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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "810/820"


Lee, J. G., H. R. Cha, S. Liu, J. H. Yu, Y. K. Baek und H. W. Kwon. „Effect Of The Desorption-Recombination Temperature On The Microstructure And Magnetic Properties Of HDDR Processed Nd-Fe-B Powders“. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 60, Nr. 2 (01.06.2015): 1499–501.

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Abstract The effect of the desorption-recombination temperature on the microstructure and magnetic properties of hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombination (HDDR) processed Nd-Fe-B powders was studied. The NdxB6.4Ga0.3Nb0.2Febal (x=12.5-13.5, at.%) casting alloys were pulverized after homogenizing annealing, and then subjected to HDDR treatment. During the HDDR process, desorption-recombination (DR) reaction was induced at two different temperature, 810°C and 820°C. The higher Nd content resulted in enhanced coercivity of the HDDR powder, and which was attributed to the thicker and more uniform Nd-rich phase along grain boundaries. But this uniform Nd-rich phase induced faster grain growth. The remanence of the powder DR-treated at 820°C is higher than that DR-treated at 810°C. In addition, it was also confirmed that higher DR temperature is much more effective to improve squareness.
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Butz, Eva-Maria, und Alfons Zettler. „Two early necrologies : the examples of Remiremont (c. 820) and Verona (c. 810)“. Pecia 14 (Januar 2011): 197–242.

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Klochko, Victor I., Nikolai N. Kovaliukh, Vadim V. Skripkin und Ingo Motzenbecker. „The Chronology of the Subotiv Settlement“. Radiocarbon 40, Nr. 2 (1997): 667–73.

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Samples collected at the Chornoliska culture site near the village of Subotiv, Cherkasy region during the 1994–1995 Ukrainian-German expedition were radiocarbon dated in Kiev. The foundation of the Subotiv settlement dates to 1300–1200 cal BC. A skeleton found in one of the buildings at this site is dated at the end of the early period (between 1120 and 1040 cal BC). In the youngest part (a small town) of the Subotiv settlement, we found the remains of a “building sacrifice"—the skeleton of a teenager. The average calibrated date for this skeleton is 834–807 cal BC, whereas the timber from the rampart dates between 902–810 cal BC. Thus, the rampart was apparently built between 834–807 cal BC. Among the objects found on the site were Arzhan-type bone arrowheads. Such arrowheads, when found in Eastern Europe, are believed to indicate the military expansion of Proto-Scythian nomads. The Sargary settlement in western Kazakhstan dates to 960–820 cal BC, the Arzhan arrow in Siberia to 960–850 cal BC. We assume that the Chornogorivka complexes in eastern Eurasia date to the earlier time period (960–820) than those in western Eurasia (834–807). The time of the Chornogorivka expansion on the territory of Ukraine is therefore within the range 834 to 820 BC.
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Rivera Díaz, Pedro Emilio. „Una nueva lectura de Phot., Bibl., 68, 34a10 (ἐν ᾗ)“. Nova Tellus 42, Nr. 2 (25.07.2024): 53–68.

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En la Biblioteca de Focio de Constantinopla (ca. 810/820-después de 893) hay dos pasajes concernientes a los contenidos de los sucesos de Alejandro Magno en el Breviario histórico de Cefalión (68, 34a10-11; 161, 104b13-14) que se contradicen entre sí, pues en uno parece referir al libro noveno, mientras que en el otro, al octavo. A su vez, la crítica y los traductores generalmente han preferido la adscripción a aquél. En este trabajo se aboga por un cambio textual del sintagma ἐν ᾗ (Bibl., 68, 34a10) que haga coincidir la información de ambos pasajes. Con ello se logra dar nueva luz a un documento perdido de la literatura griega.
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Wong-Ng, W., L. P. Cook, F. Jiang, W. Greenwood, U. Balachandran und M. Lanagan. „Subsolidus phase equilibria of coexisting high-Tc Pb-2223 and 2212 superconductors in the (Bi, Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O system under 7.5% O2“. Journal of Materials Research 12, Nr. 11 (November 1997): 2855–65.

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The subsolidus phase relationships of the high-Tc 2223 superconductor in the (Bi, Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O (BSCCO) system have been examined at 810–820 °C. All experiments were carried out at ambient pressure in a 7.5% O2 (92.5% Ar) atmosphere. Eleven phases were found to exist in equilibrium with the 2223 phase. These 11 phases include CuO and 10 oxide solid solutions. From among these phases, a total of 48 five-phase combinations including the 2223 and 2212 phases were investigated experimentally, and 16 equilibrium assemblages were found which define a multicomponent compositional space corresponding to the 2223 + 2212 solid-state compatibility region. The subsolidus data form a partial basis for future investigation of the Pb-2223 primary phase field.
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Wang, X. C., X. H. Li, W. X. Li, Z. X. Li, Y. Liu, Y. H. Yang, X. R. Liang und X. L. Tu. „The Bikou basalts in the northwestern Yangtze block, South China: Remnants of 820-810 Ma continental flood basalts?“ Geological Society of America Bulletin 120, Nr. 11-12 (01.11.2008): 1478–92.

