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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "00938"


Rahaman, AA Abdul, OM Olaniran und FA Oladele. „Growth and leaf epidermal response of three Sesamum indicum varieties to industrial effluent irrigation“. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 52, Nr. 1 (08.04.2017): 1–6.

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The effect of industrial effluents was studied with respect to growth and leaf anatomy of three Sesamum indicum varieties (NGB 00931, NGB 00937 and NGB 00939). Industrial effluents (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) from two industries are used to irrigate the plants. Although, the control plants possessed larger leaves and longer stems than the effluent-treated plants, at lower concentration, the plant growth is relatively higher. Gradual decrease in the germination of seeds and seedling growth with increase in effluent concentration was observed. The best germination and seedling growth was observed at the 25% concentration. Leaf epidermal features (stomatal density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome density, tricome index, trichome size and number of epidermal cells) are more influenced in the effluent-treated plants than in the control plants from the Peace Standard Pharmaceutical Industry than in the effluent from the Global Soap & Detergent Industry. Thus the industrial effluents can be safely used for irrigation purposes with proper treatment and dilution at 25%.Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 52(1), 1-6, 2017
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Chang, M. Y., L. Y. Chang, Y. C. Huang, K. M. Lin und C. H. Cheng. „Chair-Sitting Exercise Intervention Does Not Improve Respiratory Muscle Function in Mechanically Ventilated Intensive Care Unit Patients“. Respiratory Care 56, Nr. 10 (01.10.2011): 1533–38.

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Pearl, Michael L. „Commentary on an Article by Marybeth Ezaki, MD, et al.: “OnabotulinumtoxinA Injection as an Adjunct in the Treatment of Posterior Shoulder Subluxation in Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy”“. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 92, Nr. 12 (September 2010): e17(1)-e17(2).

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Jo, Chris Hyunchul, und Ji Sun Shin. „Cross-Sectional Area of the Supraspinatus Muscle After Rotator Cuff Repair“. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 95, Nr. 19 (Oktober 2013): 1785–91.

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Rahme, Hans, Per Mattsson, Lars Wikblad, Jan Nowak und Sune Larsson. „Stability of Cemented in-Line Pegged Glenoid Compared with Keeled Glenoid Components in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty“. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 91, Nr. 8 (August 2009): 1965–72.

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Izawa, Takuya, Koji Nakayama, Noritaka Uchida und Kazuhiro Nojima. „Photoreactivities of the Antiseptics Dehydroacetic Acid and Sodium Dehydroacetate Used in Cosmetics“. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 66, Nr. 5 (01.05.2018): 581–84.

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Seo, Kyuhwa, Suho Seo, Sung Hwan Ki und Sang Mi Shin. „Compound C Increases Sestrin2 Expression via Mitochondria-Dependent ROS Production“. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 39, Nr. 5 (2016): 799–806.

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Tanaka, Toru, Naoki Maekawa, Taito Kashio, Kohei Izawa, Ryosuke Ishiba, Keisuke Shirakura, Kenji Ishimoto et al. „Tumor Necrosis Factor α Induces the Expression of the Endothelial Cell-Specific Receptor Roundabout4 through the Nuclear Factor-κB Pathway“. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 40, Nr. 4 (2017): 504–9.

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Pei, Qinyu, Rui Wang, Chunhua Shu, Xiuying Pei, Xue Li und GuoJing Gou. „The Cell Death Phenotype of MGC-803 Cells Inducing with “Dextran-Magnetic Layered Double Hydroxide-Fluorouracil” Drug Delivery System and Fluorouracil“. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 42, Nr. 8 (01.08.2019): 1282–94.

