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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Greenbank, Emma, Mark J. McGuinness und C. Ian Schipper. „A theoretical model of Surtseyan bomb fragmentation“. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477, Nr. 2253 (September 2021): 20210166.

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Surtseyan eruptions are an important class of mostly basaltic volcanic eruptions first identified in the 1960s, where erupting magma at an air–water interface interacts with large quantities of slurry, a mixture of previously ejected tephra that re-enters the crater together with water. During a Surtseyan eruption, hot magma bombs are ejected that initially contain pockets of slurry. Despite the formation of steam and anticipated subsequent high pressures inside these bombs, many survive to land without exploding. We seek to explain this by building and solving a simplified spherical mathematical model that describes the coupled evolution of pressure and temperature due to the flashing of liquid to vapour within a Surtseyan bomb while it is in flight. Analysis of the model provides a criterion for fragmentation of the bomb due to steam pressure build-up, and predicts that if diffusive steam flow through the porous bomb is sufficiently rapid the bomb will survive the flight intact. This criterion explicitly relates fragmentation to bomb properties, and describes how a Surtseyan bomb can survive in flight despite containing flashing liquid water, contributing to an ongoing discussion in volcanology about the origins of the inclusions found inside bombs.
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Wurm, Erwin. „carrying a bomb / looking for a bomb“. Multitudes 13, Nr. 3 (2003): 117.

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Cole, Daniel G. „Bomb After Bomb: A Violent Cartography“. Cartographic Perspectives, Nr. 60 (01.06.2008): 67–68.

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Denil, Mark. „Bomb After Bomb: A Violent Cartography“. Cartographic Perspectives, Nr. 60 (01.06.2008): 68–71.

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Patwardhan, Milind Manohar. „Reusable Confetti Gun with Biodegradable Confetti“. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 11, Nr. 6 (30.06.2023): 2074–79.

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Abstract: Confetti bombs are a popular way to celebrate special events and occasions, but the waste they generate is harmful to the environment. This research paper introduces a reusable confetti bomb that aims to reduce the environmental impact of traditional confetti bombs. The reusable confetti bomb is made from eco-friendly materials and can be refilled and used multiple times. The paper describes the preparation, usage, and testing of the reusable confetti bomb and presents the results of the tests. The findings suggest that the reusable confetti bomb is an effective and sustainable alternative to traditional confetti bombs
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Zhou, Tejun, Yu Liu, Wei Wu und Tiannian Zhou. „Experimental Study and Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Releasing Fire-Extinguishing Bomb on Transmission Line Wildfires“. Fire 7, Nr. 12 (04.12.2024): 456.

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Experimental studies on the application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to extinguish high-repeatability transmission line wildfires are not available. In this study, a scheme involving a UAV releasing a fire-extinguishing bomb at a high altitude for firefighting was proposed, and a simulated fire-extinguishing experimental platform was constructed to simulate a UAV releasing a fire-extinguishing bomb. In addition, the characteristics of water-based fire-extinguishing bombs of 5, 10, 20, and 50 kg as well as dry powder bombs of 25, 30, and 50 kg were investigated by changing parameters such as the type and mass of the fire-extinguishing agent carried by the bombs. It was noted that a 30 kg or more dry powder fire-extinguishing bomb could extinguish a fire in four 1A cribs at one time. The diffusion area of the fire-extinguishing medium was obtained from the perspective of the UAV. The diffusion area was 45–90 m2 for the water-based fire-extinguishing bomb and 130–700 m2 for the dry powder bomb. As calculated from the area of the fire scene extinguished by each fire-extinguishing bomb per unit mass, the utilization rate of a fire-extinguishing medium was highest with the 30 kg fire-extinguishing bomb, followed by the 50 kg bomb. In the high wildfire incidence period during the Qingming Festival in 2024, a UAV was used to release fire-extinguishing bombs to extinguish an incipient wildfire near a transmission line at a Hunan Power Grid site.
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Ependi, Deden, Agus Prasetya und Armaidy Armawi. „Strategi Produksi “Bom P 100 Live” Untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Studi Di PT. Dahana (Persero) Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat)“. Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional 25, Nr. 1 (09.04.2019): 15.