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Arsyad, Mirza Arsiaty, Siti Halimah Larekeng, I. Iswanto, Muhammad Restu, Yuni Fitri Cahyaningsih und Michely Jauwdy Stevic. „Genetic Diversity Hopea celebica an Indonesian endemic species by ISSR Marker“. Agrotech Journal 7, Nr. 1 (29.07.2022): 7–17.

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Indonesia is a mega-diversity country with numerous endemic plants distributed throughout its regions. An Indonesias’ island with the unique and the highest endemic plant species due to being located in the Wallace area is Sulawesi Island. Hopea celebica, an endemic species to Sulawesi Island, is currently categorized as endangered by IUCN. Here, we selected the ISSR primers suitable for the genetic study of H. celebica from Luwu and Konawe provenances and investigated their genetic diversity. Ten ISSR primers were employed in primer screening, and fifty H. celebicaindividuals were genetically analyzed for their genetic diversity. The selected ISSR primers for genetic diversity analysis were UBC 810, UBC 813, UBC 814, UBC 820, UBC 822, UBC 823, and UBC 827. The evaluated H. celebica individuals have high genetic diversity, and this information will be beneficial for designing H. celebica breeding and conservation strategies
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Ayzenshtadt, A. M., E. V. Korolev, M. A. Malygina, T. A. Drozdyuk und M. A. Frolova. „Structural modification of fine powders of overburden rocks of saponite-containing bentonite clay“. Physics and Chemistry of Materials Treatment 1 (2023): 56–63.

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The kinetic regularities of the process of structural modification of highly dispersed powders of saponite-containing material after mechanical dispersion have been studied. As information criteria characterizing the restructuring of the crystal lattice of minerals, changes are used that occur with the specific surface of powders at different grinding times and the exothermic thermal effect (enthalpy change) in the temperature range of 810 – 820 °С. It has been determined that during mechanical grinding of a saponite-containing material for more than 20 minutes, intensive modification of saponite occurs, associated with its structural changes, leading to the formation of serpentine. It has been established that the traditionally used criterion for evaluating the process of mechanical grinding of raw materials by the specific surface of the powder in this case is not a sufficient information parameter when optimizing structural changes in experimental samples. The dominant parameter of this process is the enthalpy factor, which characterizes the thermal effect of the structural modification.
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López, Mariana Martínez, Viviana Guadalupe Vargas Sánchez, Yareli Mireles Moreno und Roberto Baeza Serrato. „“Método del ahorro para la asignación de rutas de una Pyme de la zona sur del Estado de Guanajuato”“. South Florida Journal of Development 3, Nr. 2 (26.04.2022): 2942–54.

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El objetivo de esta investigación es la aplicación del método del ahorro, para la obtención de rutas óptimas de distribución de una pyme, dedicada a la venta al por menor de bienes de consumo, localizada en el municipio de Yuriria Guanajuato. El método del ahorro consiste en cuatro etapas: determinar la demanda de los clientes, localización geográfica de los clientes, construcción de una matriz de costos utilizando la fórmula de la distancia euclidiana, construcción de matriz de ahorro e identificación de rutas factibles basado en los ahorros y la capacidad del transporte, garantizando la disminución de gastos de reparto. El método se resolvió a través de una hoja de cálculo en Excel, obteniendo como resultado lo siguiente, la ruta número 1 está compuesta por los clientes 3 y 5, la capacidad de esta ruta es de 820 kilogramos, la ruta número 2 está compuesta por los clientes 1, 4 y 7, la capacidad de esta ruta tiene un valor de 981 kilogramos y por último la ruta número 3 está compuesta por los clientes 2 y 6, cuya capacidad es de 810 kilogramos.
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Kalicinsky, Christoph, Sabine Griessbach und Reinhold Spang. „A new method to detect and classify polar stratospheric nitric acid trihydrate clouds derived from radiative transfer simulations and its first application to airborne infrared limb emission observations“. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14, Nr. 3 (09.03.2021): 1893–915.

