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Cherkasov, Aleksandr A. „The Combat Path of a Common Soldier Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 67, Nr. 2 (2022): 414–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu02.2022.207.

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This work is the first attempt to restore the combat path of a common soldier Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov. He fought on the Northern, Leningrad, 3rd Baltic, and 1st Ukrainian fronts. The work is based on a wide range of archival materials, most of which are introduced into the scholarship for the first time. Documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, and the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia, Folklore Archive of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences National Archives of the Republic of Karelia, Central State Archives of Historical and Political Documents, Central State Archives of St Petersburg were used in the study. In conclusion, the author states that Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov in the rank of a common soldier witnessed almost the entire Great Patriotic War — as a shooter in the combat composition of rifle units, in the infantry (the only exception was the period from August to September 1941 when soldier Cherkasov was the commander of a mortar crew). The service in army units was interrupted five times by wounds received in battles, and each time Ivan Ivanovich got back in line. His combat career began in the 2nd Leningrad Division of the People’s Militia; then there were the 168th and 128th rifle divisions. He served in the latter from the summer of 1942 to May 1945.
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Komar, O. O., I. O. Fedosiy und O. O. Siedova. „Scientific journal «Plant and Soil Science» Font Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger Language Select Language User You are logged in as... pikovska My Journals My Profile Log Out Article Tools Print this article Indexing metadata How to cite item Supplementary files Finding References Email this article Email the author About The Authors O. O. Komar orcid National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine старший викладач кафедри овочівництва і закритого грунту I. O. Fedosiy orcid National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine доцент, завідувач кафедри овочівництва і закритого ґрунту O. O. Siedova orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4869-1560 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine магістр 1 року Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Author Fees This journal charges the following author fees. Publication of one page: 60.00 (UAH). The DOI is paid separately - 200 (UAH) per article. The fee include those of the journal’s publishing, online hosting and archiving. The ability of authors to pay the fee does not influence the peer review process. No fee can be paid prior to the final positive decision of the reviewers and the editor in charge, regarding the article proposed to be evaluated in order to be published. Depending upon each particular case, the fee can be covered by the journal edition. Details Recipient: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Address: Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, Kyiv, Ukraine. IBAN: №UA038201720313211001202016289 Bank: State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Kyiv EDRPOU 00493706 ІPN 004937026501 Payment: full name, personal account Personal Account Tel .: +38 044 527 87 20 Email: nti_dep@nubip.edu.ua Example of bibliographic description The list of journals included in scientometric databases: - Scopus (Uкraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia); - Іndex Copernicus; - Web of Sciense (humanities, natural sciences, social sciences); Search algorithm and calculation scientometric indicator: - Scopus; - Publish or Perish; - Google Scholar; - SNIP-іndex journal. Home About User Home Search Current Archives Statistics Reminder for authors Agreement Editorial Board Home > Vol 12, No 3 (2021) > Komar Influence abiotic factors on the growth and development of plants parsnip“. PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE 12, Nr. 3 (2021): 100–110. http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/agr2021.03.100.

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The main factors that have a great influence on plant growth, as well as on increasing the yield and its quality characteristics, are biotic and abiotic. Combinations of abiotic stresses, such as drought and heat, have a much greater impact on yields and product quality. The response of plants to these stresses can vary depending on the species, as well as at different stages of development. Understanding the mechanisms and how they protect plants from stress has become vital to improving the yield and quality of parsnip products in changing climatic conditions. The research aimed to study the influence of abiotic factors (temperature and precipitation) on yield, duration of phenological phases of plant growth and development, dynamics of growth of leaves and roots of parsnip in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted in the field experiment of the Department of Vegetable Growing and Closed Soil in NL "Fruit and Vegetable Garden" NUBIP of Ukraine in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during 2015-2017. The area of the accounting plot was 11.3 m2, the repetition of the experiment was 4 times. The arrangement of the research plots was systematic. As a result of research, it is established that the shortest period of sowing-seedlings lasted 16 days in the options for sowing in the 3rd decade of May and the 1st decade of June. Significant delay for 21 days of this period was observed for sowing from the 1st to the 3rd decade of April. The duration of the period from the beginning of root formation to beam ripeness was the smallest for sowing in the 1st decade of April – 28 days, and the largest for sowing in the 1st decade of June – 51 days. The vegetation period ranged from 110 to 165 days and passed for the sum of temperatures (> 10 °С) 1102.4-1439.0 °C and the sum of precipitation 128.1-225.2 mm. During sowing in April, an intensive increase in root crops from 2.9 to 3.5 g/day was observed in the second half of August. During sowing in May, the largest increase in root crops from 2.1 to 2.7 g/day was observed in the first half of September. Thus, for sowing in the 1st decade of June, this figure was highest in the second half of September (1.9 g/day). The option for sowing in the 1st decade of April provided a high yield of root crops of 50.3 t/ha, which is 5.3 t/ha or 11.8% significantly more than the control. When sowing in the following periods, a significant decrease in yield was observed compared to the control, namely: for the 3rd decade of April – by 3.5 t/ha, or 7.7%, for the 1st decade of May – by 8.8 t/ha, or 19.6%, for the 2nd decade of May – by 17.4 t/ha, or 38.6%, for the 3rd decade of May – by 23.0 t/ha, or 51.1%, for the 1st decade of June – by 31.7 t/ha, 70.6% compared to the control. There was a direct strong relationship (r = 0.74-0.99) between the growing season and yield, root weight, marketability, and biochemical parameters, namely: dry matter, dry soluble matter, sugars, vitamin C. The inverse of the strong (r = -0.98) was observed between the duration of the growing season and nitrates. Increasing the growing season by 10 days increases the yield to 6.9 t/ha, marketability up to 2.7%, root weight up to 31 g, dry matter content up to 0.7%, dry soluble matter up to 0.3%, sugars up to 0,5%, vitamin C to 0.8 mg/100 g and reduces the nitrate content to 8.4 mg/kg. Leaf area, photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis productivity are in strong direct connection (r = 0.92-0.98) with yield. As the leaf surface area increases to 1.0 thousand m2/ha, the yield increases to 0.7 t/ha. Increasing the photosynthetic potential to 0.05 million m2 per day/ha increases the yield to 0.2-1.2 t/ha. Also, the yield increases to 0.3-0.7 t/ha by increasing the net productivity of photosynthesis to 0.05 g/m2 per day. Promising for further study is molecular knowledge of plant responses to abiotic stress, likely to pave the way for making crops resistant to climate change and increase the economic efficiency of production.
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Watson, Caitlin Turski. „A Place for All People: Louise Nevelson’s Chapel of the Good Shepherd“. Religions 13, Nr. 2 (20.01.2022): 99. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel13020099.

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In 1973, a church and a bank joined forces to reimagine an entire block of Midtown Manhattan. The church was St. Peter’s, and the bank was First National City Corporation, or Citicorp. The Citicorp Center, now owned jointly by St. Peter’s and the developer Boston Properties, remains an important nexus in Midtown. The following case study considers both the limitations of the site’s privately owned public spaces and how the Nevelson Chapel, a permanent public art installation located within St. Peter’s Church, operates as a counter-hegemonic form of privately owned public space—the sacred public space.
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Graebner, William. „Gateway to Empire: An Interpretation of Eero Saarinen's 1948 Design for the St. Louis Arch“. Prospects 18 (Oktober 1993): 367–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0361233300004956.

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In 1948, a unanimous jury awarded the $40,000 first prize in the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Competition to a design team headed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen. Competitors had been charged with memorializing Thomas Jefferson, his Louisiana Purchase, and the expansion of the American nation by creating a national park and monument on the West bank of the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
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Morozan, Vladimir V. „The Staff of the St. Petersburg Office of the State Bank and Their Salaries“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 65, Nr. 4 (2020): 1044–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu02.2020.402.

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The article deals with the problems of staffing of the St. Petersburg office of the State Bank and their employees’ salaries. This topic has not been researched in the national and foreign historiography, which excluded the possibility of referencing previously published works. The article is based on the record keeping documents from the Russian State Historical Archive. St. Petersburg office of the State Bank was established in 1894, being a part of the Corporate Administration of the main credit institution of the country. It was one of the largest local branches of the bank that executed the largest credit operations in the country. For this reason, the staff of this office was the most numerous and the most compensated in terms of pay. At the end of 1896 it comprised 463 full-time employees, while 54 more candidates were on the wait list for possible vacancies. Meanwhile the remaining branches and offices of the bank together had a staff of slightly less than 700 people. In addition to full-time employees, there were in the capital branch of the State Bank numerous support staff, including information security workers, brochure makers, janitors, security guards, laundresses and others. Salaries of officials of this unit were the highest. Although formally the official payment in the bank was established by law and in general was the same for all employees of the bank in all its branches; the corporate office of this institution paid their employees more generously by means of bonuses.
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Grinevich, V. B., Yu A. Kravchuk, V. I. Ped, E. I. Sas, S. P. Salikova, I. V. Gubonina, E. I. Tkachenko et al. „Management of patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Russian scientific medical society of internal medicine (RSMSIM) and the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (2nd edition)“. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology, Nr. 3 (22.05.2021): 5–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-187-3-5-82.

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The presented clinical practice guidelines of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR), diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines were approved by the XXIII Congress of the GSSR and the 22nd International Slavonic-Baltic Scientifi c Forum “St. Petersburg - Gastro-2020 ON-LINE” (St. Petersburg, June 11, 2020). The presented clinical practice guidelines of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine (RSMSIM) and the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR), diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations were approved at the XV National Congress of Internal Medicine, XXIII Congress of NOGR on the basis of the 1st edition, adopted at the 22nd International Slavic- Baltic Scientific Forum “St. Petersburg - Gastro-2020 ON-LINE”.
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Gębica, Piotr, Anna Michno, Mateusz Sobucki, Sylwester Czopek, Katarzyna Trybała-Zawiślak und Agnieszka Wacnik. „Temporal variation of prehistoric human settlement recorded in the oxbow lake deposits of San river (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland)“. Geochronometria 46, Nr. 1 (06.03.2020): 148–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/geochr-2015-0119.

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AbstractThis study presents the sedimentological and pollen analysis, and radiocarbon dating of the palaeochannel fill deposits situated on the wide alluvial ridge on which 131 archaeological sites were discovered. The analyzed territory covers the right bank of the San river valley (in the area of the Leszno profile) with an area of 72.5 km2. Increase of fine-grain sand sediments, and the presence of redeposited fragments of clayey silts (soil aggregates) correlates well with the increase man’s activity in the 2nd and the 1st half of the 1 st millennia BC (the decline of the Mierzanowice culture, the Trzciniec culture, the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture) as well as in the 1st millennium AD (the Przeworsk culture and the early Medieval settlement) and with transformation of plant communities recorded in the palynological sequence. The layer of sediments at the depth of 85–69 cm with the highest proportion of the finest clay fraction may indicate the reduction of cultivation or abandonment of arable land (the pre-Roman (La Tène) period).
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Bush, E. W., A. W. Fennel, W. A. Young und T. J. Raiford. „HORTICULTURE EDUCATION AT THE 1ST GRADE LEVEL“. HortScience 28, Nr. 4 (April 1993): 273A—273. http://dx.doi.org/10.21273/hortsci.28.4.273a.

