Religious text: how to cite in APA (7th ed.)?

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Basic rules

In accordance with the rules of APA Style, a religious work (Bible, Qur’an, Torah, etc.) is generally considered a source having no author. Therefore, no information about the author is included in the bibliographic reference, and the title of the work goes to the author position at the beginning of the reference.

For referencing the print version of a religious text, use the following template:

Religious work title. (Year). Publisher.

When the information on the translator and the edition number is available, give it in parentheses after the title of the religious text, just as when referencing a book. Give the other optional elements similarly in accordance with the APA 7 book reference template.

For citing a religious work published as a website, use the following template:

Religious work title. (Year). Website Title. URL

When citing an annotated religious text, give the editors (compilers, etc.) at the beginning of the reference, just as you would for an ordinary book in APA format:

Editor (Ed.). (Year). Religious work title. Publisher.

Examples of references

Holy Bible: King James version. (2020). Christian Art Publishers. (Original work published 1769)

The Noble Quran. (2022).

In-text citations

N.B.: When citing religious works in text, it is customary to indicate the traditional names and numbers of the respective parts instead of the page number, for example:

(Holy Bible: King James version, 1769/2020, Psalms 91:5)

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