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ABSTRACTIndependence in the Field of Major Weapons Systems, especially technology in the defense industry, the government through PT. Dahana in collaboration with PT. Sari Bahari Malang, had developed and produced P 100 Live Bombs. The P 100 Live bomb was a type of high explosive fragmented bomb but was not included in the smart bomb group. The presence of the P 100 Live Bomb was expected to strengthened the Sukhoi Air Force Combat Aircraft storefront for meeting domestic needs to supported the durability of the Weapon System Main Tool. At present the bomb had been mass produced but in its production there were still a number of obstacles this research needs. This study aimed to determined the role of PT. Dahana, knew the inhibiting and supporting factors and formulated strategies in the production of Live P 100 Bombs. The study was conducted using descriptive analysis methods that presented data and facts. Alternative strategies were analyzed by SWOT analysis. The results of the study showed that First, the role of PT. Dahana in the production of Live P 100 Bombs as a lead integrator. Second, six prominent aspects were found, namely technology / machine aspects, regulatory aspects, capital aspects, HR aspects, management aspects, and material aspects. The six aspects, which made the inhibiting factors were material aspects, HR, and capital, while those that made the driving factors were the aspects of technology / machinery, regulation, and management. Third, the SWOT analysis described Quadrant IV, namely the consolidation strategy, “optimizing opportunities and minimizing weaknesses”.ABSTRAKKemandirian dibidang Alat Utama Sistem Senjata khususnya teknologi industri pertahanan, pemerintah melalui PT. Dahana yang bekerjasama dengan PT. Sari Bahari Malang, telah mengembangkan dan memproduksi Bom P 100 Live.Bom P 100 Live adalah jenis bom berfragmentasi daya ledak tinggi tetapibukan termasuk kedalam golonganbom pintar.Hadirnya Bom P 100 Live diharapkan dapat memperkuat etalase senjata Pesawat Tempur Sukhoi TNI AU untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam negeri guna mendukung ketahanan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata.Saat ini bom tersebut telah di produksi secara massal namun dalam produksinya masih menjumpai sejumlah kendala hal ini diperlukannya penelitian.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran PT. Dahana, mengetahui faktor penghambat dan pendukung serta merumuskan strategi dalam produksi Bom P 100 Live. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis yang memaparkan data dan fakta. Strategi alternatif dianalisis dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaPertama, peran PT. Dahana dalam produksi Bom P 100 Live sebagai lead integrator. Kedua, ditemukan enam aspek yang menonjol yaituaspek teknologi/mesin, aspekregulasi, aspek modal, aspek SDM, aspek manjemen, dan aspek material. Keenam aspek tersebut, yang menjadikan faktor penghambat yaitu aspek material, SDM, dan modal, sedangkan yang menjadikan faktor pendorong yaitu aspek teknologi/ mesin, regulasi, dan manajemen.Ketiga, analisis SWOT menggambarkan Kuadran IV, yaitu strategi Konsolidasi, “mengoptimalkan peluang dan meminimalkan kelemahan
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ABSTRAKBath salt merupakan garam yang dapat larut dalam air dan mampu mengurangi efek kerut pada kulit akibat berendam dalam waktu yang lama. Salah satu bentuk bath salt adalah bath bomb. Keunikan bath bomb terletak pada reaksi fizzing yang dihasilkan saat bath bomb dimasukkan ke dalam air. Reaksi antara asam sitrat dan sodium bikarbonat membentuk gelembung gas CO2 dan menebarkan aroma (fragrance) yang bersifat menenangkan sehingga menyebabkan bath bomb membentuk fenomena letusan gelembung-gelembung saat dimasukkan ke dalam air. Bath bomb memberi manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh seperti menghilangkan stres dan membuat tubuh lebih relaks saat berendam. Aroma essential oil yang terkandung dalam bath bomb dapat membantu meregangkan otot-otot yang tegang dan dapat mengurangi stres serta dapat mencerahkan kulit, melembutkan dan melembabkan, memberi aroma wangi serta merevitalisasi tubuh pada masa stres. Pemberdayaan para anggota PKK Kelurahan Kauman kota Malang dalam pembuatan bath bomb bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan para anggota PKK mengenai manfaat dan cara formulasi bath bomb dengan memanfaatkan limbah kulit buah naga untuk dijadikan sebagai pewarna alami. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dalam 3 (tiga) tahap. Tahap pertama berupa pemaparan tentang manfaat garam mandi bagi kesehatan, tahap yang kedua adalah edukasi tentang cara pembuatan bath bomb dengan memanfaatkan kulit buah naga sebagai pewarna alami dan tahapan ketiga adalah praktek pembuatan bath bomb dan evaluasi. Keberhasilan program PkM dapat dilihat dari hasil evaluasi dimana peningkatan pemahaman peserta ditunjukkan dengan perbedaan nilai antara pretest (61,74) dan post test (90,87) dan peserta dikategorikan terampil dengan skor rata-rata keterampilan peserta adalah 26,95. Kata kunci: bath bomb; Hylocereus polyrhizus; pewarna alami; kulit buah naga merah. ABSTRACTBath salt is a salt that must be dissolved in water and can reduce the effect of wrinkles on the skin due to soaking for a long time. One form of bath salt is a bath bomb. The uniqueness of bath bombs lies in the fizzing reaction produced when the bath bomb is placed in water. The reaction between citric acid and sodium bicarbonate forms CO2 gas bubbles and emits a soothing fragrance that causes bath bombs to form bubbles when placed in water. Bath bombs benefit the body's health, such as eliminating stress and making the body more relaxed when bathing. The essential oil scent in the bath bomb help to strengthen the muscles that are stiff and reduce stress also brighten and soften skin, and the scent could help to revitalize body during stress. Promotion for PKK members in the Kauman city of Malang in the manufacture of bath bombs aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of PKK members about the benefits and ways of formulating bath bombs by utilizing the waste skin of fruit that has been used as a natural dye. This activities was implemented in 3 (three) stages. The first step is to describe the benefits of bath salt for health, the second step is education about how to make bath bombs using fruit skin as a dye, and the third step is the practice of making bath bombs and evaluation. The results of the PkM program should be seen from the evaluation results where the increase in understanding of the participants is shown by the difference in values between the pretest (61.74) and the post test (90.87) and the participants are categorized as skilled with an average score of 26.95. Keywords: bath bomb; Hylocereus polyrhizus; natural dye; dragon fruit peel.
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Kunichoff, Dennis, David Mills, Yara Asi, Sawsan Abdulrahim, Bram Wispelwey, Osama Tanous, A. Kayum Ahmed et al. „Are hospitals collateral damage? Assessing geospatial proximity of 2000 lb bomb detonations to hospital facilities in the Gaza Strip from October 7 to November 17, 2023“. PLOS Global Public Health 4, Nr. 10 (10.10.2024): e0003178.

