Report: how to cite in MLA (8th ed.)?

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General rules

For referencing a report of an organisation, corporation, institution, etc. in works cited, the authors of the MLA Handook (8th ed.) advise using the general MLA referencing scheme, adapting it to this particular type of source.

Thus, you can use the following template to reference an organisational report in your bibliography:

Author. Report Title. Publisher, month year of publication. Report type and number. Website Title, URL. Accessed date of access.

Nota bene:

  • Often, no individual authors are indicated in a report, and the publishing organisation is considered to be its author. In this case, give the name of the organisation only once in the reference: in the 'Publisher' element.
  • For a report whose text was published online on a website different from the website of its author/publisher, indicate the website title as an additional container of the source (see the reference template above).

Examples of references in a bibliography

Annual Report 2018. Tulikivi, 2018, Accessed 17 Feb. 2021.

Water and Climate Change. UNESCO, 2020. WWDR 2020. Accessed 10 Feb. 2021.

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