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Iberico, Rodriguez Rodolfo R. „Estabilización y recuperación de taludes en carreteras, caso "IIrsa norte tramo nº 1 km 45+690 - km 45+830“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2015. http://cybertesis.urp.edu.pe/handle/urp/1154.

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El presente trabajo de Tesis busca determinar los tipos de fallas geotécnicas que se presentan en los diferentes taludes dentro del sistema vial en el Perú, de la misma forma busca analizar las posibles causas de estos problemas geotécnicos que se manifiestan a través de movimientos de taludes ocasionando deslizamientos y desprendimientos de material que afectan las carreteras, poniendo en riesgo la seguridad de los usuarios y en muchos casos impidiendo la transitabilidad de la vía. Se busca establecer los factores que influyen y contribuyen a la inestabilidad de los taludes, se hizo énfasis en tres agentes decisivos como los son la hidrología del sector, la geología tanto local como regional y la sismicidad, se determinó que el principal agente en la inestabilidad de taludes es el agua, la presencia o no de este elemento tiene directa influencia en el aumento de presiones internas dentro del material, así como resta capacidad de resistencia a los taludes y dependiendo del tipo de suelo que presente un sector inestable puede determinar la magnitud del daño en el sector. La segunda parte de la Tesis es la aplicación de la teoría a un sector inestable real que afecta una carretera en la selva norte del Perú, a la cual se aplicaron estudios de geotecnia a través de ensayos de laboratorio, se le hizo un mapeo geológico por observación y cartas nacionales, y por medio de esta información se diagnosticó el tipo de falla, así como sus causas y se procedió a proyectar obras con el fin de estabilizar el talud y asegurar la carretera. Por último se hicieron ensayos de estabilidad en el sector crítico en estado natural y con las obras proyectadas a fin de demostrar la efectividad de las obras proyectadas y el cumplimiento de los factores de seguridad.
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Gagné, René. „Jadis synchrones, désormais GALS, les architectures de FPGA“. Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2009. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/45/1/GAGN%C3%89_Ren%C3%A9.pdf.

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Il est de plus en plus difficile de répondre à la demande conflictuelle de circuits plus grands et plus rapides par les avancées seules des technologies des semi-conducteurs. À un certain point, on s'attend à ce que les concepteurs et les fabricants doivent abandonner la méthodologie de conception synchrone traditionnelle pour une méthodologie localement synchrone globalement asynchrone (GALS). De tels changements engendrent plus de contraintes de synchronisation, mais également plus de flexibilité. En conséquence, une méthodologie pour l'implémentation de composants GALS sur FPGA synchrones traditionnels est d'abord présentée. Les objecfifs sont de définir un ensemble minimal de composants asynchrones de base, de permettre leur implémentation et d'établir les contraintes et les limitations de tels circuits. Les résultats de simulation confirment que des conceptions GALS implémentées à l'aide de ressources du FPGA (tableau de correspondance et bascules) et des outils courants de placement et routage permettent l'implémentation de composants asynchrones tels que la ligne à retard, l'élément C de Muller et l'arbitre. Ces composants peuvent être implémentés dans des FPGA synchrones traditionnels tant que ces conceptions sont soumises à des contraintes appropriées et qu'elles sont ufilisées en fonction des limitations du circuit. Pour atteindre de meilleures performances, une nouvelle architecture de FPGA compatible avec les dispositifs synchrones existants et qui soufient intrinsèquement les conceptions GALS est présentée. L'objecfif principal est simple : l'architecture proposée doit apparaître inchangée pour les concepfions synchrones, mais doit inclure un ensemble minimal de composants de base pour empêcher la métastabilité lors de communicafions asynchrones. Les résultats de simulation, d'un générateur d'horloge qui peut être arrêté, sont présentés. Tous ces résultats démontrent qu'avec très peu de circuits adaptés, une cellule standard de FPGA peut devenir appropriée pour les méthodologies GALS. Un circuit de masquage des aléas temporels est finalement présenté pour masquer la métastabilité et les problèmes de synchronisafion. Le but est de définir un circuit capable de mettre, physiquement, en application les contraintes qui masquent les sources de métastabilité de façon à ce que la synchronisafion paraisse transparente. Les résultats de simulation confirment qu'un tel circuit peut masquer totalement toutes les sources de métastabilité sans dégradafion des performances, mais avec une latence apparentée au temps nécessaire à la stabilisation d'une bascule de mémoire.
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Carone, Simona <1976&gt. „Analisi di varianti strutturali e di sequenza in geni candidati per l'autismo sul cromosoma 2q“. Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/45/1/Tesi_Dottorato_Simona_Carone.pdf.

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Jaunet, Vincent. „Etude d'un jet rectangulaire supersonique à nombre de Mach 1. 45 vectorisé par actionneur fluidique“. Poitiers, 2010. http://theses.univ-poitiers.fr/21962/2010-Jaunet-Vincent-These.pdf.

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La vectorisation de poussée par actionneurs fluidiques permet d'accroître la manœuvrabilité des appareils tout en minimisant l'impact sur la masse de l'engin. La petite dimension de la section d'éjection d'une tuyère rectangulaire a été modifiée et équipée d'un actionneur pneumatique, dans l'objectif d'étudier la vectorisation en lacet du jet. Les performances en vectorisation du jet sont investiguées par l'intermédiaire de mesures par vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV) ; les résultats d'une modélisation numérique RANS, associés aux visualisations expérimentales, permettent d'établir un scénario des mécanismes responsables de la mise en mouvement de l'écoulement. Une discussion quant aux limitations du dispositif peut alors être apportée. Les résultats d'une campagne de mesure par vélocimétrie laser Doppler dans le sillage de l'actionneur permettent de quantifier l'impact de la vectorisation sur la couche de mélange. Il s'avère, de plus, que les modifications apportées à la buse génèrent un réseau de chocs particulier qui, associé à l'acoustique se propageant dans la partie subsonique de l'écoulement, impose au jet un battement transversal bidimensionnel très important. La dynamique de ce battement est étudiée par l'intermédiaire d'une analyse par décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs propres (POD) appliquée à des visualisations strioscopiques. On démontre alors le couplage entre le battement du jet et les ondes acoustiques non linéaires dans la région subsonique. Cette dynamique se révèle très robuste, puisque encore présente en régime vectorisé
Thrust vectoring by fluidic actuators enhances aircraft motion abilities while minimizing the impact on its weight. The small size of the exhaust section of a rectangular nozzle was modified and equipped with a pneumatic actuator, with the aim of studying the yaw vectoring of the jet. The vectoring performances of the jet are investigated by particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements; results from a RANS computation, combined with experimental visualizations, are used in order to establish a scenario of the mechanisms responsible of the movement of the flow. A discussion on the limitations of the device is given. Results of a laser Doppler velocimetry measurement campaign in the wake of the actuator, permits to quantify the impact of vectoring in the mixing layer development. Moreover, it is shown that the nozzle modifications generate a specific shock waves pattern that, associated with the acoustic propagating in the subsonic flow, is responsible for proper orthogonal decomposition analysis applied to Schlieren visualizations, and PIV measurements. Such post-processing put forward the coupling between the flapping of the jet and non linear acoustic waves in the subsonic region of the flow. This coupling is so robust that it still governs the flow when the jet is vectored
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Zelada, Rojas Luis Alberto. „Diseño de 1 km. de pavimento, carretera Juliaca - Puno (Km 44+000 – Km. 45+000)“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12404/13836.

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Novembre, Valerio. „Three essays on the implemetation process of the Basel II capital accord“. Thesis, IMT Alti Studi Lucca, 2008. http://e-theses.imtlucca.it/45/1/Novembre_phdthesis.pdf.

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The aim of the thesis is to analyze the implementation process of Basel II so to understand whether and to what extent national discrepancies might cause problems of competitive neutrality and thus invalidate the significant level of harmonization in capital adequacy regulation which was successfully achieved by Basel I. To achieve this result, this work looks at three different issues. The first paper looks at the negotiation process of an international soft law agreement and tries to understand whether it is able to explain its implementation results in terms of the actual degree of compliance across different countries. A game theory coordination model is suggested as a theoretical answer to this question, while the two Basel Accord cases are used to test the model empirically. The appreciation of the circumstances that led to the two Accords is proved as indicative of the reasons behind the widespread adoption of the Basel I Accord as opposed to the piecemeal implementation of Basel II. The aim of the second paper is then focus on the actual implementation of Basel II and to analyze how its second Pillar is likely to impact the banking industry in Europe. It finds evidence of a piecemeal implementation of Pillar II rules across Member States (MSs) which, in turn, is able to cause an alteration of the level playing field among banks depending on the country they are incorporated in,. It concludes that there is a clear case for further harmonization not only by reducing the extent of national discretions at the regulatory level, but more importantly in building up further arrangements for supervisory convergence and coordination. With the third paper the attention is finally drawn to possible problems of competitive neutrality arising from the fact that under Basel II "standardized" banks' level of capital is indirectly determined by rating agencies. Being their predictions often inconsistent one with the other, banks can in principle enact regulatory arbitrage strategies. And despite minimum standards are required by means of a common recognition process, the consistency of national authorities' assessment is still not guaranteed and banks might thus be provided with undue regulatory capital relief. A more institutional answer is needed if Europe wants in real fact to ensure competitive neutrality across MSs.
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Gangl, Katharina, Eva Hofmann, Groot Manon de, Gerrit Antonides, Sjoerd Goslinga, Barbara Hartl und Erich Kirchler. „Taxpayers' Motivations Relating to Tax Compliance: Evidence from Two Representative Samples of Austrian and Dutch Self-Employed Taxpayers“. University of Exeter Business School, 2015. http://epub.wu.ac.at/5095/1/45%2D172%2D1%2DPB.pdf.

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Tax compliance is assumed to be shaped by three main motivations to comply: enforced, voluntary, and committed motivation. Taxpayers, who hold an enforced motivation to comply, only pay taxes because of audits and fines for non-compliance. Voluntary motivated taxpayers respect the law and pay taxes because it is the easiest option. Committed motivation represents an intrinsic motivation, whereby taxpayers feel a moral obligation and responsibility to be honest. However, little and inconsistent empirical research exists on the relationship between motivations and tax compliance. The present paper empirically examines the connection between motivations and reported tax compliance based on data from two representative samples of 500 self-employed Austrian taxpayers and 1,377 Dutch entrepreneurs. Results show that an enforced motivation is negatively related to tax compliance, whereas a committed motivation is positively related to compliance. Contrary to expectations, voluntary motivation is not related to tax compliance. Based on the present outcomes it is suggested that tax authorities should present themselves as legitimate and benevolent in order to decrease enforced motivations and to foster committed motivations and subsequent high tax compliance.
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Silva, Leonardo de Almeida Ferreira e. [UNESP]. „Exigências nutricionais e operacionais para a produção de etanol pela levedura IQ-Ar/45-1 a partir do melaço em batelada alimentada“. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/97791.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:17:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_laf_me_araiq.pdf: 881872 bytes, checksum: 1ed668293818af00e17546ddfe67a5f2 (MD5)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os resultados descritos neste trabalho para a produção de etanol utilizando-se a levedura IQ-AR/45-1, forneceram informações sobre os melhores suplementos nutricionais e melhor tamanho de inóculo para a fermentação em batelada alimentada. Dadas as variações na composição do melaço e o uso de uma nova levedura, faz-se necessário o estudo de suas exigências nutricionais em processos fermentativos. Experimentos preliminares em batelada simples mostraram que a adição de DAP diminuiu o tempo de fermentação, estimulou o acúmulo da biomassa e produção de etanol enquanto o ZnSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação, e aumentou o acúmulo de etanol elevando a produtividade. A adição de MgSO4.7H2O produziu mais etanol, melhorou o rendimento alcoólico e a produtividade. Estes resultados obtidos em batelada simples foram transferidos para o sistema em batelada alimentada. A melhor vazão do melaço 20 % em ART foi de 0,40 mL.min-1 para um volume final de trabalho de 100,0 mL. O aumento da temperatura de fermentação de 34 ºC para 37 ºC em meio suplementado com DAP e ZnSO4.7H2O ou DAP e MgSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação e a biomassa produzida, porém, com menor rendimento e maior produtividade de etanol. O tamanho do inóculo foi estudado com meio suplementado a 34ºC. As melhores condições foram obtidas no processo em batelada alimentada a 34ºC no qual foi utilizado melaço clarificado com ácido sulfúrico e uma quantidade de inóculo de (23,7±0,1) g.L-1 que levou a um tempo de fermentação de 5 horas. Nestas condições, o rendimento alcoólico foi de (79,1±0,7) % e a produtividade de (16,17±0,56) g.L-1 .h-1
The results of the fermentative processes for ethanol production using the yeast IQ-AR/45-1, provided information about the best nutritional supplementation and inoculum size for the batch fermentation. Due to the differences in the sugarcane molasses and the use of a new yeast strain, it was necessary to study the nutritional requirements of the new yeast. Previous experiments in batch fermentation showed that the DAP addition reduced the fermentation time, enhanced the biomass and ethanol production while the ZnSO4.7H2O reduced the fermentation time and increased both the ethanol production and productivity. The addiction of MgSO4.7H2O to the molasses increased the ethanol yield and enhanced the productivity. These results obtained in batch cultures were assayed in fed-batch fermentation. Using 20 % molasses (TRS), the best flow was 0.40 mL.min-1 for a final working volume of 100.0 mL. When molasses supplemented with DAP and ZnSO4.7H2O or DAP and MgSO4.7H2O was used in the fed-batch experiments, the raise in the temperature from 34 ºC to 37 ºC led to decreases in the fermentation time, production of biomass, and ethanol yield followed by increases in ethanol productivity. The best inoculum size to the ethanol fermentation was (23.7±0.1) g.L-1 which led to a yield of (79.1±0.7) % and productivity of (16.17±0.56) g.L-1 .h-1
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Silva, Leonardo de Almeida Ferreira e. „Exigências nutricionais e operacionais para a produção de etanol pela levedura IQ-Ar/45-1 a partir do melaço em batelada alimentada /“. Araraquara : [s.n.], 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/97791.