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XUE, QiKun, Ke HE und YaYu WANG. „Topological insulator and the quantum anomalous Hall effect“. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, Nr. 35 (01.12.2014): 3431–41.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "00938"


Aleknavičiūtė, Aušra. „Kauno miesto miškų absorbcinės gebos įvertinimas“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Kauno miesto miškų medžių absorbcinės gebos įvertinimas buvo atliktas i-tree programos UFORE techniniu modeliu. Taip pat šia programa įvertinta Kleboniškio, Panemunės, Romainių, Ąžuolyno miesto parko absorbcinė geba. Airviro programos pagalba nustatytos oro teršalų koncentracijos mieste, pavaizduota grafiškai emisijų sklaida. Nustatyta procentinė dalis oro taršos sumažėjimo, kurią lemia Kauno miesto miško želdiniai. Duomenis apie želdinius Kauno mieste ir pasirinktuose analizuoti parkuose naudoti remiantis Kauno miesto savivaldybės teritorijoje esančių miškų taksoraščiu (VĮ Valstybinis miškotvarkos institutas, miškų inventorizacija 2003/2004) bei atliktais matavimais Kleboniškio, Panemunės, Romainių ir ��žuolyno parkuose. Meteorologinius duomenis oro taršai nustatyti pateikė VŠĮ „Kauno aplinkos kokybės tyrimai“. Rezultatai parodė, kad Kauno miesto miško medžiai per metus pašalina 328 tonas pagrindinių atmosferos teršalų: 97,7 t ozono, kietųjų dalelių pašalinta 87,3 t, azoto dioksido 81 t, sieros dioksido 42,4 t, anglies monoksido 19,3 t. Pagal procentinę sudėtį ozono tarp pagrindinių pašalintų atmosferos oro teršalų yra 29,9 %, kietųjų dalelių 26,6 %, azoto dioksido 24,7 %, sieros dioksido 12,8%, anglies monoksido 6%. Didžiausias teršalų kiekis pašalinamas Kleboniškio miško parke - 38,7 tonos (39 % bendro analizuojamų parkų pašalintų teršalų kiekio), toliau seka panemunės miško parkas - 35,7 tonos (36%), Romainių miško parkas - 20,4 tonos ( 20 %) ir Ąžuolynas - 5 tonos (5%)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Assessment of Kaunas Urban forest effects and air pollution mitigation was done using i-tree program UFORE model. During the study four different city parks were analyzed – Kleboniskis, Panemune, Romainiai, Azuolynas. Kaunas city air pollution concentrations were counted with Airviro program. Data required for this study was used from Kaunas city trees inventory book 2004, as well field data has been collected from city parks in random sample of fixed area plots in April of 2008. VŠĮ “Kauno aplinkos kokybės tyrimai “delivered meteorogical data about Kaunas city. Results showed, that Kaunas city forest remove about 328 metric tones of atmospheric air pollutants per year. In addition these trees remove 97,7 metric tones of O3, 87,3 metric tones of particulate matter, NO2 – 81 metric tones, SO2 – 42,4 metric tones, CO – 19,3 metric tones. The biggest part of pollutants have been removed in the park of Kleboniskis – 38,7 metric tones (39% of total air pollutants removed in the analyzed city parks), Panemune park removed 35,7 metric tones (36%), Romainiai park - 20,4 metric tones (20%), ąžuolynas- 5 metric tones ( 5 %). Results presented, that Kaunas city urban forest are able to sequestrate 3365 metric tones of Carbon per year, all Kaunas urban forest trees could storage 237210 metric tones of carbon. The city parks carbon storage are: Panemune park trees - 25 metric tones, Kleboniskis park trees -13 metric tones, Romainiai park trees -12,5 metric tones, Ąžuolynas park... [to full text]
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Museo, de Arqueología Josefina Ramos de Cox. „Paño. I-00978 MAJRC“. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero. Museo de Arqueología Josefina Ramos de Cox, 2018.

