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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "1-45"


Pianta, Robert C. „Issue 45/1“. Journal of School Psychology 45, Nr. 3 (Juni 2007): 267–68.

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Conagin, Armando, und Luís Alberto Ambrósio. „DELINEAMENTOS (1/32) 45, (3/64)45 E (1/16)45 EM BLOCOS DE 16 UNIDADES“. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE - Revista de Agricultura 79, Nr. 1 (24.03.2016): 106.

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Gomes, Peter J. „John 1:45–51“. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43, Nr. 3 (Juli 1989): 282–86.

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Editor, The. „Obituary News Vol 45(1)“. Bangladesh Medical Journal 45, Nr. 1 (30.07.2016): 60.

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Donovan, Stephen K., und Caroline Hensley. „Fossils explained 45: Gastropods 1“. Geology Today 19, Nr. 6 (November 2003): 223–26.

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Lindvall, Michael L. „Genesis 45:1–11, 15“. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67, Nr. 3 (Juli 2013): 281–83.

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Hoque, Seikh Azimul. „Notes & News Vol. 45(1)“. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 45, Nr. 1 (05.09.2021): 61.

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Park, Sang-June, Stephen Tenn, Luke Macyszyn, Andrew Lim, James Han, Puja Venkat, Alan Lee und Albert Chang. „PLEN03 Presentation Time: 1:45 PM“. Brachytherapy 20, Nr. 3 (Mai 2021): S33—S34.

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Park, Sang-June. „PLEN03 Presentation Time: 1:45 PM“. Brachytherapy 20, Nr. 3 (Mai 2021): S3.

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Reddy-Best, Kelly L. „Welcome to Vol. 45, No. 1“. Dress 45, Nr. 1 (02.01.2019): i—ii.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "1-45"


Iberico, Rodriguez Rodolfo R. „Estabilización y recuperación de taludes en carreteras, caso "IIrsa norte tramo nº 1 km 45+690 - km 45+830“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2015.

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El presente trabajo de Tesis busca determinar los tipos de fallas geotécnicas que se presentan en los diferentes taludes dentro del sistema vial en el Perú, de la misma forma busca analizar las posibles causas de estos problemas geotécnicos que se manifiestan a través de movimientos de taludes ocasionando deslizamientos y desprendimientos de material que afectan las carreteras, poniendo en riesgo la seguridad de los usuarios y en muchos casos impidiendo la transitabilidad de la vía. Se busca establecer los factores que influyen y contribuyen a la inestabilidad de los taludes, se hizo énfasis en tres agentes decisivos como los son la hidrología del sector, la geología tanto local como regional y la sismicidad, se determinó que el principal agente en la inestabilidad de taludes es el agua, la presencia o no de este elemento tiene directa influencia en el aumento de presiones internas dentro del material, así como resta capacidad de resistencia a los taludes y dependiendo del tipo de suelo que presente un sector inestable puede determinar la magnitud del daño en el sector. La segunda parte de la Tesis es la aplicación de la teoría a un sector inestable real que afecta una carretera en la selva norte del Perú, a la cual se aplicaron estudios de geotecnia a través de ensayos de laboratorio, se le hizo un mapeo geológico por observación y cartas nacionales, y por medio de esta información se diagnosticó el tipo de falla, así como sus causas y se procedió a proyectar obras con el fin de estabilizar el talud y asegurar la carretera. Por último se hicieron ensayos de estabilidad en el sector crítico en estado natural y con las obras proyectadas a fin de demostrar la efectividad de las obras proyectadas y el cumplimiento de los factores de seguridad.
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Gagné, René. „Jadis synchrones, désormais GALS, les architectures de FPGA“. Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2009.

