2009): 43–65.

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Kant’s theory of geometry is compatible with non-Euclidean, hyperbolic geometry. That is, on Kant’s theory, the a priori forms of space and time together with the categories of the understanding ground the possibility of hyperbolic constructions in pure intuition. To show this we first develop an interpretation of Kant’s theory of geometry to the extent that it concerns the construction of geometrical objects in pure intuition. Thus we show how the a priori forms and the categories make possible Euclidean constructions in pure intuition. We then proceed to the main result. The latter is independent from some of the details of the interpretation. Under minor assumptions the result can be strengthened to the following: if Kant’s theory is compatible with Euclidean geometry, it is compatible with hyperbolic geometry as well.
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Koch, Anton Friedrich. „Kritische Metaphysik oder Analytische Hermeneutik?“ Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67, Nr. 1 (05.03.2019): 118–31.

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Abstract Kant in his critical metaphysics, as one might call his transcendental philosophy, proceeds from the syncategorematic, subject-sided forms of thinking, which are revealed by general logic qua doctrine of the inferences of reason (i. e. syllogistics), and assigns to them one-to-one categorematic, object-sided forms of thinking: the categories qua pure, non-empirical predicates of things. Kant then shows in his transcendental deduction that the categories are objectively, – i. e. without our invasive intervention – valid of all things in space-time. In the present essay, philosophy is understood not so much as critical metaphysics in a narrow sense of “metaphysics”, but rather as the a priori hermeneutic science; and the transcendental deduction of the categories is replaced by arguments for (1) a readability thesis and (2) a theory of the a priori presuppositions of referencing things in space and time. The readability thesis states that things can be read (1) as world-sided primal tokens (ur-tokens) of proper names of themselves and also (2) as world-sided primal tokens (ur-tokens) of elementary propositions about them. The theory of the a priori presuppositions clarifies the conditions of the possibility of subjects orienting themselves in space and time and being able to refer, first, to themselves qua embodied thinkers and then as well to arbitrary individual items.
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Shan, Maria. „Keller-Osserman a priori estimates for doubly nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations with absorption term“. Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics NAS of Ukraine 32 (28.12.2018): 149–59.

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We are concerned with divergence type quasilinear parabolic equation with measurable coefficients and lower order terms model of which is a doubly nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations with absorption term. This class of equations has numerous applications which appear in modeling of electrorheological fluids, image precessing, theory of elasticity, theory of non-Newtonian fluids with viscosity depending on the temperature. But the qualitative theory doesn't construct for these anisotropic equations. So, naturally, that during the last decade there has been growing substantial development in the qualitative theory of second order anisotropic elliptic and parabolic equations. The main purpose is to obtain the pointwise upper estimates in terms of distance to the boundary for nonnegative solutions of such equations. This type of estimates originate from the work of J. B. Keller, R. Osserman, who obtained a simple upper bound for any solution, in any number of variables for Laplace equation. These estimates play a crucial role in the theory of existence or nonexistence of so called large solutions of such equations, in the problems of removable singularities for solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations. Up to our knowledge all the known estimates for large solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations are related with equations for which some comparison properties hold. We refer to I.I. Skrypnik, A.E. Shishkov, M. Marcus , L. Veron, V.D. Radulescu for an account of these results and references therein. Such equations have been the object of very few works because in general such properties do not hold. The main ones concern equations only in the precise choice of absorption term \(f(u)=u^q\). Among the people who published significative results in this direction are I.I. Skrypnik, J. Vetois, F.C. Cirstea, J. Garcia-Melian, J.D. Rossi, J.C. Sabina de Lis. The main result of the paper is a priori estimates of Keller-Osserman type for nonnegative solutions of a doubly nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations with absorption term that have been proven despite of the lack of comparison principle. To obtain these estimates we exploit the method of energy estimations and De Giorgy iteration techniques.
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Neyolov, V. V., A. A. Samorodov und S. E. Shaldaev. „Bispectral Images of Radar Wideband Objects Characters Interpretation“. Ural Radio Engineering Journal 7, Nr. 1 (2023): 72–86.

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A methodological approach to the analysis of broadband radar signatures based on the application of the theory of bispectral estimation is presented. The approach involves analyzing the phase relationships of the target scattering centers, providing the more complete account of the information contained in the frequency characteristic of the target compared to the range portrait traditionally obtained using the Fourier transform. Analysis of phase connections allows identifying scattering centers formed as a result of multiple reflections of electromagnetic waves by structural elements of the object of complex shape or by separate close-located objects within the observed scene. The geometric image of the bispectra of the radar broadband object’s signature used for analysis is a hexagon in the coordinates “longitudinal range — longitudinal range,” which allows detecting mutual connections of scattering centers spaced along the direction of the location. The proposed methodological approach was tested using a synthesized frequency characteristic of an abstract multipoint target, as well as based on electrodynamic modeling data of complex backscattering fields. The comparison of the results of identification of scattering centers obtained using a bispectral image, the range portrait and the priori information about the location object indicates the correctness of the proposed methodological approach.
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Zago, Myrka, Gianfranco Bosco, Vincenzo Maffei, Marco Iosa, Yuri P. Ivanenko und Francesco Lacquaniti. „Internal Models of Target Motion: Expected Dynamics Overrides Measured Kinematics in Timing Manual Interceptions“. Journal of Neurophysiology 91, Nr. 4 (April 2004): 1620–34.

