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Wihadmadyatami, Hevi, Monika Burg-Roederfeld, Silke Werth, Changgeng Ruan, Mingwang Wei, Gregor Bein, Ulrich J. Sachs und Sentot Santoso. „Deglycosylated Human Monoclonal Antibody Against HPA-1a Prevents Anti-HPA-1a Alloantibodies Mediated Endothelial Apoptosis“. Blood 124, Nr. 21 (06.12.2014): 464. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.v124.21.464.464.

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Abstract Foetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is caused by the destruction of fetal platelets by maternal platelet alloantibodies which crossed through the placenta during pregnancy. Alloantibodies (aabs) against Human Platelet Antigen-1a (HPA-1a) residing on the b-subunit of the fibrinogen receptor (alphaIIbbeta3 integrin) on platelets are responsible for intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in severe FNAIT cases. Recently, we could demonstrate that the deglycosylated mouse mab SZ21 against HPA-1a is able to cross through placenta, and prevents the destruction of platelets in mouse model (Bakchoul et al, Blood 2013). Meanwhile, this mab is humanized as chimeric antibody (mab 813). It is known that the beta3-subunit is abundantly expressed as vitronectin receptor (alphavbeta3 integrin) on endothelial surface. In this study, we sought to investigate the effect of deglycosylated mab 813 (deg-813) towards endothelial function. Deg-813 was prepared and characterized as previously described (Bakchoul et al, Blood 2013). Flow cytometry analysis showed similar binding activity of intact 813 and deg-813 with platelets and endothelial cells. This result could be confirmed by surface plasmon resonance technology; native and deg-813 interacted equally with purified alphavbeta3 immobilized on the sensor chip (Kd 7.43x10-11 and 6.67x10-11, respectively). To study the influence of mab 813 on endothelial function, apoptosis experiment with HUVEC was performed using Tunel and Caspase-3/7 assays. In both assays, endothelial apoptosis was not observed with intact 813 and deg-813. In contrast, inhibitory mabs against alphavbeta3 receptor (clones 23C6, LM609) as well as cyclic Arg-Gly-Asp peptide caused significant apoptosis of these cells. Similar results were obtained with brain endothelial cells (hCMEC/D3). Accordingly, deg-813 did not inhibit the adhesion of HUVEC on vitronectin matrix when compared to alphavbeta3 specific mabs. Furthermore, we asked the question whether maternal anti-HPA-1a aabs may induce endothelial apoptosis. Anti-HPA-1a aabs derived from FNAIT mothers giving birth of babies with ICH (n = 3) were purified by absorption/elution method using HUVEC. Analysis of the eluted material by antigen capture assay showed specific binding to alphavbeta3, but not to alphaIIbbeta3. This result could be confirmed by immunoprecipitation analysis. When alphavbeta3-reactive anti-HPA-1a antibodies were tested with endothelial cells, significant apoptosis was observed. In the control experiment, anti-alphaIIbbeta3 complex specific antibodies did not cause endothelial apoptosis. Finally, incubation of HUVEC with deg-813 prevented cell death mediated by anti-HPA-1a antibodies. Taking together, our observation indicates that deg-813 can protect not only anti-HPA-1a aabs mediated platelet destruction but also endothelial disturbance without altering endothelial function. These results suggest that deg-813 may represent a novel drug to prevent ICH in severe FNAIT during pregnancy. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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Rahma Adelia, Ninuk Lustyantie und Wahyu Tri Widyastuti. „Stigma pada tokoh utama dalam Novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc“. Franconesia 1, Nr. 2 (31.12.2022): 69–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/franconesia.12.2.

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan fase-fase pembentuk stigma pada tokoh utama yang terdapat dalam Novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif struktural karya sastra dengan metode analisis isi. Data berupa kata, frasa, kalimat atau dialog tentang fase-fase pembentuk stigma. Sedangkan sumber data adalah Novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada teori stigma menurut Jean-Yves Giordana berupa tiga fase-fase pembentukan stigma yaitu (1) fase pelabelan (Étiquetage) (2) prasangka (Préjudice), dan (3) diskriminasi (Discrimination). Analisis data menggunakan studi dokumen dan mengacu pada teknik analisis data untuk sumber data yaitu Novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc dengan menganalisis pada setiap unsur intrinsik pada novel mulai dari alur, tokoh dan latar, kemudian mengacu pada teknik analisis data yang digunakan oleh Miles dan Huberman yaitu, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua puluh dua (22) kutipan yang menunjukkan sebuah fase-fase pembentuk stigma yang dirasakan tokoh utama dalam novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc. Di antaranya yang pertama fase prasangka berjumlah sebelas (11) kutipan, fase pelabelan berjumlah tujuh (7) kutipan dan fase diskriminasi berjumlah empat (4) kutipan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah selesai dilakukan dapat disimpulkan fase prasangka menjadi fase yang paling banyak dirasakan oleh tokoh utama dalam novel 813 karya Maurice Leblanc, kemudian disusul oleh fase kedua adalah fase pelabelan dan yang terakhir adalah fase diskriminasi.
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Murayama, Masaaki, Ryuji ENDO und Nobuyoshi TOSAKA. „813 System Identification of a 3-story frame Model based on Experimental Modal Analysis“. Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference 2009.22 (2009): 119–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/jsmecmd.2009.22.119.