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Abstract. Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) play an important role in the spatial and temporal evolution of trace gases inside the polar vortex due to different processes, such as chlorine activation and NOy redistribution. As there are still uncertainties in the representation of PSCs in model simulations, detailed observations of PSCs and information on their type – nitric acid trihydrate (NAT), supercooled ternary solution (STS), and ice – are desirable. The measurements inside PSCs made by the CRISTA-NF (CRyogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescope for the Atmosphere – New Frontiers) airborne infrared limb sounder during the RECONCILE (Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions) aircraft campaign showed a spectral peak at about 816 cm−1. This peak is shifted compared with the known peak at about 820 cm−1, which is recognised as being caused by the emission of radiation by small NAT particles. To investigate the reason for this spectral difference, we performed a large set of radiative transfer simulations of infrared limb emission spectra in the presence of various PSCs (NAT, STS, ice, and mixtures) for the airborne viewing geometry of CRISTA-NF. NAT particles can cause different spectral features in the 810–820 cm−1 region. The simulation results show that the appearance of the feature changes with an increasing median radius of the NAT particle size distribution, from a peak at 820 cm−1 to a shifted peak and, finally, to a step-like feature in the spectrum, caused by the increasing contribution of scattering to the total extinction. Based on the appearance of the spectral feature, we defined different colour indices to detect PSCs containing NAT particles and to subgroup them into three size regimes under the assumption of spherical particles: small NAT (≤ 1.0 µm), medium NAT (1.5–4.0 µm), and large NAT (≥ 3.5 µm). Furthermore, we developed a method to detect the bottom altitude of a cloud by using the cloud index (CI), a colour ratio indicating the optical thickness, and the vertical gradient of the CI. Finally, we applied the methods to observations of the CRISTA-NF instrument during one local flight of the RECONCILE aircraft campaign and found STS and medium-sized NAT.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "810/820"


Jorsch-Peußner, Alexandra [Verfasser]. „Berlin Stories. Berlin as a Metaphysical City in English and American Literature / Alexandra Jorsch-Peußner“. Aachen : Shaker, 2012.

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Feßler, Nadine [Verfasser], und Raoul [Akademischer Betreuer] Eshelman. „Being struck by the event : literature and its subjects after postmodernism / Nadine Feßler. Betreuer: Raoul Eshelman“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2015.

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Peters, Maria Verena [Verfasser]. „Crossover literature and age in crisis at the turn of the 21st century : Harry Potter’s kidults and the Twilight moms / Maria Verena Peters“. Siegen : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Siegen, 2018.

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Meyer, Neele [Verfasser], und Bernhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Teuber. „Glocalizing genre fiction in the global South : Indian and Latin American post-millennial crime fiction / Neele Meyer ; Betreuer: Bernhard Teuber“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2017.

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Usbeck, Frank. „"Keep that Fan Mail Coming." Ceremonial Storytelling and Audience Interaction in a US Soldier’s Milblog“. De Gruyter, 2014.

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The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq initiated a surge of texts by US soldiers who utilized recent Web 2.0 technology to forge new types of war narratives, such as the so-called “milblogs.” Milblogs merge letter and journal writing with journalistic reporting, and they maintain contact between soldiers and their social environment. They are at once public and private communication. Military psychology since Vietnam has referred to warrior traditions of Native American communities to discuss public narration and ceremonial acknowledgment of a soldier’s war experience as vital elements for veteran readjustment and trauma recovery. This article analyzes an exemplary milblog to argue that the interaction between blogger and audience does similar cultural work and has comparable ceremonial and, therefore, therapeutic functions: Soldiers publicly share their experience, reflect on it with their audience, receive appreciation and support, and thus mutually (re-)negotiate group identity.
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Thai, Son Doan. „Lyapunov Exponents for Random Dynamical Systems“. Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2010.

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In this thesis the Lyapunov exponents of random dynamical systems are presented and investigated. The main results are: 1. In the space of all unbounded linear cocycles satisfying a certain integrability condition, we construct an open set of linear cocycles have simple Lyapunov spectrum and no exponential separation. Thus, unlike the bounded case, the exponential separation property is nongeneric in the space of unbounded cocycles. 2. The multiplicative ergodic theorem is established for random difference equations as well as random differential equations with random delay. 3. We provide a computational method for computing an invariant measure for infinite iterated functions systems as well as the Lyapunov exponents of products of random matrices
In den vorliegenden Arbeit werden Lyapunov-Exponented für zufällige dynamische Systeme untersucht. Die Hauptresultate sind: 1. Im Raum aller unbeschränkten linearen Kozyklen, die eine gewisse Integrabilitätsbedingung erfüllen, konstruieren wir eine offene Menge linearer Kyzyklen, die einfaches Lyapunov-Spektrum besitzen und nicht exponentiell separiert sind. Im Gegensatz zum beschränkten Fall ist die Eingenschaft der exponentiellen Separiertheit nicht generisch in Raum der unbeschränkten Kozyklen. 2. Sowohl für zufällige Differenzengleichungen, als auch für zufällige Differentialgleichungen, mit zufälligem Delay wird ein multiplikatives Ergodentheorem bewiesen. 3.Eine algorithmisch implementierbare Methode wird entwickelt zur Berechnung von invarianten Maßen für unendliche iterierte Funktionensysteme und zur Berechnung von Lyapunov-Exponenten für Produkte von zufälligen Matrizen
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Spitz, Alice [Verfasser]. „Power plays : the representation of mother-daughter disputes in contemporary plays by women ; a study in discourse analysis / vorgelegt von Alice Spitz“. 2006.