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To promote both learning and horticulture, a 5 year pilot program was implemented with a collaborative effort between the Louisiana State University Horticulture Department and the University Laboratory School. The objective of this program was to develop a hands-on approach to learning which fostered self-discovery and a positive perception of horticulture. First graders were able to experiment in both the greenhouse and in the field with instruction in the classroom. Among the many concepts that the children were Introduced to, they benefitted most from being able to participate and observe the process from seeding to harvesting enabling them to work with the different types of seeds, media, and fertilizers. In the classroom, horticulture was Integrated in every subject of the first grade class. For example, the students learned math by measuring and counting the produce then making charts to report their findings. The result of the program was that the children did in fact obtain a positive perspective of horticulture while developing an awareness of the process of growth and development of horticultural crops. The first grade class received a national award for donating their produce to the local food bank in Baton Rouge.
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Koshanova, A., B. Tuleubayev, D. Saginova, S. Akhmetova und E. Tashmetov. „EVALUATION OF THE ANTIBACTERIAL EFFICACY OF USING A BONE ALLOGRAFT DEVELOPED ACCORDING TO THE MARBURG SYSTEM OF BONE BANK ON A MODEL OF CHRONIC OSTEOMYELITIS“. Orthopaedic Proceedings 106-B, SUPP_2 (02.01.2024): 8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1302/1358-992x.2024.2.008.

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Bone infections due to fractures or implants are a big medical problem. In experimental medicine, many experimental models have been created on different animal species to simulate the disease condition and to do experience treatments. The aim of this paper was to present an antibacterial efficacy of using a bone allograft developed according to the Marburg system of bone bank on a model of chronic osteomyelitis induced in rabbits.In research was used 54 rabbits. Osteomyelitis was induced in rabbits by a human strain of St. aureus ATCC 43300, in the rabbit femur. There have been created 3 groups of animals. In 1st group used antibiotic impregnated biodegradable material “PerOssal”. In 2nd group used antibiotic impregnated whole bone allograft. In 3rd group used antibiotic impregnated perforated bone allograft. Evaluation of installation and evolution of the disease was done by microbiological. A separate study of microbiological data is presented here.This study showed, in the 1st and 3rd groups there is a persistent decrease in CFU by 14 knocks to 120.4 in the 1st group and to 3.5 in the 3rd group, and in the 2nd group, on the contrary, there is an increase in CFU to 237.33. This shows the lack of effectiveness of using a whole bone allograft.The results showed, after 7 days there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. After 14 days the perforated bone allograft impregnated with antibiotic was better than the biodegradable material “PerOssal”.
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Smith, M., und S. J. Bentley. „Sediment capture in flood plains of the Mississippi River: A case study in Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana“. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 367 (03.03.2015): 442–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/piahs-367-442-2015.

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Abstract. To plan restoration of the Mississippi River Delta, it is imperative to know how much sediment the Mississippi River currently provides. Recent research has demonstrated that between Tarbert Landing and St Francisville on the Mississippi, as much as 67 million metric tons (Mt) per year is lost from river transport, of which ~16 Mt is muddy suspended sediment. So where does this sediment go? Two pathways for loss have been proposed: riverbed storage, and overbank deposition in regions that lack manmade levées. Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge, on the unleveed Mississippi River east bank near St Francisville, Louisiana, consists of undisturbed bottomland forest that is inundated most years by river flooding. To determine fluvial sediment accumulation rates (SAR) from flooding, pushcores 40–50 cm long were collected then dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 geochronology. Preliminary data suggests that muddy sediment accumulation is 10–13% of muddy suspended sediment lost from river transport along this river reach.
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Anatoliev, Mitko. „Some Public Buildings of Vasilyov-Tsolov Architectural Bureau“. Sledva : Journal for University Culture, Nr. 41 (20.08.2020): 104–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.33919/sledva.20.41.15.

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After a short survey of influences of German architecture on the formation of Bulgarian architectural scene after the Liberation (1878), the paper focuses on the interwar period known for its architectural practices, consisting of two leading architects. The influence of the modernist movements from this period on the classical architecture of the state and public buildings in Bulgaria is traced through the history of Vasilyov-Tsolov Architectural Bureau, its formation and philosophy. The article presents four examples of their significant projects, which are the pinnacle of their careers and largely shape the urban look of Sofia city center, having become its symbols, namely: St. Nedelya Church, Sofia University Library, the National Library, and Bulgarian National Bank.
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Dong, Shuang. „Stock Price Analysis and Forecasting of Bank of China Based on ARIMA Model“. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 84, Nr. 1 (24.05.2024): 133–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240801.

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The stock market is of great importance to the development of the national economy. The price changes of bank stocks have an important impact on the whole stock market. Therefore, it is of practical value to model the changes in bank stock prices and forecast the future trends. Currently, there is a limited number of studies examining the utilization of the ARIMA model in forecasting stock prices. It is crucial to investigate its level of accuracy. This study employs the ARIMA model to conduct an empirical analysis on the time series data of Bank of China's opening price from January 1st, 2024, to January 31st, 2024. The objective is to predict the stock price for the subsequent 28 days and compare it with actual values. The findings reveal that short-term stock price predictions based on the ARIMA model exhibit a high degree of precision. In conclusion, the ARIMA model can offer valuable insights and serve as a theoretical foundation for investors and decision-makers to some extent. This paper will provide reference for the subsequent research on stock price forecasting and ARIMA model, and fill the existing research gaps.
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Nawara, A., H. Hirte und P. Kavsak. „ASSESSING THE FREQUENCY OF CA-125 MEASUREMENTS WITHIN HAMILTON HEALTH SCIENCES AND ST. JOSEPH’S HEALTHCARE“. Clinical & Investigative Medicine 32, Nr. 6S (15.12.2009): 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.25011/cim.v32i6s.11143.

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Objective: To determined if the number and frequency of CA-125 measurements per patient reflect the 2008 NACB (National Academy of Clinical Biochemist) practice guidelines. Methods: We collected data retrospectively on CA-125 over a period of one year as apart of our ongoing practice in monitoring the tumor markers for quality assurance, The number of CA-125 results per patient as well as the time interval between the 1st and 2nd measurements was noted. To enrich this population for the likelihood that the measurement of CA-125 was used for monitoring or for detection of recurrence, we divided the population into patients from the Jurvainski Cancer Centre (JCC) and the rest of the sites. Results: The JCC patients contributed the majority of CA-125 results, representing over 75% of all results (n= 3057 results from 998 patients), whereas the remainder of the sites only yielded 959 results from 920 patients. Further analysis of the JCC patients indicated 2 main subgroups: Group A – patients with 1 or 2 results (n=624 patients); Group B - patients with 3 or more results , Overall, less than 4% of patients at the JCC had a time interval between the 1st and 2nd specimens of less than 2 weeks. Discussion: This initial analysis would indicate that physicians are ordering CA-125 in agreement with the NACB guidelines. To further improve compliance to the guidelines and to prevent subsequent measurements of CA-125 too close, we propose restricting CA-125 orders that are less than 14 days apart to only those that receive Biochemist’s approval.
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Adhikari, Chandra Mani, Reeju Manandhar, Dipanker Prajapati, Murari Dhungana, Anish Hirachan, Monika Shrestha, Manjila Basnet, Binita Tamrakar und Sujeeb Rajbhandari. „Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Young in Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal“. Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 6, Nr. 2 (06.11.2017): 27–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jaim.v6i2.18538.

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Background and Aims: Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is often present in old populations. STEMI in young has significantly increased in recent years. We aim to study the conventional risk factors, clinical presentation, management and outcome of Acute STEMI in young patients.Methods: Medical records of all the young patients (aged less than 45 years), who were admitted in our hospital with the diagnosis of Acute STEMI and treated in between 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016, were retrospectively reviewed. Demographics, conventional risk factors, clinical presentation, management and outcome were recorded.Results: There were total 1211 patients admitted for Acute STEMI, among them, 132(10.9%) were young patients, age ranged from 24 to 45 years with mean age 39.1±4.8 years, with 110 males. Anterior wall MI 50(37.8%) was the most common MI. Symptom onset to arrival to hospital ranged from 1 hour to 144 hours with mean of 19.4±2.4hours. Primary PCI was the mode of reperfusion in 59(44.6%) patients; thrombolysis was done in 19(14.3%) patients. The most common conventional risk factor was tobacco consumption; present in 91(68.9%) patients. Tobacco consumption was the only conventional risk factors in 27(20.4%) patients. There were four (4%) in-hospital mortality. Among the discharged patients all patients received Aspirin, Clopidogrel and Statin. Betablocker and Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor/Angiotensin receptor blocker were prescribed in 99(75%) and 96 (72.7%) patients respectively. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 45.5±8.6%, with 99(77.3%) having Ejection Fraction ≥40%.Conclusions: Acute STEMI in young was common in male. Tobacco consumption was significant riskfactor. Acute STEMI in young has good prognosis.Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 2017;06(02):27-31.
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Kurisu, Genji. „Fifty years of Protein Data Bank in the Journal of Biochemistry“. Journal of Biochemistry 171, Nr. 1 (02.12.2021): 3–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jb/mvab133.

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Abstract Protein Data Bank (PDB), jointly founded in 1971 by Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, UK, is the single global archive of experimentally determined biological macromolecular structures. PDB deposition is mandatory for publication in most scientific journals, which means ‘no PDB deposition, no structural publication’. The current PDB archive contains more than 180,000 entries and includes many structures from Asian institutions. The first protein structure from Japan was that of cytochrome c determined by Prof Masao Kakudo’s group at the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, in 1971 at a resolution of 4 Å, and a subsequent atomic structure at 2.3 Å resolution was deposited to PDB in 1976 as the 1st Asian and 21st entry of the entire PDB archive. Since then, 317 protein structures whose primary citation was the Journal of Biochemistry (J. Biochem.) have been deposited to PDB. Based on this long history between PDB and J. Biochem., a statistical analysis of all structural reports in J. Biochem. has been carried out using the relational database system at PDBj (https://pdbj.org) and reviewed the yearly distribution, resolution, quality of structure, type of target protein, number of citations and comparison against other major journals.
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Stewart, R., J. Piburn, A. Sorokine, A. Myers, J. Moehl und D. White. „WORLD SPATIOTEMPORAL ANALYTICS AND MAPPING PROJECT (WSTAMP): DISCOVERING, EXPLORING, AND MAPPING SPATIOTEMPORAL PATTERNS ACROSS THE WORLD’S LARGEST OPEN SORUCE DATA SETS“. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences II-4/W2 (10.07.2015): 95–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprsannals-ii-4-w2-95-2015.