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After attacks in Israel led by Hamas militants on October 7, 2023, Israel launched a major military campaign in the Gaza Strip that has featured an unprecedented scale of destruction. This has included the use of highly destructive weapons in a densely populated area. Mark-84 bombs (M-84s) are 2000 lb air-dropped explosive munitions with the capacity to damage infrastructure and kill or cause severe injury hundreds of meters away. This study examines the proximity of M-84 bomb detonations to hospital infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. We combined geospatial data on hospital locations across the Gaza Strip with maps of the locations of M-84 bomb craters between October 7 and November 17, 2023, published by CNN and New York Times. We then measured and summarized the proximity of the bomb craters to hospitals across the territory. We identified 592 M-84 bomb craters. Of the 36 hospitals across the Gaza Strip, 25% (n = 9) had at least one bomb crater within the lethal range (360 m) and 83.3% (n = 30) within the infrastructure damage and injury range (800 m) of their facilities. The shortest distance of a bomb crater from a hospital was 14.7 m. Two hospitals had as many as 23 and 21 bomb craters within 800 m of their facilities and one hospital had seven bomb craters within 360 m. Thirty-eight M-84 bombs were detonated within 800 m of hospitals in the Israeli military defined evacuation zone. Given the known blast effect of these M-84 bombs, the impact from the bomb detonations near hospitals likely killed and injured people in and around the hospital area, which could include civilians and hospital staff, and likely damaged hospital infrastructure. The results of this study suggest indiscriminate bombing in dangerous proximities to hospital infrastructure, which is afforded special protection under international humanitarian law (IHL).
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Nam, YoungJoo. „A Study on the Documentation of the Atomic Bombs Damage in Koreans: A Case of House of Peace in Hapcheon“. Korean Society of Culture and Convergence 45, Nr. 6 (30.06.2023): 365–76.

