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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "1st National Bank St"


Cherkasov, Aleksandr A. „The Combat Path of a Common Soldier Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 67, Nr. 2 (2022): 414–51.

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This work is the first attempt to restore the combat path of a common soldier Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov. He fought on the Northern, Leningrad, 3rd Baltic, and 1st Ukrainian fronts. The work is based on a wide range of archival materials, most of which are introduced into the scholarship for the first time. Documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, and the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia, Folklore Archive of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences National Archives of the Republic of Karelia, Central State Archives of Historical and Political Documents, Central State Archives of St Petersburg were used in the study. In conclusion, the author states that Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov in the rank of a common soldier witnessed almost the entire Great Patriotic War — as a shooter in the combat composition of rifle units, in the infantry (the only exception was the period from August to September 1941 when soldier Cherkasov was the commander of a mortar crew). The service in army units was interrupted five times by wounds received in battles, and each time Ivan Ivanovich got back in line. His combat career began in the 2nd Leningrad Division of the People’s Militia; then there were the 168th and 128th rifle divisions. He served in the latter from the summer of 1942 to May 1945.
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Komar, O. O., I. O. Fedosiy und O. O. Siedova. „Scientific journal «Plant and Soil Science» Font Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger Language Select Language User You are logged in as... pikovska My Journals My Profile Log Out Article Tools Print this article Indexing metadata How to cite item Supplementary files Finding References Email this article Email the author About The Authors O. O. Komar orcid National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine старший викладач кафедри овочівництва і закритого грунту I. O. Fedosiy orcid National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine доцент, завідувач кафедри овочівництва і закритого ґрунту O. O. Siedova orcid National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine магістр 1 року Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Author Fees This journal charges the following author fees. Publication of one page: 60.00 (UAH). The DOI is paid separately - 200 (UAH) per article. The fee include those of the journal’s publishing, online hosting and archiving. The ability of authors to pay the fee does not influence the peer review process. No fee can be paid prior to the final positive decision of the reviewers and the editor in charge, regarding the article proposed to be evaluated in order to be published. Depending upon each particular case, the fee can be covered by the journal edition. Details Recipient: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Address: Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, Kyiv, Ukraine. IBAN: №UA038201720313211001202016289 Bank: State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Kyiv EDRPOU 00493706 ІPN 004937026501 Payment: full name, personal account Personal Account Tel .: +38 044 527 87 20 Email: Example of bibliographic description The list of journals included in scientometric databases: - Scopus (Uкraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia); - Іndex Copernicus; - Web of Sciense (humanities, natural sciences, social sciences); Search algorithm and calculation scientometric indicator: - Scopus; - Publish or Perish; - Google Scholar; - SNIP-іndex journal. Home About User Home Search Current Archives Statistics Reminder for authors Agreement Editorial Board Home > Vol 12, No 3 (2021) > Komar Influence abiotic factors on the growth and development of plants parsnip“. PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE 12, Nr. 3 (2021): 100–110.

