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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "1800-1917"


Melancon, Michael. „1800-1917“. Russian History 31, Nr. 4 (2004): 369–71.

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Magocsi, Paul Robert, und Michael F. Hamm. „Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917.“ American Historical Review 100, Nr. 2 (April 1995): 556.

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Bater, James H., und Michael F. Hamm. „Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917“. Russian Review 54, Nr. 2 (April 1995): 292.

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Papazian, Dennis R. „Kiev: A Portrait, 1800–1917“. History: Reviews of New Books 23, Nr. 2 (Januar 1995): 86.

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Khalid, Adeeb. „Druz’ia ponevole: Rossiia i bukharskie evrei, 1800–1917 [Reluctant Friends: Russia and Bukharan Jews, 1800–1917]“. East European Jewish Affairs 49, Nr. 1 (02.01.2019): 90–92.

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Pereverzev, Oleg, und Sergei Subbotin. „From the dictionary “Russian Writers. 1800–1917” (Ye.Ye. Yashnov)“. Literary Fact, Nr. 9 (2018): 437–47.

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Munting, Roger, Thomas C. Owen und James Hughes. „The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800-1917.“ Economic History Review 46, Nr. 1 (Februar 1993): 206.

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Lalande, J. Guy. „Hamm, Michael F. Kiev: A Portrait, 1800–1917“. Urban History Review 25, Nr. 1 (Oktober 1996): 66.

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Frierson, Cathy A. „Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917. Michael F. Hamm“. Journal of Modern History 68, Nr. 1 (März 1996): 254–56.

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Nethercott, Frances. „The making of a Russian philosophical terminology, 1800–1917“. Intellectual News 10, Nr. 1 (März 2002): 44–53.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "1800-1917"


Berg, Aleksey. „Russian Poetry in the Marketplace: 1800-1917, and Beyond“. Thesis, Harvard University, 2013.

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My dissertation explores ways in which poetic utterances actually do speak against the received idea of poetry as an atemporal and unearthly genre and subtly present their own social and economic agendas. I read the canonical and non-canonical texts of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian poetry with an eye for uncovering the economic and social dynamics of these texts, unveiling their intricate and complicated relations to issues of censorship, copyright, professionalization of literature and the literary market, fashion, marital conventions and practices, the transition from gentry-oriented literature to a bourgeois reading public, formation of national identity, imperial conquests, etc. I argue that poetry in the nineteenth century often did engage the relevant issues of the day, just as the novel did, but it was (and is) the dominant mode of reading that prevents us from recognizing the political and economic inventory of verse. I focus on situations of implicit dialogue, where poetic texts respond to or engage the themes and ideas upheld by the novelistic tradition and often promote a very different, or at least an unfamiliar, disposition of forces in society. My dissertation argues for a new practical mode of reading poetry, a mode of reading which goes against the grain of both the existing scholarship on poetry and also the self-imposed vow of being "somewhat stupid," of refusing or being unable to converse about and investigate social, economic, and political realia.
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Jimena, Millán Alvaro. „La franc-maçonnerie philippine à l'heure de la transition impériale (1889-1917) : sociabilité et réseaux d'une élite hispanisée“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019.

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Cette thèse analyse l’évolution de la franc-maçonnerie philippine dans le contexte de la transition impériale qui s’est effectuée dans cet archipel asiatique au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Elle s’interroge sur les motifs de l’implantation des loges maçonniques dans les dernières années de la domination espagnole et tente de clarifier leur rôle au sein du mouvement nationaliste qui était à l’origine de la Révolution philippine. Cette étude examine également les conséquences que le début de la colonisation américaine eut sur la franc-maçonnerie philippine, qui connut un nouvel essor après l’implantation d’un nouveau système politique. A travers une étude des loges comme espace de sociabilité, et en utilisant une approche prosopographique afin d’identifier les réseaux de l’élite de l’archipel, cette recherche présente une nouvelle vision de l’évolution de la franc-maçonnerie au cours d’une période cruciale pour l’histoire des Philippines
This doctoral thesis analyses the evolution of Freemasonry in the Philippines during the imperial transition that took place in these islands at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. It scrutinizes the installation of masonic lodges in the last years of the Spanish colonization and tries to explain their position within the nationalistic movement that lead to the start of the Philippine Revolution. It also examines the consequences of the start of the American Colonization on the Filipino lodges, that at this time experimented a new rise related to the features of the new political system. This study emphasizes the role of Masonic sociability on the construction of social networks by the Filipino elite and tries to show a new perspective on the role of Freemasonry in this critical period for the history of the Philippines
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Ratchinski, André. „Les contacts idéologiques et culturels entre la France et la Russie (1800-1820)“. Paris 3, 1996.