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The purpose of this study is to propose a plan to record “Hapcheon Anti-Nuclear & Peace Festival”, which has been held by House of Peace in Hapcheon since 2012 to recognize victims of the atomic bomb II. The peace conference aims to inform the public of the damage to the second generation of atomic bombs, recognize the Japanese government as atomic bomb victims, and enact laws for medical and welfare benefits for the Korean government. The data produced, collected, and donated through this competition are important evidence that can reveal the heredity of the atomic bomb and prove the damage to the second generation of atomic bomb patients. Accordingly, this study proposed a plan to record the peace conference based on the documentation strategy. In particular, this study suggested that there is no record of omission or production at each stage, and that records for the recognition of victims of the atomic bomb II can be continuously collected and donated.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Letterelli, Sara. „Louder than a bomb: quando le parole sono più forti di una bomba. Proposta di traduzione di testi scelti“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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Questo elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare la “slam poetry”, una disciplina con la quale solo recentemente il pubblico italiano si è confrontato. Spiegherò di cosa si tratta, quando e perché si è originata, come si è evoluta e perché ha avuto così tanto successo con alcune categorie di persone. Non mancherà anche una riflessione generale sulla traduzione della poesia e verrà dato abbondante spazio alle propostedi traduzione di alcuni brani di slam poetry, scelti tra quelli partecipanti al concorso di Chicago del 2008, con relativo commento alla traduzione.
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Hu, Mengchen. „Measurements of OH* and CH* in a constant volume combustion bomb“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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Combustion monitoring in internal combustion engine or burners is a difficult task due to the harsh environment for any sensor, therefore optical diagnostics are very attractive for these types of application. Chemiluminescence measurement is one of the most common and most promising ways of implementing optical diagnostics in combustion monitoring applications because the measured signal, emitted naturally with combustion, has potential to be an indirect measure of combustion relevant parameters, such as the equivalence ratio and heat release rate. In hydrocarbon combustion, the most common chemiluminescence emitters are OH*, CH*, C2* and CO2*. This thesis focuses on the measurement of OH* and CH* chemiluminescence, whose sensitivities are affected by temperature, pressure, equivalence ratio and stretch rate. To measure OH* and CH* chemiluminescence, an existing constant volume combustion vessel has been refurbished, along with the sub-systems for fuel delivery, ignition, LabView control, data acquisition, and optical detection using a pair of photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs), interference filters and a series of apertures. Modelling accurately the optical setup is essential for the CH* and OH* chemiluminescence measurements in the combustion bomb. To achieve this goal, a narrow field of view system has been selected as it enables the elimination of photons scattered from the internal surfaces. A calibration of the PMTs converts the measurements into the absolute OH* and CH* chemiluminescence in terms of watt. Measurements from a combustion bomb are versatile and accurate since it determines the OH* and CH* chemiluminescence as a function of temperature and pressure from a single experiment. The calculation of the normalised OH* and CH* chemiluminescence (against mass burned rate) was based on a multi-zone combustion model and measured pressure record from the vessel. NIICS (Normalised Intensity Integrated Calculation System) has been created to fetch data from the multi-zone model, the optical model, and experimental measurements, to match them up by interpolation and to normalise the OH* and CH* chemiluminescence. NIICS also allows the user to select data uncorrupted by the noise and heat transfer. The chosen data (in this case, CH*/OH* chemiluminescence ratio) have been fitted using a multi-variate fitting and correlation analysis. This formulation can be used to indicate the local equivalence ratio from premixed methane / air and iso-octane / air flames over the local pressure range 0.5 – 20 bar, the unburned gas temperature range 450 – 600 K, and equivalence ratio range 0.8 – 1.1. The chemical-kinetic mechanisms of the absolute OH* and CH* chemiluminescence have been investigated by studying the influence of the equivalence ratio, unburned gas temperature, and local pressure. It should be pointed out that two confounding observations occur, i.e. a discontinuity in the chemiluminescence along the isentropes, and chemiluminescence continuing after the end of combustion. This led to the further spectroscopic analysis. This study concluded with spectroscopic measurements using an Ocean Optics spectrometer and a Princeton ICCD spectrometer. It was found that the broadband CO2* is responsible for the two disconcerting observations. In addition, CH* chemiluminescence has been shown to be very faint from premixed laminar methane / air flames; hence the CH*/OH* formula in essence quantifies the CO2*/OH* ratio as a function of pressure, temperature, and equivalence ratio. The ‘CH* chemiluminescence’ can characterise the background CO2*, so as to provide a practical way to probe the feasibility of absolute OH* as an indicator of combustion relevant parameters in the future.
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Dwyer, Adrian Stephen. „A risk worth taking? : analysing the adequacy of response to bomb threats“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2015.

