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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "306.3/62092 b"


Łopaczyk, Justyna. „Prasa dla dzieci i młodzieży 1824–1918“. Biblioteka, Nr. 23(32) (15.12.2019): 379–91.

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Recenzja. Prasa dla dzieci i młodzieży 1824–1918, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego 2018, s. 362 (tom 1, ISBN 978-83-8084-181-9), s. 343 (tom 2, ISBN 978-83-8084-183-3), s. 306 (tom 3, ISBN 978-83-8084-185-7)
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Vaquera, Edgar, Arturo Caballero, Fernanda Retana, Susana López Cortina und Thelma Serrano. „Synthesis of 3-hexylthiophene derived semiconductor polymers and composites with nanoparticles“. Quimica Hoy 11, Nr. 04 (13.02.2023): 10–18.

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The monomer 3-hexylthiophen-2,5-dicarboxaldehyde was synthetized from precursor 3-hexylthiophene by VilsmeierHaack reaction. Three p-type semiconductor polymers (PHT-P, PHT-B and PHT-H) were synthetized by aldol condensation from this monomer with three different ketones (propanone, butanone and hexanone). Three composites were created by adding PbS/ZnS nanoparticles to these polymers. Light absorption increased to the red from polymers to composites. Electrical conductivity increased from 10% S/cm in polymers to 10! S/cm in composites.
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Pressiani, Tiziana, Corrado Boni, Lorenza Rimassa, Roberto Labianca, Stefano Fagiuoli, Andrea Ardizzoni, Paolo Foa, Enrico Cortesi, Laura Giordano und Armando Santoro. „Sorafenib (S) in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Safety and efficacy in Child-Pugh (CP) class A and B patients.“ Journal of Clinical Oncology 30, Nr. 4_suppl (01.02.2012): 306.

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306 Background: S is the first systemic agent that has been shown to prolong survival in pts with CP A advanced HCC. However, its safety and efficacy have not been extensively evaluated in pts with CP B cirrhosis. Methods: We performed a descriptive analysis on pts with histologically documented advanced HCC and CP A/B cirrhosis, enrolled in a multicenter phase II randomized, open-label trial (data reported elsewhere), in order to assess the feasibility and efficacy of treatment with S in CP B pts. Written informed consent was obtained from all pts. Results: From April 2007 to July 2008, 297 pts were prospectively treated with S 400 mg bid, 234 (78.8%) CP A, 63 (21.2%) CP B. 232 pts were male (76%), median age was 68.3 yrs (range 19.8-89.2 yrs), 217 pts had no extra hepatic disease (73.1%). The two subgroups, according to CP class A or B, were homogeneous for all considered parameters. Median treatment duration was >3 months (mos) for 59.4% of CP A pts and for 27% of CP B pts (p <0.001). Median PFS for the total population was 3.9 mos, 4.3 mos for CP A pts and 2.1 mos for CP B pts (p<0.001). Median OS was 10 mos for CP A pts and 3.8 mos for CP B pts (p<0.001). Adverse events (all grades) were similar in type and incidence for CP A and B pts, with fatigue, stomatitis, diarrhea and weight loss having the highest incidence (44%, 41%, 38% and 38%, respectively). Specifically, no differences in terms of grade 3-4 events have been documented between the two groups. Conclusions: This study supports the feasibility of S also in advanced HCC pts with CP B status. Tolerability data suggest that pts with CP B status might potentially be treated safely with S for its potential survival benefits. Further prospective trials, specifically designed to investigate S in CP B pts, are eagerly advocated.
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Bordun, O. M., B. O. Bordun, V. B. Lushchanets und I. Yo Kukharskyy. „Edge Absorption of thin Films –Ga2O3“. Фізика і хімія твердого тіла 16, Nr. 2 (15.06.2015): 302–6.

