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Han, Cheongho, Andrzej Udalski, Doeon Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Andrew Gould et al. „Three microlensing planets with no caustic-crossing features“. Astronomy & Astrophysics 650 (Juni 2021): A89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140758.

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Aims. We search for microlensing planets with signals exhibiting no caustic-crossing features, considering the possibility that such signals may be missed due to their weak and featureless nature. Methods. For this purpose, we reexamine the lensing events found by the KMTNet survey before the 2019 season. From this investigation, we find two new planetary lensing events, KMT-2018-BLG-1976 and KMT-2018-BLG-1996. We also present the analysis of the planetary event OGLE-2019-BLG-0954, for which the planetary signal was known but no detailed analysis had previously been presented. We identify the genuineness of the planetary signals by checking various interpretations that can generate short-term anomalies in lensing light curves. Results. From Bayesian analyses conducted with the constraint from available observables, we find that the host and planet masses are (M1, M2) ~ (0.65 M⊙, 2 MJ) for KMT-2018-BLG-1976L, ~(0.69 M⊙, 1 MJ) for KMT-2018-BLG-1996L, and ~(0.80 M⊙, 14 MJ) for OGLE-2019-BLG-0954L. The estimated distance to OGLE-2019-BLG-0954L, 3.63−1.64+1.22 kpc, indicates that it is located in the disk, and the brightness expected from the mass and distance matches the brightness of the blend well, indicating that the lens accounts for most of the blended flux. The lens of OGLE-2019-BLG-0954 may be resolved from the source by conducting high-resolution follow-up observations in and after 2024.
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Tanderup, K. „SP-0954 Above the diaphragm“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 170 (Mai 2022): S847. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(22)04065-8.

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Thriveni, Mallegowdanakoppalu C., Sampathkumar Deepa, Ganesan Thanavendan, G. Ravikumar und B. T. Sreenivasa. „Characterization and Evaluation of Mulberry Genetic Resources for the Identification of Promising Accessions“. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 36, Nr. 01 (09.12.2023): 85–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i01.12.

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Mulberry is a dioecious species but, is usually cultivated as low bush or dwarf tree form by repeated pruning. Apart from its importance in silkworm rearing, it is also valued for its delicious fruits, medicinal properties in infusions, and ornamental shade tree. The conservation of mulberry genetic resources for future use and their subsequent usage in plant breeding are two critical areas of action in any genetic resource management programme. The current study used morphological, reproductive, anatomical, biochemical, propagation, growth, and yield variables to know the potential value of 22 mulberry accessions. Based on multiple trait analysis, the accessions MI-0946, MI-0945, MI-0953, MI-0948, MI-0935, MI-0948, MI-0936 and MI-0952 were identified as top performers for anatomy, propagation, biochemical, growth and yield parameters. These accessions may serve as potential parents for the future breeding program.
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Gabuzda, D. C., P. Yu Kochanev und R. I. Kollgaard. „VLBI Observations of Intraday Variability“. International Astronomical Union Colloquium 164 (1998): 265–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0252921100045486.

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AbstractIntegrated VLA measurements during our 6 cm global VLBI polarization observations of the intraday variable sources 0716+714, 0917+624, and 0954+658 indicate that although there were no significant total intensity variations during the 24-hour VLBI experiment, the polarization for all three sources varied substantially. Independent polarization images made for 2–3 hour segments show that there were no variations on VLBI scales for 0716+714 or 0954+658, but that there were appreciable variations in the VLBI core of 0917+624, which correlate well with the integrated variations in the simultaneous VLA data.
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Bastien, L., R. Théoret und R. Godbout. „0954 Sleep of Gifted Children Using Actigraphy“. Sleep 43, Supplement_1 (April 2020): A362—A363. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.950.