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The subject of this study is that of bomb threat risk communication; a ‘sensitive’ topic because of its association with counter-terrorism policy. It is also a subject that has not generated extensive empirical research but is, nevertheless, affected by strongly-held and competing worldviews. The majority of bomb threats are identified, ultimately, as the work of ‘cranks’, ‘pranksters’ or ‘jokers’ (FBI, 2012; CPNI, 2010) but a smaller number have resulted in the adverse event that was threatened - although not always within the temporal or spatial parameters specified by the threat actor (MI5, 2005: 30). Risk management advice intended to inform a decision-making process is located in the collective views of subject matter experts and within this ‘orthodoxy’ the dominant view is that, under conditions of uncertainty, when “vital binary decisions need to be made” (Blackett Review, 2011), the ‘safest’ option is to assume the validity of the terrorist threat. Available evidence suggests that this position is disproportionate and risk averse; specifically, that the assessment of risk fails to take sufficient account of deliberate deception on the part of the threat actor or potential misinterpretation of the message communicated. Research presented here considers the extent to which the literature on the subject supports the orthodoxy. It identifies the risk management response as one founded on a principle of precaution and which has become symptomatic of a “wicked problem” (Rittel and Webber, 1973) - where some elements are addressed in great detail whilst others, integral to risk management decision-making, are circumvented or excluded. This research addresses the absence of published data concerning bomb threats as a tactic of terrorists and expands upon the findings of the very small number of studies concerned exclusively with ‘hoaxing’. It analyses a unique dataset collected by the author comprising of a total sample of 7595 threat events directed at Britain’s railway network and spanning almost a quarter of a century; and uses qualitative data from secondary sources to contextualise the incidents (hoax and real) located. The study also analyses a second sample drawn from 328 ‘newsworthy’ incidents: all of which were hoaxes. By considering hoax and valid threat events within the same study, the findings raise a substantial challenge to the tenets of the bomb threat orthodoxy; particularly the worldview within which to “brave the bomb threat” (HSE, 1992: 27) is characterised as a risk ‘not worth taking’.
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Ilic, Nenad. „A reanalysis of the atomic bomb survivor's cancer rates using a Monte Carlo simulation“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Mezo, Andrew. „An image-based analysis of stratified natural gas combustion in a constant volume bomb“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008.

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Current stoichiometric spark-ignited engine technologies require costly catalytic converters for reductions in tailpipe emissions. Load control is achieved by using a throttle, which is a leading contributor to reductions in efficiency. Spark-ignited lean burn natural gas engines have been proven to be more efficient and emit fewer pollutants than their stoichiometric counterparts. Load reduction in these engines can be achieved by regulating the air/fuel ratio of the intake charge thereby reducing the efficiency penalties inherent to throttling. Partially stratified charge (PSC) can provide further reductions in emissions and improvements in efficiency by extending the lean limit of operation. PSC is achieved by the ignition of a small quantity of natural gas in the vicinity of the spark plug. This creates an easily ignitable mixture at the spark plug electrodes, thereby providing a high energy ignition source for the ultra-lean bulk charge. Stratified charge engine operation using direct injection (DI) has been proposed as a method of bridging the throttleless load reduction gap between idle and ultra-lean conditions. A previous study was conducted to determine if PSC can provide a high-energy ignition source in a direct injected stratified charge engine. Difficulties with igniting the PSC injections in an air-only bulk charge were encountered. This study focuses on a fundamental Schlieren image-based analysis of PSC combustion. Natural gas was injected through a modified spark plug located in an optically accessible combustion bomb. The relationships between PSC injection timing, fuel supply pressure and spark timing were investigated. Spark timing is defined as the duration between commanded start of injection and the time of spark. As the fuel supply pressure was increased, the minimum spark timing that lead to successful combustion also increased. The largest spark timing window that led to successful combustion was determined to be 80 ms wide at an injection fuel supply pressure of 300 psi. The amount of unburned natural gas increased with increasing spark timing. A cold flow study of the PSC injection system was also conducted. The PSC injection solenoid was found to have a consistent average injection delay of 1.95 ms. The slope of the linear response region of observed injection duration to commanded injection duration was 8.4. Due to plenum effects, the average observed injection duration of the entire PSC system was an order of magnitude longer than the commanded injection duration and was found to vary significantly with fuel supply pressure.
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Watanabe, Tomoyuki, Masaru Miyao, Ryumon Honda und Yuichi Yamada. „Hiroshima survivors exposed to very low doses of A-bomb primary radiation showed a high risk for cancers“. springer, 2008.