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Yamaguchi, Masatomo, Yasuhiro Sasaki, Jia Hu, Sota Yamamoto, Koji Mizuno und Eiichi Tanaka. „813 Analysis of struck-side 3-year-old child using CRS in side impact“. Proceedings of the JSME annual meeting 2008.5 (2008): 51–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/jsmemecjo.2008.5.0_51.

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Fu, S., G. Chen, J. Dong und L. Zhang. „<p>Prevalence and etiology of hearing loss in primary and middle school students in the Hubei Province of China</p>“. Community Ear and Hearing Health 8, Nr. 11 (01.12.2011): 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.56920/cehh.107.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and etiology of hearing loss in primary and middle school students in the Hubei province of China. During a 2-year period, 504,348 students were examined by a speech audiometry test, and 813 deaf students were detected. Among the 813 deaf students, 232 cases were diagnosed with congenital deafness and 560 cases had acquired deafness, among which 276 cases had aminoglycoside-antibiotic-induced deafness. The severity of deafness could be further ascertained in 804 other students, with 402 profound, 363 severe, 21 moderate and 18 mild deafness cases. The age at deafness onset of most students was under 3 years. The prevalence of congenital and acquired deafness was 0.046% (232/504,348) and 0.111% (560/504,348), respectively, much lower than previously reported in other regions of China. Furthermore, the genetic factor was identified as one of the principal causes of deafness by pedigree analysis. Published courtesy of: Audiol Neurootol. 2010; 15(6): 394-398
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Cao, Weiping, Bob Avakian und William R. Green. „Reviews“. Leading Edge 38, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2019): 813–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/tle38100813.1.

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Waves and Rays in Seismology: Answers to Unasked Questions, second edition, by Michael Slawinski, ISBN 978-9-813-23987-6, 2018, World Scientific, 576 p. Archaeogeophysics: State of the Art and Case Studies, by Gad El-Qady and Mohamed Metwaly, ISBN 978-3-319-78860-9, 2019, Springer International Publishing, 276 p. Earthquake Analysis and Design of Industrial Structures and Infra-structures, by Indrajit Chowdhury and Shambhu Dasgupta, ISBN 978-3-319-90831-1, 2019, Springer International Publishing, 1050 p.
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Wilkinson, D. J., T. V. Strong, M. K. Mansoura, D. L. Wood, S. S. Smith, F. S. Collins und D. C. Dawson. „CFTR activation: additive effects of stimulatory and inhibitory phosphorylation sites in the R domain“. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 273, Nr. 1 (01.07.1997): L127—L133. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajplung.1997.273.1.l127.

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To investigate the functional significance of individual consensus phosphorylation sites within the R domain of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), serines were eliminated by substituting them with alanine. Included in this analysis were serine-660, -670, -686, -700, -712, -737, -768, -795, and -813, which lie within protein kinase A consensus sequences, and serine-641, which does not. Elimination of single potential phosphorylation sites altered the sensitivity of CFTR (expressed in Xenopus oocytes) to activating conditions in a manner that was highly site dependent. Substitution at serine-660, -670, -700, -795, or -813 significantly increased the half-maximal activation constant (KA) for activation by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, which is consistent with the hypothesis that phosphorylation at any of these sites promotes CFTR activation. The effect of substitution at serine-813 was significantly greater than at the other sites. In contrast, alanine substitution at serine-737 or -768 actually decreased the KA for activation, suggesting that phosphorylation at either of these sites is inhibitory. Substitution at serine-641, -686, and -712 had no significant effect on activation sensitivity. The effects of multiple serine to alanine substitutions were consistent with the notion that phosphorylation at individual sites produced roughly additive effects, suggesting that the effect produced by phosphorylation of any one serine was not dependent on the phosphorylation state of other serines. These results are consistent with the notion that, although none of the phosphorylation sites studied here are absolutely necessary for activation of CFTR, individual sites contribute differently to the gating of the channel.
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Neagu, Oana, Amparo Fernández Rodríguez, Domitille Callon, Laurent Andréoletti und Marta C. Cohen. „Myocarditis Presenting as Sudden Death in Infants and Children: A Single Centre Analysis by ESGFOR Study Group“. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 24, Nr. 4 (19.04.2021): 327–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/10935266211007262.