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The application of spatiotemporal (ST) analytics to integrated data from major sources such as the World Bank, United Nations, and dozens of others holds tremendous potential for shedding new light on the evolution of cultural, health, economic, and geopolitical landscapes on a global level. Realizing this potential first requires an ST data model that addresses challenges in properly merging data from multiple authors, with evolving ontological perspectives, semantical differences, and changing attributes, as well as content that is textual, numeric, categorical, and hierarchical. Equally challenging is the development of analytical and visualization approaches that provide a serious exploration of this integrated data while remaining accessible to practitioners with varied backgrounds. The WSTAMP project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has yielded two major results in addressing these challenges: 1) development of the WSTAMP database, a significant advance in ST data modeling that integrates 10,000+ attributes covering over 200 nation states spanning over 50 years from over 30 major sources and 2) a novel online ST exploratory and analysis tool providing an array of modern statistical and visualization techniques for analyzing these data temporally, spatially, and spatiotemporally under a standard analytic workflow. We discuss the status of this work and report on major findings.
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The article considers one of the possible characteristics for encouraging the activity of historical figures in the professional field as awards and honors. Preference was given primarily to the state award system, which extended to various sectors of the population, including professional groups – elected positions of city mayors. In the second half of the 19th – at the beginning of the 20th century the municipal self-government of Odesa was headed by nine people – Semen Vorontsov, Mykola Novoselskyi, Grigory Marazli (Grigorios Maraslis), Valerian Ligin, Petro Kryzhanovskyi, Pavlo Zelenyi, Vasyl Protopopov, Mykola Moiseyev and Borys Pelikan. On the basis of the collected sources and the works of researchers, a list of the most typical state orders among the figures of city heads with a chronological reference and brief generalizations regarding the conditions of awarding was revealed. With the beginning of the creation of the post of city mayor, the duties performed did not provide for a normalized and regular financial reward, which is one of the motivating elements in the work process of a person. Awards were one of the options for encoura- gement – thanks from the government, provincial administration, national awards, distinctions, etc. According to the City Regulation of 1870, to represent the power and status of the mayor, was introduced a badge with the image of the city coat of arms on a large silver chain, with the right to the 5th category uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the heads of provincial cities and cities that were equated to them. Over the years of their life and various activities, Odessa mayors could receive many awards and distinctions that affected their status and position. Among the typical national awards, the following three orders were identified: St. Volodymyr (2nd and 3rd degrees), St. Anna (1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees) and St. Stanislav (1st degree). During the years of activity in the post of mayor, only five people received orders – M. Novoselskyi, G. Marazli, V. Ligin, M. Moiseyev and B. Pelikan. P. Zelenyi worked for a long time in self-governing institutions at the zemstvo level. P. Kryzhanovskyi and V. Protopopov are known for their professional judicial career, which contributed to receiving orders. The first mayor of the post-reform period, S. Vorontsov, was a military man, and he won his main awards on the battlefield.
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Lopatin, V. N. „On the National Standard of the Russian Federation for the Antimonopoly Compliance System in an Organization“. Russian competition law and economy, Nr. 1 (29.03.2023): 80–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.47361/2542-0259-2023-1-33-80-86.

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The article discusses the prerequisites for the adoption and key provisions of the new national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 70433-2022 "System of internal compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation (antimonopoly compliance system) in the organization", approved by order of Rosstandart No. 1181-st dated October 25, 2022. Effective January 1st, 2024.The standard was developed for the first time at RNIIIS by order of the Association of Compliance Managers in accordance with the National Standardization Program for 2022 (code 1.0.481-1.038.22).The author justifies the need to take a number of measures to implement GOST R 70433-2022, in particular, to: develop a package of standards that specify the rules, procedures and documents of the antimonopoly compliance system for certain categories of controlled entities; generalization of the practice of voluntary application of this GOST and its further improvement; creation of a system of voluntary certification of compliance of the antimonopoly compliance system in the organization with the provisions of the standard; preparation and approval of similar standards of the Union State, EAEU, CIS, SCO and BRICS.
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Ben Ayoub, Wided, Hajer Ben Khadhra, Hyem Khiari, Mansour Ben Abdallah, Hamouda Boussen und Mohamed Hsairi. „Multiple Primary Cancers in North Tunisia, 2000 - 2009“. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care 3, Nr. 3 (21.09.2018): 59. http://dx.doi.org/10.31557/apjcc.2018.3.3.59.

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Background and Objective: To evaluate and report the frequency, epidemiologic and anatomic - clinical features of patients who developed MPM from the data of North Tunisia Cancer Registry, during the period 2000-2009.Materials and methods: From a population of 53757 new patients of the North Tunisia National Cancer Registry database presenting new cases of cancers during the period 2000-2009 in North Tunisia, we collected and analyzed those with MPMTs. We used for MPMT the international IARC diagnosis criteria are published in ICD-O Third Edition. Results: In the 53757 new cancer cases registered from 2000-2009, we collected 528 cases (1.0%) of MPM. Mean age at diagnosis of the 1st cancer was 61 years (22-99) and sex-ratio at 1.08 (275M/253F) while mean age at the 2nd cancer diagnosis was 62 years(29 to 99). Among the 528 cases, the most frequent 1 st cancer site was breast in females (147 pts, 58.1%) and urinary tract for males (56 patients, 20.4%). In the 528 MPM cases, 321 (60.8%) were synchronous and 207 cases (39.2%) were metachronous tumors. The median time from 1 st to 2 nd cancer was 1.98 months (range 0-140). The most associated 1 st -2 nd cancer sites were breast in 110 patients (43.3%) in females and for males' urinary tract -prostate cancers (45 patients, 16.3%). Conclusions: The coexistence of a synchronous or metachronous MPM is possible and have to be considered during pretreatment evaluation. A close follow-up should be recommended to detect second malignancies in patients treated for a 1 st cancer.
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Nagirnyy, Vitaliy. „Czernelica nad Dniestrem – od grodu średniowiecznego do miasta nowożytnego“. Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe 10 (30.11.2018): 9–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.12797/kpk.10.2018.10.01.

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Chernelytsia by the Dniester. The Development of a Medieval Grod Into a TownThe article explores the early history and gradual modernisation of Chernelytsia – a town of Pokkuttya region. The first settlement in this region was noted on a high triangular cape on the right bank of the Dniester. Initially, it was a modestly fortified settlement located on the border of the Kievan state. However, after its incorporation into the Galicia Rostislav state and subsequently into Galicia–Volhynia Romanovich state, the settlement developed into a tri-part fortified grod of 5 ha in area. The author hypothesises that the grod ceased to be active between the 2nd half of the 16th century and the 1st half of the 17th century, after it had fallen prey to the Tatars who had raided Pokkuttya. Another period in the history of Chernelytsia is marked by the emergence of a new settlement at the area of today’s town’s centre. The emergence is dated at the 1st half of the 15th century. Initially, both the new settlement and the old grod were active, however, soon after being granted a municipal charter, the new settlement took the lead in social and economic activity. The town structure ossified in the 17th century when the bastion castle was built, as well as the St Archangel Michael Church and a Dominican monastery. Also, three tserkov churches were active in Chernelytsia at that time. The market square emerged, the town hall and a synagogue were built, and suburbs became discernible. The town plan changed only at the end of the 18th century when the new era in town’s history started.
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Hassan, Huda Baker, und Abbas Labeeb Wadi. „Effectiveness of an Instructional Program Concerning Secondary Polycythemia Knowledge on Clients Attending Iraqi National Blood Bank“. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences 6, Nr. 1 (08.03.2016): 110–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.36321/kjns.vi20161.2612.

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Background: Secondary Polycythemia (SP) mean an elevated of erythrocytes numbers and hemoglobin abovenormal levels which as more than 18 g / liter in males or 16 g / liter in females, and the elevated red blood cellabove the normal level lead to many complication as thromboembolisim, hypertension, and gout. Objective: The study aims to assess find out the effectiveness of instructional program application on secondarypolycythemic clients.Methodology: A quasi-experimental design study conducted in Iraqi national blood bank in the period ofJanuary, 13th 2015 to September, 1st 2015, the study sample consist of 70 clients have hemoglobin level morethan 18 mg/dl for males and 16 mg/dl for females, divided into two groups (35) case and (35) control groups.The study instrument was composed of three parts which as socio- demographic information was included; (agegroup, gender, marital status, level of education and occupational, and second parts deals medical history whichinclude (weight, height, Hb level, other diseases, smoking and alcohol drinking). part three consist of 11 domainsconcerned to clients knowledge toward the SP which include (general information about SP include (definition,causes and symptoms), diagnosis, complication, treatment, and treatment plan which include (diet, smoking andalcohol, exercise, control on blood pressure, blood donation, relaxation and follow. The validity of the instrumentwas established through a panel of (10) experts, the reliability of the items was based on the internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating Cronbach s' Coefficient alpha which as= 0.75. The data havebeen analyzed through the application of: descriptive frequency, percentages; mean of scores; and the inferentialanalysis that include: Analysis of variance and the researcher used the SPSS version 20 to analysis of data. Results: the findings revealed that the 97.1% of the case group were males at age 37-41 years old, 71.4% weremarried, 31.4% primary school graduate, 54.3% of the case group have free job, 68.6% of them were cigarettessmokers, low percent of the case group smoking water pip, and 25.7% of them have drinking alcohol. Conclusion: the study concluded that the program has a clear impact on improving the knowledge of clientsrelating to the definition and symptoms and how to control the disease through the pretest and posttest of theprogram. Recommendation: the study recommends increase health awareness among young people through theimplementation of courses and lectures for youth in coordination with the Ministries of Health and Education andHigher Education in order to control the causes of disease and their risks.
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Nikolaeva, Irina, Tatiana Struchkova, Nikolay Ivanov und Marina Tsynzak. „Development of Infrastructure to Support the National Technological Initiative: The Case of the Russian Federation“. European Project Management Journal 13, Nr. 1 (April 2023): 50–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.56889/ljnt2808.

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The modern world lives in a digital transformation. Many researchers consider this period to be a new technological paradigm or a digital economy. The widespread digitalisation of production and management processes not only affects the processes of global globalization, but also contributes to the rapid growth of the economy, enhancing living standards. While the global economy identifies some common characteristics of the development of the digital economy, there is no consistent methodological approach. The Russian Federation in the world scores to evaluate the development of the digital economy, in general, is in the group of developing countries. Therefore, at the state level, the digital transformation is recognized as a strategic priority for Russia's developers. Since 2014, the development strategy of Russia has been the National Technology Initiative (NTI), a long-term program to create new markets and lay the groundwork for Russia's technological leadership by 2035. Its first steps served as a foundation for the adoption of the national project “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. This study analyses the implementation of joint government and corporate efforts in this direction. It was revealed that the main NTI operators are both state institutions (state investment bank “Bank VEB”, “Innovation Promotion Fund”), and business partially government-owned communities – Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), Russian Venture Company (RVC). Based on the analysis of NTI roadmaps and events, a model of institutions to support the digital economy in Russia has been built. The conclusion concerns the overall support of the State during the construction of an ecosystem of technological entrepreneurship. At the same time, there is a certain differentiation of the NTI infrastructure, tending towards large subjects of the Russian Federation with a high level of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) development - Moscow and St. Petersburg.
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Ahmad, Rafique. „Iqbal's Culute-friendly Economic Vision“. Pakistan Development Review 41, Nr. 4II (01.12.2002): 937–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.30541/v41i4iipp.937-966.