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Il est de plus en plus difficile de répondre à la demande conflictuelle de circuits plus grands et plus rapides par les avancées seules des technologies des semi-conducteurs. À un certain point, on s'attend à ce que les concepteurs et les fabricants doivent abandonner la méthodologie de conception synchrone traditionnelle pour une méthodologie localement synchrone globalement asynchrone (GALS). De tels changements engendrent plus de contraintes de synchronisation, mais également plus de flexibilité. En conséquence, une méthodologie pour l'implémentation de composants GALS sur FPGA synchrones traditionnels est d'abord présentée. Les objecfifs sont de définir un ensemble minimal de composants asynchrones de base, de permettre leur implémentation et d'établir les contraintes et les limitations de tels circuits. Les résultats de simulation confirment que des conceptions GALS implémentées à l'aide de ressources du FPGA (tableau de correspondance et bascules) et des outils courants de placement et routage permettent l'implémentation de composants asynchrones tels que la ligne à retard, l'élément C de Muller et l'arbitre. Ces composants peuvent être implémentés dans des FPGA synchrones traditionnels tant que ces conceptions sont soumises à des contraintes appropriées et qu'elles sont ufilisées en fonction des limitations du circuit. Pour atteindre de meilleures performances, une nouvelle architecture de FPGA compatible avec les dispositifs synchrones existants et qui soufient intrinsèquement les conceptions GALS est présentée. L'objecfif principal est simple : l'architecture proposée doit apparaître inchangée pour les concepfions synchrones, mais doit inclure un ensemble minimal de composants de base pour empêcher la métastabilité lors de communicafions asynchrones. Les résultats de simulation, d'un générateur d'horloge qui peut être arrêté, sont présentés. Tous ces résultats démontrent qu'avec très peu de circuits adaptés, une cellule standard de FPGA peut devenir appropriée pour les méthodologies GALS. Un circuit de masquage des aléas temporels est finalement présenté pour masquer la métastabilité et les problèmes de synchronisafion. Le but est de définir un circuit capable de mettre, physiquement, en application les contraintes qui masquent les sources de métastabilité de façon à ce que la synchronisafion paraisse transparente. Les résultats de simulation confirment qu'un tel circuit peut masquer totalement toutes les sources de métastabilité sans dégradafion des performances, mais avec une latence apparentée au temps nécessaire à la stabilisation d'une bascule de mémoire.
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Carone, Simona <1976&gt. „Analisi di varianti strutturali e di sequenza in geni candidati per l'autismo sul cromosoma 2q“. Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007.

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Jaunet, Vincent. „Etude d'un jet rectangulaire supersonique à nombre de Mach 1. 45 vectorisé par actionneur fluidique“. Poitiers, 2010.

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La vectorisation de poussée par actionneurs fluidiques permet d'accroître la manœuvrabilité des appareils tout en minimisant l'impact sur la masse de l'engin. La petite dimension de la section d'éjection d'une tuyère rectangulaire a été modifiée et équipée d'un actionneur pneumatique, dans l'objectif d'étudier la vectorisation en lacet du jet. Les performances en vectorisation du jet sont investiguées par l'intermédiaire de mesures par vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV) ; les résultats d'une modélisation numérique RANS, associés aux visualisations expérimentales, permettent d'établir un scénario des mécanismes responsables de la mise en mouvement de l'écoulement. Une discussion quant aux limitations du dispositif peut alors être apportée. Les résultats d'une campagne de mesure par vélocimétrie laser Doppler dans le sillage de l'actionneur permettent de quantifier l'impact de la vectorisation sur la couche de mélange. Il s'avère, de plus, que les modifications apportées à la buse génèrent un réseau de chocs particulier qui, associé à l'acoustique se propageant dans la partie subsonique de l'écoulement, impose au jet un battement transversal bidimensionnel très important. La dynamique de ce battement est étudiée par l'intermédiaire d'une analyse par décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs propres (POD) appliquée à des visualisations strioscopiques. On démontre alors le couplage entre le battement du jet et les ondes acoustiques non linéaires dans la région subsonique. Cette dynamique se révèle très robuste, puisque encore présente en régime vectorisé
Thrust vectoring by fluidic actuators enhances aircraft motion abilities while minimizing the impact on its weight. The small size of the exhaust section of a rectangular nozzle was modified and equipped with a pneumatic actuator, with the aim of studying the yaw vectoring of the jet. The vectoring performances of the jet are investigated by particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements; results from a RANS computation, combined with experimental visualizations, are used in order to establish a scenario of the mechanisms responsible of the movement of the flow. A discussion on the limitations of the device is given. Results of a laser Doppler velocimetry measurement campaign in the wake of the actuator, permits to quantify the impact of vectoring in the mixing layer development. Moreover, it is shown that the nozzle modifications generate a specific shock waves pattern that, associated with the acoustic propagating in the subsonic flow, is responsible for proper orthogonal decomposition analysis applied to Schlieren visualizations, and PIV measurements. Such post-processing put forward the coupling between the flapping of the jet and non linear acoustic waves in the subsonic region of the flow. This coupling is so robust that it still governs the flow when the jet is vectored
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Zelada, Rojas Luis Alberto. „Diseño de 1 km. de pavimento, carretera Juliaca - Puno (Km 44+000 – Km. 45+000)“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019.