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Resumo: Os resultados descritos neste trabalho para a produção de etanol utilizando-se a levedura IQ-AR/45-1, forneceram informações sobre os melhores suplementos nutricionais e melhor tamanho de inóculo para a fermentação em batelada alimentada. Dadas as variações na composição do melaço e o uso de uma nova levedura, faz-se necessário o estudo de suas exigências nutricionais em processos fermentativos. Experimentos preliminares em batelada simples mostraram que a adição de DAP diminuiu o tempo de fermentação, estimulou o acúmulo da biomassa e produção de etanol enquanto o ZnSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação, e aumentou o acúmulo de etanol elevando a produtividade. A adição de MgSO4.7H2O produziu mais etanol, melhorou o rendimento alcoólico e a produtividade. Estes resultados obtidos em batelada simples foram transferidos para o sistema em batelada alimentada. A melhor vazão do melaço 20 % em ART foi de 0,40 mL.min-1 para um volume final de trabalho de 100,0 mL. O aumento da temperatura de fermentação de 34 ºC para 37 ºC em meio suplementado com DAP e ZnSO4.7H2O ou DAP e MgSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação e a biomassa produzida, porém, com menor rendimento e maior produtividade de etanol. O tamanho do inóculo foi estudado com meio suplementado a 34ºC. As melhores condições foram obtidas no processo em batelada alimentada a 34ºC no qual foi utilizado melaço clarificado com ácido sulfúrico e uma quantidade de inóculo de (23,7±0,1) g.L-1 que levou a um tempo de fermentação de 5 horas. Nestas condições, o rendimento alcoólico foi de (79,1±0,7) % e a produtividade de (16,17±0,56) g.L-1 .h-1
Abstract: The results of the fermentative processes for ethanol production using the yeast IQ-AR/45-1, provided information about the best nutritional supplementation and inoculum size for the batch fermentation. Due to the differences in the sugarcane molasses and the use of a new yeast strain, it was necessary to study the nutritional requirements of the new yeast. Previous experiments in batch fermentation showed that the DAP addition reduced the fermentation time, enhanced the biomass and ethanol production while the ZnSO4.7H2O reduced the fermentation time and increased both the ethanol production and productivity. The addiction of MgSO4.7H2O to the molasses increased the ethanol yield and enhanced the productivity. These results obtained in batch cultures were assayed in fed-batch fermentation. Using 20 % molasses (TRS), the best flow was 0.40 mL.min-1 for a final working volume of 100.0 mL. When molasses supplemented with DAP and ZnSO4.7H2O or DAP and MgSO4.7H2O was used in the fed-batch experiments, the raise in the temperature from 34 ºC to 37 ºC led to decreases in the fermentation time, production of biomass, and ethanol yield followed by increases in ethanol productivity. The best inoculum size to the ethanol fermentation was (23.7±0.1) g.L-1 which led to a yield of (79.1±0.7) % and productivity of (16.17±0.56) g.L-1 .h-1
Orientador: Cecília Laluce
Coorientador: Reinaldo Marchetto
Banca: Leinig Antonio Perazolli
Banca: Douglas Wagner Franco
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Song, Tse Gun. „Sinai Covenant and Moab Covenant : an exegetical study of the Covenants in Exodus 19:1-24:11 and Deuteronomy 4:45-28:69“. Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 1992. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/3359/.

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This thesis is basically an exegetical study of two texts in Ex 19:1-24:11 and Dt 4:45-28:69. In Chapter 1 methodological issues about this thesis are considered. Hermeneutical problems of narrative texts in the OT are handled shortly in order to prepare the exegesis of these two texts. In Chapter 2 the Sinai covenant pericope (Ex 191-24: 11) is dealt with. The present context of Ex demands that the covenant making is initiated in Ex 19. The first section (Ex 19: 3-8) concerns the preliminary proposal and acceptance of. the covenant relationship between YHWH and Israel. There is a transitional bridge (Ex 19:8b-10a) between this first section and the second one (Ex 19: 9-25). The second section should be defined, not as the theophany, but as the meeting of the two covenant parties. After God's direct law-giving (the decalogue Ex 20: 1-17), which is the first covenant stipulation, the people demand Moses' mediatorship through which the subsequent laws (Ex 20: 22-23: 33), the second covenant stipulation, are given indirectly. These sections are connected through the prediction (Ex 199a) - fulfilment (Ex 19: 20-25,2018-21) scheme. Further these sections are connected with the final section in, Ex 24 with the macroscopic (Ex 19: 24) - semi-microscopic (Ex 241) - microscopic point of view (Ex 24: 9-11). Ex 24.3-8 is about the covenant ratification ceremony performed through the mediation of Moses by the participation of the junior Israelites (`the youngmen of Israel' Ex 24: 5a), and Ex 249-11 is the audience of the senior Israelites (`the nobles of Israel' Ex 24: 11) with YHWH (`God of Israel') after that ratification of the covenant. In Chapter 3 the Moab covenant pericope (Dt 4:4 5-286: 9), marked by the heading (Dt 4:4 5) and the colophon (Dt 28:6 9), is studied. After the geographical, historical information (Dt 4: 45-49) the law itself is directly introduced (Dt 5ff.). In this section the authority of Moses demanded by the people is justified in order to prepare for the Hauptgebot pericope (Dt 6-11). Dt 26: 17-19 is about the mutual declaration of the covenant relationship 'and this section gives the framework for the following section (Dt 27-28) which is about the variable or cultic element of covenant, the ratification ceremony. Dt 27: 1-8 reports some aspects of that ceremony (offering, covenant document, meal). And here and in Dt 27: 9-10 the elders and the levitical priests, "who speak jointly with Moses, receive the authority to perform the future covenant ceremony in Shechem. Dt 2711-13 is the future pronouncement of the blessing and curse whose text is in Dt 283: -6,16-19A. nd Dt 27: 14-26 contains the oath formula which will be pronounced by the levitical priests and responded by the people., In Chapter 4 a comparative study of both texts is undertaken. In general it is asked whether the covenant is the common theme of both texts. In detail it is investigated whether there is a similarity between the two texts in their themes, theological frameworks, and structure, and also how far the detailed descriptions of each section are different. Finally the historical relationship between the two pericopes is investigated.
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Neef, Martin. „Expression der Connexine 40, 43 und 45 unter chronischer Stimulation durch Insulin und die Wachstumsfaktoren IGF-1, VEGF, TGF-β und FGF-2 bei neonatalen Rattenkardiomyozyten“. Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-209143.

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Gap Junctions als wichtigste Elemente der Zelle zur Ermöglichung einer interzellulären Kommunikation erlauben eine koordinierte Antwort auf externe und interne Stimuli und somit ein Zusammenspiel von Zellgruppen und Organen im Gesamtorganismus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einer mittelfristigen und chronischen Stimulation neonataler Rattenkardiomyozyten durch Insulin und den Wachstumsfaktoren Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) und Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) auf die Expression der Connexine 40, 43 und 45 untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich unter der Insulin-Stimulation eine konzentrationsabhängige Regulation der Connexin 43 (Cx43) Expression. Die Exposition gegenüber IGF-1 hatte einen signifikanten Anstieg der Cx43 Proteinmenge zur Folge. Unter 24stündiger VEGF- oder FGF-2-Stimulation fand sich dagegen diesbezüglich kein relevanter Unterschied. Die Analysen nach langfristiger Exposition gegebenüber TGF-β zeigten eine signifikante Abnahme der Cx43 Proteinmenge bei unveränderter Cx43 mRNA. Zur Erfassung mittelfristiger Veränderungen wurden die Kardiomyozyten jeweils 3 Stunden mit den Wachstumsfaktoren VEGF und TGF-β inkubiert. Dabei zeigte sich jeweils eine signifikante Zunahme der Cx43 Proteinmenge und –mRNA. Die Connexine 40 und 45 waren in den ventrikulären Kardiomyozyten nur spärlich nachweisbar und durch keinen der untersuchten Faktoren signifikant induzierbar.
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Nouais, Denis. „Analyse des correlations de particules legeres emises dans la reaction #1#2#9xe + #4#8ti a 45 mev par nucleon, dans le cadre d'une approche quantique“. Nantes, 1996. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01770390.

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Une experience a ete realisee au ganil (caen) avec le spectrometre speg pour mesurer precisement deux protons en coincidence a tres petite impulsion relative (1-10 mev/c), emis dans la reaction #1#2#9xe + #4#8ti a 45 mev/u. L'analyse des correlations proton-proton nous a permis d'estimer la duree de vie du noyau emetteur. Du fait de la tres faible acceptance angulaire et en energie du spectrometre, un ensemble de detecteurs a cristaux d'iodure de cesium (csi(tl)) etait place autour de l'ouverture du speg pour mesurer des paires de protons a plus grande impulsion relative, ainsi que d'autres particules chargees. L'analyse de ces donnees a ete faite a l'aide d'une approche quantique des correlations, developpee a nantes. Ce modele tient compte des effets de statistique quantique, et des interactions dans l'etat final entre les deux particules, ainsi qu'avec le noyau emetteur. Nous avons montre l'influence significative du champ coulombien du noyau emetteur sur les fonctions de correlation. Un autre resultat important est la possibilite de determiner la sequence d'emission de particules de type differents. L'analyse des donnees experimentales nous revele, qu'en moyenne, les deutons sont emis avant les protons. Nous avons montre egalement, a l'aide du modele microscopique de transport qmd, que la fonction de correlation est tres sensible a la forme de la source emettrice ainsi qu'aux correlations entre les coordonnees d'espace-temps des points d'emission, et les impulsions des particules. Nous sommes ainsi capables d'obtenir des informations precises sur l'evolution dynamique de la zone emettrice
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Neef, Martin [Verfasser], Aida [Akademischer Betreuer] Salameh, Dietrich [Gutachter] Pfeiffer und Michael [Gutachter] Bernhard. „Expression der Connexine 40, 43 und 45 unter chronischer Stimulation durch Insulin und die Wachstumsfaktoren IGF-1, VEGF, TGF-β und FGF-2 bei neonatalen Rattenkardiomyozyten / Martin Neef ; Gutachter: Dietrich Pfeiffer, Michael Bernhard ; Betreuer: Aida Salameh“. Leipzig : Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1240627963/34.

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Garza, John Anthony. „Structural and ligand-binding properties of a dual substrate specific enzymes from schizosaccharomyces pombe a dissertation /“. San Antonio : UTHSC, 2009. http://learningobjects.library.uthscsa.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/theses&CISOPTR=45&CISOBOX=1&REC=17.

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Hölters, Sebastian [Verfasser], Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Dürst, Claus [Akademischer Betreuer] Liebmann und Helmut [Akademischer Betreuer] Deißler. „Molekulare Marker in der Krebsvorsorge : Entwicklung eines Sandwich-ELISA zum Nachweis des humanen Papillomavirus Typ 45 Onkoprotein E7 und funktionelle Charakterisierung des Transmembranproteins TSPAN1/NET-1 hinsichtlich seiner Rolle bei der Entwicklung des Zervixkarzinoms / Sebastian Hölters. Gutachter: Matthias Dürst ; Claus Liebmann ; Helmut Deißler“. Jena : Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1029981744/34.