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(1) Pakistan is lucky in having internationally recognised political and philosophical role models in the shape of Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal. (2) Both of them were Founders of Pakistan and had their own vision of the way Pakistan’s society and economy was to be shaped—a society based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. (3) Pakistan, inspite of making many infrastructural advances, has not developed a truly modern, democratic, welfare society. This goal can be achieved more effectingly if we follow the footsteps of both Quaid-i- Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal because both of them lived among public, understood the shortcomings and potentials of their community, and were familiar with the multidimensional process involving major changes in social structures, popular ideas, and national character and institutions as well as historical and cultural psyche: of Pakistan nation. (4) Note the following instructions which Quaid-i-Azam gave to the State Bank of Pakistan on 1st July 1948:
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Pravdyva, L. „Features of growth and development of grain sorghum plants in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine“. Agrobìologìâ, Nr. 2(161) (24.11.2020): 139–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.33245/2310-9270-2020-161-2-139-146.

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Grain sorghum is one of the most highly productive multipurpose grain crops for food, feeding and technical purposes. Considering this, the research of the elements of the technology of grain sorghum growing is expedient and high-potential. The article presents the research results of the influence of the sowing time and the depth of planting seeds on the phenological observations, field germination of seeds, biometric indicators of sorghum plants of the grain varieties Dniprovskyi 39 and Vinets in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The aim of the research is to establish the optimal sowing time and the depth of planting seeds of the grain sorghum varieties, to substantiate their influence on the characteristics of plant growth and development in the conditions of the RightBank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted during 2016–2020 in the conditions of the Bilotserkivska RAS of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is proved that the sowing time and the depth of seeding have a significant impact on the growth and development of the grain sorghum plants. It is established that at the 1st decade of May and to the planting depth of 4–6 cm the grain sorghum seeds vegetative season reduces and equates 108 for the Dniprovskyi variety, and 105 days for the Vinets variety. Sowing seeds at the 3rd decade of April and the 2nd decade of May, as well as decreasing the planting depth to 2 cm and increasing to 8 cm, lengthens the grain sorghum vegetative season of the researched varieties. Field germination reached its maximum in grain sorghum seeds sowing at the 1st decade of May and to the planting depth of 4–6 cm and equals to 84.2–86.8 % for the Dniprovskyi 39 variety and 83.1–85.4 % for the Vinets variety. Biometric indicators that affect the formation of crop productivity, namely, plant height, bushiness, stem diameter, were maximum in the same variant of the experiment. Key words: grain sorghum, varieties, sowing time, seeding depth, phenological observations, biometric indicators.
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Izadi, Maryam, Daljit S. Gill und Farhad B. Naini. „Retrospective Study to Determine the Change in Referral Pattern to St George's Hospital Orthodontic Department before and after the 2006 NHS Dental Contract Changes“. Primary Dental Care os17, Nr. 3 (Juli 2010): 111–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1308/135576110791654900.

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Aim The aim of this study was to determine the possible effects of the 2006 National Health Service General Dental Services contract changes on the referral pattern to the orthodontic department at St George's Hospital, South West London. Method This study was carried out on a retrospective basis. The notes of consecutive patients referred between 1st May and 30th September in 2005 and 2008 were assessed, and the patient's Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) and the source of referral noted. Results The total numbers of referrals increased from 260 in 2005 to 405 in 2008. The number of referrals from general dental practitioners decreased slightly from 165 to 156, as did the numbers of referrals from other sources, such as tertiary referrals. The number of referrals made by specialist practitioners increased from 41 in 2005 to 207 in 2008, representing an increase from 16% to 51% of overall referrals. Overall, the number of patients being referred with an IOTN dental health component grade of 5 increased from 27% to 55%. Conclusion The increase in referrals from specialist practitioners may be partly due to the changes brought to the commissioning of orthodontic services for specialist practitioners. Overall, the number of cases being referred with IOTN grades 4 and 5 remains high at St George's Hospital, indicating that appropriate referrals are being made.
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Apostol, Virgil, und Ștefan Bîlici. „Structuri architectural-arheologice din centrul istoric București“. CaieteARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie, Nr. 1 (2010): 119–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.47950/caieteara.2010.1.06.

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"The archaeological research undertaken on the occasion of the rehabilitation project for the infrastructure of the Pilot Area of the Historic Centre in Bucharest has brought to light elements of built structures or features dating to medieval, modern and contemporary times, either transformed along the centuries or radically retrofit following the destructive events of the first half of 19th century or consequence of the intense building activity of the end of 19th century. The important information brought by the research undertaken between 2007 and 2009 can be divided in two major categories. On the one hand, it has provided archaeological evidence of the transformations to the street network which had been partly recorded by building regulations and it has precisely located important inns (commercial buildings called han) and other edifices recorded by cartographic documents drawn at the end of 18th century and during the 19th century. It has also documented detail elements, previously known by written evidence, such as the structure of the wooden street decking (on Smârdan, Lipscani or Gabroveni St.) On the other hand, the archaeological research has provided new information regarding the limits of important urban ensembles (the north side of the enclosure of Curtea Veche – The Old Court, the main residence of the rulers of the country from mid 15th century until the end of 18th). The same research made the reconstruction of street segments decked with wood possible (the south stretch of Smârdan St., the middle segment of Gabroveni St.) or unveiled previously unknown medieval structures (the palisade of the north side of the precinct of the Old Court, the 17th century building on Tonitza St., the 18th century building on Zarafi St. or the cellars of Șerban Vodă Inn) I. Smârdan St. The archaeological excavations have unveiled important evidence to the history of the Centre: streets paved with wood (the medieval decks), a street paved with cobblestone (modern), buildings dating back to the 18th century or to the turn of 19th century, or elements of the sewage system from the end of 19th century. II. Lipscani St. The segment between Calea Victoriei and the National Bank (area of Zlătari Inn) Th e archaeological research, focused mainly on the surface at the intersection of Lipscani St. and Calea Victoriei, unveiled structures of Zlătari Inn which defi ned the south front of the old street, and a series of foundations which indicate fragmentarily the north front of the street, to which another inn, Filipescu, might have belonged. III. Lipscani St. The segment between Carada and Smârdan St. (the area of Greci Inn) The archaeological research resulted in the discovery of structures belonging to Greci Inn, which used to define the south front of old Lipscani St. and the west front of Smârdan St. Structures of Șerban Vodă Inn (the inn of Voievode Șerban, named for Șerban Cantacuzino, who ruled over Walachia between 1678-1688) which used to stand in the north front of the street, have also been discovered, as well as a series of foundations, structures and features previous to the building of the inns, along with important traces of the wooden street decking. IV. Franceză St. The archaeological vestiges discovered on the segment of Franceză St. (French St.) between Calea Victoriei and Poștei St. (Post St.) give an impression of the urban ambiance previous to the building, at the end of 19th century, of The Post and Telegraph Palace (1894-1900). The archaeological structures discovered across the segment between Post St. and Smârdan St. draw the outline of the street previous to the present configuration and describe, fragmentarily, the course of the wooden deck which survived probably down to the fi rst half of 19th century. V. Poștei St. The segment between Franceză and Sf. Dumitru St. The archaeological research on Poștei St. – between Franceză and Sf. Dumitru St. – were meant to excavate the building situated at the intersection with Poștei St., which had been identified but partly during the excavations on Franceză St. In the space between this building and the intersection of Poștei and Sf. Dumitru St. no archaeological vestiges have been found to attest any building activity. VI. Sf. Dumitru and Pictor N. Tonitza St. During the excavations in the area of Sf. Dumitru church, important evidence of the historic urban layout of Bucharest turned up. It appears that on this spot the radical transformations of the first quarter of 20th century – the opening of Poștei St. and the extension of Sf. Dumitru St. through to Poștei St. – have been preceded by changes of the urban structure at least as important. VII. Pasajul Francez St. The archaeological structures discovered here describe at least two important sequences from the existence of this area before the opening of the passage, at the end of 19th century, between 1871 and 1895. VIII. Gabroveni St. The archaeological vestiges discovered indicate clearly the configuration of the north side of Curtea Veche, the Old Court, along successive centuries and prove how the medieval urban structure and functions have influenced the urbanistic transformations of the modern times. IX. Lipscani St. The segment between Smârdan St. and I.C. Brătianu Boulevard Th e archaeological research on this segment of Liscani St. has added to information previously known in broad outlines from cartographic documents dating from the end of 17th century to mid 19th century. X. Lipscani St. The segment between Carada and Smârdan St. (the area of Șerban Vodă Inn) The archaeological excavations carried out in 2008 and, sporadically, in 2009 under the sidewalk in front of The National Bank Palace, revealed the structure of the south side of Șerban Vodă Inn. In the middle of this side a large cellar has been found, made of three bays, with fragments of fresco murals preserved. XI. Zarafi St. The structures which turned up on the surface of Zarafi St. are older than the opening of the street (18th century cellars), and structures belonging to the urban structure of the first half of 19th century. "
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Piburn, J., R. Stewart, A. Myers, A. Sorokine, E. Axley, D. Anderson, J. Burdette et al. „The World Spatiotemporal Analytics and Mapping Project (WSTAMP): Further Progress in Discovering, Exploring, and Mapping Spatiotemporal Patterns Across the World’s Largest Open Source Data Sets“. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-4/W2 (20.10.2017): 199–205. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-iv-4-w2-199-2017.

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Spatiotemporal (ST) analytics applied to major data sources such as the World Bank and World Health Organization has shown tremendous value in shedding light on the evolution of cultural, health, economic, and geopolitical landscapes on a global level. WSTAMP engages this opportunity by situating analysts, data, and analytics together within a visually rich and computationally rigorous online analysis environment. Since introducing WSTAMP at the First International Workshop on Spatiotemporal Computing, several transformative advances have occurred. Collaboration with human computer interaction experts led to a complete interface redesign that deeply immerses the analyst within a ST context, significantly increases visual and textual content, provides navigational crosswalks for attribute discovery, substantially reduce mouse and keyboard actions, and supports user data uploads. Secondly, the database has been expanded to include over 16,000 attributes, 50 years of time, and 200+ nation states and redesigned to support non-annual, non-national, city, and interaction data. Finally, two new analytics are implemented for analyzing large portfolios of multi-attribute data and measuring the behavioral stability of regions along different dimensions. These advances required substantial new approaches in design, algorithmic innovations, and increased computational efficiency. We report on these advances and inform how others may freely access the tool.
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Hasan, Afif Somantri, und Ratmono Ratmono. „Penerapan Analisis SWOT terhadap Pencapaian Target Pembiayaan Mikro Syariah pada BPRS Mitra Agro Usaha di Bandar Lampung“. Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI 1, Nr. 2 (29.03.2021): 119–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.24127/diversifikasi.v1i2.545.