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Prevailing views on how we time the interception of a moving object assume that the visual inputs are informationally sufficient to estimate the time-to-contact from the object's kinematics. Here we present evidence in favor of a different view: the brain makes the best estimate about target motion based on measured kinematics and an a priori guess about the causes of motion. According to this theory, a predictive model is used to extrapolate time-to-contact from expected dynamics (kinetics). We projected a virtual target moving vertically downward on a wide screen with different randomized laws of motion. In the first series of experiments, subjects were asked to intercept this target by punching a real ball that fell hidden behind the screen and arrived in synchrony with the visual target. Subjects systematically timed their motor responses consistent with the assumption of gravity effects on an object's mass, even when the visual target did not accelerate. With training, the gravity model was not switched off but adapted to nonaccelerating targets by shifting the time of motor activation. In the second series of experiments, there was no real ball falling behind the screen. Instead the subjects were required to intercept the visual target by clicking a mousebutton. In this case, subjects timed their responses consistent with the assumption of uniform motion in the absence of forces, even when the target actually accelerated. Overall, the results are in accord with the theory that motor responses evoked by visual kinematics are modulated by a prior of the target dynamics. The prior appears surprisingly resistant to modifications based on performance errors.
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Song, Sensen, Yue Li, Zhenhong Jia und Fei Shi. „Salient Object Detection Based on Optimization of Feature Computation by Neutrosophic Set Theory“. Sensors 23, Nr. 20 (10.10.2023): 8348.

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In recent saliency detection research, too many or too few image features are used in the algorithm, and the processing of saliency map details is not satisfactory, resulting in significant degradation of the salient object detection result. To overcome the above deficiencies and achieve better object detection results, we propose a salient object detection method based on feature optimization by neutrosophic set (NS) theory in this paper. First, prior object knowledge is built using foreground and background models, which include pixel-wise and super-pixel cues. Simultaneously, the feature maps are selected and extracted for feature computation, allowing the object and background features of the image to be separated as much as possible. Second, the salient object is obtained by fusing the features decomposed by the low-rank matrix recovery model with the object prior knowledge. Finally, for salient object detection, we present a novel mathematical description of neutrosophic set theory. To reduce the uncertainty of the obtained saliency map and then obtain good saliency detection results, the new NS theory is proposed. Extensive experiments on five public datasets demonstrate that the results are competitive and superior to previous state-of-the-art methods.
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Queijo, Maria Elizabeth da Silva. „Corpus e objeto em perspectiva dialógica: uma análise em obras de M. Bakhtin“. Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso 17, Nr. 2 (April 2022): 89–117.

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RESUMO Por meio da análise dos estudos desenvolvidos por Mikhail Bakhtin a propósito da obra de Fiódor Dostoiévski e François Rabelais, este artigo visa discutir as fronteiras e a relação entre corpus e objeto. Para tanto, observamos comparativamente duas edições brasileiras das obras bakhtinianas, sendo a pesquisa a respeito do autor francês e da cultura cômica popular cotejada com um conjunto de textos envolvendo o original em russo, textos-moldura, traduções e outros enunciados correlacionados. A reflexão apoia-se em uma perspectiva dialógica, sobretudo na noção de alteridade. Os resultados revelam que, ainda que corpus e objeto se apresentem a priori amalgamados, é a imprescindível relação do autor-pesquisador com esse corpus que vai, gradualmente, destacando o objeto.
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Tore, Gian Maria. „Une autre approche structurale est possible: Sens, expérience, analyse“. Semiotica 2017, Nr. 219 (27.11.2017): 357–76.

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AbstractGreimassian approach to texts represents undoubtedly the most incisive cases of structural analysis: textualistic (cf. the principle of the “closure” and the “immanence” of the object) and systemic (cf. the signifying “wholes”, grasped according to a semiotics of “levels” or “hierarchies”). It is an utterly synchronic, and even static approach (transformations, “doings” conceived from a reductionist perspective as a simple passage from one state to another). It is an epistemology of transparency (the question of reflexivity is evacuated and meaning never seems to cause any problem, with no account of the misunderstanding elicited from the text, interpretation thus being always univocal and victorious). The aim of this article is twofold: first, to call and comment on such principles as a coherent whole; then, to show how we may overthrow them, and nevertheless secure a structuralistic approach remaining faithful to the object of study. We may come up with a lucid and rigorous analysis à la Greimas, while fully adhering to a theory that is critical of the Greimassian approach: analysis that are dynamicists, reflexive and even “anarchic” (non-hierarchic, not attached to a priori established and thus unique orders); analyses assigned to an object according the way the object itself is explicitly constructed by the analyst (other constructions are equally conceivable); analysis assigned thus to an irreducible multiplicity of the object – according the way the object itself is put in value (in its dimensions, phases and aspects).
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Silvestre Cabrera, María, María López Belloso und Raquel Royo Prieto. „The application of Feminist Standpoint Theory in social research“. Investigaciones Feministas 11, Nr. 2 (14.06.2020): 307–18.

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This article assumes a priori that feminist epistemology must necessarily imply the definition and application of a methodology that is capable of analysing knowledge from a situated perspective, making visible the restrictions of gender, class, ethnicity, and in summary, of the social location. Feminist Standpoint Theory (FST) set out by authors such as Sandra Harding, calls on those who have not had access to power and areas of decision-making to participate in the construction of knowledge and in the social construction of reality. In this article, we will claim for a need of a sociological investigation based on FST and provide some examples and evidence of the knowledge generated by women's voices building on the analysis of 10 doctoral theses. The methodology used is based on the analysis of the topics chosen by the thesis, the formulation of its objectives and the bibliography used. Likewise, we have developed a so-called “Harding test” grounded on her postulates, which has allowed us to assess the doctoral theses analysed and to reflect about the empirical contributions of the research, the feminist commitment and what the subject / object relationship should be in feminist epistemology.
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Wang, Yu, und Zhiteng Wang. „Salient Object Detection based on Background Optimization“. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2456, Nr. 1 (01.03.2023): 012010.