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Luba, James. „Studies of Leishmania major Pteridine Reductase 1, a Novel Short Chain Dehydrogenase“. eScholarship@UMMS, 1997. https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/gsbs_diss/45.

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Pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) is an NADPH dependent reductase that catalyzes the reduction of several pterins and folates. The gene encoding this enzyme was originally identified in Leishmania based on its ability to provide resistance to the drug methotrexate (MTX). The DNA and amino acid sequences are known, and overproducing strains of Escherichia coli are available. PTR1 has been previously shown to be required for the salvage of oxidized pteridines (folate, biopterin, and others). Since Leishmaniaare folate and pterin auxotrophes, PTR1 is a possible target for novel anti-folate drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. PTR1 catalyzes the transfer of hydride from NADPH to the 2-amino-4-oxo-pteridine ring system yielding 7, 8-dihydropteridines, and to the pteridine ring system of 7, 8-dihydropteridines yielding 5,6, 7, 8-tetrahydropteridines. PTR1 shows a pH dependent substrate specificity. At pH 4.6 the specific activity of PTR1 is highest with pterins, while at pH 6.0 the specific activity of PTR1 was highest with folates. The sequence of PTR1 is only 20-30% homologous to the sequences of members of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase enzyme family. Although this is typical for members of this enzyme family, it does not allow for unambiguous classification in this family. In fact, when the DNA sequence of PTR1was first determined, PTR1 was classified as an aldoketo reductase. To classify PTR1 definitively, further biochemical characterization was required. To provide this information, the work described here was undertaken: (i) the stereochemical and kinetic course of PTR1 was determined; (ii) residues important in catalysis and ligand binding were identified; and (iii) conditions for the crystallization of PTR1 were developed. The stereochemistry of hydride transfer The use of [3H]-folate, showed that the ultimate product of PTR1 was 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydrofolate. 4R-[3H]-NADPH and 4S-[3H]-NADPH were synthesized enzymatically and used as the cofactor for the reduction of folate. PTR1 was coupled to thymidylate synthase (TS), and tritium from 4S-[3H]-NADPH was transferred to thymidylate. Therefore, the pro-S hydride of NADPH was transferred to the si face of dihydrofolate (DHF; see figure I-1). The transfer of the pro-Shydride indicates that PTR1 is a B-side dehydrogenase which is consistent with its membership in the short chain dehydrogenase (SDR) family. The kinetic mechanism of PTR1 When NADPH was varied at several fixed concentrations of folate (and vice-versa) V/K (Vmax/KM) showed a dependence upon concentration of the fixed substrate. This is consistent with a ternary complex mechanism, in contrast to a substituted enzyme mechanism that exhibits no dependence of V/K on fixed substrate. Product inhibition patterns using NADP+ and 5-deazatetrahydrofolate (5dTHF, a stable product analog) were consistent with an ordered ternary complex mechanism in which NADPH binds first and NADP+ dissociates last. However, an enzyme-DHF binary complex was detected by fluorescence. Isotope partitioning experiments showed that the enzyme-DHF binary complex was not catalytically competent whereas the enzyme-NADPH complex was. Measurement of the tritium isotope effect on V/K (T(V/K)) at high and low dihydrofolate confirmed that PTR1 proceeds via a steady state ordered mechanism. Rapid quench analysis showed that dihydrofolate was a transient intermediate during the reduction of folate to tetrahydrofolate and that folate reduction is biphasic. Catalytic Residues of PTR1 The amino acid sequences of dihydropteridine reductase and 3-α, 20-β, hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase were aligned to that of PTR1. Based on the results of the alignment, site directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the role of specific residues in the catalytic cycle of PTR1. Variant enzymes were screened based on their ability to rescue a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) deficient strain of E. coli. Selected PTR1 variants (some complementing and some non-complementing) were purified and further characterized. Tyrosine 193 of the wild type enzyme was found to be involved in the reduction of pteridines, but not in the reduction of 7, 8-dihydropteridines, and eliminated the substrate inhibition of 7, 8-dihydropteridines observed with the wild type enzyme. Both PTR1(K197Q) and PTR1(Y193F/K197Q) had decreased activity for all substrates and low affinity for NADPH. In contrast to the wild type enzyme, NADPH displayed substrate inhibition towards PTR1(K197Q). All PTR1(D180) variants that were purified were inactive except for PTR1(D180C), which showed 2.5% of wild type activity with DHF. The binary complexes of PTR1(D180A) and PTR1(D180S) with NADPH showed a decrease in affinity for folate. Based on the kinetic properties of the PTR1 variants, roles for Y193, K197, and D180 are proposed. In conjunction with D180, Y193 acts as a proton donor to N8 of folate. K197 forms hydrogen bonds with NADPH in the active site and lowers the pKaof Y193. D180 participates in the protonation of N8 of folate and N5 of DHF. Crystallization of PTR1 and PTR1-ligand complexes The crystallization of PTR1 from L. major and L. tarentolea as unliganded and as binary and ternary complexes was attempted. Several crystal forms were obtained including L. major PTR1-NADPH-MTX crystals that diffracted to ~ 3.2 Å resolution. It was not possible to collect a full data set of any of the crystals. At their current stage, none of the crystal forms is suitable for structural work.
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Pereira, Alessandro de Almeida. „O PODER LOCAL E A INSTITUCIONALIZAÇÃO DA REPÚBLICA RIO-GRANDENSE (1836-45)“. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/9663.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
With a documental and bibliographical research, we aim to demonstrate the importance of the city for the institutionalization of the Rio-Grandense Republic (1836-1845), for which there was a need to investigate the villages and cities as centers of power relations and local institutions as legitimization places of the Rio-Grandense State Republic. This research is based on the context of Political History combined with notions of Political Geography, especially when it comes to the distinction between space and territory, as well as the role of social actors as protagonists in the territorialisation process. Through the analysis of the Farroupilha Revolution, we present a historical research on the role of the city as a place of institutionalized power, political center of actuation and representation of the farroupilha elite during the process of construction of the Rio-Grandense State Republic (1836-1845), analyzing this institutionalization of the State and the role of the local institutions, as well as politicians on their relational space during the construction process of the modern nation States. In certain aspects of this institutionalization, we checked for events in the city of Alegrete, such as elections, actions of council members and the dyadic relations between social actors that made it possible to organize an independent state. Simultaneously, such information was used to contextualize a peculiarity in the organization of the Rio-Grandense Republic in a municipal level, which was the creation of the position of municipal director, at a project level. The debate about the organization is found in an information sheet in the Minutes of the Legislative and Constituent Assembly, organized by farroupilhas in periodicals, Constitutional and Imperial Laws, Minutes of the City Council, institutional and private correspondence. We came to the conclusion that, in practice and in theory, the city is the basis of sovereign entities and of the modern State. In its theoretical aspect, we found its defense formulated by Benjamin Constant. In practice, we found its leading role in the political situation in the early nineteenth century on the Iberian Peninsula, which directly affects the events in America and play a significant role during the Farroupilha Revolution. This research was funded by the Research Scholarship of Social Demand Program/CAPES and was developed in the research group of Integration, Policy and Border of the Post-Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM).
A partir de uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica procura-se demonstrar a importância do município para a institucionalização da República Rio-Grandense (1836-1845), em que as vilas e cidades passaram a ser investigadas como centros de relações de poder e suas instituições locais como espaço de legetimação do Estado da República Rio-Grandense. O trabalho está fundamentado no âmbito da História Política relacionada com noções da Geografia Política, especialmente no que se refere a diferenciação entre espaço e território, assim como o papel dos atores sociais como protagonistas do processo de territorialização. Através da análise sobre a Revolução Farroupilha apresentamos uma investigação histórica sobre o papel do município enquanto local do poder institucionalizado, centro político de atuação e representação da elite farroupilha durante o processo de construção do Estado da República Rio-Grandense (1836-1845), analisando essa institucionalização do Estado e o papel das instituições locais, bem como dos agentes políticos apreendidos em seu espaço relacional, durante o processo de construção dos Estados nacionais modernos. Em certos aspectos dessa institucionalização verificamos acontecimentos ocorridos no município de Alegrete, como as eleições, atuação dos vereadores e as relações diádicas estabelecidas entre os atores sociais que viabilizaram na prática a organização de um Estado independente. Concomitantemente, essas informações são utilizadas para contextualizar uma peculiaridade na organização da República Rio-Grandense em âmbito municipal, que consistiu na criação do cargo de diretor municipal, em nível de projeto. O debate de organização dessa estrutura é encontrado através de uma relação de informações presente nas Atas da Assembleia Legislativa e Constituinte, organizada pelos farroupilhas, nos periódicos, Constituição e Leis Imperiais, Atas das Câmaras Municipais, correspondências institucionais e particualares. Conclui-se que na prática e na teoria, é o município a base das entidades soberanas e do Estado moderno. Em seu aspecto teórico, encontramos sua defesa formulada por Benjamin Constant. Na prática, há seu protagonismo durante a situação política em princípios do século XIX na península Ibérica, que afeta diretamente os acontecimentos na América e assumem um papel relevante durante a Revolução Farroupilha. Esse trabalho contou com financiamento de Bolsa de Pesquisa do Programa de Demanda Social/CAPES e foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Integração, Política e Fronteira do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).
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Montalti, Sandra <1961&gt. „Sviluppo e implementazione delle competenze infermieristiche: istituzione di un ambulatorio a gestione infermieristica per pazienti urologici“. Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2935/1/tesi_amsdottorato.pdf.

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Sammeth, Frank. „Der Wiederaufbau und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Westdeutschlands (BRD) und Frankreichs im Vergleich : 1944 /45 bis 1963 /“. Hamburg : Kovac, 2005. http://www.verlagdrkovac.de/3-8300-1868-1.htm.

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Sammeth, Frank. „Der Wiederaufbau und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Westdeutschlands (BRD) und Frankreichs im Vergleich 1944/45 bis 1963“. Hamburg Kovač, 2004. http://www.verlagdrkovac.de/3-8300-1868-1.htm.

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Prado, Gustavo de Lima. „Deformabilidade sobre S^1 a livre de ponto fixo para auto-aplicações de T-fibrados e Reidemeister sobre S^1“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2010. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-16022011-125114/.

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Classificação das auto-aplicações de fibrados, com fibra toro, que preservam fibra sobre o círculo, com a propriedade de poderem ser deformadas sobre o círculo a uma aplicação livre de ponto fixo. Ainda, investigamos a relação entre o número de Reidemeister sobre o círculo e a propriedade acima
Classification of all fiber-preserving self-maps of torus bundles over the circle by the property of being able to deform them over the circle into a fixed point free map by a fiberwise homotopy over the circle. We also investigate the relationship between Reidemeister number over the circle and the property above
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Simancas, Coloma Raquel. „Síntesis de nuevos materiales zeolíticos empleando agentes directores de estructura fosforados“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52025.

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[EN] This thesis is focused on the synthesis of new zeolitic structures using phosphorus containing compounds as structure directing agents, and the study of the influence of the presence of phosphorus in the adsorption capacity and acid properties of the zeolites. The phosphazene bases and aminophosphonium cations used in this work have yielded to zeolites with new crystalline structures (ITQ-45, ITQ-52, ITQ-58), as well as have developed new routes of synthesis of already known zeolites, but broadening their range of compositions (DON, RTH, ITE, STF), and these have allowed obtaining the synthetic analogue (ITQ-47) of the natural zeolite boggsite (BOG) by first time.
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral se centra en la síntesis de nuevas estructuras zeolíticas empleando como agentes directores de estructura compuestos que contienen fósforo y el estudio de la influencia de la presencia de fósforo en la capacidad de adsorción y en las propiedades ácidas de las zeolitas. Las bases de fosfaceno y cationes aminofosfonio empleados en este trabajo han permitido obtener zeolitas con nuevas estructuras cristalinas (ITQ-45, ITQ-52 e ITQ-58), así como desarrollar nuevas rutas de síntesis de zeolitas conocidas ampliando el rango de composiciones (DON, RTH, ITE, STF) y obtener por primera vez el análogo sintético (ITQ-47) de la zeolita natural boggsita (BOG).
[CAT] La present tesi doctoral es centra en la síntesi de noves estructures zeolítiques emprant com agents directors d'estructura compostos que continguen fòsfor, i la influència de la presència de fòsfor en la capacitat d'adsorció i en la fortalesa àcida de les zeolites. Les bases de fosfazè i cations aminofosfoni emprats en aquest treball han permès obtindre zeolites amb noves estructures cristal¿lines (ITQ-45, ITQ-52 e ITQ-58), així com desenvolupar noves rutes de síntesi de zeolites conegudes ampliant el rang de composicions (DON, RTH, ITE, STF) i obtindre per primera vegada l'anàleg sintètic (ITQ-47) de la zeolita natural boggsita (BOG).
Simancas Coloma, R. (2015). Síntesis de nuevos materiales zeolíticos empleando agentes directores de estructura fosforados [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52025
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Raeisidehkordi, Hengameh. „Finsler Transnormal Functions and Singular Foliations of Codimension 1“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-05042018-210826/.