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Sudnik, John. „"Dirty bomb" attack assessing New York City's level of preparedness from a first responder's perspective /“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006.

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Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2006.
Thesis Advisor(s): Christopher Bellavita. "March 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-97). Also available online.
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Kelly, Brian P., Sean D. Hayes und Brett Stevens. „Cost effective analysis comparing the small diameter bomb and the joint standoff weapon (A+ Variant)“. Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2004.

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MBA Professional Report
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited.
This MBA project investigated and analyzed the cost effectiveness of implementing the Joint Standoff Weapon A+ (JSOW A+) variant versus the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). The primary goal was to compare the "cost per kill" for each weapon system in its intended operational environment against an existing target set. The secondary goal was to determine most cost effective optimum mix of weapons that would destroy the given target set. The optimum mix was determined using either the SDB or the JSOW A+ in combination with the current family of JSOW weapons, and was calculated based upon each weapons' cost-effectiveness. A computer model generated the cost-effectiveness of each weapon system by dividing weapon cost by weapon effectiveness. During the process of answering our research questions we discovered different scenarios identifying JSOW A+ as comparatively more, and in several scenarios comparatively less cost-effective than the SDB. The scenarios and results are subject to the assumptions and limitations defined within this report. This project explores the different scenarios to provide the acquisition program manager with the relevant data to make informed decisions concerning the direction of their program.
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Hamilton, Cade. „A rhetorical history of the North Korean nuclear crisis: How three presidents talked about the bomb“. Thesis, Wichita State University, 2008.

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This research attempted to analyze the North Korean nuclear crisis using a rhetorical history that evaluated the discursive framings of the George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and George W. Bush administrations. I used an inductive format to use rhetorical criticism to create interpretive lenses for each presidential administration. Studying each presidential administration’s rhetoric provided for a number of thematic elements that informed the context of the crisis. I found the George H.W. Bush administration deployed a rhetoric of compliance. This rhetorical frame failed to meet the needs of the North Koreans to be seen as legitimate. The William J. Clinton administration used a rhetoric of negotiation. Clinton’s rhetorical posture was unable to account for the suspicions of the Republican Congress elected in 1996 that derailed the Agreed Framework of 1994. The George W. Bush administration utilized a rhetoric of verification. George W. Bush’s rhetorical choices produced the six-party accord, but ultimately may not be able to satisfy the need for complete transparency. This is especially true in light of the events surrounding North Korea and Syria’s nuclear program. It was concluded that each presidential administration failed to satisfy the exigency of the situation due to a number of constraints. By studying these rhetorical constraints, scholars can better understand the role that presidential rhetoric and history play in how events unfold.
Thesis [M.A.] - Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Science, Elliot School of Communication
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Karlsson, Tilda. „Before and After the Bomb : A Study of Narration and Politics in Conrad’s The Secret Agent“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2016.

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The aim of this essay is to investigate ways in which the narrative in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent reflects the political views within and around the novel. The narrative focus of the essay is plot-structure and focalisation, and the political focus circles around anarchy and anarchism. The essay discusses how the anarchist’s belief in individual freedom and Conrad’s scepticism towards politics is reflected in the novel’s narration. I also discuss how the narrator uses irony to reflect Conrad’s scepticism.
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Bücher zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Slavick, Elin O'Hara. Bomb after bomb: A violent cartography. Milano: Charta, 2007.