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Abstract Aiming at the problems of low detection accuracy and blurred object edges in current salient object detection based on background algorithms, a new algorithm based on boundary prior to estimate background is proposed. Firstly, the super-pixel image segmentation algorithm (SLIC) is used to segment the image into super-pixels. According to the theory that the foreground and background are relative, the background is estimated by using the four-edges boundary prior of the image; At the same time, an optimal fusion algorithm is proposed to fuse the prior background and foreground with optimal weights to obtain the final saliency map. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with 10 classic salient object detection algorithms, the results show that the proposed algorithm can not only detect salient objects of different sizes more accurately, but also effectively suppress background redundant information, preserving the object boundary. Therefore, the accuracy of our algorithm is better than 10 classical algorithms. The algorithm in this paper which serve as pre-processing for computer vision has great promise in the field of intelligent control of machine vision.
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Kervrann, Charles. „BAYESIAN IMAGE SEGMENTATION THROUGH LEVEL LINES SELECTION“. Image Analysis & Stereology 20, Nr. 3 (03.05.2011): 163.

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Bayesian statistical theory is a convenient way of taking a priori information into consideration when inference is made from images. In Bayesian image segmentation, the a priori distribution should capture the knowledge about objects. Taking inspiration from (Alvarez et al., 1999), we design a prior density that penalizes the area of homogeneous parts in images. The segmentation problem is further formulated as the estimation of the set of curves that maximizes the posterior distribution. In this paper, we explore a posterior distribution model for which its maximal mode is given by a subset of level curves, that is the boundaries of image level sets. For the completeness of the paper, we present a stepwise greedy algorithm for computing partitions with connected components.
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Wang, Ruofan, Rui-Wei Zhao, Xiaobo Zhang und Rui Feng. „Towards Evidential and Class Separable Open Set Object Detection“. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38, Nr. 6 (24.03.2024): 5572–80.

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Detecting in open-world scenarios poses a formidable challenge for models intended for real-world deployment. The advanced closed set object detectors achieve impressive performance under the closed set setting, but often produce overconfident misprediction on unknown objects due to the lack of supervision. In this paper, we propose a novel Evidential Object Detector (EOD) to formulate the Open Set Object Detection (OSOD) problem from the perspective of Evidential Deep Learning (EDL) theory, which quantifies classification uncertainty by placing the Dirichlet Prior over the categorical distribution parameters. The task-specific customized evidential framework, equipped with meticulously designed model architecture and loss function, effectively bridges the gap between EDL theory and detection tasks. Moreover, we utilize contrastive learning as an implicit means of evidential regularization and to encourage the class separation in the latent space. Alongside, we innovatively model the background uncertainty to further improve the unknown discovery ability. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the outperformance of the proposed method over existing ones.
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The subject matter of the article are the processes of forming of objects’ attribute features analytical descriptions for solving applied problems of statistical recognition of objects’ images on multi-channel images. The goal is to develop a multicomponent mathematical model for representing statistical information about the summation of geometric, colour and structural parameters of observational objects. The tasks to be solved are: to formalize the procedure of statistical image segmentation in conditions of incomplete a priori information about objects classes and unknown distribution densities of classification characteristics; to build effective algorithms for detection and linking contour points; to choose a universal mathematical model for describing the geometric shape of both the object and its structural components and to develop a robust method for estimating the model parameters. The methods used are: statistical methods of pattern recognition, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, methods of contour analysis, numerical methods for conditional optimization. The following results were obtained. The method of multicomponent model synthesis for describing colour, geometric and structural attributes of object images on multichannel images is proposed. In the model terms, the object is represented by a hierarchical set of nested contours, for the selection of which information about the colour characteristics of statistically homogeneous regions of the image is used. Methods for detecting and linking contour points have been developed, which make it possible to obtain the coordinates of the boundaries circular sweep for both convex and concave geometric objects. As a universal basis for describing the model components, the Johnson SB distribution is adopted, which allows us to describe practically any unimodal and wide class of bimodal distributions. A method for Johnson distribution parameters’ estimation from sample data, based on the method of moments and using optimization procedures for a non-linear objective function with constraints is given. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is as follows: the methods for describing the objects’ images in the form of a combination of several bright-geometric elements and structural connections between them have been further developed, which makes it possible to comprehensively take into account the attribute features of objects in the procedures for analyzing and interpreting images, automatically detecting and locating objects with specified characteristics
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Shavranskii, M. V., V. I. Sheketa und V. M. Shavranskii. „An intellectual system for supporting decision making in the control of the borring process“. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, Nr. 1(44) (28.06.2020): 119–37.

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The problem of development of the method of identification of complications arising in the process of drilling of oil and gas wells, which operates under the conditions of a priori and current uncertainty under the influence of various perturbations based on methods of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, is considered. A methodological approach to the estimation of the level of complications in the drilling of oil and gas wells, based on the principles of linguistic parameters of the drilling process, linguistic and hierarchical knowledge about the complications in the drilling of wells is proposed. Mathematical models of a controlled object have been developed that, unlike deterministic mathematical models, allow to describe in natural language the cause and effect relationships between the parameters of the drilling process and the possible complication. These models reflect the logic of the operator's reasoning with the involvement of non-numerical and fuzzy information from an expert to formalize Fuzzy Logic decision-making procedures using the parameters and indicators of the oil and gas drilling process. The structure of the decision support system for controlling the drilling of wells in the conditions of complications is proposed. The results of simulation modeling of the developed methods of modeling of complications based on the methods of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic are presented. Their advantages over the well-known in accuracy of the tasks of identification of an estimation and control in the conditions of uncertainty concerning structure and parameters of object are shown. The real complications have been identified, the elimination of which will increase the level of safety of the drilling process. It is shown that the developed methods and models can find application for modeling and identification of a wide class of complications on drilling rigs operating under the conditions of a priori and current uncertainty regarding their structure, parameters and geographic environment.
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Moksyakov, Alexander, Yuandi Wu, Stephen Andrew Gadsden, John Yawney und Mohammad AlShabi. „Object Detection and Tracking with YOLO and the Sliding Innovation Filter“. Sensors 24, Nr. 7 (26.03.2024): 2107.