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Transnormal functions are generalization of distance functions and this topic has some applications in Physics and real world problems. In this work, some results are generalized from Riemannian case to the Finsler one. Moreover certain new phenomena that happen only in Finsler spaces are discussed. To have a better understanding, certain examples based on the mentioned results in Randers spaces are provided. Moreover, some applications on propagation of waves of fire and water are introduced
As funções transnormais são a generalização da função de distância e este tópico tem algumas aplicações em Física e no mundo real. Neste trabalho, alguns resultados do caso riemanniana para o Finsler são generalizados. Alem disso, alguns fenômenos novos que ocorrem apenas nos espaços de Finsler são discutidos. Para ter uma melhor compreensão, são fornecidos certos exemplos com base nos resultados mencionados nos espaços de Randers. Além disso, algumas aplicações sobre propagação de ondas de fogo e água são introduzidas.
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Brinkhus, Jörn. „Luftschutz und Versorgungspolitik : Regionen und Gemeinden im NS-Staat, 1942-1944/45 /“. Gütersloh : Verl. für Regionalgeschichte, 2009. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=3322300&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Sousa, Thiago Andrade de. „Elementos terras raras como indicadores do aporte e proveniência sedimentar nos últimos 45 mil anos, Bacia e Santos - Brasil“. Niterói, 2017. https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/3269.

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Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-03T16:44:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 THIAGO ANDRADE DE SOUSA .pdf: 5768772 bytes, checksum: b3c4e1c52ed521e2c3772627711af6fa (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências- Geoquímica Ambiental. Niterói, RJ
Os sedimentos continentais depositados no fundo oceânico estão condicionados, majoritariamente, a evolução do clima, ao substrato geológico e ao tipo de transporte, sendo o transporte fluvial o de maior magnitude. Uma vez depositado, os sedimentos tornam-se registros do passado e carregam informações sob a forma de assinatura geoquímica. Os Elementos Terras Raras (ETR) apresentam um comportamento coerente ao longo de uma coluna sedimentar tornando-os útil nos estudos de proveniência sedimentar. Razões entre elementos maiores (Fe/Ca, por exemplo) são descritos na literatura como indicadores de reconstrução do aporto terrígeno. A geoquímica dos ETR e elementos maiores são determinados neste trabalho para o entendimento da dinâmica paleoclimática sobre o aporte e proveniência dos sedimentos da margem leste (Bacia de Santos) do Brasil, e as anomalias do Ce e Eu, confrontando técnicas analíticas distintas (ICP-MS e XRF core scanner) nos principais eventos abruptos (Younger Dryas e Heinrich events) ao longo dos últimos 45.000 anos. Igualmente é discutido a proveniência do material sedimentar por meio de razões entre Elementos Terras Raras leve (ETRL) e Elementos Terras Raras pesado (ETRP) comparando possíveis fontes disponíveis na literatura. O padrão de distribuição indica enriquecimento em ETRM sobre ETRL e ETRP em todos os eventos. Isso significa que a proveniência deste material, provavelmente, deve-se a uma única fonte. As concentrações dos ETRL são sempre maiores que ETRM e ETRP. Esse padrão é outro indicativo de fonte única do material sedimentar. O somatório das concentrações dos ETR durante o MIS 2 é sempre maior do que o MIS 1. O comportamento dos ETR durante os eventos Heinrich são bem similares. A média das concentrações dos ETR nestes eventos são superiores aos encontrados no MIS 1 – Interglacial. As análises das razões Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca pelas duas técnicas mostram-se coerentes e indicam maiores durante o MIS 2. Isto é devido ao aumento de chuvas na região (intensificação do SMAS), nível do mar regressivo (plataforma continental exposta) e por efeitos de diluição do carbonato marinho estimulada pela entrada de matéria orgânica. As razões Al/Si e Fe/K apresentam sinais distintos ao longo do testemunho deste estudo. O aumento de Si durante o MIS 2, em relação aos outros períodos, indica que o glacial foi menos úmido que o interglacial. O aumento de K dentro dos eventos Heinrich indica mudança no padrão de intemperismo continental devido aos episódios de chuvas e aumento no intemperismo químico nas bacias de drenagens. A anomalia do Ce é negativa em todos os períodos e indica condições oxidantes no ambiente deposicional ou oriundas de uma porção detrítica continental. A anomalia do Eu é ligeiramente positiva para todos os períodos. Isto é um indicativo de assimilação ou acúmulo de feldspato. Dados de cinco possíveis fontes para a proveniência do material foram extraídos da literatura. Os sedimentos de Cabo Frio apresentam fracionamento entre ETRL e ETRP próximos aos dados deste estudo. Entretanto, para a razão (Eu/Sm) observa-se boa correlação com fontes vindas da Patagônia e do Rio da Prata. Alguns autores apontam a pluma do Rio da Prata na contribuição sedimentar na região da Bacia de Santos.
The continental sediments deposited in the ocean floor are conditioned, mainly, to the evolution of the climate, the geological substrate and the type of transport, being the fluvial transport of the greater magnitude. Once deposited, the sediments become records of the past and carry information in a form of geochemical signature. Rare Earth Elements (REE) present a coercive behavior along a sedimentary column making them useful for studies of sedimentary origin. Ratios for larger elements (Fe/Ca, for example) are indicators of the reconstruction of the terrigenous port. The geochemistry of the ETR and major elements are determined in this work to understand the paleoclimatic dynamics on the contribution and provenance of the sediments of the eastern margin (Santos Basin) of Brazil, and the anomalies of the Ce and Eu, confronting different analytical techniques (ICP- MS and XRF core scanner) in the main abrupt events (Younger Dryas and Heinrich events) over the last 45,000 years. The origin of the sedimentary material is also discussed by means of ratios between Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) and Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE) comparing possible sources available in the literature. The distribution pattern indicates MREE enrichment over LREE and HREE in all events. This means that the origin of this material, probably, is related to a single source. LREE concentrations are always higher than MREE and HREE. This pattern is another indicative of a single source of sedimentary material. The sum of REE concentrations during MIS 2 is always greater than MIS 1. The behavior of REE during Heinrich events is very similar. The mean REE concentrations in these events are higher than those found in MIS 1 - Interglacial. The analyses of Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios are stronger than those observed during the investigation period (MIS) due to the regressive margin level (continental shelf exposed), and the effects of dilution of the marine carbonate stimulated by imput of organic matter. The Al/Si and Fe/K ratios show distinct signals over time during this study. The increase of Si during MIS 2, in relation to the other periods, indicates that the glacial was less humid than the interglacial. The increase of K within the Heinrich events indicates a change in the continental weather pattern due to rainfall episodes and increase in chemical weathering in the drainage basins. The Ce anomaly is negative at all periods and indicates oxidizing conditions in the depositional environment or from a continental detrital portion. The Eu anomaly is slightly positive for all periods. This is an indicative of assimilation or accumulation of feldspar. Data from five possible sources for a sample of the material was extracted from the literature. The Cabo Frio sediments show the fractionation between LREE and HREE. However, for a (Eu / Sm) ratio a good correlation is observed with sources coming from Patagonia and Rio de la Plata. Some authors point out a region of the River Plate and a sedimentary region in the region of the Santos Basin.
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Pinto, Tasso Tirapani Silva. „GGLL: um gerador de analisadores sintáticos para gramáticas gráficas LL(1)“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45134/tde-23012015-075452/.

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Este trabalho tem como fulcro o desenvolvimento de um gerador de analisadores sintáticos do tipo top-down para gramáticas LL(1) com entrada gráfica da gramática, bem como uma comparação do mesmo com outros geradores em uso no mercado. Como resultado foi obtido um gerador totalmente funcional, e foi mostrado como ele é superior aos outros analisadores. São descritos detalhes da implementação e foi elaborado um manual de uso do sistema implementado em Java independente de ambientes de programação.
This thesis has as its main goal the development a parser generator using top-down syntax analysis for LL(1) grammars. Its input is a graph grammar. A comparison with available parser generators is also presented. As a result a fully executable generator, and the fact that it is superior to the other generators was demonstrated. This work contains details of the implementation, and presents a users manual of the system, which was implemented in Java. The system is independent of programming environments.
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Grandmont, Céline. „Étude comparative des caractéristiques de personnalité chez des sujets coronariens et en santé, âgés de 45 à 64 ans“. Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1997. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/4885/1/000631130.pdf.

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Tosatto, Claudio <1974&gt. „Il passato nell’epoca della sua (ri)producibilità digitale. Torino 1943 - 45. Metodologia della ricerca con tecnologie informatiche. Sistema storico-territoriale di informazione multimediale“. Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1106/1/Tesi_Tosatto_Claudio.pdf.