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Técnica de Manufactura: Tejido llano. Técnica decorativa: Urdimbres y tramas suplementarias. Dimensiones: 610 mm de urdimbre por 680 mm de trama.
Paño de algodón de color azul. Las tramas y urdimbres suplementarias forman diseños de chakanas en color blanco sobre fondo azul. Estado de integridad: incompleto. Procedente de la Costa Central. Colección MAJRC, donación E. Versteylen.
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Archibald, Andrew. „The end of accretion: the x-ray binary / millisecond pulsar transition object PSR J1023+0038“. Thesis, McGill University, 2014. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=121143.

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In this thesis, I describe the discovery and follow-up study of a transition object, PSR J1023+0038 (hereafter J1023). This object currently appears as a radio millisecond pulsar (MSP) but appears to have had an accretion disc in 2001. This places it at a poorly understood point along the pulsar evolutionary track, at the end of a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) phase and the beginning of a MSP phase. I discuss the evidence for this history and how it fits into our models of LMXB/MSP evolution. I also describe X-ray observations that show X-ray emission apparently coming partly from the pulsar, and partly from an intrabinary shock. I describe a long-term program of radio observations of the system, which show in detail the eclipses (ordered and random), dispersion measure variations, and orbital period variations. I also examine the system's gamma-ray emission and find that it does not appear to be orbitally modulated but may be modulated at the pulsar period. I find that in its current state, radio emission from J1023 appears to be strongly affected by its Roche-lobe-filling companion, which seems to be magnetically active. This magnetic activity seems to support ionized material leaving the companion against the pulsar wind, and it also seems likely that it is responsible for the orbital period variations we observe. I attribute the companion's irradiation to heating by X-rays from a shock near the companion's surface. The observed variability in this shock may be related to activity within the companion. The question of whether or when J1023 will enter another active episode remains open, although comparison with the newly discovered system M28I shows that it is possible.
Dans cette thèse, je décris la découverte et l'investigation d'un objet transitionel, PSR J1023+0038 (J1023 subséquemment). Cet objet à ce moment appert être un pulsar radio à période milliseconde (MSP) mais apparemment avaît un disque d'accrétion en 2001. Ce fait identifie J1023 comme étant en transision à une phase mal comprise dans la séquence evolutionnaire des pulsars, à la fin d'une phase binaire aux rayons X à faible masse (LMXB) et au début d'une phase MSP. Je discute les preuves pour cette interprétation et comment cette interprétation s'accorde avec nos modèles d'evolution LMXB/MSP. Je décris aussi les observations en rayons X de J1023 qui démontrent que l'émission des rayons X viens en partie du pulsar et en partie d'un choc entre le pulsar et son compagnon. Je décris un programme à long terme d'observations de J1023 dans les ondes radio, qui démontre en détail les éclipses (ordonnées et aléatoires), les variations en mesure de dispersion, et les variations en période orbitale. J'examine aussi l'émission du système en rayons gamma et trouve qu'elle ne semble pas modulée à la période orbitale mais qu'elle pourrait être modulée à la periode du pulsar. Je trouve que dans son êtat actuel, l'émission radio de J1023 semble être fortement modifiée par son compagnon, qui remplit son lobe de Roche et qui semble être magnetiquement actif. Cette activité magnetique semble soutenir le matériel ionisé émis par le compagnon contre le vent du pulsar, et il semble aussi probable que cette activité est responsable pour les variations en période orbitale qui sont observées. J'attribue l'irradiation du compagnon au chauffage par rayons X venant d'un choc proche de la surface du compagnon. La question de si ou quand J1023 se trouvera dans un autre épisode d'activité reste ouverte, mais la connection avec le système recemment découvert M28I démontre qu'il s'agit d'une possibilité.
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Manring, Noah D. „The element of dance in worship“. Charlotte, NC : Reformed Theological Seminary, Virtual Campus, 2006.

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Aloisi, John. „The use of Psalm 110:1 in the early church to A.D. 220 an exegetical-historical argument for a directly messianic interpretation /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2006.