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Dans le premier quart du dix-neuvieme siecle, la france et la russie ont connu des echanges culturels profonds. Les epopees militaires de napoleon et d'alexandre recouvrent derriere kles objectifs de conquetes territoriales des enjeux essentiellement iedologiques qu'il est important de mettre a jour si l'on veut comprendre les causes occultes et les effets durables des evenements ou se decidait le sort de l'europe. L'epoque abordee est marquee par une profonde crise des valeurs a laquelle la france et la russie ont cherche a apporter des solutions elaborees conjointement dans la richesse des contacts philosophico-religieux. De cette ebullition spirituelle est nee une certaine forme de romantisme qui oscille entre reve et action, a l'origine du decembrisme
From 1800 to 1820 there existed deep cultural and ideological relationships between france and russia. The military campaigns of napoleon and alexander have essentially ideological reasons that it is im portant to reveal if one wishes to understand the hidden causes and the lasting consequences of events that determined the future of europe. The period we studied was marked by a profound crisis of moral and intellectual values to which russia and france have both tried to find solutions through rich philosophical and religious exchanges. That spiritual effervescence gave birth to a certain form of romanticism which fluctuates between action and dream and in which decembrism has its origins
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Veyrat-Durebex, François Pierre. „Influences economiques sur le droit des successions dans son elaboration depuis 1804 : analyse comparative des metasources économiques et non-économiques“. Thesis, Lyon, 2019.

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Au commencement, il y a le constat, en ce début de XXIe siècle, de l'influence de la sphère économique sur la refonte de la matière successorale. Certes, cela n'est pas officiel. Dans le cadre de l'élaboration de la loi n° 2006-728 du 23 juin 2006 réformant le droit des successions et des libéralités, le législateur préfère mettre en exergue des objectifs généraux ; il est question de « simplifier », d’« accélérer » et de « sécuriser » les règlements successoraux. Si tout cela semble bien transparent de prime abord, en réalité, derrière cette « profession de foi un peu courte », se cachent des objectifs de nature économique qui traversent l'ensemble de la réforme. On peut immédiatement en citer un à titre d’exemple : celui de la survie de l’entreprise au décès de son exploitant. Cet objectif transparaît sans difficulté ; il suppose de faciliter la transmission de l’unité économique, […], mais également d'assurer la continuité de la gestion de celle-ci, […].[…] Plus avant, la dialectique suivie par le législateur du XXIe siècle n'est pas seulement celle d'une adaptation des normes juridiques aux réalités économiques contemporaines ; elle est aussi celle d'une promotion de ces normes comme instruments de compétitivité de l'économie nationale. La légistique est désormais conçue comme un vecteur dopant de la conjoncture. […] Multiplier les échanges, relancer la croissance, mettre en valeur le patrimoine économique français : ce sont là certaines des nouvelles valeurs du droit des successions, au sens de la loi du 23 juin 2006. Pour autant, cette influence de la sphère économique est-elle complètement nouvelle ? Ne sommes-nous pas en présence de l'aboutissement, ou du prolongement, d'un phénomène ancien ? On peut en effet songer que les codificateurs étaient déjà soucieux d'adapter notre ancien droit français à l'avènement de la proto-industrie, ainsi qu’au développement d'une économie d'échanges ; dans le même sens, on doit bien constater que la loi n° 71-523 du 3 juillet 1971 ne réalise, pour l'essentiel, qu’une adaptation des règles liquidatives aux fluctuations monétaires de l'après-guerre. Sans entrer plus avant dans les détails, on perçoit immédiatement en quoi ces interrogations nous portent vers la présente étude : une analyse comparative des métasources « économiques » et « non économiques », sur le thème de l'influence de la sphère économique sur le droit des successions dans son élaboration depuis 1804
To start with, we can notice that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the economic sphere is already clearly influencing the inheritance rules modification process. Admittedly, this is not an official statement. Writing the law n ° 2006-728 of June 23, 2006 which aims to reform the inheritances and liberalities regulations, the legislator prefers to highlight general objectives. This is a question of "simplifying", "speeding up" and "securing" the inheritance law. If all of this may seem very transparent at first glance, in reality, behind this "a little short profession of faith", there are some hidden economic objectives that cross the whole reform. The simplest example to cite is the survival of a company at the death of its manager. This objective is easily visible; it helps to facilitate the transmission of the economic unit, [...], but also to ensure its management continuity [...]. [...] Further, the dialectics followed by the legislator of the twenty-first century are not only for adaptation of legal norms to contemporary economic realities, but also for promoting these standards as instruments to increase the national economy's competitiveness. Legislation is now conceived as a driving force for the economic situation. [...] Multiplying trade, relaunching growth, enhancing French economic patrimony: these are some of the new values of inheritance regulations, as defined by the law of 23 June 2006. However, is this influence of the economic sphere entirely new or not ? Perhaps, we are dealing with culmination or prolongation of an old phenomenon ? We may indeed think that the legislators have already been concerned with adapting our old French law to the advent of proto-industry, as well as to the development of the trading economy ; in the same sense, it should be noted that, for the most part, the law n° 71-523 of July 3d, 1971 has done nothing more than making an adjustment of the liquidation rules to the monetary fluctuations of the post-war period. Without going further into the details, we can immediately notice how these questions lead us to the present study : a comparative analysis of "economic" and "non-economic" metasources, on the subject of influence of the economic sphere on the inheritance rights in its development since 1804
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Bücher zum Thema "1800-1917"