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Talking about the perception of our society about the Bank, we can be sure that the perception that arises is that the Bank is an institution for saving money. The condition in the field states that not all levels of society have made maximum use of bank products. The condition of banking is one of the sectors which is expected to be able to play an active role in supporting national development activities. This role is manifested in its main function as an intermediary institution or intermediary institution between debtors and creditors. Thus, economic actors who need funds to support their activities can be fulfilled and then the wheels of the economy move. The formulation of the problem in this study is "How is the application of SWOT analysis to the achievement of financing targets in BPRS Agro Business Partners?". This research is a descriptive exploratory study with an expose facto approach, because it aims to describe the state of the phenomena that occur in the field. The technique used in data collection in this research is using literature study, field study, and questionnaires. This study uses a SWOT analysis. The first step is to formulate a strategy, namely SO, WO, ST, and WT. The results of the study indicate that the BPRS Mitra Agro Usaha Bandar Lampung has strengths, namely operating with the sharia system, strategic location, short and fast bureaucracy, and has a legal entity. The weakness is that it is difficult to find human resources in the marketing sector and as a new bank that is not widely known by the public. Meanwhile, the opportunities are good business prospects, approaches with government agencies, and small business activities are very potential within the BPRS MAU. The threats are competition between banks and competition at the margin level.
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A, John Joel, Ganesh Ram S, Thiyagarajan K, Paramathma M und Murugesa Boopathi P. „The Ramiah Gene Bank : A Step-Forward in Agro-Biodiversity Conservation at TNAU“. Madras Agricultural Journal 98, March (2011): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.29321/maj.10.100228.

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India is one of the richest countries for plant diversity with approximately 16,000 vascular plants, 5000 endemic species and 140 endemic genera. However, an estimated 3000-4000 plant species are being threatened to be on the verge of extinction, fixing India, one of the highest priorities for plant biodiversity conservation. In recent decades, India has increasingly recognized the importance of plant diversity in efforts to conserve and sustainably use its plant diversity. Conservation requires a sound scientific and technical basis and there are two methods viz., ex situ and in situ conservation which are equally important and should be regarded as complementary. In the process of ex situ conservation, the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) possess 3,85,645 germplasm accessions of various agri- horticultural crops. Realising the need of ago biodiversity conservation, TNAU has created a gene bank facility named after the legendary rice breeder Dr. K. Ramiah, with the capacity to conserve more than 1,00,000 germplasm accession under medium term storage (MTS) and long term storage (LTS) conditions. Presently a total of 13,567 accessions of more than 21 species are deposited in the gene bank. These provide an important reserve of plant resources for sustainable economic and social development. Thus, TNAU's strategic and vision for conservation of plant diversity and sustainable use of plant resources in the 21 st century is of far-reaching significance for sustainable development of our economy and society.
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Lenarth, Raluca. „The Establishment of Târgu Mureș Branch of „Albina” Bank and the Relationships with its Headquarters in Sibiu (1919-1928)“. Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia 2, Nr. 1 (01.12.2020): 59–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/amsh-2020-0012.

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Abstract A close look at the minutes of the Administration Council, a governing body of the „Albina” Bank in Sibiu, reveals various aspects, as important as they are interesting, regarding the activity of the Târgu Mureș branch (one of the most important branches that began its activity before the pre-war period - 1st May 1910). After Transylvania was included in the Romanian Unitary National State, the entire economic life experienced a revival. In this context, „Albina”’s Târgu Mureș branch increased its turnorver beeing able to compete with the local credit institutions in the county, including the Saxon and Hungarian ones. However, the lack of liquidity on the financial markets, which threatened the well being of entire banking system, directly affected the branch starting with 1927/28. The examples found in archives and presented in this article emphasize a gradual decrease in the number of loans granted by the bank and the crippling effect on the local economy. Different types of loans are being explained and presented offering a vivid image of the inhabitants of the area, their nationality, their field of activity, which was directly linked with their financial abilities. Some interesting, however controversial, aspects are being highlighted regarding the unorthodox practices of the personnel, the bold decisions of the director of the branch that were not exactly in the line with the code of conduct and the ethos promoted by „Albina”’s Headquarters in Sibiu.
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Amarasinghe, Hemantha, Sajeeva Ranaweera, Thushara Ranasinghe, Nadeeka Chandraratne, Dinesh Ruwan Kumara, Montarat Thavorncharoensap, Palitha Abeykoon und Amala de Silva. „Economic cost of tobacco-related cancers in Sri Lanka“. Tobacco Control 27, Nr. 5 (27.10.2017): 542–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-053791.

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IntroductionCancer has a high mortality rate and morbidity burden in Sri Lanka. This study estimated the economic cost of smoking and smokeless tobacco (ST) related to cancers in Sri Lanka in 2015.MethodsPrevalence-based cost of illness is calculated according to the guidelines of the WHO (2011). The direct costs are costs of curative care (costs of inward patients and outpatient care borne by the state and out of pocket expenditure by households) for tobacco-related cancers, weighted by the attributable fractions for these cancers. Indirect costs are lost earnings due to mortality and morbidity (absenteeism of both patient and carers resulting from seeking care and recuperation).Data were obtained from the Registrar General’s Department, National Cancer Registry, Department of Census and Statistics and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Household and systemic costs and relative risks were extracted from research studies. Oncologists (working in both public and private sectors), other clinical specialists, medical administrators and economists were consulted during the estimation and validation processes.ResultsThe total economic cost of tobacco-related cancers for Sri Lanka in 2015 was estimated to be US$121.2 million. The direct cost of smoking and ST-related cancers was US$42.1 million, which was 35% of the total cost, while the indirect cost was US$79.1 million, which was 65% of the total cost.ConclusionBurden of tobacco smoking and ST-related cancers as reflected in these economic costs is enormous: affecting the healthcare system and country’s economy. Policymakers should take note of this burden and address tobacco consumption control as a priority.
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Chaurasiya, Anand Kumar, Amit Kumar Patel, Shyam Babu Prasad, Ravi Kumar Bhaskar und Udaykant Jha. „Hematological Changes in Whole Blood Stored in Blood Bags Containing CPDA-1 Over a Period of 28 Days“. Med Phoenix 7, Nr. 2 (06.01.2023): 42–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/medphoenix.v7i2.50939.

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Introduction: Blood storage is needed to ensure a readily available and safe blood supply. During blood storage in blood bank, biochemical and physical properties of RBCs are altered because of storage conditions. In normal conditions in the body circulation, these do not occur as optimum pH, temperature, nutrient concentration and waste products removal are maintained. The aim of this study was to observe the changes in whole blood stored in blood bags containing CPDA-1 over a period of 28 days. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital based observational study conducted in Blood Bank, National Medical College and Teaching Hospital (NMCTH), Birgunj. A total of 450 ml blood was drawn from 50 healthy volunteer donors into blood bags containing CPDA–1 anticoagulant and placed on the quarantine shelf of the blood bank refrigerator maintained at 2-8o centigrade. The blood bags were screened for HCV, HBsAg, syphillis and HIV. Ten milliliters blood was withdrawn from the blood bags on 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day and tested for hematological parameters using Yumizen H550 (HORIBA) fully automated hematology analyzer. Results: At the end of 28 days, whole blood storage in CPDA-1 revealed significant decrease in WBC (T = 4.79, p < 0.01) and platelets count (T=180.09, p < 0.01). Hematocrit increased significantly after 21 days of storage (T = 40.86, p < 0.01). MCHC and MCH also demonstrated significant increase during the storage period (T = 37.32, p < 0.01) and (T = 29.38, p < 0.01), respectively. Conclusion: WBC and platelets are significantly altered (decreased) when stored in blood bags containing CPDA- 1 after one week period. The study recommends whole blood transfusion before seventh day of donation in order to avoid the adverse outcome of hematological changes in stored blood. In case it has to be used beyond one week, then it should be leukodepleted before storage.
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Salomatina, Sofya, Irina Markovna Garskova und Timur Yakubovich Valetov. „The leading financial centers of the Russian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century according to interregional bank transfers statistics: network and geoinformation aspects“. Историческая информатика, Nr. 4 (April 2021): 104–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.7256/2585-7797.2021.4.37027.

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The article examines the financial system of the Russian Empire in the form of money flows between the largest centers, implying that these flows were opposite to the flows of goods and services. The resource allocation pattern is thus revealed in aspects of the markets’ geography and hierarchy, which clarifies the capacity of the financial system to support economic growth. The source for this study is the statistics of the commercial transfers of the State Bank of the Russian Empire for 1898 (excluding treasury transfers), processed through network and geoinformation analysis. The study results show that the highest level of the payment network in the financial system topology of the Russian Empire was located around St. Petersburg and Moscow, which indicates a strong centralization of national money flows. To a great degree, Moscow was a nationwide wholesale center for the sale of goods and services, while St. Petersburg developed into the principal center for resource allocation throughout the country, implying various forms of investment in the economy. In such a centralized system, there was no great need for second-level interregional ties. For regional payment networks (the third level, around Odessa, Warsaw, Kiev, Riga, Baku, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kharkov, and Rostov-on-Don), closer and more intensive financial ties are revealed in the west, in the Odessa-Kiev-Warsaw “triangle”, which indicates a greater saturation of the western and southwestern regions with financial resources.
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Savaliya, Sheetal M., Anil P. Singh und Kiran G. Piparva. „A donor hemovigilance study: evaluation of adverse reactions to blood donors at tertiary care teaching hospital“. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 8, Nr. 7 (24.06.2019): 1538. http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20192647.

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Background: Donor hemovigilance is an important aspect of the hemovigilance system and contributes to decrease the blood donor’s complications and improving blood donor safety and functioning of blood bank. Reporting of adverse reactions associated with blood donations has been covered under National blood donor vigilance programme. This study was carried out to estimate the adverse events in blood donors and to promote their safety.Methods: The study was conducted over a period of 6 months, from 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2017 after getting approval from institutional ethics committee at tertiary care teaching hospital. Prior informed consent was obtained and donor confidentiality was ensured. The donors were observed for adverse event during or after donation. For delayed reactions, donors were requested to contact the researcher or designated departmental staff. Data was collected in case record form. Data entry was done in excel 2013 and appropriate Statistical test (chi square) was applied.Results: During study period total 7970 donors were registered, out of which 53.27% donors have donated their blood in blood camps and 46.72% have in blood bank. Incidence of donor reactions was 1.54%. Incidence of adverse reaction was higher at blood camps (58.53%). Authors found highest number of cases of mild vaso vagal type reactions (53%). Other types of reactions observed were painful arm, hematoma, delayed bleeding, tingling and moderate type of vaso vagal reaction.Conclusions: Authors did not find any major serious events like convulsion, thrombophlebitis or arterial puncture during study period. It considers that safety of donors was maintained.
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Lisovyi, M. V., V. M. Nikonenko, О. V. Karatsiuba, О. I. Slidenko und V. V. Shimel. „Influence of mineral fertilizers on the quality of winter wheat grain on typical chernozem in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe“. Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Nr. 91 (August 2021): 59–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.31073/acss91-07.