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Fundamental absorption edge of b–Ga2O3 thin films, obtained by radio-frequency ion-plasmous sputtering, was investigated, using the method of optical spectroscopy. It was ascertained that the optical band gap Eg increases from 4.60 to 4.65 eV after the heat treatment films in argon atmosphere and to 5.20 eV after the reduction of annealed films in a hydrogen atmosphere. Consolidated effective mass of free charge carriers in b–Ga2O3 films after annealing and after reduction in hydrogen was estimated. It was found that the concentration of charge carriers after heat treatment in argon atmosphere is 7.30´1017 cm–3 and after reduction in hydrogen, is 2.62´1019 cm–3, which is typical for degenerated semiconductors. It was shown that the shift of fundamental absorption edge in thin films b–Ga2O3 after reduction in hydrogen is caused by Burstein-Moss effect.
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Kunkely, Horst, und Arnd Vogler. „Notizen: Optical Outer-Sphere Charge Transfer and Photoreactivity of the Ion Pair Tetrabutylammonium Tetrabutylborate“. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 56, Nr. 4-5 (01.05.2001): 431–32.

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Abstract The ion pair [N(n-butyl)4]+[B(n-butyl)4]- in CCl4 shows a BR4- → NR4+ outer-sphere charge transfer (OSCT) absorption at λ = 306 nm (sh, ε = 420 dm3 M-1 cm-1). OSCT excitation of the ion pair in CH2Cl2 (λirr > 275 nm) leads to a photo­ lysis with ∅ = 1.5 x 10-3 at λirr = 280 nm. Octane is formed as photoproduct.
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Adams, David C., Thomas Birchall, Romolo Faggiani, Ronald J. Gillespie und John E. Vekris. „The 119Sn Mössbauer and solid-state NMR and the crystal and molecular structure of tin(II) bisfluorosulfate, Sn(OSO2F)2“. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 69, Nr. 12 (01.12.1991): 2122–26.

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The reaction of tin(II) fluoride with fluorosulfuric acid has been shown to produce tin(II) bisfluorosulfate. Crystals of Sn(OSO2F)2 are monoclinic, space group P21/c with a = 5.195(1), b = 9.709(1), c = 13.861(1) Å, β = 110.12(1)°, Z = 4, R = 0.029, and Rw = 0.030 for 1461 unique reflections. The structure consists of a three-dimensional framework of fluorosulfate groups linked by O—Sn—O bridges with the two crystallographically independent fluorosulfates acting as tridentate bridging ligands between tin atoms. There are four short bonds (Sn—O = 2.338(3), 2.350(3), 2.398(4), and 2.427(3) Å) and two longer ones (Sn—O = 2.695(3) and 2.702(3) Å) around tin. The four short bonds have a disphenoidal, AX4E, primary geometry with the lone pair occupying an equatorial site. If the two longer interactions are also considered the geometry is distorted octahedral, AX4Y2E. Two more non-bonding contacts of 3.420(4) and 3.319(4) Å complete an approximately dodecahedral arrangement of oxygen atoms around the tin. The fluorosulfate groups deviate significantly from C3υ symmetry and have the mean dimensions, S(1)—O = 1.419(4), S(1)—F = 1.541(4), S(2)—O = 1.435(3), S(2)—F = 1.539(3) Å, O—S(1)—O = 114.3(2)°, F—S(1)—O = 104.1(3)°, O—S(2)—O = 114.2(2)°, and F—S(2)—O = 104.1(2)°, respectively. The solid-state 119Sn nmr spectrum shows only one single resonance with a shift of −1534 ppm which is substantially different from that of a solution in HSO3F. The 119Sn Mössbauer spectrum shows an unresolved quadrupole splitting as a result of a distorted environment around tin, produced by the stereochemically active non-bonding electron pair. Key words: tin(II) bisfluorosulfate, 119Sn Mössbauer, solid-state nmr, X-ray crystallography
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Andruszczak, Sylwia, Ewa Kwiecińska-Poppe, Piotr Kraska und Edward Pałys. „The effect of different agrotechnical levels on weed infestation in crops of naked and husked varieties of oat (Avena sativa L.)“. Acta Agrobotanica 63, Nr. 2 (2012): 207–13.