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Abstract Introduction Intellectual giftedness is characterized by an intellectual development superior to peers (QI > 120) while emotional and relational development corresponds to the age norms. Anecdotal reports from parents suggest that they sleep poorly compared to typically developing (TD) peers. We measured sleep of gifted children using actigraphy. Methods Thirteen gifted children (10 boys, mean age = 10.58, SD = 2.11) were studied. Giftedness was identified using Renzulli’s three-factor definition of giftedness conceptualise in terms of above-average ability and high levels of task commitment (refined or focused form of motivation), and creativity. Sleep was measured with actigraphy for two weeks and compared to normative data from TD children using T-tests. Results Compared to normative data from TD children, gifted children had a significantly shorter sleep latency (p < 0.001), longer sleep periods (p = 0.001), shorter total sleep time and more wake time after sleep onset (p = 0.03). These differences were present both on week nights and weekend nights except that total sleep time was shorter in gifted children only during weekends (p < 0.001). Conclusion These data suggest that gifted children sleep poorly, and more so upon weekends. Whether this correlates with daytime functioning remains to be determined. Support N/A
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Ahnen, M. L., S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli, C. Arcaro, D. Baack, A. Babić, B. Banerjee et al. „Detection of the blazar S4 0954+65 at very-high-energy with the MAGIC telescopes during an exceptionally high optical state“. Astronomy & Astrophysics 617 (September 2018): A30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201832624.

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Aims. The very high energy (VHE ≳100 GeV) γ-ray MAGIC observations of the blazar S4 0954+65, were triggered by an exceptionally high flux state of emission in the optical. This blazar has a disputed redshift of z = 0.368 or z ≥ 0.45 and an uncertain classification among blazar subclasses. The exceptional source state described here makes for an excellent opportunity to understand physical processes in the jet of S4 0954+65 and thus contribute to its classification. Methods. We investigated the multiwavelength (MWL) light curve and spectral energy distribution (SED) of the S4 0954+65 blazar during an enhanced state in February 2015 and have put it in context with possible emission scenarios. We collected photometric data in radio, optical, X-ray, and γ-ray. We studied both the optical polarization and the inner parsec-scale jet behavior with 43 GHz data. Results. Observations with the MAGIC telescopes led to the first detection of S4 0954+65 at VHE. Simultaneous data with Fermi-LAT at high energy γ-ray (HE, 100 MeV < E < 100 GeV) also show a period of increased activity. Imaging at 43 GHz reveals the emergence of a new feature in the radio jet in coincidence with the VHE flare. Simultaneous monitoring of the optical polarization angle reveals a rotation of approximately 100°. Conclusions. The high emission state during the flare allows us to compile the simultaneous broadband SED and to characterize it in the scope of blazar jet emission models. The broadband spectrum can be modeled with an emission mechanism commonly invoked for flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), that is, inverse Compton scattering on an external soft photon fieldfrom the dust torus, also known as external Compton. The light curve and SED phenomenology is consistent with an interpretation of a blob propagating through a helical structured magnetic field and eventually crossing a standing shock in the jet, a scenario typically applied to FSRQs and low-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (LBL).
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González, J. Becerra, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, W. Boschin, R. Clavero, J. Otero-Santos, J. A. Carballo-Bello und L. Domínguez-Palmero. „Optical spectral characterization of the gamma-ray blazars S4 0954+65, TXS 1515−273, and RX J0812.0+0237“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, Nr. 4 (06.05.2021): 5258–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab1274.

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ABSTRACT The study of gamma-ray blazars is usually hindered due to the lack of information on their redshifts and on their low-energy photon fields. This information is key to understand the effect on the gamma-ray absorption due to either extragalactic background light and/or intrinsic absorption and emission processes. All this information has also an impact on the determination of the location of the emitting region within the relativistic jets. In this work, a new optical spectroscopic characterization is presented for three gamma-ray blazars: S4 0954+65, TXS 1515−273, and RX J0812.0+0237. For all the three targets, the redshift determination is successful, and for the first time in the case of TXS 1515−273 and RX J0812.0+0237. Their classification as BL Lac type is confirmed based on these new optical spectra. For S4 0954+65 (z = 0.3694 ± 0.0011), an estimation on the disc, broad-line region, and torus luminosities is performed based on the observed optical emission lines. The results from this study are compatible with the nature of S4 0954+65 as a transitional blazar. In the case of TXS 1515−273 (z = 0.1281 ± 0.0004), although its optical spectrum is dominated by the continuum emission from the jet, applying the pPXF technique, the stellar population can be unveiled and is compatible with an old and metallic population. It is also the case of RX J0812.0+0237 (z = 0.1721 ± 0.0002). Moreover, this work confirms that the optical spectrum from RX J0812.0+0237 is compatible with an extreme blazar classification.
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Гаген-Торн, В. А., В. М. Ларионов, А. А. Архаров, Е. И. Гаген-Торн, Д. А. Блинов, Д. А. Морозова, Ю. В. Троицкая, Л. О. Такало und А. Силланпяя. „Оптическая переменность блазара S4 0954+658 в 2008–2012 гг.“ Астрономический журнал 92, Nr. 06 (2015): 514–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.7868/s0004629915050035.