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Se il lavoro dello storico è capire il passato come è stato compreso dalla gente che lo ha vissuto, allora forse non è azzardato pensare che sia anche necessario comunicare i risultati delle ricerche con strumenti propri che appartengono a un'epoca e che influenzano la mentalità di chi in quell'epoca vive. Emergenti tecnologie, specialmente nell’area della multimedialità come la realtà virtuale, permettono agli storici di comunicare l’esperienza del passato in più sensi. In che modo la storia collabora con le tecnologie informatiche soffermandosi sulla possibilità di fare ricostruzioni storiche virtuali, con relativi esempi e recensioni? Quello che maggiormente preoccupa gli storici è se una ricostruzione di un fatto passato vissuto attraverso la sua ricreazione in pixels sia un metodo di conoscenza della storia che possa essere considerato valido. Ovvero l'emozione che la navigazione in una realtà 3D può suscitare, è un mezzo in grado di trasmettere conoscenza? O forse l'idea che abbiamo del passato e del suo studio viene sottilmente cambiato nel momento in cui lo si divulga attraverso la grafica 3D? Da tempo però la disciplina ha cominciato a fare i conti con questa situazione, costretta soprattutto dall'invasività di questo tipo di media, dalla spettacolarizzazione del passato e da una divulgazione del passato parziale e antiscientifica. In un mondo post letterario bisogna cominciare a pensare che la cultura visuale nella quale siamo immersi sta cambiando il nostro rapporto con il passato: non per questo le conoscenze maturate fino ad oggi sono false, ma è necessario riconoscere che esiste più di una verità storica, a volte scritta a volte visuale. Il computer è diventato una piattaforma onnipresente per la rappresentazione e diffusione dell’informazione. I metodi di interazione e rappresentazione stanno evolvendo di continuo. Ed è su questi due binari che è si muove l’offerta delle tecnologie informatiche al servizio della storia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è proprio quello di esplorare, attraverso l’utilizzo e la sperimentazione di diversi strumenti e tecnologie informatiche, come si può raccontare efficacemente il passato attraverso oggetti tridimensionali e gli ambienti virtuali, e come, nel loro essere elementi caratterizzanti di comunicazione, in che modo possono collaborare, in questo caso particolare, con la disciplina storica. La presente ricerca ricostruisce alcune linee di storia delle principali fabbriche attive a Torino durante la seconda guerra mondiale, ricordando stretta relazione che esiste tra strutture ed individui e in questa città in particolare tra fabbrica e movimento operaio, è inevitabile addentrarsi nelle vicende del movimento operaio torinese che nel periodo della lotta di Liberazione in città fu un soggetto politico e sociale di primo rilievo. Nella città, intesa come entità biologica coinvolta nella guerra, la fabbrica (o le fabbriche) diventa il nucleo concettuale attraverso il quale leggere la città: sono le fabbriche gli obiettivi principali dei bombardamenti ed è nelle fabbriche che si combatte una guerra di liberazione tra classe operaia e autorità, di fabbrica e cittadine. La fabbrica diventa il luogo di "usurpazione del potere" di cui parla Weber, il palcoscenico in cui si tengono i diversi episodi della guerra: scioperi, deportazioni, occupazioni .... Il modello della città qui rappresentata non è una semplice visualizzazione ma un sistema informativo dove la realtà modellata è rappresentata da oggetti, che fanno da teatro allo svolgimento di avvenimenti con una precisa collocazione cronologica, al cui interno è possibile effettuare operazioni di selezione di render statici (immagini), di filmati precalcolati (animazioni) e di scenari navigabili interattivamente oltre ad attività di ricerca di fonti bibliografiche e commenti di studiosi segnatamente legati all'evento in oggetto. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è far interagire, attraverso diversi progetti, le discipline storiche e l’informatica, nelle diverse opportunità tecnologiche che questa presenta. Le possibilità di ricostruzione offerte dal 3D vengono così messe a servizio della ricerca, offrendo una visione integrale in grado di avvicinarci alla realtà dell’epoca presa in considerazione e convogliando in un’unica piattaforma espositiva tutti i risultati. Divulgazione Progetto Mappa Informativa Multimediale Torino 1945 Sul piano pratico il progetto prevede una interfaccia navigabile (tecnologia Flash) che rappresenti la pianta della città dell’epoca, attraverso la quale sia possibile avere una visione dei luoghi e dei tempi in cui la Liberazione prese forma, sia a livello concettuale, sia a livello pratico. Questo intreccio di coordinate nello spazio e nel tempo non solo migliora la comprensione dei fenomeni, ma crea un maggiore interesse sull’argomento attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti divulgativi di grande efficacia (e appeal) senza perdere di vista la necessità di valicare le tesi storiche proponendosi come piattaforma didattica. Un tale contesto richiede uno studio approfondito degli eventi storici al fine di ricostruire con chiarezza una mappa della città che sia precisa sia topograficamente sia a livello di navigazione multimediale. La preparazione della cartina deve seguire gli standard del momento, perciò le soluzioni informatiche utilizzate sono quelle fornite da Adobe Illustrator per la realizzazione della topografia, e da Macromedia Flash per la creazione di un’interfaccia di navigazione. La base dei dati descrittivi è ovviamente consultabile essendo contenuta nel supporto media e totalmente annotata nella bibliografia. È il continuo evolvere delle tecnologie d'informazione e la massiccia diffusione dell’uso dei computer che ci porta a un cambiamento sostanziale nello studio e nell’apprendimento storico; le strutture accademiche e gli operatori economici hanno fatto propria la richiesta che giunge dall'utenza (insegnanti, studenti, operatori dei Beni Culturali) di una maggiore diffusione della conoscenza storica attraverso la sua rappresentazione informatizzata. Sul fronte didattico la ricostruzione di una realtà storica attraverso strumenti informatici consente anche ai non-storici di toccare con mano quelle che sono le problematiche della ricerca quali fonti mancanti, buchi della cronologia e valutazione della veridicità dei fatti attraverso prove. Le tecnologie informatiche permettono una visione completa, unitaria ed esauriente del passato, convogliando tutte le informazioni su un'unica piattaforma, permettendo anche a chi non è specializzato di comprendere immediatamente di cosa si parla. Il miglior libro di storia, per sua natura, non può farlo in quanto divide e organizza le notizie in modo diverso. In questo modo agli studenti viene data l'opportunità di apprendere tramite una rappresentazione diversa rispetto a quelle a cui sono abituati. La premessa centrale del progetto è che i risultati nell'apprendimento degli studenti possono essere migliorati se un concetto o un contenuto viene comunicato attraverso più canali di espressione, nel nostro caso attraverso un testo, immagini e un oggetto multimediale. Didattica La Conceria Fiorio è uno dei luoghi-simbolo della Resistenza torinese. Il progetto è una ricostruzione in realtà virtuale della Conceria Fiorio di Torino. La ricostruzione serve a arricchire la cultura storica sia a chi la produce, attraverso una ricerca accurata delle fonti, sia a chi può poi usufruirne, soprattutto i giovani, che, attratti dall’aspetto ludico della ricostruzione, apprendono con più facilità. La costruzione di un manufatto in 3D fornisce agli studenti le basi per riconoscere ed esprimere la giusta relazione fra il modello e l’oggetto storico. Le fasi di lavoro attraverso cui si è giunti alla ricostruzione in 3D della Conceria: . una ricerca storica approfondita, basata sulle fonti, che possono essere documenti degli archivi o scavi archeologici, fonti iconografiche, cartografiche, ecc.; . La modellazione degli edifici sulla base delle ricerche storiche, per fornire la struttura geometrica poligonale che permetta la navigazione tridimensionale; . La realizzazione, attraverso gli strumenti della computer graphic della navigazione in 3D. Unreal Technology è il nome dato al motore grafico utilizzato in numerosi videogiochi commerciali. Una delle caratteristiche fondamentali di tale prodotto è quella di avere uno strumento chiamato Unreal editor con cui è possibile costruire mondi virtuali, e che è quello utilizzato per questo progetto. UnrealEd (Ued) è il software per creare livelli per Unreal e i giochi basati sul motore di Unreal. E’ stata utilizzata la versione gratuita dell’editor. Il risultato finale del progetto è un ambiente virtuale navigabile raffigurante una ricostruzione accurata della Conceria Fiorio ai tempi della Resistenza. L’utente può visitare l’edificio e visualizzare informazioni specifiche su alcuni punti di interesse. La navigazione viene effettuata in prima persona, un processo di “spettacolarizzazione” degli ambienti visitati attraverso un arredamento consono permette all'utente una maggiore immersività rendendo l’ambiente più credibile e immediatamente codificabile. L’architettura Unreal Technology ha permesso di ottenere un buon risultato in un tempo brevissimo, senza che fossero necessari interventi di programmazione. Questo motore è, quindi, particolarmente adatto alla realizzazione rapida di prototipi di una discreta qualità, La presenza di un certo numero di bug lo rende, però, in parte inaffidabile. Utilizzare un editor da videogame per questa ricostruzione auspica la possibilità di un suo impiego nella didattica, quello che le simulazioni in 3D permettono nel caso specifico è di permettere agli studenti di sperimentare il lavoro della ricostruzione storica, con tutti i problemi che lo storico deve affrontare nel ricreare il passato. Questo lavoro vuole essere per gli storici una esperienza nella direzione della creazione di un repertorio espressivo più ampio, che includa gli ambienti tridimensionali. Il rischio di impiegare del tempo per imparare come funziona questa tecnologia per generare spazi virtuali rende scettici quanti si impegnano nell'insegnamento, ma le esperienze di progetti sviluppati, soprattutto all’estero, servono a capire che sono un buon investimento. Il fatto che una software house, che crea un videogame di grande successo di pubblico, includa nel suo prodotto, una serie di strumenti che consentano all'utente la creazione di mondi propri in cui giocare, è sintomatico che l'alfabetizzazione informatica degli utenti medi sta crescendo sempre più rapidamente e che l'utilizzo di un editor come Unreal Engine sarà in futuro una attività alla portata di un pubblico sempre più vasto. Questo ci mette nelle condizioni di progettare moduli di insegnamento più immersivi, in cui l'esperienza della ricerca e della ricostruzione del passato si intreccino con lo studio più tradizionale degli avvenimenti di una certa epoca. I mondi virtuali interattivi vengono spesso definiti come la forma culturale chiave del XXI secolo, come il cinema lo è stato per il XX. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di suggerire che vi sono grosse opportunità per gli storici impiegando gli oggetti e le ambientazioni in 3D, e che essi devono coglierle. Si consideri il fatto che l’estetica abbia un effetto sull’epistemologia. O almeno sulla forma che i risultati delle ricerche storiche assumono nel momento in cui devono essere diffuse. Un’analisi storica fatta in maniera superficiale o con presupposti errati può comunque essere diffusa e avere credito in numerosi ambienti se diffusa con mezzi accattivanti e moderni. Ecco perchè non conviene seppellire un buon lavoro in qualche biblioteca, in attesa che qualcuno lo scopra. Ecco perchè gli storici non devono ignorare il 3D. La nostra capacità, come studiosi e studenti, di percepire idee ed orientamenti importanti dipende spesso dai metodi che impieghiamo per rappresentare i dati e l’evidenza. Perché gli storici possano ottenere il beneficio che il 3D porta con sè, tuttavia, devono sviluppare un’agenda di ricerca volta ad accertarsi che il 3D sostenga i loro obiettivi di ricercatori e insegnanti. Una ricostruzione storica può essere molto utile dal punto di vista educativo non sono da chi la visita ma, anche da chi la realizza. La fase di ricerca necessaria per la ricostruzione non può fare altro che aumentare il background culturale dello sviluppatore. Conclusioni La cosa più importante è stata la possibilità di fare esperienze nell’uso di mezzi di comunicazione di questo genere per raccontare e far conoscere il passato. Rovesciando il paradigma conoscitivo che avevo appreso negli studi umanistici, ho cercato di desumere quelle che potremo chiamare “leggi universali” dai dati oggettivi emersi da questi esperimenti. Da punto di vista epistemologico l’informatica, con la sua capacità di gestire masse impressionanti di dati, dà agli studiosi la possibilità di formulare delle ipotesi e poi accertarle o smentirle tramite ricostruzioni e simulazioni. Il mio lavoro è andato in questa direzione, cercando conoscere e usare strumenti attuali che nel futuro avranno sempre maggiore presenza nella comunicazione (anche scientifica) e che sono i mezzi di comunicazione d’eccellenza per determinate fasce d’età (adolescenti). Volendo spingere all’estremo i termini possiamo dire che la sfida che oggi la cultura visuale pone ai metodi tradizionali del fare storia è la stessa che Erodoto e Tucidide contrapposero ai narratori di miti e leggende. Prima di Erodoto esisteva il mito, che era un mezzo perfettamente adeguato per raccontare e dare significato al passato di una tribù o di una città. In un mondo post letterario la nostra conoscenza del passato sta sottilmente mutando nel momento in cui lo vediamo rappresentato da pixel o quando le informazioni scaturiscono non da sole, ma grazie all’interattività con il mezzo. La nostra capacità come studiosi e studenti di percepire idee ed orientamenti importanti dipende spesso dai metodi che impieghiamo per rappresentare i dati e l’evidenza. Perché gli storici possano ottenere il beneficio sottinteso al 3D, tuttavia, devono sviluppare un’agenda di ricerca volta ad accertarsi che il 3D sostenga i loro obiettivi di ricercatori e insegnanti. Le esperienze raccolte nelle pagine precedenti ci portano a pensare che in un futuro non troppo lontano uno strumento come il computer sarà l’unico mezzo attraverso cui trasmettere conoscenze, e dal punto di vista didattico la sua interattività consente coinvolgimento negli studenti come nessun altro mezzo di comunicazione moderno.
If the job of the historian is to understand the past like it has been comprised from the people who have lived it, then is perhaps not risked to think that it is also necessary to communicate turns out you of the searches with own instruments that belong to an age and that they influence the mentality of who in that age alive. Emergent technologies, especially in the area of the multimedialità like the virtual truth, allow the historians to communicate the experience of the past in more senses. In that way the history collaborates with the computer science technologies stopping itself on the possibility to make historical reconstructions virtual, with relati examples and book reviews to you? What mainly it takes care the historians is if a reconstruction of a lived last fact through its recreation in pixels is a method of acquaintance of the history that can be considered valid. That is the emotion that navigation in a truth 3D can provoke, is means in a position to transmitting acquaintance? Or perhaps the idea that we have of the past and its study comes thin changed in the moment in which it is disclosed through the diagram 3D? For a long time but the discipline has begun to above all make the accounts with this situation, forced from the invasività of this type of average, from the show making of the past and one spreading of the partial and antiscientific past. In a literary world post it must begin to think that the visual culture in which we are dipped is changing our relationship with the past: for this the acquaintances matured until today are not false, but it is necessary to recognize that historical truth exists more than one, to times written to times visual. The computer has become one omnipresent platform for the rappresentazione and information dissimation. The methods of interaction and representation are evolving continually. And it is on these two railroads that are move the offer of the computer science technologies to the service of the history. The scope of this thesis is just that one to explore, through it uses and the computer science experimentation of various instruments and technologies, as it can effectively be told the virtual past through three-dimensional objects and atmospheres, and like, in their being characterizing elements of communication, in that way they can collaborate, in this particular case, with the historical discipline. The present search reconstructs some history lines of the main active factories to Turin during the second world war, remembering tightened relation that exists between structures and individuals and in this city in particular between factory and movement laborer, is unavoidable to penetrate in the vicissitudes of the movement Turinese laborer who in the period of the fight of Liberation in city was a political and social subject of first relief. In the city, understanding like been involved biological entity in the war, the factory (or the factories) becomes the conceptual nucleus through which to read the city: they are the factories it objects to it to you main of the strafings and is in the factories that fight one war of liberation between class laborer and authority, of factory and citizens. The factory becomes the place of "usurpation of the power" of which Weber speaks, the stage in which the various episodes of the war are kept: strikes, deportations, occupations.... The model of the city represented here is not a simple visualization but an informative system where the modeled truth is represented from objects, that they make from theatre to the development of events with a precise chronological positioning, to whose inside is possible to carry out operations of selection to render (images static), of filmati estimated (animations) and navigable scenes interactively beyond to activity of search of bibliographical sources and comments of students mainly legacies to the event in object. Objective of this job is to make to interact, through various plans, the historical disciplines and computer science, in the various technological opportunities that this introduces. The offered possibilities of reconstruction from the 3D come therefore put to service of the search, offering an integral vision in a position to approaching us the truth of the age taken in consideration and convogliando in an only espositiva platform all it turns out to you. Spreading Plan Informative Map Multimedia Turin 1945 On the practical plan the plan previews a navigable interface (Flash technology) that it represents the plant of the city of the age, through which it is possible to have a vision of the places and of the times in which the Liberation taken shape, it is to conceptual level, it is to practical level. This I interlace of coordinated in the space and in the time it not only improves the understanding of the phenomena, but it creates a greater interest on the argument through I use it of instruments disclosed you of great effectiveness (and appeal) without to lose sight the necessity of valicare the historical theses proposing itself like didactic platform. A such context demands a study deepened of the historical events to the aim to reconstruct with clarity a map of the city that is precise is topographicalally is to level of multimediale navigation. The preparation of the map must follow the standards of the moment, therefore the used computer science solutions are those supplied from Adobe Illustrator for the realization of the topography, and from Macromedia Flash for the creation of a navigation interface. The base of the data described is obviously consultabile being contained in the medium support and totally annotated in the bibliography. It is the continuous one to evolvere of the information technologies and it massiccia spread of the use of the computers that us door to a substantial change in the study and the historical learning; the academic structures and the operating economic have made the demand own that it reaches from the user (teaching, students, operating of the Cultural Assets) of one greater spread of the historical acquaintance through its computerized representation. On the didactic forehead the reconstruction of an historical truth through instruments informed to us concurs also with the not-historical to touch with hand those that are problematic of the search the which sources lacking, holes of the chronology and appraisal of the authenticity of the facts through tests. The computer science technologies allow a complete, unitary vision and exhausting of the past, convogliando all the information on an only platform, allowing also to who are not specialized to comprise immediately of what are spoken. The better book than history, for its nature, cannot make it in how much divides and organizes the news in various way. In this way to the students it comes given the opportunity to learn through a various rappresentazione regarding those to which they are accustoms to you. The premise centers them of the plan is that it turns out to you in the learning of the students can be improves to you if a concept or a content comes communicated through more channels than expression, in our case through a text, images and a multimediale object. Didactics The Fiorio Tannery is one of the place-symbol of the Turinese Resistance. The plan is one reconstruction in virtual truth of the Fiorio Tannery of Turin. The reconstruction serves to enrich the historical culture is to who produces it, through an accurate search of the sources, is to who can then have use of of, above all the young people, than, attracted from the ludic aspect of the reconstruction, they learn with more facility. The construction of manufatto in 3D supplies to the students the bases in order to recognize and to express the just relation between the model and the historical object. It is made of job through which it is joints to the reconstruction in 3D of the Tannery: a deepened historical search, based on the iconografiche, cartographic sources, that they can be documents of arches or archaeological diggings to you, sources, etc. The modellazione of the buildings on the historical basis for research work, in order to supply the poligonale geometric structure that allows three-dimensional navigation. The realization, through the instruments of the computer graphic of navigation in 3D. Unreal Technology is the name given to the used graphic motor in numerous videogames trades them. One of the fundamental characteristics of such product is that one of having a called instrument Unreal editor with which it is possible to construct virtual worlds, and that it is that one used for this plan. UnrealEd (Ued) is the software in order to create levels for Unreal and the games base to you on the motor of Unreal. E' be used the free version of the editor. The final result of the plan is a navigable virtual atmosphere representing one accurate reconstruction of the Fiorio Tannery to the times of the Resistance. The customer can visit the building and visualize specific information on some points of interest. Navigation comes carried out in first person, a process of "show" of atmospheres visits you through a furnishing consono allows to the customer one greater immersività rendering the more credible and immediately codificabile atmosphere. The Unreal architecture technology has allowed to obtain a good result in the short time, without that they were necessary participations of programming. This motor is, therefore, particularly adapted to the fast realization of prototypes of a discreet quality, the presence of a sure number of bug renders it, but, in inaffidabile part. To use a editor from videogame for this foretell reconstruction the possibility of a its employment in the didactic field, what the simulations in 3D allow in the specific case are to allow the students to experience the job of the historical reconstruction, with all the problems that the historian must face in recreating the past. This job wants to be for the historians a experience in the direction of the creation of a expressive repertorio more wide one, that it includes three-dimensional atmospheres. The risk to employ of the time in order to learn as this technology works in order to generate virtual spaces renders skeptics how many is engaged in the instruction, but the experiences of plans develop to you, above all to the foreign country, serve to understand that they are a good investment. The fact that a software house, that happening of public creates a videogame of large, includes in its product, a series of instruments that concur with the customer the creation of own worlds in which playing, it is sintomatico that the computer science schooling of the medium customers is growing more and more quickly and that I use it of a editor as Unreal Engine will be in future one activity to the capacity of a more and more immense public. This puts to us in the conditions for planning modules of instruction more immersed to you, in which the experience of the search and the reconstruction of the past they interlace with the more traditional study of the events of one sure age. The virtual worlds interatti to you often come defined like the cultural shape key of XXI the century, as the cinema it has been for the XX. The scope of this job has been that one to suggest that the objects and the acclimatizations in 3D are large opportunities for the historians employing, and that they must pick them. The fact is considered that the aesthetic one has an effect on the epistemologiy. Or at least on the shape that turns out you of the historical searches they assume in the moment in which they must be diffuse. A made historical analysis in superficial way or with presupposed wrong can however be diffuse and to have credit in numerous atmospheres if diffused with winning and modern means. Here why it does not convene to bury a good job in some library, in attended that someone discovers it. Here why the historians do not have to ignore the 3D. Our ability, like students and students, to perceive important ideas and guidelines often depends on the methods that we employ in order to represent the data and the evidence. Because the historians can obtain the benefit that 3D the door with himself, however, they must develop a search agenda turns to assess that the 3D he supports theirs objects you of teaching investigators and. An historical reconstruction can be much profit from the educational point of view is not from who the visit but, also from who it realizes it. The phase of necessary search for the reconstruction cannot make other that to increase the background cultural of the developer. Conclusions The thing more important has been the possibility to make experiences in the use of mass media of this kind in order to tell and to introduce the past. Turning upside down the cognitive paradigm that I had learned in the humanistic studies, I have tried to desumere those that we will be able to call "universal laws" from the objective data emerged from these experiments. From epistemologico point of view computer science, with its ability to manage impressive masses of data, gives to the students the possibility to formulate of the hypotheses and then to assess them or to refute them through reconstructions and simulations. My job has gone in this direction, trying to know and to use instruments it puts into effect them that in the future they will have always greater presence in the communication (also scientific) and that they are the mass media of excellence for determined bands of ages (adolescent). Wanting to push to the end the terms we can say that the challenge that today the visual culture places to the traditional methods of making history is the same one that Erodoto and contrapposero Tucidide to the narrators of myths and legends. Before Erodoto the myth existed, that it was means perfectly adapted in order to tell and to give meant to the past of one tribe or one city. In a literary world post our acquaintance of the past is thin changing in the moment in which we see it represented from pixel or when the information gush not alone, but thanks to the interattività with means. Our ability as studious and students to perceive important ideas and guidelines often depend on the methods that we employ in order to represent the data and the evidence. Because the historians can obtain the benefit sottinteso to the 3D, however, they must develop a search agenda turns to assess that the 3D he supports theirs objects you of teaching investigators and. The experiences collections in the previous pages carry to not too much think that in a future far away an instrument to us as the computer will be the only means through which transmitting acquaintances, and from the didactic point of view its interattività concurs involvement in the students like no other modern mass media.
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Cologon, John J. „Therapist reflective functioning, therapist attachment and therapist effectiveness“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2013. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/63779/1/John_Cologon_Thesis.pdf.