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Novembre, Valerio. „Three essays on the implemetation process of the Basel II capital accord“. Thesis, IMT Alti Studi Lucca, 2008.

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The aim of the thesis is to analyze the implementation process of Basel II so to understand whether and to what extent national discrepancies might cause problems of competitive neutrality and thus invalidate the significant level of harmonization in capital adequacy regulation which was successfully achieved by Basel I. To achieve this result, this work looks at three different issues. The first paper looks at the negotiation process of an international soft law agreement and tries to understand whether it is able to explain its implementation results in terms of the actual degree of compliance across different countries. A game theory coordination model is suggested as a theoretical answer to this question, while the two Basel Accord cases are used to test the model empirically. The appreciation of the circumstances that led to the two Accords is proved as indicative of the reasons behind the widespread adoption of the Basel I Accord as opposed to the piecemeal implementation of Basel II. The aim of the second paper is then focus on the actual implementation of Basel II and to analyze how its second Pillar is likely to impact the banking industry in Europe. It finds evidence of a piecemeal implementation of Pillar II rules across Member States (MSs) which, in turn, is able to cause an alteration of the level playing field among banks depending on the country they are incorporated in,. It concludes that there is a clear case for further harmonization not only by reducing the extent of national discretions at the regulatory level, but more importantly in building up further arrangements for supervisory convergence and coordination. With the third paper the attention is finally drawn to possible problems of competitive neutrality arising from the fact that under Basel II "standardized" banks' level of capital is indirectly determined by rating agencies. Being their predictions often inconsistent one with the other, banks can in principle enact regulatory arbitrage strategies. And despite minimum standards are required by means of a common recognition process, the consistency of national authorities' assessment is still not guaranteed and banks might thus be provided with undue regulatory capital relief. A more institutional answer is needed if Europe wants in real fact to ensure competitive neutrality across MSs.
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Gangl, Katharina, Eva Hofmann, Groot Manon de, Gerrit Antonides, Sjoerd Goslinga, Barbara Hartl und Erich Kirchler. „Taxpayers' Motivations Relating to Tax Compliance: Evidence from Two Representative Samples of Austrian and Dutch Self-Employed Taxpayers“. University of Exeter Business School, 2015.