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Background Acute myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart mostly diagnosed in young people, which can present as sudden death. The etiology includes infectious agents (mostly viruses), systemic diseases and toxins. We aim to characterize infants and children with myocarditis at post-mortem presenting as sudden deaths. Methods Retrospective evaluation of 813 post-mortems in infants and children dying suddenly and unexpectedly between 2009–2019. Data retrieved included histological features, microbiology and clinical history. Results 23 of 813 post-mortems reviewed corresponded to acute myocarditis and 1 to dilated cardiomyopathy related to remote Parvovirus infection. PCR identified enterovirus (7), parvovirus (7 cases, 2 also with HHV6 and 1 case with EVB), Influenza A (1), Parainfluenza type 3 (1). Two cases corresponded to hypersensitivity myocarditis, 1 was Group A Streptococcus and 5 idiopathic myocarditis. Enterovirus was frequent in infants (7/10), and in newborns was associated with meningoencephalitis or congenital myocarditis. More than 50% were less than 2 years of age and all remained clinically unsuspected. Conclusion Myocarditis represents almost 3% of all sudden pediatric deaths. Enterovirus and parvovirus were the most common viruses. This retrospective analysis showed that patients experienced viral symptoms but remained unsuspected, highlighting the need for more clinical awareness of myocarditis.
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Jones, G. O., und P. A. Thomas. „Investigation of the structure and phase transitions in the novel A-site substituted distorted perovskite compound Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3“. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science 58, Nr. 2 (25.03.2002): 168–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/s0108768101020845.

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Rietveld neutron powder profile analysis of the compound Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is reported over the temperature range 5–873 K. The sequence of phase transitions from the high-temperature prototypic cubic structure (above 813 K), to one of tetragonal (673–773 K) and then rhombohedral structures (5–528 K) has been established. Coexisting tetragonal/cubic (773–813 K) and rhombohedral/tetragonal (with an upper temperature limit of 145 K between 528 and 673 K) phases have also been observed. Refinements have revealed that the rhombohedral phase, space group R3c, with a H = 5.4887 (2), c H = 13.5048 (8) Å, V = 352.33 (3) Å3, Z = 6 and D x = 5.99 Mg m−3, exhibits an antiphase, a − a − a − oxygen tilt system, ω = 8.24 (4)°, with parallel cation displacements at room temperature. The tetragonal phase, space group P4bm, with a T = 5.5179 (2), c T = 3.9073 (2) Å, V = 118.96 (1) Å3, Z = 2 and D x = 5.91 Mg m−3, possesses an unusual combination of in-phase, a 0 a 0 c + oxygen octahedra tilts, ω = 3.06 (2)°, and antiparallel cation displacements along the polar axis. General trends of cation displacements and the various deviations of the octahedral network from the prototypic cubic perovskite structure have been established and their systematic behaviour with temperature is reported. An investigation of phase transition behaviour using second harmonic generation (SHG) to establish the centrosymmetric or non-centrosymmetric nature of the various phases is also reported.
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Harigaya, Yasuo, Takaomi C. Saido, Mikio Shoji und Steven G. Younkin. „813 Quantitative analysis of amyloid B protein with amino-terminal pyroglutamate 3 in alzheimer's disease brains“. Neuroscience Research 28 (Januar 1997): S104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0168-0102(97)90275-3.

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Lucke, John C., Ravi N. Samy, B. Zane Atkins, Scott C. Silvestry, James M. Douglas, Steve J. Schwab, Walter G. Wolfe und Donald D. Glower. „813-3 Results of Valve Replacement with Mechanical versus Biological Prostheses in Patients on Chronic Renal Dialysis“. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 25, Nr. 2 (Februar 1995): 429A. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0735-1097(95)93241-4.

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Orlyanchik, V., V. I. Kozub und Z. Ovadyahu. „Non-Gaussian conductance noise in disordered electronic systems [Phys. Status Solidi C5, No. 3, 809-813 (2008)]“. physica status solidi (c) 6, Nr. 6 (Juni 2009): 1521. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssc.200980990.

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Knight, Robert. „The Austrian State Treaty and Beyond“. Contemporary European History 10, Nr. 1 (März 2001): 123–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0960777301001060.

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Gerald Stourzh, Um Einheit und Freiheit. Staatsvertrag, Neutralität und das Ende der Ost-West-Besetzung Österreichs 1945–1955 (4. völlig überarbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage), Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung 62 (Vienna/Cologne/Graz: Böhlau, 1998), 834 pp., ISBN 3-205-98383-1. Günter Bischof, Austria in the First Cold War, 1945–55. The Leverage of the Weak (Basingstoke/London: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press, 1999), 237 pp., ISBN 0-333-72547-6. Lothar Höbelt, Von der vierten Partei zur Dritten Kraft. Die Geschichte des VdU (Graz/Stuttgart: Leopold Stocker Verlag, 1999), 303 pp., ISBN 3-702-00866-7. Anton Pelinka, Austria. Out of the Shadow of the Past, Nations of the Modern World: Europe (Boulder/Oxford: Westview, 1998), 256 pp., ISBN 0-813-32918-3.
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Wu, Xinjie, Yanlei Wang, Wei Sun und Mingsheng Tan. „Prognostic Factors and a Nomogram Predicting Overall Survival in Patients with Limb Chondrosarcomas: A Population-Based Study“. BioMed Research International 2021 (15.05.2021): 1–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/4510423.