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Scott, Robert Steven. „The protology of the gospel of the kingdom in Genesis 1-4“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2005.

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Roeder, David Allen. „A biblical perspective on self-injury“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2005.

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Bardet, Serge. „Flavius Josèphe et les Français : études d'histoire et d'épistémologie, 1838-1989“. Paris, EHESS, 1994.

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L'auteur cherche a montrer que les questions importantes pour l'historiographie de josephe sont liees a la question evangelique. La question de l'authenticite du testimonium flavianum est probablement insoluble; faute de referents clairs, toute reponse est un a priori deguise. La question de la chronologie du recensement opere par quirinius, en revanche, semble pouvoir etre resolue au profit de luc par une argumentation numismatique, qui amene l'auteur a approuver une hypothese deja emise il y a une dizaine d'annees: la judee fut annexee a l'empire romain des -4, et non en +6. Dans tous les cas, sous les especes d'un discours historique, ces questions occasionnent des prises de position le plus souvent coherentes avec des partis pris theologiques globaux
The author tries to show that the most important questions in josephian historiography are to be connected with gospel's study. Whether testimonium flavianum is authentic or not can probably not be decided; because of the lack of any objective point of reference, conclusions are actually pre-determined. But the question of quirinius census seems to be resolvable in favour of luke by a numismatic argumentation; so is the author led to agree with an hypothesis that had been published some ten years ago: judaea was annexed to roman empire, not in 6 ce, but as soon as 4 bc. However, though expressed in historical terms, the opinions are most of times in a accordance with general theological obedience
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Staron, Miroslaw. „Customizing UML with Stereotypes“. Licentiate thesis, Karlskrona : Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2003.

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The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language for documenting and specifying software. It is gaining popularity as a language for a variety of purposes. It was designed as a result of a unifying activity in the last decade. Since this general purpose language cannot suit all possible needs, it has built-in mechanisms for providing extensibility for specific purposes. One such mechanism is the notion of stereotype, which is a means of branding the existing model element with a new semantics. Such extended elements can then act as new model elements as if they were standard model elements. This notion is only one of the possible ways of customizations of the language. The other, more powerful technique is metamodeling, which enables to change UML by directly changing its specification. The thesis investigates the notion of stereotype in UML both from theoretical and practical perspectives. It examines the notion of stereotype as it originally appeared in object-oriented software development as a means of branding objects according to their secondary classification in the system. The initial intent behind stereotypes is compared with the view of stereotypes in UML and similar languages, which later on provides a basis for an understanding of a stereotype in the thesis. The thesis elaborates on a classification of stereotypes from the perspective of their usage. The classification categorizes different usages of stereotypes in different situations. Based on the classification, one such usage is evaluated in an empirical way. The evaluation is done in the form of an experiment on how the stereotypes influence the understanding of UML models. An example of a customization of UML for a conceptual database model is presented. It is a basis for a study on the expressiveness of stereotypes in the context of persistency modeling in objectoriented software. Two ways of the introduction of the stereotypes into the software development process (dependent and independent of UML tools) are outlined.The thesis contains also a presentation of how the knowledge expressed as ontology can be imported into domain models expressed in UML. This research can be seen as a further study on the customization of UML towards usage of ontology-based knowledge.
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Laksman, Efraim. „Combinatorial Optimization : Three Applications“. Doctoral thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Avdelningen för matematik och naturvetenskap, 2012.