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Tax compliance is assumed to be shaped by three main motivations to comply: enforced, voluntary, and committed motivation. Taxpayers, who hold an enforced motivation to comply, only pay taxes because of audits and fines for non-compliance. Voluntary motivated taxpayers respect the law and pay taxes because it is the easiest option. Committed motivation represents an intrinsic motivation, whereby taxpayers feel a moral obligation and responsibility to be honest. However, little and inconsistent empirical research exists on the relationship between motivations and tax compliance. The present paper empirically examines the connection between motivations and reported tax compliance based on data from two representative samples of 500 self-employed Austrian taxpayers and 1,377 Dutch entrepreneurs. Results show that an enforced motivation is negatively related to tax compliance, whereas a committed motivation is positively related to compliance. Contrary to expectations, voluntary motivation is not related to tax compliance. Based on the present outcomes it is suggested that tax authorities should present themselves as legitimate and benevolent in order to decrease enforced motivations and to foster committed motivations and subsequent high tax compliance.
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Silva, Leonardo de Almeida Ferreira e. [UNESP]. „Exigências nutricionais e operacionais para a produção de etanol pela levedura IQ-Ar/45-1 a partir do melaço em batelada alimentada“. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:17:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_laf_me_araiq.pdf: 881872 bytes, checksum: 1ed668293818af00e17546ddfe67a5f2 (MD5)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os resultados descritos neste trabalho para a produção de etanol utilizando-se a levedura IQ-AR/45-1, forneceram informações sobre os melhores suplementos nutricionais e melhor tamanho de inóculo para a fermentação em batelada alimentada. Dadas as variações na composição do melaço e o uso de uma nova levedura, faz-se necessário o estudo de suas exigências nutricionais em processos fermentativos. Experimentos preliminares em batelada simples mostraram que a adição de DAP diminuiu o tempo de fermentação, estimulou o acúmulo da biomassa e produção de etanol enquanto o ZnSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação, e aumentou o acúmulo de etanol elevando a produtividade. A adição de MgSO4.7H2O produziu mais etanol, melhorou o rendimento alcoólico e a produtividade. Estes resultados obtidos em batelada simples foram transferidos para o sistema em batelada alimentada. A melhor vazão do melaço 20 % em ART foi de 0,40 mL.min-1 para um volume final de trabalho de 100,0 mL. O aumento da temperatura de fermentação de 34 ºC para 37 ºC em meio suplementado com DAP e ZnSO4.7H2O ou DAP e MgSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação e a biomassa produzida, porém, com menor rendimento e maior produtividade de etanol. O tamanho do inóculo foi estudado com meio suplementado a 34ºC. As melhores condições foram obtidas no processo em batelada alimentada a 34ºC no qual foi utilizado melaço clarificado com ácido sulfúrico e uma quantidade de inóculo de (23,7±0,1) g.L-1 que levou a um tempo de fermentação de 5 horas. Nestas condições, o rendimento alcoólico foi de (79,1±0,7) % e a produtividade de (16,17±0,56) g.L-1 .h-1
The results of the fermentative processes for ethanol production using the yeast IQ-AR/45-1, provided information about the best nutritional supplementation and inoculum size for the batch fermentation. Due to the differences in the sugarcane molasses and the use of a new yeast strain, it was necessary to study the nutritional requirements of the new yeast. Previous experiments in batch fermentation showed that the DAP addition reduced the fermentation time, enhanced the biomass and ethanol production while the ZnSO4.7H2O reduced the fermentation time and increased both the ethanol production and productivity. The addiction of MgSO4.7H2O to the molasses increased the ethanol yield and enhanced the productivity. These results obtained in batch cultures were assayed in fed-batch fermentation. Using 20 % molasses (TRS), the best flow was 0.40 mL.min-1 for a final working volume of 100.0 mL. When molasses supplemented with DAP and ZnSO4.7H2O or DAP and MgSO4.7H2O was used in the fed-batch experiments, the raise in the temperature from 34 ºC to 37 ºC led to decreases in the fermentation time, production of biomass, and ethanol yield followed by increases in ethanol productivity. The best inoculum size to the ethanol fermentation was (23.7±0.1) g.L-1 which led to a yield of (79.1±0.7) % and productivity of (16.17±0.56) g.L-1 .h-1
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Silva, Leonardo de Almeida Ferreira e. „Exigências nutricionais e operacionais para a produção de etanol pela levedura IQ-Ar/45-1 a partir do melaço em batelada alimentada /“. Araraquara : [s.n.], 2010.