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Object detection and tracking are pivotal tasks in machine learning, particularly within the domain of computer vision technologies. Despite significant advancements in object detection frameworks, challenges persist in real-world tracking scenarios, including object interactions, occlusions, and background interference. Many algorithms have been proposed to carry out such tasks; however, most struggle to perform well in the face of disturbances and uncertain environments. This research proposes a novel approach by integrating the You Only Look Once (YOLO) architecture for object detection with a robust filter for target tracking, addressing issues of disturbances and uncertainties. The YOLO architecture, known for its real-time object detection capabilities, is employed for initial object detection and centroid location. In combination with the detection framework, the sliding innovation filter, a novel robust filter, is implemented and postulated to improve tracking reliability in the face of disturbances. Specifically, the sliding innovation filter is implemented to enhance tracking performance by estimating the optimal centroid location in each frame and updating the object’s trajectory. Target tracking traditionally relies on estimation theory techniques like the Kalman filter, and the sliding innovation filter is introduced as a robust alternative particularly suitable for scenarios where a priori information about system dynamics and noise is limited. Experimental simulations in a surveillance scenario demonstrate that the sliding innovation filter-based tracking approach outperforms existing Kalman-based methods, especially in the presence of disturbances. In all, this research contributes a practical and effective approach to object detection and tracking, addressing challenges in real-world, dynamic environments. The comparative analysis with traditional filters provides practical insights, laying the groundwork for future work aimed at advancing multi-object detection and tracking capabilities in diverse applications.
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Chen, Bingsun, Yi Bao, Yanjiao Song, Ziyang Li, Zhe Wang, Xi Wang, Runsheng Ma, Lingkui Meng, Wen Zhang und Linyi Li. „Ship Lock Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Fuzzy Theory and Prior Knowledge“. Remote Sensing 16, Nr. 17 (28.08.2024): 3181.

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As crucial water conservancy projects, ship locks play a key role in flood control, shipping, water resource allocation, and promoting regional economic development, making them an indispensable part of the modern water transportation system. Utilizing satellite remote sensing for lock extraction can significantly reduce manual workload and costs, assist in the daily dynamic maintenance of lock hubs, and provide more comprehensive data support for the construction and management of water transport infrastructure. In this context, this paper proposes a new method for ship lock object extraction. Leveraging fuzzy theory and prior knowledge of locks, the extraction of lock objects is achieved from Gaofen-1 (GF-1) high-resolution remote sensing images. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively extract small lock objects in remote sensing images, achieving an average extraction accuracy of 80.9% in the study area.
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Bhandari, Ramesh, und Sharad Kumar Ghimire. „Performance Analysis of Structured Matrix Decomposition with Contour Based Spatial Prior for Extracting Salient Object from Complex Scene“. Journal of the Institute of Engineering 15, Nr. 2 (31.07.2019): 133–40.

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Automatically extracting most conspicuous object from an image is useful and important for many computer vision related tasks. Performance of several applications such as object segmentation, image classification based on salient object and content based image editing in computer vision can be improved using this technique. In this research work, performance of structured matrix decomposition with contour based spatial prior is analyzed for extracting salient object from the complex scene. To separate background and salient object, structured matrix decomposition model based on low rank matrix recovery theory is used along with two structural regularizations. Tree structured sparsity inducing regularization is used to capture image structure and to enforce the same object to assign similar saliency values. And, Laplacian regularization is used to enlarge the gap between background part and salient object part. In addition to structured matrix decomposition model, general high level priors along with biologically inspired contour based spatial prior is integrated to improve the performance of saliency related tasks. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on two demanding datasets, namely, ICOSEG and PASCAL-S for complex scene images. For PASCAL-S dataset precision recall curve of proposed method starts from 0.81 and follows top and right-hand border more than structured matrix decomposition which starts from 0.79. Similarly, structural similarity index score, which is 0.596654 and 0.394864 without using contour based spatial prior and 0.720875 and 0.568001 using contour based spatial prior for ICOSEG and PASCAL-S datasets shows improved result.
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Yakovlev, A. A. „On the psycholinguistic theory of consciousness“. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal, Nr. 3 (2020): 298–310.

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The paper discusses the model of individual human consciousness, which can be the basis for psycholinguistic research of various types. Among all the properties of consciousness, the most important for psycholinguistics is the anticipatory reflection of reality and its biased nature. It is proposed to distinguish (although with a certain degree of conventionality) the following levels of consciousness: 1. the neurophysiologic level; 2. the level of a direct reflection of reality in behavior; 3. the level of reflection of reality mediated by tools and index signs; 4. the level of reflection of reality mediated by ideal objects and quasi-objects; 5. the level of free actions not related to immediate needs of a person. The simultaneous action of these levels provides a variety of forms of consciousness. Consciousness is presented as an open multilevel self-developing functional system, with its composition and interconnections of levels and units not set a priori, not unchanged and depending on factors of both internal and external order.
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Currently, monitoring the technical condition of complex technical systems, such as electrical equipment of communication equipment, is a long and non-automated process that is carried out by operators directly at the control objects themselves. This circumstance has a negative impact on the timely detection of failures of the controlled object. One of the most difficult to detect is phasing out. For timely detection of the fact of its occurrence, it is necessary to create a control system that works in a permanent mode with pre-entered preventive tolerances. The purpose of the work is to develop a proposal for the formation of the optimal value of the preventive tolerance of the controlled parameter for detecting the fact of gradual failure and determining its probabilistic characteristics, taking into account the reservation of measurement channels. Methods used: detection of gradual failures is random and the best results are obtained using methods of statistical decision theory, the use of which assumes the presence of complete a priori information about the probability distributions of the output values of the controlled parameters. The novelty of the work is to increase the reliability and accuracy of monitoring the technical condition of complex technical objects to ensure their reliability by reserving measurement channels, which allows you to increase the accuracy of detecting gradual failure of the controlled object by optimizing the value of preventive tolerances. Result: the use of cost-effective redundancy of measurement channels, as well as the use of preventive tolerances, allows more accurate assessment of the technical condition of the control object and make a conclusion about the probability of gradual failure. Optimization of the threshold of preventive admission allows you to minimize the probability of making an erroneous decision. Practical significance: the results of the work can be used in the process of monitoring the technical condition of complex technical systems, which will avoid accidents.
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Jonkus, Dalius. „Aesthetic A Priori and Embodied Imagination“. Social Imaginaries 5, Nr. 1 (2019): 143–60.