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The present study was carried out in the period 2007- 2009 in the Experimental Farm in Bezek near the city of Chełm. The aim of the investigation was to compare weed infestation of the husked (Krezus) and naked (Cacko) oat cultivars cultivated under conditions of different weed control treatments. The following weed control levels were compared: A - control object; B - harrowing twice; C - application of the herbicide Mustang 306 SE; D - herbicide Mustang 306 SE + foliar fertilizer Insol 3; E - herbicide Mustang 306 SE + two foliar fertilizers: Insol 3 and FoliCare 18:18:18. The husked oat cv. Krezus was more competitive against weeds. Number of dicotyledonous weeds and of monocotyledonous weeds, total weeds, and air-dry weight of above-ground parts of weeds in the crop of this cultivar were all significantly lower compared to the naked cv. Cacko. From the group of dicotyledonous species, <i>Chenopodium album</i>, <i>Galinsoga parviflora</i>, <i>Matricaria maritima</i> ssp. <i>inodora</i>, <i>Polygonum aviculare</i>, and <i>Stellaria media</i> were the dominant species in the crops of the oat varieties under investigation, whereas among the monocotyledonous species <i>Echinochloa crus-galli</i>, <i>Setaria pumila</i>, <i>Apera spica-venti</i>, and <i>Elymus repens</i> occurred in greatest numbers. The application of the herbicide Mustang 306 SE decreased the number of dicotyledonous weeds and air-dry weight of weeds, compared to the treatment in which mechanical weed control had been used.
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Kim, Su Ol, und Sun-Hee Moon. „Factors Influencing Turnover Intention among Male Nurses in Korea“. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, Nr. 18 (18.09.2021): 9862.

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The study examined predictors of male nurse turnover intention in Korea using data collected from Korean hospitals. The results were obtained based on a secondary analysis of data previously collected from 306 male nurses in 16 regions of Korea from December 2014 to February 2015. Our findings suggest that male nurse turnover intention is predicted by (1) individual factors: single (B = 0.93, p = 0.008); (2) organizational factors: organizational commitment (B = −0.36, p < 0.001), job satisfaction (B = −0.27, p = 0.001), and job stress (B = 0.24, p < 0.001); and (3) social factors: hospital location in medium-categorized cities (B = 0.70, p = 0.012) and kinship responsibility (B = 0.13, p = 0.026). These factors accounted for 56.9% of the total variance. To lower the rate of turnover intention among male nurses, strategic interventions should be implemented based on the factors identified in this study.
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Clarke, Jeffrey Melson, Herbert Pang, Mark D. Starr, Ace Joseph Hatch, Hedy Lee Kindler, Eileen Mary O'Reilly, Federico Innocenti, Alan P. Venook, Herbert Hurwitz und Andrew B. Nixon. „Coagulation factors in citrated plasma predict for benefit from bevacizumab (B) in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (APC): Results from CALGB 80303 (Alliance).“ Journal of Clinical Oncology 33, Nr. 3_suppl (20.01.2015): 306.

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306 Background: CALGB 80303 evaluated gemcitabine (G) in combination with either B or placebo (P) in 602 patients (pts) with APC. No significant difference in overall survival (OS) between treatment arms was observed. Previously, plasma EDTA samples from CALGB 80303 were analyzed and potential predictive biomarkers for B were identified. This follow-up analysis evaluated citrated plasma samples for circulating proteins related to matrix remodeling and coagulation. Methods: Multiplex ELISA analysis was employed to assess the following circulating factors: E-selectin, matrix metalloprotease (MMP) 2, MMP9, von Willebrand factor (vWF), D-dimer, thrombospondin 1, and tissue factor (TF). Thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) was analyzed using a standard enzyme immunoassay. Prognostic characteristics were determined by associating baseline values with OS using a Cox model. Predictive markers were identified with inclusion of a treatment by marker interaction term. Results: Baseline citrated plasma samples from 109 pts were included in this analysis (59 pts G+P; 50 pts G+B). Negative prognostic factors for OS were identified, including E-selectin (p <0.01) for patients receiving G-based therapy, and E-selectin, TF, and vWF (p <0.05) in pts receiving G+P. Potential biomarkers predicting for OS benefit from B were also identified. Pts with low (< median) levels of TAT (interaction p=0.034) exhibited a median OS of 6.0 months (mo) vs. 8.3 mo (HR=0.49; 95%CI 0.28-0.88) when receiving G+P vs. G+B, respectively. Furthermore, pts with elevated levels of TF (>Q3) were found to benefit from B (interaction p=0.021), with median OS of 4.3 mo vs 4.8 mo (HR=0.44;95%CI 0.18-1.08), respectively. Longitudinal analysis of samples collected at baseline and at cycle 3 indicated that only vWF changed in pts receiving G+P, with an increase in vWF (p<0.05). Conclusions: In patients with APC, baseline levels of TAT and TF were identified as potential predictors of benefit from B. These data emphasize the importance of coagulation factors in modulating tumor angiogenesis. The potential predictive value of these factors warrants further validation.
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Buchteile zum Thema "306.3/62092 b"