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The goal was to study the effect of certain types of mineral fertilizers (N, P, K) and their paired compounds (NP, NK, PK) on the protein and gluten content in the grain of winter wheat on chernozem typical (Haplic Chernozem (Profundihumic)). The research was carried out in the conditions of a field stationary experiment which was laid down in the experimental farm of the NSC "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O. N. Sokolovsky" in the Kharkiv region. Eight variants with the following norms of fertilizers were studied for winter wheat: 1 – without fertilizers (control); 2 – N60; 3 – P120; 4 – K90; 5 – N60P120; 6 – N60K90; 7 – P120K90; 8 – N60P120K90. The effectiveness of fertilizers was reseached on two agrophones - natural and aftereffect of fertilizers (240 t/ha for crop rotation). The content of protein and gluten in wheat grain was determined on the Spectran-119M. On typical chernozem of the Forest-Steppe of the left-bank high application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in norm N60P120 provides the content of protein in grain of winter wheat at the level of 12,9 – 14,7 % that corresponds to the 1st and 2nd classes of quality of grain according to the National standard (DSTU 3768 : 2010). The gluten content ranges from 23.6 to 25.0 %, which corresponds to the 2nd class of grain quality of winter wheat.
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Pravdyva, L. „Energy productivity of grain sorghum depending on the elements of cultivation technology in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine“. Agrobìologìâ, Nr. 1(163) (25.05.2021): 122–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.33245/2310-9270-2021-163-1-122-130.

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In Ukraine, grain sorghum is an important grain crop used in bioethanol and solid fuel production. It stands out signifcantly from other grain crops by its economically valuable features, drought resistance, high productivity and universality of use. Grain sorghum is grown for use in the food industry (the main processed products are sorghum starch, glucosefructose syrups, alcohol, etc.), in fodder production and, more recently, in the energy industry. Therefore, the research of the elements of the cultivation technology, namely the sowing time and the depth of planting of grain sorghum seeds, is expedient and perspective. The article highlights the research results of the influence of the sowing time and the depth of planting seeds on the energy productivity of sorghum crops of the grain varieties ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ and ‘Vinets’ in the Right-Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to establish the optimal sowing time and the depth of planting of grain sorghum seeds and to substantiate their influence on the crop energy productivity in condition of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted during 2016–2020 at the Bilotserkivska Research Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was found that the highest crop yield was obtained by sowing grain sorghum seeds in the 1st decade of May at a planting depth of 4–6 cm. At the same time, the grain yield of the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety was 7.1–7.4 t/ha, of the ‘Vinets’ variety – 6.3–6.7 t/ha; the yield of biomass of the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety was 40.2–44.4 t/ha, of the ‘Vinets’ variety – 37.3–39.5 t/ha. The highest bioethanol yield was obtained by sowing grain sorghum seeds in the 1st decade of May at a depth of planting of seeds of 4–6 cm. Cultivation of the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety allowed to obtain 2.37–2.47 t/ha of bioethanol, the ‘Vinets’ variety – 2.08–2,21 t/ha. The yield of solid biofuel in this variant of the experiment was also the largest and amounted to 9.29–10.26 t/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 8.62–9.12 t/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety. The total energy yield from the obtained biofuel of the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety was 210.66–228.98 GJ/ha, of the ‘Vinets’ variety – 192.37–203.95 GJ/ha. Key words: grain sorghum, varieties, sowing time, seeding depth, energy productivity.
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Perales, Miguel-Angel, Christina Cho, Anne Eaton, Alison J. Moskowitz, Victoria Nguyen, Anne Marie R. Gonzales-Dadiz, Sean Devlin et al. „A Prospective Study of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Relapsed/ Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma“. Blood 126, Nr. 23 (03.12.2015): 4383. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.v126.23.4383.4383.

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Abstract INTRODUCTION: Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) relapsing post autologous transplant (ASCT) are not cured with standard chemotherapy. In addition, a subset of patients with relapsed or primary-refractory HL fare poorly with ASCT. Such patients may benefit from allogeneic transplantation (allo-HCT) with its graft-versus-lymphoma (GVL) effect. METHODS: We performed a phase II study of salvage therapy (ST) followed by allo-HCT in adult patients with relapsed/refractory (rel/ref) HL (NCT00574496, Fig. 1a). Conditioning was dictated by PET status after ST, with NMA flu/cy/TBI 200 cGy for patients in CR and RIC mel/flu for those with PR/SD. Patients in the intent-to-treat (ITT) cohort were enrolled prior to ST and proceeded to allo-HCT if in CR, PR, or SD after 1 line of ST. The primary endpoint was successful allo-HCT and PFS at 1 year after allo-HCT (estimated as a proportion as all patients had at least 1 year of followup). Landmark analysis (from end of ST) with Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank test were used to compare OS and PFS in the ITT cohort. A second cohort of patients referred with CR, PR, or SD after ST received HCT on protocol, but was not included in the ITT analysis. No differences in OS or PFS after HCT were seen between ITT and non-ITT cohorts, and patients were combined for further analysis. OS and PFS from time of HCT were estimated using all HCT patients, and PFS was compared based on baseline covariates. Cumulative incidence of GVHD, relapse/POD and nonrelapse mortality (NRM) were estimated using competing risks methodology. P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: From 6/2008 to 6/2014, 25 patients were consented, 15 on the ITT analysis and 10 on the post-ST arm (Table 1). All had relapse after ASCT, primary refractory or high-risk HL relapsed within 1 year of 1st-line therapy. Allografts (n = 18) were PBSC from matched or single-allele mismatched related (n = 8) or unrelated (n = 3) donor, or double unit cord blood grafts (n = 7). Eleven were in PET CR before HCT and 7 in PR. ITT analysis (n=15): 5 patients had POD on ST and were ineligible for allo-HCT. Of the remaining 9, 1 withdrew during conditioning. 1-year and 3-year OS were 50% (95% CI 22.5, 100) and 16.7% (95% CI 2.8, 99.7), respectively, in patients with POD after ST, and 100% at both time points if no POD after ST (Fig 1b). At median 5.6 years of follow-up, 5 patients survive. The percent of patients successfully meeting the primary endpoint was 33% (95% CI 13, 61). Allo-HCT analysis (n=18): Cumulative incidence (CI) of grade 2-4 and 3-4 aGVHD at d+100 were 23.3% (95% CI 13.1, 55.3) and 11.1% (95% CI 1.70, 30.4), respectively. CI of cGVHD at 1 year and 3 years was 11.1% (95% CI 1.7, 30.7) and 35.6% (95% CI 13.2-59.0), respectively, and of mild severity in all but 1 patient. 3-year CI of relapse/POD was 34.3% (95% CI 13.2-56.7), and NRM 23.6% (95% CI 6.8, 46.1). Estimated 3-year PFS was 42.1% (95% CI 24.1, 73.6) and OS 70.3% (95% CI 51.5, 96.1) (Fig 1c). There was no significant association between PFS and disease stage or status (CR vs. PR). There was a trend toward poorer PFS in the 5 patients without prior ASCT (3 year PFS 20.0% vs. 50.8%, p = 0.088), 3 of whom had primary refractory HL. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that allo-HCT provides long-term survival for a substantial portion of patients with rel/ref HL. Though limited by small sample size, the ITT analysis showed more than 1/3 of patients never attained sufficient disease control for allo-HCT, and have a dismal prognosis. Of note, none had received brentuximab or a checkpoint inhibitor, and the long-term impact of these agents in those patients remains to be seen. In patients undergoing allo-HCT with chemosensitive disease, proceeding to allo-HCT in PET PR vs. CR had no significant negative impact on PFS in this limited sample. The trend toward poor outcomes in patients who had not previously undergone ASCT likely reflects poor prognosis in patients with primary refractory disease. Factors informing prognosis after allo-HCT, and interventions to attenuate risk, remain an important area for further investigation. Table. Patient characteristics Median (range) age in yrs Median (range) prior lines of therapy N (%) prior ASCT Stage at relapse Disease status pre-ST Disease status pre-HCT ITT (n = 15) 32 (22-51) 3 (1-4) 8 (53.3) III: 4 IV: 11 1st relapse: 6 ≥ 2nd relapse: 5 Refractory: 4 7 CR 2 PR 5 POD 1 withdrew All HCT (n = 18) 36 (24-53) 4 (2-6) 13 (72.2) II: 1 III: 4 IV: 13 1st relapse: 3 ≥ 2nd relapse: 11 Refractory: 4 11 CR 7 PR Disclosures Perales: BeTheMatch/ National Marrow Donor Program: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Takeda: Honoraria; Astellas: Honoraria; Merck: Honoraria; Amgen: Honoraria. Giralt:TAKEDA: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; JAZZ: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding, Speakers Bureau; AMGEN: Consultancy, Research Funding; SANOFI: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; CELGENE: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding. Straus:Millenium Pharmaceuticals: Research Funding. Moskowitz:GSK: Research Funding; Merck: Consultancy, Research Funding; Seattle Genetics: Consultancy, Research Funding.
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Kondratenko, M. I., O. V. Bushulyan und V. D. Buhaiov. „Variability and stability of the main valuable economic traits of the chickpeas collection specimens in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine“. Feeds and Feed Production, Nr. 94 (27.12.2022): 8–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.31073/kormovyrobnytstvo202294-01.

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Purpose. The research is aimed at an in-depth study of the genetic diversity of the existing collection samples from the basic collections according to morphological, biological and economic features in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and selection of reliable sources of these traits in order to create a new highly productive, adaptive breeding material. Methods. Field (conducting phenological observations and records), biometric and measuring and weighting (for recording productivity and yield), mathematical and statistical (objective evaluation of experimental data obtained). Results. During 2018-2021, on the experimental fields of scientific crop rotation of the Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillia of NAAS, evaluation of 223 chickpea samples obtained from the Breeding and Genetic Institute of the National Center for Seed Science and Varietal Research and 210 samples of the kabuli type and 13 samples of the desi type from the V.Ya. Yuryev Institute of Plant Breeding of NAAS was carried out. Using the coefficient of variation (V, %), the level of variability of the main morphological traits (“stem length”, “lower bean attachment height”, “number of branches of the 1st order per plant”), elements of seed productivity (“number of beans per plant”, “number of seeds per bean”, “weight of 1000 seeds” and “seed weight per plant”) and productivity was established in these samples. The ecological stability (stability and plasticity) of the main valuable morphological traits, elements of seed productivity and yield in chickpea collection samples selected for productivity features were studied. Conclusions. According to the data of four years of research (2018-2021), in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, 16 collection samples of chickpeas (12 of the kabuli and 4 of the desi type) resistant to adverse abiotic and biotic factors with increased productivity were selected. These samples are valuable sources of the main morphological traits plasticity and stability, elements of the seed productivity structure for the purpose of breeding the increased the adaptability of chickpea varieties in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
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Mallah, Fiyaz Hussain, Muhammad Tariq, Waqar Hussain, Javed Khurshed Shaikh, Muhammad Hassan Butt und M. Ismail Baloch. „Frequency of Left Ventricular Thrombus after Acute Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction at Karachi“. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 16, Nr. 9 (30.09.2022): 126–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22169126.