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This study, for the first time, explored the relationship between reflective functioning of psychotherapists and their effectiveness as therapists. The findings revealed that greater therapist reflective functioning is associated with greater effectiveness and further, that therapist attachment anxiety interacts with reflective functioning to predict therapist effectiveness. This study has significant implications for the recruitment and training of therapists, both in Australia and overseas. Prior to this study, despite knowing that there are significant differences between psychotherapists in terms of effectiveness, we had had little understanding of the therapist attributes contributing to this difference.
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Fournier, Chantale. „La présence ou l'absence de projets d'avenir chez un groupe d'adultes ( 45 à 55 ans ) et un groupe de personnes âgées ( 70 ans et +)“. Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1990. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/5517/1/000584408.pdf.

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Levieils, Xavier. „Contra Christianos la critique sociale et religieuse du christianisme des origines au concile de Nicée (45 - 325)“. Berlin New York de Gruyter, 2003. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2997799&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Levieils, Xavier. „Contra Christianos : la critique sociale et religieuse du christianisme des origines au concile de Nicée (45 - 325) /“. Berlin [u.a.] : de Gruyter, 2007. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2997799&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Schneider, Alexsandro. „Seções globais para fluxos de Reeb dinamicamente convexos em $L(p, 1)$ e folheação $3-2^3$ no Hamiltoniano de Hénon-Heiles“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-04042018-171903/.

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Neste trabalho, mostramos que fluxos de Reeb dinamicamente convexos em um espaço lenticular $L(p, 1)$, $p>1$, admite uma órbita periódica de Reeb especial $P$ que é o binding de uma decomposição em livro aberto racional, com páginas tipo-disco tal que cada página é uma seção global. O índice de Conley-Zehnder da $p$-ésima iterada de $P$ é $3$. Como corolário, o fluxo de Reeb possui duas ou infinitas órbitas periódicas. Este resultado aplica-se ao Hamiltoniano de Hénon-Heiles, cujo fluxo restrito a energia baixa possui $Z_3$-simetria e define um fluxo de Reeb em $L(3, 1)$. Devido a $Z_4$-simetria aplicamos nosso resultado ao problema lunar de Hill regularizado. Na segunda parte deste trabalho investigamos a existência de uma folheação $3-2^3$ em níveis de energia no sistema Hamiltoniano de Hénon-Heiles, para energia logo acima da crítica. Provamos que certa região de interesse é uma hipersuperfície de contato. Provamos também que o fluxo de Reeb possui uma órbita periódica $Z_3$ simétrica, cujo índice de Conley-Zehnder é $3$ e possui número de auto-enlaçamento $-1$.
We show that a dynamically convex Reeb flow on a lens space $L(p, 1)$, $p>1$ admits a special closed Reeb orbit $P$ which is the binding of a rational open book decomposition with disk-like pages so that each page is a global surface of section. The Conley-Zehnder index of the $p$-th iterate of $P$ is $3$. As a corollary, the Reeb flow has $2$ or infinitely many closed Reeb orbits. This result applies to the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian whose flow restricted to low energy levels has $Z_3$-symmetry and descends to $L(3,1)$. Due to a $Z_4$-symmetry we also apply our results to Hill\'s lunar problem. In the second part of this work we investigate the existence of a $3-2^3$ foliation on energy levels of the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian, for energies above the critical one. We show that some region is of contact-type and the Reeb flow has a $Z_3$-symmetric periodic orbit, whose Conley-Zehnder is $3$ and has self-linking number $-1$.
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Sacchetto, Lucas Kaufmann. „Fundamentos da geometria complexa: aspectos geométricos, topológicos e analiticos“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-18062012-194224/.