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Resumo: Os resultados descritos neste trabalho para a produção de etanol utilizando-se a levedura IQ-AR/45-1, forneceram informações sobre os melhores suplementos nutricionais e melhor tamanho de inóculo para a fermentação em batelada alimentada. Dadas as variações na composição do melaço e o uso de uma nova levedura, faz-se necessário o estudo de suas exigências nutricionais em processos fermentativos. Experimentos preliminares em batelada simples mostraram que a adição de DAP diminuiu o tempo de fermentação, estimulou o acúmulo da biomassa e produção de etanol enquanto o ZnSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação, e aumentou o acúmulo de etanol elevando a produtividade. A adição de MgSO4.7H2O produziu mais etanol, melhorou o rendimento alcoólico e a produtividade. Estes resultados obtidos em batelada simples foram transferidos para o sistema em batelada alimentada. A melhor vazão do melaço 20 % em ART foi de 0,40 mL.min-1 para um volume final de trabalho de 100,0 mL. O aumento da temperatura de fermentação de 34 ºC para 37 ºC em meio suplementado com DAP e ZnSO4.7H2O ou DAP e MgSO4.7H2O diminuiu o tempo da fermentação e a biomassa produzida, porém, com menor rendimento e maior produtividade de etanol. O tamanho do inóculo foi estudado com meio suplementado a 34ºC. As melhores condições foram obtidas no processo em batelada alimentada a 34ºC no qual foi utilizado melaço clarificado com ácido sulfúrico e uma quantidade de inóculo de (23,7±0,1) g.L-1 que levou a um tempo de fermentação de 5 horas. Nestas condições, o rendimento alcoólico foi de (79,1±0,7) % e a produtividade de (16,17±0,56) g.L-1 .h-1
Abstract: The results of the fermentative processes for ethanol production using the yeast IQ-AR/45-1, provided information about the best nutritional supplementation and inoculum size for the batch fermentation. Due to the differences in the sugarcane molasses and the use of a new yeast strain, it was necessary to study the nutritional requirements of the new yeast. Previous experiments in batch fermentation showed that the DAP addition reduced the fermentation time, enhanced the biomass and ethanol production while the ZnSO4.7H2O reduced the fermentation time and increased both the ethanol production and productivity. The addiction of MgSO4.7H2O to the molasses increased the ethanol yield and enhanced the productivity. These results obtained in batch cultures were assayed in fed-batch fermentation. Using 20 % molasses (TRS), the best flow was 0.40 mL.min-1 for a final working volume of 100.0 mL. When molasses supplemented with DAP and ZnSO4.7H2O or DAP and MgSO4.7H2O was used in the fed-batch experiments, the raise in the temperature from 34 ºC to 37 ºC led to decreases in the fermentation time, production of biomass, and ethanol yield followed by increases in ethanol productivity. The best inoculum size to the ethanol fermentation was (23.7±0.1) g.L-1 which led to a yield of (79.1±0.7) % and productivity of (16.17±0.56) g.L-1 .h-1
Orientador: Cecília Laluce
Coorientador: Reinaldo Marchetto
Banca: Leinig Antonio Perazolli
Banca: Douglas Wagner Franco
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Song, Tse Gun. „Sinai Covenant and Moab Covenant : an exegetical study of the Covenants in Exodus 19:1-24:11 and Deuteronomy 4:45-28:69“. Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 1992.

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This thesis is basically an exegetical study of two texts in Ex 19:1-24:11 and Dt 4:45-28:69. In Chapter 1 methodological issues about this thesis are considered. Hermeneutical problems of narrative texts in the OT are handled shortly in order to prepare the exegesis of these two texts. In Chapter 2 the Sinai covenant pericope (Ex 191-24: 11) is dealt with. The present context of Ex demands that the covenant making is initiated in Ex 19. The first section (Ex 19: 3-8) concerns the preliminary proposal and acceptance of. the covenant relationship between YHWH and Israel. There is a transitional bridge (Ex 19:8b-10a) between this first section and the second one (Ex 19: 9-25). The second section should be defined, not as the theophany, but as the meeting of the two covenant parties. After God's direct law-giving (the decalogue Ex 20: 1-17), which is the first covenant stipulation, the people demand Moses' mediatorship through which the subsequent laws (Ex 20: 22-23: 33), the second covenant stipulation, are given indirectly. These sections are connected through the prediction (Ex 199a) - fulfilment (Ex 19: 20-25,2018-21) scheme. Further these sections are connected with the final section in, Ex 24 with the macroscopic (Ex 19: 24) - semi-microscopic (Ex 241) - microscopic point of view (Ex 24: 9-11). Ex 24.3-8 is about the covenant ratification ceremony performed through the mediation of Moses by the participation of the junior Israelites (`the youngmen of Israel' Ex 24: 5a), and Ex 249-11 is the audience of the senior Israelites (`the nobles of Israel' Ex 24: 11) with YHWH (`God of Israel') after that ratification of the covenant. In Chapter 3 the Moab covenant pericope (Dt 4:4 5-286: 9), marked by the heading (Dt 4:4 5) and the colophon (Dt 28:6 9), is studied. After the geographical, historical information (Dt 4: 45-49) the law itself is directly introduced (Dt 5ff.). In this section the authority of Moses demanded by the people is justified in order to prepare for the Hauptgebot pericope (Dt 6-11). Dt 26: 17-19 is about the mutual declaration of the covenant relationship 'and this section gives the framework for the following section (Dt 27-28) which is about the variable or cultic element of covenant, the ratification ceremony. Dt 27: 1-8 reports some aspects of that ceremony (offering, covenant document, meal). And here and in Dt 27: 9-10 the elders and the levitical priests, "who speak jointly with Moses, receive the authority to perform the future covenant ceremony in Shechem. Dt 2711-13 is the future pronouncement of the blessing and curse whose text is in Dt 283: -6,16-19A. nd Dt 27: 14-26 contains the oath formula which will be pronounced by the levitical priests and responded by the people., In Chapter 4 a comparative study of both texts is undertaken. In general it is asked whether the covenant is the common theme of both texts. In detail it is investigated whether there is a similarity between the two texts in their themes, theological frameworks, and structure, and also how far the detailed descriptions of each section are different. Finally the historical relationship between the two pericopes is investigated.
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Bücher zum Thema "1-45"