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Vlasyuk, V. V., Yu V. Sotnikova, A. E. Volvach, O. I. Spiridonova, V. A. Stolyarov, A. G. Mikhailov, Yu A. Kovalev et al. „Optical and Radio Variability of the Blazar S4 0954+658“. Astrophysical Bulletin 78, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2023): 464–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/s1990341323600229.

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Morozova, Daria, Valeri Larionov, Svetlana Jorstad, Alan Marscher, Yulia Troitskaya, Ivan Troitskiy, Dmitriy Blinov, Georg Borman und Mark Gurwell. „Optical Outburst of the Blazar S4 0954+658 in Early 2015“. Galaxies 4, Nr. 3 (03.09.2016): 24. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/galaxies4030024.

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Hagen-Thorn, V. A., V. M. Larionov, A. A. Arkharov, E. I. Hagen-Thorn, D. A. Blinov, D. A. Morozova, Yu V. Troitskaya, L. O. Takalo und A. Sillanpyää. „Optical variability of the blazar S4 0954+658 in 2008–2012“. Astronomy Reports 59, Nr. 6 (Juni 2015): 551–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/s1063772915050030.

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Вольвач, А. Е., В. С. Бычкова, М. Г. Ларионов, Н. С. Кардашев, Л. Н. Вольвач, В. В. Власюк, О. И. Спиридонова et al. „Нестационарное излучение блазара S4 0954+658 в широком диапазоне длин волн“. Астрономический журнал 93, Nr. 12 (2016): 1012–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.7868/s0004629916120069.

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Cox, Rebecca, Brandon Aylward, Isabella Macarelli und Michele Okun. „0954 Associations Between Sleep Duration and Timing and Postpartum Anxiety Symptoms“. SLEEP 47, Supplement_1 (20.04.2024): A409. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0954.

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Abstract Introduction Postpartum anxiety is understudied and underdiagnosed in postpartum women, despite being more common than postpartum depression. Given associations between postpartum anxiety and adverse maternal and infant outcomes, it is crucial to identify patterns and predictors of postpartum anxiety. We examined the associations between sleep duration and timing and postpartum anxiety over 6 months following delivery. Methods Pregnant women (n=147; 30-39 weeks) with a history of depression completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 monthly following delivery for 6 months. Sleep duration and timing were extracted from the PSQI. Sleep timing was calculated as the midpoint between sleep onset and offset. In a multilevel model, sleep duration and timing were person-mean centered at level 1 (month level) and grand-mean centered at level 2 (participant level). Level 1 included main effects of time, sleep duration and timing, and interactions between time and person-mean centered sleep duration and timing and time and grand-mean centered sleep duration and timing. Level 2 included main effects of sleep duration and timing. Depression symptoms were included as a covariate at both levels. Results The intraclass correlation for anxiety symptoms was .46, supporting the use of a multilevel model. Anxiety symptoms increased over time (p&lt;.001). Months with shorter sleep duration were associated with higher concurrent anxiety symptoms (p&lt;.001). The effect of sleep duration on anxiety symptoms varied over time, such that those with shorter sleep duration reported higher anxiety symptoms than those with longer sleep duration in early postpartum months, whereas anxiety symptoms increased during later postpartum months regardless of sleep duration. Sleep timing was not significantly associated with anxiety symptoms (p&gt;.05). Conclusion Postpartum anxiety increased over time, suggesting such symptoms are not transient features of the immediate postpartum period and highlighting the need to identify predictors. Shorter sleep duration may signal risk for elevated postpartum anxiety on a monthly timescale, particularly during early postpartum months. Treatments aimed at promoting sleep to improve postpartum anxiety may be most effective if targeted at early postpartum months. Future research should replicate these findings with objective sleep measures. Support (if any) Happiest Baby, Inc.; NIH T32 HL149646
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O'SULLIVAN, S. P., und D. C. GABUZDA. „PARSEC-SCALE INVESTIGATION OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD STRUCTURE OF SEVERAL AGN JETS“. International Journal of Modern Physics D 17, Nr. 09 (September 2008): 1553–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218271808013145.