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Introduction. We aimed to develop and validate a nomogram for predicting the overall survival of patients with limb chondrosarcomas. Methods. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program database was used to identify patients diagnosed with chondrosarcomas, from which data was extracted from 18 registries in the United States between 1973 and 2016. A total of 813 patients were selected from the database. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazards regression models on the training group to identify independent prognostic factors and construct a nomogram to predict the 3- and 5-year survival probability of patients with limb chondrosarcomas. The predictive values were compared using concordance indexes ( C -indexes) and calibration plots. Results. All 813 patients were randomly divided into a training group ( n = 572 ) and a validation group ( n = 241 ). After univariate and multivariate Cox regression, a nomogram was constructed based on a new model containing the predictive variables of age, site, grade, tumor size, histology, stage, and use of surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. The prediction model provided excellent C -indexes (0.86 and 0.77 in the training and validation groups, respectively). The good discrimination and calibration of the nomograms were demonstrated for both the training and validation groups. Conclusions. The nomograms precisely and individually predict the overall survival of patients with limb chondrosarcomas and could assist personalized prognostic evaluation and individualized clinical decision-making.
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Bacani, A. Kirstin, Cynthia S. Crowson, Véronique L. Roger, Sherine E. Gabriel und Eric L. Matteson. „Increased Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis“. BioMed Research International 2015 (2015): 1–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/809514.

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Objective. To investigate the incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF) among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared to the general population.Methods. A population-based inception cohort of Olmsted County, Minnesota, residents with incident RA in 1980–2007 and a cohort of non-RA subjects from the same population base were assembled and followed until 12/31/2008. The occurrence of AF was ascertained by medical record review.Results. The study included 813 patients with RA and 813 non-RA subjects (mean age 55.9 (SD:15.7) years, 68% women in both cohorts). The prevalence of AF was similar in the RA and non-RA cohorts at RA incidence/index date (4% versus 3%;P=0.51). The cumulative incidence of AF during follow-up was higher among patients with RA compared to non-RA subjects (18.3% versus 16.3% at 20 years;P=0.048). This difference persisted after adjustment for age, sex, calendar year, smoking, and hypertension (hazard ratio: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.07, 2.00). There was no evidence of a differential impact of AF on mortality in patients with RA compared to non-RA subjects (hazard ratio 2.5 versus 2.8; interactionP=0.31).Conclusion. The incidence of AF is increased in patients with RA, even after adjustment for AF risk factors. AF related mortality risk did not differ between patients with and without RA.
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Jaeger, Beate R., Frank Bengel, Kenichi Odaka, Carlos A. Labarrere, Stefan Bengsch, Clemens Engelschalk, Eckart Kreuzer, Peter Ueberfuhr, Bruno Reichart und Dietrich Seidel. „813-3 Reduction of plasma cholesterol and fibrinogen by H.E.L.P. apheresis increases myocardial perfusion in heart transplant patients“. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43, Nr. 5 (März 2004): A186. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(04)90790-5.

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Das, Kishore Kumar, GSK Swamy und Sheetal Rawat. „Effects of Datomaceous Earth on the Incidence Of Sucking Pest of Guava“. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 51, Nr. 4 (29.12.2022): 813–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v51i4.63501.

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Effects of diatomaceous earth (DE) as a source of silicon on incidence of Helopeltis antonii Signoret and Aleurodicus dispersus Russell in Guava var. Sardar were investigated. In the month of September and October maximum infestation (2.79) was observed in control plots and the least infestation (1.93) was observed in treatment with RDF + 3kg/plant of DE. In the month of November, the maximum infestation (3.62) was found in control, while the least infestation (1.89) was noticed in RDF + 3 kg/plant of DE. Again, in the month of December the maximum infestation (3.60) of tea mosquito bug was observed in the Half of RDF + 3 kg/plant of DE, followed by control (3.48) and the least infestation (2.83) was noticed in RDF + 3 kg/plant of DE. Bangladesh J. Bot. 51(4): 813-816, 2022 (December)
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Thongtem, Titipun, Sulawan Kaowphong und Somchai Thongtem. „Synthesis and Analysis of Nano-Crystalline LiNiVO4“. Materials Science Forum 510-511 (März 2006): 1142–0. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.510-511.1142.