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Combinatorial optimization is a diverse area of mathematics. It concerns optimization on feasible regions defined by discrete sets, graphs, hypergraphs, matroids, etc. . . which all have a large number of applications. They occur in virtually all domains of human activity since humans always want to do things easier, faster, consume less resources, etc. . . This thesis concerns three applied problems within combinatorial optimization. The first paper generalizes previous optimal upper bounds on the minimum Euclidean distance for phase-shift keying (PSK) block codes, that are explicit in the parameters alphabet size, block length and code size. There is a strong connection between high minimum Euclidean distance and good error-correcting capabilities. The bounds are generalized in several respects, such as from codes on symmetric PSK to codes on asymmetric PSK. They are also generalized to other types of noise than Gaussian, allowing more efficient block codes when noise is non-Gaussian. We provide examples of codes on asymmetric PSK that have higher minimum Euclidean distance than any comparable codes on symmetric PSK.Several classes of codes are shown to be optimal among codes on symmetric PSK since their Euclidean distance coincides with the bound. The second paper considers a parallel computer system with m identical computers,where we study optimal performance precaution for one possible computer crash. We anticipate that some computer may crash, and restrict the cost in such a situation. How costly is such a precaution when no crash occurs? We set a restriction that the completion time of a parallel program after a crash is at most a factor r + 1 larger than if we use an optimal allocation with m - 1 computers. This is an r-dependent restriction of the set of allocations of a program. Then the worst-case ratio of the optimal r-dependent completion time in the case of no crash and the unrestricted optimal completion time defines a function f(r,m). In the paper we establish upper and lower bounds of the worst-case cost function f(r,m) and characterize worst-case programs. The third paper considers the problem of Map Matching (MM), i.e. matching time and location measurements of a vehicle to a route in a road network. The paper presents a probabilistic algorithm for MM based on a second order hidden Markov model (HMM), as opposed to first order HMMs which are usually used. This allows a more detailed analysis of the data while preserving algorithmic complexity O(n). Both measurement densities and transition probabilities are determined with respect to Kolmogorov's third axiom, which in this context implies that the probabilities are additive over a partition of a road segment.
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Bücher zum Thema "00938"


Carbery, Ronan, und Christine Cross, Hrsg. Human Resource Management. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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United States. Health Care Financing Administration. Resource based malpractice RVUs: Task order 0038. Washington, D.C: KPMG, 1999.

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United States. Health Care Financing Administration. Third update to the geographic practice cost index: Task order 0038. [Dallas, TX?]: KPMG, 2000.

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Great Britain. Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department. und Council of the European Communities., Hrsg. Directive 83/189/EEC: Technical standards and regulations notification 94/0093/GR. and expected Danish notification : mycotoxins. Edinburgh: Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department, 1994.

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1938-, Goodman David, und Redclift M. R, Hrsg. Environment and development in Latin America: The politics of sustainability. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991.

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Hanks, Barbara. Oral history interview with Barbara Hanks, August 10, 1994: Interview K-0098, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007). [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: University Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2007.

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Barnes, Billy E. Oral history interview with Billy E. Barnes, November 6, 2003: Interview O-0038, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007). [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: University Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2008.

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MacLachlan, Emily S. Oral history interview with Emily S. MacLachlan, July 16, 1974: Interview G-0038, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007). [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: University Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2007.

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The Lung. Elsevier, 2021.

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Wave Fields in Real Media. Elsevier, 2022.

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Buchteile zum Thema "00938"


Cross, Christine, und Ronan Carbery. „Introducing Human Resource Management“. In Human Resource Management, 1–18. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Carbery, Ronan. „Career Development“. In Human Resource Management, 159–75. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Carbery, Ronan. „Health, Safety and Employee Wellbeing“. In Human Resource Management, 176–95. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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O’Sullivan, Michelle. „Managing the Employment Relationship“. In Human Resource Management, 196–206. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Lavelle, Jonathan. „International Human Resource Management“. In Human Resource Management, 207–23. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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McLaughlin, Colm. „Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management“. In Human Resource Management, 224–39. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Crowley-Henry, Marian. „Employee Resourcing: The Planning and Recruitment Phase“. In Human Resource Management, 19–39. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Cross, Christine. „Employee Resourcing: The Selection Phase“. In Human Resource Management, 40–55. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Darcy, Colette. „Employee Induction, Turnover and Retention“. In Human Resource Management, 56–71. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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McMahon, Juliette. „Equality in the Workplace“. In Human Resource Management, 72–90. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "00938"


Piccin, Jaclyn. „Sustainable Human Development Case Study: Brazil“. In The 2nd World Sustainability Forum. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2012.