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Multi-frequency (4.6, 5, 5.5, 8, 8.8, 13, 15, 22 & 43 GHz) polarization observations of six "blazars" were obtained on the American Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) over a 24-hr period on 2 July 2006. Observing at several frequencies, separated by short and long intervals, enabled reliable determination of the distribution of Faraday rotation on a range of scales. In all cases the magnitude of the RM increases in the higher frequency observations, implying that the electron density and/or magnetic field strength is increasing as we get closer to the central engine. After correcting for Faraday rotation, the polarization orientation in the jet is either parallel or perpendicular to the jet direction. A transverse rotation measure (RM) gradient was detected in the jet of 0954+658, providing evidence for the presence of a helical magnetic field surrounding the jet. For three of the sources (0954+658, 1418+546, 2200+420), the sign of the RM in the core region changes in different frequency-intervals, indicating that the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field is changing with distance from the base of the jet. We suggest an explanation for this in terms of bends in a relativistic jet surrounded by a helical magnetic field; where there is no clear evidence for pc-scale bends, the same effect can be explained by an accelerating/decelerating jet.
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Fiedler, Ralph, Brian Dennison und Kenneth Johnston. „Extreme Scattering Events“. Symposium - International Astronomical Union 129 (1988): 301–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0074180900134771.

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Dally flux density measurements of 36 extragalactic radio sources over a seven year period, obtained by the Green Bank interferometer, reveal several unusual minima in the light curves that do not follow typical source variations (Fiedler et al. 1987). The most significant departure from typical source variability occurred at both frequencies in the quasar 0954+658 between 1980.95 and 1981.3. Refractive focussing by small scale inhomogeneities in an ionized structure in the interstellar medium appears to be the most likely explanation.
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Bachev, Rumen, Anton Strigachev, Evgeni Semkov, Rosa Dimitrova, Georgi Latev, Borislav Spassov und Blagovest Petrov. „The Extremes in Intra-Night Blazar Variability: The S4 0954+65 Case“. Galaxies 4, Nr. 3 (26.08.2016): 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/galaxies4030013.

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Cimò, Giuseppe, T. Beckert, T. P. Krichbaum, L. Fuhrmann, A. Kraus, A. Witzel und J. A. Zensus. „A Very Rapid Extreme Scattering Event in the IDV Source 0954+658“. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 19, Nr. 1 (2002): 10–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/as01097.

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AbstractExtreme scattering events (ESEs) are dramatic variations of the flux density at gigahertz frequencies caused by ray path distortions within an isolated inhomogeneity (‘plasma lens’) in the interstellar medium. These events are characterised by a deep flux density minimum in the light curve with, in some cases, surrounding maxima. The variability time scales range from weeks to months. These phenomena show a strong frequency dependence, in which the variability amplitudes increase with wavelength. During an intraday variability (IDV) monitoring project (March 2000), a feature resembling an ESE-like event appeared in the variable light curve of 0954+658, however with a time scale of less than two days. We will discuss this effect and its implications for a better description of the interstellar medium.
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Morozova, D. A., V. M. Larionov, I. S. Troitsky, S. G. Jorstad, A. P. Marscher, J. L. Gómez, D. A. Blinov et al. „THE OUTBURST OF THE BLAZAR S4 0954+658 IN 2011 MARCH-APRIL“. Astronomical Journal 148, Nr. 3 (22.07.2014): 42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/148/3/42.

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Leroi, N., A. Noel, S. Blacher, E. Lenaerts, P. Coucke und P. Martinive. „PO-0954: Impact of neoadjuvant radiotherapy on tumor inflammatory microenvironment and metastases“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 111 (2014): S128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(15)31072-0.

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Kishore, Shubham, Alok C. Gupta und Paul J. Wiita. „Detection of Quasiperiodic Oscillations in the Blazar S4 0954+658 with TESS“. Astrophysical Journal 943, Nr. 1 (01.01.2023): 53. http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aca809.