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This paper discusses the modern idea of imagination and its various transformations in the phenomenological conceptual frameworks of Edward Casey, Mikel Dufrenne (1910-1995), Max Scheler (1874-1928) and Vasily Sesemann (1884-1963). I would like to raise and critically assess questions regarding the role of imagination in our consciousness: whether imagination is a productive or reproductive activity; and how, if at all, aesthetic expression limits the imagination. Casey criticizes Dufrenne for his attempt to unite imagination with aesthetic expression. He argues for the autonomy of the imagination but leaves the question of the relationship between the imagination and perception unanswered. Dufrenne partially shares his theory of imagination with Sesemann. Both philosophers claim that imagination is a reproductive activity rather than a productive one in the sense that it is limited by the forms of the material a priori. In other words, aesthetic expression has to obey the principle of correlation between percipiens and perceptum. Creativity becomes possible when the creator is able to reproduce in his expression another subject’s possible perceptivity. Max Scheler emphasized the correlative connection of spiritual activity with the world. He linked the concept of imagination to the practical being in the world. In Sesemann’s aesthetics the role of embodied imagination in artistic creation and the perception of aesthetic objects were also considered. Both authors argued that the connection between imagination and the essential modes of the world’s givenness is guaranteed by the mode of embodied imagination. Both acknowledged that imagination is related to unconscious desires and drive. Both authors stated that the schematisms of imagination express the style of the perception of the world. The fact that imagination is an embodied phenomenon is illustrated by the way it exists in the world, since imagination is essentially a free activity restricted only by “the style of the world’s horizon.”
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Panjaitan, Bernat, Anis Mashdurohatun und Sri Kusriyah. „Reconstruction of Regulation of the Authority to Address Determination of Village Head Election Results as the Object of State Administrative Object of State Administrative Disputes Based on Justice Value“. Journal of Social Research 2, Nr. 6 (17.05.2023): 1839–46.

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The State of Indonesia is a State of Law". As a constitutional state, Indonesia places the foundations of law above all else. The purpose of this study is to analyze and find regulations adjudicating the determination of village head election results as objects of dispute. State administration is not based on the value of justice. The results of the Election of the Village Head as the object of a state administrative dispute based on the value of justice. The paradigm in this study is Constructivism. The legal research used in this dissertation is qualitative legal research, i.e. non-doctrinal legal research using a socio legal research approach, and the nature of this dissertation research is descriptive. The theory used is Pancasila justice theory, dignified justice theory (Grand Theory), legal system theory (Middle Theory), as well as progressive legal theory and authority theory (Applied Theory). The results of the study found that the Reconstruction of regulations on the authority to adjudicate the Determination of Village Head Election Results as Objects of State Administrative Disputes based on the value of justice, Reconstruction of regulations on objects of state administrative disputes on Bodies or Officials and State Administrative Decisions as follows: contents of Law No. 51 of 2009 concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 6 of 1986 concerning State Administrative Courts Paragraph (1) Number 8 concerning the meaning of State Administrative Agencies or Officials Paragraph (1) Number 9 concerning State Administrative Decisions Prior to reconstruction in the event of disputes over the determination of the Village head election committee regarding the results of the village head election not being resolved by the Regent can be directly challenged to the state administrative court.
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Tsitlenok, Vladimir S. „Professor Aleksandr Bychkov’s Methodology of Economic Research“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika, Nr. 56 (2021): 6–20.

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In connection with the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Professor Aleksandr Bychkov, the honorary worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, rector of Tomsk State University, long-term head of the TSU Department of Economic Theory, a study was conducted on the role of the methodological principle of the unity of the abstract a priori and concrete praxiomatic approaches in the creation of new economic knowledge, which he carried out for more than 50 years. The study of the problem of implementing this methodological principle in Bychkov’s works is based on the consistent solution of the following tasks: (1) substantiation of the significance of the methodological principle in the process of producing new scientific knowledge, (2) analysis of the implementation of this principle in Bychkov’s works on theoretical and praxiomatic problems of property, commodity production, the market, reproduction of the gross national product, and factors of economic growth. Professor Bychkov constantly created new economic knowledge based on the entire set of principles of dialectical-materialistic cognition of objective reality, among which the necessity of continuous interaction of scientific and economic knowledge and its use by economic entities in their activities was fixed in the principle of the unity of the abstract a priori and concrete praxiomatic approaches. The dialectical unity of the two approaches is achieved through the interaction of two types of connections: direct and reverse. There is a direct relationship between the main and mutually complementary approaches, and a reverse relationship between the mutually complementary and main ones. Depending on the object of cognition, one of the approaches becomes the main one, and the second becomes the auxiliary one. In the study of macrosystem objects and their sets, the abstract a priori approach performs the function of the main one, while in the study of intrasystem processes, structures, institutions, the concrete praxiomatic one. The use of the principle of the unity of the abstract a priori and concrete praxiomatic approaches allowed Professor Bychkov to create a new economic knowledge about the essence of property relations, commodity production, and the market, about the factors of economic growth, and at the same time to show their features in the economies of the USSR and RF in the period from 1950 till 2009.
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Batenkov, Aleksandr, Kirill Batenkov, Andrey Bogachev und Vladislav Mishin. „Mathematical Model of Object Classifier based on Bayesian Approach“. Informatics and Automation 19, Nr. 6 (11.12.2020): 1166–97.