Breyer, Siegfried. Die Kaiserliche Marine und ihre Grossen Kreuzer. Wo lfersheim-Berstadt: Podzun - Pallas, 1997.

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Vila, María Inés Silva. Cuarenta y cinco por uno: 45 x 1. [Montevideo, Uruguay]: Editorial Fin de Siglo, 1993.

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Auerbach, William, und Lee Archer. Panzerwrecks: German armour 1944-45 : Ostfront : Normandy 1. Monroe: Panzerwrecks, 2009.

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Against conceptual poetry: 45 1/4 degrees of universe. Denver: Counterpath, 2014.

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Bevis, Mark. British and Commonwealth Armies, 1939-45: Supplement Volume 1. Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom: Helion and Company Ltd., 2005.

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Saebyŏk 1-si 45-pun, na ŭi kŭrim sanch'aek. Sŏul: Hongik Ch'ulp'ansa, 2019.

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Moscinski, Jerzy. Radziecki ciezki krazownik Krasnyj Krawkaz. Wyszków: BS Firma Wydawniczo-Handlowa, 2001.

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Mayda, Giuseppe. Norimberga: Processo al Terzo Reich : 20 novembre '45-1 ottobre '46. Milano: Mursia, 1996.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Hrsg. 107-1 Hearing: Where Are U.S.-China Relations Headed?, S. Hrg. 107-45, May 1, 2001. [S.l: s.n., 2001.

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Elmer, Seth. Vibration Teachings 1-45. Independently Published, 2018.

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Buchteile zum Thema "1-45"


Hirota, E., K. Kuchitsu, T. Steimle, J. Vogt und N. Vogt. „45 CH2OS Carbon monoxide – hydrogen sulfide (1/1)“. In Molecules Containing No Carbon Atoms and Molecules Containing One or Two Carbon Atoms, 276. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Demaison, J. „45 CO4S Carbon monoxide – sulfur trioxide (1/1)“. In Symmetric Top Molecules, 113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Kullar, Peter, Joseph Manjaly, Livy Kenyon, Joseph Manjaly, Peter Kullar, Joseph Manjaly und Peter Kullar. „Data and Picture Interpretation Stations: Cases 1–45“. In ENT OSCEs, 103–96. 3. Aufl. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.

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Hirota, E., K. Kuchitsu, T. Steimle, J. Vogt und N. Vogt. „45 C6F8 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6-Octafluorobicyclo[2.2.0]hex-1(4)-ene“. In Molecules Containing Three or Four Carbon Atoms and Molecules Containing Five or More Carbon Atoms, 212. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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„45–1“. In International Sales Law, 388–91. Routledge-Cavendish, 2007.

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„1. [chapitre 1-45]“. In Le "Livre des Etats" de don Juan Manuel de Castille, 21–82. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.