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The main factors that have a great influence on plant growth, as well as on increasing the yield and its quality characteristics, are biotic and abiotic. Combinations of abiotic stresses, such as drought and heat, have a much greater impact on yields and product quality. The response of plants to these stresses can vary depending on the species, as well as at different stages of development. Understanding the mechanisms and how they protect plants from stress has become vital to improving the yield and quality of parsnip products in changing climatic conditions. The research aimed to study the influence of abiotic factors (temperature and precipitation) on yield, duration of phenological phases of plant growth and development, dynamics of growth of leaves and roots of parsnip in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted in the field experiment of the Department of Vegetable Growing and Closed Soil in NL "Fruit and Vegetable Garden" NUBIP of Ukraine in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during 2015-2017. The area of the accounting plot was 11.3 m2, the repetition of the experiment was 4 times. The arrangement of the research plots was systematic. As a result of research, it is established that the shortest period of sowing-seedlings lasted 16 days in the options for sowing in the 3rd decade of May and the 1st decade of June. Significant delay for 21 days of this period was observed for sowing from the 1st to the 3rd decade of April. The duration of the period from the beginning of root formation to beam ripeness was the smallest for sowing in the 1st decade of April – 28 days, and the largest for sowing in the 1st decade of June – 51 days. The vegetation period ranged from 110 to 165 days and passed for the sum of temperatures (> 10 °С) 1102.4-1439.0 °C and the sum of precipitation 128.1-225.2 mm. During sowing in April, an intensive increase in root crops from 2.9 to 3.5 g/day was observed in the second half of August. During sowing in May, the largest increase in root crops from 2.1 to 2.7 g/day was observed in the first half of September. Thus, for sowing in the 1st decade of June, this figure was highest in the second half of September (1.9 g/day). The option for sowing in the 1st decade of April provided a high yield of root crops of 50.3 t/ha, which is 5.3 t/ha or 11.8% significantly more than the control. When sowing in the following periods, a significant decrease in yield was observed compared to the control, namely: for the 3rd decade of April – by 3.5 t/ha, or 7.7%, for the 1st decade of May – by 8.8 t/ha, or 19.6%, for the 2nd decade of May – by 17.4 t/ha, or 38.6%, for the 3rd decade of May – by 23.0 t/ha, or 51.1%, for the 1st decade of June – by 31.7 t/ha, 70.6% compared to the control. There was a direct strong relationship (r = 0.74-0.99) between the growing season and yield, root weight, marketability, and biochemical parameters, namely: dry matter, dry soluble matter, sugars, vitamin C. The inverse of the strong (r = -0.98) was observed between the duration of the growing season and nitrates. Increasing the growing season by 10 days increases the yield to 6.9 t/ha, marketability up to 2.7%, root weight up to 31 g, dry matter content up to 0.7%, dry soluble matter up to 0.3%, sugars up to 0,5%, vitamin C to 0.8 mg/100 g and reduces the nitrate content to 8.4 mg/kg. Leaf area, photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis productivity are in strong direct connection (r = 0.92-0.98) with yield. As the leaf surface area increases to 1.0 thousand m2/ha, the yield increases to 0.7 t/ha. Increasing the photosynthetic potential to 0.05 million m2 per day/ha increases the yield to 0.2-1.2 t/ha. Also, the yield increases to 0.3-0.7 t/ha by increasing the net productivity of photosynthesis to 0.05 g/m2 per day. Promising for further study is molecular knowledge of plant responses to abiotic stress, likely to pave the way for making crops resistant to climate change and increase the economic efficiency of production.
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Watson, Caitlin Turski. „A Place for All People: Louise Nevelson’s Chapel of the Good Shepherd“. Religions 13, Nr. 2 (20.01.2022): 99.

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In 1973, a church and a bank joined forces to reimagine an entire block of Midtown Manhattan. The church was St. Peter’s, and the bank was First National City Corporation, or Citicorp. The Citicorp Center, now owned jointly by St. Peter’s and the developer Boston Properties, remains an important nexus in Midtown. The following case study considers both the limitations of the site’s privately owned public spaces and how the Nevelson Chapel, a permanent public art installation located within St. Peter’s Church, operates as a counter-hegemonic form of privately owned public space—the sacred public space.
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Graebner, William. „Gateway to Empire: An Interpretation of Eero Saarinen's 1948 Design for the St. Louis Arch“. Prospects 18 (Oktober 1993): 367–99.

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In 1948, a unanimous jury awarded the $40,000 first prize in the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Competition to a design team headed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen. Competitors had been charged with memorializing Thomas Jefferson, his Louisiana Purchase, and the expansion of the American nation by creating a national park and monument on the West bank of the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
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Morozan, Vladimir V. „The Staff of the St. Petersburg Office of the State Bank and Their Salaries“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 65, Nr. 4 (2020): 1044–67.

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The article deals with the problems of staffing of the St. Petersburg office of the State Bank and their employees’ salaries. This topic has not been researched in the national and foreign historiography, which excluded the possibility of referencing previously published works. The article is based on the record keeping documents from the Russian State Historical Archive. St. Petersburg office of the State Bank was established in 1894, being a part of the Corporate Administration of the main credit institution of the country. It was one of the largest local branches of the bank that executed the largest credit operations in the country. For this reason, the staff of this office was the most numerous and the most compensated in terms of pay. At the end of 1896 it comprised 463 full-time employees, while 54 more candidates were on the wait list for possible vacancies. Meanwhile the remaining branches and offices of the bank together had a staff of slightly less than 700 people. In addition to full-time employees, there were in the capital branch of the State Bank numerous support staff, including information security workers, brochure makers, janitors, security guards, laundresses and others. Salaries of officials of this unit were the highest. Although formally the official payment in the bank was established by law and in general was the same for all employees of the bank in all its branches; the corporate office of this institution paid their employees more generously by means of bonuses.
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Grinevich, V. B., Yu A. Kravchuk, V. I. Ped, E. I. Sas, S. P. Salikova, I. V. Gubonina, E. I. Tkachenko et al. „Management of patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Russian scientific medical society of internal medicine (RSMSIM) and the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (2nd edition)“. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology, Nr. 3 (22.05.2021): 5–82.