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Boyer, Naomi, Kapil Sugand und Chinmay Gupte. „0093 Using Online Multimedia To Teach Orthopaedic Trauma Emergencies“. In Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare Annual Conference 11–13 November 2014 Abstracts. The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare, 2014.

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Doran, J., und L. Moran. „ESRA19-0098 Traffic light system guidelines for preoperative medication administering“. In Abstracts of the European Society of Regional Anesthesia, September 11–14, 2019. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2019.

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Nagy, Annamaria, und Wesley Scott-Smith. „0098 Can simulation clarify diagnostic skills for newly qualified doctors?“ In Conference Proceedings of the Association for Simulation Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Annual Conference. 3rd to 5th November 2015, Brighton, UK. The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare, 2015.

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Chua, Prima Bianca, Diana Payawal und John Alfredo Raphael Pangilinan. „IDDF2019-ABS-0093 Microwave ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma: case series“. In International Digestive Disease Forum (IDDF) 2019, Hong Kong, 8–9 June 2019. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology, 2019.

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Burton, Andrew, und Charles Archer. „0098 Resus (rapid Evaluation And Resuscitation Of The Unwell Simulated Patient)“. In Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare Annual Conference 11–13 November 2014 Abstracts. The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare, 2014.

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Mingmaneeanulek, Uthaiwon, Nuchlada Rojjanapraphaphun, Sumruang Hunsuan, Patcharin Rattanavijit und Krit Pongpirul. „IDDF2018-ABS-0093 Safety and defecation stimulation by royal thai abdominal massage“. In International Digestive Disease Forum (IDDF) 2018, Hong Kong, 9–10 June 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology, 2018.

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Hamann, C., E. Daly, N. Askelson, L. Schwab-Reese und C. Peek-Asa. „0098 Community engagement and the development of a rural road safety campaign“. In Injury and Violence Prevention for a Changing World: From Local to Global: SAVIR 2021 Conference Abstracts. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2021.

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Wang, Fang. „IDDF2020-ABS-0098 Delayed nursing of transanal endoscopic microsurgery for rectal malignant tumor“. In Abstracts of the International Digestive Disease Forum (IDDF), 22–23 November 2020, Hong Kong. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology, 2020.

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Feiss, R., A. Hautmann, N. Asa und J. Yang. „0093 State driver licensing agency policy adaptation during COVID-19: a content analysis“. In Injury and Violence Prevention for a Changing World: From Local to Global: SAVIR 2021 Conference Abstracts. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2021.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "00938"


Ross, M. Transverse Field Profile of the NLC Damping Rings Eletromagnet Wiggler (LCC-0038). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 2004.

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Caturla, M. J. Radiation Damage Induced by GeV Electrons in W-Re Targets for Next Generation Linear Colliders(LCC-0093). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 2003.

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Ingram, Michael. Furthering Advancements to Shorten the Time (FAST) to Commissioning for Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH) Prize: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-19-00838. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 2022.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-96-0093-2685, Microfibres, Inc. Pawtucket, RI. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, April 1998.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2004-0038-2966, US Roofing Contractors, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mai 2005.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2000-0098-2862, Robinson Run Mine, Shinnston, West Virginia. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Juli 2001.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-96-0098-2591, BTR Antivibration Systems, Inc., Logansport, Indiana. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, August 1996.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2002-0038-2870, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, März 2002.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-98-0093-2717, the Crown, U.S. Hot Rod Monster Truck and Motocross Show, Cincinnati, Ohio. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, November 1998.

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Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2007-0098-3061, ergonomic evaluation of frank hangers at a turkey processing plant, Foster Farms, Livingston, California. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mai 2008.

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