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The paper claims that the primary importance in solving the classification problem is to find the conditions for dividing the General complexity into classes, determine the quality of such a bundle, and verify the classifier model. We consider a mathematical model of a non-randomized classifier of features obtained without a teacher, when the number of classes is not set a priori, but only its upper bound is set. The mathematical model is presented in the form of a statement of a minimax conditional extreme task, and it is a problem of searching for the matrix of belonging of objects to a class, and representative (reference) elements within each class. The development of the feature classifier is based on the synthesis of two-dimensional probability density in the coordinate space: classes-objects. Using generalized functions, the probabilistic problem of finding the minimum Bayesian risk is reduced to a deterministic problem on a set of non-randomized classifiers. At the same time, the use of specially introduced constraints fixes non-randomized decision rules and plunges the integer problem of nonlinear programming into a General continuous nonlinear problem. For correct synthesis of the classifier, the dispersion curve of the isotropic sample is necessary. It is necessary to use the total intra-class and inter-class variance to characterize the quality of classification. The classification problem can be interpreted as a particular problem of the theory of catastrophes. Under the conditions of limited initial data, a minimax functional was found that reflects the quality of classification for a quadratic loss function. The developed mathematical model is classified as an integer nonlinear programming problem. The model is given using polynomial constraints to the form of a General problem of nonlinear continuous programming. The necessary conditions for the bundle into classes are found. These conditions can be used as sufficient when testing the hypothesis about the existence of classes.
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Zhu, Shixiong, Liyan Ma, Ke Sun und Xiangfeng Luo. „Prior distributions-based data augmentation for object detection“. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 25, Nr. 1 (2022): 34.

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Sun, Ke, Xiangfeng Luo, Liyan Ma und Shixiong Zhu. „Prior distributions-based data augmentation for object detection“. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 25, Nr. 1 (2022): 34.

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Marshall, Stuart M., Douglas G. Moore, Alastair R. G. Murray, Sara I. Walker und Leroy Cronin. „Formalising the Pathways to Life Using Assembly Spaces“. Entropy 24, Nr. 7 (27.06.2022): 884.

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Assembly theory (referred to in prior works as pathway assembly) has been developed to explore the extrinsic information required to distinguish a given object from a random ensemble. In prior work, we explored the key concepts relating to deconstructing an object into its irreducible parts and then evaluating the minimum number of steps required to rebuild it, allowing for the reuse of constructed sub-objects. We have also explored the application of this approach to molecules, as molecular assembly, and how molecular assembly can be inferred experimentally and used for life detection. In this article, we formalise the core assembly concepts mathematically in terms of assembly spaces and related concepts and determine bounds on the assembly index. We explore examples of constructing assembly spaces for mathematical and physical objects and propose that objects with a high assembly index can be uniquely identified as those that must have been produced using directed biological or technological processes rather than purely random processes, thereby defining a new scale of aliveness. We think this approach is needed to help identify the new physical and chemical laws needed to understand what life is, by quantifying what life does.
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Dawkins, Roger. „From the perspective of the object in semiotics: Deleuze and Peirce“. Semiotica 2020, Nr. 233 (26.03.2020): 1–18.

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AbstractFrom Peirce, a sign represents something other than itself, an object, for some third; from Deleuze, a sign can create and erase an object, for some third. He makes this claim in the cinema books, without detailed explication. It is a fleeting reference to the Peircean triad developed in his semiotics; moreover, references to “objects” in Deleuze’s discussions of signs in his other work are often generic. In this essay, I explain what it means in Deleuze’s semiotics for a sign to create and erase its object. My method is to use the perspective of the object in the semiotic triad to compare Deleuze and Peirce’s semiotics. Deleuze’s sign that creates and erases its object marks a clear departure from Peirce’s semiotics. For Deleuze, like Peirce, an acquaintance with the object independent of the action of the sign is necessary for semiotics. Of most significance is that for Peirce, thinking with signs necessarily involves modifying prior knowledge of the object – meaning one’s conception of the object is a version of what was already known; while for Deleuze, thinking with signs can involve producing ideas at a second remove from the object – in turn, creating and erasing new object(s). Ultimately, this essay contributes to research on Deleuze’s cinema books by undertaking a detailed reading of a part of his discussion that has not been analyzed. Furthermore, in producing Deleuze’s concept of a sign that creates and erases its object, this essay reminds us how we think – and could think – with signs, reaffirming the importance of semiotic analysis for discussion about thinking with signs. Finally, this essay contributes to scholarship on Deleuze’s and Peirce’s semiotics.
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Васильева, Ирина Карловна, und Анатолий Владиславович Попов. „МЕТОД АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ КЛАСТЕРИЗАЦИИ ДАННЫХ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ЗОНДИРОВАНИЯ“. Aerospace technic and technology, Nr. 3 (15.07.2019): 64–75.

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The subject matter of the article is the methods of automatic clustering of remote sensing data under conditions of a priori uncertainty regarding the number of observed object classes and the statistical characteristics of the signatures of classes. The aim is to develop a method for approximating multimodal empirical distributions of observational data to construct decision rules for pixel-by-pixel statistical classification procedures, as well as to investigate the effectiveness of this method for automatically classifying objects on synthesized and real images. The tasks to be solved are: to develop and implement a procedure for splitting a mixture of basic distributions, while ensuring the following requirements: the absence of a preliminary data analysis stage in order to select optimal initial approximations; a good convergence of the method and the ability to automatically refine the list of classes by combining indistinguishable or poorly distinguishable components of the mixture into a single cluster; to synthesize test images with a specified number of objects and known data distributions for each object; to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed method for automatic classification by the criterion of the probability of correct recognition; to evaluate the results of automatic clustering of real images. The methods used are methods of stochastic simulation, methods of approximation of empirical distributions, statistical methods of recognition, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The following results have been obtained. A method for automatic splitting of a mixture of Gaussian distributions to construct decision thresholds according to the maximal a posteriori probability criterion was proposed. The results of the automatic forming the list of classes and their probabilistic descriptions, as well as the results of the clustering both test images and satellite ones are given. It is shown that the developed method is quite effective and can be used to determine the number of objects’ classes as well as their stochastic characteristics’ mathematical description for pattern recognition tasks and cluster analysis. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that the proposed approach makes it possible directly during the “unsupervised” training procedure to evaluate the distinguishability of classes and exclude indistinguishable objects from the list of classes.
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Helterbrand, Jeffrey D., Noel Cressie und Jennifer L. Davidson. „A statistical approach to identifying closed object boundaries in images“. Advances in Applied Probability 26, Nr. 4 (Dezember 1994): 831–54.