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The presented clinical practice guidelines of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR), diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines were approved by the XXIII Congress of the GSSR and the 22nd International Slavonic-Baltic Scientifi c Forum “St. Petersburg - Gastro-2020 ON-LINE” (St. Petersburg, June 11, 2020). The presented clinical practice guidelines of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine (RSMSIM) and the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR), diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for patients with digestive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations were approved at the XV National Congress of Internal Medicine, XXIII Congress of NOGR on the basis of the 1st edition, adopted at the 22nd International Slavic- Baltic Scientific Forum “St. Petersburg - Gastro-2020 ON-LINE”.
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Gębica, Piotr, Anna Michno, Mateusz Sobucki, Sylwester Czopek, Katarzyna Trybała-Zawiślak und Agnieszka Wacnik. „Temporal variation of prehistoric human settlement recorded in the oxbow lake deposits of San river (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland)“. Geochronometria 46, Nr. 1 (06.03.2020): 148–60.

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AbstractThis study presents the sedimentological and pollen analysis, and radiocarbon dating of the palaeochannel fill deposits situated on the wide alluvial ridge on which 131 archaeological sites were discovered. The analyzed territory covers the right bank of the San river valley (in the area of the Leszno profile) with an area of 72.5 km2. Increase of fine-grain sand sediments, and the presence of redeposited fragments of clayey silts (soil aggregates) correlates well with the increase man’s activity in the 2nd and the 1st half of the 1 st millennia BC (the decline of the Mierzanowice culture, the Trzciniec culture, the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture) as well as in the 1st millennium AD (the Przeworsk culture and the early Medieval settlement) and with transformation of plant communities recorded in the palynological sequence. The layer of sediments at the depth of 85–69 cm with the highest proportion of the finest clay fraction may indicate the reduction of cultivation or abandonment of arable land (the pre-Roman (La Tène) period).
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Bush, E. W., A. W. Fennel, W. A. Young und T. J. Raiford. „HORTICULTURE EDUCATION AT THE 1ST GRADE LEVEL“. HortScience 28, Nr. 4 (April 1993): 273A—273.

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To promote both learning and horticulture, a 5 year pilot program was implemented with a collaborative effort between the Louisiana State University Horticulture Department and the University Laboratory School. The objective of this program was to develop a hands-on approach to learning which fostered self-discovery and a positive perception of horticulture. First graders were able to experiment in both the greenhouse and in the field with instruction in the classroom. Among the many concepts that the children were Introduced to, they benefitted most from being able to participate and observe the process from seeding to harvesting enabling them to work with the different types of seeds, media, and fertilizers. In the classroom, horticulture was Integrated in every subject of the first grade class. For example, the students learned math by measuring and counting the produce then making charts to report their findings. The result of the program was that the children did in fact obtain a positive perspective of horticulture while developing an awareness of the process of growth and development of horticultural crops. The first grade class received a national award for donating their produce to the local food bank in Baton Rouge.
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Bone infections due to fractures or implants are a big medical problem. In experimental medicine, many experimental models have been created on different animal species to simulate the disease condition and to do experience treatments. The aim of this paper was to present an antibacterial efficacy of using a bone allograft developed according to the Marburg system of bone bank on a model of chronic osteomyelitis induced in rabbits.In research was used 54 rabbits. Osteomyelitis was induced in rabbits by a human strain of St. aureus ATCC 43300, in the rabbit femur. There have been created 3 groups of animals. In 1st group used antibiotic impregnated biodegradable material “PerOssal”. In 2nd group used antibiotic impregnated whole bone allograft. In 3rd group used antibiotic impregnated perforated bone allograft. Evaluation of installation and evolution of the disease was done by microbiological. A separate study of microbiological data is presented here.This study showed, in the 1st and 3rd groups there is a persistent decrease in CFU by 14 knocks to 120.4 in the 1st group and to 3.5 in the 3rd group, and in the 2nd group, on the contrary, there is an increase in CFU to 237.33. This shows the lack of effectiveness of using a whole bone allograft.The results showed, after 7 days there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. After 14 days the perforated bone allograft impregnated with antibiotic was better than the biodegradable material “PerOssal”.
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Smith, M., und S. J. Bentley. „Sediment capture in flood plains of the Mississippi River: A case study in Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana“. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 367 (03.03.2015): 442–46.