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Weigelt, Christian Volker Kurt [Verfasser]. „Rediscovering addicts : constructions of the drug addict in English and American narrative literature (1822 - 1999) / von Christian Volker Kurt Weigelt“. 2005.

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Weimbs, Catrin [Verfasser]. „Utopic bodies, dystopic subjects : dialogues between literature and theory / vorgelegt von Catrin Weimbs“. 2010.

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Schwabe, Sandra [Verfasser]. „Literaturkritik im Zeichen von Re-education und Demokratisierung : Rezeption und kulturpolitische Funktion britischer und US-amerikanischer Literatur in Deutschland zwischen 1945 und 1949 / von Sandra Schwabe“. 2009.

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Bücher zum Thema "810/820"


Christina Rossetti: Poetry in Art. Yale University Press, 2018.

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100 Great Plays for Women. Hern Books, Limited, Nick, 2013.

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100 Great Plays for Women. Hern Books, Limited, Nick, 2013.

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Buchteile zum Thema "810/820"


„Infection and immunity“. In Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences, herausgegeben von Robert Wilkins, Simon Cross, Ian Megson und David Meredith, 797–866. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Pathogens Bacterial structure 798 Bacterial growth 800 Bacterial classification 801 Bacterial pathogenesis 802 Antibiotics 804 Viral structure and classification 808 Viral life cycle 810 Viral pathogenesis 812 Viral infection 813 Viral therapy 814 Prions 816 Fungi 816 Parasites 818 Defence against infection Innate immunity 820...
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„Conjunctions A Coordination and subordination 801–803 B Coordinating conjunctions 804–809 C Subordinating conjunctions 810–819 D Other subordinators 820–822“. In Swedish: A Comprehensive Grammar, 436–60. Routledge, 2003.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "810/820"



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Introdução: Dentre os marcadores de DNA baseados em PCR para estudos de diversidade, destaca-se o ISSR (Inter Simple Sequences Repeats), o qual apresenta vantagens como baixo custo relativo, alta reprodutibilidade e dispensa quanto aos conhecimentos prévios dos genomas. Objetivos: Estudar a otimização das condições de amplificação via PCR (gradientes de temperaturas de anelamento), envolvendo primers ISSR e os genomas de acessos de milhos crioulos (Zea mays L.) oriundos do Norte de Minas Gerais. Material e métodos: As extrações de DNAs seguiram um protocolo CTAB adaptado, utilizando-se folhas maduras de milhos crioulos. Para otimização das amplificações com primers ISSR (Coleção UCB, Canada), foram realizados testes de gradientes de temperaturas de anelamentos em termociclador configurado para o espectro de 45ºC a 65ºC, gerando 12 temperaturas dentro deste intervalo. As reações seguiram a seguinte programação: uma fase inicial de desnaturação a 94ºC por 5 min; seguida por 35 ciclos de [desnaturação (94ºC por 1 min), anelamento (45ºC a 65ºC por 1 min) e extensão (72ºC por 2 minutos)]; e uma fase de extensão final de 72ºC por 7 min / conservação a 4°C. Utilizou-se DNA's de dois indivíduos escolhidos em uma coleção de 44 acessos, variando-os a cada teste. Na placa de PCR (96 poços), testou-se quatro primers por reação, tendo as linhas como variantes de genótipos e primers; e colunas quanto às diferentes temperaturas. Resultados: Durante a execução do estudo, foram testados 56 primers ISSR, sendo que 34 deles caracterizam-se como sendo amplamente polimórficos, sob temperaturas de anelamento específicas identificadas nos gradientes: primers UCB 816, 820, 823, 828, 829, 836, 850, 880, 884 e 890 (46ºC); 808, 810, 812, 825, 827, 847, 849 e 855 (47ºC); 818 e 876 (48ºC); 848 (49ºC); 864, 865, 886, 887 e 889 (51ºC); 807, 830 e 888 (54ºC); 842, 856 e 866 (56ºC); 858 e 867 (59ºC). Quanto aos primers dispensados, 18 deles não amplificaram e quatro geraram apenas bandas monomórficas. Conclusão: A identificação prévia das temperaturas de anelamentos (PCR) que otimizem polimorfismos em uma população sob estudo, mostra-se como uma etapa imprescindível na otimização de tempo e insumos de Biologia Molecular.
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