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Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo detalhado dos fundamentos da Geometria Complexa, ressaltando seus aspectos geométricos, topológicos e analíticos. Começando com materiais preliminares, como resultados básicos sobre funções holomorfas de uma ou mais variáveis e a definição e primeiros exemplos de variedades complexas, passamos a uma introdução à teoria de feixes e sua cohomologia, ferramenta indispensável para o restante do trabalho. Após um estudo sobre fibrados de linha e divisores damos atenção à Geometria de Kähler e alguns de seus resultados centrais, como por exemplo o Teorema da Decomposição de Hodge, o Teorema ``Difícil\'\' e o Teorema das $(1,1)$-classes de Lefschetz. Em seguida, nos dedicamos ao estudo dos fibrados vetoriais complexos e sua geometria, abordando os conceitos de conexões, curvatura e Classes de Chern. Terminamos o trabalho descrevendo alguns aspectos da topologia de variedades complexas, como o Teorema dos Hiperplanos de Lefschetz e algumas de suas consequências.
The main goal of this work is to present a detailed study of the foundations of Complex Geometry, highlighting its geometric, topological and analytical aspects. Beginning with a preliminary material, such as the basic results on holomorphic functions in one or more variables and the definition and first examples of a complex manifold, we move on to an introduction to sheaf theory and its cohomology, an essential tool to the rest of the work. After a discussion on divisors and line bundles we turn attention to Kähler Geometry and its central results, such as the Hodge Decomposition Theorem, the Hard Lefschetz Theorem and the Lefschetz Theorem on $(1,1)$-classes. After that, we study complex vector bundles and its geometry, focusing on the concepts of connections, curvature and Chern classes. Finally, we finish by describing some aspects of the topology of complex manifolds, such as the Lefschetz Hyperplane Theorem and some of its consequences.
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Bonassi, Fernando Vieira. „Permutabilidade de quantidades aleatórias binárias e a falácia do apostador“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45133/tde-25032009-111920/.

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O elemento central deste estudo é o problema de predição em seqüências de variáveis aleatórias binárias (0-1). Modelos são estudados para esse tipo de situação e então relacionados com a Falácia do Apostador - um famoso caso de estudo da Psicologia (também conhecida como Lei da Maturidade). Estudos estatísticos anteriores propõem tal modelagem sob a perspectiva bayesiana. Neles, tem-se a suposição de permutabilidade infinita e, como conseqüência, a maturidade é um comportamento inadmissível. Neste estudo, um novo modelo é apresentado, no qual a crença do apostador não é necessariamente uma falácia. Este é o modelo preditivista usual de população finita e, portanto, somente quantidades com significado operacional (parâmetros operacionais) são envolvidas. Uma classe de prioris para o parâmetro operacional que resulta em modelos não estendíveis é apresentada. Trata-se de uma classe de distribuições que definimos como mais estreitas que a Binomial. Maturidade é uma conseqüência da crença em prioris dessa classe. Apresenta-se ainda uma subclasse referente às distribuições mais estreitas de segunda ordem que a Binomial. Para prioris dessa subclasse tem-se taxa de falha preditiva crescente, que pode ser interpretado como o resultado mais extremo de maturidade. Os resultados deste estudo podem contribuir para o julgamento de quão razoável é a suposição de permutabilidade infinita em relação ao típico comportamento humano. Outra principal contribuição está associada ao estudo de condições de estendibilidade em processos binários.
We study the problem of prediction in sequences of binary random variables. Models are studied for this kind of situation and then considered vis-à-vis the Gambler\'s Fallacy - a famous case study in Psychology (also known as Law of Maturity). Previous statistical studies proposed such modeling under the bayesian perspective. In them there is the assumption of exchangeability and, as a result, maturity is a inadmissible behavior. In this study, a new model in which the Gambler\'s belief need not be a fallacy is presented. This one is the usual finite population model and, therefore, only operationally meaningful quantities (operational parameters) are involved. A class of prior distributions for the operational parameter which yield non-extendable models is presented. It is a class of distributions which we defined as tighter than the Binomial. Maturity is a consequence of the belief in the prior distributions of this class. Furthermore, a subclass which refers to the distributions that are second-order tighter than the Binomial is presented. For prior distributions of this subclass the predictive failure rate is increasing, which can be interpreted as the most extreme case of maturity. The results of this study may contribute on the judgment of how reasonable the assumption of infinite exchangeability is relative to typical human perception. Another major contribution is related to the study on extendibility conditions in binary processes.
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Barbosa, Renato Lima. „O poder normativo da justiça do trabalho e a emenda constitucional n. 45 de 2004 /“. oai:ufpr.br:217694, 2006.

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Orientador : Wilson Ramos Filho
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cięncias Jurídicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Direito. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006
Inclui bibliografia
Área de concentraçăo: Direito das relaçőes sociais
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Schmautz, Maximilian Verfasser], Kathleen [Akademischer Betreuer] [Herkommer, Kathleen [Gutachter] Herkommer und Jürgen E. [Gutachter] Gschwend. „Prävalenz der erektilen Dysfunktion bei 45-jährigen Männern unter Einbeziehung von Risikofaktoren / Maximilian Schmautz ; Gutachter: Kathleen Herkommer, Jürgen E. Gschwend ; Betreuer: Kathleen Herkommer“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss-20180705-1357045-1-5.

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Hoviatdoost, Pejman. „Understanding mechanisms of change of Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2022. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/232623/1/Pejman_Hoviatdoost_Thesis.pdf.

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This program of research is the first to systematically evaluate a key process in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). The study developed a new methodology for identifying unlocking and the findings suggest that "unlocking" and "defense restructuring" may represent mechanisms of change in ISTDP case studies. A series of case studies revealed the nuances of "unlocking" and "defense restructuring" in a clinical setting. The findings of this research increase the overall understanding of mechanisms of change in ISTDP, contributing to the current body of scientific research in the area of psychotherapy process and outcome research.
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John, Helen Catherine. „Bodies, spirits, and the living landscape : interpreting the Bible in Owamboland, Namibia“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/21589.

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This study explores the relationship between Christianity and autochthonous (indigenous, pre-Christian) worldviews and practices amongst the Aandonga of Owamboland, Northern Namibia. Using participant contributions from a series of Contextual Bible Study (CBS) sessions (with groups of men, women, and children), and supplemented by ethnographic contextualisation, it challenges the oft-contended notion that Christian worldviews and practices have erased the significance of African Traditional Religion for Ndonga (or wider Owambo) communities. The enduring significance of autochthonous worldviews and practices is explored using responses to six biblical texts, each of which relates to at least one of three themes: bodies, spirits, and landscapes. The study examines feasting bodies (The Parable of the Wedding Banquet), bleeding bodies (The Haemorrhaging Woman), and possessed bodies (Legion). It considers possession spirits (Legion), natural spirits (the so-called ‘Nature Miracles’), and ancestor spirits (Resurrection appearances). Perspectives on landscapes are highlighted particularly in relation to aspects of the natural environment (the ‘Nature Miracles’) and the locations explored by an itinerant demoniac (Legion). Responses to the texts engender, inter alia, discussions of contemporary perspectives on diviner-healers (oonganga), witchcraft (uulodhi), the homestead (egumbo), burial grounds (omayendo, oompampa), spirits (iiluli, oompwidhuli), ancestors (aathithi), material agency (for example, apotropaic amulets), and the ‘traditional’ wedding (ohango). Having analysed the ways in which autochthonous worldviews informed participants’ interpretations of the particular texts considered (Matthew 22:1-14 & Luke 14:7-11; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:26-39; Mark 4:35-41 & 6:45-52; Luke 24), each set of interpretations is brought into conversation with professional biblical scholarship. The study therefore highlights the ways in which these grassroots, ‘contextual’ interpretations might nuance New Testament interpretations returned by the Academy, particularly by highlighting the highly contextual nature of the latter.
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Frank, Julia Diethild Verfasser], Kathleen [Akademischer Betreuer] [Herkommer, Kathleen [Gutachter] Herkommer und Jürgen E. [Gutachter] Gschwend. „Inanspruchnahme erfolgter Prostatakarzinom-Vorsorgeuntersuchungen 45-jähriger Männer in Abhängigkeit von soziodemographischen Charakteristika, Lebensstil Faktoren, Familienanamnese und Vorerkrankungen / Julia Diethild Frank ; Gutachter: Kathleen Herkommer, Jürgen E. Gschwend ; Betreuer: Kathleen Herkommer“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss-20180719-1415719-1-3.

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Zahn, Mauricio. „Geometria dos espaços de Banach C([0, α ], X) para ordinais enumeráveis &alpha“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45131/tde-27082015-102002/.

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A classificação isomorfa dos espaços de Banach separáveis C(K) é devida a Milutin no caso em que K são não enumeráveis e a Bessaga e Pelczynski no caso em que K são enumeráveis. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma extensão vetorial dessa classificação e tiramos várias consequências, por exemplo, considerando o espaço métrico compacto infinito K e Y um espaço de Banach:     1. Sendo 1 < p < ∞ e Γ um conjunto infinito, classificamos, a menos de isomorfismo, os espaços de Banach C(K, Y ⊕ lp(Γ)), quando o dual de Y contém uma cópia de lq, onde 1/p+ 1/q =1.     2. Classificamos os espaços de Banach C(K, Y ⊕ l∞(Γ)), quando a densidade de Y é estritamente menor que 2|Γ|.     3. Classificamos os espaços de Banach C(K ×(S⊕ βΓ)) e C(S ⊕ (K× βΓ)), onde S é um compacto disperso de Hausdorff arbitrário e βΓ é a compactificação de Stone-Cech de Γ. Obtemos, também, algumas leis de cancelamento para espaços de Banach da forma C(K1,X)⊕ C(K2,Y), onde K1 e K2 são espaços compactos métricos infinitos de Hausdorff e X, Y espaços de Banach satisfazendo condições adequadas. Estabelecemos também um teorema de quase-dicotomia envolvendo os espaços C(K,X), onde X tem cotipo finito. Finalmente, apresentamos algumas majorações nas distorções de isomorfismos positivos de C([0,ωk]) em C([0,ω]) e também de C([0,ω]) em C([0,ωk]), k∈ N, k ≥ 2.
The isomorphic classification of separable Banach spaces C(K) is due Milutin in the case when K are uncountable and to Bessaga and Pelczynski in the case when K are countable. In this work we prove a vectorial extention of this classification and provide several consequences, for example considering the infinite metric compact space K and Y a Banach space:     1. Let 1 < p < ∞ and Γ a infinite set, we classify, up to an isomorphism, the Banach spaces C(K, Y ⊕ lp(Γ)), in the case where the dual of Y contains no copy of lq, where 1/p+ 1/q =1.     2. We classify the Banach spaces C(K, Y ⊕ l∞(Γ)), when the density character of Y is strictly less that 2|Γ|.     3. We classify the Banach spaces C(K ×(S⊕ βΓ)) and C(S ⊕ (K× βΓ)) where S is an arbitrary dispersed compact and βΓ is the Stone-Cech compactification of Γ. We obtain also some cancellation laws for Banach spaces in the form C(K1,X)⊕ C(K2,Y), where K1 and K2 are metric compact Hausdorff spaces and X, Y Banach spaces satisfying appropriate conditions. We established also a quasi-dichotomy theorem envolving the C(K,X) spaces, where X is of finite cotype. Finally, we present some upper bounds of distortions of positive isomorphisms of C([0,ωk]) on C([0,ω]) and also of C([0,ω]) on C([0,ωk]), k∈ N, k ≥ 2.
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Meyer, Franziska von Verfasser], Kathleen [Akademischer Betreuer] [Herkommer, Kathleen [Gutachter] Herkommer und Jürgen E. [Gutachter] Gschwend. „Risikowahrnehmung und Besorgnis an Prostatakrebs zu erkranken in Abhängigkeit von einer familiären Vorbelastung und soziodemographischen Daten bei 45-jährigen Männern in Deutschland / Franziska von Meyer ; Gutachter: Kathleen Herkommer, Jürgen E. Gschwend ; Betreuer: Kathleen Herkommer“. München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss-20181002-1379386-1-6.

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Graf, Justin T. „Membrane associated transporter protein gene (SLC45A2) and the genetic basis of normal human pigmentation variation“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2008. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/25913/1/Justin_Graf_Thesis.pdf.