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Abstract. To plan restoration of the Mississippi River Delta, it is imperative to know how much sediment the Mississippi River currently provides. Recent research has demonstrated that between Tarbert Landing and St Francisville on the Mississippi, as much as 67 million metric tons (Mt) per year is lost from river transport, of which ~16 Mt is muddy suspended sediment. So where does this sediment go? Two pathways for loss have been proposed: riverbed storage, and overbank deposition in regions that lack manmade levées. Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge, on the unleveed Mississippi River east bank near St Francisville, Louisiana, consists of undisturbed bottomland forest that is inundated most years by river flooding. To determine fluvial sediment accumulation rates (SAR) from flooding, pushcores 40–50 cm long were collected then dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 geochronology. Preliminary data suggests that muddy sediment accumulation is 10–13% of muddy suspended sediment lost from river transport along this river reach.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "1st National Bank St"


Al, Jerjawi Khalil. „The role of human resource executives in mergers : a comparative case study of two bank mergers, the merger of Westpac Corporation and St. George Bank (Australia) and the merger of Emirates Bank International and the National Bank of Dubai (UAE)“. Thesis, 2015.

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In recent years, human resources (HR) managers have been triggered to play a more enhanced role in their organisations, especially in making decisions and going through radical and strategic organisational changes such as a merger process (Bjorkman and Soderberg 2003). Today, this requirement is even more crucial because the past decade has been characterised by the enormous growth in mergers. Most of the studies in the field of mergers have focused on the legal and financial aspects of mergers and have a very limited focus (if any) on the human side of a merger which, in fact, has the highest effect, for various reasons, of merger failure. This study addresses the existing research gap in the study of mergers by investigating the most prominent role of HR managers among the different roles that were first defined and characterised by Conner and Ulrich (1996), then enhanced by Ulrich (1997) and later developed by Ulrich and Brockbank (2005). This prominent role will be examined in a merger process at different phases: pre-combination, through integration and post-integration. Further, this study aims to add value to Ulrich’s study by adding a new original phase to his model in order to distinguish the actual contribution and how it was performed, whether it was a key role player, a consultative role player, or just a tool/doer role player as HR manager in a merger team. This investigative study looks at two comparative cases of a horizontal merger: one in Australia, the merger of Westpac and St. George Bank; the other in the United Arab Emirates, the merger of the National Bank of Dubai (NBD) with the Emirates Bank (EB) to form the Emirates National Bank of Dubai (Emirates NBD). Specifying the most prominent role of the HR manager in a merger and distinguishing the actual performance contributions required clear indicators at the heart of the merger to be established in order to examine the varied roles and explore the actual performance contributions. In this study, these indicators included: staffing in the merger, downsizing and rightsizing, survival syndrome, and cultural issues in the merger. Based on semi-structured interviews with corporate-level managers in these corporations, the roles and practices of corporate HR managers at different stages of the merger process were analysed. This work demonstrates that HR managers are an essential part of mergers and that HR practices should be given extensive emphasis throughout such organisational change as ‘the merger process’.
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Bücher zum Thema "1st National Bank St"


1st National Bank St. Lucia Ltd. 1938-2005: A bright future rooted in an enlightened past. St Lucia]: 1st National Bank, 2006.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the National Bank. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Monro, Grant George. Sermon preached at the National Scotch Church, St. Matthew's Halifax, on the morning of 1st January, 1865. [Halifax, N.S.?: s.n.], 1993.

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Scheifele, P. M. Noise levels and sources in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and the St. Lawrence River estuary. Silver Spring, Md: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, [Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management], Marine Sanctuaries Division, 2005.

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Canada, Bank of. Exchange Rates and National Financial Policies: Notes For Remarks by Gerald K. Bouey, Governor of the Bank of Canada, to the 27th Annual Congress of the Association Cambiste Internationale, Toronto, June 1st, 1985. S.l: s.n, 1985.

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Blackhart, Kristan. Proceedings: 11th National Stock Assessment Workshop : characterization of scientific uncertainty in assessments to improve determination of acceptable biological catches (ABCs) : Joint Session of the National Stock and Habitat Assessment Workshops : incorporating habitat information in stock assessments : 1st National Habitat Assessment Workshop : moving towards a national habitat science program : hosted by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Southeast Regional Office, and Office of Science and Technology, St. Petersburg, FL, May 17-20, 2010. Silver Spring, Md.]: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2010.