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Sasser, Charles W. Hitler's A-bomb. New York: Harper, 2008.

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Groot, Gerard J. De. The bomb: A life. London: Jonathan Cape, 2004.

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Frost, Allen. Sitting on a bomb. [Bellingham, Wash.]: A. Frost, 2003.

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1922-, Zinn Howard, Lutz Catherine und Mavor Carol 1957-, Hrsg. Elin O'Hara slavick: Bomb after bomb : a violent cartography. Milano: Charta, 2007.

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Vachss, Andrew H. A bomb built in hell: A novel. New York: Vintage Books, 2012.

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Younger, Stephen M. The Bomb: A New History. New York: Ecco, 2009.

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Sreedhar, Hrsg. Pakistan's bomb: A documentary study. New Delhi: ABC Pub. House, 1986.

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Scott, Lee. Pipe and fire bomb designs: A guide for police bomb technicians. Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1994.

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Muirhead, Campbell. The diary of a bomb aimer. Tunbridge Wells: Spellmount, 1987.

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Buchteile zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Basdevant, Jean-Louis, und Jean Dalibard. „A Non-destructive Bomb Detector“. In The Quantum Mechanics Solver, 109–17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Long, Joshua, und Jason Vukovich. „A Bomb Built in Hell“. In Avenging Child Sex Abuse, 214–45. New York: Routledge, 2023.

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Dzinesa, Gwinyayi Albert. „Namibia: Creating a Time Bomb“. In Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in Southern Africa, 97–132. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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„‘A Perfect Bomb’“. In China’s Forgotten People. I.B. TAURIS, 2019.

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Gill, David James. „A British Bomb“. In Britain and the Bomb, 11–50. Stanford University Press, 2014.

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„“A Beautiful Bomb”“. In Literatures, Communities, and Learning, 129–39. Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2020.

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„A British Bomb“. In Britain and the Bomb, 11–50. Stanford University Press, 2014.

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Lifton, Robert Jay. „“A-Bomb Disease”“. In Death in Life, 103–64. University of North Carolina Press, 1991.

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Lifton, Robert Jay. „A-Bomb Man“. In Death in Life, 165–208. University of North Carolina Press, 1991.

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„A-bomb, n.“ In Oxford English Dictionary. 3. Aufl. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Ghicioi, Emilian, Dan Gabor, Mirela Radu und Anca Tazlauanu. „BLASTING TECHNOLOGY FOR NEUTRALIZING IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES“. In 24th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 24, 227–34. STEF92 Technology, 2024.

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An attack with a "improvised" explosive device (IED) is when someone uses a bomb and/or destructive device to cause damage, render someone helpless, harass, or divert attention. Terrorists, criminals, vandals, suicide bombers, and rebels all utilize IEDs. IEDs can take many different shapes because they are improvised; they can be as simple as a pipe bomb or as complex as a sophisticated weapon that can inflict significant damage and casualties. IEDs can be transported or carried in a car; they can also be delivered in a package; they can be delivered by a person; or they can be hidden by the side of the road. In the course of 2023, INSEMEX perfected, patented, and tested the liquid-jet neutralization device of the improvised explosive devices DNJLDEI (prototype for an improvised bombs neutralization device, Patented Request CBI OSIM nr. a/00178/11.04.2023), which has the potential to be a valuable tool for urban interventions against terrorist attack. In this paper was presented the liquid-jet neutralization device of the improvised explosive devices DNJLDEI (prototype for a neutralization device of improvised explosive bombs), which has the potential to be a valuable tool for urban interventions against the terrorist attack. Tests were carried out for the two improved variants of plastic containers, with measurements of the velocity of the projected liquid jet (water). The experimental test program of DNJLDEI included the final verification of functionality of new prototype of IED neutralization device, based on liquid-jet, the operational validation being performed upon a bomb briefcase, which was neutralised by accuracy destroying of detonator, without damages of explosive charge.
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lei, xiaobo, Qi Li und Yongkang Li. „Calculation and analysis of structural strength of a certain type of fire extinguishing bomb“. In 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Manufacturing Systems (ICAMTMS 2024), herausgegeben von Dailin Zhang und Ke Zhang, 92. SPIE, 2024.