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LiNiVO4 was synthesized using Li2CO3, NH4VO3 and Ni(CH3COO)2.4H2O as starting reagents and citric acid as a chelating agent. Mole ratios of metals to citric acid used for the preparation were 1 : 1 - 1 : 4. Carboxylate precursors were calcined at high temperatures to form powder. TGA data showed weight loss due to the evaporation and decomposition processes. FTIR showed the stretching bands of VO4 tetrahedron at 642, 713 and 813 cm-1. For 1 : 3 and 1 : 4 mole ratios, nano-crystals of inverse spinel LiNiVO4 (produced at 450 oC calcination for 6 h) were detected by XRD, electron diffraction, SEM and TEM.
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Myrzakhmetova, А. „Analysis of Kazakhstan’s transport industry in modern conditions“. KazNU BULLETIN. International relations and international law series Vol 83, Nr. 3 (2018): 79–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.26577/irily-2018-3-813.

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Marzano, F. S., und G. Ferrauto. „Relation between weather radar equation and first-order backscattering theory“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, Nr. 3 (20.06.2003): 813–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-3-813-2003.

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Abstract. Aim of this work is to provide a new insight into the physical basis of the meteorological-radar theory in attenuating media. Starting form the general integral form of the weather radar equation, a modified form of the classical weather radar equation at attenuating wavelength is derived. This modified radar equation includes a new parameter, called the range-bin extinction factor, taking into account the rainfall path attenuation within each range bin. It is shown that, only in the case of low-to-moderate attenuating media, the classical radar equation at attenuating wavelength can be used. These theoretical results are corroborated by using the radiative transfer theory where multiple scattering phenomena can be quantified. From a new definition of the radar reflectivity, in terms of backscattered specific intensity, a generalised radar equation is deduced. Within the assumption of first-order backscattering, the generalised radar equation is reduced to the modified radar equation, previously obtained. This analysis supports the conclusion that the description of radar observations at attenuating wavelength should include, in principle, first-order scattering effects. Numerical simulations are performed by using statistical relationships among the radar reflectivity, rain rate and specific attenuation, derived from literature. Results confirm that the effect of the range-bin extinction factor, depending on the considered frequency and range resolution, can be significant at X band for intense rain, while at Ka band and above it can become appreciable even for moderate rain. A discussion on the impact of these theoretical and numerical results is finally included.
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Sayer, A. M., G. E. Thomas und R. G. Grainger. „A sea surface reflectance model for (A)ATSR, and application to aerosol retrievals“. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3, Nr. 4 (05.07.2010): 813–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-3-813-2010.

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Abstract. A model of the sea surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is presented for the visible and near-IR channels (over the spectral range 550 nm to 1.6 μm) of the dual-viewing Along-Track Scanning Radiometers (ATSRs). The intended application is as part of the Oxford-RAL Aerosols and Clouds (ORAC) retrieval scheme. The model accounts for contributions to the observed reflectance from whitecaps, sun-glint and underlight. Uncertainties in the parametrisations used in the BRDF model are propagated through into the forward model and retrieved state. The new BRDF model offers improved coverage over previous methods, as retrievals are possible into the sun-glint region, through the ATSR dual-viewing system. The new model has been applied in the ORAC aerosol retrieval algorithm to process Advanced ATSR (AATSR) data from September 2004 over the south-eastern Pacific. The assumed error budget is shown to be generally appropriate, meaning the retrieved states are consistent with the measurements and a priori assumptions. The resulting field of aerosol optical depth (AOD) is compared with colocated MODIS-Terra observations, AERONET observations at Tahiti, and cruises over the oceanic region. MODIS and AATSR show similar spatial distributions of AOD, although MODIS reports values which are larger and more variable. It is suggested that assumptions in the MODIS aerosol retrieval algorithm may lead to a positive bias in MODIS AOD of order 0.01 at 550 nm over ocean regions where the wind speed is high.
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Lisdiyanti, Puspita, Hiroko Kawasaki, Yantyati Widyastuti, Susono Saono, Tatsuji Seki, Yuzo Yamada, Tai Uchimura und Kazuo Komagata. „Kozakia baliensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel acetic acid bacterium in the alpha-proteobacteria.“ International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52, Nr. 3 (01.05.2002): 813–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/00207713-52-3-813.

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Yamamoto, S., und S. Harayama. „Phylogenetic relationships of Pseudomonas putida strains deduced from the nucleotide sequences of gyrB, rpoD and 16S rRNA genes“. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48, Nr. 3 (01.07.1998): 813–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/00207713-48-3-813.

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Alkafaf, N. K. T., K. H. Yeoman, M. Wexler, H. Hussain und A. W. B. Johnston. „Analysis of a Rhizobium leguminosarum gene encoding a protein homologous to glutathione S-transferases“. Microbiology 143, Nr. 3 (01.03.1997): 813–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/00221287-143-3-813.

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Scholey, J. M., G. Ou, J. Snow und A. Gunnarson. „Intraflagellar transport motors in Caenorhabditis elegans neurons“. Biochemical Society Transactions 32, Nr. 5 (26.10.2004): 682–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1042/bst0320682.