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This work is concerned with the genetic basis of normal human pigmentation variation. Specifically, the role of polymorphisms within the solute carrier family 45 member 2 (SLC45A2 or membrane associated transporter protein; MATP) gene were investigated with respect to variation in hair, skin and eye colour ― both between and within populations. SLC45A2 is an important regulator of melanin production and mutations in the gene underly the most recently identified form of oculocutaneous albinism. There is evidence to suggest that non-synonymous polymorphisms in SLC45A2 are associated with normal pigmentation variation between populations. Therefore, the underlying hypothesis of this thesis is that polymorphisms in SLC45A2 will alter the function or regulation of the protein, thereby altering the important role it plays in melanogenesis and providing a mechanism for normal pigmentation variation. In order to investigate the role that SLC45A2 polymorphisms play in human pigmentation variation, a DNA database was established which collected pigmentation phenotypic information and blood samples of more than 700 individuals. This database was used as the foundation for two association studies outlined in this thesis, the first of which involved genotyping two previously-described non-synonymous polymorphisms, p.Glu272Lys and p.Phe374Leu, in four different population groups. For both polymorphisms, allele frequencies were significantly different between population groups and the 272Lys and 374Leu alleles were strongly associated with black hair, brown eyes and olive skin colour in Caucasians. This was the first report to show that SLC45A2 polymorphisms were associated with normal human intra-population pigmentation variation. The second association study involved genotyping several SLC45A2 promoter polymorphisms to determine if they also played a role in pigmentation variation. Firstly, the transcription start site (TSS), and hence putative proximal promoter region, was identified using 5' RNA ligase mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-RACE). Two alternate TSSs were identified and the putative promoter region was screened for novel polymorphisms using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC). A novel duplication (c.–1176_–1174dupAAT) was identified along with other previously described single nucleotide polymorphisms (c.–1721C>G and c.–1169G>A). Strong linkage disequilibrium ensured that all three polymorphisms were associated with skin colour such that the –1721G, +dup and –1169A alleles were associated with olive skin in Caucasians. No linkage disequilibrium was observed between the promoter and coding region polymorphisms, suggesting independent effects. The association analyses were complemented with functional data, showing that the –1721G, +dup and –1169A alleles significantly decreased SLC45A2 transcriptional activity. Based on in silico bioinformatic analysis that showed these alleles remove a microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) binding site, and that MITF is a known regulator of SLC45A2 (Baxter and Pavan, 2002; Du and Fisher, 2002), it was postulated that SLC45A2 promoter polymorphisms could contribute to the regulation of pigmentation by altering MITF binding affinity. Further characterisation of the SLC45A2 promoter was carried out using luciferase reporter assays to determine the transcriptional activity of different regions of the promoter. Five constructs were designed of increasing length and their promoter activity evaluated. Constitutive promoter activity was observed within the first ~200 bp and promoter activity increased as the construct size increased. The functional impact of the –1721G, +dup and –1169A alleles, which removed a MITF consensus binding site, were assessed using electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and expression analysis of genotyped melanoblast and melanocyte cell lines. EMSA results confirmed that the promoter polymorphisms affected DNA-protein binding. Interestingly, however, the protein/s involved were not MITF, or at least MITF was not the protein directly binding to the DNA. In an effort to more thoroughly characterise the functional consequences of SLC45A2 promoter polymorphisms, the mRNA expression levels of SLC45A2 and MITF were determined in melanocyte/melanoblast cell lines. Based on SLC45A2’s role in processing and trafficking TYRP1 from the trans-Golgi network to stage 2 melanosmes, the mRNA expression of TYRP1 was also investigated. Expression results suggested a coordinated expression of pigmentation genes. This thesis has substantially contributed to the field of pigmentation by showing that SLC45A2 polymorphisms not only show allele frequency differences between population groups, but also contribute to normal pigmentation variation within a Caucasian population. In addition, promoter polymorphisms have been shown to have functional consequences for SLC45A2 transcription and the expression of other pigmentation genes. Combined, the data presented in this work supports the notion that SLC45A2 is an important contributor to normal pigmentation variation and should be the target of further research to elucidate its role in determining pigmentation phenotypes. Understanding SLC45A2’s function may lead to the development of therapeutic interventions for oculocutaneous albinism and other disorders of pigmentation. It may also help in our understanding of skin cancer susceptibility and evolutionary adaptation to different UV environments, and contribute to the forensic application of pigmentation phenotype prediction.
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Gonçalves, Fabricio Mota. „Evapotranspiração e coeficientes de cultivo (KC) da cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento subsuperficial“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFC, 2010. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/18596.

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GONÇALVES, Fabricio Mota. Evapotranspiração e coeficientes de cultivo (KC) da cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento subsuperficial. 2010. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em engenharia agrícola)- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, 2010.
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T20:13:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_fmgoncalves.pdf: 3909193 bytes, checksum: b818df330f21fcd52b71e61d84782c03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010
Sugar cane is one of the crops with the highest level of water consumption, with a high evapotranspiration demand throughout most of its cycle. Knowledge of the sugar cane water demand, the time that irrigation should be applied, and how to irrigate the crop are becoming increasingly important for the sustainable development of irrigated sugar cane cultivation, especially in areas of low water availability, as it is the case in northea stern Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the Curu Experimental Field (property of the Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry), located in the Curu-Paraipaba Irrig ation Project, city of Paraipaba-CE (3 ° 29 '20''S, 39 ° 9' 45''W and elevation 30m), in order to determine the evapotrans piration and crop coefficients (Kc) of sugarcane (Saccharum L. officinarium), subsurface drip-irrigated. It was used the SP 6949 sugar cane variety, planted in a spacing of 1.8 m between double rows and 0.4 m between rows within the double row. As to t he irrigation, we used one lateral water line for each double row, buried at a depth of 0.15 m, w ith self-compensating drip emitters, with a flow rate of 1 L h-1, spaced 0.5 m on the water line. The crop was irrigated daily and there were three fertigations per week. The irrigation de pth was periodically adjusted, keeping the soil water potential between -8 kPa to -20 kPa. The crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined using a wei ghing lysimeter with a surface area of 2.25 m 2. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The durations of the phenological stages of cane sugar were estimated through analysis of soil cover, with the use of digital images. Durations of 31, 49, 237 and 118 days were observed, respectively for initial, crop development, mid-season and late season stages. The yields achieved within and outside the lysimeter were respectively 144.4 and 108.8 t ha -1 . The total ETc observed during the cycle of the sugar cane was 1074.1 m m, with maximum values of 6.6 mm d-1 during the mid-season stage. Observed Kc values for initial, mid-season and late season stages were respectively 0.23, 1 .03 and 0.50. In the crop development stage, the relationship between Kc and the (crop) soil cover was represented with good accuracy by a negative quadratic model.
A cana-de-açúcar é uma das culturas com maior consumo de água, apresentando uma alta demanda evapotranspirativa ao longo da maior parte do seu ciclo. O conhecimento das necessidades hídricas da cana-de-açúcar, do momento de aplicação da água requerida pela mesma e a forma de aplicação torna-se cada vez mais importante para o desenvolvimento sustentável da sua produção irrigada, principalmente em regiões de pouca disponibilidade hídrica, como é o caso da região Nordeste do Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental do Curu, pertencente à Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical localizado no Perímetro Irrigado Curu-Paraipaba, município de Paraipaba-CE (3° 29’ 20’’ S, 39° 9’ 45’’ W e altitude de 30 m), com o objetivo de determinar a evapotranspiração e os coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarium L.), irrigada por gotejamento subsuperficial. Utilizou-se a variedade de cana SP 6949, plantada no espaçamento de 1,8 m entre fileiras duplas e 0,4 m entre linhas dentro da fileira dupla. Na irrigação utilizou-se uma linha lateral para cada fileira dupla, enterrada na profundidade de 0,15 m, com gotejadores autocompensantes, com vazão de 1 L h-1, espaçados de 0,5 m na linha. A cultura foi irrigada com freqüência diária e foram realizadas três fertirrigações por semana. A lâmina de irrigação foi ajustada periodicamente, mantendo-se o potencial de água no solo entre -8 kPa e -20 kPa. A evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) foi determinada utilizando-se um lisímetro de pesagem com área superficial de 2,25 m2. A evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) foi estimada pelo método FAO Penman-Monteith. As durações das fases fenológicas da cana-de-açúcar foram estimadas por meio da análise da cobertura do solo pela cultura, determinada com o uso de imagens digitais. Foram observadas durações de 31, 49, 237 e 118 dias, para as fases inicial, de desenvolvimento, intermediária e final, respectivamente. A produtividade alcançada dentro e fora do lisímetro foi de 144,4 e 108,8 t ha-1, respectivamente. A ETc total observada durante o ciclo da cana-de-açúcar foi de 1.074,1 mm, com valores máximos da ordem de 6,6 mm d-1 durante a fase intermediária. Foram observados valores de Kc iguais a 0,23, 1,03 e 0,50, para as fases inicial, intermediária e final, respectivamente. Na fase de desenvolvimento vegetativo a relação entre o Kc e a cobertura do solo pela cultura foi representada com bastante exatidão por um modelo quadrático negativo.
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Cudney, Shane, Daryl Kinsman und George Deibert. „Perspective vol. 45 no. 1 (Feb 2011)“. 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10756/251196.

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Cudney, Shane, Daryl Kinsman und George Deibert. „Perspective vol. 45 no. 1 (Feb 2011)“. 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10756/277685.

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„Arizona Land and People, Volume 45, Number 1 (1996)“. College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/295143.

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Chang, Yu-Yao, und 張譽耀. „Musical Analysis of Grieg Violin Sonata No.1 in c minor Op.45“. Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/a93eqz.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Nedle, Ajay, und 聶文傑. „1×2 3-D On-Chip Optical Path using Silicon Waveguide and 45° Reflectors“. Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/86648285223802404612.

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在論文中,我們提出一個光學連接器的模組,使用矽基波導傳輸,並搭配45度反射面擷取部分光源,達到一分為二分光器的效果。再來將與最近的研究做比較以討論此三維結構的優點與實際的應用層面。在結構的尺寸中,我們先使用光線追跡模擬軟體模擬判斷其結構在不同尺寸下的光耦合效率。 首先模擬的是尚未分光的長直波導,其設計的結構為梯形長直波導。此梯形波導的頂寬設計由35 μm至 75 μm,並搭配多模光纖做最後的收光,其模擬結果的光耦合效率從52.4%(35μm)到36.8%(75μm)。再來,當我們確認光源的準直誤差容忍度,首先以單模光纖作為入射光源,看光源的中心位置對應波導中心的偏移容忍度。如果我們以1dB最為分界點的時候發現,其橫向的誤差範圍約為-39 ~ 29 μm,縱向為-13.6 ~ 12.6 μm。 最後,我們在長直梯形波導中段,加上一個45度反射面擷取部分光源,達到一分為二的分光器效果,其最後光耦合效率的模擬結果,在中間擷取的光耦合效率約為8.65%(梯形頂寬35um)到27.6%(梯形頂寬75um),而末端所收到的光耦合效率剩下48%(梯形頂寬35um)到30.3%(梯形頂寬75um),由此我們可以發現到,在適度的結果範圍中,我們可以讓兩個接收面收到接近相同的光強,達到一分為二,且比例相同的分光效果。 最後的部分詳細列其製作的過程,從最初使用乾蝕刻畫出硬遮罩,接著以濕蝕刻製作其45度反射面,接著沉積二氧化矽(SiO2)作為絕緣層,以利未來搭配合適的IC達到整體都在同一片晶片上。製作完成之後,以光學顯微鏡與電子掃描顯微鏡(SEM),確認其製程的結果與平整度。最後量測的結果發現,兩個接收端可以達到1比1的光強,而光學耦合效率分別是為8%。
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Glover, Graham Brian. „The doctrine of duress in the law of contract and unjustified enrichment in South Africa“. Thesis, 2004. http://eprints.ru.ac.za/45/1/thesis.pdf.

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This thesis analyses the doctrine of duress and its application in the law of contract and unjustified enrichment in South Africa. Following an initial examination of the historical development of the doctrine from its roots in Roman and Roman-Dutch law, the study focuses on the current legal position in the two areas of law under review, identifies the substantive and formal deficiencies in the current approach, and suggests, using comparative authorities, how the law might be developed. As far as the law of contract is concerned, after exposing the difficulties inherent in the current approach, and placing the doctrine in its proper context in the South African law of contract generally, it is argued that the duress doctrine finds its juridical basis in the principle of good faith. A more modern and coherent test for duress is then proposed: one that concentrates on the question whether an illegitimate threat was made, which induced a contract in that it left the other person no reasonable choice but to succumb to the proposal. Additionally, the need for South African contract law to recognise and deal with cases of economic duress is emphasised. The study then shifts to an examination of the position in situations where non-contractual performances have occurred under duress: cases that are decided in terms of the principles of the law of unjustified enrichment. The current position is reviewed, and it is shown that the approach to duress cases is substantially different to the approach that applies in contract. An attempt is made to reconcile this problem. From a structural perspective, the nature and application of the relevant enrichment action where a non-contractual performance is made under duress (the condictio indebiti) is also investigated, in the light of approaches to enrichment adopted in both Germany and England, in an attempt to make better sense of this enrichment action in the South African context. The study closes with an analysis of the various contractual, delictual and enrichment remedies that are available once a case of duress has been proved.
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