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In this research, we present a statistical theory, and an algorithm, to identify one-pixel-wide closed object boundaries in gray-scale images. Closed-boundary identification is an important problem because boundaries of objects are major features in images. In spite of this, most statistical approaches to image restoration and texture identification place inappropriate stationary model assumptions on the image domain. One way to characterize the structural components present in images is to identify one-pixel-wide closed boundaries that delineate objects. By defining a prior probability model on the space of one-pixel-wide closed boundary configurations and appropriately specifying transition probability functions on this space, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is constructed that theoretically converges to a statistically optimal closed boundary estimate. Moreover, this approach ensures that any approximation to the statistically optimal boundary estimate will have the necessary property of closure.
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Helterbrand, Jeffrey D., Noel Cressie und Jennifer L. Davidson. „A statistical approach to identifying closed object boundaries in images“. Advances in Applied Probability 26, Nr. 04 (Dezember 1994): 831–54.

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In this research, we present a statistical theory, and an algorithm, to identify one-pixel-wide closed object boundaries in gray-scale images. Closed-boundary identification is an important problem because boundaries of objects are major features in images. In spite of this, most statistical approaches to image restoration and texture identification place inappropriate stationary model assumptions on the image domain. One way to characterize the structural components present in images is to identify one-pixel-wide closed boundaries that delineate objects. By defining a prior probability model on the space of one-pixel-wide closed boundary configurations and appropriately specifying transition probability functions on this space, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is constructed that theoretically converges to a statistically optimal closed boundary estimate. Moreover, this approach ensures that any approximation to the statistically optimal boundary estimate will have the necessary property of closure.
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Qin, Jiayang. „Possibilities. On Lukács’ Theory of Genres“. Zagreber germanistische Beiträge 29 (2020): 39–55.

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›Possibility‹ is the prerequisite for the existence of an object. The study of ›possibility‹ is a consideration of its historical-philosophical background, cultural context and subjective issues. In his studies (especially in his works prior to 1918), Lukács discussed the ›possibility‹ of aesthetics and different genres of art, concerning the relationship between people, society, artworks and the lost totality. This article starts from ›possibility‹ in the works of Lukács, concentrates on the context of the development of different genres, and primarily draws on the example of drama in order to interpret and explain the role genres played in offering the solution to the break-up of the totality.
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Kassem, M. S., und K. Rowlands. „The quasi-strict topology on the space of quasi-multipliers of a B*-algebra“. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 101, Nr. 3 (Mai 1987): 555–66.

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The notion of a left (right, double) multiplier may be regarded as a generalization of the concept of a multiplier to a non-commutative Banach algebra. Each of these is a special case of a more general object, namely that of a quasi-multiplier. The idea of a quasi-multiplier was first introduced by Akemann and Pedersen in ([1], §4), where they consider the quasi-multipliers of a C*-algebra. One of the defects of quasi-multipliers is that, at least a priori, there does not appear to be a way of multiplying them together. The general theory of quasi-multipliers of a Banach algebra A with an approximate identity was developed by McKennon in [5], and in particular he showed that the quasi-multipliers of a considerable class of Banach algebras could be multiplied. McKennon also introduced a locally convex topology γ on the space QM(A) of quasi-multipliers of A and derived some of the elementary properties of (QM(A), γ).
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Ellis, George F. R. „Quantum physics and biology: the local wavefunction approach“. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2533, Nr. 1 (01.06.2023): 012019.

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Abstract Is there a single linearly evolving Wave Function of the Universe that is able to lead to all the nonlinearities we see around us? This proposal seems a priori highly implausible. I claim that instead, in the real Universe, generically only local wave functions exist. Non-local wave functions occur for carefully engineered contexts such as Bell experiments, but there is no single wave function for a cat or macroscopic object such as a brain, let alone for the Universe as a whole. Contextual wave function collapse leads to a defensible version of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, where classical macro levels provide the context for quantum events and biological emergence. Complexity arises via multiscale adaptive modular hierarchical structures that enable logical branching to emerge from the underlying linear physics. Each emergent level is causally effective because of the meshing of upwards and downwards causation that takes place consistently with that physics. Quantum chemistry approaches in biological contexts fit this local wavefunction picture.
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Shyshatskyi, Andrii, Artur Melnyk, Oleksii Bondar, Oleksandr Petruk, Dmytro Chernyahivskiy, Mykola Kryvenko, Oleksandr Petrov, Serhii Kravchuk, Yuriy Shidlovsky und Volodymyr Lukianets. „Justification of the methodological bases for the management of the radio resource of special purpose radio communication systems under conditions of prior uncertainty“. Technology audit and production reserves 1, Nr. 2(57) (28.02.2021): 61–65.

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The problem of substantiation of methodological bases of radio resource management of military radio communication systems in the conditions of a priori uncertainty is solved in the work. The object of research is the military radio communication system. One of the most problematic places in the management of military radio resources is the inability to carry out a hierarchical management of the parameters and modes of operation of both individual radios and the military radio system as a whole. This reduces the efficiency of the system itself and the efficiency of its application. The scientific problem is solved by substantiating the methodological principles of radio resource management of military radio communication systems in conditions of a priori uncertainty. During the research, the authors used the main provisions of the theory of queuing, the theory of automation, the theory of complex technical systems, as well as general scientific methods of cognition, namely analysis and synthesis. The novelty is that in the course of work: – the purpose of functioning of an operative management subsystem of a radio resource of military radio communication systems is formulated; – indicators and criteria of functioning efficiency of military radio communication systems are determined; – decomposition of the solution of this problem into problems depending on the signal and noise situation is carried out. An approach based on the hierarchical decomposition of the functional structure of networks, the behavior of which is described by stochastic differential (or difference) equations of the high dimension state, into a number of interconnected but simpler functional structures is used for the functional description of military radio communication systems. It will allow to make a decomposition of the state of the military radio system and increase the efficiency of decision-making on adjusting the modes of operation and parameters of the military radio system in real time. The research results should be used at the stage of operational management of parameters and modes of these systems operation.
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Suleimanova, Olga A. „Category of definiteness in cognitive framing in the use of English definite article“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature 20, Nr. 2 (2023): 334–47.