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Abstract We report the detection of several quasiperiodicities around 0.6–2.5 days in the optical emission of the blazar S4 0954+658. The source was observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite in six sectors and it showed these features in all but one of them, with a quasiperiodic oscillation of 1.52 days apparently present in portions of four of them. We used the generalized Lomb–Scargle periodogram method to search for significant signals and we confirmed them using a weighted wavelet transform for time–frequency domain analyses. We discuss several possible explanations for these rapid quasiperiodic variations and suggest that an origin in the innermost part of the accretion disk is most likely. Within this framework, we provide estimates for the mass of the black hole at the core of this blazar.
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Marchenko, S. G., A. P. Marscher, J. R. Mattox, A. E. Wehrle und W. Xu. „Multi-Epoch VLBA Observations of γ-Ray Bright Blazars“. International Astronomical Union Colloquium 164 (1998): 67–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0252921100044560.

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AbstractWe have investigated the sub-milliarcsecond scale structure of 41 γ-ray bright blazars with the VLBA at frequencies of 22, 43, and occasionally 8.4 GHz. All of the blazars have dominant, unresolved (less than 0.1 to 0.2 milliarcsec) cores, with the exception of 0954+556, which has no structure apparent on scales less than about 1 milliarcsec. Some have prominent jets, others show only faint secondary components or no non-core structure at all. Apparent velocities have been measured for 13 sources. These range from no detected motion to > 25c.
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Sousa, F., I. Azevedo, D. Moreira, B. Castro, A. Laranja, J. Conde, V. Castro und H. Pereira. „PO-0954: Occult Primary Breast Carcinoma with axillary involvement: two different treatment approaches.“ Radiotherapy and Oncology 152 (November 2020): S510. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)00972-5.

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Volvach, A. E., L. N. Volvach und M. G. Larionov. „Parameters of binary systems in 0235+164, 0528+134 and 0954+658 blazars“. Infocommunications and Radio Technologies 1, Nr. 1 (2018): 7–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/icrt.2018.01.1.01.

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Ivanenko, A., L. Kek und J. Grosrenaud. „0954 LONG-TERM USE OF MODAFINIL AND ARMODAFINIL IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH NARCOLEPSY.“ Sleep 40, suppl_1 (28.04.2017): A354—A355. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sleepj/zsx050.953.

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Hartt, William H. „Analytical Evaluation of Time-to-Corrosion for Chloride-Exposed Reinforced Concrete with an Admixed Corrosion Inhibitor: Part 2—Consideration of Diffusional Inhibitor Egress“. CORROSION 70, Nr. 2 (Februar 2014): 156–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.5006/0954.

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Raiteri, C. M., M. Villata, V. M. Larionov, S. G. Jorstad, A. P. Marscher, Z. R. Weaver, J. A. Acosta-Pulido et al. „The complex variability of blazars: time-scales and periodicity analysis in S4 0954+65“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, Nr. 4 (06.05.2021): 5629–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab1268.

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ABSTRACT Among active galactic nuclei, blazars show extreme variability properties. We here investigate the case of the BL Lac object S4 0954+65 with data acquired in 2019–2020 by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration. The 2-min cadence optical light curves provided by TESS during three observing sectors of nearly 1 month each allow us to study the fast variability in great detail. We identify several characteristic short-term time-scales, ranging from a few hours to a few days. However, these are not persistent, as they differ in the various TESS sectors. The long-term photometric and polarimetric optical and radio monitoring undertaken by the WEBT brings significant additional information, revealing that (i) in the optical, long-term flux changes are almost achromatic, while the short-term ones are strongly chromatic; (ii) the radio flux variations at 37 GHz follow those in the optical with a delay of about 3 weeks; (iii) the range of variation of the polarization degree and angle is much larger in the optical than in the radio band, but the mean polarization angles are similar; (iv) the optical long-term variability is characterized by a quasi-periodicity of about 1 month. We explain the source behaviour in terms of a rotating inhomogeneous helical jet, whose pitch angle can change in time.
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Papadakis, I. E., V. Samaritakis, P. Boumis und J. Papamastorakis. „Multi-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658“. Astronomy & Astrophysics 426, Nr. 2 (11.10.2004): 437–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20040446.

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Landoni, M., R. Falomo, A. Treves, R. Scarpa und D. Reverte Payá. „WHAT IS THE REDSHIFT OF THE GAMMA-RAY BL LAC SOURCE S4 0954+65?“ Astronomical Journal 150, Nr. 6 (18.11.2015): 181. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/150/6/181.