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International Conference "Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research" (8th 1994 Varna, Bulgaria). Systems for automation of engineering and research (SAER '94): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference "Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research" (SAER '94) and DECUS National Users Group Seminar, October 1st-2nd, 1994, St. Konstantin resort, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia: SAER Forum Group, 1994.

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Sang-in, Chŏn, Hrsg. Hanʼguk hyŏndaesa: Chinsil kwa haesŏk. Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Nanam Chʻulpʻan, 2005.

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Bagraev, Nickolay T. Defects in Semiconductors I: Ncds-1 : Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Held in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 26-30, ... (Defect and Diffusion Forum Vol. 103 - 105). Trans Tech Publications, 1994.

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Buchteile zum Thema "1st National Bank St"


Lienhard, John H. „Automobile“. In Inventing Modern, 115–36. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2003.

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Abstract The 41-story First National Bank Building in St. Paul, Minnesota, was, by far, the tallest thing in my childhood experience. By the turn of the twenty-first century, only two St. Paul buildings had topped it, and they by only a small margin. Finished the year I was born, the First National Bank Building dominated the city, and it has remained the first image I see when I hear the word skyscraper.
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Temčinas, Sergejus. „The Greek Origin of the Canon on the Miracles of St. John of Rila: George Skylitzes’ Authorship“. In Slavic and Balkan Linguistics, 156–67. Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022.

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The article focuses on the Canon on the miracles of St. John of Rila. Its Slavonic text is known solely from a Cyrillic Western Bulgarian manuscript copy of the early 14th century (St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Main Collection of the Manuscript Books (f. 550), F.I.p.72, fol. 35r‒38v.). It was published by Kl. Ivanova (1983), who considered it to be an original Slavonic composition, dated it to 1186‒1187 (when the relics of St. John of Rila returned from Hungary to the Bulgarian city of Serdica) and revealed its textual relation to the Life of John of Rila by the Byzantine writer George Skylitzes (the Greek original is nonextant). I. Dobrev (2002, 2007), using the method of reverse (Slavonic to Greek) translation of the initial words of the troparia of the Canon, identified a Greek acrostic ΥΜΝΟΣ ‘song (Nominative case)’ in the first five troparia (through the 1st troparion of the 3rd ode inclusive) and considered this Canon to be a compilation of two different sources, both translated from Greek: the first five troparia are taken from an unknown acrostic canon to St. John of Rila by George Skylitzes, and the rest were written without the use of an acrostic by an anonymous Byzantine hymnographer. Later Kl. Ivanova (2018) accepted the proposed Greek origin of the first five troparia of the Canon, but spoke out again for a Slavonic origin of the subsequent (main) part of the same composition. The present article reveals a textual relation of two troparia from the 8th ode of the Canon on the miracles of John of Rila with two authentic (composed with an acrostic) hymnographic works by George Skylitzes: his canons to the great martyrs St. George and St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. In addition, an original Greek acrostic (*ΥΜΝΟΣ ΝΕΑΡΟΣ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΩΝ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ. ΣΚΥΛΙΤΖ[ΗΣ] ‘A new hymn to the wonders of John. Skylitzes’) is reconstructed using the method of reverse (Slavonic to Greek) translation of the initial words of the troparia of the Canon. The last two hymns are missing from the unique manuscript copy of its Slavonic version. The new attribution of authorship indicates that the author was still alive in 1186‒1187.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "1st National Bank St"


Salomatina, S., I. Garskova und T. Valetov. „The hierarchy of financial centers in the Russian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century: network and geoinformation analysis of interregional bank transfers“. In Historical research in the context of data science: Information resources, analytical methods and digital technologies. LLC MAKS Press, 2020.

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The article examines the financial system of the Russian Empire as a set of cash flows between the largest centers based on the commercial transfers statistics of commercial transfers of the State Bank in 1898 and network and geoinformation analysis. As a result, the study proves that the national financial system was typically dominated by the highest national level markets (St. Petersburg and Moscow), whereas the interregional markets of the lower level were stronger in the west and southwest (Odessa, Kiev, Warsaw) compared to Riga, Kharkov, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, and Baku
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Sitompul, Roswita, Sulimin Sulimin, Willy Tanjaya, O. K. Isnainul und Elvira Pakpahan. „Juridical Review of The Policy of a National Private Bank Towards the Restructuring of Credit Financing and Or Providing Additional Credits or Capital Financing in The Covid-19 Pandemic Period“. In Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on Law and Human Rights, ICLHR 2021, 14-15 April 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.