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The paper focuses on English articles which are treated as the main means of definite/indefinite reference; and defines cognitive principles which govern usage of articles. Research methodology relies on the theory of classes, its explanatory potential is analyzed as regards the meaning and usage of the indefinite article as well as the word order in the attributive group which features more than one attribute. The research also relies on the frame approach which governs the usage of the definite article. The frame is treated in terms of the non-random link (binding, bond) between the object referred to and the frame, the frame approach being also instrumental in defining metonymical transfers. Definiteness is defined by the author as the result of the speaker’s cognitive operation to assign the object some “unique” — under given circumstances — features which distinguish it from other objects (of the same class of objects). Such distinction is performed by a variety of linguistic means, such as anaphora, restrictive post-modifying attributes (cataphora), using cardinal numbers, superlative-degree adjectives, and using triggers (words or general context, in other words, a frame) which oblige the speaker to refer to the inalienable element of the frame, which is a singular object in the frame, with the definite article, without any prior mentioning it, or any other above modifier.
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Gluzdov, A. N., P. V. Gorbulin, E. V. Kotyashov und O. L. Kuvaev. „Method of graphoanalytical finding borders space-time areas of reachability service spacecraft man-made space objects in geostationary orbit“. Spacecrafts & Technologies 4, Nr. 2 (2020): 96–106.

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At the present time at various stages of creation and development there are several projects of service spacecraft. One of the tasks of which is to service orbital objects as soon as possible. During the planning maintenance is needed to perform a large amount of calculations associated with the choice of a rational flight scheme. To reduce the amount of computation, an approach is needed that provides a search for the set of realized flight paths. One of such approaches is the method for determining the boundaries of the spatiotemporal reachability regions, which allows one to evaluate the a priori capabilities of service spacecraft for servicing orbital objects located in circular orbits. To construct spatiotemporal reachable regions, the mathematical apparatus of the hodograph theory is used, which allows, sequentially, based on the analytical solution of the optimization problem of a two-pulse flight, to determine the minimum and maximum duration of the spacecraft’s movement, which is understood as the time required for the flight from the point of maneuvering to the meeting point with the serviced an orbital object under the condition of the application of one velocity impulse. A graphical comparison of the trajectories of the serviced orbital objects and spatiotemporal reachable areas of the service spacecraft makes it possible to determine the potential for service, as well as the time intervals and phase angles at which such service is possible. The proposed methodological apparatus can be used to find a solution providing an initial approximation for the subsequent accurate calculation of the trajectory of motion by numerical methods, as constructing a control program for the spacecraft.
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Pyysiäinen, Ilkka. „A Theory of Ideology: Implications for Religion and Science“. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 14, Nr. 3-4 (2002): 316–33.

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AbstractBoth religion and science often have been regarded as forms of ideology. This has created interesting problems for the scientific study of religion. This paper presents a new theory of "ideology" that is based on Dan Sperber's distinction between intuitive and reflective beliefs as well as on his idea of metarepresentation. In ideological thinking it is presumed that decoupling any given beliefs from a given metarepresentational context a priori leads to their misunderstanding. Only intuitive beliefs are free from ideology; they are based on direct perception or very simple inference. All reflective beliefs, scientific and religious alike, are potentially ideological. Ideology thus is contrasted with everyday common sense, not with science. The study of ideologies is not necessarily itself ideological in the same sense as its varying objects. "Ideology" is a graded category; beliefs and arguments are more or less ideological, not either ideological or non-ideological.
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Vdovichenko, Andrey V. „Fundamentals of the Theory of “Language” in the Bilateral Consensus. Stalin’s Marxism and Problems of Linguistics from the Standpoint of the Communicative Model. Part II“. Voprosy Filosofii, Nr. 8 (2023): 116–28.

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In Joseph V. Stalin’s work Marxism and Problems of Linguistics (1950), a num­ber of general issues of the theory of the verbal process are touched upon, the in­terpretation of which is generally consistent with traditional (including modern quantitatively predominant) linguistic views on the phenomenon of “language”. The linguistic consensus is observed in several positions that arise as a result of theoretical simplification (inaccurate metaphor): 1) “language” exists as objec­tive verbal forms, constitutes a unity that ensures communication between peo­ple and which can be an object of study and description; 2) “language” is gram­mar and vocabulary; 3) “language” is connected with thinking; there are no thoughts without “language”; 4) “language” is a common property for a given collective (nation, people), “language” unites all those who speak it; 5) “lan­guage” is a mystical (“magic”) object. This article proposes a critique of the Marxist-linguistic consensus from the point of view of the communicative model. A simplified (linguistic) model of a word-containing semiotic process is the result of excessive attention to the verbal substrate (“words”), of an attempt to present verbal units as self-organized semantic-formal modules responsible for everything that happens in the field of communicative meaning (sense) for­mation. As a result, a theoretical construct “language” is created, designed to save researchers’ a priori attitude to the matter of words (which, at the right mo­ment, when confronting with reality, is casuistically replaced by “speech”, which, however, is also verbal). The inefficiency of “language” (and “speech”) lies in the imposition of its own action on verbal “bodies”, while the generation of meaning in natural word-containing communication is entirely carried out by the complex personal impact of the semiotic actor.
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