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„Tafeln 1–45“. In Innovationen in der Privatplastik, 297–341. Harrassowitz, O, 2014.

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SHANCHI, P., L. BABCOCK und L. HUANLING. „Volume 1: Plate 45“. In Polymerid Trilobites from the Cambrian of Northwestern Hunan, China, 296–97. Elsevier, 2006.

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Memmius, C. „45 (1 Bl., C.)“. In Fragments of Roman Poetry c.60 BC–AD 20, herausgegeben von Adrian S. Hollis. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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„Supplemental Case 45–1“. In QuEST/SCHOLAR-MAC Case Studies for the 18th edition of the Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs. 2215 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-2985: The American Pharmacists Association, 2015.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "1-45"


Henke, Doug, Stéphane Claude, Frank Jiang, David Dousset und Fillipo Rossi. „Component development for ALMA Band 1 (31-45 GHz)“. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, herausgegeben von Wayne S. Holland und Jonas Zmuidzinas. SPIE, 2010.

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Dwiraharjo, Susanto, und Liyus Waruwu. „Restoration of the Wounded and Social Assistance Mark 1: 40 – 45“. In 1st International Conference on Education, Society, Economy, Humanity and Environment (ICESHE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Zhang, Hongxian, Xuwu Liu und Xinwu Huang. „Applications of multi‐azimuth VSP technology in reservoir production for Well Yi 45‐1‐3 at target area Yi‐45“. In Beijing 2009 International Geophysical Conference and Exposition. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2009.

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Aliabadi, Adel, und Reza Sabbaghi. „Designing a STT-MTJ 2:1 multiplexer in 45 nm technology node“. In 2015 International Congress on Technology, Communication and Knowledge (ICTCK). IEEE, 2015.

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Kim, Youngin, und Hua Wang. „Design of 1×16 optical phased array in 45-nm SOI CMOS“. In Silicon Photonics XIX, herausgegeben von Graham T. Reed und Andrew P. Knights. SPIE, 2024.

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Rehman, S. U., M. M. Khafaji, V. Ries, A. Ferchichi, F. Protze, C. Carta und F. Ellinger. „A 20 Gb/s 3.8 pJ/bit 1:4 Demux in 45-nm CMOS“. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE, 2019.

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Fu, Wen-Lung, Lesley M. Wright und Je-Chin Han. „Heat Transfer in Two-Pass Rotating Rectangular Channels (AR=1:2 and AR=1:4) With 45° Angled Rib Turbulators“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2004.

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This paper reports the heat transfer coefficients in two-pass rotating rectangular channels (AR=1:2 and AR=1:4) with rib roughened walls. Rib turbulators are placed on the leading and trailing walls of the two-pass channel at an angle of 45° to the flow direction. Four Reynolds numbers are considered from 5000 to 40000. The rotation numbers vary from 0.0 to 0.3. The ribs have a 1.59 by 1.59 mm square cross section. The rib height-to-hydraulic diameter ratios (e/Dh) are 0.094 and 0.078 for AR=1:2 and AR=1:4, respectively. The rib pitch-to-height ratio (P/e) is 10 for both cases, and the inlet coolant-to-wall density ratio (Δρ/ρ) is maintained around 0.115. For each channel, two channel orientation are studied, 90° and 45° with respect to the plane of rotation. The results show that the rotation effect increased the heat transfer on trailing wall in the first pass, but reduced the heat transfer on the leading wall. For AR=1:4, the minimum heat transfer coefficient was 25% of the stationary value. However, the rotation effect reduced the heat transfer difference between the leading and trailing walls in the second pass.
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Su, Guoguang, Hamn-Ching Chen, Je-Chin Han und James D. Heidmann. „Computation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Two-Pass Rotating Rectangular Channels (AR=1:1, AR=1:2, AR=1:4) With 45-deg. Angled Ribs by Reynolds Stress Turbulence Model“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2004.