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IFT (intraflagellar transport) assembles and maintains sensory cilia on the dendritic endings of chemosensory neurons within the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. During IFT, macromolecular protein complexes called IFT particles (which carry ciliary precursors) are moved from the base of the sensory cilium to its distal tip by anterograde IFT motors (kinesin-II and Osm-3 kinesin) and back to the base by retrograde IFT-dynein [Rosenbaum and Witman (2002) Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3, 813–825; Scholey (2003) Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 19, 423–443; and Snell, Pan and Wang (2004) Cell 117, 693–697]. In the present study, we describe the protein machinery of IFT in C. elegans, which we have analysed using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of green fluorescent protein-fusion proteins in concert with ciliary mutants.
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BURY, MIKE. „Stephen Katz, Disciplining Old Age: The Formation of Gerontological Knowledge, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia and London, 1996, 165 pp., hbk £40.00, ISBN 0 813 91661 5, pbk £16.50, ISBN 0 813 91662 3.“ Ageing and Society 17, Nr. 3 (Mai 1997): 353–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0144686x97216417.

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UENO, Hisanori, Kouhei KAMIYA und Kei OMAE. „813 Transpiration and Absorption of water in plants“. Proceedings of Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch 2000.37 (2000): 317–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/jsmehs.2000.37.317.

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Gregorio, Raffaele Di. „Closure to “Discussion of ‘Kinematics of the Translational 3-URC Mechanism’ ” (2006, ASME J. Mech. Des., 128, pp. 812–813)“. Journal of Mechanical Design 128, Nr. 4 (10.09.2005): 814. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.2205876.

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Magadum, Basavaraj, Rn Kanpure, Op Singh, Bk Kachouli und J. Bhandari. „Effects of pruning intensity and plant growth regulators on growth, yield and quality of guava (Psidium Guajava L.) CV. Sardar“. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 52, Nr. 3 (12.10.2023): 813–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v52i3.68923.

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Effects of pruning intensity and spray of plant growth regulators (PGR) on dfferent parameters of Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) Sardar were investigated. Growth, quality and yield attributing characters were improved at 30 cm pruning intensity. With respect to effect of plant growth regulators, application of 600 ppm NAA improved all the characters except minimum number of days taken to flower initiation (39.47), acidity (0.33 %), TSS (12.11 oBrix) and total sugars (6.79 %) which were recorded in 600 ppm ethephon. The interaction studied showed that P3G2 (30 cm pruning + 600 ppm NAA) had recorded the highest value with growth, yield and quality, while the combination of P3G3 (30 cm pruning + 600 ppm ethephon) was good for qualitative parameters. Bangladesh J. Bot. 52(3): 813-820, 2023 (September)
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Yoshida, Shiro, Yukio Kitajima und Hidekazu Sawae. „813 Loading Optimization of Glass Lens Molding Process“. Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference 2010.23 (2010): 387–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/jsmecmd.2010.23.387.

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Franck, Kevin H., Roger R. Marsh, Udayan K. Shah und William P. Potsic. „Effects of Clarion Electrode Design on Mapping Levels in Children“. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 111, Nr. 12 (Dezember 2002): 1128–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000348940211101212.

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The design of the placement of the Clarion cochlear implant's intracochlear electrode array has undergone 2 revisions since its introduction, each to improve modiolar proximity. Stimulation with modiolar proximity may reduce current requirements for threshold levels and most comfortable levels of stimulation. This study analyzed the effects of electrode design on programming levels for deaf children implanted with the 3 cochlear implant designs and followed at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Psychophysical data were reported if measurements were taken approximately 3 months after initial activation, and programming parameters included nonsequential monopolar stimulation of 75-μs-per-phase biphasic pulses presented at 813 Hz per electrode. The threshold level and most comfortable programming level were measured by standard clinical techniques appropriate for children. The results indicate that the 2 electrode placement revisions have each significantly reduced threshold levels and most comfortable stimulation levels. These results are discussed in the context of device aesthetics, safety, and function.
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Oh, Myoung-Kyu, Hyeonju Kim, Jung-uk Kim und Gye-Hoon Kwak. „Quantitative analysis of trace N2, Ar in O2 using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy“. Review of Scientific Instruments 93, Nr. 6 (01.06.2022): 065105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0080737.

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A trace level of N2 and Ar gases in O2 ambience were quantitatively analyzed for the first time by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy. Microplasma was generated in a compact gas cell by a metal (Au) electrode pair of 1 mm diameter and ∼1 mm separation with the driving voltage of ∼0.9 kV and the current of ∼5 mA in ∼60 Torr. 358 and 813 nm optical emission bands were used for N2 and Ar detection, respectively. A spectroscopy fiber bundle having a circular input cross section of ∼700 µm in diameter and an output of 100 µm in width and 3 mm in height was employed to promote the signal collection efficiency while preserving high spectral resolution. As a result, the detection sensitivities <1 ppm (3 − σ) were attained for both N2 and Ar within 10 s. The detection accuracy was also promoted by correcting the N2 and Ar band signal intensities using the neighboring O emission band intensities, which led to detection errors <2% (3 − σ) for both N2 and Ar.
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Ornatek, Adam. „Znaczenie kanonu 72 synodu trullańskiego w rozwoju historycznym prawodawstwa Kościołów Wschodnich oraz realizacji myśli ekumenicznej Soboru Watykańskiego II w Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich“. Prawo Kanoniczne 46, Nr. 3-4 (20.12.2003): 247–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.2003.46.3-4.09.