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Background: The left ventricular problem is a prominent acute myocardial infarction (AMI) complication. It has been demonstrated that rapid reperfusion reduces mortality and improves left ventricular (LV) function. There is a dearth of information on left ventricular thrombus (LVT) in the current era of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). Aim: To estimate the frequency of left ventricular thrombus in patients who have experienced an acute anterior wall myocardial infarction at Karachi's leading cardiac hospital. Study design: Cross-sectional study Place and duration of study: Department of Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Karachi from 1st July 2021 to 31st December 2021. Methodology: Three hundred and fifty five patients of both genders age between 40 and 80 years were diagnosed with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction and underwent purcutaneous coronary intervention were enrolled. Results: There were 286 (80.6%) males and 69 (19.4%) females. The mean age was 56.29±11.04 years. Two patients (6%) experienced in-hospital mortality, while 56 patients (15.8%) had left ventricular thrombus. Conclusion: Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction frequently results in the development of left ventricular thrombus. Keywords: Myocardial infarction, Left ventricular thrombus, Frequency
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Reitblat, Abram I. „Correspondence of F.V. Bulgarin and K.F. Kalaydovich“. Literary Fact, Nr. 3 (29) (2023): 136–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2023-29-136-154.

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For the first time, the correspondence of the writer, journalist, publisher Faddey Bulgarin with the historian and archeographer Konstantin Kalaidovich is published in full. The article introduces into scientific circulation their letters for 1822–1824, mainly devoted to the materials of the historical St. Petersburg journal “Northern Archive,” the publication of which was undertaken by F.V. Bulgarin. K.F. Kalaidovich, who lived in Moscow, was an experienced employee of the Archive of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs and the chief superintendent of the Commission for the Printing of State Letters and Treaties. He helped the journal with the communication of valuable documents on the history of medieval Rus’ and the Moscow kingdom of the 15th–17th Centuries, having prepared more than 10 publications for the “Northern Archive” in five years. Kalaidovich also acted as an intermediary between Bulgarin and his fellow historians, members of the “circle” of a patron of art, fascinated by national history, Count N.P. Rumyantsev. The publication touches upon the issues of organizing historical research, the controversy around the “History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin, journal policy in Russia in the 1st quarter of the 19th century, and payment for journal publications.
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Sheretyuk, Ruslana. „Institutionalizing transformations of the Greco-Uniate Church in the context of the ethnoconfessional policy of Russian autocracy (1772-1795).“ Ukrainian Religious Studies, Nr. 66 (26.02.2013): 171–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.32420/2013.66.263.

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The status of the Greek Uniate Church on the eve of the division of the Commonwealth was characterized by the institutional design and ordering of the internal church mechanism, centralized management and the integrity of the hierarchical structure, the presence of a multimillion parochial flock and a powerful network of monastic cells, the acquisition of significant economic potential, in particular, the church monastic land tenure, for the conclusion that the entire church body is quite stable. Created by the efforts of the intellectual core of the Greco-Uniate Church - the Order of St. Basil the Great - a multicomponent system of educational institutions (novitiates, seminaries, colleges, parish schools), as well as publishing centers have made a significant contribution to the cultivation of national culture. Thus, for a long time, this Church not only played the role of a kind of ethnoconservant of the culture of the autochthonous population of the Right-Bank Ukraine, retained the dominant elements of its ethnic attributes, but also joined and united its elite with the European spiritual and cultural space.
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Sukhobokov, O. V. „THE CURRENT STATE OF THE STUDY OF VOLYNTSEVO CULTURE SITES“. Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine 44, Nr. 3 (14.06.2022): 85–111. http://dx.doi.org/10.37445/adiu.2022.03.05.

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The presented publication of the manuscript of Oleg Sukhobokov (1937—2008), a famous Ukrainian archaeologist-Slavist, Doctor of historical sciences, Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is an important contribution to the historiography of Volyntsevo sites. Relying on his own extensive experience in scientific and field research of Slavic sites of the Left Bank of Ukraine, the author presents his vision of the most important and debatable problems of the study of Volyntsevo sites: the origin and ethnic attribution, dating and chronology, their place in the cultural-stratigraphic column of a sites of the Dnieper Left Bank of the middle to the late 1st millennium. During the more than 40-year period of field archaeological work, the scholar discovered and studied a number of important archaeological sires of the Dnieper Left Bank, in particular, the unique early Siveryans settlement Bytytsia on the Psel River (1984—1991, 1993). The Bytytsia hill-fort takes a special place among the Volyntsevo settlements: its topography (on a cape), considerable size (ca. 11 ha), wood and earth fortifications, a large number (up to 60 %) of pottery, together with an unprecedented number for early Slavic sites of agricultural implements, craft tools and weapons, two hoards, etc. All of this allowed Dr. Sukhobokov to raise issues on the social and ethnocultural content of this site, which is different from that of most Volyntsevo sites, to consider the Bytytsia hill-fort the administrative, trade and craft center of the Siverians tribal union. In the presented material the considerable attention is paid to the substantiated, based on a wide source base refutation of the hypothesis by V. V. Sedov that the population of the Imenkovo culture of the Middle Volga region became the substratum of the Volyntsevo culture of the Middle Dnieper region. At the same time, the author emphasizes the influence of the «alien cultural impulse» from the Turkic or Iranian-speaking peoples who were the part of the Khazar Khaganate and were quickly assimilated by the Slavic (Severians) environment, which manifested itself in the originality of the ceramic complex of the Volyntsevo people, who considered by Dr. Sukhobokov as early stage of the chronicled Siverians.
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Siddiqui, Fawad Ali, Syed ,. Khubaib, Harish Kumar, Haresh Kumar, Muhammad Aslam, Khushwant, ., Saif Ur Rehman und Yumna Siddiqui. „Frequency of Arrhythmias in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) Till 48 hours Post PPCI in NICVD“. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 17, Nr. 1 (31.01.2023): 524–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2023171524.

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Objective: To determine the frequency of arrhythmias in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) till 48 hours post PPCI in admitted at national institute of cardiovascular diseases (NICVD), Karachi. Material & Methods: This was a hospital based clinical study conducted at NICVD through convenience sampling technique for the period of 6 months from 1st September 2021 to 31st March, 2022. All the adult (age more than 18 years) male and female, presented with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, and eligible for PPCI were included in this study. Cardiac arrhythmias during 48 hours post-PPCI were evaluated and documented. SPSS v. 26 was used for data entry and analysis. Results: A total of 285 patients were included for final analysis. The overall mean age ± SD was 56.56±13.07 years. Most of the patients were belongs to age group II (age ≥55 years) as compare to age group I (age <55 years), 50.87% and 49.12%, respectively. The overall incidence of arrhythmias was 16.6% among them most of the arrhythmias were observed during the first 24 hours of PPCI (72.22%). Ventricular arrhythmias were most common as compare to atrial arrhythmias (61.11%). There was an insignificant association observed in relation to gender and incidence of arrhythmias, p 0.236. Patients having age ≥55 were significantly associated with occurrence of arrhythmias, p <0.001. Conclusion: Frequency of cardiac arrhythmias is higher during early hours of after PPCI. Among them, ventricular arrhythmias were more common as compare to atrial arrhythmias. Older patients (age >55 years) were significantly associated with increased incidence of cardiac arrhythmias as compare to younger age group (age <55 years). Keywords: Cardiac arrhythmias, STEMI, primary PCI, time duration, in-hospital incidence, South Asia
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Leshchenko, J. G. „Economic sovereignty in the 21-st century: the issue of Russia's foreign economic security in the conditions of membership in international financial and economic organizations“. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship 19, Nr. 12 (28.12.2018): 3637. http://dx.doi.org/10.18334/rp.19.12.39557.

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The article deals with topical issues related to the transformation of economic sovereignty in terms of ensuring the external economic security of the state within the framework of membership in international financial and economic organizations. Since the beginning of the XXI century, almost all countries of the world, including Russia, have accelerated the pace of opening their economies. With this initiative, they expected the introduction of a new driving force in the process of domestic economic development and the creation of new market opportunities. States to varying degrees have integrated their domestic economies into the global market. However, for any country, opening the economy to the outside world is not free. The national economy will inevitably be subject to certain costs, which will affect the increase in value and the same time be perceived as weakening the country's «economic sovereignty», namely, the erosion of permanent and exclusive privileges over its economic activity and national resources. The increase in the number of international financial and economic organizations and the expansion of their functions naturally limit the sovereignty of a particular country. The most typical example is the ever broader penetration of the following organizations: the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) into the internal economic affairs of their members. In the conditions of world economic globalization, many underdeveloped countries are forced to resort to foreign aid and intervention, which, however, will lead to the fact that their governments will be deprived of control over their own economies. In this regard, some scientists predict the loss of economic sovereignty in a form such as neo-colonialism. More importantly, this is the fact that some economically strong countries, such as the United States, for example, taking advantage of this, influence or violate the economic sovereignty of these countries. At the same time, economically developed countries address double standards in economic policy and apply their own self-realized theories, such as «human rights that transcend sovereignty» and «economic integration that outweigh sovereignty», to make weak countries recognize some of their inalienable privileges. However, these countries repeatedly emphasize that they should not accept international economic rules as a sacrifice of weakening and diminishing their own decision-making rights. Thus, we can conclude that the dispute over economic sovereignty is, in fact, a hidden competitive struggle for power in the world arena. In the current context of «economic openness», external economic impacts on individual countries are distributed in an unbalanced manner. From an economic point of view, Russia needs to rethink the understanding of sovereignty as a responsibility for the internal functions and external obligations of the state in the economic sphere, which includes, but is not limited to questions of the state’s external economic security. The development and normative content of the concept of sovereignty as a responsibility to protect in the economic sphere requires the continuation of scientific development, in particular, it concerns the formulation of the internal functions of the state, based on a distributed responsibility approach between: (1) by the state and supranational actors, which are international financial and economic organizations, (2) by civil society and private business, each performing its own role in the global economy. You should also pay attention to the external functions of the state to protect national interests in the foreign economic sphere, taking into account the existing actual inequality between states in terms of the development of economic infrastructure and technologies.
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Parkhomenko, O. M., A. O. Stepura, Y. M. Lutay, O. I. Irkin und D. O. Bilyi. „Effect of early hypolipidemic therapy of different intensity on endothelial function in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation“. Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology 26, Nr. 6 (02.02.2020): 27–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.31928/1608-635x-2019.6.2738.