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Numerical predictions of three-dimensional flow and heat transfer are presented for rotating two-pass rectangular channel with 45-deg rib turbulators. Three channels with different aspect ratios (AR=1:1; AR=1:2; AR=1:4) were investigated. Detailed predictions of mean velocity, mean temperature, and Nusselt number for two Reynolds numbers (Re = 10,000 and Re = 100,000) were carried out. The rib height is fixed as constant and the rib-pitch-to-height ratio (P/e) is 10, but the rib height-to-hydraulic diameter ratios (e/Dh) are 0.125, 0.094, and 0.078, for AR=1:1, AR=1:2, and AR=1:4 channel, respectively. The channel orientations are set at 90 deg, corresponding to the cooling passages between mid-portion and the leading edge of a turbine blade. The rotation number varies from 0.0 to 0.28 and the inlet coolant-to-wall density ratio varies from 0.13 to 0.40, respectively. The primary focus of this study is the effect of the channel aspect ratio on the nature of the flow and heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular ribbed channel under rotating conditions. A multi-block Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method was employed in conjunction with a near-wall second-moment turbulence closure to provide detailed resolution of the Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat fluxes induced by the rib turbulators under both the stationary and rotating conditions.
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Liu, C., Z. Tao und X. Hu. „Abstract P2-08-45: Malic enzyme 1 is a potential metastasis-related biomarker of breast cancer“. In Abstracts: 2018 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; December 4-8, 2018; San Antonio, Texas. American Association for Cancer Research, 2019.

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Allaei, D., D. Tarnowski, J. Scipioni, R. Tomassoni und L. Potter. „45. Design and Implementation of the Noise and Vibration Reduction Solutions in the MINNTAC Facilities — Part 1“. In AIHce 2000. AIHA, 2000.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "1-45"


Hibben, Stuart G. Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 45, Part 1. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 1991.

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Bell, K. E. 45-Day safety screening for Tank 241-B-102 auger samples, riser 1. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1994.

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Dunmire, H., R. Samuels und J. Shaffer. Environmental Evaluation of the RICOR/CRYO-TEK 1/4-Watt Split Cooler (CT-45). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1989.

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AIR UNIV LIBRARY MAXWELL AFB AL. Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals. January - March 1994. Volume 45, Number 1. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 1994.

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SGC, Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Mapa Geomorfológico aplicado a movimientos en masa escala 1:100.000. Plancha 45 San Pedro. Producto. Bogotá: Servicio Geológico Colombiano, September 2016.

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Putz, Sabine. IEA-SHC INFO SHEET 45.C.1 - Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems. IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Dezember 2014.

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Putz, Sabine. IEA-SHC TECH SHEET 45.C.1 - Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems. IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Dezember 2014.

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SGC, Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Cartografía Geológica de la Plancha 45 San Pedro Departamentos de Sucre y Bolívar. Escala 1:100.000. Producto. Versión 2015. Bogotá: Servicio Geológico Colombiano, März 2015.

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Bland, Barbara, und Patrik Börjesson. Trålundersökning av fisk i Västerhavet : International Bottom Trawl Survey 2023 kvartal 1. Institutionen för akvatiska resurser, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2023.

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IBTS trålexpedition i Västerhavet genomförs två gånger årligen, i kvartal 1 och 3 och täcker Skagerrak, Kattegatt och delar av östra Nordsjön. Den franska bottentrålen GOV används för fisket dagtid. Under kvartal 1 används också en mindre finmaskig trål nattetid för provtagning av primärt sill-larver. Under expeditionen genomfördes totalt 46 godkända tråldrag med GOV-trålen, 5 i Nordsjön, 22 i Skagerrak och 19 i Kattegatt. Den totala fångsten uppgick till drygt 14,9 ton (nästan 45 % utgjordes av sillfiskar) och inkluderade 69 fiskarter. Den biologiska provtagningen som också innefattar insamling av otoliter för åldersbestämning, gjordes på de kommersiellt betydelsefulla arterna. Totalt togs 5479 otoliter från 11 olika arter. Preliminära abundansindex på 1-gruppen hos målarterna beräknades. Larvtrålningen resulterade i 47 godkända tråldrag, 67 sillarver, 493 sardinlarver, 5 glasålar men inga skarpsillslarver.
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Bava, Federico, Simon Furbo und Alfred Brunger. IEA-SHC INFO SHEET 45.A.1 - Correction of collector efficiency depending on fluid type, flow rate and collector tilt. IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Februar 2015.

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