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Wang, Jingyuan, Chao Chen, Junjie Wu und Zhang Xiong. „No Longer Sleeping with a Bomb“. In KDD '17: The 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Ali, Junade. „Technical Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb?“ In International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023. The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 2023.

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Lindgren, Matts, und Per-Henrik Persson. „The Multiplexed Vehicle -a Maintenance Time Bomb!?“ In International Congress & Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1996.

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Nguyen, Hoa G., Adam Nans, Kurt Talke, Paul Candela und H. R. Everett. „Automatic behavior sensing for a bomb-detecting dog“. In SPIE Defense + Security, herausgegeben von Robert E. Karlsen, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker und Grant R. Gerhart. SPIE, 2015.

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Day, Brian, Cindy Bethel, Robin Murphy und Jennifer Burke. „A Depth Sensing Display for Bomb Disposal Robots“. In 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR). IEEE, 2008.

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West, William. „Developmental Testing of A Laser-Guided Bomb Simulation“. In 2008 U.S. Air Force T&E Days. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008.

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Landwehr Sydow, Sophie, Jakob Tholander und Martin Jonsson. „"It's a Bomb!" -- Material Literacy and Narratives of Making“. In CHI '17: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Patel, H., R. Dadhwal, M. B. Badshah, A. Khan und M. Babury. „A Ticking Time Bomb: Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome Associated with HIV“. In American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA. American Thoracic Society, 2020.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "A-Bomb"


Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier, Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Veronika Penciakova und Nick Sander. COVID-19 and SMEs: A 2021 "Time Bomb"? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Januar 2021.

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Swann, Ralph L. A Unit History of the 315th Bomb Wing: 1944-1946. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 1986.

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Kerr, G. (Application of dosimetry system DS86 to individual A-bomb survivors). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1990.

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Moore, John Tyler. A Revisionist Revision of History The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 2017.

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Ritter, John J., Barrie E. Homan und William Thalman. Dynamic Pressure Testing of a 155-mm Howitzer Ballistic Window Using a Closed Bomb Vessel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2010.

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Kerr, G. D., J. F. Emery und J. V. Pace, III. Sulfur activation at the Little Boy-Comet Critical Assembly: a replica of the Hiroshima bomb. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1985.

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Miller, Julie. A Tale of Two Bomb Designs: Why were both Little Boy and Fat Man created? Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2022.

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Steeves, Brye. Weapons research highlight One-of-a-kind H-bomb materials assist with today’s mission work. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2022.

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Hertrich, André. The Atomic Bomb Victims in Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Display: Differing Exhibition Strategies and International Trends in Musealization. Austrian Academy of Sciences, April 2024.

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The Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki represent the horrors of war as places of the hundred-thousandfold killing of humans with scientific and industrial means. And as such Hiroshima and Nagasaki (to a lesser degree) became dominant symbols within global memory culture. In my paper I will juxtapose this form of commemoration with what Jeffrey Alexander claimed was an ongoing universalization of the Holocaust as a symbol of radical evil. This universalization also supposedly led to the globalization of aesthetic standards in museum designs of memorial museums worldwide, deriving from Holocaust memorials such as Yad Vashem or the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as role models. After taking a closer look at the focal points of the atomic bomb memorialization: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, respectively, I will cite international trends of an increasing focus on the fate of individuals since the 2000s, and analyze the representation of victims of the atomic bombings. As there are significant differences in terms of individualization and emotionalization between both exhibitions, I will place a specific focus on pointing out the differences between the two museums, such as the finding that photos of individual victims play a far greater role in Hiroshima. Outlining the in-situ memoryscapes of the atomic bomb destruction, my eventual goal is to discern various influences on the exhibition and to ask whether elements of Holocaust musealization served as role model in aesthetics and design and how genuine "atomic" tropes and modes of display look like.
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Oberle, William F., Arpad A. Juhasz und Teresa M. Griffie. A Simplified Computer Code for Reduction to Burning Rates of Closed Bomb Pressure-Time Data (MINICB). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 1987.

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