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The aim – to evaluate the effect of different hypolipidemic therapy on changes in endothelial function in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (STEMI).Materials and methods. The study enrolled 135 patients with STEMI within the 12 hours of symptoms onset (average 4.7±1.0) who were admitted to the intensive care unit at NSC «M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology». Patients were distributed into 4 groups by envelope method. At the enrolment to the hospital patients were prescribed hypolipidemic therapy till the procedure of revascularization – percutaneous coronary intervention. The first (1st) group included 26 pts who were prescribed a combination of atorvastatin (10 mg) and ezetimibe (10 mg). The second (2nd) group included 24 pts, who were prescribed atorvastatin at a dose of 40 mg. The third (3rd) group included 43 pts, who received 80 mg of atorvastatin, the fourth (4th) group included 42 pts who were prescribed a combination of atorvastatin 40 mg and ezetimibe 10 mg. Basic therapy was formed according to the current guidelines of the European Society of Cardiologists and the National Diagnostic Protocols. The selected groups did not have difference in clinical and anamnestic characteristics and methods of treatment. Determination of reactive hyperemia using flow-dependent vasodilatation (FDV) was performed on the 1st and 10th days of the hospital period and within the 90th day of onset of the disease onset. Results and discussion. Prescription of high-intensity lipid-lowering therapy using 80 mg of atorvastatin (group 3) and 40 mg of atorvastatin and 10 mg of ezetimibe (group 4) caused a greater lipid-lowering effect compared to the medium-intensity therapy (group 1 and 2) in the dynamics of observation. Group 3 patients experienced a significant decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) on the 10th and 90th days, and its decrease reached values ​​below the recommended values ​​(up to 1.75±0.11 mmol/L. In group 4 on we recorded a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol on the 10th day and by the 90th day it was 1.55 mmol/L. The mean LDL cholesterol level below the target was only reached in groups 3 and 4. Normalization of endothelial function (FDV greater than 10 %) was significantly more frequently observed in patients who reached less than 1.8 mmol/L by the 90th day of target LDL cholesterol. Conclusions. For the normalization of endothelial function (increase in FDV) during hypolipidemic therapy in patients undergoing STEMI, it is necessary to achieve the target values ​​of LDL cholesterol up to 90 days of the disease, which is possible only when conducting high-intensity hypolipidemic therapy. The absence of improvement in endothelial function during observation in a constant number of patients suggests that there may be additional, possibly genetic, factors that are not affected by the treatments used.
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Bilynska, L. I. „CONTRIBUTION OF O. V. SUHOBOKOV TO THE RESEARCH OF THE HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE NORTH EAST OF THE LEFT BANK UKRAINE“. Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine 44, Nr. 3 (10.08.2022): 112–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.37445/adiu.2022.03.06.

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This article is dedicated to O. V. Sukhobokov, Ukrainian archaeologist, researcher of Slavic and Rus’ history, Doctor of Historical Sciences. His scientific interests were focused on the Early Slavic and Old Rus’ archaeology of the left bank of the Dnipro forest-steppe area, and the history of the Eastern Slavic tribe of Siverians. The research conducted by O. V. Sukhobokov at the head of the Left Bank Slavic-Rus’ Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine became an important stage in the historical and archaeological study of the northeastern region of the Dnipro area, in particular the territory of the modern Sumy oblast. The expedition explored such significant sites as Kurgan-Azak, Bytytsia, Volyntseve, Monastyryshche, Kamiane, Nytsakha, Lukhtivka, Igorivka, and Zelenyi Gai. As a result, scientists confirmed the founding date of the cities from the Kievan Rus’ Chronicles such as Lubny, Putyvl, and Romny. After multiple years of research on the Left Bank the original concept of the historical process in the Dnipro—Don interfluve was developed by O. V. Sukhobokov. Scientists have brought together an immense amount of materials from field research and reconstructed the ethnic processes and development of the Slavic population of the left bank Dnipro at the second half of the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. The achievements of the Left Bank Slavic-Rus’ expedition became the basis for further research, scientific debates, and were discussed at conferences and seminars. They are presented in numerous articles, and five monographs. Three monographs are dedicated to the sites of the Sumy region: «Putyvl and its region in the Kievan Rus’ time (on the archeological materials)» (1990), «“Unknown Land”: the population of the Middle Psel basin in the 10th—13th centuries AD (on the materials of the Romny-Kievan Rus’ sites in the Kamennoe settlement)» (2012), «Ancient Putyvl» (2019) in co-authorship with S. P. Yurenko. V. Sukhobokov made a lot of efforts to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine, popularize archaeological sites, and arrange archaeological sections of the Collection of Historical and Cultural Sites of Ukraine in the Sumy and Poltava oblast (as a scientific consultant). While working on the territory of Sumy oblast, the scientist established close cooperation with the Sumy Museum of Local Lore, as well as regional museums. The fund collections of the Putyvl, Romny, and Sumy museums have significantly grown and are represented in their exhibitions. For many years, O. V. Sukhobokov was a member of the editorial board of the journal Sumska Starovyna. The scientific and creative heritage of O. V. Sukhobokov is currently used by historians, archaeologists, as well as museologists, university professors, and school teachers in their professional studies.
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Debasish, Sathya Swaroop. „Analysis of Long-Term Relationship between Spot and Futures prices Using Johansen’s Test of Cointegration“. Information Management and Business Review 2, Nr. 2 (15.02.2011): 65–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v2i2.884.

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The main objective of the study is to examine the long-term relationship between spot prices and futures prices A. The study has used daily prices (closing, opening, high and low) in both spot market and futures market for the 40 sample individual stocks drawn from six leading sectors namely, Automobiles, Banking, Cement, Gas, Oil & Refineries, Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. The period of study is from 1st January 1997 to 31st May 2009. The study begins by testing the stationarity of the spot price series and futures price series using two econometric methods namely, Philips Perron (PP) test and Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. The long term relationship between spot prices and futures prices is statistically tested using Johansen’s test of Cointegration employing likelihood Ratio (L.R.), under the hypothesis that there exists a single cointegration equation between spot and future prices. It is found that both spot prices and futures prices for the selected companies are not stationary in the level form, but there is evidence of stationarity in the first difference form. The study finds a single long-term relationship for each of the selected companies across the six sectors. Among the selected companies in each sector, those evidencing strongest relation in respective sector are Tata Motors, Punjab National Bank, Gujrat Ambuja Cements, Bongaigaon Refineries, I-Flex and GLAXO Pharma.
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Gunarathne, Sajaan, Nuwan Wickramasinghe, Thilini Agampodi, Indika Prasanna und Suneth Agampodi. „Household Food Expenditure Share During Pregnancy: Evidence From Rural Sri Lanka“. Current Developments in Nutrition 5, Supplement_2 (Juni 2021): 753. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzab046_050.

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Abstract Objectives Maternal nutritional requirements are expected to vary during pregnancy due to changing demands. Household food expenditure (HFE) reflects the affordability for these nutritional demands. We explored the relationship between household income and the HFE during pregnancy. Methods The study was a part of Rajarata Pregnancy Cohort (RaPCo), a prospective cohort conducted in Anuradhapura district, Sri Lanka in 2019. Participants were recruited in the 1st trimester and followed up monthly for household expenditure data using a self-administered questionnaire. The associations between household income and HFE during all three trimesters were assessed with one-way ANOVA, repeated measure ANOVA, and correlation analysis. Results The sample sizes for each trimester were 1288,1049, and 168 pregnant women respectively. The mean (SD) age was 28.3 (5.6) years. The mean (SD) monthly household income and the expenditure were USD 261.29 (203.58) and USD 168.41 (108.68) respectively. The mean (SD) monthly HFE for each trimester were USD 55.18 (32.90), USD 55.07 (30.93), and USD 55.46 (31.67). There was a weak positive correlation (r = 0.022, p = 0.429) between household income and HFE in the 1st trimester and there were significant positive correlations in the 2nd (r = 0.275, p = 0.001) and 3rd trimesters (r = 0.403, p = 0.001). The household food expenditure share (HFES) out of total expenditure across three trimesters (35.0%, 33.3%, and 36.3%) were significantly different [F(2,134) = 3.82, p = 0.024]. The HFES in the income quintiles showed statistically significant difference only in the 2nd trimester [F(4,871) = 9.97, p = 0.001] and the HFHS from the lowest to the highest quintile were 36.1%, 31.7%, 32.1%, 30.0%, and 27.7% respectively. Conclusions On average, Sri Lankan rural pregnant women spend USD 55.24 as HFE and the HFES is 34.9%. The reported HFES value is consistent with the national household estimates in Sri Lanka. Even though the income is positively correlated with food expenditure, the HFES across income quintiles remain high during pregnancy, which reflects the perceived importance of addressing food requirements irrespective of the income. Funding Sources Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD), World Bank.
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Hartley, Jane M., und Donald F. Hamera. „RESPONSE TO A MAJOR GASOLINE RELEASE INTO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER1“. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1995, Nr. 1 (01.02.1995): 453–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.7901/2169-3358-1995-1-453.

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ABSTRACT On January 18, 1994, unleaded gasoline began entering the Mississippi River through the bank adjacent to an oil distribution/storage facility in St. Louis, Missouri. Reported as a minor, per the National Contingency Plan, it developed into a major discharge. Of the 364,930 gallons lost, 140,000 gallons discharged into the river. The amount of product recovered from all sources was 107,000 gallons. The emergency phase of the response ran from January 18 to 24. Not until January 24 was the cause determined to be a 10.7 ft by ¼ in fracture near the center of the floor of a two million gallon tank. Secondary containment showed no evidence of the catastrophic release. The extreme cold permitted the initial booming of the gasoline, but recovery was complicated by flowing river ice, ice shelves, temperatures that froze equipment, and access down 45 feet of snow-covered riprap. Elastol, fire-fighting foam, barges, weir and barrel skimmers, and vacuum trucks were utilized for water and land recovery operations. Safety concerns were paramount for the federal, state, and local personnel and yet there was a demonstrated weakness in timely development and enforcement of the comprehensive site safety plan. This unusual spill heightened the awareness of many prevention and response issues.
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Kemp, Joni F., und Christian R. Lacroix. „Estimation of Seed Bank and Seed Viability of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, (Fernald) Nesom“. Canadian Field-Naturalist 118, Nr. 1 (01.01.2004): 105. http://dx.doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v118i1.890.

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The Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, is a member of the family Asteraceae and is listed as “threatened” by COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada). This rare and vulnerable halophyte grows in only a few locations in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the Magdalen Islands, Quebec. As an annual, S. laurentianum relies exclusively on its seeds to survive to the next generation. The goal of this study was to estimate the quantity of viable S. laurentianum seeds in the persistent and transient seed banks at selected sites in Prince Edward Island. Overall, the number of seeds in the transient and persistent seed banks is low. The greatest concentration of seeds was found near the surface of the soil. In addition, only a small proportion of those seeds tested positive for viability based on Tetrazolium staining. Of the seeds in the persistent and transient seed banks combined, 53% were viable whereas only 2% of the seeds in the persistent seed bank were viable. Population surveys were also completed at the five known sites (both extinct and extant) in Prince Edward Island National Park. All sites showed signs of decline based on population estimates dating back to 1993. The Covehead Pond site showed the greatest decline: from 250-300 individuals in 1993 to only 10 individuals in 2002. The population at Dune Slack also showed a dramatic decrease from approximately 65 000 in 1999, to 2 200 individuals in 2002. Monitoring of this plant and the development of a management plan for the species are critical to its survival.
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