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Gabuzda, D. C., P. Y. Kochenov, R. I. Kollgaard und T. V. Cawthorne. „VLBI and VLA observations of intraday polarization variability in 0917+624 and 0954+658“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 315, Nr. 2 (21.06.2000): 229–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03400.x.

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Bajkova, Anisa T., und Alexander B. Pushkarev. „Multifrequency synthesis algorithm based on the generalized maximum entropy method: application to 0954+658“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 417, Nr. 1 (01.09.2011): 434–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.19280.x.

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Wang, Y., S. Tadimalla, L. Holloway und A. Haworth. „MO-0954 Impact of androgen deprivation therapy on Imaging treatment response following prostate radiotherapy“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 182 (Mai 2023): S802—S803. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(23)08494-3.

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Zhao, P. Y., T. S. Li, S. Shanmugam, S. Kathannan, R. X. Lan und I. H. Kim. „0954 Effect of dietary flaxseed oil on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and meat quality in pigs“. Journal of Animal Science 94, suppl_5 (01.10.2016): 459. http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jam2016-0954.

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Volvach, A. E., V. S. Bychkova, M. G. Larionov, N. S. Kardashev, L. N. Volvach, V. V. Vlasyuk, O. I. Spiridonova et al. „Non-stationary emission of the blazar S4 0954+658 over a wide range of wavelength“. Astronomy Reports 60, Nr. 12 (24.11.2016): 1035–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/s1063772916120052.

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Schleicher, U., M. Türker, E. Bosch, W. Hürter, L. Paas und A. Sauerwald. „PO-0954: Breast IORT by HDR-afterloading with a balloon catheter applicator is well tolerated“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 106 (März 2013): S368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(15)33260-6.

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Jiang, L., S. Lu, J. Lu, W. Hu, J. Wang, Y. Chen und K. Zhao. „PO-0954 A Prediction Model of Acute Esophageal Toxicity in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 133 (April 2019): S516—S517. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(19)31374-x.

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Sjöberg, F., D. Malipatlolla, G. Steineck und C. Bull. „PO-0954: A model to study long-term impact of radiation towards the colorectal area“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 123 (Mai 2017): S527—S528. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(17)31391-9.

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Gong, Yunlu, Shiting Tian, Liancheng Zhou, Tingfeng Yi und Jun Fang. „Two Transient Quasi-periodic Oscillations in γ-Ray Emission from the Blazar S4 0954+658“. Astrophysical Journal 949, Nr. 2 (25.05.2023): 39. http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/acca7b.

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Abstract In this work, we report periodicity search analyses in the gamma-ray light curve of the blazar S4 0954+658 in monitoring undertaken by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Four analytical methods and a tool are adopted to detect any periodic flux modulation and corresponding significance level, revealing: (i) a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) of 66 days with a significance level of >5σ spanning over 600 days from 2015 to 2016 (MJD 57,145–57,745), resulting in continuous observation of nine cycles, which is one of the longest cycles discerned in blazar gamma-ray light curves; (ii) a possible QPO of 210 days at a moderate significance of ∼3.5σ, which lasted for over 880 days from 2020 to 2022 (MJD 59,035–59,915) and for four cycles. In addition, we discuss several physical models to explain the origin of the two transient QPOs and conclude that a geometrical scenario involving a plasma blob moving helically inside the jet can explain the timescale of the QPO.
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Bratland, Å., H. A. Eide und J. A. Kyte. „PO-0954 REPORT; REirradiation and PD-1 blockade On Recurrent squamous cell head and neck Tumors“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 161 (August 2021): S795. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)07405-3.

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Mukherjee, R., H. D. Aller, M. F. Aller, D. L. Bertsch, W. Collmar, S. W. Digel, B. L. Dingus et al. „EGRET gamma-ray sources: GRO J0744+54 and GRO J0957+65 (= BL Lacertae object 0954+658)“. Astrophysical Journal 445 (Mai 1995): 189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/175685.

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Ciardo, D., M. A. Gerardi, S. Vigorito, R. Ricotti, M. C. Leonardi, A. Morra, V. Dell'Acqua et al. „PO-0954: Evaluation of specific and general-purpose atlases for automatic segmentation in breast cancer radiotherapy“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 115 (April 2015): S502—S503. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(15)40946-6.