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Autore tratta di can. 72 del concilio di Costantinòpoli dall’anno 691/692 d. C., di sua significazione storica, estensione e dimensione giuridica, anche valore canonico nella luce del Decreto Concili Ecumenici Vaticani II Orientalium Ecclesiarum, n. 16, comparando tutto questo con i canoni del Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium de impedimento disparitatis cultus (il can. 803, §§ 1-3) e de matrimoniis mixtis (i can. 813-816 e il can. 834, §§ 1-2). A base dei testi originari spiega, come dall’inizio finora la Santa Sede e le Chiese orientali acattoliche hanno interpretato l’impedimento disparitatis cultus inoltre come hanno risolto i problemi che portano con sé dei matrimoni misti. Soprattutto autore sottolinea aspetto ecumenico in materia codesta, che si manifesta nella vita pastorale e cooperazione fra due comunità - dei cattolici e acattolici.
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Tang, Jeffrey. „Off the Record: The Technology and Culture of Sound Recording in America. ByDavid Morton. Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1999. xii + 220. Photographs, notes, index. Paper, $22. ISBN: Cloth 0-813-52746-5; paper 0-813-52747-3.“ Business History Review 74, Nr. 3 (2000): 529–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3116455.

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Hall, Kristin. „Emily Westkaemper. Selling Women’s History: Packaging Feminism in Twentieth-Century American Popular Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2017. ix + 257 pp. ISBN 978-0-813-57633-6, $27.95 (paper), 978-0-813-57634-3 (e-book).“ Enterprise & Society 20, Nr. 4 (29.10.2018): 1099–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/eso.2018.75.

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Jones, Peter G., Ralf Schelbach und Einhard Schwarzmann. „Hydroxy Complexes of Gold 2. Calcium Aurates [1]“. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 42, Nr. 5 (01.05.1987): 522–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/znb-1987-0502.

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Abstract Two calcium aurate phases have been obtained as single crystals, phase 1 from H AUC1 4 + Ca(OH) 2 and phase 2 from NaAu(OH) 4 + Ca(C10 4) 2 . An X-ray structure determination of 1 shows its composition to be Ca 2 (0H) 3 (H 2 0) 4 [Au(0H) 4 ]. The apparent space group is Cmcm, but this corresponds to a sub-cell of the true structure. The disordered Cmcm structure was refined to R 0.032 for 813 reflections. The coordination geometry is square planar at gold (Au-O 1.97, 1.99 Ä), cubic at Ca(l) and octahedral at Ca(2). Phase 2 crystallizes in a primitive tetragonal cell with a 6.94, c 7.71 Ä; it is probably Ca[Au(OH) 4 ] 2 , but this has not yet been confirmed by a full structure determination.
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Andrien, K. J. „The Maya World: Yucatec Culture and Society, 1550-1850“. Ethnohistory 47, Nr. 3-4 (01.07.2000): 813–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/00141801-47-3-4-813.

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Chiron, D. „Travelling waves for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with general nonlinearity in dimension one“. Nonlinearity 25, Nr. 3 (15.02.2012): 813–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0951-7715/25/3/813.

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Choi, Seul Hee, und Ki-Bong Nam. „Grade Stable Lie Algebras I“. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 40, Nr. 3 (Juni 2010): 813–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1216/rmj-2010-40-3-813.

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Li, Chi-Kwong, Yiu-Tung Poon und Nung-Sing Sze. „Elliptical range theorems for generalized numerical ranges of quadratic operators“. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 41, Nr. 3 (Juni 2011): 813–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1216/rmj-2011-41-3-813.

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Araya, Miguel. „MODELING THE MULTIWAVELENGTH EMISSION FROM G73.9+0.9: GAMMA RAYS FROM AN SNR–MC INTERACTION“. Astrophysical Journal 813, Nr. 1 (21.10.2015): 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637x/813/1/3.

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Diacon, Todd A. „Secret Dialogues: Church-State Relations, Torture, and Social Justice in Authoritarian Brazil“. Hispanic American Historical Review 81, Nr. 3-4 (01.08.2001): 813–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/00182168-81-3-4-813.

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Hartkopf, William I., und Brian D. Mason. „SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY AT MOUNT WILSON OBSERVATORY: OBSERVATIONS OBTAINED IN 2006-2007 AND 35 NEW ORBITS“. Astronomical Journal 138, Nr. 3 (29.07.2009): 813–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/138/3/813.