„15. JOHN 12, 30-13, 3 I.1.b.306 (4787, Copt. 8)“. In The Literary Coptic Manuscripts in the A.S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow, 451–54. BRILL, 1994.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "306.3/62092 b"


Gomes Filho, José Euderaldo Costa, Ariane Silva da Rocha, Gisele Aparecida Fernandes, Rossana Verónica Mendoza López und Maria Paula Curado. „CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND MOLECULAR SUBTYPES IN A PROSPECTIVE COHORT OF PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER ACCORDING TO ACCESS TO TREATMENT: SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH CARE VERSUS UNIFIED HEALTH SYSTEM“. In Abstracts from the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium - BBCS 2021. Mastology, 2021.

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The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and pathological characteristics and molecular subtypes in a prospective cohort of patients with breast cancer based on access to treatment — Supplementary Health Care versus Unified Health System (UHS). This is a cross-sectional study aligned to a prospective cohort developed at Hospital AC Camargo Cancer Center with 705 female patients, aged between 18 and 93 years and diagnosed with breast cancer. They had access to treatment by Supplementary Health (56.5%, n=398). Tumor topography for both UHS and Supplementary Health group include higher right breast, 53.4% (n=164) and 50.8 (n=202) (p=0.226); sublocation in the upper outer quadrant, 40.4% (n=124) and 52.3% (n=208) (p<0.001); T1 clinical staging, 37.8% (n=116) and 42.2% (n=168) (p<0.001); N0, 50.5% (n=155) and 54.3% (n=216) (p=0.109); and M0, 95.1% (n=292) and 93.5% (n=372) (p=0.667), respectively. For both UHS and Supplementary Health, pathological classification T1, 44.6 (n=137) and 46% (n=183) (p<0.001); the presence of regional lymph nodes and distant metastasis showing no difference in N0, 59.6% (n=183) and 54.8% (n=218) (p=0.451); M0, 93.8% (n=288) and 95% (n=378) (p=0.306); invasive ductal carcinoma, 81.4% (n=250) and 84.9% (n=338) (p<0.001); histological grade 2, 42.7% (n=131) and 44.5 (n=177) (p<0.001); nuclear grade 3, 60.3% (n=185) and 59.5% (n=237) (p=0.421); HER2 negative, 73.2% (n=216) and 79% (n=313) (p<0.001); estrogen positive, 80.4% (n=246) and 76.9% (n=306) (p=0.228); progesterone positive, 80.4% (n=246) and 76.9% (n=306) (p=0.280); Ki-67 positive, 99.6% (n=278) and 100% (n=393) (p<0.001); and molecular classification defined as Luminal B, 56.8% (n=167) and 50% (n=328), respectively. Access to treatment by UHS or Supplementary Health demonstrated significant difference in tumor sublocation, clinical and pathological T staging, morphology, histological grade, HER2, and Ki76, whereas there was no difference for clinical and pathological N and M staging, nuclear grade, estrogen, progesterone, and molecular classification.
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