A, Nikolaev P., Hrsg. Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: Biograficheskiĭ slovar'. Moskva: Bol'shaya rossiĭskaya éntsiklopediya, 1999.

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Erkani︠a︡n, Vage. Armi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ kulʹtura v 1800-1917 gg. Erevan: Izd-vo "Sovetakan grokh", 1985.

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Alekseevich, Nikolaev Petr, und Baskakov V. N, Hrsg. Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: Biograficheskiĭ slovarʹ. Moskva: Izd-vo "Sov. ėnt͡s︡iklopedii͡a︡", 1989.

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A, Nikolaev P., Hrsg. Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: Biograficheskii slovar'. Moskva: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1992.

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A, Nikolaev P., Hrsg. Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: Biograficheskii slovar'. Moskva: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1992.

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Erkanyan, Vahe. Armi͡a︡nskai͡a︡ kulʹtura v 1800-1917 gg. Erevan: Izd-vo "Sovetakan grokh", 1985.

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A, Nikolaev P., Hrsg. Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: Biograficheskiĭ slovar'. Moskva: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1989.

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Erkanian, Vahe. Armi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ kulʹtura v 1800-1917 gg. Erevan: Izd-vo "Sovetakan grokh", 1985.

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Alekseevich, Nikolaev Petr, Hrsg. Russkie pisateli 1800-1917: Biograficheskiĭ slovarʹ. Moskva: Izd-vo Sov. ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡, 1989.

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Gorshkov, Boris B. Russia's factory children: State, society, and law, 1800-1917. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009.

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Buchteile zum Thema "1800-1917"


Rees, E. A. „Machiavelli in Russia, 1800–1917“. In Political Thought from Machiavelli to Stalin, 49–65. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2004.

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Marshev, Vadim I. „Management Thought in Russia in 1800–1917“. In History of Management Thought, 287–408. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Zuckerman, Fredric S. „The Development of Modern Political Policing Institutions in Russia, 1800–1902“. In The Tsarist Secret Police in Russian Society, 1880–1917, 19–27. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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„The corporation under Russian law, 1800–1917“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, xix—xx. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Tupik (Dead end), 1914–1917“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, 181–97. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Zakon (The law), 1800–1856“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, 1–29. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Preface“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, xi—xvi. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Birzhevaia goriachka (Stock-exchange fever), 1856–1870“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, 30–54. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Proval reformy (The failure of reform), 1860–1874“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, 55–78. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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„Opeka (Tutelage), 1865–1890“. In The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917, 79–115. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

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