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Cook, S. D., und S. M. Brown. „Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Latency in Rabbit Corneal Cells in Vitro: Reactivation and Recombination Following Intratypic Superinfection of Long Term Cultures“. Journal of General Virology 68, Nr. 3 (01.03.1987): 813–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/0022-1317-68-3-813.

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Welsh, Michael, Marian McLoughlin, Jonathan Weston, Daniel Todd, Helen Rowley, Robert Nelson, Borghert Jan Borghmans und Dermot Mackie. „Biochemical characterization of salmon pancreas disease virus“. Journal of General Virology 81, Nr. 3 (01.03.2000): 813–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/0022-1317-81-3-813.

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MAKOROKA, Stanislas. „Le rôle de la justice dans le développement économique“. KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 2, Nr. 3 (2015): 813–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/2363-6262-2015-3-813.

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Tagarov, Bato. „Digital Ruble: New Opportunities for the State“. Baikal Research Journal 14, Nr. 3 (31.08.2023): 813–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.17150/2411-6262.2023.14(3).813-821.

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Introduction of the digital currency of the Bank of Russia into economic circulation provides a number of new opportunities for economic regulation. The purpose of the article is to identify the opportunities and consequences for society associated with their implementation. The study is based on the analysis of scientific literature and publications of the Bank of Russia. The essence of the digital form of the national currency and its differences from cash and non-cash money are considered. An overview of the potential benefits that the state will receive is made. The analysis of the consequences of their implementation is carried out. In particular, they include: the emergence of the possibility of direct targeted lending and financing of certain areas of activity, reducing the level of the shadow economy, improving the efficiency of budget funds management through the use of big data technologies and artificial intelligence. It is concluded that the traditional and digital form of money will have different values for the population and business, depending on the purposes of their use. Two groups of factors influencing demand for the digital ruble have been identified. The assumption about the inevitability of the emergence of the private market of the digital currency of the Bank of Russia in the case of introduction of restrictions on its transfer to other forms of money.
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Vargas Valadares, Fernanda. „COMPARAÇÂO DE CINCO PROTOCOLOS PARA EXTRAÇÃO DE DNA E TRIAGEM DE INICIADORES DO TIPO ISSR PARA O GÊNERO Coffea“. Revista Univap 22, Nr. 40 (06.02.2017): 474. http://dx.doi.org/10.18066/revistaunivap.v22i40.1057.

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O café é uma bebida conhecida e consumida a nível mundial, sendo esta cultura uma grande commodity. O objetivo do estudo foi selecionar o método de extração de DNA mais eficiente e os iniciadores mais polimórficos para a caracterização molecular de cultivares de café do Parque Cafeeiro do Ifes Campus de Alegre. O estudo foi conduzido no Ifes Campus de Alegre com oito cultivares de café, foram testados dois acondicionamentos para folha, congelada ou natural, e cinco protocolos de extração. Após o protocolo escolhido foi feito uma triagem com dez iniciadores ISSR com o intuito de averiguar o polimorfismo gerado. Os protocolos 2, 3 e 5 foram satisfatórios com maiores concentrações de DNA, pelo teste não houve diferença significativa entre o tipo de acondicionamento, e os iniciadores UBC 813, 818, 824, 845 e 859 apresentaram bandas de DNA mais nítidas para os três indivíduos.
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Marchesino, Mariana A., Mariela V. Cortez, Claudia Albrecht, Laura R. Aballay und Elio A. Soria. „Modificaciones en el nivel de anión superóxido en leche materna, según la ingesta de flavonoides y carotenoides“. Salud Pública de México 59, Nr. 5, sep-oct (25.08.2017): 526. http://dx.doi.org/10.21149/8403.

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Objetivo. Asociar la ingesta de flavonoides y carotenoides con el nivel en leche materna del anión superóxido, como marcador de estrés oxidativo. Material y métodos. Durante el periodo 2013-2015 se estudió a 100 mujeres lactantes de Córdoba (Argentina), dentro los primeros seis meses posparto; se evaluaron sus datos sanitarios, ingesta alimentaria y nivel lácteo del anión con regresión logística múltiple. Resultados. La ingesta de flavonoides, carotenoides provitamínicos y carotenoides no provitaminas fue de 72 (61) mg/día, 1 813 (1 657) μg/día y 5 427 (3 664) μg/día, respectivamente. El anión se asoció con la ingesta de flavanoles (RM=1.081; IC95 1.001-1.167) y flavanonas (RM=1.025; IC95 1.001-1.048). No se observó este efecto con otros flavonoides ni con los carotenoides. Conclusiones. La ingesta de flavanoles y flavanonas aumenta el riesgo de oxidación láctea, lo cual es relevante para realizar recomendaciones dietéticas.
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ISHIGAMI, Atsushi, Tatsuya NODA, Toshiyuki OGASAWARA und Hiroyuki TAKAHIRA. „813 Photoresist Stripping by Using Laser Breakdown in Water“. Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch 2014.89 (2014): _8–17_. http://dx.doi.org/10.1299/jsmekansai.2014.89._8-17_.

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