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Murray, J., und G. Fudge. „Construction and Commissioning of the Offshore Engineering and Seakeeping Basin at the Institute for Marine Dynamics“. In SNAME 22nd American Towing Tank Conference. SNAME, 1989.

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The National Research Council of Canada is presently constructing and preparing to commission a 75 m x 32 m x 3.5 m Offshore Engineering and Seakeeping Basin at the Institute for Marine Dynamics in St. John's, Newfoundland. The Basin will be capable of simulating waves, wind and current, for use in both commercial and research programs. The first stage of commissioning and calibration will focus on preparing the Basin, scheduled for completion in February 1990, for commercial testing of moored and free running vessels. Waves are gene rated in the Basin by means of a 192 segment wave machine, mounted in a "J" configuration. Short and long-crested monochromatic and random waves will be generated using the snake principle. Passive wave absorption is utilized in the Basin using expanded metal sheets of varying porosities and spacings. These are located at all Basin wall locations not supporting wave generators. A bank of 24 analog controlled fans is used to generate wind. Turbulence spectra and velocity profiling are established by fluctuating the speed of the fans using precalibrated drive signals. Surface current is generated by setting up water circulation within the Basin. Submersible pumps are used to charge manifolds positioned at various levels below the surface. The data acquisition system, controlled by a microVAX-II computer, is capable of variable rate sampling of 128 channels of A/0 and can simultaneously output 16 channels of DIA. The microVAX is networked to a local VAX 3200 used for synthesis of drive signals and test data reduction and analysis. Model motions in six degrees-of-freedom are measured using an optical tracking system, consisting of three vertical and two horizontal cameras, and light emitting diodes positioned on the model.
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Zimmerling, Anton. „RUSSIAN PREDICATIVES AND FREQUENCY METRICS“. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. RSUH, 2023.

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This paper introduces five metrics for measuring the frequencies of dative predicatives in Russian.А dative predicative is a word or multiword expression licensing the dative-predicative-structure, where the semantic subject of the non-agreeing non-verbal predicate is marked by the dative case. I measure the frequencies of the predicatives in the contact position <-1;1> with the same-clause dative subject pronouns in 1Sg (m-metrics) and 3Sg (e-metrics). The m-metrics is applied for retrieving a list of dative predicatives from a corpus. I argue that for each large text collection there is a minimal m-value confirming that an item belongs to the core of the dative-predicative structure. The m/e score makes up the third metrics that shows whether an element is oriented towards the use in the 1 st person or not. Basing on the m-metrics, I retrieved 3 lists of predicatives in the subcorpus of 2000–2021 texts included in the Russian National Corpus. The A list includes 87 items with m  10, the B list includes 44 items with m  50, the C list includes 24 items with m  100. 72-79% of items in each list have an m/e value  1,25. A linguistic interpretation of this result is that for each list of dative predicatives it is true that the majority of its elements are autoreferential expressions oriented towards the use in the 1st person present indicative tense in the direct speech. The fourth metrics shows the total number of occurrences of a word or multiword expression in the corpus (N). I argue that the N score must be measured before POS tagging, and lemmatization. The fifth and the last metrics is the m/N score. The RNC data suggest an inverse correlation between the score of an item in the context specific for dative-predicative structures (m) and its overall frequency in the corpus (N). This effect is explained by the regular homonymy of high frequent predicatives with high frequent adverbials and parenthetical expressions.
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Astesiano, Gastón, Carolina Lembo, Cristina Simón Morientes und Paula Castillo Martínez. Concept Note for the PPP Talk panels on Climate Investment and Digital Transformation. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2022.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) holds the PPP Americas every two years in partnership with a national or subnational government. The regional forum brings together top professionals and public and private-sector representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to discuss groundbreaking topics and exchange ideas on planning, structuring, and managing public-private partnerships (PPPs). For the 2023 conference, the IDB is holding three preparatory events - the PPP Talks before the main event. During the PPP Talks, invited experts will lay the groundwork for the discussions to be held during the conference. The first PPP Talk will consist of two panels on December 1st, 2022: Climate Investment and Digital Transformation both topics are part of the thematic agenda of PPP Americas 2023. This Concept Note provides the conceptual framework of the two themes discussed during these panels. In addition, this note offers descriptions of key concepts, as well as the main opportunities and challenges that countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face in each area.
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