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Bachev, Rumen. „Violent intranight optical variability of the blazar S4 0954+65 during its unprecedented 2015 February outburst“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 451, Nr. 1 (11.05.2015): L21—L24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slv059.

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Calderone, G., G. Ghisellini, M. Colpi und M. Dotti. „B2 0954+25A: a typical Fermi blazar or a γ-ray loud Narrow Line Seyfert 1≟“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 424, Nr. 4 (16.07.2012): 3081–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.21456.x.

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Apolle, R., M. Rehm, J. Thiele, S. Brückner, J. Hampe und E. Troost. „PO-0954: Fiducial markers and daily kV imaging improve patient setup during proton RT of esophageal cancer“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127 (April 2018): S521—S522. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(18)31264-7.

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Costa, P., A. M. N. Syed, H. Chang, B. Schwartzberg, A. Bremner, S. Boylan, C. Lopez-Penalver et al. „PO-0954: Early results of a multi-center trial of IORT using electronic brachytherapy for breast cancer“. Radiotherapy and Oncology 119 (April 2016): S464. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(16)32204-6.

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Kesavadev, J., B. Saboo, S. R. Joshi, A. Shankar, G. Krishnan, G. Sanal, J. Lally, A. Basanth und S. Jothydev. „IDF2022-0954 Points in Range (PIR) as an alternative to Time in Range in Resource limited settings“. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 197 (März 2023): 110358. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2023.110358.

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SHIN, I. G., Y. H. RYU, A. UDALSKI, M. ALBROW, S. M. CHA, J. Y. CHOI, S. J. CHUNG et al. „A SUPER-JUPITER MICROLENS PLANET CHARACTERIZED BY HIGH-CADENCE KMTNET MICROLENSING SURVEY OBSERVATIONS OF OGLE-2015-BLG-0954“. Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society 49, Nr. 3 (30.06.2016): 73–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.5303/jkas.2016.49.3.73.

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Okuda, Shoki, Jumpei Tetsuka, Kenichi Takahashi, Yasuo Toda, Takekazu Kubo und Shigeru Tokita. „0954 Association between Sleep Disturbance in Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Burden on and Health Status of Their Caregivers“. Sleep 42, Supplement_1 (April 2019): A383—A384. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsz067.952.

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Mikuš, Tomislav, Lidija Kozačinski, Željka Cvrtila, Silvijo Vince, Branimira Špoljarić, Sonja Perkov, Mirjana Marijana Kardum Paro, Daniel Špoljarić, Luka Pajurin und Maja Popović. „The influence of season and age on the levels of lipids, lipoproteins and enzymes in the serum of Lička pramenka sheep“. Veterinarski arhiv 91, Nr. 1 (15.02.2021): 31–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.24099/vet.arhiv.0954.

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This study aimed to identify seasonal and age related variability in triglycerides (TRI), paraoxonase (PON), stimulated PON (PON I) and cholesterol (CHOL, HDL, LDL) in extensively reared Lička pramenka sheep. The study was conducted 30 randomly chosen non-gravid Lička pramenka sheep on an extensive farm, grouped into three age groups in the Karlovac County, Croatia. Blood was collected by venepuncture of the jugular vein, twice in one year - the first sampling in spring (April) and the second in autumn (October). The results showed that age had no significant effect on any of the investigated indicators, while seasonality significantly affected five out of the six parameters examined. Significantly higher levels of serum lipid components in autumn can be explained by the influence of the traditional way of rearing and feeding Lička pramenka sheep. Furthermore, the results of PON I in all three age groups showed that the sheep are well adapted to the environment and to the rearing system. Future research should be carried out on higher number of farms, and should include more sheep in order to determine objective benchmarks for serum lipids and the enzymes connected to those lipids.
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Mdodo, Rennatus, Emma L. Frazier, Shanta R. Dube, Christine L. Mattson, Madeline Y. Sutton, John T. Brooks und Jacek Skarbinski. „Cigarette Smoking Prevalence Among Adults With HIV Compared With the General Adult Population in the United States“. Annals of Internal Medicine 162, Nr. 5 (03.03.2015): 335. http://dx.doi.org/10.7326/m14-0954.

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RPrabhu, Rohit, und C. N. Ravikumar. „A Novel Extended Biometric Approach for Human Character Recognition using Fingerprints“. International Journal of Computer Applications 77, Nr. 1 (18.09.2013): 37–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.5120/13361-0954.

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